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01x13 - Which Witch Is Which?

Posted: 03/02/22 11:12
by bunniefuu
♪ Scooby dooby
doo, where are you? ♪

♪ We got some work to do now ♪

♪ Scooby dooby
doo, where are you? ♪

♪ We need some
help from you now ♪

♪ Come on, scooby
doo, I see you ♪

♪ Pretending
you've got a sliver ♪

♪ You're not fooling
me, 'cause I can see ♪

♪ The way you shake and shiver ♪

♪ You know, we got
a mystery to solve ♪

♪ So, scooby doo, be
ready for your act ♪

♪ Don't hold back ♪

♪ And, scooby doo, if
you come through ♪

♪ You're gonna have
yourself a scooby snack ♪

♪ That's a fact ♪

♪ Scooby dooby
doo, here are you ♪

♪ You're ready,
and you're willin' ♪

♪ If we can count
on you, scooby doo ♪

♪ I know we'll
catch that villain ♪
Some fishing trip

This turned out to be.

Like, not even a nibble!

Well, it looks like
scooby isn't giving up yet.



Velma: hey, shaggy,

What kind of a creepy
shortcut is freddy taking?

Shaggy: search
me, but it's creepy.

Well, I didn't know it ran

Through such a spooky swamp.

You mean, this is the first time

You've ever taken it?

Yeah, but it's the
last time, I hope.

Oh, brother, we're lost!

Maybe not. Look!

There's someone up ahead.

Let's ask him how
to get out of here.

Uh, excuse me.

Kind sir, can you
show us the way

To the main road?

Uhh! Uhh!

Shaggy: z-z-zoinks!
A-a-a zombie!

Zombie? Yikes!

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

Freddy: I guess
this is swamp's end.

I don't know where it is,

But I'm sure glad we found it.

Me, too.

Well, I'd like to know more

About that zombie.

Daphne: this sure
looks like the place

Where you can find out.

Man: yesiree,

As strange as it may seem,

I've seen the zombie

You speak of

And the old witch

That brought him to life

With her voodoo magic.

Huh? Voodoo?

You mean, there's a witch
living in that swamp, too?

Yep. She showed up
about 6 months ago.

Me and my partner zeb

Went into the swamp
to do some frog hunting.

We heard a strange noise,
and that's when we saw her.

Smoke of darkness,
demon of evil,

Take the form of the living

And come forth from the flame!

Uhh! Uhh!

And ever since then,

No one's ever dared
to go into the swamp.

Like, wow! No wonder
this town is deserted.

Man: yep. Zeb and me

Are the only ones left,

And he's so scared,

He won't leave his cabin.

I've never heard
of such a thing.

What's with scooby doo?

Oh, no! Scooby ate some
jumping beans by mistake.

Scooby, look out!

I can't look.

I'm sorry.

Wow! What a mess.

If we can borrow a broom,

We'll gladly clean it up.

And while we do, you and scooby

Go down to zeb's place.

Maybe you can find out something

About this creepy mystery.

You got to be kidding.

Yeah, kidding.

We're out of luck, scooby.

This is zeb perkins'
place, and we found it.

Oh, I guess we better go in.

Hello! Anybody home?


Like, no one seems
to be here, scoob...

And by the looks of this pad,

I don't blame them.

Scooby: tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Thanks a lot!

Wh-wh-what was that?

Someone's out there.

Go see who it is, scooby.


Ok. We'll, like, flip a coin.

Heads, I win. Tails, you lose.

Hmm... Ok.

Tails. You lose.

Oh, boy. Whew!

Hey, scooby, I
think I found zeb...

Only I think the
witch found him first.

Velma: this isn't zeb, shaggy.

Shaggy: I thought he shrunk.

No. It's a voodoo doll
that looks like him.

Then what happened to zeb?

I don't know, but
I'll bet that witch

Had something to do with it.

I'd like to know

What she and that
zombie are up to.

Well, there's only one place

To find the answer.

Like, in the phone book, I hope.

No, shaggy. In the swamp.

I had to ask.

Velma: look!

It's the witch and
her creepy crony.

Freddy: come on.
Let's follow them.

Quietly, now.

They're gone!


Yeah, but we're on
the right trail. Look!

Velma: "beware of
the witch. Go back."

Shaggy: "enter at
your own risk."

Risk? Oh, boy.

Well, the trail led us
to the witch's shack.

Freddy: yeah, but no witch,

But plenty of witch's wares.

Like, look. Here's some more

Of those crazy voodoo dolls.

Daphne: and they
look just like us.

Freddy: she's trying
to scare us off.

Well, it won't work.

That voodoo stuff is just
a bunch of phony baloney.


Yow! I've been voodooed!

Hold it, shaggy.

All you did was
back into this fork.

So you dared enter the swamp,
in spite of my warning signs.

You shouldn't believe
everything you read.

No, my pretty?

I think you meddlers

Must be taught a
lesson in witchcraft.

Smoke of evil, make her vanish!

Freddy: daphne!

Ha ha ha!

Poor daphne.

Gone forever in a puff of smoke.

Yeah. All that's left

Are her footprints on that rug.

Velma: wait a minute.

There's something funny
about those footprints.

Look at the way they slide back

To the edge of the rug.

That can only mean one thing.

Like, she had big feet?

No, silly. She slid down

Through a trap door

In the floor.

Freddy: so that's how it works!

Yeah, but then what
happened to daphne?

I don't know.

Shaggy, footprints.

Shaggy: footprints?
Look what scooby found!

I wonder where they go.

Let's follow them.

Maybe they can lead us
to the answer. Come on!


Look at that!

Freddy: it's an old
derelict riverboat.

Velma: and those
footprints lead right to it.

Look! Look!

Velma: it's the zombie's boat!

And get a load
of that boat pole.

Shaggy: like, it's got a
kooky metal tip on it.

I wonder what
the tip is used for.

Freddy: for more
than just pushing

That boat around, I bet.

Come on! Let's go aboard

And hope we can find daphne.

Hee hee hee!

Every time we split up,

It's, like, I'm stuck with you.

Now, do something

About those chattering teeth!

Now, stop that!

Don't be such a
fraidy-cat. Come on!


Hmm. I wonder what's
inside this deck box.


Shaggy: hey, there's a
pair of shoes in here.


And look what
they're attached to!



Hey, a full house!
Gee, thanks a lo... Yikes!

Uhh! Uhh!

Call her again, freddy.

Daphne? Oh, daphne!

Hey, did you hear that?

It's coming from

The other side of this bulkhead.

I wonder if there's
a secret entrance.

Maybe pulling on this lamp

Will open one.

Uh! It always
works in the movies.


Wow! I never saw it
done that way in a movie.

It must have been
in a soap opera.

Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!

Uh-oh. What's that?

Yikes! A ghost!

Mmm! Mmm!

That "mmm! Mmm!"
Sounds like daphne.

Velma: it is daphne!

Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!

Boy, am I glad to see you.

How did you get here?

Let me guess.

It was big and creepy

That brought you here, right?

None other.

And look what
else we found here...

A winch, power tools,
and a cutting torch.

What would a witch want
with a winch in a swamp?

Hmm... A metal-tipped
pole and a winch.

I think I've got it!


Freddy: yikes!

Velma: hey, look! Wow! Run!

Freddy: quick! Down
this coal chute.

Oh! We would have to land

In a coal pile.

Well, at least we got away

From that witch.

The coast is clear.

Ok. Now keep it quiet.

Huh? I got a baldheaded shadow.

Two shadows?


Yipe! Get lost!

Uhh! Uhh!

In here!

Hee hee hee!

Toads and snails
and puppy dog tails,

That's what zombies are made of!

Sugar and spice
and everything nice,

That's what ugly old
witches are made of.

Hee hee hee!

Hey, scoob, I think
we fooled him.

Yeah! Hee hee hee! Dumb zombie.

Shaggy: yeah, dumb zombie.

Hee hee hee!

Uhh! Uhh!


Yipe! Shaggy, help!

Zoinks! He's got scooby!

Ha ha ha!

Help! Help!

Hang on, scoob.

Here's a scooby
snack to the rescue.

Scooby doo!


Let go!


Uhh! Uhh!

Hee hee hee!

Uh-oh. Go back!


We're trapped between
those two gruesomes.

Look! The witch's broom.

Look. We win!

Let's fly out of here, scoob.

I'm with you!

Daphne: look. It's the witch,

And she's got
scooby in that boat.

Let's get her!

Velma: hold on tighter.
Don't let her go!

Shaggy: hold it. Stop! It's me!


We thought you were the witch.

Hey, look!

This is an airboat.

What's it doing in this
half-flooded old riverboat?

I don't know,

But let's borrow it
and bust out of here.

There's the exit.

Zoinks! Look who's guarding it.

Shaggy: help! Help!

She got me! Get her off!

Hey, wait a minute.

That's only a sheet
painted with phosphorus

To look like a witch.

Daphne: her head
is just a balloon.

Velma: that's what made her fly.

Swell. Now, how about

Stopping this crazy craft?


I can't stop it.

The throttle's stuck.

I'll stop it.

Wow! What a stop!

You mean, what a catch!

Look what the anchor hooked.

Shaggy: yeah! Like,
an armored-type car.

Daphne: wow! Look at
all the sacks of money.

Shaggy: like, there must be

A million dollars in there.

So that's it. Those creeps
were after this money.

Well, then, let's
give it to them.

Huh? Huh?

Look. The money!

Money, money, money!

Blb blb blb! Hee hee hee!

Uhh uhh uhh!

Here, double ugly.

Go buy yourself
a new face. Ta ta!

Uhh! Uhh!

Let's go, scooby!

Uhh! Uhh!

Is the cart set
up? Here they come.

Velma: it's all set.

We're ready down here.

Now what'll we do?

When I yell "duck," dive aside.

Now we've got you!

Freddy: duck!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, no! Scooby goofed!

I'll ungoof him!

Shaggy: got him.

And we got them!

Yay! Yay!

Ha ha ha! Thanks

To that fast fishing team

Of shaggy and scooby.

Yeah! Scooby doo!

Sheriff: I got to
hand it to you kids...

Finding that
missing armored car,

After all these years.

But, uh, who are these two?

Velma: don't you
recognize them, sheriff?

Sheriff: why, it's zeb and zeke!

They were the ones

That h*jacked the armored car

And sunk it in the swamp.

Then they waited all this time

Till it was safe to look for it

But couldn't find it.

Shaggy: so they invented
the witch and zombie act

To keep people away.

Velma: while they
searched the swamp

With a metal-tipped pole.

I get it.

The pole would
make a metallic sound

When it hit the armored car.

Yeah, and then they'd pull it up

With the winch.

They had us fooled for a while

With an old smoke screen trick.

Show them, velma.

Zeke the witch could
appear and vanish

As if by magic behind a
cover of smoke. Watch.

Well, they sure had
everything figured out,

But where they're going,

I don't think their
disappearing act

Will ever work.

Well, what started
out as a fishing trip

Sure ended in a dandy mystery.

What's scooby doing?

Oh, he's still fishing.

Ah, come on, scoob. Give up.

You're not going
to catch anything

In that bucket of water.

Hey! Finally!

Lookie! Lookie! Lookie!

Velma: wow! Wonderful! Wowie!

That's one fish story
no one will believe.

Scooby doo!

♪ Scooby dooby
doo, where are you? ♪

♪ We got some work to do now ♪

♪ Scooby dooby
doo, where are you? ♪

♪ We need some
help from you now ♪

♪ Come on, scooby
doo, I see you ♪

♪ Pretending
you've got a sliver ♪

♪ You're not fooling
me, 'cause I can see ♪

♪ The way you shake and shiver ♪

♪ You know, we got
a mystery to solve ♪

♪ So, scooby doo, be
ready for your act ♪

♪ Don't hold back ♪

♪ And, scooby doo, if
you come through ♪

♪ You're gonna have
yourself a scooby snack ♪

♪ Scooby dooby
doo, here are you ♪

♪ You're ready,
and you're willin' ♪

♪ If we can count
on you, scooby doo ♪