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03x08 - In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency

Posted: 03/01/22 08:39
by bunniefuu



MAN: Come on, man.
You know me. I'm good for it.

Come on, man, I'm good for it!

Lady, you sure this is
where you wanna be?

I'm pretty sure it's not.









TK (WEAKLY): Leave me alone.


- GWYN: Oh, God.
- TK: Leave me alone.

GWYN: Hey.

Come on, let's get up.

- Come on.
- TK: Mom?

GWYN: Come on, get up.


How'd you find me?

I am your mother.
I will always find you.

- Should you be here?
- No!

And neither should you. Let's go home.

- Come on, let's go.
- I can't, Mom.

Yes, you can. Come on, get up.

- Is Dad with you?
- No, I came alone.

Come on, let's go.

TK: No, no, no, it's fine.

It's fine.







Do you have a preference?

I guess it doesn't really matter.

At a certain point, black is black.

I can get three seats at a : flight,

but the : a.m. flight
is a little bit cheaper.

The : .

We have to be at the funeral home

by : New York time.

I don't wanna cut it that close.

- CARLOS: Yeah.
- Do you think he'll remember?

Jonah watched his mom die.

Do you think he'll remember it?

Uh, he's not even a year old, son.

I don't think you can
remember things that early.

I did.

I remember the wallpaper
in the th Street apartment.

Purple flowers.

I remember the elephants
on the mobile above my crib.

I remember the songs Mom sang me.

Not... Not the words. I can't...

I can't really remember the words,

but I, I, I know she sang to me.

God, he's gonna be so traumatized.

Dad, if he saw...


he's gonna be okay.

Okay? TK, I promise.

Who's gonna take him to dim sum?

You. Enzo.

No, Enzo doesn't know
the place on Spring Street.

It's a hole in the wall.

He's gonna take him somewhere fancy.

Babe, you can take him to your place.

Everything's broken now.

Will he even know how broken it is?

He'll never know the time
when it wasn't.

He'll never know Mom.

Yes, he will.

He'll know her through you
as a big brother.

You'll tell him about Mom.

The songs she sang.

He'll know her through you.

Okay, I need to pack, right?

No, no, you don't.

It's all taken care of.


I have to go to the cleaners.

I'll swing back
and pick you guys up, okay?

- Yeah, we'll be ready.
- Alright.

I'm so sorry, Carlos.

It's your first time
to New York and it's like this.

TK, do not even think about that.

I wish things were different.

Hey, look at me.

There will be other trips.

I'm gonna go grab us some food.

I'm not really hungry.

CARLOS: I know.

I know, but you should eat something.

I'll figure it out.

I love you.

(QUIETLY): Love you.





I'm just saying,
those delivery bikes are dangerous.

Not usually.

MATEO: Zipping in and out of traffic.

You can't hear 'em coming.

You think she saw that?


She managed to push the baby
out of the way, so, yeah.

(SIGHS DEEPLY) It's awful.

I know. I called my mom
as soon as I got home.

I should call mine too.

Hey, should we send flowers
or something?

JUDD: No, that's all taken care of.

Grace ordered an arrangement.

It's gonna have everybody's name on it.

It'll be there when they
get to the funeral home.

- Just let us know how much we owe you.
- Yeah, I will.

MATEO: Hey, do you guys think
this is happening kinda fast?

I mean, it seems quick, right?

When my grandma died,
there was like a week in between.

It's Jewish law.

Or tradition, actually.

Burial has to happen within hours.

Maybe it is better
just to get it over with.

PAUL: Hmm.

TK: Hey, guys.

Hey, TK.

Shouldn't you, uh, be
on a plane right about now?

Yeah, I'm not going.

- You're not?
- Nope.


Hey, Nance.


MAN: Here. I'll bring it up.

WOMAN: That's good.



- OWEN: Hey.
- Yeah?

Son, what are you doing?

GWYN: You should eat.

TK: I'm not really hungry.

Yes, you are. You just don't know it.



I'm not a damn baby, Mom.

GWYN: No, you're not.

Because when a baby reaches
for something sharp,

it doesn't know the danger.

You know the danger
and you're still reaching,

you're still sticking
that sharp thing into you.

You've lost control, TK.

We're getting you help.

I don't need help. It's...

It's not like that, alright?
I'm-I'm managing.

Is that what you were doing yesterday

in that place, managing it?

You don't...

Ask Dad.

Ask him how many shifts I've missed.

Ask all the other guys
if I've missed one shift

or if I've shown up late or, or dirty

'cause, no, I have not.

Are you addicted
to the needle prick yet?

Oh, my God. Mom, why...

GWYN: I read about it. Needle fixation.

The ritual of the pain.

Why are we even talking about this?

You gonna eat that?

- No, I'm gonna puke.
- Then puke.

But just get it all out because
we have a flight to catch.


Our plane leaves in two hours.

- What are you talking about?
- I'm taking you to rehab.

- Rehab?
- GWYN: There's a place in California

that is supposed to be the best.

C... Califor... Mom, I have work.

No, you don't. Not for days.

No. I am... I am not doing that, Mom.

Do what you want.
You have six hours to decide.

- No.
- Because we are getting on that plane!

- No!


I have to stay here, Mom.

They need me.

Listen... Look at me, I'm-I'm fine.

I'm a firefighter, Mom, alright?
I save lives.

That is what I am trying to do.


It should open up in a minute.

It always kinda clogs up here.

Alright, so Carlos is checking us in

and we only have one bag to worry about,

so we just gotta get through security,

we should be fine.


We will be fine getting
through security, right?

You wanna frisk me first?

Do I need to?

I was just doing inventory, Dad.

I already told you that.
You can believe me or not.

Why were you even there, TK?

You knew you had a flight to catch.

I don't know. I...

I just thought it'd be a good idea.

Just wanted the day
to be normal, but it's...

it's not.

No, it's not.

I don't wanna do this, Dad.

- I don't wanna go.
- TK.

It's not even like it's gonna
be Mom in that box anyway.

That-that's not where she is right now.

- Son.
- Dad, I swear to God,

I'm gonna crawl out of my skin.

No, you're not.
You're gonna get through this.

I don't wanna do it
any more than you do.

But it's life, it's what people do.
They go to funerals.

It never seems fair.

It's not just another funeral.
It's Mom's.

You may not have loved her anymore,
but I still do.

I loved your mother.

I always did.

Even when things got complicated.

Never thought I'd be...

rushing to catch a flight
to go back and...


I loved your mother.


Come on. We can still make it.

- CARLOS: You didn't make it.
- We didn't?

You didn't, but you're going to.

Two tickets for the flight
leaving in minutes.

It's coach, but should
get you there in time.

I thought the last flight was at : .

I was looking for three seats.
This one only had two.

What about you?

I'll take the later one.

You guys need to be there.

Thank you, Carlos.
You're saving the day.


You weren't home when I got back.

I went to the firehouse.
I don't even know why.

TK, it's fine. I was just...
I was just worried about you.

I hate that I can't make
everything okay.

Alright, go.
I'll-I'll see you in New York.


FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Welcome aboard. Hi.


GWYN: It's right here, honey.

Do you want to sit
in the window or the aisle?

I don't care. I feel sick.

Then the aisle.



Everybody's looking at me, Mom.

It's the curse of the Strand men.

I don't think it's for
the cheekbones this time.

You should have let me stop on the way.

Get enough just for the flight.

That's the chemicals talking.

No, it's the chemicals screaming.









You remember that?

I used to sing that to you
when you were a baby.

What is it?

It's a prayer for the soul, the neshama.

It's about how much damage

we try to inflict on ourselves.

And yet the neshama remains untouched.

Does the Torah say anything
about being dope sick?

Because I think my neshama
bailed back in Queens.

No, sweetheart, it doesn't.

Mom, I'm not gonna
make it to California.

- You couldn't find something upstate?
- Hm.

ATTENDANT: Seat belt? Great.

Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you
to fasten your seat belt

before takeoff.
- Yeah.

- ATTENDANT: Thank you.
- Sh, sh, sh...

- Do you want the aisle?
- I don't care.

WOMAN: No, I'm not making fun.

Remember, the doctor said
it's gonna take some time

to get your strength back.

You sure you're gonna be alright?

My sister said
she'd be happy to stop by.

Okay, okay, forget I said it.

I'll call you when we land.

I love you, too.

My husband.

He had a stroke a few months ago.

It's my first time leaving him.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Appreciate that.

They expect him to have a full recovery.

Thank God I was home. I called - - .

They had him in surgery in an hour.

Golden hour. It's a real thing.

Oh, you're in the medical field?

We're first responders.

I'm Owen, I'm a firefighter.

This is my son TK, he's a paramedic.

Genevieve, formerly a retired CPA.

Oh, yeah? What are you doing now?

Still a CPA, just no longer retired.

Never thought I'd be doing
another field audit again,

but with my husband's bills,

well, life keeps you
on your toes, doesn't it?

It certainly does.

So what takes you boys to New York?

My mom.

Oh, that's lovely.

She's sure gonna be happy to see you.

Our first moved to Atlanta
three years ago.

Every time she comes home, it's a joy.


Hey, stewardess?

Can I get a vodka tonic?

I'm sorry, but beverage service

will be available once we're in the air.

What? Come on, I get them
in first class all the time.

ATTENDANT: Sir, please.

Seriously, though,
I need a drink for takeoff.

ATTENDANT: I'm gonna need you
to lower your voice and calm down.

PASSENGER: Don't tell me to calm down.
I have anxiety.

Yo! You heard the lady.
Calm down and shut your mouth.

Sir, please stay out of this,
we don't need you to escalate things.

I'm sorry. He's had
a little bit of a tough day.

He's not gonna be a problem.

That guy's being a total d*ck.

Yeah, he is.

But when they come and
yank him off the plane,

I don't want them yanking you off too.

Speak for yourself.


ATTENDANT : You always
imagine the layovers in Paris.

Not quite so glamorous in Bozeman.

- How's the book?
- ATTENDANT : It's terrible.

Super trashy. Can't put it down.

Hey, anything to get you

through Iowa and Nebraska.


Cap, you have a second?

What's going on?

The last thing I wanna do is
come in here pointing fingers.

Pointing fingers? At whom?


And I'm sick over it,

because I know how hard
he has worked on his sobriety.

I mean we were at the party
when he got his chip.

So the last thing in the world
I wanna suggest

is that he might have slipped.

Okay. Tell me.

I thought it was weird
he came in today at all.

You know, with everything going on.

Then he made a beeline to the bus,

like he was on a mission.

- And?
- I went in there after he left.

He was in the narcotics safe, Cap.

How can you be sure?

He left the pouch open.

I know because I just restocked it.

Okay. Well, was there anything missing?


At least not by my count.

TOMMY: That's good. That's good.

We'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Totally. He deserves that.

Okay. I'm sure it was nothing.

And we'll do a full inventory
of the supply cabinet

just to be sure.



I gotta hit the head, Dad.


Sorry about my son earlier.

He's usually a little... friendlier.

He's friendly enough.

And he wasn't wrong.

That guy was being a d*ck.

Oh, total d*ck.

So I take it, this isn't a happy trip?

No, it's not.

My ex-wife, his-his mother passed away,

and we're on the way to the funeral.


That's terrible. I'm so sorry.

- My condolences.
- Thank you.

Was it expected?

No, it was... certainly not expected.

I don't think it's sunk in
for either one of us yet.


Life is relentless, isn't it?

It sure the hell is.

You'd think I'd be used to it.




Ladies and gentlemen,

the captain has turned on
the fasten seat belt sign.

Please return to your seats
and fasten your seat belts.

Oh, my Lord.

It must be coming
from the engine. It's on fire!





Dad! Dad!

Unbuckle the seat belt!


Go this way!

We gotta plug that up!

PILOT: Folks, please remain calm.

We still have control of the airplane.

We're gonna be depressurizing the cabin

and returning to the Austin Airport.

Hey, Genevieve, wake up. Come on.

- Wake up.
- Where am I?

You're still on the plane.

I must have nodded off.

Why aren't we sitting down?

Let's keep you steady.

I think you might have a concussion.

Dad, I need you to grab me
a blanket and a medkit.

It should be somewhere in the galley.

I feel like I can't breathe.

- Why can't I breathe?
- The air's still thin up here.

But we're descending.
You'll be able to breathe soon.

What happened to me?

There was an incident on the plane.

You were hurt.

Did I go outside?

I feel like I went outside,
but that's not right.

Only for a few seconds

but you... you're gonna be fine.

- Hey, hey, hey. Genevieve?


Hey, Genevieve, can you breathe?

(WEAKLY): Yeah.

I'm gonna be okay, though?

Your pulse is a fast, but it's strong

and your respiration is...


It's... it's good. Um...



What do you need, son?

There's nothing in the kit for this.


So with this tray, we're at ,
vials of morphine.

Good, that matches the count.

Thank God.

Okay, let's go to Ativan next.

(SIGHS) Yep.

Why do I feel like
we're doing something shady?

Like we're going through
TK's dirty laundry?

- How many you got there?
- All ten.


You're not doing anything shady.

You're a great medic

and a great friend.

Well, it feels pretty shady.


- Owen?
- OWEN (OVER PHONE): Hey, Tommy,

we have a problem.

Did you miss your flight?

I wish. We're on the plane,

we lost an engine.

Pilot has the airplane under control,

but a passenger was injured
when the cabin depressurized.


OWEN: We're gonna need
your expertise with this wound.

I've got TK right here.

Hey, Cap.

Hey, buddy. Uh, tell me
what you're dealing with.

TK: We've got a -something
female with a concussion.

She's close to exsanguinating

from a deep laceration
to the right axilla.

GENEVIEVE: Oh, I'm fine, honey.

No need for a fuss.

Okay, TK, your-your dad said
that your patient was injured

when the plane depressurized?

TK: Yeah, the window blew

and she was partially
sucked out of the plane.

And she hit the frame pretty hard.

NANCY: The window blew?

As in the plane window?

TK: Yeah.
And I'm trying to stuff the wound

with as much gauze as I could find,

but it's in an awkward angle and I...

I can't put enough pressure
on it to stop the hemorrhaging.

TOMMY: Alright, TK, I need you
to send me a video of the wound

so that I know what we're dealing with.

TK: Alright. Stand by.

Alright, Genevieve, we're gonna
take a video of you, alright?

GENEVIEVE: Not my best angle.

- TK: Got it.
- Alright, it's sending.


Hang on.

Alright, you should have it.

- Got it.

Cap, that thing is pumpin'.

Hey, TK, the way that blood is moving,

I'd say her axillary artery was torn.

Agreed, so what do we do?

TOMMY: We need to apply
an even amount of pressure

to the wound at a slope

that matches the curve of her armpit.

Well, you need to get her
in a junctional tourniquet.

We don't have those up here, Cap.

Yeah, the medkit is pretty threadbare.

Well, you'll just have to make your own.

I had a motorcycle call once.

The guy had a similar bleed,
I used his helmet.

I jammed it up against the wound

and I fixed it in place
with jumper cables.

I don't think many people
brought a helmet

with their carry-ons.

I wouldn't expect so, but it's alright.

We're gonna figure this out.

Nancy, uh, get the tablet,

start image searching
the inside of plane cabins.

Emergency gear, uh, kitchen supplies,

anything that we can use.

Guys, we're looking for anything

with a smooth curve and hard surface.


TOMMY: Owen, is there an
ice bucket on the beverage cart?

We need an ice bucket!


That's not gonna work. It's plastic.

Uh, what about a coffee pot?


Ah! It's not in here.

Alright, everybody look under
your seats for the coffee pot.

It probably rolled under somewhere.

WOMAN: Oh, here. Here it is.

I've got it.

Thank you.

Alright, this should work.

TOMMY: Okay, now I need you

to press the rounded surface

- against the wound.
- Got it.

And tie it into place
as tight as you can.

That belt's not gonna be long
enough to reach across the chest.

Is there any way to remove
some seat belts?

Yes! Yes.


TK: Hey, Genevieve, it's gonna be okay.

OWEN: How do you wanna do this?

Hold it in place while I secure it.

Hang tight, Genevieve, hang tight.




Alright, Genevieve, I'm warning you,

this is gonna get uncomfortable.




Oh, my God.

It worked! Cap, the bleeding stopped.

Genevieve, how's your pain?

(SIGHS) Your daddy didn't raise no liar.


- Genevieve?

Genevieve? Hey! Hey, hey! Genevieve?

TK, what's happening?

Her pulse is getting high.

It's in the s and rising.

She's lost too much blood.
Her heart is compensating.

You need to push as much fluid
into her as possible.

Tell me that medkit has saline.

It did, but we already used
half the liter that we had.

We need saline!
Anybody got eye solution?

OWEN: Anybody got saline solution?


- No takers.
- TK: Cap. I'm losing her.

- Nancy, any ideas?
- To improvise saline?

- Yes!
- Let me look.

Uh, coconut water.

Soldiers in World w*r II

used that for intravenous fluids.

It does have a high
concentration of electrolytes,

but it's not gonna work for very long.

Don't worry, we're not
gonna be in the air for long.

First class, you gotta have
coconut water somewhere.

- Yes.
- OWEN: Bring me everything you got.

TOMMY: Owen, how did you
know about the coconut water?

I read.

Alright, give it a squeeze, Dad.

Keep going.



OWEN: Captain,
she's regained consciousness.

I'm glad to hear it.


Way to fight, Genevieve. Way to fight.

Oh, you gotta get cleaned up
before we land.

You're gonna see your mama, right?

You don't want her
to see you looking like that.

- No.

- No, I don't.
- Yeah.



be experiencing some turbulence

for the next few minutes.

The captain has requested
that all passengers

return to their seats.

Please make sure
your seat belts are fastened

and any items not secured
in the overhead bin

are stored underneath
the seat in front of you.

Thank you.



We need you to get back to your seat.

- Sir?

Where'd you go?


You must have gotten up really quietly.

You know, I might not be able
to buckle my own seat belt,

but I can still go to the
bathroom without my mommy.

What's the gum for?


I puked, alright?

It beats the stomach acid.

What's on your fingers?

Oh, that, uh...

It might be from the soap dispenser.

What's... What's up
with all the questions, Mom?

Just trying to give you an
opportunity to tell the truth.

I am telling the truth.

Look at me, TK.

There is no one left to lie to.

I'm not lying, Mom.

Why aren't you shaking anymore?

It... It... It passes,
I already told you that.

What were you doing in the bathroom?

Did you bring dr*gs on this plane?

No, you did everything short
of a body cavity search

- before we got on.
- Maybe I should have done that.

Yeah, well, maybe you should
mind your own damn business.

You are my business, TK.

You will always be my business.

What do you think's
gonna happen in California?


Think I won't figure out

where to score within ten minutes?

You can't save me, Mom.

I know.

But I have to try.

I can't bear the thought of
going to my own son's funeral.

I can't bear it.

PILOT: Folks,
please be advised we're approaching

Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

And we expect to start
our descent in a few minutes.

- Dad?
- OWEN: Yes, son?

I lied.

I lied about what I was doing in
the ambulance when you found me.

TK, we don't have to do this right now.

It was fentanyl.

I had two vials of fentanyl
in my hand when you found me.

I was gonna steal it and...

and get so high that...

nothing mattered.

And I was ready.

And I would have done it
if you didn't find me.

Well, I did find you.

I can't believe I was
gonna do that to Mom.

I'm so sorry, Dad.


Everything's gonna be okay.




we have a breaking story

unfolding in the skies over Austin.

We're getting our first look now

at Aero Blue flight ,

which we're being told

experienced a mid-air
expl*si*n in one of its engines.

The engine and wing
are now fully engulfed

as the plane prepares
to return to Austin

for an emergency landing.

We should warn our audience,

what we're about to see
could be disturbing.

this time we ask that you store

all personal items
under the seat in front of you

as we prepare for touchdown
in Los Angeles.

We hope you enjoyed your time with us

and thank you for
flying Wayfare Airlines.


♪ Amen ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I see You in the daytime ♪

♪ And I hear You at night ♪

♪ There's a pale imitation
burnt in my eyes ♪

♪ I don't wanna be here ♪

♪ I don't know what to do ♪

♪ Sometimes I'd rather be dead ♪

♪ At least then I'm with You ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Amen, amen ♪

♪ Amen, amen ♪

♪ Amen, amen ♪

♪ Amen ♪





♪ And is there a God up there? ♪

♪ So, where does He hide? ♪

♪ 'Cause the devil
is raging inside my mind ♪


♪ Is there a moment
when it all makes sense? ♪

♪ When saying goodbye
doesn't feel like the end? ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Amen ♪

do not leave bags unattended.

Unattended bags will be
confiscated by airport security.

Please report any
suspicious behavior to TSA.

Welcome to Los Angeles
International Airport.

You ordered a car?

GWYN: The clinic has a shuttle service.


Thank you for visiting LAX.

We would like to encourage you to dine

at one of our many restaurants...

You're not coming?

When you walk through those doors,

you need to do it on your own.

You need to do it for yourself.

What are you gonna do?

- GWYN: I'm going home.
- Right now?

My plane leaves in about an hour.


Well, uh, let's see if this guy knows

a good Chinese spot in this town to...

Maybe dim sum.

You're bargaining, honey.

They recommend you not stop anywhere.

You just go straight to the clinic.

It's days, TK.

That's the commitment.

Um, well...

Maybe... maybe just take me that far,

you could check me in.

My sweet boy.

I've traveled with you as far as I can.

The next steps you take are yours.

I don't know if I could
do it without you.

GWYN: You can.

You are stronger than you know.

I'll always be with you.




You okay?

Yeah, I think so.

The NTSB has a couple
more questions for me.

We're not gonna
make the funeral, are we?


No, son, we're not.

You think she'll forgive us?

I think she'd understand.

I'll go finish up.


think I was gonna see you again.

I just kept thinking,

"I'm the one who put him on the plane."

It's okay. It's okay.

- Hey.
- Oh, my God.

- What?
- It's not my blood.

It's not me. It's not my blood.

Okay? I'm okay.

You're okay?

I'll be right back. Be right back.

I don't remember much.

You're gonna have to ask
the young man who saved my life.

You mama's gonna be so proud of you.

OWEN: She already is.

- What do you wanna do?

Kinda wanna remember Mom.


I mean, like right now.

How's Chinese food sound for you guys?

- I'm back!
- TK: Alright.

I'll grab plates.


This is a great idea, Dad.

Is it?

I can almost feel the bloating
just from inhaling the sodium.

Oh, come on, Dad, it's in honor of Mom.

Do you wanna eat in the dining room?

GWYN: Dining room?

Who eats decent Chinese takeout
in a dining room?

Assuming Texas has
decent Chinese takeout.

Smells good.

TK: Okay.

- How is it?
- GWYN: Hmm...

Not Spring Street, but it'll do.

It's good.

This is really, really, really good.

Look at us.

How long has it been since we've

had a family dinner together?

Hmm. Well, carry the one...

It's the first of many to come.

TK: I am very, very,
very happy that you're here, Mom.

I have a feeling
you are gonna love Austin.

You know what?

I'm kinda getting that feeling too.

- OWEN: Give me some of that.
- Alright.

- OWEN: Ah!
- It's tofu, though.

GWYN: No, I'm not allowed to eat.