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06x03 - The Gift of the Maud Pie

Posted: 02/25/22 06:10
by bunniefuu

? We're going to Manehattan!
We're going to Manehattan! ?

We're going to Manehattan!

Yes, yes. Manehattan.

The height of sophistication,
elegance, culture.

Since my boutique in Canterlot
has been doing so nicely,

it only makes sense for me
to open one there as well.

Eee! We're almost there!

Why doesn't your face
look like this? Eee!

Oh, Pinkie, dear. This is
just a business trip for me.

I need to scour the city for
the most perfect location

for my new shop.

And while it's lovely
how excited you are,

there's absolutely no chance
of me getting swept into the, the
beauty, the majesty

of the greatest city
in all of Equestria!

? [majestic theme]

This city is simply amazing!

It's just... everything. Ever.

And it's about to get
everything ever-er

because guess who I see!

M-A-U-D! You know
what that spells?

It spells Maud.



? My little pony,
my little pony ?

? Aaaahhh

? My little Pony

? I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ?

? My Little Pony

? Until you all shared
its magic with me. ?

? Big adventure!
? Tons of fun

? A beautiful heart! ?
Faithful and strong! ?

? Sharing kindness
? it's an easy feat

? And magic makes it
all complete! ?

? To have my little pony

? Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ?


Rarity: Oh, you Pie
sisters have just about

the sweetest family

Every year you set
aside a special day

to spend with each
of your sisters?

Yep. I do separate
trips with each one.

And we make it super-fun

by picking a different
location every year.

We see the sights all day and
then swap gifts at sunset.

And since Maud's getting
her Rocktorate nearby,

we figured this would be
the perfect spot for psssd.

OK. What's the secret?


You just said pssst!

No, silly. Not pssst, psssd.


Pie Sister
Surprise Swap Day!




Boulder promised his
cousin a postcard.

Well, I'll just leave
you two to your PSSSD.

And now I am off to
scout possible locations

for my new boutique.

Before you go, can I ask
you a quick question?

Oh, of course.

Will you please help me?

Only if you let go of
my leg and stand up.

Every year Maud's PSSSD gift
always blows mine away.

But this year is
going to be different.

For the first time, I'm
finally getting her a gift

that's as good as the
ones she always gets me.

There's a specialty
store here in Manehattan

that sells nothing
but rock pouches.

A rock pouch would be
perfect for Boulder

and I know Maude
will love it!

Why, Pinkie. That really is
the perfect gift for Maud!

I know, right?

The problem is, I
still need to buy one

and the store's downtown.

Hmm and you want to
get a pouch for Maud,

without ruining the surprise.

Well, luckily for you, I know
exactly what you should do.

Why not sight-see
in a path that leads

right to the pouch store?

That way, Maud won't
get suspicious.

I'll come with you and
distract Maud so --

I can sneak away to
pick out a rock pouch.

And if you're
coming with us,

you can look at boutique
locations along the way!

It's the perfect plan! [echo:
Perfect plan! Perfect plan!]

Yes, yes, yes. Let's
not get too excited

until you actually
get a pouch for Maud.

Of course. Got it.

Nothing moved him.

Maud, I'm giving you
the greatest PSSSD gift

in the history of ever!



Rarity: What a spectacular view!

You really can see
everything from here.

Especially the glaciation
of the sloping strata.

It's breathtaking.

But not half as breathtaking
as the gift I'm giving you.



It certainly is... "cozy",
but this simply won't do.

Working in a space this small
would make me lose my mind.

Just like Maud's
going to lose her mind

when she sees the
gift I'm giving her!



Whatever you were about to
say isn't nearly as good

as the gift I'm giving Maud!


You'll be pleased
with yours, too.

Pinkie, put down that crayon.

The Cantering Cook isn't
that kind of restaurant!

Oh, a pony could get used to
eating at places like this.

I know. It's the only
restaurant in the city

with nepheline syenite
in their bathroom tiles.

[nervous laugh] Well,
isn't that something.

You know what, Pinkie Pie?

Uh, maybe you could help me
figure out what to order.

We're so close to
the pouch store!

It's just a block away!

I could practically
smell it from here...

if I knew what a pouch
store smelled like!

OK, remember the plan:

I will stay here and distract
Maud while you go get a pouch.


Oh, why thank you for the
kind assistance, Pinkie Pie.

And now I know
exactly what to order.

You are very welcome, Rarity.

Now pardon me whilst
I go wash my hooves.



So, Maud.

That Boulder of yours is such
an interesting... character.

You must tell me. How did
the two of you first meet?

It was a dark and stormy night.

Little did I know that my life
was about to change forever...

Look at that hand-stitched
ten thousand-thread-count-

velvet-lined rock pouch! Maud
will love it! I NEED it!

Huh. Must be stuck.

"Took a sudden vacation to
Canterlot with my grand-niece.

Back in a few moons."

Oh, no. Oh no, no,
no, no, no, no, no!

Well, maybe, just maybe, he's
already back from vacation

and just forgot to
take the sign down.

Hello, Mr. Pouch Store Owner!

I'd love to hear all
about your sudden vacation

to Canterlot with
your grand-niece

while buying a pouch
for my sister, please!


Miss? The store's
clearly closed.

But it can't be!
It just can't be!

If I can't get that pouch,

then not only am I not getting
my sister the greatest present

in the history of PSSSD,

but now I have no PSSSD
present for my sister at all!

And Boulder's been by
my side ever since.

Wow. What a surprisingly

and compelling story.

I completely get what
you see in him now.

Pinkie Pie! You're back!

Oh, your hooves must
be sparkling clean.

Huh? Oh, right.


Garçon, one Super-Deluxe
Two Mile High

Hot Fudge Sundae, STAT!


What happened? Did you
get a pouch for Maud?

Tell me everything!

The door to the rock
pouch store was locked

because the owner's on a
sudden vacation to Canterlot

with his grand-niece
for a few moons

and so there's no way I
can get the perfect present

for Maud and now I don't have
any present for her at all

so it'll be the worst Pie
Sister Surprise Swap Day ever!


Oh not to worry, dear.

I'll just have to help you
find a new present for Maud.

We have plenty of time before
your gift exchange at sunset

and all of Manehattan
to explore.

We're bound to find
something Maud would like.

Maybe even more
than a rock pouch!

You're right! Thanks, Rarity!

? [piano notes]

Maud, I can't help
but notice you're staring

at that marvelous giraffe.

I was just wondering,

any chance you could
see yourself with it?

Only if I had a mirror.

Now Maud, I know you're
a big fan of rocks,

so get your camera ready

because these are the
most spectacular rocks

in all of Manehattan.

Surely there must be something
here that catches your eye.

Boulder says they're
all too "stuck up".


All right. You and me, Maud.

You and me.

What do you think about this?

Or this? Or this? Or this?
O this? Or this? Or this?

This? This? This?

-this-th is-this-

I like that.

What is it? You have to tell me!

Was it this bike? This
lamp? This grappling hook?

What do you like?

I like that fissure
in the sidewalk.

It's an elegant example
of thermal expansion

and soil settlement.

[mumbling] WHAT!?

But I... all of this...
and she likes a crack?!

Did she like anything?

That sister of yours is simply
impossible to shop for.

There's nothing
she needs or wants.

Boulder? Boulder?
Where'd you run off to?

There you are.

Sure wish I had something
to carry you around in.

A rock pouch was a
perfect gift for Maud!

And I know she would
have loved the one I saw

in the window! It had double
stitching, a red drawstring--

--and ochre-flecked
velvet lining

with reinforced triple
crosshatched seams?

Yep. That's the pouch.
Wait. How'd you know?

Because I'm looking
at one just like it.

Maybe if you catch up
with him, you could ask-

Excuse me, Sir.

I couldn't help but notice
your nifty rock pouch.

Is there any chance you'd
be willing to part with it?

I really need it. Like,
really, really, REALLY!

So lemme get this straight.

You really, really
need this pouch, huh?

I believe I said,
really, really, REALLY!

Well, you know
pouches like this

are really hard to
come by these days.

But I might be able to part
with it for the right price.

So you'll sell it to me?

And I'll finally be
able to give my sister

the perfect Pie Sister
Surprise Swap Day present?

Ooh, thank you, thank
you, thank you!


Hmmmmm. That's one sweet
party cannon you got there.

Tell you what. I'd be more
than happy to give you

the pouch for the low, low
price of... that cannon.

My, my party cannon?

Well, if you really want to
give that sister of yours

the perfect present,

then you'll have to give
up your party cannon.

So what do you say? The
pouch for the cannon.

Do you see the exposed
chalcedony in the fissure?


Whatcha guys looking at?

Oh, you're back.

Darling, I want to get
one more picture of you

and that astounding
fissure in the sidewalk.

And the inspiration
just struck me

for the perfect shot!

Be a dear and go
stand behind it.

OK, now just back
up a little bit.

Little more.

And now just a little...
twenty yards more.

Perfect! Hold that pose!

I think we found your
new holiday card!

So, how did it go? Tell
me, tell me, tell me!

Well, I got the
rock pouch for Maud.

That's really the only
thing that matters.

Oh, I am so glad
to hear that!

She's going to
absolutely LOVE it.


Yep? That's it?

You got your sister the
greatest PSSSD present

in the history of ever

and all you have
to say is 'yep'?


But you're Pinkie Pie.
You're supposed to be all--

I'm so excited I
got the rock pouch!

And I know I say
'excited' a lot

when I'm actually just kind
of excited, but this time

I'm really excited about how
excited I am about being

this excited over
the rock pouch!

And then you fire off
your party cannon.

Say, where is your cannon?

[gasp] Did you lose it?

Is your party cannon lost
somewhere in the big city?

Well, I wouldn't say it's lost.

I mean, I know where it
is, it's just... [sigh]

I can clearly see that
something's bothering you

and I want to help.
But I can't help you

unless you tell me
what the problem is.

Oh there's no problem.
It just turns out

that the going rate for a
rock pouch in Manehattan

is one party cannon. Who knew?


B-but that party cannon
is your everything!

You absolutely
love that cannon.

How could you possibly
part with something

that means so much to you?

Well, I finally got Maud a gift

that's just as good as the
ones she always gets me.

And that's all that
really matters.

Well, I guess I
understand. Maybe?

Maud's going to be so excited.

I can't wait to see
the look on her face

when she sees the pouch!

I know. The camera
loves Boulder.

After the day we've had,

I'm probably looking
forward to the "swap" part

of the Pie Sister
Surprise Swap Day

even more than the
two of you!

And I'm not even
a Pie sister!

I can't wait one
more second to see

the wonderful gifts
you've gotten each other.

Well, you're going have to.
We don't just swap, silly.

We always sing the Pie Sister
Surprise Swap Day Song first.

Ready, Maud?

As I'll ever be.

? It's the Pie Sister
Swap Day Song! ?


OK. Time to swap presents!


? [music intensifying]

Just open them already!


I knew you'd love it!

It was all worth it!
Look how happy she is!

And I couldn't have
done it without you.

Thank you, Rarity.

OK, time to open
your present to me!

Uh! You did it again!

You got me the best present
in the history of PSSSD!

This is perfect. This is
amazing. This is incredible!


What is it?

It's little pieces of
cupcake-scented paper.

You know. Confetti.
For your cannon.

Maud, you know me so well.

You really are the most
thoughtful gift-giver

in the world.

I'm going to love it five-ever.

That's even longer than forever.

You're right.

That is impressive, but it's
no fissure in the sidewalk.

Play nice.

Oh, I'm so relieved to see that
you like the pouch. Especially

considering what Pinkie
Pie had to give up for it.



I mean, forget I said that.

I'm-I'm glad to
see you like pouch.

You can remember that part.
Just forget the second part.

You know, the second part
where I said Pinkie Pie

had to give something
up for it. [gasp]

I should just stop
talking now. Nothing!

Hee-hee! Yay!

I love my sister
and my new confetti!

Why isn't she using
her party cannon?


Ooh wow, look how
filthy my hooves are.

I really should go
wash them.

Where's her cannon?

No, no stop giving me that
look! I can't take it.

Pinkie Pie feels badly that
the gifts she always gives you

are never as good as
the ones you give her.


That's why she was
willing to give up

her party cannon
for the pouch.

She gave up her party cannon?

Pinkie Pie? You might want to
come over here for a second.

I think I know
what this is about.

You guys want to
ride the swans.

Well, they're swan boats,

but there are real
swans here we can ride.

You gave away your
party cannon?

She broke me.

It's just... it's just...

You always give
better gifts than me!

That's why I had to get
you the perfect gift.

Are your hooves
dirty? Where ya going?

To get your cannon back.



Yep. That sure is the
pony I got the pouch from.

That's amazing! How did
you know where he'd be?

Maud sense.

Runs in the family.

I'd like to
return this pouch

for my sister's
party cannon, please.

Sorry, missy. All
sales are final.

I'd like to
return this pouch

for my sister's
party cannon, please.

I've never seen
her like this.

Look at the fire
in her eyes.

You better do
what she says.

Fire in her eyes?

Oh, did she just
clench her jaw?

I think she
clenched her jaw.

I didn't see.

Oh, no. When she clenches her
jaw, you know what that means?

What? What's it mean?

Trust me; you do
not want to know.

I'd like to return
this pouch.

[frightened whimpers]

Here! Take it!
Take it! Please!

Just relax that
jaw of yours!

And turn down that
fire in your eyes!


Maud, I'm so happy you got
me my party cannon back! Yay!


Uh-oh. I just
realized something.

Because you gave back
the pouch for my cannon,

this is now the second gift
you've gotten me today!

And it's something I
really, really wanted!

You did it again! Your gifts
are always better than mine!

Next year, I'm going to have
to really step it up and-

Pinkie, gift-giving
isn't a competition.

It's an expression
of love.

And you always make
sure to give your gifts

with lots of love.

That's why I'll always love
them and you, five-ever.

That's even longer
than forever.

There you are. You've sure
been washing your hooves

for a long time. We've
got a train to catch here.

I know, but there
is one more sight

you two simply must
see before we leave.


Voila! Welcome to the future
home of "Rarity For You."

What do you think
of the place?

Is this the right location?
Did I pick a good spot?

No. You picked the perfect spot.

You know, I think this might
be my favorite PSSSD ever!

But I can't wait until
next year's PSSSDWR.

Wait. PSSSDWR? What's that?


It's a new tradition that
Maud and I came up with

Pie Sister
Surprise Swap Day-

-With Rarity.

Ooh! Why, that's the sweetest...

Oh, no. No, no, no!

I know how good you two
are at giving gifts.

I'm going to have to get
you both something amazing.

And I only have a
year to do it!

Oh Rarity, it doesn't
matter what you get us.

As long as you give your gift
with love, it'll be perfect.

Ah. Why thank you, Pinkie.

But, now that you mention it,

I could use more confetti
for my party cannon.

You wouldn't believe
how much of that stuff

I go through in a day.
