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01x08 - The End of the Beginning

Posted: 03/02/22 07:37
by bunniefuu
[intense music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[man] Your Highness.

Your Highness asked for me.

Brother. Why are you here?

I was summoned by King Forkbeard,
to take you home to Normandy.

Your Highness, what is this?

[Forkbeard] The good of the kingdom
requires that I acknowledge

the existing marriage
of Queen Aelfgifu and my son.

Thereby invalidating
your union with Canute

and your position as Queen of England.

[Emma] No.

I must reach my husband.

Agnarr, I must send word
to Canute in Denmark.

That's not possible.

It is my husband's decision.

But in his absence,
it's my words that is law.

- You're making a mistake.
- Silence.

This is a trap
that will cost your son everything.

- I am sorry, my sister is strong-willed...
- Do not talk for me.

I will talk to you or for you
however I wish.

Not in my country.

This... is no longer your country.

No. No, this is my home.

Please, you must trust me.

[man grunts]

[opening theme music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[gripping instrumental music playing]

[Kåre] Harald Sigurdsson.

I have heard much about you.

And I you, Jarl Kåre,
"m*rder*r of Innocents."

Brothers, there is no need for animosity.

The tent of Christ has room for all.

My brother brings information
from Kattegat that might help our quest.

We do not need his help.

I disagree.

Kattegat is not Uppsala.

It is not filled with unarmed pilgrims,
but warriors who are waiting for you.

You would be wise to listen
to all voices trying to help your cause.

[indistinct chatter]

I cannot find Harald.

Have you seen him?


[Liv] Maybe he left
to spy on Kåre's forces.

Why would he not tell me?

He'll be back. You should trust him.

[intense music playing]

Now I've done what we agreed.

Where is Canute's fleet?

Our agreement did not grant you access,

only the promise
that it would not aid your foes.

Your Highness sent for me?

- You may leave.
- [man] Milady.

Emma is gone, but I do not
have the trust of King Forkbeard.

He is yet to come to terms
with his decision, Your Highness.

What decision?

I'm the mother of his grandsons
and the true queen of England.

Yes, but to gain his respect,

you must present yourself
not as an adversary

who has forced him to give up something,

but as one who can
add value to the kingdom.

Such as?

An ally

in his son's quest to rule England.

[bells tolling in distance]

I am a daughter of the House of Mercia.
They trust me.

Allow me to go to Tamworth

and persuade their leaders
to give their full support to you.

I've defeated Mercia twice.

My son k*lled their leader,
their Ealdormen fear me.

Why is Mercia important?

While you have handled Mercia
well in the past, Your Highness,

it still presents a very real danger.

Its army is strong and it is the least
controllable of all the English shires.

The Queen's plan is a good one.

My people are proud and stubborn.

You should know that by now.

Let me help you bring them in line.

Allow me to prove my worth to you.

You may try.

But take Godwin with you.

And don't be too certain of success.

[Harald] You have gambled much
on the whims of a crazy man.

[Olaf] He's only slightly crazier than us.

He talks at night to that cage
he believes is occupied by a Pagan seer.

And he's obsessed
with Leif Eriksson's sister.

Freydis? Why?

He will not say.

But it is clear she haunts him.

He will not rest until she's dead.
Does that bother you?

- Why should it bother me?
- Come, brother.

I know she shares your bed.

Just as I know about your deal with Canute
to take the throne of Norway from me.

Your betrayal is no secret.

Question is,

did you become impatient or just greedy?

[hens clucking]

When I promised you my support years ago,

just before you started
slaughtering pagans,

inciting civil w*r.

Olaf, I felt if I waited
for my time to be king,

there will be no Norway left to rule.

You are too idealistic to be king, Harald.

You think everything
can be solved with words.

Sometimes you just have to go and take it.

You really think what you're doing here
will not draw Canute's anger?

I'm sure he will not like it,

but there is nothing he
or his family can do to stop it.

He's locked in a w*r in Denmark
and I have hobbled his fleet.

Even if he had the men to spare,
he has no ships to do so.

And by the time he does,

I will have consolidated
all of Norway to defeat him.

Now what I need to know is,
what side are you on?

I'm here.

I've made the decision
to fight with my brother.

[drums beating]

[indistinct shouting]

[drumbeats stop]

Kattegat is in peril.

An enemy surrounds us.

We call out to the Gods for help.

State your name
that the Gods may know you.

My name is Audun.

The Gods will whisper the name Audun

among themselves in the halls of Valhalla.

[mystical music playing]

[gripping percussion music playing]

[chanting in Norse]

[Haakon in English]
Your courage is our courage.

Take our prayers with you.

You are the messenger.

Your journey has started.

[priestess] May Odin and Freya
look upon this sacrifice

and acknowledge Kattegat's loyalty.

[people chanting in foreign language]

[priestess in English] The Gods invite us
to make ourselves strong for battle.

[intense music playing]

[men shouting indistinctly]

You have more men than I thought.

Now do you understand why I care
nothing about your knowledge of Kattegat?

God has answered my prayers with many men.

Gathered to cleanse the heathen scourge
and help begin anew in Christ.

But there are Christians in Kattegat.

What about them?

Their sacrifice
will be accepted in heaven.

If you're so confident
of victory, Jarl Kåre,

why do you delay your attack?

Well, it's not me we are waiting on,
it is your brother.

[men grunting]

Friends, I've made you wait for battle,

but now God will reward you
for your patience.

The walls of Kattegat
have not been breached in over years.

Are the walls higher than other walls? No.

Is the wood
they are built from magical? No.

It is because Kattegat is blessed

with a harbor
which protects it from invasion.

Not even high tides allow ships to get
close enough to unload the men safely.

Therefore, any att*cks
must be directed against the main walls,

where they can focus all their warriors.

Until now.

In two days, there will be a wolf moon,

and the tide it brings with it will swell.

Allowing my ships
to not only sail over their defenses,

but land warriors on their beaches.

We will enter Kattegat from the sea

and crush it between two great forces.

And that is why you are
a great Sea Wolf, Olaf Haraldsson.

[inhales sharply]


Jarl Sölvi, Jarl Ögmundr,

God has chosen your armies
for the first attack.

Brother, may I speak?

Of course.

[Harald] Jarl Kåre, when I joined you,

I had my doubts
about your chances for success.

But now that I've witnessed
with my own eyes

the strength of your armies
and the intelligence of your plan,

I'm convinced of your victory.

Oh. It is God's victory.

[Harald] No, not God's.

He would not sanction this.

- [man ] Heretic!
- [man ] He's not a believer.

Our Savior Jesus said,

"Woe to you,

who shut off the Kingdom of Heaven
from those who seek it."

"For it will be you, not them,

who will be barred
on the day of judgment."

Instead of leading
us to heaven, Jarl Kåre,

I believe your passion for revenge
will condemn us to hell.

There is an answer, though.

Allow me to lead a parley.

Give me the opportunity
to persuade Jarl Haakon

to surrender Kattegat peacefully.

To allow a conversion.

[men murmuring]

If she agrees,

you will have your victory,
both here and in heaven.

And when she refuses?

[Harald] Then the blood
on our hands will be untainted

and our actions forgiven
on the day of judgement.

I do not trust you.

That is why we should do this... together.

[Haakon grunts]

[intense music playing]


You've come a long way, girl.

And you are still a m*rder*r.

[growls softly]

What are you doing here?

Seeking peace.

- Greenlander.
- Jarl Olaf.

Jarl Haakon, thank you
for agreeing to parley.

I seek to broker a peace and have brought
my brother Jarl Olaf and Jarl Kåre,

so that you may hear their proposal.

I'm listening.

As you know, we have brought the armies
of the Christian clans to your walls.

But we are here
to offer Kattegat salvation,

both immediate and everlasting.

If your people agree
to the sacrament of baptism

and willingly renounce their Pagan past,

we are willing to spare your city

and welcome you
to the brotherhood of Christ.

Kattegat is more than my city, Jarl Olaf.

For as long as snow has fallen,
my people have worshipped the same Gods.

Gods your family once knew.

They walk among us on Earth.

They bring us joy and give us courage.

They fail and remind us of our humanity.

My people do not fear death.

They know if they fight
till their last breath,

they will have earned
a seat at Odin's table.

We all die, Olaf.

If my people die in this w*r
you have brought to my door,

they die with honor, not shame.

I told you this was a waste of time.

Then may God's will be done.

Thank you for trying, Prince Harald.

Friend, think clearly.

Woe betide you go to your fate
as Njal and Skarde did,

consumed by fire.

Look to the heavens and the sea

to know where your salvation lies.

You've made your case.

Now return to your madman.

You promised you would
never fight against us.

I see now what your love is worth.

Who is the girl to you?

She is nothing.

Just a Pagan I slept with.

Hyah! [clicks tongue]

- [whispering] Watch him.
- Hmm.

I cannot believe he would
darken the memory of Njal and Skarde.

Njal and Skarde
didn't die by fire, Freydis.

Harald just told us
how they plan to attack.

We know how they will attack.
Their army is in front of us.

But Olaf intends
to invade Kattegat by sea.

Not possible.

He cannot get ships close enough to shore.

He can on a wolf moon at a high tide.

Which is in two days.

We must move quickly to prepare.

- [indistinct chatter]
- [sheep bleating]

Mercia is not happy with the Viking king

or his father.

You were not happy with a Saxon king.
You were never happy.

Mercia's problem has never been
whether its ruler was a Saxon or Viking,

it's that they had a ruler at all.

Mercia wants independence.

I know that. I grew up here.

You will not achieve this freedom
by resisting London.

It did not work with Eadric Streona,
and it will not work with you.

What you need
is a strong advocate in court,

one who understands the intimate needs
of both Mercia and Canute.

What you need is me.

[men murmuring]

[indistinct chatter]

[solemn instrumental music playing]

[Liv grunting]

What is wrong? You're troubled.

It's nothing.

No. Talk to me.

Jarl Haakon is fighting for her people.

Freydis, for her Gods.

Even Kåre and Olaf are here
for what they think is right.

And you are fighting for us.

For these people.

For our future.

That is important.

[knock on door]


[Godwin] I wished only to say
congratulations, Your Highness.

You've secured an agreement with Mercia,

which neither King Æthelred
nor Emma could achieve.

I have made arrangements
for our departure tomorrow.

Please, stay for a moment.

Yes, Your Highness?

Share some wine with me.

[wine pouring]

Now is the time for your service.

All will be watching you,
following your actions.

You are the guardians of Kattegat,

keepers of the faith.

If we die, so do our Gods.

They become memories.

You will not fail them

if you do not fail yourselves.

- We will not.
- [Shield-maidens] We will not fail.

[speaking Norse]

[gripping instrumental music playing]

[indistinct shouting]

[indistinct shouting]

[in English] Light the beacon.


[Shield-maidens shouting indistinctly]

[horn blows]



Wait for my signal!

[man] Load the trebuchets!

Here they come!


And then... God's glory was revealed.


[dramatic music playing]



- [arrows swooshing]
- [groaning]


Nothing can stop the will of the Lord.

Including you.

Stop! [grunts]

I will bring you back
Freydis' head as a memento.

[intense music playing]

[Kåre's army yelling]

[arrows swooshing]

Fall back!

Fall back!

[Arne] Open the gate!

[horn blowing in distance]

Fall back!

Close it!

[indistinct shouting]


[all exclaiming]

[indistinct shouting]

[arrows swooshing]

[all clamoring]

[men groaning and grunting]


[all scream]

[all cheering]

Something's wrong.

They are frightened to attack.


There is no army on those ships.

It's a trick. They're not attacking here.

Pull back!

Pull back to Kattegat wall!

Fall back! Fall back!

- [arrows swooshing]
- [man groans]

[man groans]

You used Kåre.

You said it yourself, he's a madman.

Why waste men to a battle
when someone else will?

He and the other Jarls

will make it through the gates
and destroy Haakon's forces.

By the time my army arrives,

I will be the strongest Jarl
left in Norway. Maybe the only one.

You used me to split Kattegat's forces.

Kattegat was too strong
to defeat otherwise.

I knew you wouldn't abandon
Freydis or Leif for me.


[Olaf laughs]

[dramatic music playing]

- [groans]
- [grunts]

Over the wall!

[indistinct shouting]

k*ll them all!

Get the ladders!

[man grunts]

[both grunting]

- Take your ladder!
- [man screams]

There she is!


Archers! sh**t for that tower!



Jarl Haakon!


Get her to safety.


Freydis! Help her!


[Haakon groans]

[Shield-maiden ] Take her away now!


[men shouting]




[men grunting]

The ladders!


[man] Lift it! Lift!



[breathing heavily]

[Shield-maiden ] Get out of the way!

[breathing heavily]

[all grunting]

[horse neighs]

[all grunting]

[Haakon shuddering] Freydis...

[somber music playing]


Whatever happens,

you must... survive.


You are The Last.

[dramatic music playing]

[all grunting]

[muffled grunting]


[intense music playing]

Leave us.

[breathing heavily]

[door closes]

It is time to end this.


[both grunting]

[all grunting]

[shouts indistinctly]





[both grunting]

[both panting]




[both panting]

[sword clatters]


- [Kåre grunts]
- [yells]

[Kåre gasping]

The cross that carries the sword
was never you.

- [Freydis grunts]
- [Kåre screams]

It was my destiny.





[breathing heavily]

[all grunting]



[Olaf grunts]


To the Great Hall!


- Hallbjorn, with me!
- [Hallbjorn] To the Great Hall!


[man] Head to the hall!

- [Liv groaning]
- [Leif grunting]

[Liv gasping]

[Leif] No, no.

No, no, no.
I need you to be strong for me.


Come on. Stay with me.
Look at me, look at me, look at me.

No, Leif.

- [gasping]
- Hey.

- I'm going to Valhalla.
- No, you're staying with me.

- No, Leif. Leif...
- Hey, no.

I need you to tell me
that you'll join me there.

- No, no.
- Join me there.

Tell me... Tell me you believe.

No. You're going to be fine.
You'll be fine.


That's not what I asked.

No. No. Liv!

No, no, no. Liv. Liv, I'll join you.

I'll join you. I'll join you,
I promise. I promise.


I promise.

[somber music playing]

[Harald groans]

[breathing heavily]


[horse neighs]

[Freydis] We must go. Get up.

[Harald groans]

Here. It's okay. This one.

[Freydis grunts]

- [yells]
- [men cheering]

Get him out of my hall!

Do it. Now.

Kattegat is ours!

Kattegat is ours!


[Hallbjorn] King Olaf of Norway!

[laughs maniacally]

King Olaf!

[all cheering]


[Harald groans]

[solemn instrumental music playing]

Freydis, it's over.

We must go.


[indistinct chatter]

Welcome back, Your Highness.

I bring news of Mercia for King Forkbeard.

King Forkbeard, I bring excellent news.

Mercia is yours.

Why are you not in Normandy?

It didn't suit me.

Remove her.

I command it in the name of the King.

You command nothing
in the name of the King.

King Forkbeard banished you.

No. He needed time to find his fleet,

which my charade
and your trip to Mercia provided him.

[intense music playing]

[Aelfgifu] You.

You were part of this.

Indeed, I was.

You called me "Queen."

You are a queen, Your Highness.

Just not England's queen.

[Aelfgifu] Where is he?

Where is Forkbeard?

Where he should be.

With his ships and his grandsons.

[gripping instrumental music playing]

Let this be your first lesson.

Never let traitors go unpunished.

Death to all traitors!

[all yelling]

[horn blowing]

[man ] Ships are coming!

Hundreds of them.

Ships are coming!

[breathing heavily] No!

- [man ] King Forkbeard's fleet.
- No.

[horn blowing in distance]

It's not possible.



- Stop. No.
- [men clamoring]

Stop! No!

No, we must attack!

Don't run. Stay and fight!

[breath trembling]

[Olaf] No. Hallbjorn.



[somber instrumental music playing]

- [woman screaming]
- [man speaks indistinctly]

[man laughs]

- [women screaming]
- [man grunting]

Get out!

- [man laughs]
- [woman] No!

[man ] Hold her down!

- No!
- [yells]


[all grunting]


[man grunting]


- [man screams]
- [Leif grunting]


[man groans]

[dramatic music playing]

[woman screams in distance]



[theme music playing]