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01x15 - Love and Marriage

Posted: 03/02/22 11:24
by bunniefuu
[Siren chirps]

[Distant siren wails]

[Salsa music plays] so,
like, how did they decide?


Of course you deserve
it. You're so talented.

Listen, I have to go right now,

But you are obligated
to tell me more later.


All right. Bye.


You know, I should get half
your day's paycheck for this.

Sorry. It was noel.

He just found out he was
chosen to show his work

At this exhibit the graphics
department has every year.

That's great.

Yeah, it's a really big deal.

I mean, they only pick, like,
7 people out of over 100.

So you must be right...

About what you said on the
phone about, uh, him being talented.

Oh, yeah, he's
really good. Yeah.

Javier: benjamin...


Hello. Hello.

So... You refuse
to wear the hat,

And the board of health could just
walk in any day for a surprise visit.

So here is your
hairnet. Learn to love it.

Felicity, can I talk to you?

Uh, sure.

You gotta be
kidding me. I can't...

[Sighs] I'm not wearing this!

Oh, he's impossible.

So, uh, w-what's up?

Okay. I have two things I
need to discuss with you.

Okay? Number one...
I'm giving you a raise.

Y-you are?

Thank you! Don't worry about it.

I finally fired consuela.

I mean, after all,
she's 82 years old.

She can't carry the coffee bags

To the counter without
even falling over.

Who's consuela?

Oh, well, she's a stock
girl I hired yesterday...

A friend of my mother's I didn't
want to hire in the first place.

Anyway... Number two...

And, uh, you can say no to this if
you want to... You know how it is.

But keep in mind, I
just gave you a raise.

Sure, what is it? Okay.

I would really,
really appreciate it

If you... Would marry me.

I'm sorry. What
did you just say?

I said, uh, "I would really,
really appreciate it

If you... Would marry me."

That's what I
thought you just said.

♪ Ooh de la ♪

♪ Ooh de oh oh ♪

♪ Ooh le lo ha ♪

♪ Oh de lo ha ♪

♪ Lo la lo ho ♪

♪ Hey ha ♪

♪ Hey-ey ♪

♪ Oh hey hi da da ♪

Dear sally...

Here's how I
pictured my wedding...

The beach at sunset,

Me in... An amazing white dress,

Family and friends all around...

You know, the whole
cliché, start to finish.

Here's how I
didn't picture it...

Me and a short, balding,
spanish h*m*,

Uh, filling out
papers at city hall.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Elevator dings] 19...

Did you get enough? Mm-hmm.


Hey. Hey.

So, uh, the weirdest
thing just happened.

Okay, these are for michelle.

My brother's coming.

He just called from
jfk. He's on his way here.

I gotta get these fliers
out before he gets here.

He, uh, he said he had something
he wanted to talk to me about.

I think he might have
proposed to his girlfriend.

Really? Yeah.

All right, uh,
these aren't mine.

I don't know whose they are.
Um, speaking of proposals, um...

What do you think?

Noel, these are great!

Maybe your brother can come.

Ryan's, like, this big-time
computer-graphics designer.

You know, he does
games and cd covers.

I don't know. It'll feel like
little league, you know?

Noel, it's not little
league. This is a big deal.

And your designs are amazing,
and I'm sure he thinks so, too.

Actually, I've, uh...

I've never shown him anything.

I thought you two were close.

We are! I mean, we
talk all the time.

It's just, I haven't seen him
in almost a year, you know?

Which is weird for us, because we
usually see each other all the time.

I guess he's been busy
with work or something.

Anyway, he's this really
good graphic designer.

It's because of him
that I got into it.

He's always been the, uh, the
talented one in the family, you know?

Ask my parents.

Um, okay, if this is
rude, just tell me.

But are we done
with that topic now?


I mean, we can keep
talking about it if you want,

But something happened, and I
really think I should tell you about it.



[Clears throat] okay...

Javier, um...

Asked me to marry him.

Uh, but what he really meant
by that was what? [Book falls]

His visa runs out in 10 days,

And if he doesn't
marry someone soon,

He'll be deported back to spain.

And he just... What, he
just figured this out?

I-i mean, he said he'd completely
understand if I say no.

Which I assume you're gonna do?

Are you... Are you seriously
thinking about this?

It's not like a real marriage.

I mean, it'd just
be on paper, and...

It would just be really cool
to help someone out like that.

This isn't exactly like... Like
volunteering at a soup kitchen.

I know. Well, okay.

But... Yeah.

Yeah, I'll just forget about it.

[Trumpet playing in
distance] [knock on door]

Ryan! Hey! Hey, man!



How are you? Okay.


Ah, good to see you,
man. How you doing?

Good. Uh-huh.

Ooh, hey, huh? I see sideburns.

Yeah. You like? They're good.

Ryan, this is, uh, this is
felicity. Felicity, this is ryan.

Ah, I finally get
to meet felicity.

I, uh, I feel like I
know you already.

It's nice to meet you. Yeah.

I actually have to run
to mcgrath... Class. Okay.

Oh, hey, uh, we should
all go out before I leave.

Maybe... Maybe tomorrow.

Yeah, yeah, that sounds great.

Definitely. Okay.

I'll, uh, I'll stop
by when I get back.

Okay. All right. Bye.

It was great to meet
you. Yeah, I'll see you soon.

All right.

[Strums guitar softly]

I gotta run.

[Music stops abruptly]
is my song that bad?

No, it's good. It's really good.

I think you're very talented.

I just... I gotta
get to the pool.



Are you okay? Yeah, I'm good.

I'm fine. I just gotta
get to the pool.

And I think a swim will
clear my head a little. Okay?

Okay. I'll see ya.


[Indistinct conversations]


Which event?

What's that?

Sprinters... Other end,

Distance people...
First four lanes.

No, I'm... I'm just swimming.

Oh, I thought you were
here for the tryouts.

We're having clinics all
this week till tryouts.

Okay, people!

It'll help if we
get in the water!

[Whistle blows]

[Water splashes]


I'm here on time.

Congratulations, lynn!

What do you want, a medal?

No, but can I make a...

Just this little suggestion...

When we start morning practices,

Can you make them
at 10:00 instead of 5:00?

Yeah. Yeah, that'll happen.

You know, no other
team practices that early.

It's inhuman...

Screws with the whole
circadian-rhythm thing, you know?

Well, maybe if you
went to bed before 3:00...



Yeah, the crew team...
They practice at 5:00 a.m.

[Chuckling] you
know, he's right.

Yeah, well, the crew
team's a bunch of herbs.

[Laughs] besides...

They don't have to jump
in the freezing-cold water.


[Subway car approaches]

[Brakes squeak]

Felicity: so, I decided I
couldn't marry javier.

I was going to have to say no.

I mean, there's only one
real reason to get married,

And that's for love.

[Coffee sloshes] javier: I know.

I know. I know.

[Breathes deeply]

I love you. I'll be okay.

I'll be okay. Okay.

I love you. Okay. I
love you. Bye-bye.

[Telephone beeps]


[Mid-tempo piano music playing]

[Voice breaking] it's
nothing really.

[Indistinct conversations]

Javier, what's wrong?

I don't want to talk about it.

It's all a big mess-up.

Samuel can't quit his job,

And he put in for a transfer,

But they'll only send
him to poughkeepsie.

There's an office in pamplona,
but the boss said no way...

Only big-sh*ts go there.

It's no use.

Samuel's staying here...

And I'm getting deported.

[Rubs hands together]

Felicity: and that's
when I realized it...

If I'd married javier,
it would be for love.

I mean, it's not often
you find your soul mate,

And javier has found his.

You're not going back to spain.

Oh, I'm not? Okay. No.


I'm gonna marry you.



I can't believe this.

Is it possible?

Oh, thank you, thank you!
[Smooches] ooh, I kiss your coat.


You are an angel
straight from heaven!

Okay, okay, um... Okay, this
is what we have to do first...

Okay, first... We have to meet with
the lawyer and file the papers, okay?

Then, after six months,
we get the visa, okay?

After a year... A year?

Yes. That's when we meet with
the immigration officer, okay?

And then we get the green card.

Oh. The temporary green card.

Wow. I'm so excited!

Oh, let me call my
mama... Ooh, I mean samuel.


Freudian slip. Okay.

[Mid-tempo rock music plays]

Waitress: uh, what
can I get you?


How about the darkest
beer you got on tap?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll have that, too.

Uh, dark... Dark beer on tap.

Sure. Do you have some i.d.?

Oh, uh...

Yeah, i-i...

Uh, I think I left my
wallet on, um... You know...

This always happens.

He's actually my older brother.

He's just got great skin.


♪ If you call me but I'm
out... ♪ Yeah. [Chuckles]

[Snickers] forgot how
strict they are in new york.

Hey, you remember
when I had that, uh...

That fake i.d. That
said I was a reverend?

Yeah, uh, uh... Oh, reverend
matthew james. [Laughing] right.

It worked until the bartender
at killian's pub asked me to recite

The stations of the cross.
The stations of the cross.

I know. [Laughing] [laughing]



I have something I wanted
to talk to you about.

Yeah, I had a feeling there was
some big news coming... What's up?

Well, you, uh... You
asked before about amy.

You have something
you want to, uh,

Share with me about that?

We broke up a year ago.

What do you mean? I thought...
I mean, we talk on the phone,

And you say you go
out to dinner with her.

Excuse me.

Thanks. Thank you very much.

Okay, sure.

All right.


You know, we
stayed good friends.

Oh. Yeah.

Man: the band's gonna
go on really late, so...

I, uh...

What's up?

Turns out I'm gay.

[Laughing] what?

Yeah, I'm gay.

Yeah, you're full
of it. You're not gay.

Yeah, I am.

Ryan, w-what are
you talking about?

You're upset. I-i-i
can tell you're upset.

♪ I can only ask you ♪

♪ Not to leave me ♪


No, I'm not, uh...
I'm not upset.

That's not the word.

Uh, I'm... [Exhales deeply]

I'm just, uh... Just, i...

Surprised? Right.


♪ I'm asking you to
believe me ♪ okay.

Okay, if that's the
way it is, then, uh...


What are you thinking?

I just, uh...

I guess I don't know you
as well as I thought I did.

♪ I can only ask you ♪

♪ Not to deceive me ♪

Maybe he's just going
through a phase.

You know, maybe he, like... Like
he's experimenting or something.

I don't know. I mean...

From what you said, it...

It sounds like he's pretty sure.

No, you... You didn't
know ryan in high school.

I mean, h-he was
the king of studs.

He had more girlfriends
than any guy in boston.

Girls loved ryan.

And... And through
college, too...

That's when he started
going out with amy leoni.

Oh, she was... Beautiful

And funny and... Brilliant.

And any guy would
k*ll to go out with her.

This is... No, this is
insane, all right?

It's gotta be... It's
gotta be a phase.

People don't change
that much overnight.


I didn't even invite
him to the exhibit.

Why don't you tell him
about it tonight at dinner?

Why would he want to
go to dinner with me...

After the way I
acted in the bar?

Oh, god, I'm sorry.

I didn't even ask... Um...

How'd javier take it
when you told him no?


I... Didn't.

I sort of... Told him yes.


Uh... This day just
keeps getting better.

Um, that's good.

instrumental music plays]

Javier: felicity...

[Knock on door]



If she was here, don't you think

She would have answered
the door 10 minutes ago?

Oh, my god.

[Door closes] who are you?

Oh, I'm so rude. Javier...
I'm felicity's fiancé.

Look at that chunky ring.

Did you get that... That
boa at patricia field?


No, you have the wrong felicity.


Is she knocked up?

I think you got
the wrong felicity.

Hi. Felicity!

So, how much is he
paying you? What?

[Laughing] to become
his beard or whatever?

I'm not paying her nothing!

And I'm not his beard... God!

Javier is a really
good friend of mine,

And he needs his green card,

So I'm just helping him out.

A green-card marriage?


It's so he can become a citizen.

I mean, a lot of people do this.

Man! E-every time I
think I got you pegged,

You just do something
completely bitchin'.

Are you buying her a car?


What?! A friend of mine
married a guy from togo.

He bought her a montero.

Well, he's not buying me a car.

Do you want a bicycle?

You're not buying me anything.

Well, actually...

You know, I thought we have
to make this look real, so...

I'm... Gonna leave you
two lovebirds alone.


Go ahead.

[Door closes]

Oh! I saw that on pretty woman.

[Laughing] oh, my god!


You want me... Please
remind me. Please...


[Indistinct conversations]



You're trying out
for the team, right?

I'm... Thinking about it.


What event?

I don't know.

I guess my best is, uh,
100-meter freestyle.

Oh... That's... That's what
my boyfriend swims. Oh, yeah?


I know you, right?

Yeah, he was at the
pool the other day.

No, no, no... Did you
go to stuyvesant?

No, didn't go there.

You sure?

Am I sure I didn't go to
stuyvesant? Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Then how do I know you?

I don't know.

You don't... And neither do i.

I'm nicole.

Nicole... Ben. How you doing?

And this is lynn.

Your name's lynn?

Yeah, lynn.

Nah, it's a good name.

I-i'm telling you, we've met.

I don't think so. I-i-i
never forget a face.

No, it's one of three things I
do better than anybody else.

He has this theory...

I got this theory, all right...

Everybody does three things
better than everybody else.

Right? Right.

Me... I never forget a face.

I'm the b*mb parallel parker.

And I make the best harvey
wallbanger in the city.

[Exhales deeply] you
are a talented guy...

Really are.

You ever been to epstein bar?

Nah, I haven't been
there. It's on 10th and 9th.

You should come check
it out, man. All right.

I'll make you my
special. All right.

It's too bad I don't have a car... You
could parallel-park it for me, but...

Funny. [Chuckles]

Yeah, funny.

I'll see ya. See ya later.

I'll see ya later. [Keys jingle]

[Mid-tempo jazz music plays]

Felicity... You okay?


That looks nice!

You think? I borrowed
it from elena.

I just... No, no.
No, it's perfect.

Okay, so, the, uh, the
lawyer just called,

And she's on her
way now, okay? Okay.

So you know what to do?

I pretend like I'm your fiancée.

I'm ready.

Yes, now, she's just
our attorney, okay?

She could still refuse to file the papers if
we don't convince her that we are in love.

And you think they're
gonna buy the "in love" part?

Yeah, of course. I mean,
why wouldn't they?

I don't know. I mean, maybe
because you don't seem...

You know... Well,
exactly straight.

[Gasps] really?! I don't
mean that in a bad way.

Believe me, I'm not
offended. I'm flattered.

Don't worry, I'll... I'll
talk about football.

Football? Yes. Oh, yes... Butch.

[Cellular phone rings] oh.



Hi, samuel.

Oh, no, no, no, t-t-the
lawyer's not here yet.

I'll come home right
afterwards, I promise.

Okay, we'll... We'll
order chinese food

And rent armageddon...
It'll be nice.

Whatever you want.

♪ And I care too much ♪

Me too.

Okay. Okay, bye.



My sam... Such a dreamboat.

[Indistinct conversations]

Mind if I join you?

No. No, of course not.

You know, I've been
calling you all day.

Yeah, yeah. I got the messages.

I was glad to hear from you.

Yeah, i, uh...

I should apologize about
the way I acted last night.

I was just... Taken by surprise.

Hey, i-it's okay. I, uh...

I wasn't expecting it, you know?



I know this is kind
of out of the blue,

But there's this, uh,
student graphics exhibit,

And... Well, some of my stuff has
been... Has been selected to be in it.

So it's... It's not...
You're... You're kidding?

Yeah, well...

Keep your expectations
low. It's no big deal.

Well, hey, I would love to go.



Another thing about the
way I acted last night...

I really liked amy.

You know, breaking
up with amy...

Telling her the truth...

[Exhales sharply]

Was one of the hardest
things I ever did, you know?

I really love her.

I'm sorry. That, uh, that
must have been tough.

You know, maybe... Maybe you and amy
will get back together someday, you know?

Anything's possible.

Noel... Look, last night,

Things ended a little abruptly,

But I wanted to tell you about
this guy that I'm involved with...



Alex... He's...

He's really great.

And he flew in this morning,

And, um, i-i want
you to meet him.

I-if it's okay,

I-i'd really love to bring
him to dinner tonight,

And, uh...

You'll really like him.

I'm... I'm sure I will.


Oh, show her the ring.

Oh, um...

[Salsa music plays]
that's beautiful.

Can we get started now?

Yes, please, go right ahead.

Can I get anybody some
coffee or anything?

No, thank you.
No, no, we're fine.

I wear this every day.

Good for you.

Benjamin, what's going on?

You're not from the
board of health, are you?


[Clears throat]

I'm sorry for the interruption.

Please continue.

All right, now, why don't
you tell me how this unfolded?

Um... Well, i-i needed
some extra money,

And I saw an ad...

No, I don't mean how
you got your job.

I mean how you two became
romantically involved.

Oh, that.


Well, i-i guess it just... It
kind of happened, really.


One day, i-i was
working the register,

And I kind of just looked
up and... And saw javier.

Well, you know how it is.

You felt attracted to him? Very.

And you felt the same way?

Oh, I couldn't believe it.

No, I bet you couldn't.

[Indistinct conversations]

And then there's
football, right?

Oh, yes. Oh, I'm a-a
huge football fan!

Oh, I love to talk about
the big games, you know.

[Sighs] okay, look...
Do you understand

What you're getting
yourself into here?

Absolutely. You are
the petitioner here.

That means you are assuming all
responsibility for this marriage

And are liable for anything
that happens with javier.

Oh, nothing's going to happen
to me. I'm as fit as a house.

And you better be able to prove

That you can support
him if he loses his job.

Don't worry about that.

She just got her first raise.

I am so proud.

Once these papers are filed,

It's in the hands of the i.n.s.,

And if they find out that this marriage
wasn't entered into in good faith,

You could be in serious trouble.

What kind of trouble?

I mean, just out of curiosity.

He could be quarantined
from the country,

And you could be
facing severe fines

And a possible prison sentence.

Oh, so, that went well.

Oh, thank god for
consuela's dirty little secret.

She hid this under the sink.

Oh, no, thanks. Do you
really think that went well?

Oh, yeah. She bought
that hook, line, and fish.

Did you see the way
she was looking at us?

I mean, I felt like
I was on trial.

You'd think we were planning on murdering
someone, not just getting married.

I mean, please, people don't really
go to prison for this... Do they?

Well, I never heard
of that happening.

I'd feel a lot better, javier,

If you could stop
with the tequila.

Hey, look, i, um...

I understand if you don't
want to go through with this.

No, i-i do. It's not that.

I mean...

Besides, we don't have
a lot of options, do we?

Yeah, even so, you
should still take some time,

You know, sleep on
it, go see a therapist.

Yeah, maybe... Maybe
I should sleep on it.

Yeah, that's better. You know, a
therapist is too expensive, you know?

You have to support
me. [Chuckles]



[Breathing deeply]

[Acoustic-guitar music plays]

Man: [laughing]
that is cruel, man.

[Indistinct conversations]

Man #2: all right.
Another round?

So all these people are
trying out for the swim team?

Yeah, most of them. And
you're definitely not?

No, I'm not. I'm not.

I like not being on the team.

I mean, you don't have to deal
with coaches always on your case.

You don't have to structure
your whole life around practices.

It's just... It's
better. I like it.

I do. [Giggling]

Hey! Hey.

So you came?
Yeah. This is julie.

This is... Nicole. Nicole.

Hi. Nice to meet you. Hi.

[Clears throat] sorry...
Hey, man. I remembered.

Remembered what?

How I know you.

The track team, right?

No, no, I'm not on
the track team.

Yeah, but, uh, my buddy
bobby brigham was.

Yeah, I was there the day you
tried out and you didn't make it.

Am I right?

Yeah. That's right.


Do I forget a face?

You know, you should
try intramurals.

'Cause, uh, they got swimming,
and, uh, track and swimming...

Y-you know, i-i'm trying out
for the actual swim team, so...

I didn't realize that.

Now you know.

Now I know. Yeah.

Hey, can I get you something?

Nah, you can't. We're
just heading out.



Good luck, man.

Yeah, you too.

See you later.

[Indistinct conversations]

Yeah. That'll be
great. Thank you.

So, how long have you
guys been going out?

I guess, like, three months.


What about you guys?

10 Months.

Almost a year.


Uh, speaking of our
year anniversary...

Well, it's, uh... It's in april.

That's when alex and I are gonna
have our commitment ceremony.

What, like a-a party?

Actually, no, more
like a wedding.

I'm a little confused.

See, gay marriages aren't
recognized by the law, so...

Yeah, that part I understand.

Uh, what i... What I don't understand
is you arriving in new york,

Then announcing that you're gay,

Uh, then announcing
you have a boyfriend,

Then announcing
you're getting married.

Isn't this all happening
a-a little too fast?

I mean, you guys have been
together for 10 months.

You were with
amy for four years.

And now... And now you're getting
committed or whatever you call it?

I know it seems fast to you,

But that's because you're finding
out this information all at once.

And I am sorry for that.

I thought you were one of the
closest people in the world to me,

And... And you never even trusted
me enough to tell me the truth.

It's not about him trusting you.

Hey, I don't even know
you, so... Felicity: noel...

You may not talk
to alex that way.

What do you think mom and dad
are gonna say when you bring this up?

You know what's nuts?

I was gonna ask for your
support when I told them.

Imagine that...

You actually supporting
me for once in our lives.

What was I thinking?

I'm going back to the hotel.

I'm going back to the
dorm. This is insanity.

conversations continue]

[Distant laughter]

I'm gonna marry a gay guy, too.

[Up-tempo instrumental
music plays]

Okay, I've thought about it,

And what's most important is that
you be with the person you love.

I know. So I can't marry you.

What? What are
you talking about?

Samuel... He came
right out, and he said it.

He doesn't want me marrying nobody
else, no matter what the reason.

What does he want
you to do? Nothing.

You... You can't do nothing.
That means you'll have to leave.

No, you don't understand.

The minute he heard I
was going to marry you,

He gave his boss an
ultimatum, and it worked.

He can transfer to españa.

So you two can be together?

Yes. He's willing
to risk it all for me.


That is so romantic.

I know... Like one of those
harlequin romances...

My hair flowing on the cover.

It's very nice.

She's stealing!

[Siren wailing in distance]

I can't believe that guy
at the bar last night.

I wanted to tell him to shut up.

Yeah. I hate guys like that.

Sure you don't want me to come?

Yeah, it's not a big deal.

Ben, I don't believe you.

What do you mean?

I've been watching you all week,

And it's obvious
that this means a lot.

Yeah. I want to make
the team. I really do.

You never told me that you
didn't make the track team.

I didn't tell
anybody about that.


I don't know. I-i
don't know. It's just...

It just felt too important.


Everybody's got their thing
that they're good at, right?

I mean, you got your music,

And sean's got his lame ideas.

And if I made the team,

I wouldn't be the best, but
I'd be a part of something.

And I'd be doing something I was
good at, and I really want that.

Do you know what I mean?

I think you're good
at a lot of things.

Yeah, but swimming's
what matters right now.

I-i just can't explain it.

Well, then, I hope
you make the team.

Thank you.

I'll see ya.


[Elevator dings,
indistinct conversations]

[Keys jingling]


Oh, hey, javier.

Hi, noel. How are you?

Uh, I'm... I'm
crazed and insane.

That's good. Is felicity here?

No, I haven't seen
her all morning. Oh.

Would it be okay for me to leave
this basket for her in your room?

Yeah, sure. Oh,
thank you so much.

Oh...[Grunts] it's a nice
gift. Is it for the wedding?

Oh, no, we're not getting
married anymore. Oh.

It's just a small
token of my gratitude.

It's not that small.

Felicity is the most generous,

Most wonderfulest
person I ever met.

And do you know
why else I adore her?

Because she is a romantic.

[Keys jingling]

She is.

I can't tell you how
much it means to me

That she realized
how difficult it is...

Our situation...

Samuel and me.

You know, you'd be surprised.

You know, a lot of
people disapprove... Crazy.

But felicity...

No. She believes in love.

You know, I also
want to thank you.

I know it's not easy to be

On the flipper side of that
kind of marriage, you know?

It's so good to support
the people you love.

Actually, I haven't, uh...

I haven't been that supportive.

Oh. Really? Well, hmm.

Well, then, no muffins for you.

[Indistinct conversations]

This is the 100 free.

This is a timed trial.

You need to be under 55
seconds to make the team.

We will go on the whistle.

[Jamestowne's "begin" plays]

Swimmers up!

Take your mark!

♪ Trace the cracks along
the wall ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ There's only so
far you can go ♪ go!

♪ Before you've hit the ground ♪

♪ Heaven knows this
is not the same road ♪

♪ That I thought
I started down ♪

♪ And every time I
open up my eyes ♪

♪ It's hard to see ♪

♪ In another time ♪

♪ This paradigm ♪
go! Move it! Move it!

♪ Will be no mo-o-o-re ♪

♪ Whatever comes on to an end ♪

♪ So can begin ♪

♪ Whatever comes on to an end ♪

♪ So can begi-i-i-n ♪

Attaway! Attaway!
[Whistle blows]

♪ Whatever comes on to an
end ♪ [cheers and applause]

♪ So can begin ♪

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

♪ Whatever comes on to an end
♪ ben covington! Lynn mckenna!

♪ So can begin ♪
you are on the team.

The rest of you gentlemen...

Give it another sh*t next year.

♪ So can begi-i-n ♪


[Music ends]

Noel: the development
of the... Of the font itself,

Which... Which happens
to be the structure,

Came about... Through...
Through a series of trials,

Uh, that I was able to
do through photoshop.

Um... I actually...

What I was really trying to
explore and examine was, uh...

T-the development as... As the
font itself as... As structure.

Um, and within that structure,

The... The computer
allowed me to insert, uh...

[Indistinct conversations]

Enjoy. Excuse me.



So, this is exciting.


I spoke to javier.

He came by the dorm with, uh...

With some really heavy muffins.

That was nice of him.


You were right.
I mean, i...[Sighs]

I should have thought it
through a little bit more,

And it was just stupid.

No, it wasn't at all.

It was... Impulsive
and really sweet

And very... Felicity.

Which... I love, so...

So, I was thinking I should
call my brother at the hotel

Before he goes home.

You know, I don't want to leave
things the way they are, so...

I'll be back in a
second, all right? Okay.

[Dial tone]



I, uh...

Was just about to come find you.

Yeah, I was going to call you.

How's the exhibit?

Pretty good, I guess.

You know, you were a
real jerk to alex last night.

Yeah, I know. I'm
sorry about that.

This, um...

This whole thing's just...

It's really thrown me in a
way that I've never expected.

It's a pretty big deal.

Yeah, I know.

Until this, i...

I never thought that
just by being honest,

I might lose my
family, you know?

Might lose you.

That's never gonna happen.

[Imperial teen's "undone" plays]

[Inhales deeply]

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Put your ear up to the radio ♪

♪ What you hear is a miracle ♪

♪ Go the other way ♪

♪ There's another way ♪

Felicity: are you leaving?
[Breathes deeply]

♪ Put your ear up to the
radio ♪ [sighs] well, here.

No, no, no. You keep it.

♪ You know more than you
think you know ♪ javier, I can't.

First of all, it won't fit
samuel. Second of all...

♪ Go the other way ♪
I want you to have it.

Just do me one favor, okay?

♪ There's another way ♪ make
sure consuela gets her job back.

I promised my mother.

♪ To feel ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Undone ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ To feel ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Undone ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ To feel ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Undone ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ To feel ♪
sally: dear felicity...

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Undone ♪
as crazy as it is,

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪ ♪ undone ♪ I probably
would have done the same thing.

♪ Put your ear up to the radio ♪

I would have offered
to marry javier, too.

♪ Now you see
where the pieces go ♪

♪ Go the other way ♪

♪ There's another way ♪ your tape reminded me of
something I haven't thought of in a long time.

♪ To feel ♪
love is complicated...

♪ Undone ♪ full of
sacrifice and compromise.

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ To feel ♪ but maybe
that's the best part.

♪ Undone ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ To feel ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Undone ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ To feel ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Undone ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪
♪ undone ♪

When you see someone in love,

You want to do whatever
you can for them.

Because the truth is...

You want to be them.

[Music ends]

[Instrumental music plays]

[Music ends]