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05x02 - The South Island of New Zealand with Dylan McDermott

Posted: 02/26/22 09:50
by bunniefuu
Imagine a distant,
extraordinary land.

Ruled by the impulses
of mother nature.

Did you feel the
earthquake here?

We thought we were
going to meet the maker.


Where to survive at
all means coexisting.

Alongside the extremes
of the natural world.

- Power of the wind.
- Yeah, baby!

Welcome to the south
island of new Zealand...

It's pristine.

A singular escape...

On the other side of the planet.

- Yeah!
- All right, hit it!

Here we go!

Yeah, baby.


A vibrant, artistic metropolis.

The southernmost
capital city on the planet.

But I'm here because
it's also the gateway.

To new zealand's
majestic south island.

And after spending some
time enamored by the people.

And the sights of
the north island,

I'm hitting the ferry,
and I'm heading south.

To experience one of the
top riding destinations on earth.

So, have you been to
new Zealand before?

- No, my first time!
- Wow.

- Amazing.
- That's Dylan mcdermott.

You might recognize
him from "the practice,".

But to me, he's
always going to be

"American horror
story's" dr. Ben Harmon.

- I want to get a farm here.
- Have you done farm life before?

I like to be away. I
like to be in the woods.

- I agree.
- You know?

I first met Dylan a few years
back at a friend's wedding,

And it turns out he
rides motorcycles,

So I hit him up to
see if he was down.

For an off-the-grid escape.

After exploring wellington,

We'll park the bikes for
a -kilometer boat ride.

Across cook strait
to the south island.

Winding down the
coastline to kaikoura,

We'll detour into sheep country.

Before meeting up with
some local innovators.

In the city of Christchurch.

It's a three-day,
-kilometer journey.

Through the south island,
one of the most isolated.

Yet sublime
corners of the world.

- Let's do it.
- Let's grab a coffee.


Hi! I'll have a kia
or a with a little milk.

- Just an espresso for me.
- Hey, I've seen you.

You're just pretty
famous on vic deals?

- Have you seen the page?
- Seen the what?

- What's flick gills?
- So...

Did I say that
wrong, too? Gills?

- It sounds like you swallowed the word.
- No.

You're going to have to
have subtitles for this episode.

Yeah. Totally. Vic deals?

- Yeah, vic deals.
- What is that?

Vic deals.

You mean like a goofy meme? Is
it that stupid one where I'm crying?

- No, no.
- Never cry on camera.

Everywhere, like an ass.


Like, "I don't want
to wake up today."

"And go to school, mom." meh!

"I lost my driver's
license." meh!

You're just like, "damn,
I hate the internet!"

I know! Why? Why?

- It's so terrible. I had even a worse one.
- You had a worse one?

- Yeah. It was called "crybating."
- "crybating."

It was crying and
masturbating at the same time.

That's kind of cool,
actually. I kind of like that!

- I'm just going to check on your coffee.
- Yeah, now you're blushing!

You're blushing.

- What was this for?
- "American horror story."

- Which was awesome, by the way.
- Thank you.

But Ryan Murphy, just
being in his sphere,

His world, you get to
do so many crazy things.

It must be fun to come back and play
different characters on the same show.

- Yeah. Yeah, it's a lot of fun.
- On our show,

Like, someone comes
out of the makeup trailer,

And they have some big
cut, you're like, "damn."

- Yeah.
- "How did you get that?"

"Who'd you pay off to get
the cool cut," you know?

- Two coffees.
- There you go.

- Nice to meet you, by the way.
- No worries.

- You guys are dope!
- Yeah, you're awesome.

- Ka kite? Is that a new word?
- Yeah. It means goodbye.

No. Yeah, that's goodbye.

- Ka kite.
- Or say "chur."

- Cheer up!
- Like, c-h-u-r.

Ka kite, I'm out. Chur.

How'd you get into motorcycles?
When did you first start riding?

In new york, actually,
I got this little Honda.

What was it, a rebel?

I think it was even smaller.

- Wow.
- But it was bad ass.

It was like a hairdryer.

Here we go.

This is your next show.

- Swinging.
- Swing.

I know you do a
lot of movies, too,

- But do you like tv better...
- Yes.

Or you like movies better?

I mean, it's kind of all
the same now, isn't it?

In the ' s, television,

That was a signal that your
movie career was failing.

Yeah. If someone got
a tv show, you'd go,

- "that's okay. Keep trying."
- poor, poor guy.

Did you always want
to be an actor or...?

My dad's third
wife was eve ensler,

Who wrote "the
vag*na monologues."

She was the first person.

Who said, "you
should be an actor."

You just need that one
person to believe in you in life...

- Yeah.
- And she was that person.

And now you're a huge success.

The thing about
show business is that.

The good news is
people know you.

- The bad news is...
- They're sick of you.

People know you.

Right. That's true. I hear you.

- A tear-jerker.
- It felt good to be on a swing.

Yeah, that was fun.

- All right, you ready, Freddy?
- Let's do it!

Look at this weird
round building.

Like, what is that?
It's like mordor.

This one? I know!

And look to the left. Like...

That's awesome!

Before we leave
the north island,

A quick stop to fuel up.

The Maori, the indigenous
people of this country,

Have long believed in a synergy
between nature and humanity.

So we're off to meet a chef.

Who's bringing back the
lost art of living off the land.

I'm excited to meet this lady.

They do, like, a...
a foraging thing.

I can't wait!

This is pretty through here.

Yeah, it's nice!

- Hi. I'm Norman.
- Monique.

Nice to meet you, Monique.
How much stuff do you gather?

Just whatever you can
put in your backpack?

Yeah, what we usually do,
as a team, is we'll go foraging,

And we'll grab a
whole bunch of stuff.

I have a bunch of backpacks
and a few extra bags.

After several years at top
new york city restaurants,

Monique fiso returned
home to her Maori roots.

Her spot, hiakai,
or "hungry" in Maori,

Specializes in
traditional ingredients.

That you don't find in
a local grocery store.

Today, we're just going
to collect a few little things,

Cook a few bits and bobs.

- It's so peaceful in here.
- Yeah, it really is.

Well, I grew up
not far from here.

We used to just
come for walks here,

And I never really,
like, thought of it.

As, like, a food source.


But we have a lot of
really interesting plants.

That do very fascinating things
and have very unique flavors.

That, like, they can only
be, um, experienced here,

Which I think is the
important thing about.

What we do at the restaurant
is just showing kiwis.

That there is a lot to
new Zealand cuisine.

- Yeah.
- We're gonna go get the supple jack.

- Let's forage.
- Let's do it.

- Are we coming down with you?
- All right.

You're coming down with me.

- Supple jack.
- I've seen applejacks.

Is that the same?

So, on these vines...

- Yeah.
- The young sh**t are edible.

We're just gonna break it off.

Yeah. I would have
never thought to eat that.

If you feel that, it's,
like, super-tender.

- Yeah.
- And you can eat them raw.

- Go ahead, eat it, Norman.
- Do I peel it or just eat it?


you're not going to die.

Yeah, it tastes like
exactly like it looks.

Kind of like asparagus. Yeah.

- Kind of like asparagus.
- It does. Yeah.

So we'll take that back with us.

What I want is a few
pieces of pickle pickle.

- Pickle pickle.
- So, if you see, like, a spiral pattern.

I've found us one, though.

- That's not spirally!
- It's spirally. It's a little...

- No, it's not!
- It's gone the wrong way.

- You can... yeah.
- Like this? Okay, I see.

This plant's very delicious.

Yeah, right?

The Maori have always been
very protective of the environment.

And particularly where
their food comes from.

They are definitely looking
after the future generations.

It's all about treating
your land with respect.

And looking after it.

- This is the coolest thing ever.
- So this is the supple jack vine,

So we'll just use the
tender sh**t on it.

Um, and then there's
the pickle pickle.

Some leaves.

I think that will do
us for a quick snack.

That's incredible.

My god, that is really good.

- Magnifique. Wow.
- Yeah, this is awesome.

Can do a lot off
the back of a truck.

Last bite for the chef.

Yeah, this is great.

Thank you for this.
This was awesome.

- No worries. - What a pleasure.
- Thank you so much.

- So great.
- Thanks, guys.


Bye! Thank you!

- That fish was awesome.
- Amazing.

I love a person that can live off
the land. You know what I mean?

Hell, yeah. I would
love to live like that, man.

Now with our stomachs satisfied,

It's time to leave the
north island behind.

Cook strait.

The narrow yet
hostile stretch of sea.

Separating the two main
islands of new Zealand.

These waters are some of
the most dangerous in the world,

And with no roadways
linking the north and the south,

Over a million people rely
on this three-hour voyage.

Each year.

- Wow, we're on a boat!
- Yeah, bro.

Man, a cruise ship.
They scare me.

Yeah. I was on one of those
with , "walking dead" fans.

- Yeah, that is crazy.
- I did a ton of those conventions.

When "the walking
dead" first started.

- Right. Right.
- This is wild!

I feel like we're in Berlin,
going to a rave or something.

Look at this.

This is awesome up here!

I mean, we're
hauling ass right now!


I just felt that. Did you
feel that right there?

Felt a little wob.
A little wob-wob.

I'm so glad I took
that Dramamine. Oof!

How fast do you think
we're going right now?

About knots. What is a knot?

- I don't know, what is a knot?
- Did you take a Dramamine?

I did, yeah.

I'm waiting for the
seasickness to kick in, like.

Yeah? Like how you feeling?

Yeah, that's about it for me.

This is just beautiful, Dylan?

Where's Dylan? Did he
jump? I think he jumped.

Have you guys seen Dylan?
Have you guys seen Dylan?

No? All right.

Have you seen, my friend Dylan?

He's, like, handsome, he's
chiseled, he's got short hair.


I found him! He's in here.

Hi, Dylan. He's trying
to shoo us away.

This is "American
horror story" right here.

Get away from the window,
guys. Get away from the window.

Okay. I'm... I'm
sorry, sir. I'm sorry, sir.

Okay. All right. All right.

Well, you know, you
take a guy on a trip,

You know, all the
way to new Zealand...

All right, I'm getting seasick.

Five seasons, over
, miles on the road,

And not one single
sick day taken.

But minutes
swaying on a ferry,

And, yeah, we're
both out for the count.

Look at these mountains! Whoo!

My god, this is little!

- It's fun, right?
- So fun.

We've never been
pulled over before!

Everyone, stay on your bikes.

The cook strait is an
unpredictable waterway.

Pummeled by new
zealand's famous winds.

Dude, where's Dylan at?

And with our sea legs
finally back under us...

That's nice.

Dylan and I are ready to
give this boat thing another try.

- Crazy.
- This is the right here.

- How you feeling?
- Thank god we took that Dramamine.

This is the dude,
look at that spot.

- Come on! This is gorgeous!
- Look at these trees.

- I mean, it's pristine. You know?
- Yeah, right.

- Yeah, this is paradise.
- It's heaven, man.

You know, you think about how
much time you have left here.

And where you want
to spend it, you know?

This is where you
want to move, right here.

This is what I'm after,
something like this.

Yeah, right?

I love it. I could do this.

- Yeah.
- Coming into civilization now.

- Whoo! That was awesome.
- Look at these mountains!

Everything's so lush
here. Like, really green!

Even this is all beautiful!

Valley of dead trees right
here. This is awesome!

- It's like a sculpture garden.
- There we go.

- Blenheim... that's where we're headed.
- Blenheim.

The south island, we have
our own little bit of paradise.

We've got the mountains.
We've got the rivers.

We have the best biking roads.

We got clean air blowing past.

A lot of farming.
A lot of sheep.

See a lot more sheep
than they do humans.

Nicest people in the world.
What else do you need?

Before the south island
sun sets on our first day,

We're going to find some locals
and wind down with a nightcap.

- Should we check this place out?
- Yeah.

- Whoa, look at this!
- This is cool!

Very cool!

I'm going to take a picture
of slash and send it to slash.

Ha! Lookit, yo... kangaroo.

- Is this your spot?
- Yeah.

- Nice to meet you, man.
- How's it going? How you doing?

You named all your roadkill?

You got to, you know,
give them a story.

So, what's the
story with this place?

This is my solution.

To working too hard in
the big city, I suppose.



Are you from up north,
like Auckland area?

Yeah, Auckland.
Complete opposite of here.

- Little bit more laid-back.
- You ride, too?

- Are these yours?
- Totally, yeah.

Grew up on dirt bikes. Yeah.

- This thing, my god, is enormous!
- It's a monster.

Can you show us back here?
Are we allowed to go back there?

Yeah, I'll show you around.

Essentially, just
a creative space.

Do you restore all
the bikes yourself?

My whole background's
engineering and mechanical,

So moving from the
city down to a small town,

I wanted somewhere where
I could still hobby away.

- The bar pays the bills.
- It's a great hobby space.

Yeah. It's my
little happy space.

I feel like it gets a
little rowdy down here.

I feel like there's
some rowdiness.

It's pretty under control...

- Yeah.
- You know, before : .

Right, right, right.

We've decided to be
the adults in the room.

And call it an early night.

Tomorrow, we travel
deeper into the south island.

- Sweet little town.
- Yeah, right?

What's your favorite
place to ride bikes?

It may be here. I'll let
you know at the end.

Waking up in Blenheim, it's the
sunshine capital of new Zealand,

But with those looming clouds,

We picked a good
day to skip town.

So, where's your place
in new york, in Chelsea?

I mean, I grew up there. Interesting
way to grow up as a kid, let me tell you.

I used to wait on john
Belushi. I used to bus his tables.

- That's awesome.
- You know, all the actors.

Did he pull out a samurai
sword and cut the table in half?

It's a -kilometer
ride down highway ,

Straddling the
pacific shoreline.

Into the coastal
town of kaikoura.

South island is a motorcycle
enthusiast's dream,

With some of the most
jaw-dropping views in the world.

Before setting off, we're
going to meet a local expert.

Who's going to lead the way.

Beatnik. I did a movie
called "beatnicks."

No one saw it but me.

- Good morning!
- Welcome, guys! I'm mike.

- Nice to meet you, dude.
- Nice to meet, Norman.

- Yeah, love this place.
- Yeah. Thanks for that.

It's a bit of a labor of love.

- Right. What do you do here exactly?
- So, we create,

Custom tours and
rentals, on motorcycles.

And then help
people not only have.

A great experience on the
bike and see the great scenery,

But integrate some other
cool things to do, as well.

- That's amazing.
- I mean, are you from here?

I'm Canadian. My wife
is born in new Zealand.

- Why did you choose new Zealand?
- We were living in Dubai,

- And, we'd been there for years.
- In Dubai! Wow!

I was in a kind
of a corporate job,

Getting really burnt out.

It was a really tough
industry at that time.

And we decided to figure
out what it is we wanted to do,

And oddly enough,
we ended up in this...

This little town at the
top of the south island.

It was all about the riding.

So, we wanted to be
able to be on a bike.

And be in amazing
riding within five minutes,

Which you can do here
in any direction you go.

So, what's the ride
you're going to take us on?

Today, we're going to
head south, along the coast.

Down to a place called kaikoura.

It's a bit of a
nostalgia ride for me.

When we first opened up,
the road down to kaikoura.

Had actually been closed for a
while because of the earthquake,

So it was... they were...
earthquake came through here?

Yeah, here in this
town wasn't too bad,

But, kaikoura, where
you're going and that,

It was almost isolated for
a certain amount of time.

It's shocking when you
see the... the... the power.

Mother nature's a mother.

- Yeah. - Yeah.
- Let's do it.

- This is pretty through here.
- Yeah, it's so beautiful. Wow.

It's like they're made
out of, like, velvet.

What's the difference between
the north and the south?

Well, the north is...

It's got kind of a
higher population,

So the infrastructure, the
roads are a little more prominent,

Whereas the south, it's just
kind of that much more rugged,

The mountains are that
much taller, the scenery's...

Just everything's a
little bigger and grander.

- Down here in the south.
- Ooh, I smell those sheep!

- That's beautiful.
- Run!

- I see the ocean over there!
- Yeah, here we go, boys.

- Whoo!
- I mean, this is stunning.

- Absolutely stunning.
- Look up on the hill on your right.

Do you see all the dirt
where there's no vegetation?


Yeah, that's all slid
from the earthquake.

- Wow!
- My god! You're kidding! Whoa!

So, off on your left, you can
see where that massive landslide.

Has come down, and that
was one of the major spots.

- Where they had to fix, as well.
- That is huge!

Two minutes and twenty seconds.

In , that's all
mother nature needed.

To forever reshape this island,

As a . earthquake.

Violently thrust the
earth up from the ocean.

, landslides ensued,
leveling homes and roads.

And sweeping the
main railway into the sea.

New Zealand has always been...

Had some trouble
with earthquakes.

We are right on the middle
of two tectonic plates.

It's something that we
live with all our lives.

It can happen
anywhere, any time.

It's just the world we live in.

So this years ago, and
they're still rebuilding it,

Just to show what
a huge project it is.

Life in the south island is
defined by its remoteness,

But sometimes a place's
appeal becomes its burden.

The people who live here
seem to have made peace.

With that tradeoff.

So, there's a good
pull-out up here.

You can see the seals
down laying on the rocks.


I did see some.


- What?
- Are you kidding me?

Seals... that's so awesome.

- If I was a seal, I'd live right here.
- Yeah, man. Look at this spot.

- It's a good spot, right?
- Yeah, right?

Look at this guy down in this
little pool swimming around.

- Yeah.
- There's a few of them down there.

Yeah. You guys are
so lazy, all of you.

I think we need to get a
selfie with the seals, guys.


You live in a pretty
part of the world.

- We're pretty blessed.
- What a pleasure to meet you.

- What an honor to meet you guys.
- Yeah.

Thank you for, taking
time to ride with us and...

Dude, you're awesome. Yeah.

All right, man, thank
you so much for your time.

- Yeah, that mike was a good guy.
- Yeah.

I just want to go down there
and take a nap with those seals.

It took nearly months,

But thanks to ingenuity
and a little resilience,

Today the road through
kaikoura is open for travel.

- What great roads to ride on.
- Whoo!


I got to say, this might
put pch to shame right here.

Yeah. It's just spectacular.

Every time you round a
corner, it's just breathtaking.

Yeah. Truly.

We're headed to the hills
for some off-road adventure,

But turns out.

The joke's on us.


Yeah, it's going to rain.

It's starting to rain a little.
My glasses are all wet.

Been through it all on
this trip, let me tell you.

Rain, sleet, highways,

Falling rocks, earthquakes.

The only thing we didn't
tackle on this show was snow.

Wait a second.

At least it's pretty.

Whoa. This is amazing.

For generations, the lifeblood
of the new Zealand economy.

Has been farming, but today,

Old family farms are finding
new life through other means.

- Hello.
- How are you?

- I'm good. I'm Norman. Hi.
- Hi. Alistair's my name.

- Nice to meet you Alistair.
- Hello.

- So this is your spread right here.
- It is, yes.

- Well, how long you had this for?
- Three generations.

- Wow.
- So you just got it.


Yeah, no, my grandparents
got it in the early s.

So we're going
to do the utv tour.

- All right, cool. I'm excited, yeah.
- Let's go. Good job. Okay.

- Is that your kitty-cat?
- That's one of them.

Yeah, yeah, we
can give you three.

- No, I got a cat.
- My cat's an ass.

He would be so mad at
me. Here, I'll sit in the back.

- Dylan, jump in the front.
- Wow.

Hey, Alistair, am
I going to barf?

- Is there a barf bag in here somewhere?
- Right in the middle.

My dog likes to go in
here when he throws up.

In the console.

Yeah, this is where... where
all the business happens.

- Here we go, guys.
- I'm scared.

Man, all the mud's
hitting me back here.

Wow, look how pretty this is!

Whoo! Alistair!

You do have a really nice
piece of property, Alistair.

That was the
greatest thing ever.

That was awesome.
That was so fun.

- Can I drive?
- No.

- Let me drive.
- No. Definitely not.

- Let me, Alistair.
- Not likely.

- Not likely.
- I demand you let me drive.

- Right, Alistair?
- Yeah, no, no, no.

Do you want to hop out,
guys, and have a look around?

Wow, this is great.


- How big is this place you got?
- , acres.

- My gerd.
- Your gardener bill must be enormous.

Wow, what do you do
with all this property?

- Like, how do you maintain it?
- Sheep... sheep and beef.

- So you have cows, too?
- Yep, and tourism.

Tourism's a big, big... I mean,
because of the landscape.

Yep. It's a big thing.

For new Zealand. It's
a big, big thing, yep.


- Did you feel the earthquake here?
- What, the kaikoura one?

- Yeah. Is that... is that the big one?
- Yep.

The fault line is just...
Just over the hill here.

- Wow.
- We were pretty much sitting on top of it.

We thought we were
going to meet the maker.


It was horrendous.
Absolutely horrendous.

You can hear it coming,
coming through the hills.

You could hear it
jumping a series of faults,

And then it hits
the house... bang.

Bang. Bang.

You could hear everything
just destroying itself.

I never really think of earthquakes
as something you can hear.

- They are really noisy.
- That's crazy.

You get a big one like that,
they are really, really noisy.

Yeah. Definitely
look at the landscape.

- Completely different, especially...
- You should.

Look at the whole
earth different after that.


Our planet gives,
but it also takes away,

And seeing it's power up
close, you begin to understand.

The respect given to
it by a people isolated.

In their far-off
corner of the world.

Thank you for having
us. This is awesome here.

Don't mention it.

Thank you, Alistair.

Japan is the land
of the rising sun,

But thanks to the earth's tilt,
every morning, new zealanders.

Are the first to welcome
the incoming day.

But on day three,
it's just a relief.

That there's finally
sun to wake up to.

This is the best part. This
is my wake-up right here.

Yeah. It's nice to
wake up like this?

First ride in the
morning is my favorite.

You know what's
cool about riding?

When you can get into
the zone of not thinking.

I spend most of
my day not thinking.

Look at those
mountains up ahead.

Wow! This is just stunning!

Leaving kaikoura, we're on a
-kilometer ride southwest.

To the hills of hurunui,
straight into sheep country.

- Ooh, I smell those sheep.
- I love it.

The grass is always
growing in new Zealand,

Grass for pasturage on
which sheep can feed.

It's from it's animal products.

That much of new
zealand's income is derived.

New Zealand originally was
a dairy and sheep country.

It identifies us as a nation.

Basically, yeah, we've
got sheep everywhere.

I've put on my snow gear.

Yeah, what's all this for?

Well, every time we do a
scene and there's wild animals,

And then I smell them
on the airplane home.

- I see.
- But not this time.

So what do you guys do up
here? It's a sheep farm, right?

Yeah. We've got merino sheep
that grow this beautiful wool.

A good sort of product
that we are producing, so...

How long have you
been doing this here?

I've been here all my life.

Yeah, we're about
fourth generation, so...

- Fifth.
- Fifth.

No, he said who... who does
all the work here, he said?

Yeah, you got flip-flops on.

- Yeah.
- Who is this guy? What's his name?

- That's Kate.
- She's a beauty.


And they're loud,
and they're robust.

Do they herd the sheep?

- Mia, Jess. Mia.
- Whoa!

My god. That's amazing.



- My god, she can hear you.
- Jess, come back. Jess, come back.

I can't even get my cat
to not pee on the couch.

Like, how do you do this?

That's where you're
going wrong. You got a cat.

Well, that's... that's
the first mistake.

Will the dog take
command from anyone else?

Just sing out, "mia"
and see what happens.

- What's "mia" mean?
- Another word for "here," sort of thing.

- You know? Like "come here."
- can I say it?

- Yeah, well, try it.
- Mia!

- Just say, "mia, Jess."
- mia, Jess.

- Nothing.
- Oi.

- Mia, Jess.
- Jess, come on.

- Shish kabob.
- Jess, come on?

- Jess, come on.
- Jess, come on.



Jess, come on.

We've sort of gone
back, tracking to ,

So that's when the
farm, came into the family.

It's all about, um, sort
of living off the land.

So, these guys will be out.

Grazing in the
fields all their life.

And there's a huge
demand for merino wool.

And, obviously, sustainable
products at the moment.

It's cool to be a part of
that bigger story, as well.

- Well, do you guys want to come help?
- Yeah, what do we do?

And now you can stop.

This might work with my cat.

- This farm life, bro, this is you.
- I'm telling you,

- This is me, right?
- See if you can get the hang of this.

So this is where we, um... when
we're gonna shear the sheep.

Well, this is what you...
You end up doing, like that.

But then you take all the bits
and pieces that are no good.

- How do you know what's good?
- So that... so these are...

- So this is the good stuff?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Well, that's...
That's... that's the length.

You want and
things like that, so...

This is a lot longer,
and that's a bit shorter.

It's so soft.

The best wool goes into
making the high-end leisurewear,

And we produce some
of the best in the world.

- Thank you so much for this.
- Okay.

- No, it's been great having you.
- Yeah, this is very informative.

- Nice to meet you. Thanks man.
- No worries. Pleasure.

- Safe travels.
- What is the kiwi attitude?

- Give it a go. Give it a go.
- Give it a go.


- Power of the wind.
- Yeah, baby!

Are you guys supposed
to be in school?

Yeah. Okay.

What is that? What
does that mean?

Education outside the classroom.

- What are you learning right now?
- Um, Rollerblade.

- To Rollerblade.
- Really?

Do you want some help?
You want me to help you?


- You got it?
- Go, Lauren.

Come on, we got this.

So this is a class at school?

- Yeah. - Yeah.
- How lucky are you guys?

- Yeah, what a great class.
- If you fall down, do you fail?

- Yeah. No. No.
- You're doing really well, though.

- There's some more people.
- You're kind of kicking butt.

- Right now, all of you.
- There, yeah.

- There's your friends.
- Hey, we're doing.

Way better than you guys.

You're holding on
to the trash cans.

- We're doing great!
- We'll let you go.

- Bye, guys.
- Bye.

They all went down.

C-minus, c-minus.
And they're safe.

In new Zealand, the
only thing stronger.

Than the accents is the wind.

There's that wind. Whoo!

Whoa, that wind is crazy. Whoo!



Yeah, that's windy.

Now we got sprinklers.

Pissed all over me.

From hurunui, we're
in the home stretch.

A final -kilometer
ride to Christchurch.

The south island
wind is no joke,

But sculptor Phil price
knows a thing or two.

About how to wrangle it.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How's it going? Hi. I'm Norman.
- Hello.

Norman, I'm Phil. Nice to
meet you -nice to meet you, Phil.

- Phil. I'm Dylan. How are you?
- I'm very well.

For over years, he's
been harnessing its power.

And turning it into art.

Phil's the most innovative,
kinetic sculptor today,

And he's also a vintage
motorcycle enthusiast.

We keep sculptures, and I
keep asking if they're yours.

Yeah, well, they've got a look.

- Are they all wind.
- Wind.

- They're all wind. Okay.
- Yeah, yeah. Wind and simple, you know?

Is it fiberglass?
What is it? Metal?

Well, I've started making
them out of carbon fiber.

Well, you know,
like, just to get the

'cause carbon's real
light, you know, and it's...

You can make any shape
you want, you know, and, um...

- This is great.
- So I just... yeah, just...

It's... it's a more
natural movement.

It's more like ballet.

No motors, no brakes.

Just wind and balance and form.

There's another one
further down which is...

This is amazing.

This is a kind of a
thing that I call it a tree.

- Can I touch it?
- For sure, yeah, yeah.

- No, they're resilient.
- And they all move?

- Yeah, yeah, so it's...
- Wow.

I think this one's got like

moving parts, and so...

- That's so light.
- Yeah.

- Wow.
- So when it gets a bit of a breeze,

- It starts going, and.
- - -It's... it's really...

- It's got this molecular sort of...
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- It's great.

I'm surprised you don't
do a whole theme park.

Yeah, really. Now,
what about weather?

Well, they're
made to be outside.

I mean, I've had
these out in the field.

For, well, years,
and they still go.


What a beautiful bike.

I was interested in motorbikes.

Far before I was interested in
making mechanical sculptures.

These are beautiful.
What are these?

These are velocettes,
which are English.

This thing's been
around the isle of man.

At mile and hour.

Not bad for a ?

You are really into
form and shape.

What's it sound like?

- Can you turn it on?
- Hey, we'll start one.

- Give us a push, Norman.
- Yeah, for sure.

What? Wow! It's so,

It's... it's so throaty, you
can feel it in your ribcage.

- That's racing.
- Wow!

Can the three of us get on?

Dude, this is crazy.

I like being this
low, like the...

- You look perfect on that bike.
- I love it.

Dude, this is beautiful.
You have a great life. Yeah.

Yeah, you do. Such a
pleasure to meet you guys.

- Thank you so much.
- Thanks for letting me ride your bike.

- Have a good one, man.
- See you later.

What are you thinking,
Dylan? Are you loving it?

- He's so talented.
- And supercool.


Yeah, I was a fan of
his the minute I met him.

I see the ocean over there.

Dylan, what is
blokarting exactly?

- Have you ever done this?
- I don't know what that is.

So many fricking
activities in this country.


It's incredible what you
can do with a lot of wind.

And a little imagination,

And in new Zealand, there
is an abundance of both.

From bungee
jumping to jet boating.

To zip lining and zorbing,

Kiwis are famous for
their daredevil antics.

It's no wonder this is the
birthplace of adventure sports.

Hi. I'm ian.

- I'm Norman. Nice to meet you, man.
- Norman, nice to meet you.

- How are you? Dylan.
- Dylan, hi. Good to meet you.

Hello, ian.

Nice to meet you.
What's going on out here?

This is a little,
kiwi invention.

That was developed
by a new zealander.

By the name of Paul
Beckett about years ago.

Let me ask you, is it...
It's really windy right now.

Is this good for
this or horrible?

Yeah, we... we... we
ordered this one for you.

So this is exactly what
you want, right here?

Yeah. Perfect.

Why do you think
these extreme sports.

Get invented in new Zealand?

- It's just the kiwi attitude, isn't it?
- Yeah.

What is the kiwi attitude?

- Give it a go. Give it a go.
- Give it a go.

- Give it a go.
- Have a try.

And then just head down
towards the right there a little bit.

This is awesome.

Ha ha ha! Whoo!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah, now
we got some speed going.

Wow, dude, I'm flying
on this thing right now.

Power of the wind.

- Two wheels.
- Did you see that.

This mother playing
chicken with me.


Yeah, baby!

- Let's have a race.
- Okay. Let's go, punk.

- You want some of this blue sail?
- You want to play? Let's play!

Come on!


Coming to get you now.


- Hey!
- Are you trying to k*ll me?

Crazy Dylan in full
effect over here.



Yeah, it's totally
insane. My god.

I found my calling.

I'm a blokartist.

Who went faster?

I think I did, right?

I got up on two wheels.

Yeah, but I was going
so much faster than you.

Were you? It's 'cause
you're heavier than me.

That's fun, though. That
was really awesome.

- You did really well. That was awesome.
- Yeah.

Thank you so much. I love it.

Now you're wearing
what's called the blokart grin.

So, yeah.

Like the joker grin
a little, you know?

Yeah, it was great.
Thank you so much.

- All right.
- That was awesome.

With perfectly windswept hair,

We're ready to head into
the heart of Christchurch.

To see what the
city is all about.

- New zealand's great.
- It really is.

Christchurch is such
a crazy name to me.


It sounds so powerful.

It does, doesn't it?

That's his sculpture.

Yeah, that is his
sculpture. You're right.

That's his
sculpture right there.

You're totally
right. Just beautiful.

The push and pull of
nature is all too familiar.

To most new zealanders,

And Christchurch
is no exception.

It's still rebuilding from
a earthquake.

That demolished almost
% of the city center.

Despite the number
it did on infrastructure,

The city's spirit
remains intact,

And we're stopping at a spot
where that's on full display.

There it is.

I like the name... smash palace.

That's cool.

- How's it going? Hello.
- Welcome.

- Nice to meet you. Dylan.
- Nice to meet you, too.

- Hi, Norman. How you doing?
- This is griffin,

- I've told you, my German shepherd.
- This is a great place.

- You have here.
- I do.

I used to have two
white German shepherds.

- What a beauty.
- He's a really cool dog.

- Like a wolf.
- Yeah, yeah, he's like a wolf.


He's a big, mellow guy.
Well, welcome, guys.

- Welcome to Christchurch.
- Yeah, thanks for having us.

- Yeah, thanks for coming.
- This place reminds me.

- Of, like, Berlin or something.
- We'll take that.

- Copenhagen or something.
- That's a compliment.

What's the story
with this place? Like...

Smash palace is my bar with,
um, Greg, my brother-in-law.

Who's in here
working on the bar.

We had a bar next door to here,

And that fell over in the
Christchurch earthquake,

So .

Well, funnily enough,
the building stood up,

But the building next
door fell on top of it, and so,

Apart from the building
on top of it, it was fine.

- Yeah.
- Um, and then when that fell over,

We decided we were
going to stay in Christchurch.

- And keep doing bars.
- Man.

Every Thursday, we have,
you know, , bikes up here.

Sort of a whole
thing's grown out of it.

New Zealand in the
' s, you weren't allowed.

To import much
stuff, and so everyone.

Made everything
themself, and so...

- Is that right?
- Yeah, a real homemade.

Sort of style of bikes here.

- I would love to see you ride that.
- My, god, can we?

- That is the coolest thing ever.
- That's crazy.

- Yeah!
- I'll take it.

O-m-g. My god, this is little.

Where do you put
your feet? Here we go.

It's so tiny.

What? Oi!

Look at the kickstand.

That's so weird looking.
I love it. It's fun right?

- So fun.
- Thank you for that. That was cool.

That's all right.

This is going to be
messy, I can feel it.

- Cool town.
- It is a cool town.

- Right?
- Yeah.

New Zealand has everything.

- Yeah.
- You know?

I mean, really has everything.

The people are
nice, the land is rich.

So many activities.
Everybody drives a motorcycle.

- There's a lot of activities.
- A lot of activities.

The only downside
is it's so far away.

That's the only downside.

Well, I think that's maybe
the upside because...

- It could be, yeah.
- Otherwise, everybody would be here.

- That's true.
- Right?

Are you going to do it?

Are you really
thinking about it?

I'm going to do
some more research.

- But I like it.
- I can see you here.

All this activity
makes you hungry.

- Yeah. It does.
- Right?

You're right.

Take a trip to new Zealand,

And it isn't long before
you're under it's spell.

Maybe it's the laid-back vibe.

- Let's go look at the fireworks.
- Let's do it.

Bro, we just... we
started a motorcycle club.

This gets weirder and
greater and awesomer.

- Right?
- Love it.

Christchurch cavalry.

Perhaps it's the realization
that you can always.

Find your people no matter
how far you are from home,

But for me, the true
essence of this place.

Can be found outside of that.

You might want to
hold that thought.

Is this us?

That's a first.

We've never been
pulled over before.

- Really?
- Never. This is a first.

Everyone stay on your bikes.

- Okay.
- There's families and kids and that.

Absolutely. Absolutely.

All right, cool.

All right, now, where was I?


And, in a way, a reminder.

That to coexist.

Demands, above all, respect.

- This is all for you, Dylan.
- Unbelievable.

- Wow!
- Whoa!

I got to say,
Christchurch is cool.

- It is cool, right?
- Yeah.

- Boom, boom, boom!
- Wow!

- Dude, thank you for coming.
- Bro...

Thanks so much, man.
Thanks for everything.

Yeah, yeah.

While Dylan may or
may not get his farm,

The last three days
have been a lesson.

In the magnificence
of this planet.

- That we won't soon forget.
- Whoo!