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01x04 - The Bridge

Posted: 03/02/22 07:35
by bunniefuu
[grave instrumental music playing]

[all clamoring]


Fall back!

[indistinct chatter]

[Harald] Your plan won't work.

The bridge has now
been fortified with armed towers.

If we attempt to storm the gates,
as you suggest,

we will lose a thousand men
before we reach it.

Then we raid England
till it runs out of food.

They're prepared for that.
They appear well stocked for such a siege.

We will run out of men
long before they run out of food.

What do you suggest?

Forget about taking London.

[chuckling] What are you talking about?

- London is the key to taking England.
- No.

Edmund is the key.

Take England's king, you take England.

Let me hear your plan.

It is the Greenlander's plan.
: : , --] : : ,
Think of the bridge like a boat.

Its main arch is its keel,
built to withstand the great weight.

But the English have weakened it.

Why would they do that?

It wasn't intentional.

They put a drawbridge in the middle,

and in doing so,
they've made it vulnerable.

[gripping instrumental music playing]

[opening theme music playing]

[Leif] If we are to succeed,
our timing is crucial.

If you are not in the right position
when the tide turns, nothing will work.
: : , --] : : ,
[Olaf] Do you understand
what you're asking?

Even if I put
my strongest man in my best boat,

it would be impossible

to hold it against that current
and out of range of their archers.

I'm not asking for your best boat.

I'm asking for your best three boats.


You're crazy.

And you're afraid of failure.

I'm afraid of stupidity.

His plan is ridiculous. It cannot be done.

[Leif] I did not say it would be easy.

That is why they won't expect it.
: : , --] : : ,
We look for another way.
: : , --] : : ,
[gripping instrumental music playing]
: : , --] : : ,
[man ] Make way! Make way for the King!

[man ] Hail King Edmund!

[Streona] King Edmund.

Congratulations on your coronation.

Thank you, Ealdorman Streona.

May I present my stepmother. Queen Emma.
: : , --] : : ,
[Streona] Queen Emma.

I'm sorry for your loss,

your husband was a great warrior.
He is missed.

Thank you, Ealdorman Streona.
: : , --] : : ,
He would be pleased
that you obeyed his call

and have come to England's aid.

I am your servant.

The Vikings are camped
on the other side of the Southwark Island.

Why the south?
: : , --] : : ,
His spies have undoubtedly
told him that you're here

to protect London
from an attack from the north.

But now that that is established,

I want you to move,
: : , --] : : ,
cross the Thames below his fleet

and bring your army to his rear.

Trapping him between
the river and the swamp.
: : , --] : : ,

You came up with this plan?

Yes. Why?

Because it is excellent, Your Highness.

And where will you be
while Mercia att*cks the Northmen?

Inside the walls of London?

Where he is most valuable

and where he will remain until
Canute's defeat is being secured,

which time he will ride out
and accept the Viking's surrender.

I see. Mercia takes all the risks...

And receives the glory.

Your sacrifice
will not go unrewarded, Eadric Streona,
: : , --] : : ,
but now is not the time to negotiate.

On the contrary, Your Highness.

With a Viking army
camped on your doorstep,

I can't imagine a better time.

And what is it you wish?

Something far more tangible than glory.

I wish for Mercia
to once again be independent.

- [scoffs]
- As in the old days before your father.

Then I suggest
you gather your army and leave.

For if you believe that Canute will not
come for Mercia after taking London,

then you're more naive than I thought.

Prepare the men to return to Mercia.


Perhaps we can come
to some other arrangement.

Such as doubling Mercia's lands.

Will these additional lands come
from your holdings, Your Highness?

[Edmund] Perhaps.

Maybe others will be forced to contribute,
but the increase is assured.

You have my promise.

You've guaranteed
a great victory, Your Highness.

- [indistinct chatter]
- [laughter]

[solemn instrumental music playing]

[Canute sighs]

I thought your plan was good.

Just not good enough?

And you are asking me to risk , lives

on the actions of six.

To do that
I must be convinced that it will succeed.

Olaf is a great warrior.

Knows the English defenses
better than anyone.

And yet, here you are.

[Canute chuckles]

Convince me, your plan will work.

Why should I trust you?

Because I do not care about your success.

I care about them.

They'd risk their lives for me.

I was more concerned
about your role than ours.

If you failed,

everyone else's sacrifice
would count for nothing.

I was not worried about that.
: : , --] : : ,

I have been Edmund.

The son of a great warrior king.

I know what the weight
of a powerful father feels like.

So do I.

Even if my father was a Skogarmaor.


I forgot.

Your father was Erik Thorvaldsson.

You also know the desire
to stand in your own light.

All too well.

So, Greenlander.
: : , --] : : ,
How do you plan
to get through the marshes?
: : , --] : : ,

[gripping percussive music playing]


[indistinct chatter]


What the hell are these things?

This is a new Viking ship.

[men laughing]

- [birds chirping]
- [insects trilling]

[Leif] We've come a long way, my friends.

And I'm fortunate. And grateful.

[solemn music playing]

We are blessed by the Gods,
who alone know our destinies.

[Leif] Hmm.

If this is where we say goodbye on Earth,

then it is only a quick farewell

as we will hail
each other soon in Valhalla.
: : , --] : : ,

In Valhalla.

[Liv exclaims]

[Skarde kisses]

- [Skarde] May the Gods be with all of us.
- [Njal] The Allfather watch us all.

[indistinct conversation]

- [Liv grunts]
- [Skarde chuckles]

- When did you learn to sh**t a bow?
- You taught me.

[chuckles softly]



[breathing heavily]
: : , --] : : ,
[insects trilling]

[soldiers chattering indistinctly]

[stealthy instrumental music playing]


: : , --] : : ,


What do you think?

It is like it was built by the Gods.

No, not Gods. Just carpenters.


[gripping instrumental music playing]

[breathes deeply]

[indistinct chatter]

[horn blows]

[bell ringing]


[bells tolling]

[ominous music playing]

[indistinct shouting]

- [bells tolling in distance]
- [grunts softly]

[men shouting indistinctly]

[commander ] Formation!

- Range?
- [captain] Still too far, my lady.




[commander ] Form a line!

[indistinct shouting]

[commander ] Attention!

Raise the defenses.

[captain] Raise the defenses!

[soldier] Heave!


[soldiers grunting]

: : , --] : : ,
Why is he marking time?

[men shouting indistinctly]

He's waiting for something.

[rhythmic beats in distance]

I hear drums.

No. Shields.

[shields beating]

[gripping instrumental music playing]

[horse neighs]

[breathing heavily]


[breathing heavily]

Hold it!

Acknowledge a parley.

[hooves treading]

What is he doing?

He's coming to challenge you.

Keep him occupied until Streona arrives.

You must be the Boy King, Edmund.

And you must be the leader of the Vikings

we've been hearing
for days and smelling for a week.

[Canute chuckles]

My name is King Canute
: : , --] : : ,
and I have come to k*ll you for the crimes
your father committed against my people.

Well, I hate to disappoint you,

but it is you
who will pay the price for your crimes.

Such brave words
from a boy hiding behind a wall.

Where I come from,
we have a word for that.

[in Norse] Bleyða!

[all chanting] Bleyða! Bleyða! Bleyða!

[chanting continues]


- [in English] And what does that mean?
- It means...


And it is your new title.

King Bleyða!
: : , --] : : ,


[indistinct shouting]

Don't give in to your passion.

You must keep him in place
until Streona arrives.

Why not come out like a Man King?

And do battle with honor.

: : , --] : : ,
What honor is there
in sweeping the field clear of a rabble,

hungry only for Danegeld?

You are no better
than the beggars at my gate.

I must say, I...

I am disappointed in your response.

What has become of England?

There used to be warriors here.

Your father, for example.

When I was your age, I saw King Æthelred
lead a hundred men against a thousand.

How he must anguish in his grave

knowing that he has
sired a mouse for a son.

I will make you a challenge.

Come down here and fight me man-to-man.


Or if you wish,
bring whatever troops you chose

and fight my men
on this magnificent bridge.

If you are victorious,

then we will know
that our quest was not endorsed by God.

We will accept His decision

and leave this land
without further bloodshed.

But if you do not,

I promise you all the world

will know the truth about Edmund,

son of Æthelred.
: : , --] : : ,
How he sacrificed
the courage of his kingdom

to hide his own fear,

and they will join us in hailing,

"King Bleyða,

The Coward of London."

[men shouting and laughing]

[Johan in Norse] Bleyða!

- [in English] I am not a coward!
- [chuckles]
: : , --] : : ,
Come back here!

I order you!

[men shouting indistinctly]
: : , --] : : ,
[Liv grunts]

- Get me my horse!
- [soldiers cheering]

[Godwin] No, Your Highness.
It is not the time.

I disagree. It is precisely the time.

Edmund, he has baited you,
you must wait for Streona.

No! Streona lost his moment,

I will lead this fight
and the glory will be ours.

Men of England!
: : , --] : : ,
I mean to wipe this Viking scourge
from our shores! Who is with me?

[all] Yeah!

Edmund, stop!

- Open the gates!
- [commander] Open the gates!

[gripping instrumental music playing]
: : , --] : : ,
The tide is turning.
: : , --] : : ,
Keep holding!

Open the gates!


[arrows swoosh]

Prepare the roofs!

[man] More water!

- [Edmund] Attack!
- [soldiers shouting]

Shield wall!




[all shouting]



[Edmund yells]

[soldiers and warriors shouting]

[all grunting]

Now! Row forward!

- Forward!
- [horn blows]

[grunting continues]




[grunting continues]


Retreat! Retreat!


- Retreat!
- Retreat!
: : , --] : : ,
[man] Retreat!



Fall back!

Fall back!

They're retreating. After them!

The King is winning ground.



Keep holding!

[man ] Fall back!

Bring him back.

- Bring him back.
- Your Highness?

It is a trap.

[intense music playing]

- [Emma] Ready the archers!
- Archers! Draw!

- [arrows swooshing]
- [whooshing]

[indistinct chatter]

[man ] Pull! Pull!

[arrows swooshing]

Archers! Ships!

- [captain] Loose!
- [arrows swooshing]

: : , --] : : ,
- [arrows swooshing]
- [groans]


[arrows swooshing]

[man ] Tie it fast!
: : , --] : : ,
Pull away!



For the love of God,
give me everything you've got!


[wood cracking]
: : , --] : : ,
[bridge creaking]

[breathing heavily]

Defend the bridge!



Archers. Beneath the bridge.

- [captain] Loose!
- [arrows swooshing]

- [groans]
- Tomas!
: : , --] : : ,


[Skarde gasps]

: : , --] : : ,
[archer groans]


[indistinct chatter]
: : , --] : : ,
Ready yourselves, men! This is it!

Shield wall!

- [man] Shield wall!
- Shield wall!

[breathing heavily]

My lord, Edmund has taken the battle
to the Vikings...

- He's what?
- They battle on the bridge.

Double time!

- Row harder!
- [man] Pull!

Together! Now! Row!

: : , --] : : ,
- [arrow swooshes]
- [groans]


[Godwin] Sire!
: : , --] : : ,
- You must return before it falls.
- What falls?

The bridge. They labor to
bring it down and trap you.


[breathing heavily]

[intense music playing]


[indistinct shouting]

[shields beating]


[all laughing]



[all shouting]


- [groans]
- No, Skarde!

- [groans]
- Skarde!
: : , --] : : ,




[all grunting]

[dramatic music playing]


[man] Hold on!

: : , --] : : ,



Raise the sails!

[men grunting]

Row! Row!


[bridge rattling]

[soldiers screaming]

- [all cheering]
- [horn blowing]

Yeah! Yeah!

- We did it! Yeah!
- The Greenlanders!


[all cheering]

Yes! Yes!

Yeah! Yeah!

[cheering continues]

[breathing heavily]

[breath trembling]

[man ] Halt!

Sir, we can still attack.
: : , --] : : ,

He wanted glory, now let him taste defeat.

I will not sacrifice good men
to a failed battle.

Especially when there's
a greater victory to be gained.

[men shouting orders]

- [man ] Forward!
- [man ] Forward!

[intense music playing]

Bring me the Boy King.

Bring me England.

[men cheering]

[breathing heavily]


: : , --] : : ,
You did it!

This is for you!

Your plan worked! We did it!

Hail the Greenlander!

Hail the Greenlander! Yes!

Hail the Greenlander!

- [woman] Hail the Greenlander!
- [all cheering]

[breathing heavily]

[heroic instrumental music playing]

[theme music playing]