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01x10 - The Truth

Posted: 02/27/22 12:40
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

- You f*cking cheated?

- But you're, like, a nerd.

- I don't know, guys. Is she?

She's cheating on tests,

trying to bang a dude
on a teacher's desk.

I think she's,
like, a bad girl.

- Well, now I have a meeting
with President Lacey

and the Honor Board
to plead my case

so that they don't expel me.

- Damn, girl, your life's
a f*cking mess right now.

- Bela--
- No, she's right. It is.

- Well, it is all going
to work itself out.

Okay, and if it doesn't,

- Then what?

- I don't know, okay?
I thought you guys would

jump in with
something encouraging.

- Leighton!
- Oh, my God! Ugh.

- Okay, let's focus
on the positives, right?

Midterms are over and
tonight we're going to rage

our brains out at the
Anything But Clothes party.

Yes, yes.

- I, for one, will be making
a tasteful but extremely

revealing minidress
made out of caution tape.

And caution, I will
be showing some ass meat.

- Can you please not say
"ass meat" while we are eating?

- Leighton,
you're so repressed.

Table poll,
is the phrase "ass meat"

repulsive or charming?

- I don't like it.
- It's not great.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

Well, here comes Nico.
I'll ask him.

- Damn, he looks kind of mad.

- Leighton,
I need to talk to you.

- I'm kind of busy right now.
Can it wait?

- No, it can't. Let's go.

- Excuse me.

- I mean, we're going
to go eavesdrop, right?

- Yeah.

- ♪ Feel the sun on my face ♪

♪ We're gonna
halt on what day now ♪

♪ Walk down,
always have to go away ♪

- You had no right
to say anything to Maya.

- You were cheating
on two of my friends.

I am not the one
who was in the wrong here.

- I just don't understand
why you would do this to me.

- Oh, please,
no one did anything to you.

You did this to yourself.
I just put a stop to it.

- I just hate thinking
that they're fighting about me.

- No, I don't think
this is all about you.

- Because you f*cked Kimberly,
that's why!

- I mean, a good amount
is about you, sure.

- What would you know
about this anyway?

You've literally never dated

anyone seriously
in your entire life.

Oh, you were all about
Cory and then you go on

one date with him,
and you ghost him.

- Uh, because he was boring.

Have you seen his Instagram?
It's all sunsets.

- Do you think they stopped?
I can't hear anything anymore.

It's so quiet.

We just got here.

- I'm so sorry my hand grazed
whatever it grazed.

- Did you guys hear all that?

- No.
- Huh? No.

No, the doors are very thick.

- They're lying.
I heard it from the bathroom.

♪ ♪

- Eric?
- Up here.

- You sure you want
to be here for this?

- Yeah, I am.

- Uh, what's going on?

- We know what you did to Bela.

- And to Carla.

- Okay, well, I don't know
what you're talking about.

I didn't do anything.

- Yes, you did.

You assaulted both of us
and you know it.

- Look, you can deny it
all you want,

but we believe them,
and we made our decision.

We're kicking you out.

- Wait, can we slow down
for a second?

You're really going
to take her word over mine?

The girl who gave
eight hand jobs?

- Um, it was six hand jobs.

- And who cares how many
f*cking hand jobs she gave?

It doesn't make her
any less credible, you shit.

- Dude, you know
I wouldn't do this.

- So two different women
are just saying this

to take you down
for no reason?

It doesn't make any sense and
we're not gonna ignore that.

It's done.
- You can't just kick me out.

I'm a coeditor.
- Oh, really?

- Looks like
you're not anymore.


♪ ♪

- ♪ You set yourself apart ♪

- Oh, now I see why
you invited me over.

- Mm-hmm.
I'm using you for your body.

- Mm.

- What are you
gonna do about it?

- I'ma go willingly.
That's what I'm gonna do.

- I'm taking my shirt off.

- Oh, sorry.

It's just weird doing this
in Kimberly's room.

Is that her big-ass bra
behind you?

- Just ignore it.
- Mm-hmm.

- And look at my bra.

- Yes, it is a very,
very good bra.

- Mm-hmm.

Should I take it off?
- Uh-huh.

- Okay.
Oh, my God, dude.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It's just weird.

It's weird having sex
in your coworker's room.

Her stuffed panda
is staring at me.

- That's Penny.

- Don't tell me Penny's name.


Whitney, are you in there?

- Oh, my God.
- What?

- My mom is here.
- What?

- My mom is
at the f*cking door.

- Oh.

- Here,
put your f*cking shirt on.

- Okay,
you don't got to throw it.

- f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

- Oh, my...

- Mom, what are you doing here?

I thought you were
on your book tour?

- I am, but I thought
I'd make an extra stop

over here to ask you
about this.

- Okay, I just finished

your antivirus software.
Uh, all done.

- You put your shirt
on backwards.

- Mom, this is Canaan.

Uh, he--okay.

- I'm going to see you later.
- Yeah, go.


Perfect timing.
Look who's at the store.

It's your third grade teacher,
Mrs. Jarvis.

- Hi, Mrs. Jarvis.

- I can't see her.

- Aisle four.
She's got a real deep cough.

Very, very wet.

- Dad, I need to talk to you.

- Oh, is everything okay?

- I kind of did something bad.

- Kimberly, whatever it is,
you can tell me.

There's nothing you could say

that would make me
disappointed in you.

- I cheated on a test
and I got caught.

And now I might get expelled.

- Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ.

- Dad, I'm so sorry.
I know I messed up.

I--just please
don't be mad at me.

- Of course I'm mad.

What the hell, Kimmy?
This isn't like you.

- I know.
- What were you thinking?

- I wasn't, that's the problem.
I'm so stupid.

I don't know how to tell mom.
- Oh, God, don't do that.

We can just keep this
between us.

She will lose her shit.

Kimmy, it's okay
to not be perfect for once.

Lord knows I'm not perfect.

Remember when
I left grandpa's ashes

on the roof of the car
and drove away?

I love you, Dad.

- I love you, too.

But you got to find
a way to fix this.

- ♪ Not as easy ♪

- We'll see.

- ♪ Mind over matter ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Aloof joys and nostalgia ♪

- Mom, why are you
just showing up like this?

You could've called.

- And you could've called me
to tell me your team

was involved in
a full-blown sex scandal.

Little suspicious
I had to hear about it

from Carl instead of you.

- Carl, what the hell?

Okay, yeah, well, Mom,
you're wasting your time.

Everything's fine.
- Everything is not fine.

One of the coaches
was molesting a girl.

- Oh, my God.
No one was being molested.

I'm just saying.
They were both adults.

And it's over.
He's fired. He's gone.

- Whitney,

I cannot believe
I'm going to ask you this,

but since you don't tell me
anything about your life,

is it you?

- No.
- Well, then, who was it?

I need to make sure she's okay.

♪ ♪

- You told her what?

♪ ♪

- ♪ We're all running ♪

♪ As fast as we can ♪

♪ To the finish line
but what do we get ♪

♪ When it's over? ♪

♪ Does winning even matter
in the end ♪

♪ If it's over? ♪

♪ I'm done chasing
tomorrow down ♪

♪ I'm just... ♪

- Jeff, for the last time,

pieces about your cousin
are not funny.

Nobody knows who Emma is.

- She's, like,
crazy into horses.

There might be something there.

- There's nothing there.

- Bela, your piece about
Frankenstein being Jewish

and going on birthright
is pretty solid. Good work.

Everyone else, please make sure

you send in two more ideas
by tomorrow.

And, also, be sure to CC
our new coeditor, Evangeline.

- Uh, hello,
you forgot to mention

the first female coeditor
in "Catullan" history.

- Yes.
- Come on, guys.

Yes, girl!
- Whoo.

- Hey, I just want to say,

I think the way
things went down

with Ryan was
kind of f*cked up.

And to be honest,
some other people do, too.

- If you want
to defend a predator,

maybe you should leave, too.
- Whoa, whoa.

I don't think we need
to kick anymore people out.

- It was Ryan's word
against someone else's.

- Ryan's word didn't make
any f*cking sense.

You have no idea
what you're talking about.

- Says the girl
who benefitted from his exit.

- Are you f*cking kidding me?
- All right, everyone.

If we could calm down
and get back to the meeting--

- Actually, I'm gonna go.
- You should stay.

He should go.
- No, I want to go.

I came to Essex
because of "The Catullan,"

but I think it might suck.

In two months,
I've been called a slut,

I've been hate crimed
by an alum,

had some dude's d*ck
jammed into my back.

If this is what being on
"The Catullan" is like,

I'm sorry, I'm good without it.

- ♪ Baby,
give me all you got ♪

♪ Hm ♪

♪ I never make you
fall to your knees ♪

♪ And you'll fall again ♪

♪ I don't really know
where I'm going ♪

- I've decided what I'm going

to tell
the disciplinary committee.

I'm going to present them
with a compelling,

thoughtful, at times humorous
statement on who I am

and how I plan to learn
from this experience.

- Bitch, I'm asleep.

You can't go in there

If you want them
to go easy on you,

you have to
bring them something.

- Like treats?
- Like evidence, honey.

You stole that test
from Theta, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- Well, don't you think

that the Honor Board would like
to know about the large scale

cheating ring that's infecting
their beloved university?

- You think I should tattle?
- Hell, yeah.

It's them or you.

- So Willow's going to pretend
to be straight?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, that's not gonna work.

- Hey, do any of you
want my outfit

for the Anything But Clothes

I'm not going.
- What?

- Wait, you're not going
to the party with us?

You made Whitney go
to the Caribbean Night party

when she had mono.
- I had fluid in my lungs.

- Bela, you have to go.
We're all going.

- I can't. My soul is crushed.

My comedy dreams are over.

I guess now I'll just have
to become a lame scientist

who cures IBS or some shit.
- You're f*cking going!

- Dude, it's just a party.

- It's not.

I'm going to steal the tests
from Theta's closet

and turn them over
to the disciplinary committee.

- Holy shit.
- What?

White collar criminals
do this stuff all the time.

- Having grown up
on the Upper East Side,

I can confirm
that is absolutely true.

- Look, I'm just freaking out,

and I really want
you guys to be there.

- Well, all right, I'm in.
I can't miss this shit.

Let's go steal some test--
- Shh.

- So which one of you guys

wants to wrap this
around my ass?

- Nobody does. Stop.

- She would love to do it.
- You know what? Stop.

♪ ♪

- The next thing I knew,
we were kissing in his truck.

And not just kissing--
hand stuff, too.


You don't have to reveal
anymore than you want to.

- No, I think it's important
that we all hear this.

He took my flower.
- Wow.

Okay, this is getting
really personal.

- She's right.

I don't want
to overstep boundaries,

but if you need anything,
you let me know.

- All I need is to heal,

but I'm on my way.

- Senator Chase, hi.

Could I please
get a photo with you?

- Of course. Carl.

That's your mom?

- Take a photo of us.
Use that good angle.

- He took your flower?
- I know.

I'm deeply good at this.
Should I do drama?

- You are shockingly
great at this,

and I appreciate you doing it.

- Oh, I'm just getting started.

When your mama come back,
I'ma make myself cry.

- ♪ Oh ♪
- Cheers.

- Cheers, b*tches.

- Mm.
- Oh, Bela, what was that?

- It was carrot cake Schnapps.
It was on clearance.

- Yeah,
'cause it tastes like shit.

- I kind of liked it.
- Right?

- I can't get the taste
out of my mouth.

- ♪ Lucid dreams,
lucid dreams 'bout you ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ It's all that I can do ♪

♪ Lucid dreams,
lucid dreams 'bout you ♪

♪ Lucid dreams, lucid dreams
'bout you ♪

♪ 'Bout you, lucid dreams ♪

♪ Lucid dreams 'bout you ♪

♪ You are my weakness ♪

♪ Lucid dreams 'bout you ♪

- Let's do this.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Another classic ♪

♪ I'm feeling
f*cking fantastic ♪

♪ Normally want
to stay humble ♪

♪ But y'all know
for real I be macking ♪

♪ I'm dealing with ♪

- Hell, yes, we're going
to see some side d*ck tonight.

- I hope my mom
doesn't show up.

- So she really bought that
Willow is hooking up with him?

- I almost believed it.

- Hello, b*tches.


Lila, that outfit is awesome.

- Thanks. It's 320 condoms
from the student center

and I plan on using
all of them tonight.

Starting with you.
Hello, sir.

- ♪ All I know is that
you heard about me ♪

♪ Ah, sh**t,
I'm the baddest, baddest ♪

♪ That you ever had
in the room ♪

- Want to get two sh*ts each?
Pretend they're for friends?


- Four.
- Excuse me.

Uh, hi.
- What?

- Uh, sorry
if this feels creepy.

Um, but I've been
watching you all night.

- I've been here
for, like, six minutes.

- And those have been the best
six minutes of my life.

- Look, you're really charming

and all of this
is very impressive.

I'm just not
interested tonight.

- Fair enough.

♪ ♪

- Girl, if you say no to that,

what the hell
do you say yes to?

- Whew, he had, like,
an eight pack.

- Okay, all right.
- You know me.

The abs.
- Thank you.

- Should we talk about

your humiliating introduction
to my mom?

- No, no, let's actually
never talk about that again.

Actually, ever.

- Yeah, she is way too much.

- Doesn't seem like
too much to me.

She left her book tour
to make sure you were okay.

She obviously cares
about you a lot.

♪ ♪

Not to dampen the mood
or anything.

- I--I know.
We're at a party.

- Hey, Bela,
can we talk to you?

- Uh, yeah. Is everything okay?

How was the rest
of "The Catullan" meeting?

- It sort of ended
right after you left.

- So was everyone mad at me?

- Actually, after you quit,
Jo and I started talking

and we quit too.
- Are you for real?

- Yep, you were right.
That place is awful.

- I give it two weeks before

Jeff has a nervous breakdown
and moves home to Connecticut.

- And how the f*ck
did it take till now

for them to have
a female editor?

- Yeah, so that's what
we wanted to talk to you about.

We wanted to start
a new comedy thing with you.

- Ladies only.
- What do you think?

♪ ♪

- Yes. Hell, yeah.

Yes, yes.

- ♪ Say it tonight,
light all this ♪

- I kind of want to do it

but I also don't want
to get in trouble.

- Okay, if you want to do it,
you got to do it now.

He's not looking.
He's distracted.

- Okay, let's go.
- Come on.

♪ ♪

Hey, hey, hey.

Okay, hurry up.
It's a party.

There's, like,
a million people around.

- I've never done this before.
I'm not Tom Cruise.

Here they are.
- Okay.

Take it, let's go.

Holy shit,
is that why you wore that bag?

- Your girl knows
how to scheme.

- Okay.


- No, damn it, f*ck.
- No, no, no.

What the f*ck?

- What are you doing?

- What does it look like?

- I'm going to leave
you both to it.

- Are you doing this
'cause you're mad at me?

- I got caught cheating
with one of these.

- For real?

- Oh, shit.
- Yeah, it's not great.

So I was gonna hand these in
and try and save myself.

- You should.

- Seriously?

- I mean, if it helps you
not get expelled,

then it's worth it.

- Thanks.

I could also use
some duct tape.

- ♪ Light up the way ♪

- So he just let you
take the test?

- Yeah.
- That's so cool.

- Yeah, that is
surprisingly cool of him.

- Oh, my God, that's Eric.

He really stood up
for me today.

Wait a minute.

Eric! Eric!

- Bela?
What are you wearing?

- Oh, it's caution tape.

- Yeah, I can see that.

- So how's it going?
- Bad.

I had to irrevocably
end my relationship

with my best friend,
and I have to move out

of my apartment
because it's his.

And we lost
all our good writers.

So not the best day.

- Right, that makes sense.

Where are you gonna live?
- I don't know.

I could ask my dads
for rent money.

- Dads?
- Yeah, I have two dads.

- Oh, that's fun.

- You think it's fun
that I have two dads?

I do.

Yeah, I guess it's kind of fun.

- Well, I should go.
My friends are waiting for me.

But, um,
maybe I'll see you around?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- ♪ You know that damn right ♪

- Damn,
I'm freezing my ass off!

♪ ♪

♪ So I look you up ♪

♪ Open them ♪

♪ Take a minute, flow ♪

♪ 'Cause I'll come 'round ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

- I'm sorry to show up

Uh, can I come in?

- I don't think
that's a good idea.

- Why?

Someone else here?
- No.

I just don't think
it's a good idea.

- Okay.

- ♪ If I told you
that it hurt my... ♪

- Well, uh, I just...

I came to say that I, uh...

That I really miss you.

And this is where
it would be great

if you could say that
you also miss me too.

- I do miss you, but, um,

I also want to move on.

And like I said,
I don't want to go backwards.

I can't, so...

you need to move on too.

- ♪ So long ♪

♪ So long ♪

♪ So long ♪

♪ You're strong, so tough ♪

♪ But so wrong ♪

♪ And just
to prove you right ♪

♪ You want it, honey bear ♪

♪ To come over tonight ♪

♪ So I look you up ♪

♪ ♪

- I prepared a statement.

It's--it's kind of long.
- It's okay.

Kimberly, let's just start
with some questions.

- Oh.

- Is it true that you cheated
on Professor Bennett's midterm?

- Yes.
- And was Professor Bennett

clear about what materials were

and were not allowed
during the test?

- Yes.

- So did you know that
what you were doing was wrong?

- Yes.

Boy, I don't like how these
questions are making me look.

- Well, what you're describing

is a clear violation
of Essex honor code.

We take that very seriously.

- I know. I messed up.

But this isn't me.

I've never been in trouble
in my life before.

But I'm just kind of
struggling here.

The classes are amazing,
but they're hard.

At least I think so.

And I want to do well,
but I also work

five days a week just so that
I can afford to go here.

And I don't mean
to make excuses

or complain about being poor,
but you have no idea

how hard it was for my family
to send me here.

My mom had to sell her piano,
and that really sucked.

And that's fine,
it's fine, I'm fine.

It's who we are.

But I guess that's why I feel
so much pressure to do well.

I know what I did is wrong
and I won't do it again,

but my spot at Essex
means everything to me.

I can't lose it.

I should've ended with the
"I won't do this again" thing.

I won't do this again.

- Okay, thank you
for your statement.

- Is there anything else
you'd like to share?

- Actually, yes.

♪ ♪

- Baby, I want to apologize.

I saw that article and
I assumed the worst of you.

- It's okay, Mom.

- No, it's not okay.

I get scrutinized so much
in my line of work.

If I show half an inch
of cleavage,

I am a headline
on "Bride Bark."

And it makes me
so much stricter on you,

which is unfair.

You shouldn't have
to pay the price for my career.

You are a good kid--
- I did it.

It was me.

I was the girl.

- Which girl?

- The one who had the affair
with the coach.

Willow was
just pretending for me.

She's gay.
- What?

- I know.
She was very convincing.

- You know that's not
what I was talking about.

You had an...

You had an affair
with your soccer coach?

How could you
have kept this from me

and lied to me about it?

- I knew it was wrong,
but I was in love with him.

- I am so upset.

- I know you're angry with me.

I'm sorry.

I never meant to--
- I'm not angry with you.

I'm angry with myself.

- Mom, I didn't want
to disappoint you.

- How could I have
let this happen?

I'm your mother.
I'm supposed to protect you.

Instead, I made you feel like
you had to keep this a secret.

- I just...

I mean, I thought
I could handle it by myself.

- Baby, you don't only have
to tell me the good things.

I'm also here
when things are bad.

Especially when things are bad.

♪ If you go ♪

- ♪ Go later on ♪

♪ I could lie ♪

- Listen, I don't have
to leave for a while.

Would you like to come back
to my hotel and talk some more?

- Yeah, that sounds good.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

So you trying to tell me
your friend Willow is gay?

- I know.
She's an amazing actress.

- How did
the disciplinary hearing go?

Did you cry?

- I cried a little,
and then a lot on my way home.


You gave them
the tests though, right?

- Yeah.

- I think that
it's gonna be fine.

If seasons 1 through 22 of
"SVU" have taught me anything,

is that Chris Maloney
can get it

and that turning over
evidence always works.

- I hope so.
- Me too.

All right, I'm gonna go meet up
with Evangeline and Jo.

- Okay, where are the others?

- Uh, Whitney's out and

I think Leighton's
still in bed?

- Leighton's still in bed?
It's almost noon.

- Yeah.

- Leighton.
- Go away please.

- Are you crying?

- No, I'm fine.

- What's going on?
What's wrong?

- I was seeing someone
and I f*cked it up.

I f*cked it up
because I am f*cked up.

- I didn't even know
you were seeing someone.

But you're not f*cked up.

You're like,

the most together person
I know.

You're so pretty
and you're so smart.

And if this guy's too stupid
to see that,

then it's his loss.


Don't cry.
He's not worth it.

- It wasn't a guy.
It was a girl.

I'm gay.

- Oh, Leighton.

Does anyone else know?

- No.

- Wow, I'm surprised
you're telling me.

- Yeah, well, me too.

- I'm really proud of you.

I don't want to be like this.

Kimberly, it's terrifying.

I don't want
my whole life to change.

- I get it.
Coming out seems really scary.

- But I think...

the only way you can be happy
is if you're yourself.

♪ ♪

- ♪ I will be there ♪

♪ Don't you be scared,
I will be there ♪

♪ Don't you be scared ♪

- You are a really good person.

- So are you.

You're not just telling me this

because there's a chance I
might get expelled soon, right?

- No, at least not on any level
that I realize.


♪ ♪

- ♪ Be all right,
be all right ♪

♪ Be all right,
be all right ♪

- Remember that
thick-necked hottie

that hit on Leighton
last night?

Well, I am three years deep
into his Insta

and I just found this.

- Oh, my God.
- Right?

Leighton, you got to ride
this dude like a log flume.

- I think Leighton
can do better.

- Do better?

Look at his V muscles.
- Oh, shit.

The email from the Honor Board
came in.

- What does it say?

- I'm not expelled.

- Yes!
- Oh, my God.

That's great.
- Scared me.

- Hey, what is wrong?
Why aren't you happy?

- They revoked my scholarship.

So I have to find an extra
$23,000 a semester.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Yeah, ain't trying
to be cool like you ♪

♪ Wobblin' around
in your high-heeled shoes ♪

♪ I'm clumsy,
made friends with the floor ♪

♪ Two for one,
you know a bitch buy four ♪

♪ And two left feet
you know I always drop ♪

♪ First thing
the girl did was a bop ♪

♪ I'm the whole damn cake
and the cherry on top ♪

♪ Shook up the bottle
made a good girl pop ♪

♪ You ain't even here
to party ♪

♪ Ken in the club
trying to pay for Barbie ♪

♪ I don't want to go, go, go
with the flow ♪

♪ Bend till I touch my toes ♪

♪ I don't wanna
row, row, row the boat ♪

♪ Fist full of rocks
and I hope I float ♪

♪ Wake up yourself
'cause you know they don't ♪

♪ I chew, chew, chew
'cause they hope I choke ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like gloss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like gloss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like gloss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like ♪

♪ Said bitch, I'm the after,
you been the before ♪

♪ I been the stallion,
you been the sea horse ♪

♪ Don't need a report,
don't need a press run ♪

♪ All of my bad pics
been all my best ones ♪

♪ I wear the hat
and I wear the pants ♪

♪ I am advanced
so I get advanced ♪

♪ And I do my dance
and cancel the plans ♪

♪ Don't be mad
'cause you had a chance ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like gloss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like gloss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like gloss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch,
I'm a boss ♪

♪ I'm a bitch and a boss
and I shine like gloss ♪

♪ ♪

- Go to bed.