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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 03/01/22 07:14
by bunniefuu
I have a little story to tell you.

A fairy tale.

- ♪

It's about a little girl
who loved her father.

He was her hero.

She was his princess.




But this is a story about
the day that little girl...

grew up.



It's a different kind of fairy tale.


- Approaching New York.
- Secure the package.




Ms. Fedorova,

I'm U.S. Attorney General Reed Doblin.

FBI Director Rogelio Réal.

Homeland Secretary Joan Bradbury.

- You were brought here today...
- Kidnapped.

Expelled into our custody.

To discuss federal
criminal charges against you

and your organization,
Skazka o Myortvoy Tsarevne.

Violation of the Arms
Export Control Act.

Supplying known combatants
of the United States.

- Piracy.
- I'm just a businesswoman.

You're a mercenary.

You run an army for hire. Sit.

I've been sitting.


No charges have been filed yet.

We thought it might be beneficial to all

to discuss a plea.

In return for?

How about your contacts in Angola?

Start there. Names and aliases.

And if I decline?

Then you and your prom dress

can sit in super-max solitary
until your mind rots.

You put up a good fight,
but no one knows you're here,

and we've got nothing but time.

Start writing.




Don't make a sound.







- Who is it?
- Director, New York Commerce Bank

just got hit by six gunmen,

and they sent a message
to you, personally.

I emailed the screencap.

Just tell me what it says, Doak.

"Director Réal, bow to the queen."


What the hell?

How did this get here?

She orchestrated a bank takeover

in Lower Manhattan.

Is this your message, lady?

Who's the queen?

When this day is done,
one of you will be gone,

then another,

and another.

You've messed with the wrong woman.


This little girl grew up in a world

of great cruelty.

But she was always
protected by her father.

To him, she was a treasure.

They did everything together,

thick as thieves.


All my security is FBI.

One of your agents planted it.

That agent will be rooted out.

She arranged some leverage.

It's not a surprise.

But the question is, what is she after?

- Seven.
- [BUZZ]




Hey, baby.



What's up?

Talk to me.

How long have you been my girl?

- Since the swing set at PS .

You gotta know I would never
do anything to hurt you.

And I need you to
consider that doing this...

Is helping you.


You're scaring the hell out of me.



It's best for us.

We said we'd see the
sentence through to the end.

We said we'd reevaluate after a year.

It's over for me.

A federal agent taking drug money

serves all ten years of his sentence.

You know that.

So you just decided...

Without a discussion.

You... you retained a... [SIGHS]

A thousand-dollar-an-hour firm?

I don't know how the
hell you pulled that off.


- It's for the best.
- No.




All units, new
takeover at Bowery.

Have a good one, Agent Turner.


I'll do that.





... setting up on Grand.

- ESU can stage there.
- Yes, sir.

Good morning.

- Bank squad? Robbery crew?
- On their way.

And the task force is canvassing

for any surrounding
surveillance footage.

Command post is settin' up this way.

The expl*si*n?

It was set off in the attic.

Easy access. Now buried in debris.

The crash from the chandelier

set off the shatter
sensor and locked them in.

- Getaway car?
- Lookin' for it.

So far, nothing.

- Six gunmen.
- No discernible way out.

On a Wednesday?

What day is their delivery?

Head of bank security said
they get their cash on Friday.

So right now, there's no
more than grand in there.

Elaborate entry for grand apiece?

Not sure any of them are named Einstein.

[SIGHS] Safety deposit?

We can look into that
from the command post.

Stop trying to drag me away, Anthony.

The boss is on his way,

and you two aren't interacting well.

And I sense you're running
a little hot this morning.

So if we are out of sight,

like at the command post,

maybe we could avoid some tension.

If he stays out of my face, we can.



You two, leave.

Work it from the office.


God, you're doing that
angry driving thing.

I know I'm supposed to
keep my mouth shut...

Watch and learn...

But damn it, all I'm learning

is how to get sent home
early from active scenes.

Owen filed for divorce.


You know what?

- Good.
- Anthony.

Do not.

I'm just saying maybe it's
an opportunity to move on.

We've been together since we were five.

He also knows the job

will never believe you weren't involved

as long as you're still married.

- They can go to hell.
- But they won't!

You will, though.

One demotion after another
until you can chart a spiral

from first Black female supervisor

in the criminal branch
of the New York office

to eventually lady in the basement

who can show you where the staples are.




- It's up.
- Surveillance New York Commerce.

The sleight of hand was cute,

but a little like a fish
on a dock sucking for air.


A little saying from childhood.

Don't poke a tiger with a short stick.

- The bank is surrounded.

Your people will not get out.

You will not be traded for hostages.

The stunt fell flat.

Well, let's see if the
next one will have a kick.


See, whether it's a
glitch in the auto-pay

or you actually neglected
the bill, our hands are tied.

- Over one payment?
- Unfortunately.



Hi, Mom.











- Everybody get down!



I am an honest agent.

Did I hide Owen's identity
when he popped on that wire?

No. I went to my ASAC within the hour

and reported, "My husband
may be involved in my case."

And for that, they wanna muscle me out?

If so, is it smart to
get up in their face?

You ever hear of an
old-time bootlegger?

Luther Darnell. I grew up next door

to his grandkids. Nice guy.

Stone-cold criminals,
like their grandfather.

Next door, the Baileys' dad.
Captain in the Three-Nine.

And mine? Uniform patrol.

Cops, hoodlums down every block.

So I know crime,

but I chose the other way.

And Owen did, too,

until he slipped, and
I still don't know why.

But until I do, he does not
get to dump this marriage.

And until the Bureau accepts my word,

they will get the street
fighter side of my DNA.

- All units, ...


REPEAT: all units, new takeover

at the First Capital Security Bank...

Another bank.

It's two blocks away. I plan to respond.

Do you have a problem with that?







- We're good.
- You gotta head back.

This whole sidewalk's closed.

I know this bank.

Solomon Santillana
has million in here.

- Cartel guy.
- From two years back.

I led the RICO case that put him away.

Word was, he had five
safe deposit boxes here

with diamonds, gold
coins, and crypto codes.

So what are we doin'?

I have the number to his burner phone.

He's in a level five federal pen.

He is, but he's resourceful.

And how do you have his number?

Cost me six Snickers

and a carton of smokes.

I'm resourceful too.



[WHISPERS] Val Turner.

Val Turner? Get out of town.

Val! Ha! I'm watching you on TV!

Solomon, you see what bank I'm at?

Oh, hell yeah.

Is it you? New York Commerce?

Hey, that is the nicest thing

anyone has said to me all week.

It's not a denial.

Val, I do not have
the plums or the people

to bang two New York banks in one hour.

Come on. And definitely not

from the joint. [LAUGHS]

Solomon, you do have
the plums and the people.

Well, it's not my business now.

No way. I'm serious here.

I'm about living right

and dropping fire beats.

[LAUGHS] No one would touch this bank

without your permission.

I'm tellin' you,

you're giving me way too much credit, V.

Appropriate credit.

There was only one person
you kneeled to, and...

You dropped off, Val.

There is that one person, isn't there?

You look tense.

Too much worrying.

Is it her?

She'd take this bank in a heartbeat,

and New York Commerce, and...

I've always respected you, Val.

All right?

I mean, you're the reason I'm here.

You put me away, so you're smart.

But do you remember the last time

you tangled with her?

Solomon, what do you know about this?

Good luck, Agent Turner.

Let's get this line back
at least another block.

We get these news...
How did these news crews

get in here before us, huh?

Why don't you let me
get him up to speed...

[SIGHS] You don't take a hint.

Sir, do you know the
name "Elena Fedorova?"

Arms trafficker?

She runs an international organization

of soldiers for hire known as SMT...

Skazka o Myortvoy Tsarevne.

Russian for "Snow White."

Where is this coming from?

Is she involved?

What do you know about her?

Keen military strategist,
loyal to no country.

Snow White handled money laundering

for Solomon Santillana.

We crossed paths in Gambia.

She tried to k*ll me or have me k*lled.

The jury's still out on
who pulled the trigger.

I have a five-volume subfile on her.

Have it on my desk ASAP.

I'm getting' real tired
of being sent away.

You dug your own grave.

If these two banks are
a Snow White operation,

it's likely there's a
larger strategy at play.

She thinks on a big scale, like...

She could be targeting more banks.

I suggest we put a Prevent Defense...

A Prevent Defense on all
banks in the city?

That's madness, Val.

Little pit stop?

What's this?

You know what a comm hub is?

Bank with a server farm?

Patrols communications between branches.

And secure transfers between
all banks in the city.

Unless you hack it.
Then it's not secure.

Then we're here to
raid the lollipop bowl.

If I'm Fedorova,

I hit it next.

What are we lookin' for?

Dudes with faces that
haven't downloaded?

We're lookin' for the rock in the river,

any disruption in the flow.

Looks like an office
building, but inside...

it's a fortress.


- [expl*si*n]







- All units, new takeover.
- Republic Bank of New York.

- All units, new takeover.
- America World Savings Bank.

Two more banks.


Agent Turner.

Get your files.

She's at Fort Totten.



This subfile... is extensive.

Her husband, Sergey. He died when?

months ago.

Why haven't I heard about this?

Doak hasn't been
interested in new business

- from me for a year.
- Well, we are.

He said you might have
insight into her endgame.

Five years ago, I was in Gambia,

doing interrogations
after an attempted coup.

A w*rlord named Kahlil laid
siege to a fishing village,

raping women as a demoralizing tactic.

Fedorova showed up out of
the blue with a team of five,

liberated the village within the hour.


The w*rlord ran out of cigarettes.

She sent in two cartons
laced with heroin.

minutes later, she
walked in unopposed.

So what, she just showed
up bucking for sainthood?

She slaughtered them all, so no,

she's not interested in sainthood.

Why is she in custody?

What, this not good enough?

She's been operating for years.

Why now?

We've been flushing her out with bribes

across eastern Europe for two months.

A waiter in Tverskaya tipped us

that she comes in same day every year.

She has her own army.

She's obsessively cautious,

and her operations
are overly engineered.

I'd consider she led you to her,

and this waiter may be involved somehow.

You give her a lot of credit.

I'm not sure you give her enough.

I need the name of that waiter.


Necati Acar.

No record with the Russian Politsiya.

Nothing with Interpol. Brick wall.

If she led us to her,

find out why.



Agent Valerie Turner.

Took you long enough.


You've been expecting me?

Since I got here.

I've been hoping to meet you since...

You tried to put a b*llet in my head?


It went right where it was aimed.

So I'd trace it.

- You could've sent a card.
- I did.

An hour ago.


You're impressive.

Solomon Santillana was
untouchable until you.

We're not here to discuss me.

Oh, but we are.

I've been chased by law
enforcement all over the world.

So many personalities.

Although most clock in for a pension.

Of course, there's the crooks...

with a badge.

Then there's you.

Your devout faith

in the institution you
serve, Agent Turner.

You actually turned your
husband in to the FBI

and thought you'd be rewarded.

You can't let go...

even if it destroys you.

You're a unicorn.

You're gonna make me blush.

Is blind faith a compliment?

You may be dazed

from your ride in the shipping box,

but I'm here to offer
you an opportunity...

To help myself. Don't.

To communicate your goals.

For leniency?

You've studied me. When do I negotiate?

You negotiated to get
your husband's corpse

out of Crimea.

Cost you six cruise missiles, right?

For someone who grew up
ruled by an institution

that abandoned you
and left you for dead,

not having control is challenging.

But we're not some third-world country

you can steamroll.

So unless there's another explanation,

the bank takeovers are what?


Now you're dazed.

But divorce will do that to you.


Pending divorce.

I know what you're thinking:
"I just got the papers."

You looked into my husband?

You looked into mine.

Sergey Vodianov was a part

of a criminal organization.

So was Owen Turner.

For what it's worth,

I never found anything close
to what you were accused of:

shielding Owen from prosecution.

And I never found evidence it
was you who poisoned Sergey.

A false rumor.

He was the love of my life.


I have a little story to tell you.

A fairy tale...

About a girl who loved her father.


Her father taught the girl
everything about surviving

the cruel world.

He taught her to k*ll.

Or she'd be k*lled.







Are you telling me this
to prove you're a k*ller?

That's well documented.

I'm telling you this because
you worked so hard to know me.

But you know nothing.

Why is it so important
that I know the real you?

One day, you'll drop the blind faith

and join a partnership.

You should know your partners.

The little girl loved her father.

He was her hero.

She was his princess.


This little girl grew up
in a world of great cruelty.

But this is a story about the day

that little girl... grew up.

It's a different kind of fairy tale.

You're a mother.

I didn't know that till
now. I saw the stretch marks

from pregnancy. Where's the child?

- Safe.
- Sergey's?


Tell me what you want to accomplish.

[SIGHS] This again.

My attorney is James Glover.
I would like to speak with him.

When the hell have you
ever hid behind a lawyer?

You're playing coy?


That's not the woman I saw in Gambia.

You wanted to take back the
village, you took it back.

You wanted to cut off
the blood diamonds,

you imploded the mine.

I saw it with my own eyes.

Your eyes should tell
you that the cigarettes

have already been dipped.

Kahlil's mine.

You could've taken a billion out of it.

But you blew it up.

You following that pattern here?

Keep asking good questions.



- What happening?
- The mole.

Manzer is his name.

Caught him on surveillance

planting the message card on Doblin.

Oh, he's got this too.

- See that?
- You're not bulletproof.


You're never gonna get her.

Everything you took,

she's gonna have back
by the end of the day.

Just get him out of here.

Are you gonna take that as confirmation?

Of what?

The Second Bank Fedorova took

is used by the Bureau
for confiscated funds.

Hers are there.

From what that dumb son of a bitch said,

she's gonna try to reclaim her funds

and redistribute them
through the comm hub.

Taking back money is small time for her.

She just told you it was like Gambia.

The bank manager inside
texted that there's access

through a vent. We are moving now.

Look, this is a misread.

Gambia is about bigger
game, and the biggest bank

in New York is-is...

Federal Reserve.

How is she gonna steal
, tons of gold?

I suggest we divert an FBI SWAT team...

Okay, seriously.

Réal, who the hell put her in charge?

I am filling a vacuum.

We have been manipulated all day,

and now she calls in
a dirty agent to, what,

make a pal?

I am not dirty.

- Agent Turner.
- [WHISPERS] Agent Turner.

raid-secure the second bank.

In the meantime, there's a SWAT
unit on the way from Boston.

I'll assign them to the Federal Reserve.

I would devote more resources...

[WHISPERS] Agent Turner!

really nice work in there.

Take the win.




Anthony. What do you got?

Val. Are you sure the...

Federal Reserve?

Off a lead I'd call tenuous,

which is a nice way of saying flimsy.

- Look...

H-hold on.

Agent Turner.

- Hello, Mrs. Turner.
- This is Michael Bagnall.

I'm representing Owen in
your divorce proceedings.

Wow, okay, you have abysmal timing.

Is there really a good
time for this kind of thing?

- Then maybe not.

Hey, you there?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Things are blowing up here.

They're going all in to retake the bank.

Can we get some quiet in here?

They're wrong about this,

and all hell is gonna break loose.

Anthony, wear your vest.

Way ahead of you.

They're here.

It won't be long now.

Pretty soon, we're going to
be like a corduroy pillow:

making headlines.


I think we already are.

Think about the goal.

Together forever.

Stay cool, my love.



We've dropped through
the manhole in Avenue A.

Proceeding to the utility
access room under the bay.

Acknowledge once in place.

Maintain comms on channel four.

Copy. Proceeding to the bank's

boiler room and water main.

There's visual on access.

We're seconds from entry.


We'll access the bank lobby
through the ventilation system.

I've got eyes on it.

Green light to execute.





Get the hell out of there!

Go, go, go!


We need to put a Prevent Defense

on all banks in the city.

Do we seem sloppy to you?

Do you think we don't know this bank?

Who works here, their
habits, personalities...

who might play big shot texting
the FBI with a burner he uses

to communicate with his mistress.

No more heroics, Mr. Lawton.

Give it to me.






Fed police have it locked down.

But I don't see Boston SWAT.

- They're a minute out.
- They weren't racing.

They're more of a
covering-the-bases measure.

Leaders and diplomats
enter on Pine, am I right?

The back entrance?

Yeah, yeah, I'm seeing the back way.

Probably locked down too.

Why don't you get back to Avenue A?

No way Doak sends us packing now.

- Son of a bitch.
- It's the waiter.


- [g*nshots FIRE]

Go, go!

- [g*nshots FIRING]




Abida! Abida!

- I've got the girls.
- Stay where you are.

There may be more sh**t.

Anthony, sh*ts fired at the Reserve.

Boston SWAT has the scene.

We're gonna hole up in the Reserve.

Damn it, Val.

You're gonna give me a heart attack.

- Hold on.


Agent Flowers, this is
Commander Dowd, Boston SWAT.

We're in gridlock. ETA unknown.

Val, I don't know who you're with,

but it's not Boston SWAT.

- What's happening?
- What's happening?


You come for these kids...

You die.

The woman they took is Ameera Ojjeh,

Saudi industrial magnate

and board member of the Federal Bank.

You know what that means?

She has the biometrics
to open the vault.

She comes once a year for admin duties.

This time, she brought her
kids to show them the gold.

I called it, Anthony.

Doak said the scene is yours
to coordinate down here.

That's a good thing, Val.

Don't screw it up.





My attorney is James Glover.
I would like to speak with him.


- ♪
- _


This is Mike Bagnall.

Does your partner
represent Elena Fedorova?

Our firm does represent Ms. Fedorova.

And you just happen to
represent my husband...

A firm there's no way he could afford.

Are you coercing him?

Agent Turner, let's meet at Delmonico's.

- Never heard of it.
- You need to...

It's right behind you.

You have one minute to explain,

or I take you into custody.

Agent Turner, I'm gonna present

an opportunity to help your husband.

So your client's been meddling

in the personal life of a federal agent?

Ms. Fedorova has evidence

that could prove Owen's innocence.

She has a trade to propose...

your help in a certain matter
for your husband's freedom.

And this evidence...

how did she come by it?

She's the one who framed him.

You're under arrest.

And you have something on your coat.

I'll be coming for you both.

It would be much easier
for us to come for you.

Ms. Fedorova can explain further.

Have a nice day, Agent Turner.




What's this? What the hell's going on?

Are we being hacked?

Looks like he's in a crawl
space between two buildings.

What's next door?

Another bank.

Fidelity Bank of New York.

Make 'em retake it.

- Storm the vault now!
- It's locked down.

No entry. We put up a Prevent Defense

at all banks in the city.


Have I got your attention?


Stop now, or I go off book.

It's not pleasant.

But it's really effective.


I can't wait.


Last chance.

And I'm being generous here.

Before we continue,

I suggest you resign immediately.

Okay, uh, I'm gonna
decline that suggestion

and give you one of my own.

Shove it up your a...





Your grandmother's.

Don't worry. The rabbit is safe.

But there are other things
in that safe deposit box

you don't want public...

crypto keys, proof of embezzlement,

zip drive photos of Ms. Batista.

Snow White and the seven banks.

So that's what all of this is about?


Afraid you're next?

You're not.

You are.


I took over seven banks.

But not for money.



You want to know why?


For power.

For revenge.


Or for something as simple as love.



It's under way.

Good luck, Sergey.


I won't need it, Owen.

Elena is in charge now.

I'll be out soon.


The worst day of my life,
and I still almost got you.

What do you think I'll do tomorrow?

Small thinking.

What's in motion will eclipse
you, the FBI, the government.

You're going to learn
a lot, Agent Turner.

You have no idea who
you're dealing with.

There's the old street fighter.

I have another story to tell you.