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04x14 - Run, Baby, Run

Posted: 02/26/22 08:15
by bunniefuu




Well done.

You are improving.

Or I've regressed.

Well, I don't know about that.

You nearly got me with that flèche.

(SIGHS) Well,

I'm off to ice all these bruises

you dealt me.

Same time next week?

I look forward to it, Kim.


Hey, Kim. How are you?
Looking good, man.

Looking good.

- Magnum, what are you doing here?
- Uh, it's-it's a funny story.

I actually saw "fencing"
on the calendar,

and I figured that,
you know, given my role as

head of security, I should
probably show up, right?

Right. Wrong sort of fencing.

And, uh, either way,
you're minutes late.

Also, I'm just kidding,

but I was very happy
I saw that whole exchange,

I mean... it's pretty impressive.

Although, you know, fencing,

I hear, is one of the easier sports

to get into in the Olympics.

Something about it
not requiring much skill.

I know what you're doing, Magnum.

You're trying to bait me

into challenging you to a bout.
It won't work.

No, w-why would I do that?

I mean, you're obviously
a skilled fencer.

I wouldn't stand a chance against you.

Although, I mean, yeah.

I guess we'll never really know.

- Will we?
- Okay.

All right.

First to ten points.

Okay. But what's the point?

Every time I stick you with the tip

of my foil, it's a point.

But I wouldn't worry.

It's not gonna take long. En garde.

I stand corrected. Did I tell you

I had extensive edged weapons
training in the service?

Although the swords weren't
really bendy like this.

♪ ♪


That's a penalty.

- You broke the rules.
- What rules?

You can't touch my body with your body.

You touched me first.

In fact, you're still touching me.

I did not touch you.
I would never touch you.

Why? Is it not a dream?

- Touché.

Okay, uh...

We're gonna have to call this a draw,

because my old friend is calling me

and he really wants to see me.

Well, that's convenient.

No. We actually have to go together.

If he wants to see me this badly,

it probably means there's
a job for us. Come on.


♪ ♪

♪ Grab your coat ♪

♪ And get your hat ♪

♪ Leave your worry on the doorstep ♪

♪ Just direct your feet ♪

♪ To the sunny ♪

♪ Sunny side of the street. ♪

- So...

What do you think?

Well, I think that if I wanted
to be in the business

of appraising instruments,
I would've opened a pawn shop.

A ' Kamaka, in that condition,

is easily worth three grand.

Throw in the cash I brought,

and that's just enough
to cover the collateral

on the bond.

All right, I'll post bond
and make sure he's released

by the end of the day. Thanks, Melvin.

You're a lifesaver.

Oh, there he is.

Best P.I. on the island.

Or the best P.I.

that would take your call
on a short notice, huh?

Good to see you. You, too.

Uh, Higgins, this is...

The one and only Melvin Machado.

It's pleasure to make your acquaintance.

- You, too.
- Yeah.

Melvin threw a lot of work my way

early on when I was
trying to get started.

If it wasn't for those
early skip tracing jobs,

I probably would not have
been able to stay afloat.

Well, I'm glad you remember that,

'cause I was actually hoping
you could return the favor.

Of course. What do you need?

One of my clients missed her court date.

If I don't produce her in
the next hours,

I'm out the entire K bond.

Two-fifty? Ouch.

HIGGINS: Don't you
usually have five days

to return a skip
before the bail is forfeited?

All right, I'm gonna be honest with you.

I had someone else
on the job originally,

but the guy went AWOL on me
after asking for a cash advance.

Who is it? Jimmy Wu.

Okay, Jimmy Wu. He's good
at getting his guy.

Although he does have
his share of vices.

He's probably already blown that advance

betting on college hoops

and is sleeping off
a hangover somewhere.


In retrospect,
agreeing to that cash advance

was probably not my best decision.

Neither was posting bond, for this skip.

But she seemed like a safe bet.

You know, ties to the island,
low flight risk.

Stella Torres.

And what's she out on bail for?

About six months back,
she gets pulled over

for speeding.

The cops find an unlicensed g*n,
a bunch of cash.

And just to make matters worse,
she resists arrest.

Even still, $ , is
the kind of bail they set for...

serious felonies like m*rder.

Do you have any idea
why it was set so high?

Couldn't tell you.

What I do know is I can't afford to eat

a quarter-million-dollar loss.

If you don't bring Ms. Torres
back by the end of the day,

I could lose my business.

Well, obviously,
we can't make any guarantees,

but we will do everything we can

to get your skip back.

That's a promise.

Thanks, kid.


You got all your textbooks, right?

Yeah. If they weighed any more,

they might dislocate my shoulder.

Okay, what about everything else?

Pencils and pens?

- Yep.
- Okay.

Uh, notebooks and binders?

- Check and check.
- Okay.

You got a "snickity snack" for recess?

(SCOFFS) It's high school, dude.

I'm pretty sure there's no recess.

(GROANS) Right.

What am I thinking? Uh...

What's that for?

Well, you're too good for my
honey-glazed turkey and Swiss,

so I'm guessing you're gonna have
to grab something from the cafeteria.

I can't take your money.

Not after everything
you've already done for me.

Look, if this whole foster thing is
gonna work,

then you gonna have to get comfortable
with me looking out for you.

With that said,

I'm only springing for lunch

'cause it's your first day.

Tomorrow, it's peanut butter and jelly.

(LAUGHS SOFTLY) All right.


I really do appreciate it.

You know, it's totally normal
to be a little nervous.

But if you've been

fending for yourself
out here in the streets,

then high school should be a breeze.

Look, just be yourself

and people will see
what a solid dude you are.

Do you even remember
what high school was like?

Must have been, like,

years ago?


All right, I'm off. Give me my back.

Uh, no, no, no. Hold on, hold on.

I got to take a photo first.

All right.

You can't be serious.

Oh, I'm dead serious.

Hold it up.



Ah. Yeah, yeah.


Okay, enough with the pictures now?


Heard you're starting
classes at McKinley today.

My son Dennis is a senior.

Said he'd catch up with you today

- and show you the ropes.
- TC: See?

There's one person you know already.

(LAUGHS SOFTLY) Thanks, Mr. Katsumoto.

I'll see you, TC.


- "Mr. Katsumoto," huh?
- Hey, I wish I could say

I taught the kid his manners,
but he came that way.

Well, I'm glad to see things
are working out.

Well, that's all thanks to your advice.

Look, I know I didn't
appreciate it at the time,

but you clearly had everyone's
best interests in mind

when you pushed me to
help Cade the right way.

And that's actually why I'm here.

Got a phone call from
Social Services yesterday.

Before the agency can
approve your application,

they need to be sure that
a reasonable effort's been made

to locate and notify
Cade's mother Monica Jensen.

Just wanted to let you
know that I'm gonna be

spending the day
trying to track the woman down.

Okay. Thanks for the heads-up.

Of course.

Hey, Gordie.

H-Hold up.

Look, if Cade's mother's out there...

...I want to help you find her.

You sure about that?


So where do we start?

Synced & corrected by -robtor-

HIGGINS: So I ran our skip's cell.

It seems there is one number

that she called rather frequently,
but it's unlisted.

- Give it a call.
- Yeah.

reached Sergeant Wayne Nix

with HPD's Narcotics and Vice Division.

Please leave a message.

Why would Stella be in regular contact

with an HPD Narcotics officer?

There's only one way to find out.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Hi. My name is Thomas Magnum
and this is my partner Juliet Higgins.

We're private investigators,

and we'd love to have a word
with Sergeant Nix if possible.

Mm. He's still asleep.

Is there something
that I can help you with?

It's okay, hon. I'm up.

Come on in.

Can I get you all some coffee?

Think we're good, thank you.

Thank you, though.


Sorry I'm not more presentable.

Was up late working a drug raid.

So, how can I help you guys?

We've been hired to track down
a skip named Stella Torres.

Prior to her arrest, she seemed

to have a lot of contact with you.

That's true. She did.

MAGNUM: Mind if we ask why?

Well, that arrest wasn't Stella's first.

A couple years back we busted
her for possession with, uh,

intent to distribute.

She was looking at five years mandatory.

And that was all the leverage we needed

to get her to work for us.

Mm. Okay, so she was

- a criminal informant?
- Yeah.

She was good at it, too.

But it's usually just a matter
of time before a C.I. slips up

and reverts to their old ways.

Stella was pulled over

with an unlicensed g*n, K in cash.

The kind of money you
use for a drug buy.

I could've gotten her off if she hadn't

assaulted the arresting officer.


We knew that she had resisted arrest,

but assaulting a cop would explain

her high bail amount.

Stella's meltdown
landed her in lockdown,

and before I even had
a chance to check on her,

she had posted and disappeared.

So you're not surprised
she skipped her court date.

The surprise would've been
if she actually showed.

Especially since she split
for the mainland months ago.

What makes you think that?

It appears as though
Stella left the island

shortly after her arrest,

and has been bouncing around
the country ever since.

As of three days ago,
she was in Atlanta.

MAGNUM: Well, hold on.
Go back to that picture right there.

Uh, right there,
that's the River Walk in San Antonio.

You notice how this grass
is covered in pollen?

Okay, so?

Well, anybody's who's spent time
in San Antonio knows

that that pollen comes
from mountain cedar trees.

In the fall.

HIGGINS: And the photo
was posted in August.

According to the metadata,
the photo was taken

in .

I-I bet if you looked at all
her pictures, they all predate

her arrest.

So Stella is trying to make it look

as if she's on the mainland
when, in actuality,

she never left the island.

I mean, it makes sense.
Once you're on bail,

you can't leave the island.

What is it?

Stella started posting

these travel photos months ago, right?

The fact that this ruse
started just after

she posted bail makes me think
that it's not just

law enforcement she's trying to mislead.

We got to do a deep dive on Stella,

see if we can figure out
where she's staying.

I'll hack into utilities,
see if there are

any bills in her name.

Look at that.

She's been paying an electricity bill

at a house in Nanakuli.

Magnum, over here.

Well, that's a lot of blood.


He's down.

His pulse is dangerously low.


No signal.

That must be why
he couldn't call for help.

Let's see if I can find some I.D.

Don't worry about it. I know him.

That's Jimmy Wu.

The bounty hunter that
Melvin sent after Stella?

So he didn't go AWOL
with Melvin's money, then.

No, I think he found Stella
and she tried to k*ll him.

I'm gonna go outside,

see if I can find a signal and call EMS.




Hey, Lia.

- Thomas, what are you doing here?
- Working a case.

Looking for a skip named Stella Torres

and instead found a bounty hunter shot

and left for dead.

It's sad.

Well, it looks like your
skip tracing job just became

my attempted m*rder case.

And your skip is our prime suspect.

Well, I guess we're gonna have
to work together on this one.

It worked out pretty well last time.

Let's not get
too far ahead of ourselves?

Of course.

Hey, where's Higgins?

Bit of an odd time to be
looking for a snack.

LIA: I take it you've already
been through the house.

What'd you find?

Well, there's no food
in the refrigerator

and the cupboards are empty as well.

I guess our girl isn't one
for dining at home.

Maybe, or maybe she hasn't
been here in some time.

It takes months for that much
sediment to build up in pipes.

Okay, so if Stella

wasn't here, who shot the bounty hunter?

Well, Stella was arrested
with K in cash

and an unlicensed g*n.

According to the officer she
was working for as a C.I.,

he seems to think that
money was for a drug deal.

In which case,
Stella could be on the run

from whoever that money belonged to.

MAGNUM: Could be that
person came looking for her here

and crossed paths
with the bounty hunter.

The cop you spoke to, what's his name?

Uh, Sergeant Nix.

He's with Narcotics.

Okay, I'll check in with him.

See if he has any idea who
Stella was moving dr*gs for.

You find this girl, you let me know.

Right away.

Of course.

Is it just me, or was Lia
acting cold back there?


I don't get it. We both decided
it was best to end things.

Yes, but I suspect she still has
some residual feelings.

You know, seeing you
triggers an emotional response,

reminding her of what you guys had.

Just give her some time, she'll
sort through her feelings,

and you guys will be fine.

Now enough of your relationship
or the lack thereof.

Look at what I found in
Stella's bathroom cabinet.

MAGNUM: Digoxin tablets.

- Heart medicine, right?
- Yeah, for arrhythmia.

But they have to be
taken every single day.

And this prescription
expired months ago.

So if we find out where
she refilled her prescription,

maybe we find Stella.

You know, if we find Monica,

I'd like to ask her how she could just

abandon her kid like that.

Well, it's hard to know what
the woman was going through.

(EXHALES) Yeah, I guess so.

Hey, listen.

I get why you came along.

If I was in your situation,
I would want to be here, too.

But if we find Monica, you got
to keep your emotions in check.


Okay, what kind of car
are we looking for again?

According to DMV records,
she owned a Toyota Camry.

And why do we think it's here?

Registration expired four years
ago, and there's no record

of a change in ownership.

That's it?

Her VIN's the only lead
we got right now, okay?

Okay, gumshoe. (LAUGHS)

CLERK: Here we go.

Your Camry was reported
abandoned on Kalaloa

near Pearl Harbor on January , .

That's the same day
Monica split on Cade.

And that part of town's known
as a high drug trafficking area.

Any chance the car's still here?

I'm afraid not. No one ever claimed it.

And it was in such poor condition,

it was scrapped instead
of being sold at auction.

TC: So...

that's it? Dead end?

Maybe not. Standard procedure
is to photograph

the contents of the car
before it's scrapped.

You got anything in the file?


I got to get back out there.

- Take your time.
- Thank you.


KATSUMOTO: Glass pipe, burnt foil paper.

I can't believe he was living like that.

He never told me about it.

When I first found out
my sister was using,

I didn't say a word to anyone.

Told myself I was
respecting her privacy,

but really, I was just ashamed.


You see that?

That looks like the stub
for a welfare check.

Made out to an Ike Tonyan.

Could be someone Monica
used to score with.


Okay, looks like Stella's been
holing up in a cabin

on the Ewa Forest Reserve.


Hey, Lia. You're on with me and Higgins.

- Any news?
- Afraid so.

I just got a call from the EMTs.

Jimmy Wu died en route to the hospital.

MELVIN: Here I am going around

bad-mouthing the guy
like he ripped me off.

The whole time he's bleeding
out somewhere

on a job I sent him on.

HPD is doing everything that they can

to apprehend Jimmy's k*ller.

And, look, we may have
a lead on Stella's location,

so with any luck, we'll
have her in custody soon.


What is it?

I just got a text from Jimmy.

He must have texted you
after he was shot.

And then HPD powered up the phone,

and it finally got some signal
and the message came through.

"QGR ."

That's a plate.

The only reason Jimmy would have
to text Melvin that number

is if it was a lead on whoever shot him.

Yeah, I mean, he must have
spotted somebody tailing him

and wrote down the plate.


Okay, that license plate
is registered to...

...Wayne Nix.

Why would Sergeant Nix
be tailing the bounty hunter

that was looking for his former C.I.?

I don't know, but Sergeant Nix obviously

wasn't being entirely honest with us.

We have to fill in Lia.

Actually, I think we've got
to do more than that.

I mean, Lia's already

on shaky ground,
and now she's got to investigate

a fellow officer?

We have to make sure she
has somebody that she can trust.

Good point.

We also have to find Stella fast

or Melvin's gonna forfeit
his entire bail bond.

Plus, I suspect Stella
might be in danger.

Well, it's a good thing
there's two of us.

LIA: I think I know why you're here.

I powered up Jimmy Wu's
phone and saw the text

he sent the bail bondsman.

Sergeant Nix is involved in
this, I just don't know how.

Here's what we do know.

Nix either wanted to keep Wu

from finding Stella or he
was looking for her himself.

Those are the only reasons
he would have for tailing Wu.

Yeah, except now I got to find
out why he wants the girl,

and that means going up
against a cop who outranks me.

I know your reputation has
taken a hit as of late.

No, it's not just that.

Narcotics and Homicide work
together all the time,

so I don't even know which
detectives I can trust on this.

Okay, well, now this
is our problem, all right?

Thomas and I have both agreed

that one of us should
help you look into Nix

and get to the bottom of this.

And you drew the short straw?



It's no secret things
are kind of awkward

between me and Thomas right now.

Lia, for what it's worth,
this was Thomas's idea.

And the only reason
that he isn't here, too,

is because we have a lead
on Stella's location.

Wait, the last person who went looking

for Stella got himself k*lled.

Thomas can't go there alone.

He's not.

Look at you,
all dressed for the occasion.

Nice vest, by the way.

Oh, this old thing?

Also, thanks for parking
away from the house.

Well, it's not my first rodeo.

Wouldn't do us any good if the
skip saw us coming, would it?



Hands where I can see them.

My name is Thomas Magnum,
I'm a private investigator.

I'm here to take you in
on an outstanding warrant

for failure to appear in court.

Please. If Wayne put you up to this,

you can't let him know
that you found me.

Look, no one's gonna hurt you, okay?

It's not me that I'm worried about.

When I first met Wayne,

I thought he was my saving grace.

I'd just been arrested on a drug charge,

and with my priors,
I was looking at serious time.

Taking the deal he offered
seemed like the smart move.

Now I know it was the worst mistake

I've ever made in my life.

What happened?

He'd put me in dangerous
situations and then use

the intel I gave him
to rip off drug dealers.

Yeah, he runs the HPD drug task force,

and if he's shady, it's safe to assume

half the guys
that work for him are, too.

Wayne's untouchable.

And he made sure that I knew it, too.

I was terrified of him.

So when he started making
advances towards me,

I just... went along with it.

I'm sorry, Stella.

When I couldn't see a way out, I just...

I started looking
for a different kind of escape.

Almost started using again.

But then...

...he happened.

And suddenly, your life isn't
the only one you're fighting for.

He was the wake-up call that I needed.

I started making plans to leave,

but then Wayne found out about the baby.

The cops he had

trailing me must have seen me
visit the obstetrician.

Wait, he had guys following you?

All the time.

When Wayne confronted
me about the pregnancy,

I just grabbed some cash
and a g*n and I ran.

But before I could get far,
a squad car pulled me over.

So the arresting officers
worked for Nix.

That's why you put up a fight.

Only, I didn't touch them.

They made up the as*ault
charge to jack up my bail.

It was Wayne sending me a message.

So, I posted bond

and I've been hiding ever since,

praying that Wayne wouldn't find me.

He got his C.I. pregnant?

Yeah, a C.I. he's been desperately

trying to track down.

HIGGINS: Well, it's safe to say

that he does not want Stella
to have this baby.

I mean, it's easy for Nix
to deny the claims

of a convicted felon,

but it is awfully hard
to rebut a paternity test.

Yeah, exactly. If she gives birth,

I.A.'s gonna be all over Nix.

And all the shady stuff
he's done in the past

is gonna come to light.

Well, it's a good thing
you and Rick got to her first.

Well, you know, obviously

she's not very trusting
of law enforcement

at the moment, so, uh, to keep her safe,

Rick and I are gonna
take her back to Robin's Nest

until Nix is in custody.

And in the meantime, Lia and I

are gonna head back to Nix's house.

All right, well, stay safe, both of you,

and, uh, we'll be in touch.

LIA: Yeah, we will.

I think maybe it's possible

I may have been a little cold

- toward Thomas.
- Oh?

I have, haven't I?

I mean, things may not have
worked out between us but...


He's still a good guy.

He is.

I mean, he can be completely
maddening to work with, but...

at the end of the day, there is nothing

he wouldn't do for his friends.

And, Lia, he does
consider you one of those.


I guess I just need more time.

It's still kind of raw, you know?

Yeah, I mean, as it should be.

It hurts because,

you know, what you guys had
really meant something.

And as far as I'm concerned,

those are the only relationships
worth pursuing.

If I hadn't said this before,
I'm really grateful

for your help on this case.

You haven't, but you are welcome.



- KATSUMOTO: Ike Tonyan?

You have a minute?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Um, my N.A. group starts
in about five, though, so...

No, this won't take long.

We just want to know, when's the
last time you saw Monica Jensen?

Hey, you okay?

Sorry, uh...

that was a lifetime ago.


I was a different person.

You mean, an addict?

Oh, well, I'm still an addict.

I'm just a recovering one now.

Um, I've been clean over three years.

I take it you and Monica
used to get high together?

Well, yeah, but it was... it...

it was more than that.

Sh-She was a friend.

W-We tried to look out for each other.

O-One day we, uh...

...we scored some dope


we went to an abandoned
building to sh**t up.

And when the sun went down,
it-it got cold

and so we made this little fire

so that we could stay warm.

Then we...

we shot up again and...

...we fell asleep.

Next thing I remember, I'm waking up

and I'm choking on smoke.

And the entire place is on fire.


I-I tried to wake her up,
but she-she wouldn't move.

For years... years...
I told myself that...

that she was already dead,
that there was...

there was nothing
that I could do, but...

That was just...

that was just me making excuses.

The truth is that I-I...

I panicked.

And I ran.

KATSUMOTO: I'm guessing
you didn't report what happened.

Which explains why the body
was never identified.

That woman had a son.


She used to talk about him
all the time. She...

She said she was gonna
get clean for him.

She didn't get a chance.


But I did.

Monica is the reason
that I work with addicts today.

KATSUMOTO: I'm gonna need
you to come down to the station

and give a statement.

All right.

RICK: We're good. Let's go.


What's happening?

Stella Torres?

You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Jimmy Wu.

Now, h-hold on.

I just got off the phone
with Detective Kaleo.

She's the lead on this case, all right?

She didn't say anything
about sending a squad car.

Then take it up with her.
I have my orders.

(g*n CLICKS)

Get your hands off her.

The hell do you think you're
doing? I remember you.

You were at the crime scene, right?

Now, the question is,

did you tail me out here
or did you track my cell phone?


Go ahead.

Put the bracelets on.

You're making a huge mistake.

If I am, I'm looking at
some serious jail time,

but if I'm not, it means
you're freelancing with Nix.

I'm gonna call Detective Kaleo
right now and I'm gonna find out

if you're supposed to be out here.

I hope you're right about this.


There's no signal.

Me neither.

MAGNUM: I think somebody's jamming it.


You really thought I came alone?

Come on. Go, go, go, go, go.


You all right?

STELLA: I don't know, I'm...

Something hurts.

Uh, probably Braxton Hicks contractions.

Uh, false labor usually
brought on by stress.

Uh, father-to-be. I know what to expect

- when you're expecting.
- MAGNUM: Still no signal.

We got to find somewhere we can
hole up and make a phone call.

A-Are there any other houses
around here?

Um, there's one over that ridge.

Think you can make it?

- Yeah. Mm-hmm.
- Yeah? Okay.

HEATHER: I'm sorry
I can't be more helpful,

but like I said,
the last time I saw Wayne

was when you were here this morning.

What's this about, anyway?

Your husband was having

a sexual relationship
with one of his C.I.s.

He got her pregnant,

and we believe he shot and k*lled a man

to prevent his secret from coming out.

Mrs. Nix, we've just informed you

that your husband has
fathered a child with a C.I.,

and-and you have...

no reaction?


I'm sorry.

What did you do?

- Stay with her.
- No...

No. He's not here.

I swear. D...



Over here.

I swear I didn't know.

He just said that he had a C.I.

who wanted to give up her baby,

but that it was complicated
and I couldn't ask questions.

And that didn't raise
any alarm bells for you?

I don't blame Wayne for what he did.

After I found out I
couldn't get pregnant,

I started to push him away.

Oh, this is my fault.

Lady, that is all kinds of crazy.

You're gonna tell us
where your husband is

and you're gonna tell us now.

I really don't know.

But after you two left this morning,

he told me there was something urgent

that he needed to take care of

and that I wouldn't be
able to reach him.

He must be going after Stella.

I've got to let Magnum know.

(EXHALES) Straight to voice mail.

We got to get this door open.

Can I help you?

God, I hope so.

Just breathe.

Okay? Just breathe.

Stay calm.

Here you go.



MAGNUM: Higgins, it's me.

Magnum, we've been trying
to contact you.

Where are you?

Yeah, Nix and his guys showed up.

We had to bail on foot.

Uh, we're at a neighbor's house,

one klick east of Stella's cabin.

LIA: HPD and SWAT are already en route.

We'll redirect them to your .

HIGGINS: Magnum,
there's something else you need to know.

Lia and I paid a visit to Nix's wife.

He doesn't just want Stella
out of the way.

He actually wants her baby.

He and his wife
plan to raise it themselves.

Wha... What?

No. W-We're not gonna let that happen.

LIA: Just hang tight.
We'll make sure to...


Phone died.

♪ ♪

Nix and his men are outside.

Must have cut the power.


Okay. I know this looks grim,

but we just got to hold them off
until HPD gets here.


I think my water just broke.

RICK: Maybe I was wrong

about the whole
false labor thing before.

It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay.

- You'll be all right.
- I can't.

- I can't. You're gonna be okay.
- Listen, gravity's

not our friend right now.

Okay, I need you on your back.

I just need you to lay on your back.

Gonna need a pillow to prop
her head up and any fresh towels

that you have, please.

Yeah, sure.

I can't. Not here.

- I can't have my baby like this.
- RICK: You're gonna be fine,

you're gonna be fine, okay?
Just breathe for me, all right?

Hold your stomach,
I need you to inhale on four.

I'll count. Okay, you ready?

And one, two,

three, four.

Now exhale for six.

Three, four.


You need anything else?

RICK: Good.


Now that you ask, you have any weapons?

What kind of weapons?

Eh, the kind that sh**t b*ll*ts,

preferably a lot of them, quickly.

Sorry, all I got's a compound bow

that I use to hunt boar.

Compound bow, huh?

Remember, I need the girl alive,

so hold your fire around her.

Everybody else goes
in the ground. Go, go.


Take cover!

RICK: Don't worry about that.

Just focus on me, okay? Breathe.

Breathe, okay?


Get the girl!

Now, this baby doesn't look
like he wants

to wait. You ready to push?

You're doing great.
I'm right here with you.

- You're doing great.
- (g*n CLICKS)

Okay, you're doing great,
you're doing great.

Just keep breathing, okay?
Keep breathing. That's it.

You're doing great.
I'm right here with you.

Breathe in, one,



Good. You're doing good.

Keep breathing.

(CHUCKLES) Sorry about that.

Okay, now


- Push, push!







♪ ♪

HIGGINS: That's great.
Thanks for letting me know.

Good news. Given the situation,

the prosecuting attorney is dismissing

all charges against Stella.


And the P.A. is also asking the FBI

to open an investigation
on the narcotics task force.

Or whatever's left of it.

So if there are any remaining
bad apples,

they're gonna be sure to root them out.


I... we got Melvin his bond back,

we helped deliver a baby,

we took down a-a bunch of crooked cops.

I mean, I say that we've earned
at least one more round.

Oh, not for me. I, actually,

am going out for a drink.

Oh, where? I mean, maybe I'll join.


maybe not this time?

I'm actually meeting up with Lia.

After the day she's had,
she said she could use a drink,


After the day she had?

Mm. My day was not
exactly a walk in the park.

I know, Thomas,
but she invited me out for a drink.

Was I supposed to say no?

No, no, of course not.

You know, I actually think
a girls' night out is-is good.

For both of you.

I think, yeah,

given some time, she'll come around.

And she could probably use
a friend right now.

Well, that's very mature of you.

Mm. Well, I am actually
quite mature for my age.

If I do say so myself.

(CHUCKLES) I'm just saying, you know,

I am totally okay

spending the night out here by myself,

drinking an entire bottle of wine.

- No big deal.
- Good.

Well, thank you for your
understanding, Thomas.

Well, get-get going.
You're eating into my me time.

Okay, well, enjoy your peace and quiet.



You know, this morning, when you said

you were gonna look for Cade's mom,

all I could think about
was how it might affect me.

I was afraid you might
actually find her.

Then this great kid that I
got used to having around...

...he wouldn't be in my life anymore.

And now I got to tell
this kid that his mom's...


For four years,
this kid woke up every day

thinking his mother abandoned him.

Now he'll know she didn't.


Hey. You were right.

About school, I mean.

So it was good?

Yeah. Yeah, it was,
uh, it was pretty cool.

Even being the new kid was all right.

Everyone was nice.

Oh, oh, and the basketball coach

said I could try out even though it's...

the middle of the season.

That's great, man.

That's really great.

Your face doesn't seem to think so.

What's wrong?

I got some news today.

I got some news about your mom.


Look, man, she, um...


No. No. No. No.