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01x05 - What Does a Kidnapper Look Like?

Posted: 02/27/22 11:21
by bunniefuu
Is it bad?

Is it bad?


Stop the car.

Stop the car!

What are you doing?

- Get away! Close the door!
- No! Let me go!

- Get the door! Natalie! Hold on!
- Stop the car!

- Get her back in.
- Close the f*cking door!

Get her back in.


- Please, we have to go back.
- Strap her in.

Please. We have to turn around.
We can't leave her there. Stop the car!

What are you doing? That was mad.

You're okay, just breathe. Just breathe.

- We're gonna get help now.
- f*ck's sake.

Aren't we?

I am help.

Where are we going?

You could drive a bit faster.

I could if I wanted to attract attention.

Yeah, but we need attention, don't we?
Someone tried to k*ll us. He's been shot.

- People are dead.
- We need to call the police.

You sure that wasn't
who we just left behind?

There's no going back.

Wait. What's happening?

- Follow me.
- Where the f*ck are we?


Nice and quiet, all right?

Geez. Sorry. Sorry.

You okay?


Turn it off.

Find some candles.
I'll check the rest of the place.

Let's go.

Now. Before he comes back.

Shouldn't we wait to see
what he's got to say?

You've been shot, Eddie.

Yeah. I'm okay.

But he's not. He's a psycho.

This is the only way we get answers.

Come on, give me the keys.

Hey, do you think he knows
what this is all about?

Was he dead?


The man I shot. Was he dead?

I don't know. It was dark.

That shot would've k*lled a zombie.


But it was an accident, right? So…

Anyone find anything with a name
or password on? Bills, receipts, notes?

What are you looking for?

Can you please fill in a few gaps for us?
We're a tiny bit freaked out about...


Everything. Thanks.

- How did you find us?
- And why?

Someone tried to k*ll me.

It makes sense it was
whoever's trying to make it look like

I kidnapped Leo Newman.

You mean, you didn't kidnap him?

I went to find out what she knows.

Saw them get lifted, then I followed.

Well, thank God you did.

I don't think he did it
out of the kindness of his heart.

I did it because you're my best chance

of finding out what the f*ck is going on
and why we've been lumped together.

It's your fault.

You're the one who's been texting me.

You were on the motorbike.
This is all you.

You two know each other?

What motorbike?

You shot me yesterday.

I knew if you'd gone to the police
they'd put you in a vest.

I didn't go to the police.

If I'd wanted to k*ll you, you'd be dead.

What the hell is going on here?

Who are you?

You know who he is.
The police told us. He's a trained k*ller.

But I'm not your enemy.

We're the only people that any of us
can trust even a little bit right now.

And we have a couple of hours, tops,
to share what we know.

Whoever sent those guys
already know it's gone bad.

So, who were they?

- Black ops, ex-military.
- How can you be sure?

How do you think?

- Sent by who?
- British authorities, FBI.

Are you really saying
I shot a police officer?

Well, you k*lled
our best chance of finding out.

So, you think he's definitely dead?


The good news is that
officially it didn't happen.

That scene will be clear by now.
Maybe apart from her sister's body.

Natalie? Natalie!


- No. Get off. Get off me.
- Hey. Stop.

No, I won't leave her there.

They can't get away with this.
It did happen.


Anybody else got a phone?

No, they've already taken them off us.

Listen, we're all in this togeth...

She's gone. Do you hear? Gone.

Now, do you want to find out
who did it or not?

So, why us?

Don't get too comfortable.
We haven't got long.

Come on. What do we have in common?

We're all British
and we were all in New York

on the day Leo Newman was kidnapped.

Why were you there?

We've been through this.

For the police, I know.

But this time you can tell the truth.
We all can.

What's said here goes no further.
Are we agreed?

I spoke
at a Cooper Newman Foundation event.

I didn't want to, but I...

Why not?

Four years ago, I questioned
whether Leo Newman should be offered

a place at the university

and the ethics of taking money
from his mother's company.

There was a full investigation.

Everything was found to be aboveboard,
and that was it.

Did you talk to him while he was there?

- No.
- Really?

Yes, really. And this does feel
quite like the police interview, actually.

But you must know him?

Why must I?

Because they're saying
he's a student at Oxford.

Have you ever been to a university?
No, of course. Well, they're big places.

Yeah, with lots of windows. I know.

Uh-huh, and there are
more than , students at Oxford,

and I'm one of them.

No, more to the point, I'm no one.
That's why this is so mad.

He's a carpet salesman.

No, I'm not.

Quite a coincidence though.

Do we look like kidnappers to you?

What does a kidnapper look like?


You looked more like Lara Croft
than a professor back there.

I'm not a professor.

And I'm not a carpet salesman.

So what are you then?

Yeah, why were you in New York?

I went to meet Cooper Newman PR
about a job. Cybersecurity.

I've got a business.
I'm starting it, soon.


A multinational corporation
turning over a billion dollars a year

needs to upgrade security,

so they call
for a West London carpet salesman?

- I'm not a...
- Telling the truth, are you?

Do you all understand how deep you're in?

This isn't just about the Newman kid now.

Who do you think
they'll blame her sister on?

- No.
- f*ck, yeah.

Sorry, why should we believe you?

Tell us what you know.
It's your face all over the news.

And whereas your face
isn't anywhere, student. Why's that?

'Cause I was arrested later,
and I wasn't staying in the hotel.

And my face is all over
the front of every f*cking newspaper.


I don't know. Maybe I did see Leo at uni.

Might've spoken to him. I speak to anyone.

Police might have found out

that we were at the same lecture
or at the same pub once,

and then I happened to be in New York
on the day he's kidnapped.

And suddenly, I'm Baby Driver.

Where you from?

Wales, originally.

- Which part?
- Cardiff.

Your parents married there?

- What?
- Answer.

Enough. Your turn.
Your turn to answer to us. To me.

You've been blackmailing me for two years.

Not me, Natalie.

I know you're angry,
but I was just the collector.

The way I heard it, you stole that money
in the first place. So…

Yes, and I paid it back.

But those last two cash drops were
for you, weren't they?

That's the reason
I was in New York, isn't it?

Why didn't you pick up?

Who first contacted you
about the New York drop?

You did. Tell the truth.

The police said that
the company I defrauded are owned by CNPR.

Did you know that? Did they send you?

Honestly, I don't know.

It's in nobody's interest for me to have
too much information, you know?

Who do you work for?

I don't work for anybody,
as discussed. I'm a student.

- Studying what?
- History.

All of it?

- What?
- Which period? Answer.

- Ancient. What is this?
- Ancient British or what?

Oh, f*ck you.


Eddie, are you all right?

Hey. Hey, you okay, mate?

Someone find him a clean shirt.

You can see the road from upstairs.
Will you keep an eye out?

Go watch the front of the house.

I'll deal with him.

Oh, shit.

Uh-oh. You're lucky, student.

You're gonna have a proper scar
from this, if you live.


Come on, come on. Oh, f*ck.

How is he?

b*llet only winged him.

- Didn't hurt anything vital.
- How can you tell?

Fact he's breathing.


Take that out. Cut a square.

Did you learn all this in the army?

Is that where you first k*lled someone?

Give me that.

How'd it feel?

The first time.

That might be
the first time you've hit a human,

but it's not the first time
you fired a g*n.

Well, you don't grow up on a farm
without knowing how to handle a r*fle.

r*fle's not a handgun.

My grandfather collected handguns.

One more.

Right. Help me sit him up.

Okay. Okay.


Well, don't worry, it gets easier.

You mean to live with?

No, I mean k*lling people.

The more you do it, the easier it gets.

Here, drink this.
It's got salt and sugar in it.


Come on.


- Good looking out.
- Sam?

Is that you?

I can't see the car.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

There's no need for that, all right?
Just... Let's be quiet and he'll leave.

I thought you were away for a while.

Take your shirt off.


Are you home?

Are you there?



Who are you?

Who are you?
And why are you pointing a g*n at me?

Well, I live next door. And I saw a light.


Sorry, are you...


David. Right. Okay. I think...

Yeah, I think Uncle Sammy
told me about you.

- Uncle?
- It's a term of endearment.

We met while I was traveling.

Are you the NGO friend of his daughter's?

Married to the journalist?

I've been away a while.
Is everyone armed here now?

Sorry about that.

No, I'm sorry for waking you.

Is your husband with you?

Did you not meet him?
When he was last over?


I thought Sammy said that…



Sweetheart, this is David from next door.

Hi, David.

Good job on the neighborhood watch front.

You must be Harry? A pleasure.

Maybe we did meet.
You look familiar now I see you close up.

I'd remember.

I've read your book, you know.

Did you? Well, I hope you bought it
rather than borrowed it.

What did you think?

Well, I was crying, of course.

Me too. So sad.

With laughter.

- I mean, talk about light and shade.
- She's lying.

She never reads my work.

She thinks I don't know,
but the truth is I don't mind.

I love her for other reasons.

Well, I must...
Should be letting you two get some…

You've got something on your…


How long will you be staying for?

We're gonna play it by ear.


Come on, Delta.

Thanks, then. Bye.

- You're an excellent liar.
- So are you.

He knows that's blood. He'll be back.

Sorry, guys.

Hey, Eddie. How are you feeling?

Yeah. Better.

Where's my g*n?

Where's Natalie?


Natalie, what are you doing?

Stop. Natalie, answer me.

Leave me alone.



Natalie, please. You don't wanna do this.

You don't know me.
You don't know anything about me.

Yes. You're right.

We're strangers. But for some reason,
we're all in the same mess.

How many family members
did you lose tonight?

I have lost people.

And I know how it feels

to blame yourself
for things that aren't your fault.

It is my fault.
I'm the reason she was there.

Mum has already buried
the only man she ever loved,

and Mon... Monique, she was...
She was the one. She made…

She made everything worthwhile for Mum
and for me and…

She was gonna save the world.


I've got a daughter. She's called Daisy.

And I love her more than I ever thought
I could ever love anything,

and I am telling you, the only thing worse

than your mum finding out
she lost one of her girls

would be finding out she lost both.

She'll never forgive me.

And I'll never forgive myself.


It's okay.

Give that to me.

You didn't k*ll her. They did.

He's right.

You need to take the safety off.

We've all told lies, okay?

We'll get to the truth.

What did you lie about?

I didn't tell them everything
when they arrested me.

About Leo Newman.

After the college investigation found
no evidence of wrongdoing,

I said I let it go.

But I didn't. I…

I thought it must be a cover-up,
so I started a sort of... a campaign.

Pretended to be other people online,
planted rumors on message boards,

made accusations
about why Leo had got his place.

Then I got a phone call.

I was told if I carried on
smearing Leo Newman and his family,

not only would it cost me my job,

but my reputation would also be destroyed

and I'd lose everything,
including my family.

I was still married then. So…

What did you do?

I said, "f*ck you.
How dare you thr*aten me?"

I was more careful, but I carried on.

Then one day my husband called

to say the school phoned him
while I was in a lecture.

Someone had picked Daisy up
from music practice,

pretending to know me, and…

And taken her.

We called the police.
I've never been so scared in my life.

Even more than tonight. It was…

A few hours later, I got another call.

Saying what?

Where to pick up the kid.

That she'd had a lovely time,
been bought sweets and fizzy drinks,

but don't doubt how serious we are.

Forget about Leo Newman.

Now, not to spoil the ending,
but it'll be light soon.

The guy who phoned with the first warning,
did you get his name?

- How did you know what they said?
- It's classic.

You've done that to people.

You only meet someone like me
if you ignore that one.

I don't get it.
Why won't you tell NCA the whole story?

They were already trying
to say I had a grudge against the Newmans.

It would have made me look more guilty.

But you do have a grudge
against the Newmans.

Yeah, me and a million others.

I took this off the guy
who was sent to k*ll me.

And he's dead now, isn't he?

If we could get into this…

You need a password.

Okay. Okay.

You got something personal of his,
like a phone?

Yeah. I've been through it.

There's nothing
that looks like a password.

That's 'cause
it's not his regular password.

- It's a boot log-in.
- What's that?

Gets you into the BIOS.

Told you I'm not a carpet salesman.

Where's his email?


Empty... Petraeus. Petraeus. Petraeus.

Whoever he was,
he's been emailing someone at CNPR.

How do you know?

Because this stock template was
in the server

they obviously didn't want anyone
to know about.

And if you stop talking for a minute,
I'll tell you more.

- "M. Copeland."
- Who's that?

It's Martin Copeland. He is the COO…

Of Cooper Newman.

Play the latest video.

Okay, listen up. We all appreciate you
keeping this going for Leo's sake,

but Miss Newman will not be making
any statement

- about tonight's communications.
- What is he talking about?

We'll be talking to you
as soon as we have something to say.

What's the connection

between Katherine and the man
in the picture, Eric Cresswell?

We know as much as you do right now, Jill.

- I have nothing more to say. Sorry.
- What "man in the picture"?

Who's Eric Cresswell?

How do you know about the secret server?

- Can somebody tell me what's going on?
- What was that?

- What did you see?
- I don't know. Some movement, I think.


Over there, between those trees.

Show me.

Just here. Just…

Hey, hey.

What are they doing?

- Do you think it's the neighbor?
- Or the police.


Who were you phoning?

f*ck you.

Come on. Deep breaths.

Should we go out?

And do what?

And what if they need help?

Sean doesn't seem like the kind of person
who needs your help.

- Thanks. But what about...
- Aadesh is with Sean.

- Did that video say the kidnappers...
- Do you ever stop talking?

I'm sorry to be a pain.
I have been kidnapped and shot tonight.

- So, I am just a little bit f*cking tense.
- Which college are you at?

At Oxford, which college?


Right. So, you know Professor Cottler?


What the f*ck?

What the f*ck.

What happened? Jesus.

What's going on?

You all right?


Go on.

I found a phone.
I was trying to make a call.

- Who to?
- The police.

- So he says.
- No, it's true.

I was trying to phone that Vanessa woman.

- I really think we can trust her.
- I've told you you can't trust anyone.

Yeah, including you.

Yeah, including you. Exactly.

He says it's not safe to call the police,

but what if it's only him
it's not safe for?

We haven't k*lled anyone.

You can check if he's telling the truth
from his call history.

Yeah, but I didn't actually
get to dial before he destroyed it.

Swear down, it's true. I just...
I want this to be over, you guys.

I don't buy it.

The Forrest Gump act, yeah.

We know he's smarter
than he looks. He f*cking has to be.

I agree.

He ran out as soon as you asked him
about Martin Copeland.

And if you're involved in this,

that means you're part of the reason
Monique's dead,

and you deserve to die

in the middle of nowhere
just like she did.

I'm warming to you.

Okay, Natalie. Okay, okay.

I'll tell you.

Tell us what?

Martin Copeland…

Came to my meeting in New York in person.

- I couldn't believe it.
- Neither can I.

Yeah, but, you see, the thing is
that what I did, right...

One of the strategies I use
to sell my services is basically…

I hacked them.

Yeah, man. I hacked Cooper Newman.

And then I told them what I'd done.
You see, I say,

"Imagine if I wasn't a good guy,
right, who'd done this.

Imagine if it was a baddie.
The damage I could do to your company.

So employ me, and I'll stop the baddies
because only I know all their tricks."

I take it you didn't tell
your friend Vanessa that part.

I didn't tell my wife that part.

He still wouldn't have met you. What else?

What do you mean what else?
There's nothing else.

- I don't believe you.
- Me neither.

No. It's true, guys, I swear.

I can't tell you why he was there,
but he was and that's it.

That's all I know. All right?

- What did you see?
- What do you mean? Where?

You hacked their systems,
found a secret server,

and presumably had a good look around.
What did you see?

All sorts. I can't remember.
That wasn't the point.

- Did you copy anything?
- What? I wasn't trying to blackmail them.

- Although, technically…
- Think, think. We're running out of time.

I don't know. All sorts of strategy stuff.

Client briefs, financial reports.
Mostly boring.

The only interesting things were emails.

- You read people's private emails?
- No. Yeah.

- Copeland's?
- Copeland's, yeah. Katherine Newman's.

I knew about the ambassador thing
before it happened.

Was the son mentioned?

Yeah. They were making
succession plans about...

- Who's doing that?
- Copeland.

There was stuff about it being a new day.
A fresh start. Blah, blah, blah.

- Who were those emails to?
- I don't f*cking know!

All right? I don't f*cking know!

Okay. What do we know?

At the event I spoke at,

Leo Newman was given formal responsibility
for running the Cooper Newman Foundation.

Yeah. The shell company had me moving
a lot of money the past few months.

Well, even if Copeland's nose was
put out of joint,

how does kidnapping Leo help him?

Anybody got any ideas?

Where are you going?

Sean, where are you going?

It will be light soon. I need to change.

Then I've got a few questions
for the organ-grinder.

You're going to speak to Copeland?

He's the link, isn't he?
He's what we've all got in common.

Except you, student.
What's your connection to Copeland?

I haven't got one as far as I know.

What about your dad?
His business, it's in America, isn't it?

America's massive.

What exactly are you gonna do?

My livelihood's gone.
One way or another, someone has to pay.

But, what...
Are you actually going to New York?

Wait, if Martin Copeland did this
to my family, to me,

then I wanna know why, same as you.

- I'm coming with you.
- No way.

You owe me.

Actually, I'd say we're even.

And given the fact that I'm armed,
I'd quit while you're ahead.

I can help you.

There's more money.

You wouldn't have hung around
if you had cash.

How are you gonna get to America?

NCA will have frozen
everything you've got.

When they released us,

I went to work and moved what was left
of the client account balance offshore.

- They won't trace it in time.
- Why?


Why did you do that?

Because I thought I might still be able
to marry the man I love.

- Hundred K.
- Natalie, what are you doing?

Maybe I'll just t*rture you
till you transfer the money.

Do I look like I care about dying?

Change fast.

There'll be a shirt or something
that fits you.

Find a hat or glasses. Do your hair.

Anything that alters
the shape of your head.

Confuses facial recognition software.
So he's done this before.

What about you?

The latest communication
from the kidnappers

came yesterday evening.

And in the hours since,
investigators have been desperately trying

to track the man identified
in the kidnapper's latest video

as Eric Cresswell.

A disgraced British scientist,

Cresswell was forced
to resign from his post

at Cambrook University
after an investigation,

but no further details were made available
at the time.

And the university has so far declined
to comment about their former employee.

His connection to Katherine Newman
and what precisely the truth is

remains a mystery.

- Who's he?
- I don't know.

Was there anything about…


Can you help with this?


You sure you know what you're doing?


But I have to do something.

He's dangerous.
You know that better than anyone.

There has to be another way.

Well, I'm all ears

'cause right now, I don't feel like
I've got any other option.

What about you?

I mean, do you know what you're doing?

Like you say, he's dangerous.

Do you really think
he's gonna let you walk out of here

knowing where he's going and why?

- He...
- He only shot me in the chest

because he thought
I might still be useful. He's ruthless.

So how can you trust him?

Who said anything about trust?

Can't go back,
and he's the only way forward.

- What about your mum?
- She's strong.

She's had to be.

It's different for you.

You've got a kid.

As things stand,

I'll lose any chance I had of
getting her back.

I'll lose everything.

Well, frankly,

a scenario in which those responsible
ask for anything other than hard cash,

unless it's politically motivated,
is already highly unusual.

Do you believe then
that Newman's kidnap could be political?

Perhaps even t*rror1st-related?
There has been speculation...

I think if that's what we're seeing here,

then it's potentially
a new strain of terrorism.

Let's call it ethical terrorism.

Ethical terrorism?

Sounds pretty cool.

"Cool"? My parents are gonna k*ll me.

I haven't spoken to mine.
God knows what they're thinking.

They might not be that surprised.

They always expected their son

to be hunted down by at least two
international law enforcement agencies?

It is the latest in a long line
of fuckups, headaches, letdowns. For them.

For Sonia.

At least we're consistent.

So, what do we do now, partner?

Surely we can trust that Vanessa.

Yeah, maybe, but even if she believes us,
what about Sonia and her family?

And my parents, the university?
Are they going to take our word for it?

- But if no one can prove that we did it...
- That's different to proving we didn't.

How do you prove a negative?

It's confusing.

Not only for the authorities,
but also for the public.

We're talking about a crime here,
and yet popular support is split

between sympathy for a mother
who's missing her son

and these faces of a growing movement

that is sick and tired of being lied to
again and again by public figures.

- That's us f*cked, then.
- Exactly.

Without any proof of our innocence,
the damage is already done, isn't it?

Assuming he lets us leave here.

What, you don't think he's planning to...

Yeah. No. I don't know,
but I do think he's right.

We can't trust anyone.

And even if that goes for the five of us,
at least we know the rules.

Wait, are you suggesting
that we should all go to...

Got to bloody America.

I can't quite believe it either, but yes.

Unless any of you have any better ideas.
But just to remind you, you came to me.

One second. Tara, you're saying
the five most wanted people in the UK

should try to cross one of
the most secure borders in the world

to return to the scene of the crime
they're accused of, in order to confront

the crazy, powerful man
they think might have framed them

for reasons no one seems to be able
to even guess at.

And you're a professor?

I'm not a f*cking professor.
I'm a junior research fellow.

I was... Whatever.

What about your daughter?

She's all I've got,
but I'm not all she's got.

And whatever happens, it's up to me

to show her
you have to challenge injustice.

Whatever it takes.

You can't be taking this seriously.

If they try to grab us again,
we are easier to pick off on our own.

And New York is the last place
anybody expects us to be.

Yes, because it's a stupid idea.

Everything you're saying is true.
It's just... What else have we got?

He won't agree to it anyway.

The police, please.


I was looking for you.

We've been talking,

and we've decided we should all go
to get the truth from Copeland.

- Really?
- I know how it sounds,

but it does make sense.

- How?
- Because you need us.

Do you really think
they've told you everything?

- What about you?
- I'm an open book.

Natalie would be dead now.

You think?

What do you mean?
She didn't know the safety was on.

Or she did.

Now I see why you're not a professor.

It doesn't take much to fool you, does it?

Maybe, but I'm perceptive in other ways.

We're all a piece of this puzzle, Sean,
and you can't solve it without us.

You've only got this far
because of Aadesh.

At least think about it.

Did you call the police?

Don't lie to me, David, or I will know.

Find a hat, coat, anything you can grab.

We're going. Now.

Come on.

Get in.

Wait, what's the rush?

We need to switch vehicles fast.

Get down. All of you. Now.