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01x07 - Drawing the Line: Part 1

Posted: 02/26/22 19:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on "felicity"...

Okay, this is about
ben. All right.

Oh, this is way too weird.
No. No, wait a minute. It's okay.

Is it possible to be just
friends with someone

I have these sort of
immoderate feelings for,

Or am I doomed forever
to just be in love

And ultimately, I think,
significantly hurt?

So you like ben, too?

Okay, does everybody like ben?

Is it ben?



[Thunder rumbles]

Okay, here's my problem.

Um, there's this guy on my floor

Who's in love with this girl.

He's got... He's got a
real connection with her.

That's... That's
what he tells me.

Uh, but she keeps coming to him
with problems about another guy.

Woman: dude, he's got
the "nice guy/friend" thing.

Well, except that... That he
swears there's a spark there,

You know, that there's
something between him and this girl.

He just can't, I don't know,
make it happen somehow.

I'm sorry, uh, but this
resident advisor's meeting

Is supposed to be
about the new fire code.

Chill out.

We're allowed to share
advisee horror stories.

So, I don't understand.

What's the problem exactly?

[Elevator dings]

This guy keeps coming
to me about this girl,

And he doesn't know what to do.

And... And... And I don't
know what to tell him.

He's gotta draw the line.


Yeah, if there's this
guy that loves this girl

And all she's doing is talking
to him about another guy,

Then he's gotta draw the line.

Yeah, he's gotta
say to her, "hey, look,

"I like you, but I don't
want to be your girlfriend.

"I don't want to talk to you
about this other guy anymore.

So stop it. Stop talking
to me about this other guy."

He's gotta... He's
gotta draw the line.

Yeah, that's kinda obvious.


♪ Ooh de la ♪

♪ Ooh de oh oh ♪

♪ Ooh le lo ha ♪

♪ Oh de lo ha ♪

♪ Lo la lo ho ♪

♪ Hey ha ♪

♪ Hey-ey ♪

♪ Oh hey hi da da ♪

[Thunder rumbles]


Dear sally...

Do you want to
hear a weird word?


No, it's... It's actually
in the dictionary.

It means, "a person
given to butting in,

"A troublesome meddler,


I-i don't mean to be,
but I'm a buttinsky...

I mean, obviously.

And it's sort of
ruined my whole life.

I-i was at work on saturday,

Making a cappuccino for some guy
who kept calling me "honey bun"...

[Sarcastically] which is
really attractive...

And for some
reason, I looked up.

I am a troublesome meddler.

I rewrote ben's
essay, he's still mad,

And I'm pretty sure he's
never going to forgive me.

[Thunder rumbles]

God, I am such a buttinsky.

Elena: I was holding for
the financial-aid officer.

Yes, elena tyler...


Yes, I'll hold. Thank you.

[Knock on door]


Uh... Hi. Um, I'm on the phone.

I'd like you to
meet mr. Webster.

You found it.

Yeah. Bleecker
bob's. It's for you.

But I don't even
have a record player.

I think that's what this is.

It was used, so don't freak
out like I spent real money.

I can't take that.
Yeah, you can.

Cassettes and cds are no good.

It's just fact.

You know, I mean...

[Sighing] I can't.

Why not?

What, you like
guys with more hair?

'Cause I might do that for
you, but you're pushing it.

Yes. Uh, yes, sir.

Uh, elena tyler.

Could you hold, please?

I mean, I can't take it because I
don't know if I'm staying here.


Is now a good time for me to ask
what the hell you're talking about?

You gotta go.

Uh... I'll call you later.

Okay, listen to this.

There's this alumni guy, a
partner in what's apparently

A very important talent
agency in los angeles.

And he's coming to speak
to my film class in two weeks.

That could be good. No, no. I
haven't told you the thing yet.

They picked three films to
show this guy, and mine was first.

Felicity: congratulations.

Your documentary?

No, no, "stiletto"...
I mean, i-i know

The odds are nothing,
but apparently, last year,

An agent came to speak and
actually signed a sophomore student.

You're kidding?

Don't get your hopes up.

[Laughs] nice attitude.

Um... Anyway, i-i wanted
to... To add some music

In a couple scenes...
Um, some guitar stuff.

What? You... You
want me to do it?

If it takes longer than
three hours, I'll pay you.

[Laughs] zack, you
don't have to pay me.

So you'll do it? Of course.

I'm so proud of you.

I should go reserve the
room. I'll call you later.


[Indistinct conversations]

What, public kissing?

I know... That's, like,
a statement, right?

Did you guys screw yet?


She's like that.

Wow, okay.

Um, no.

We haven't.

I just... I like him.

So what's going on?
Are... Are you and ben...

Screwing? No.

Talking? No.

All right.

Uh, I'll be right back.


Are you, um...

[Exhales deeply]

What, are you not talking to me?

No, I'm talking to you.

See? I'm talking
to you right now.

We're sitting over
there, i-if you want...

No. Taking this
to go. I'll see ya.

conversations continue]

Felicity: so, I don't
know what to do.

If what I did just destroyed
whatever hope there was

Of us ever actually
being anything,

Then I guess I have
to live with that.

But before that whole paper thing
happened, we were getting closer.

I mean, we were
developing something.

You and... You and ben?

Yeah, I mean, I think there was

This actual real
friendship starting,

Which now...

I just made the pendulum
swing in the opposite direction.

[Sighs] uh-huh.

Ben hates me now.
He ignores me in class.

He won't even have a
conversation with me.

♪ There's no story greater... ♪

That's... Yeah, that's
too bad. I know.

So any advice would help,

Even if it's just "shut up."

♪ ...we all play our part ♪

♪ Our story of love ♪
you know...

♪ Has yet to be told ♪ there's...
There's something I gotta do.

♪ So tell me you're
mine, dear ♪ what?

♪ To have and to hold... ♪

I've... I've gotta draw...

Draw what?

♪ let's start
our story of love... ♪

A comparison...

Between what
you're going through

And something that... That
happened to a friend of mine.

Oh, tell me.


This is... This is what I think.

Okay, um...

♪ Our story of love ♪

♪ Has yet to be told ♪

♪ So tell me you're mine,
dear ♪ go to his apartment.

♪ To have and to hold... ♪
Say you left something there.

And while you're
looking for whatever it is,

You'll have a little more
chance for conversation.

♪ let's start our story
of love... ♪ Oh, okay. I see.

I'm sure that's all you need.

♪ let's start
our story of... ♪

♪ Lo-o-ve ♪ you are such a
good friend, I can't stand it.

Yeah, me neither.


Did you touch my box?

[Door closes] what?

My box... Did you open it?

I-i didn't even
know you had a box.

This is it! This is my box.

I-i've never seen it.

Well, then how did it move?

Did you ask the box?

I have a right to privacy.

Which brings up a good point...

Why is this room a double?

It's big enough to be two rooms.

It's got two doors.
Don't change the subject.

I didn't. It's the same subject.

There wouldn't
be a privacy issue

If there were a wall right here.

I'm taking my box with me.

[Box rattles]

Please. Take your box with you.


Reverse psychology is
not gonna work on me.

[Door closes]

In addition, the housing
department wants us

To talk to all of our
advisees, one on one,

About the significant damage
caused by dorm graffiti.

Please. [Laughs]

Who here is aware

That the singular of
"graffiti" is "graffito"?

Which i-i urge you to
use in conversation.

It freaks people out.

Let me ask you this...

How are we supposed
to do all of these things,

Plus talk to people about
graffito, plus do our own work?

I don't get it.

I feel like a one-woman
psychiatric-services department.

I mean, there's, like, one girl
on my floor who's not bulimic.

Her name's candy,
which is pretty ironic.


There's this bastard, right,

From baltimore in 1014,

Who keeps urinating
in the sink, man. Ew!

So I told him for the 10th time,

"Stop urinating in the sink."

And he's like... And
he's not joking either...

"Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting."

Unh-unh! What the
hell is that, man?!

I told that kid to
draw the line, right?

But, he, uh, he had some
real difficulty doing that.

Aww... Gosh...

No one ever said
drawing the line was easy.

[Elevator dings]

You need to tell this guy,

Next time that girl goes
to him... Hard as it may be...

"Draw the line,
and stick with it."

Yeah. Okay.

I'll tell him.

Sean: hey. What's
up? Come on in.

I left a notebook
last time I was here.

I was just wanting
to pick it up.

Oh, sucks losing a
notebook, doesn't it?

Yeah, it really
does. This is mine.

This is, uh, my idea book.

This is where I
record all my big ideas.


Is... Is ben here?



It's for you!

See, the original
idea book was stolen.

Yeah, i-i remember that.

Yeah. I still have hope,
though, that I'll get it back.

That's good.

Anyway, he'll be out in a sec.

I'm just... I'm over here
working on this k*ller idea.

Okay. Thank you.

It's like, uh, quarters,
but it's a board game.

I call it "the quarter master."


Oh, this is such a good one.


Felicity: hi.

I left my notebook here
last time. Have you seen it?

Um, no. I don't think so.

What color is it?

Oh, it's blue.




So, you know
what I was thinking?

That when you
first get to college,

It's like... It's such a
shock to the system.

It's all so new,

And... And you're
adjusting to so much

That it's probably not unusual

For people to do some
pretty crazy things, you know?

I bet, if there
were a study done,

You'd see that that's the case.

What are you talking about?

That I can't
believe... What I did...

Rewriting your paper.

I really think that I've grown
up a lot in the past week.

Really? Well, that
must feel good.

[Papers rustle]

Hey, so are you gonna
be mad at me forever?

[Sighs] I'm not mad at you.

I'm nothing.

I don't know.

[Rustling continues]

You know, I think

I might have left the
notebook in julie's room.

[Breathes deeply] all right.

Well, if I find it, I'll bring
it to class. How's that?


[Knock on door] come in.

Are you busy?

Just working on my page.

Your what?

Why do you have a web page?

Why does anyone have a web page?

Too much free time,
not enough friends...

Justifying owning a computer.

[Both chuckle]

What's up?

So I went to ben's apartment.


It was horrible.

I-i told him that I'd
left a notebook there,

But I'm pretty sure he
knew I was making it up.

Yeah, uh, i-i have
to stop you there.



I'm drawing the line.

Wait. What?

Yeah, uh, I don't... [Sighs]

I don't want to talk
about you and ben anymore.

I'm not... I'm not gonna
be your girlfriend.

Were you ever going
to be my girlfriend?

I know it seems weird,
and it may be selfish,

But I don't want
to be that guy...

You know, the one
who always comes

And talks to you
about that other guy.


Yeah, that bugs
the hell out of me.

And that's... That's
why I'm drawing the line.

So, um...

You and I can't talk about ben?

That's right.

Anything else, though, you know?

Ben's clothes...

Just kidding.

You understand, right?


Well, you don't... You
don't have to leave.

Oh, no. I know.

Um, i-i just don't want to...

Cross the line.

Thank you.


Oh, um...

I mean, i-i'll just...
I'll talk to you later.


But not about ben.



♪ It's you I love oh, yeah ♪



Oh, you're going out.

Yeah, I'm gonna
go, um, meet zack.

He's going to show me the
scenes he wants me to do music for.

What's going on?

Oh. Nothing.

Are you gonna be back soon?

I don't know. Why?
Do you need me?


Are you sure?

Wow... It's amazing.

You guys have a
whole... Situation.

[Laughing] what do you mean?

Just you and zack... I
mean, you're so happy.

And you like each other so much.

And, god, I'm so jealous,
it's embarrassing.

You're jealous of me and zack?

I mean, obviously
in the best way.

I'm so happy for you.

Well, you are still
my closest friend.

You don't have to
say that. [Giggles]

So you mean that?

[Laughs] of course.

I'll call you when I get back.

Okay. Have fun.


[Indistinct talking]

Elena's not there.

I just saw her in the
financial-aid office.


I thought maybe you'd know.

Oh, no. She's been
acting pretty weird.

Yeah, she keeps
shutting me down.

The harder I try,
it just gets worse.

Do you ever have that with her?

Uh, not so much with elena.

I've been getting that a
little with ben, though.


I think I'm pretty nice.
I think you are, too.

And I'm not the
worst-looking guy.

You? You should be a model.

And look at you.
[Laughing] no, don't do me.

No, look at you.

You're smart and beautiful.

If ben's turning you
down, he's out of his mind.

What's wrong with these people?

Well, you can't take everything
elena does so personally.

You do with ben.

Yeah, but that's me and ben.

I wouldn't worry about elena.

I work in the admissions
office for work-study,

And there are always all these files
of students having financial trouble.

I mean, it could be anything.

They may have just lost
some of her paperwork.


You work in the
admissions office?

Oh, uh...

No, I mean, i-i can't
look at her file.

I don't want to be a buttinsky.

Yeah. No, i-i understand.

Except... Elena said
she might have to leave.

I think something
serious is going on.

I just... I haven't had much
luck with things like that.

I mean, I get in trouble,

And there are fights and...

I'm not gonna ask
you to read her file.

Good. [Laughs]

I really think that's
crossing the line.

Will you do it?

[Thunder rumbling]

[Box rattles]


You looked in my
box, didn't you?

God, I did not look in your box!

Did you pick it up? Huh?

When I wasn't here,
did you pick up the box...

You know, hold it up?

No. Did you shake it?

I didn't pick it up.
How could I shake it?

What... What the hell
is in there anyway?

See? You're curious.

Of course I'm curious. Every five minutes
you're asking me if I looked in your box.

Did you? [Thunder rumbles]

Let's say I did. Let's say I
rummaged through all your stuff

And went through your box

And saw all your naked
pictures or dr*gs or whatever.

Well, that's interesting.

What is?

Deny it all you want.

I'm buying a fingerprint kit.

[Door opens]

[Door slams closed]

[Exhales deeply]


[Sleepily] huh? What?

This is totally unacceptable!

What is? This line.

This... This line you've drawn.

How dare you draw a line?!
Who are you to draw a line?

Well, what are you... What are you
gonna do, force me to talk about ben?

Well, and you're
happy with that...

A conditional friendship?

No, I don't, um...

Maybe. I don't know
what you mean by that.

It means that you are setting
boundaries on our conversation.

No. I'm setting one boundary.

This is because you have
feelings for me, isn't it?


I'm happy... Mmm...

I'm still waking up.
Give me a second.

[Exhales sharply] I'm
happy to be friends with you

As long as it's
not all about ben.

And what ever
happened to hannah?


I never said I still don't have
a long-distance girlfriend.

But...[Sighs] this
is complicated.

I mean, I realize we're not
even remotely dating in any way,

But I can't help my
feelings for you.

And since when has
it been all about ben?

And how can you keep doing this?

Doing what?

Insisting you're just
fine being my friend

And turning around and
having all these feelings.

Wait a second... How
is what I'm doing to you

Any different than
what you're doing to ben?

Excuse me?

Yeah, one minute
everything's "perfectly fine,

We're friends, I swear."

And the next minute you're...
You're doing his homework for him,

And... And following him around
like some lovesick schoolgirl.

You know what?!


Maybe I am a
lovesick schoolgirl.

Okay, good.

Yellow... What does that mean?

[Sighs] that this thing
isn't fun? [Laughs]

Okay, you just gotta get
into the game. That's all it is.

Okay, yellow is, uh, 20 points,
and you get to go again.

Okay. All right?
It's just like darts.

Except without the darts.

[Chuckles] [scoffs]

Go ahead.

Ready? Yeah.

Good. Yellow. Okay, 10 points.

Okay, you're up.

I appreciate you guys, by the
way, helping me test this out.

Did you talk to elena?

No, uh, but felicity's
helping me out with that.

Oh... Terrific.

Hey, blue. 10 Points. Good.

This is a close game. What's
your problem with her?

You're up. I don't want
to talk about felicity.

Man, she presses your buttons.

Felicity's trouble.
That's all I know.

He won, right?

No. Okay...

You each had 10 rolls? Mm-hmm.

Okay, so now we go to
the bonus round, right,

Where each, uh, color
value is worth double.

All right? You're up.

[Sighs] you may
think she's trouble.

She might even be trouble,

But she's got a good heart.

I like her.

Oh! Overshooter. [Laughs]

Two out of three?

Mnh, no. Mnh, no.

I think one of my advisees,

I swear to god,

Is running a sex
line from her room.


Why do I think that,
or why is she doing it?

You walk past her room,
and there's moaning...

[Chuckling] constant,
exaggerated moaning.

And she's always alone in there.

At first, I thought

She was, like, a
real self-satisfier.

But I'm pretty
sure it's a business.

You know that guy I told
you about with the girl?

Yeah. Well, he drew the line.

Yeah, what happened?

Oh, tragedy.

Um, she got really pissed off.

That's normal.

Yeah? Well, he's
thinking about going back

And redrawing the line.

No, no, no. He can't do that.

Well, why not? What do you mean?

If he does that, he risks

Her drawing her own line.

Really? Well,
what do I tell him?

Tell him to stick
with the first line.

What a boner.

Oh, yeah, this... This
guy's an idiot. Mm-hmm.

[Soft guitar music plays]

Okay, I was thinking
of something like that

For the, um, for
the driving scene.

That's fantastic.

[Laughs] come on.

No, no. I'm serious.


Yeah. Yeah, it's really...
It's really good.

It's... It's simple.

Wow. Okay. Um...

I was also thinking
that this would be good

For the scene when sal and
claudia sleep in the backyard.

[Soft guitar music plays]

[Music stops]



Let's go slow.


Yeah, sorry. [Chuckles]

It's okay.

[No audio]



I thought I'd catch you
before you left school forever

And I never saw you again.

Yeah, it's been a crazy week.

I... I really do owe
you an explanation.

No, you don't.

Yeah, I do. Um...


I'm... I'm really mad at my dad.

He's been traveling
all year, you know,

And, um... A-as it turns out,

He never paid my tuition bill.

[Chuckling] and now he's saying
he's having second thoughts

About where he wants
me to go to college.

And I'm just like, "thanks, dad.

Great. Great timing."

Oh, he's like
that. He's always...

I know what's going on.

What do you mean?

I mean, I know your
scholarship didn't go through

And that your dad doesn't
make enough money to help

But just enough so you don't
qualify for most financial aid.

[Siren wailing in distance]

But I've got something for you.

Where'd you find this?

There are these really
specific scholarships.

Some are so
specific, it's... It's wild.

There's this old woman who
offers a private scholarship.

Read the qualifications.

It's pretty spooky. They
sort of describe you.

"African-american female
from new york or new jersey,


family with one parent...

Attending a new york college."

I called the woman just to
see if there was even a shot.

She didn't award the
scholarship this year.

So it's available.

"Moderate-to-low-income family

With one parent."

You should call that woman.

What makes you think
this applies to me?

I asked a friend
to check your file.

Who did you ask? You
wouldn't tell me anything.

I didn't know what else to
do. Just tell me who it was.


Felicity looked up my file?

Yeah, as a favor to
me so I could help.

You better call that woman.

[Siren chirps]

[Horns honking]

You drink a lot of coffee?

Man: just go ahead and get
me one. I'll pay you later.

Okay, look... I'm... I'm... I'm
here to redraw the line.

Oh, really? Yeah.

Well, you can't just do
that. Yes, of course, I can.

I drew it.

The line isn't the problem.

It's a symptom.

Wait. Of... Of what?

Of some... Fundamental
discord. [Coins rattling]

The... The line is a symptom
of some fundamental discord?

Hold on.

Let me explain...
Thank you. Thank you.

Yes. And, you know,
you were right

About me not talking
to you about ben.

That was a mistake, and
I should have seen that.

Hold on a second. Let me explain
where I'm redrawing the line.

You can... You can come and
talk to me about anything,

Including ben but excluding sex.

[Sighs] I can... I can put up with
hearing about ben, all right?

I just don't ever want to hear
about the two of you having sex.

Don't ever talk to me about
you and ben in the context of sex,

And I'll be fine.

Noel, you sound ridiculous.

Which is why now, I'm
gonna have to draw the line.

God, I knew you
were gonna do that!

Well, I don't know
what else to do.


Okay, so where does...
Where does yours go?

Well, I just think that...
Where did you find this?

Did you just look
in the ghetto file?

My record is my business.

You had no right.

I don't need this.

Well, how else
are you gonna stay?

Having my tuition paid

Because I don't have as much
money as you or your friends

Or because I'm black...
I'd rather not stay.

We were just trying to help.

Do you want to know about me?

What are you looking at?

I was here first.

I went to elkins academy.

It's in westchester... One of
those brick-and-ivy schools

Where the kids had nicer
cars than the teachers.

You know why I went there? No.

That school paid
for me to be there.

They'll give you all
sorts of answers why,

But the two reasons
elkins took me were this...

I am black, and I am

You're also smart.

It didn't matter.

I was a poor black girl,
and every student knew it.

That scholarship I
was supposed to get...

It was awarded to
me based on merit.

Yeah, i-i know.

Not race. Not income.

I deserved it.

I worked for it.

That's the one
promise I made myself.

I'm not gonna be a cliché.

So thanks for your
handout, but no thanks.

[Indistinct talking]

Um, so the... Uh,
about the line...

The housing office has asked us

To inform all advisees...

Oh, this is ridiculous.

What? Of the new ordinance

Prohibiting the use of
dormitory corridors

As impromptu bowling allies.

I got a spare last night.

[Elevator dings]

So, this, uh, guy
redrew the line.

Oh, god! Not again. Agh!

But I don't think

It would have been any
better had he remained firm...

I mean, with the
first line he drew.

So what did she say, man?

That they aren't, uh,
really friends anymore.

You know what?

This isn't just, like, a crush.

This is a thing.

This is, like, a deeper
kind of relationship.


Quit playing games
and be honest with her.

You already told
her you like her, right?

[Elevator dings,
indistinct talking]


So that's all you can
do... Be a good friend,

And if it's ever gonna be anything
more than that, it'll happen...

But only if you're
still her friend.

Did you guys...

Always know that it was me?

Yes. Uh, yeah.

It was kind of obvious.
Absolutely, absolutely.

[Both laughing]

[Laughing] ow! Sorry.

So... Oh, um...



That was... That was fun...

Just recording music
and... And going out

And then coming back...

Talking to you... Now.


[Keys jingle] mmm.

[Julie giggling]

[Thunder rumbles]

[Knock on door] come in.


You said felicity...
Something about, uh...

Not having as much
money as she does

Or as her friends do.

The big, fat secret's out.

Elena's not who
you thought I was.

Well, I don't... I don't know who
you thought I thought you were,

Um, but... But this
is who I am, okay?

Um... I got... I got a scholarship
from my high school, too,

And mine came through,
but it was only for $1,000...

A drop in the bucket.

So I applied for 28
separate grants.

I got three of
them... Another $5,000.

I had to take out a loan
that'll haunt me till I'm 30.

I wrote letters to more
companies than I can remember,

Begging to be sponsored.

My parents could barely
afford to send me to new york...

Forget the university.

You thought I was
some rich kid, right?

Didn't you think I was?

I didn't care.

I just knew that I'll never be
judged by how I get through college,

But I might be judged
if I never go at all.

Noel, you're giving me a speech.

It's a speech moment, you know?

Look, I went to
embarrassing lengths

To pay a lot of money
to be here right now

Talking to you.

So... Here's my point...

No one cares.

No one cares how
I pay for school,

And no one cares
how you do it, either.

You know, those kids
that didn't get in here...

They'd k*ll you because
of your attitude,

And I might tell them about you.

[Chuckles softly]

Good. Okay.

I'm not gonna pretend that I've
been through the same thing as you,

But if there were a scholarship
for white, irish-catholic kids

With preppy clothes
and web pages,

I'd grab it...

No humility, no shame.

[Door closes]

[Thunder rumbles]

[Ben webster's "I'm beginning
to see the light" plays]

[Music continues]

[Indistinct talking]


I thought about it.

Decided it was pretty stupid
to turn down something

Without figuring out
what it was all about.

I think that's smart.

So i-i called her...

Alicia simmons.

Pretty amazing woman.

Yeah, s-she sounded pretty cool.

One of the first black women to
graduate med school in new york.

She graduated
second in her class.

Anyway, um... We talked,

And she offered me
full tuition, no terms.

That's great.

Yeah, except I told her
I wanted to add a term.

I want to pay her back,
but she turned me down.

So what happened?

Dr. Simmons added
her own term...

When I get to be a doctor

That I make the same
offer to someone else.

You okay with that?



[Chuckles softly]

So... [Exhales deeply]

Thank you.

You're welcome.

[Distant laughter]

[Chuckles softly]



So, uh... Blair told
me what you did.


Helping her out... Elena...

Uh, finding her
that scholarship.

That was... That
was really cool.

Oh... Thanks.

[Knock on door]

[Door opens]



You okay?

I'm fine.

Well, you weren't in class.

You know that brown sweater that
you borrowed, like, three weeks ago

That you told me I could
have back tomorrow?

Yeah. I'd... I'd like it back.


Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine. I just want
my sweater back.

It makes me feel good. I
just would like it back.


Then you can give me back
my sarah mclachlan cd,

And then we won't owe
each other anything.

Okay, take it. It's
right over there.

[Siren chirps]


What's going on?

We came back here
last night, me and zack.


Did you sleep with him?

He was pretty aggressive.

He just fell asleep
when he was finished.

He just rolled
over and fell asleep.

Julie... He didn't...

I just sat in this
chair all night.

[Exhales sharply]

I don't know why
I'm so surprised.

But you didn't want to...

Have sex with him?


Did you tell him that?

[Instrumental music plays]

[Music ends]