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01x09 - The Backstage Rage

Posted: 02/26/22 18:07
by bunniefuu
[Bats squeaking]

♪ Scooby dooby doo ♪

♪ Where are you! ♪

♪ We got some work to do now ♪

♪ Scooby dooby doo ♪

♪ Where are you! ♪

♪ We need some
help from you now ♪

♪ Come on, scooby doo ♪

♪ I see you ♪

♪ Pretending you got a sliver ♪

♪ You're not foolin' me ♪

♪ 'Cause I can see ♪

♪ The way you shake and shiver ♪

♪ You know we got
a mystery to solve ♪

♪ So, scooby doo, be
ready for your act ♪

♪ Don't hold back ♪

♪ And, scooby doo, if
you come through ♪

♪ You're gonna have
yourself a scooby snack ♪

That's a fact!

♪ Scooby dooby doo ♪

♪ Here are you ♪

♪ You're ready,
and you're willing ♪

♪ If we can count on you ♪

♪ Scooby doo ♪

♪ I know we'll
catch that villain ♪♪

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.


Say, scooby, kind of
a spooky night, huh?


Yeah, spooky.


The aroma of this pizza
is, like, driving me wild.


You want to eat it now...

Like, right this minute?

Yeah! Yeah!

Man, this is going
to be delicious.

After all, we only had
two blockbuster pizzas

At the pizza palace.

That's hardly even a snack.

Ha ha ha!

Mmm mmm!

Mmm mmm!

I always wanted
to be a pizza chef.

Watch this.


Well, thanks for
leaving my finger.

[Car approaching]

Hey, maybe that's the g*ng

In the mystery machine.

Hey, mister! You lost something!

Hey! Hey!

I guess he didn't hear me.

Let's go see what it is.

It's a violin case.

It feels kind of heavy.

[Imitating a violin]

Hee hee hee!

Yeah, I know.

And you never had
a lesson in your life.

Holy moly! What's this?

It's full of money!

There must be thousands
of dollars here.


Here. Hold this.


Yes, you.

Guard that while I
go phone the g*ng.

[Car starts]





What's wrong?

Hee hee hee!

Hee hee hee!


Yipes! It's gone!

I goofed!

What happened, scooby?

Where's the violin
case full of money?

Shaggy: I got you.

You put the case on the curb.

Yeah. Yeah.

Then what?

Girl dog.

A girl dog with big eyelashes.


She was in trouble.

You put the violin case down

And went over to see her.

And while you were gone,

Someone took the case.

Yeah! Yeah!

Show us where the girl dog was.



Let's all look around carefully.

There might be a clue.

It would be better

If we knew what we
were looking for.

Daphne: what's this?

Why, it's a puppet control.

I wonder what it's doing here.

Let me see it.

There's something
written on this control.

"Pietro's puppets."

That must be the puppet
show at the strand.

Shaggy: you think the
other dog was a puppet?

Yeah! Yeah!

So it was the girl dog puppet

That lured you away
from the violin case.

Scooby: right! Right!

It looks like we have
ourselves a little mystery.

Let's examine the clues.

A puppet dog, a violin case,

Packs of brand-new bills...

Very strange.

They don't seem
to hold together.


You got it.

That's it!

All: counterfeiters!


The thing to do

Is to get into the
strand theater

And look around, but how?

How about getting an audition

For a trained dog act?

Rained dog?

That's a great idea.

Rained dog?

Hee hee hee!

Don't look now, fans,

But I think a star
is about to be born.

Hee hee hee!

Daphne: there's someone inside.

Fred: a watchman or a
doorman, most likely.

Shaggy: look. He's
working a puppet.

Could be another
clue for us, all right.

Let's go inside.

[Door opens]

Velma: hello.

Well, hello. What
can I do for you?

We would like to inquire about

Arranging an audition
for our trained dog.

Shaggy: he's a great talent.

Do a bit, scooby.

♪ Doo doo doo ♪

♪ Doo de doo doo doo ♪

♪ Doo doo! ♪♪

Well, that was pretty good.

What do you say, johnny?

No. Sorry, chum, but
you can't work this show

Unless you're a puppet.

You're very good. Are
you a puppet master?

Oh, my, no.

I just fiddle with
them as a hobby.

You're ok with me, pop.

All: ha ha ha!

Daphne: well, you certainly
seem professional.


Man: well, why not?

The great pietro has helped me.


How long have...


Hey! What's with him?

Yeah, what's with
you, scooby doo?


Witch... Wa-wa-witch...

A witch? I get it.

One of the puppets scared you.

Ok. Let me up.

You'll have to excuse him.

That's ok. I'll go
put johnny away.

Raggy, look.

Look what I got...

A brand-new bill, just
like in the violin case!

Quick! Hide it!

Now, about that audition...

Fred: not right now.

We've really got to go.


What's the rush?

Freddy's right. We
really got to go.

Well, we sure
enjoyed the puppets.


Anytime. Anytime. Good-bye.

[Door closes]


Well, why the rush?

We didn't get a chance
to look for clues.

Show them the clue, shaggy.

Here it is.

I found it sticking out

Of the doorman's desk drawer.

A brand-new $20 bill.

And I'll bet you a doughnut

It's a phony.

It sure looks real.

Let's change it into
a blockbuster pizza.


Be serious. My expert opinion

On the authenticity
of this bill is...

It's absolutely genuine.

You think that 20 was planted

To throw us off?

How come?

Yeah, like, why?

To make us think nothing fishy

Was going on in the theater.

And then we wouldn't
think of going back.

I get it, but now what do we do?

We go back.


Roh, no.

Fred: we're in luck. I think
the doorman's asleep.

Come on. The door's unlocked.




Let's give this stage

A good going-over, g*ng.

What are we looking for?

Clues, of course...
Any kind of clues.

Why not start here
in the clues closet?


Nothing here.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Shaggy, that's the worst joke

I ever heard.

Velma: be serious, you guys.

Let's split up and
start searching.

Everybody know the signal?

Do you know the signal, scooby?


[Trying to whistle]




Yeah, like, watch it.

Hee hee hee!

You stay close to scooby.

We don't want
any more noise, ok?

Let's go.

Like, wow.

There's a lot of searching to do

Around these old sets.

Well, I guess we'd
better split up

And look around.


And don't forget,

If you see anything suspicious,

Bark three times.


Hey, scoob, watch
what you bump into.

I didn't do it.

A guy could get
hurt around here.

Come on. Let's go
look somewhere else.


Gee, velma,

I wish we had a clue to a clue.

Don't worry, daphne.

If we stick around here,

We're bound to find something.

Wow! We almost got
hit by that sandbag!

Yeah! I guess the
rope must have broke!

Broke, nothing. Look.

It's been cut with a knife,

And ropes don't cut themselves.

Let's look along here in
the dressing room area.

Ok, raggy.

Hey, there should be

A lot of junk in
here to check over.

Let's browse around
here a bit, scooby.






Hmm? Should I look?



What's with you, scooby doo?

He's after me!

He's after you?

Yeah! Yeah!

Aww! Ha ha ha!

It's only a jack-in-the-box.


Aww! Yeah!

Hee hee hee!

Now, stop clowning
around and keep looking.


Wow! Funny faces!

Hey, scooby, check this.

Pretty heroic, huh?

Hee hee hee!

Yeah! Yeah!

Watch this.


Ha ha ha!

That's great!

Hold it a sec.

Aha! The cloaked cavalier!

That's a doozie!

Hee hee hee!






There were rwo of you.

There were two of me?

I don't get it, scoob.


Rwo of you.

You saw somebody
else dressed like me?

Yeah! Yeah!

Let's get out of here!

I wish I knew

What we were looking for.

We'll know when we find it.

Yeah, if we find it.

Hey, daphne, velma,
come over here.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


I saw him! He was in
that prompter's box!

Run! Get out of here!

There's a guy in a black
cape running around!

Yeah! Yeah!

He was in that prompter's box.

We ought to see what's
in there, right, scooby?

Uh-uh. Not me.

Here's a scooby snack,
no strings attached.

Just catch.

Dirty trick.

What's down there, scooby?


Violin cases.

Fred: violin cases?

Yeah! Yeah!

Well, come on.

Let's get down
below stage quick.

What now? They're all empty.

Not even violins in them.

Maybe this whole thing's
a wild goose chase.

How about that man
in the black cape?

Explain him.

And scooby.

He saw that man
in the black, too,

Didn't you, huh?

[Organ playing]


Somebody's playing the
big organ on the stage.

Velma: he's gone!

It must have been
our imagination.

Well, that was the first time

I ever heard mine.

Man: ha!



What was that?

I don't like looking
for clues anymore.

Man: aah!

Ha ha ha!

[Arf arf]

That's the one.




Daphne: look! Scooby
has a dog puppet.

Velma: so this is the
canine mata hari.

What's sticking out of
that puppet's stuffing?

What a clue!

It's the front engraving
plate for a $20 bill!

It's time we wake
that doorman up

And tell him what's going on.

Good idea. Let's go.

Mr. Doorman, wake up! Wake up!

Come on! Wake up!

Fred: it... It... He's
a puppet, too!

That's all for me, fans.

Hey, we're locked in, but good!

But we've got to get out
with this important clue!

[Squawk squawk]

There goes the
plate... Our only clue!

What'll we do now?

I'll tell you what
we're going to do.

We're going back

To that violin case room

And give it another going-over.

Ok, fred. How do we start?

Start looking for something

Out of the ordinary.

Take a good look around.

That harp case is big
enough to hide something.

I wonder if it's empty, too.

Shaggy: it's sure not empty.

It's got a whole room in it.

Wow! We hit the jackpot!

Shaggy: look at
that printing press.

Velma: and all those
new $20 bills on the table.

You were right, freddy.

It's a big counterfeit

[Man laughing eerily]

Shaggy: it's him!

Ha ha ha!


Double yipes! Let's
get out of here!

Ha ha ha!

There's a door up ahead!

[Man laughing eerily]

You know my secret!

Golly! Where's that
voice coming from?

In this tunnel. Who knows?

[Man laughing eerily]

Velma: it's a dead end!

This ladder's our only way out,

But it's too dark
to see where it goes.

We got no choice.
Start climbing.

Where are we?

I'm not sure.

Ha ha ha!

You have learned my secret.

Now you can never go.

Shaggy: come on.
Think of something.

Fred: look, one
man isn't too heavy.

If we all push together,

Maybe we can throw him off.

Shaggy: ok. Let's go.

Hey! Where'd he go?

Where are we?

Fred: back on the stage.

Velma: careful, everybody.

He's around here someplace.

Wait for me!





Wait a minute!

Me, wait? Why?

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Remember the doorman?


He was a life-size
puppet, wasn't he?


Well, what do you
think these are?

You're right! Puppets!

Then there must
be a puppet master.


Fred: there he is!

We've got to catch him!

Look at scooby doo!

How do you like that?

Old scooby doo's
got him on the run.

Ruff ruff!


Ruff ruff!

Good work, scooby!

I'll give you a hand.

Hee hee hee!

You kids deserve
a lot of credit.

This town's been flooded
with phony twenties for weeks.

Aw, it was nothing really.

But old mr. Pietro
posing as the doorman

Sure had us fooled for a while.

He really gave himself away

When he put on

His little puppet show for us.

The real hero is scooby doo.

By the way, where is he?

Oh, no. Look at him.

Velma: like I said before,

What a ham.

Scooby dooby doo!

[Bats squeaking]

♪ Scooby dooby doo ♪

♪ Where are you! ♪

♪ We got some work to do now ♪

♪ Scooby dooby doo ♪

♪ Where are you! ♪

♪ We need some
help from you now ♪

♪ Come on, scooby doo ♪

♪ I see you ♪

♪ Pretending you got a sliver ♪

♪ You're not foolin' me ♪

♪ 'Cause I can see ♪

♪ The way you shake and shiver ♪

♪ You know we got
a mystery to solve ♪

♪ So, scooby doo ♪

♪ Be ready for your act ♪

♪ Don't hold back ♪

♪ And, scooby doo ♪

♪ If you come through ♪

♪ You're gonna have yourself ♪

♪ A scooby snack ♪

♪ Scooby dooby doo ♪

♪ Here are you ♪

♪ You're ready ♪

♪ And you're willing ♪

♪ If we can count on
you, scooby doo... ♪