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03x08 - Travelling Light

Posted: 03/01/22 09:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dance Academy...

I wrapped you two hours ago. I have to dance and act tomorrow.

It would be really bad if I sucked at both.

Miss Rayne will meet your bus. You're actually sending me home?

You should have seen my body type and known I didn't stand a chance with the Company!

I choreographed the solo for you and will accept no other!

Please go home.

Barcelona was fake. I wasn't being me.

So, you and Ben, that's actually a thing, is it?

I didn't mean it before, about us not being friends.

That's OK. Romeo and Juliet weren't friends.

The traditional owners here say that in the beginning, there was a connection between our human spirits and the land, but over time, that was tainted.

So, they created a cleansing ritual.

Whenever you're welcomed into a special place, you're to leave the bad spirits behind.

I guess it's a way of shedding the things that hold us back - our baggage.

I know I've got several extra suitcases, full of clothes I loved once, but have now outgrown.

And yet for some reason, I keep putting off that epic clean-out, even though I'll feel so much better for it.

I mean, who doesn't like the idea of travelling light?

Her back is not up to both leads.

My soli is being butchered out there.

Well, she only needs to get through one more after this.

Yeah, the final, all-important performance.

I'd do it better.

Shame you never auditioned.

Don't miss your cue.

Hey, Tara. Hey!

Did you wear these shoes, Auntie Summer?

I did. I even danced Juliet once, with Zach.

Everyone gather round, please. This is Summer.

We used to dance together, and Summer has invited us to a traditional welcome ceremony tomorrow, so I'm extending the tour by one day.

Hands up who wants a dance lesson from the academy mob tomorrow?

Teaching. Can't wait.

4 weeks of 12-hour days? You have a right to be knackered!

It's no excuse to be thumping around like a baby elephant.

Oh, I love dancers - so self-critical.

Doubles, Grace! Your laziness astounds me!

No idea why.

And, Ben, good performance. Technically strong, as always, but...

Look like Romeo's in the bag.

As for who's playing Romeo in the festival, I haven't decided.

Christian's been giving you a run for your money.

My Romeo's dashing and intense.

You weren't feeling the romance, the heartbreak, when they die?

More affection and mild sadness. You two aren't nailing their chemistry.

Like the way she nails it with Christian?

Oh, the subtext there!

Spread thy closed curtain, love performing night.

See? The chemistry crackles.

Maybe we should work on Zach's nights when it's sunny.

Do you ever worried we've stalled? Hey, can I just...

Romeo and Juliet knew each other two days and they got married.

Wait, you wanna get married?

No, but... they couldn't wait to do, like, everything together.


Oh! Everything everything?

You've never thought about it? All the time!

I mean, sometimes.

Really? With me? Of course!

Well, sometimes Rihanna gets in there, but...

Wait, you wanna do it, like now?!

Not right this minute, but...

It's what people do.

Like, a lot of people. Like, parents.

So... it's not out of the question for us to... even soon.


Uh, that was pretty close.

A couple of phrasing issues, but for a first attempt...

Well, I'll fix them. Have I got the solo or not?

It's a pretty big decision.

Sir Jeffrey's considering me for a choreography resident, so it's kind of my audition.

You want to get a job with the Company?

I'm only here because I want to show him he was wrong to rule me out.

It's not personal with us. I wouldn't assume it was.

Anyway, this solo is personal, so what was in your head before the jetes?

My head? Let's see.

Is my left developpe higher than Tara's?

There are ants circling my ankles because you seem to think this is more inspiring than a sprung floor.

Does that help your emotional, creative process?

Mmm, no. I'll need you to dig deeper.

That's really all there is.

Benster. What you doing there?

Oh, just, um, picking up some supplies.

Lip balm, sunscreen... Wow! A whole basket of protection.

Yeah. You know, the mountain air. Can't be too careful.

Oh, yesterday my little T was practice-pashing a bear and now...

I know. It was like an out-of-body experience.

I couldn't believe I was even suggesting it, but it's Ben, and we work so well together.

The problem is my brain is clogged with trashy magazine advice.

I need an honest behind-the scenes.

And I can provide that how? It's OK, I can handle it.

You and Christian, talk me through first positions.

What? T, no, no, no, no! We never...

I always thought that you... I would have told you!

Just too much baggage and bad timing and pretty much everything that goes under 'he's just not that into you'.

We've got about 20 seconds. Am I on speaker?

Tara, I've heard so much about you. Do it for the right reasons.

Remember, guys can get hurt just as easily as girls.

Ready to go. Oh!

Alright, dance teachers, we're travelling.

Bush tucker foragers, you wait here for Summer.

Zach, Ben and I were wondering if we could grab rehearsal time...

I wanted to eat a witchetty grub... To work on our chemistry issues.


I am ALL over your back-story, Jamie.

Some cruel temptress has hardened your heart.

Cruel, I can handle. It's must worse when they're spectacular.

Kitty Kat, I've got two soothing words for you.

Dance double.

I'm ready for my close-up.

We haven't even gone through the five basic positions.

OK, guys.

Have fun, and when I get back, I want our hosts pirouetting like Baryshnikov.

OK, now, assuming your interested in proper technique...

Which they're not.

In a couple of weeks, Christian and I are entering a crew into the biggest hip-hop comp in Sydney.

Who wants to learn some of our moves?

Alright, come on, let's go.

Do you prefer the left or right? I have to pick a side?

No, no, this is fine! Come, sit closer!

Um... Yeah, that was creepy. I'm sorry.

No, no, no, it was cute! You look pretty.

Here, I'll...

Uh, my mum's always had this thing about not sitting on the bedspread.

Apparently motels only wash it every six months.

Are you serious? That's disgusting!

I know! Benster to the rescue.

It's, like, how many people do you think have used this room?

Well, let's pretend we're the first. Positive visualisation.

Housekeeping! Sorry, do you want me to come back?

Yes, please! No, come in!

So, who thinks they can match that?

Come on, don't be scared. Have a crack.

Ollie, you gotta break it down for them, dude.

OK, watch again. Music.

Move forward. You two go back.

Turn out, turn out.

You're very short, aren't you? She's four.

I think I'm starting to get this whole ballet thing.

Cut! If you say so.

Sorry, Gabs. I just feel like she's dancing Tamsin too... brassy.

But isn't this a high point?

Tamsin realising she's in love with Paul.

Yes, but Paul's into her boyfriend, so it's emotionally complicated.

I just feel like Tamsin is... Insecure?

Hey. So, what's the hot new game these days?

Disgruntled Pigeons? It's Empire Crew.

We're going up against them at... Street Beats?

Your mate said.

Yeah, you know Street Beats?

You'll never beat them. I don't know, Ollie's pretty good.

He thinks he is.

You cast me because I'm a dancer.

It's not gonna look real if it's someone else's lower half.

It's movie magic, Kat.

Come to the assembly screening tonight and you'll see, OK?

We're going for a take, everybody.

Bye, Mary. Good luck with the netball comp.

Oh, thanks, Ben.

Are we changing location or...

Don't you think the moment's been lost?

No way. We'll find it again. Finding moments is a hidden talent of mine.

Here, moment. Where are you, moment?

I'm sorry, Mary's disinfectant is overpowering.

I'll wait for you outside.

I think you deserve a break, man. No, I'm good.

Take one anyway.

Alright, guys, rows of three, and we're just gonna learn a quick routine.

Bounce, up, bounce, up, step to the right, step, pop, step, pop.

From here, top rock to the left, one, left, right.

OK, wanna try with the music?


Five, six! Five, six, seven, eight!

Up! Up! Tildy, this is a shambles.

What happened to your turn-out? Turn out.

Thank you. Up, and up!

Good choice of lip balm? You don't know how lucky you are.

Girls' brains. It's a labyrinth in there.

Can you straighten your leg?

Are you gonna cry?

If you're gonna cry, you can get out!


Hey there, little lady. Wanna go and find the bubblers?


Now freestyle!

Oh! Yeah!

Plie, tendu, and close.

Tendu, plie. Good, girls!

Really stretch through those legs. Good!

Hey, who taught you that stuff?

No-one. Just from clips online.

You should come down to Sydney for Street Beats.

No, I'm serious. You should join our crew.

Nah, my grandma needs help with my sisters.

Alright, well, you know, just keep dancing, alright?

You're good, man. I gotta go.

Someone needs us.

Be back in a sec, guys.

I just went all Zach, didn't I?

You're good at this - teaching. Kids like you.

How was rehearsal?

I should go find Ben.

Good work, everyone! We're gonna follow Summer to the ceremony now.

So, they're talking about reshooting most of the dance scenes.

I really wanna help shape Tamsin into something special, and you and I have heaps in common we can draw on.

We have nothing in common.

Seriously? There's a reason I'm the perfect double.

Erratic international upbringing, absent parents, general maverick attitude to...

You don't think this will make us look puffy on camera?

Grace, you're the pre-champion, a shoe-in with the company.

Why do you have to take this one thing away from me?

This one thing?

No-one even cares I got sent home from tour, and you just sail through everything shining.

The whole world loves Kat!

How awkward was that before?

This is something that requires proper discussion.

We can't just leapfrog all the steps to - what?

Prove a point.

I don't need to prove anything.

I know I love you - and then you say...

We've never talked about that.

Let's try, 'cause I wanna be the permanent texta in your life, not Christian.

Where did you hear that? I read it.

Oh, you should write more. It was gripping and detailed.

You read my journal?

Oh, pages and pages about you and him!

That's just me taking life experiences and using them to inspire dancing.

It's hindsight and it's private!

And given the number of times I found the words Ben or Benster, I'm clearly not a very inspirational figure.

You have no reason not to trust me.

Not my greatest moment.

Mmm. Trying to save her from a life of heartbreak.

You hate ballet that much?


That's not what's in my head.

Since they told me that I never even had a chance of getting a contract, I think I've known that it's time.

If that's all that had happened, maybe I could keep struggling for a couple of years.

You lost someone.

Sammy. Sammy died.

I'm not stupid, I know we probably wouldn't have ended up together, but I loved him.

Like I loved ballet, and they both just smashed me apart.

I can't go through that again.

I'm sorry.

Now I'd like to ask all our visitors to walk through the smoke and be cleansed.

Perfect match, right?

I'm not that together.

Next year, all my friends will either be overseas or in the Company, and I'll be lonely.

Lonely sucks.

I'm going to give up the idea of travelling light as an impossible concept.

It's accumulative.

Every experience we have, every person we meet, they make up the story of you, like a journal.

Saying goodbye?

That was the plan.

I guess it's only when you go to throw something out, you realise how essential it is.

Hey, it's Tara. Sorry I can't get to you.

I did bad, and I get it, but you have to come see this.

It's like you in a place. It's beautiful.

Like it or not, there are some things that...

Are permanently inscribed.

That you're stuck with.

Can I talk to you later? Go away! What happened? Are you OK?

No. I'm just sick of it!

I keep thinking, 'When is this gonna stop?' because I want so much to be rid of you.

It was all I could think about during that ceremony.

Did it work?