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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 02/28/22 07:47
by bunniefuu
Can I ask what you're doing here?

I'm the doctor who delivered
your nephew.

That's why I'm asking if it's

for you to be here with my sister.

The mum's lodged a complaint.

Is that your statement? I've not
even started mine yet.

I've only managed seven words and
a coffee stain.

Write that you discussed with me
over the phone

and that I advised you
to send her home.

I know you hoped I'd marry Helen,

Mum, you've mentioned it every 40
minutes for the last five years.

Would your friend like a chocolate?
Boyfriend, actually.

I'm very happy, and we love each
other, and we're gay.

Both of you?

Will you marry me? Of course I will.

TRACY: Bye! Don't forget her lunch!

MAN: Yeah, I know, darling.


♪ Cradle me, I'll cradle you


♪ I'll win your heart
with a woop-a-woo

♪ Pulling shapes just for your eyes

♪ So with toothpaste kisses

♪ And lines

♪ I'll be yours and you'll be

♪ Lay with me, I'll lay with you

♪ We'll do the things that lovers do

♪ Put the stars in our eyes

♪ And with heart-shaped bruises

♪ And late night kisses, divine... ♪

Come on.


Dozy twat!



All right!

So, doing anything fun tonight?

Yes, actually. I thought I'd, erm,
go home three hours late,

get shouted at
and fall asleep on the toilet.

There should be some kind of
legal form

that people have to sign before
they date doctors.

What, like sex offenders do?
Yeah, exactly.

Your girlfriend must be used to the
late nights by now, though, right?

Fiance, actually.

Oh, congratulations!

And it's F-I-N-A-N-C-E.


No, I meant, erm, as E.

The male version.

I'm gay.

Oh, shit. Oh, sorr...

Erm, I didn't... It's fine.

My alpha-male demeanour clearly
threw you off the scent.

So, who proposed, then?

We both sort of did, actually.

In a graveyard. Obviously.

We're actually exchanging
the rings tonight.

That's lovely.

Do you have a special someone
you apologise to?

Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

I'm actually in a polyamorous

three-way relationship right
now, so it's me,

gynaecology textbooks and
a bucket of cheap chow mein.

Right. How does the sex work
with the three of you?

Hm! Sounds intriguing!

Right, this complaint, then.

I've just sent off my statement,

and when you do yours,
you're obviously going to say

what happened
on the night in question.

Yeah, of course.

That you told us
to send the patient home.

Yeah, but that was
before it was a complaint.

Now I think we need to be

a little more scrupulous
with the facts.

f*ck! He's withdrawing
what he said. The bastard!

He's withdrawing it
like a condomless cock

and spraying it in our faces.

You sent her home without asking me.

That's the truth,
and I strongly suggest

that that's what you write
in your statements.

Fudging the facts
can only make things

worse in the long run.

Of course, Mr Lockhart.

I've always wondered what the
underneath of a bus looks like.

Well, off you go.

Shut the door.

I thought you said
this wasn't a disaster.

"This isn't a GMC thing.

"We're not going to
get struck off."

It's precisely a disaster.

But can't we just write
the truth on our forms

and sweat it out?

Well, I would do that, obviously,

but I've already submitted
my statement.

And you wrote...?

That he told us
to send the patient home!

I mean, what was I supposed
to say to him?

"That's so kind to offer,
but, no, thanks."

Listen, it's fine. I'll handle it.

I've got something. It's fine.

You'd better.

Got nothing. It's very un-fine.

Yes, I'm still really enjoying it.

Nine babies now.

Yeah, they went really well.

Yeah, their parents
all named them Shruti, so...

No, Mum, that was a joke. I was...

I was obviously joking.
They don't really do that.

No, I can't next week.
That's not how the rota works.

Yeah, of course I'm eating.

Oh, er, that's my bleep going off.

Yeah, I'd better get that.

Uh-huh. Will do.



Yeah. Love to Dad.

OK, bye. Bye.


All right?

Here. Use this.

That stuff'll sand your face off.

Thank you.

Oh, thank God you're here. Go on.

I have been totally abandoned.
I'm on my own here today.

Tracy and Ria have been sent off

on some stupid course, and we've got
triplets to deliver.

Triplets? Exactly. Three times the
chance something'll go wrong.

Triplets happen
one in every 6,500 pregnancies.

Not often on a labour ward
do you get the chance

to do something
you've never done before.

Today of all days!

What are the odds? Go on, what are
the odds? Of triplets?

Oh, erm, one in 4,000?

Actually, that's wrong.
Once you take IVF into account.

All right, Stephen Dorking.

Erm, who's the consultant on today?

Erm, I think it's Ms Houghton.

I saw her in the toilet.

Can I have a quick word?

Yeah. No midwives, no ward clerk,
and now the doctors are leaving.

OK, so, this statement thing,
right? It's easy.

All you should do is just,
like, send in a new one.

Yeah? Like, just say
you made a typo or something.

Right. One of those typos where

I accidentally falsified
my whole story.

Well, you have to do something.
It's my career, too.

Don't suppose there's anybody
f*cking working here today,

is there? Sorry, Ms Houghton.

We were just, er... All right, you.

I hope those shoes
have got steel toecaps.

We're going to kick today
a whole new arsehole.

OK... Are you going to do something

or just stand there like
a bottle of f*cking mayonnaise?

Why don't you get
a round of coffees in?

Tell you what,
get yourself one, too.

Sorry, darling. The bus broke down.

No problem, just grab
a name badge and find a seat.

So, as I was saying, geriatrics
should now be referred to as...

.."care of the older person".

"Care of the older person"?
They make it sound like a spa.

I don't know why they don't
just go the whole hog,

call it
"care of the inevitable".

I'm sure it used to be called that
three directives ago.


Anything I can help you with,

Oh, we were just saying that
it's, erm, it's great that, er,

older patients will no longer
be crippled

by old-fashioned language. We...

We don't say "crippled".



Patients should now be
referred to as..."clients".

That's because the word "patient"

actually stems from the Latin
"patiens", which....

If they're clients,
then what are we?

Prostitutes? Well, at least
if I was a prost*tute,

I wouldn't have to put up
with that prick.

I wouldn't bet on it.


I'm just equipping you with

the right language
to do your jobs properly.

I'm sure my patients
will be thrilled.


BOTH: Clients!

Did you go to f*cking Brazil
for those?

Sorry, there was, erm, only one
person working at the coffee shop.

"There was a lah-lah-lah-lah-lah."

Keeping the change, or what?

Yeah. Ms Houghton, I've been
thinking a lot about triplets.

No-one wants to hear
about your wank bank.

Very pithy.

So, what I meant was, erm,

with regard to
the forthcoming operative

delivery of the triplets... Oh!
Such verisimilitude, Dr Kay.

I don't know what it means.

I just felt the need to join in
with the fancy words.


..about the, er, triplets, erm...

..I wonder if you might allow me
to perhaps do the Caesarean.

I've obviously done several sets
of twins, and, erm... would be an incredible boost

to my professional development
to have the opportunity

to, erm, to learn your technique.

What the f*ck do you think
the technique is?

You pull the babies out

till there aren't any more
f*cking babies to pull out.

Right, shall we go and meet
the parents?

Sorry, "encounter the progenitors".

I'd say this is going very well.

Hi! I'm Adam,

one of the doctors, and this
is Ms Houghton, the consultant.

This is nice, isn't it?

It's like having a town crier.

My name's Vicky. You are...?

I'm Jasmine, and this is Dave.

Lovely. I hear you've got
a little something for me.

Oh, erm, yeah,
three little somethings.

Three Little Birds.
Do you remember that one?

Come on, you know it.

♪ Three little birds

♪ Pitched by my doorstep

♪ Singing sweet songs

♪ Of melodies pure and true

♪ Saying, this is a message
to you-ou-ou... ♪


♪ ..Singing don't worry

♪ 'Bout a thing

♪ Cos... ♪

Come on, you're up, guys.

BOTH: ♪ E...Every little thing

♪ Is gonna be all right... ♪

♪ Rise up this morning... ♪

Yeah, I'm not going to lie,
we don't get triplets in here

every day! Thank goodness.

Yeah, thank goodness.
Last thing we need's

a world shortage of bootees
and bonnets!

You're in safe hands.

I mean, we've got three goes, so

by the time the last one's out,
we'll be great at it, won't we?

You got names sorted?

Yeah. We reckon so.

Milly, Billie and Lily.

It's difficult finding
three names that rhyme.

No comment.

What time do you want
to get her round to theatre?

Well, there's no time
like the present.

Shall we see
if the theatre's ready?

I think someone's toast's burning.

Probably just electing a new Pope.

Yeah, Pope Eggs Benedict XV!

Pope Shepherd's Pius II.

"Shepherd's Pius"!

Did you hear that? Yeah.

TRACY: Sorry, can we get back
to the triplets?

What, Huey, Dewey and Louie?

Bordering on child abuse.


Had one the other week called


Yeah, I'm sure the patients

on the labour ward
apologised for not having

your level of education, Dr Kay.

Well, I didn't... Shruti, you're
doing the triplets.

You, why don't you get yourself
down to A&E,

see if you can clear some
of the backlog?

There's a bloody good
bloody old chap.

Hi, Erika. How are you doing?

Oh, you know, pomme ci, pomme ca.

It's actually...

Yeah. Can I ask you a question
about mist?

Erm, yes, I...guess.

Well, he's got a lump
on the back of his head.

Sorry, what...?

Look, you can see
under his hat, look.

He's got a lump right at the back.
Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't realise you'd... Mist.

What a nice name.

What's wrong with calling
a baby Steve once in a while?

Does it have, erm,
a special meaning?

Oh, yeah, yeah, it does, actually.

It's like a type of rain.

Could you...have a look for me?

Oh, that's not really my speciality.

Best to ask the baby doctors
when they come round.

Yeah, but they haven't been
round yet this morning,

and I tried to get someone
to come over,

but no-one's coming over,
so I'm getting...

Have a quick look.

It's just under here.

Can you see?

OK, erm, that's called
an occipital protuberance.

Oh, my God!

Will... Will he be OK?

Yeah. It's normal.
You've got one here.

Oh, did he catch it from me?

What, is his brain
going to be, like...all right?

Erm, honestly, it's nothing
at all to worry about.

Sorry. Thank you, Dr Adam.

You're just the best!

All part of the job.

I hope you don't mind
me asking, sorry,

but why have you made
a complaint about me?

Oh, no, no, it's not about you.

It's about the hospital.

Right, it's just that it does put
quite a lot of pressure,

you know, sort of stress on me.

Oh. Erm...

It's just my sister said we should
get something back after...

..after what happened.

Sure. OK.

Don't judge me.

Erika, sorry, I don't m-m-mean to

speak out of turn.
Erm, I'm just wondering if...

..maybe the reason that
you haven't been able to see

a baby doctor this morning
is because they're avoiding you,

in case, you know,

you complain about them, too.

But they wouldn't do anything to put
my baby in danger, though.


Listen, if I was looking after him,

it wouldn't affect my care one bit.
I just...

I can't speak for everyone here.

But ignore me, because I...

Yeah, I shouldn't have
said anything.

What do you think I should do?

Erm, I think you're going
to figure it out.

You know, mums know best.

And stay strong, really, for Mist.


We've been here for about an hour!

Come on, then.

Here we go. OK?

Big pull.

There you are.

Are you sure
you don't want to do it?

Yeah, you're kind to offer,
mate, but what I actually want

is 20 Rothmans Superkings,

and at the moment you're standing
in the way of them.

Right, bang a finger
in there, then. That's it.

OK, nearly there. OK.

Just a few more seconds. Yeah.

OK. The good news is, I can't
see any cause of the bleeding.

And what are you doing this evening?

Funny you should ask.

I'm going to this restaurant
that we really love.

Oh, OK, great. Er, can you call
the New York office

when they open and get someone
to overnight the documents?

Uh-huh. Ooh, yeah, and make sure
someone from derivatives

knows they're coming.
Fab. OK, thanks so much.


It's like the front row
at SeaWorld here.

OK, see if you can grab a leg.


Um, I'm pretty sure that's an arm.

It's been a long time since
I've been at med school, but...

Do you want to have another try
of the lucky dip there, Shruti?

Got it. Beautiful!

Right, yeah, I think I can see
what the problem is.

Any idea how
he might have got in there?

First baby coming up.





Stick or twist?

All right. Guys, she's going again.

Erm, one question.

Why have you got a bottle in here?

It's got my mum's piss in it.

Forgive me for asking
a follow-up question...

It's a drug test
for my probation officer.

You're creating a lot of
paperwork for me here.

How about...I fell on it?

We have a winner.

Oi, oi, oi. I need that.

Give me my shit, man.


Two for the price of one. Hooray!

Hello, sweetheart.

Right, what do you reckon, are we
going in for number three? Mm-hm.

You're doing great.


Thanks for that.

Empathy. Lovely, Ian. Thanks.

Confidentiality? Terrific!

Erm, compassion. Great!

Next time I'm pregnant
with triplets,

I'm getting you to do them.

Bang-up job there. Thank you.

Oh, shit! What?

I think you left
some scissors inside her.

You'd better open her up again.

Oh! Erm... OK. I'm so sorry!
I, erm...





Ms Houghton, erm,

I was wondering if you might
have a free moment for me

to pick your brain about something?
About work, really.

I can pop by your office
if you've got a free minute.

Sounds awful. Here's a better idea.
How about we do it

over a quattro stagioni
and a bottle of Jacob's Creek?

Well, I wouldn't want to
take up too much of your time.

Do I look like I eat slowly?

Finish off the skin. I need to take
my lung medicine.


Dr Kay?

I was told you'd be down here.

My sister's in bits, thinking
she's endangered her baby.

Erm, I'm sorry, I don't know what...
How could you say that to her?

You don't understand.

I, er, I didn't say
that she had, erm...

I, erm, had worked two shifts

the day I delivered her,
I'd slept for three hours

in two nights. There was all
this pressure at the hospital.

I had to miss
my best friend's stag do.

How dare you try
and make me feel bad!

We're exercising our legal rights.

Your mistake had consequences
for my sister and my nephew.

And that's going to have
consequences for you.

OK, next one.

"Suffers from." "Suffers from."

What do we say instead?

"Lives with"? "Lives with," yeah.

Thanks, Ian. OK, next one.

"Differently abled."
"Differently abled"!

Well, the blue team are on fire!

Er, yeah,
question from the red team.

Tracy? What's wrong
with saying "disabled"?

Remember this morning?
We talked about inclusivity.

This is what we call a...

"Negative." "Negative," yeah.

Thanks, Ian. And we shouldn't
be using negatives.

All that will happen is that
the patients won't understand

what we're talking to them about.
Isn't it "clients"?

Yeah, it is "clients", actually.

Erm, next one.

"Birth defect."

We haven't got
a working printer on our ward.

We've had a leak in the ceiling
for over four years,

and this is what they're
spending their money on?

As your facilitator,

it's my job to remind you
of the four pillars of the trust.


PAGER: ..crash call
to Accident & Emergency.

That's obstetric team...


I should... I should probably...


Adam Kay, obstetrics.
Who's running the arrest?

Kiran Chowdry, A&E.
That was quick. Good man.

Came in feeling
short of breath. 37 weeks,

first baby, collapsed
on her way to the cubicle.

No respiratory effort,
no pulse for three minutes now.

I want to stay with my wife!

Get me a scalpel.

Perimortem section. What, now? Here?

You've had one cycle of CPR
with no output.

I'm delivering.
You done this before? Yep.

Well, I've delivered babies before.


Scissors. Scissors.

I'm delivering. Off the chest.

Help me? Yep.

This is a case of nothing to lose.

The patient is basically
already dead.

The baby is pressing against
her major blood vessels.

This is our only chance
of resuscitating her.

OK, pull.

You'll notice the slight lack
of blood.

Dead patients don't tend
to pump any blood around.





One... Keep pumping it.

..two, three...

..four, five...

Heart rate is below 60.

TRACY: OK. Ready?

One, two, three. One.
One, two, three.

Two. One, two, three.

Three. One, two, three.

Four. One, two, three. Five.

Yeah! Hello, darling!

Hello, sweetheart!

FATHER: You saved the wrong one!

You saved...
You saved the wrong one!

Come on, love.


What about direct cardiac massage?

What? You mean open the chest?

Do it through the diaphragm.
Come on!

DR CHOWDRY: OK, pause compressions.

What's... What's happening?

There's cardiac output.
Are you still massaging?

No. She's doing that herself.

Right. OK.

Large swabs!

Now, quickly! And we need
to get her into theatre.

Hold this tight until
the second she's in theatre.

Right, let's get her
onto a trolley. Come on.

f*cking hell, mate. Right, come on,
let's get a wiggle on.

NURSE: Ready? One, two, three.

Lift! Do you want to close up
or just have a massive brandy?

Er, do you mind doing it?

That's proper obstetrics there.
You did amazing.


"You did amazingly."

FATHER: Thank you. Thank you!
Thank you!

Thank you, thank you! Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you!

Theatre 2 ready now.

Er, Dr Kay? Can I have a word?


Some of us
have been delivering triplets.

How was it?

Yeah, it was great. I can't believe
I actually managed it.

Mm. We were all quite shocked.

How was A&E?

Yeah, you know, the usual crap.

Had a bit of good news, though.

You're finally going on that
communication skills course?

Um, Erika dropped the complaint.

Oh, my God!

Are you serious? How the hell
did you manage that?

You don't want to know
how the sausage gets made.

But you can sleep easy tonight.

Sleep? No, I'll revise easy.

Oh, Adam, I'm really worried
about the lady in Room Five.

Would you mind taking a look?
I'm leaving now.

I don't think I've ever
said those words before.

Shruti's more than capable
of looking after your patient.

I've definitely never
said those words before.

Jesus! I was expecting
to wait here two hours.

Don't worry. This is just
a hologram. Adam's still at work.

Knew it.



Very good.

How was work? It was fi...

You know what? It was brilliant.

This pregnant woman collapsed
straight in front of me in A&E,

so I took a scalpel and, erm...

How much gory detail do you want?

All of it. Unless it's going
to put me off my dinner.

You know, the weird thing
about being a doctor

is that everyone thinks
you're always saving lives.

But, actually, it's pretty rare
to be able to say that today,

I literally...


PJ and Kenzie.

They're going out later.
PJ and Kenzie?

Didn't they get knocked out
at Judges' Houses?

You've met them.

PJ's 21st on the roof of...

Oh, no, you were working,
weren't you?

You know Ian? Yes, I do.

He looks a bit like Ian.

Can I get you an aperitif
to kick things off?

Mm, I'll have a champagne,
please. Non-vintage.

And I'll have a Foster's. Vintage.


Guess, er, guess what's in here.

Oh, I love this game.

Is it the b*llet that k*lled
Tupac Shakur?

No, no, the complete works
of Shakespeare

written on a grain of rice.
A butt plug for a cat?


It's beautiful.

The cat's going to love it.

You know what it is?

It's, erm...

An engagement ring?

So, you remember
our first weekend away?

At the Giant's Causeway?

This was the penny you put in the
machine that squidged it down.

And I, erm...I made it into a ring.

Well, don't just stare at it.
Put it on.

I hope you like it.

You're kind of wearing it
for ever now, so...

I love it.

Good, cos God knows how
I turn it back into a penny.


Right, so, where are we going to

have the engagement party, then?

Er, we could have a little, erm...

..dinner party at our, er, our flat.

Yeah, we could totally do that.

Or we could do something fun.


Oh, PJ and Kenzie are asking
if we want to go to Squirt.

Not for the engagement party?
After dinner.

Oh! What do you reckon?

Sure. Although we should ask
if they do functions.

How does your mum feel
about harnesses?

MS HOUGHTON: So, we're all standing

staring at this X-ray
of an 80-year-old woman,

wondering why she's got a load
of tiny little bones inside her.

I said, "All right,

"get her in the stirrups,"

had a rummage around.

Turns out she's got half a box
of KFC shoved up there.

Oh, my God!

Wow! Do you want some more wine?

Oh, just a little bit. Thank you.

That's... That's fine, thank you.


Erm, this is so kind of you,

Honestly, it means so much
to have a consultant

just, like, give me some time.

Ah, we've got to stick together,
don't we, mate?

I mean, yeah, I mean,
I honestly thought

I was, like, the only doctor
in the country who wasn't

the captain of a quidditch team
at some poncey private school.

Full disclosure, mate.

My dad's the Duke of Bedford.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

I-I didn't mean to offend you.
I was just...

He played darts in
the Duke of Bedford.


So, what did you want
to talk to me about?

Erm, oh, OK. Erm...

Well, er...

Er, well, you know that Caesarean
today? Yeah.

It felt like the first time I'd
actually done something right

at work. Huh!

I just feel
so incompetent there.

The whole time, you know?

Like a total fraud.

And I'm lying to my parents,

because they are so proud
of what they think I've achieved.

So much of the job is just so...

Oh, it's just no-one tells you
how upsetting it is.

Do you know what I mean?

I feel like I'm the first doctor
to have cried in the toilet.

And, you know, like,
patients almost bleed to death,

and babies get sick, and...

..a husband basically assaulted me.

And everyone else is, like,
"Fine, yeah,

"this is just the job."

It's not fine!

Is it?

And where's the support?

And even if there was any,
I wouldn't have time,

because I'm working 14 hours
a day and then revising

in between for God knows
how many more. I just feel so... constantly overwhelmed.

Like you're permanently
fighting fires

and you haven't got the right kit.


Yeah, that is exactly it.

Are you sure you're
in the right job?

What do you mean?

Well, it's a difficult job.

What do you want me to say?
"It gets easier"? It doesn't.

By the time you retire,
there's going to be a bus load

of dead babies with your name on it.

If you can't handle that fact,
maybe you should get out now.

Well, no-one's making you
be here, are they?

That's just you and
some f*cked-up fantasy

you've got about
what your parents will think.

You need to decide, number one,

do you really want to be doing this,

and, more importantly, number two,

are we going to get another glass
of limoncello in, or what?

Yeah, sure.



Hey, there's a queue here, ladies.

Harry Muir plus one.

I can't see it here, love.

Oh, well, we tried.
Have a...lovely evening.

All right, Grandad.

Erm, it could be under Kenzie.

Hang on, let me look.

We don't want to put you out.
It doesn't matter.

Come on!

What the point of being engaged
if we can't brag about it?

Er, or PJ, maybe.

Oh, here y'are. Go on, get in.

Thanks a bunch.
Now I have to go in here.

Well, he seems fun, love.

Hey, cut it out.

Erm, excuse me?



Honey? Two, please.


Oh, my God, you must be
the famous Adam.

I've heard so much about you.

I'm PJ.

It doesn't ring a bell.

No. Goodness, no.
I thought it was a mint.

I can't. I'd get struck off.
I'm a doctor.

Yeah. I heard.

Shot? I don't do those either,
I'm... Oh, my God, come on.

Everyone's doing them. Yeah, I don't
generally do things

just because everyone does them.

I only asked if you wanted
to do a shot,

not commit mass m*rder.

Oh, I'd do that.

Who's that over there?

That one there.

The really hot one
dancing with Harry?

That's Kenzie.

That's Kenzie. Erm, you know what?

I will have a couple of sh*ts.

I only offered you one.

Cheers. Cheers.

OK, come on, let's go join them.

I don't.... I'm fine.
What's it going to take?!

Some kind of major cerebral event.

Jesus, come on!

Please... Come on!

Guys? This is Adam.

I can see why you've kept him
hidden away.

♪ House of jealous lovers

♪ One hand ties the other

♪ House of jealous lovers... ♪


Breath of fresh air, love? Yeah.

I wasn't really into the cheap
cologne and aerosolised semen.

I know what'll cheer you up.
Why don't you buy me a drink?

I'm with someone.

Well, that's nice.
Has he got your wallet?

Can you just leave me alone? Gladly.

You know what, love?

If you go round life
hating everyone you meet,

maybe you hate yourself.

You not coming back in
for another dance?

Well, honestly, I would if the music
was less shit and I was less boring.

Boring? You're not boring.

Everyone's been raving about you.


..not raving, but PJ was...

..definitely positive.


You're all I talk about
to them, you know?

Shall we escape? We can have a...

..little dance.

I thought you said
you didn't like the music.

Not in there.

What? I've got some moves.

No, no, don't worry,
we'll fix that before the wedding.

♪ Should I try to hide the way

♪ I feel inside

♪ My heart for you?

♪ Would you say that you

♪ Would try to love me too?

♪ In your mind

♪ Could you ever be

♪ Really close to me?

♪ I can tell the way you smile

♪ If I feel that I

♪ Could be certain then

♪ I would say the things
I want to say tonight

♪ But till I can see

♪ That you'd really care for me

♪ I will dream

♪ That some day you'll be

♪ Really close to me

♪ I can tell the way you smile

♪ If I feel that I

♪ Could be certain then

♪ I would say the things
I want to say tonight

♪ But till I can see

♪ That you'd really care for me

♪ I'll keep trying to hide

♪ The way I feel inside. ♪

♪ Just another one of those days

♪ Days you're hanging on
by a thread... ♪