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05x20 - The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows

Posted: 02/24/22 17:09
by bunniefuu
Five hundred and sixty-six,

five hundred and sixty-seven,

five hundred and sixty-eight...


Look at that, Pound Cake!

I am so close to breaking my
personal cupcake icing record!

My goodness! I can't believe
what I'm seeing here!

Pretty impressive if
I do say so myself.

Pinkie, would you mind
watching the counter

while I hop to the supply room.

We've just received
a very special order

and the ingredients
need to be perfect.


Thanks, dear!

A baby?!

Shining Armor and Princess
Cadance are having a baby?!

This is the best news ever!

I can't wait to tell Twilight!

Oh, em, Pinkie, it's
a top secret surprise.


A top secret surprise?!

That means I have to
keep the exciting news...

to myself!

Even though I didn't technically

make a Pinkie Promise to Mrs.

Cake, I can't tell Twilight
or anypony the big news!

That would make me a...


a big old surprise ruiner!

Right, Gummy?

Did you take that from
Pound Cake again?

Don't you know it's wrong
to steal from a baby?

What's all this about a baby?

What? Who? What?
Who said something about a baby?!

You did, Ms. Pie, just now.

What were you talking about?

Great! Everypony's here.

Now I don't have to
wait any longer

to tell you all the
wonderful news!

Somepony special is
coming to visit Ponyville,

and I need your help
getting everything ready!


Shining Armor and
Princess Cadance!

...Yes, and they're coming-


Yes, on the...

Friendship Express rather
than the Crystal Empire train

so as not to cause
too much of a scene

when they skip town
and come visit?



...And that's it.


Uh, how did you know all that?

Pinkie Sense?

So, you said you needed
our help with something?

Follow me.

Sweet posters! Is that
Smash Fortune?

It sure is! When
Shining Armor said

he wanted to come to
the castle and visit,

I started collecting
things he liked

when he was a colt as a surprise!


I've been so excited
that it's been

hard to keep it to myself!

I have no idea what that's like!

Aww, look at the
cute little ant farm!

And check out all these
old comic books!

Be careful! They're mint-in-bag!

What's this?

This is Brutus Force.

Shining Armor used to carry
him around like his baby!

Yeah! Really cute!

It is a bit juvenile
for castle decor,

but it was very sweet of you.

I'm sure Shining Armor
will love it.

Me too, but there's
a few more things

I'd like to add before
he gets here,

and I could really use
a hoof collecting them.

Whatever you need, sugarcube,
we'll help you get it.

Thanks everypony!
I just can't wait

until they walk in
and see everything!

Totally understandable.

Watching somepony else
be surprised with something

is almost better than being

the one who's getting
the surprise!

But, neh, what if the
surprise is something

so incredibly exciting
that a pony

can't keep it in any longer,

and she has to tell
the pony standing

next to her what it is
or she might explode!

I would say... no.

The pony who ruins a
surprise for somepony else

has to live with that guilt,

Gotta bounce!

So, I know the bar
is set pretty high,

but does anypony else
think that Pinkie Pie

was acting weirder than usual?

Phew, that was close! Too close.

Almost spilled the beans, beans
that would be really hard to clean up!

I obviously can't be around
my friends right now.

Or anypony for that matter!


That's it!

If Shining Armor and Cadance
are coming tomorrow,

then all I have to do is
lock myself in my room

away from everypony
until they arrive!

Then I won't ruin anything!

Oh, good, you're back!

Mrs. Cake needs my help but
these deliveries can't wait!

I can't thank you
enough for agreeing

to be my backup
delivery pony, Pinkie!

I... did?

Maybe I should hire somepony
to be my backup delivery pony.

I'll do it!


Sure! There's no possible
way that I could ever

have anything that might interfere
with doing that task,

like a gigantic, emotionally
exhausting surprise

that would make it super hard
to be around other ponies.

Great! Uh, you're sure you
won't change your mind?

No way! Cross my heart, hope
to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

Oh yeah. I Pinkie
Promised I'd do it.

And I never break
a Pinkie Promise!


Well, thanks again! You're
a real cake saver!

Maybe it'll be a quiet day and

I can just avoid everypony!

Hi, Pinkie Pie!

Heard any good gossip today?

Yeah, we're bored. Please say

you have some interesting news?


Fluttershy, what a surprise!

I mean, not a surprise!

You were in such a rush earlier!

Twilight wanted me to
ask you if you would bring

some snacks to the castle for
Shining Armor and Cadance's visit.

Definitely! Got it!
Pinkie Promise!


You know, maybe
some baby carrots...

What did you say?

Baby carrots! They're
Shining Armor's favorite.

Mine too! Baby carrots are
kinda like big carrots but smaller,

kinda like how foals
are tiny versions

of their parents but smaller
and cuter and

Albino squirrel!

Where? Is it Albert?

It's time to kick this
operation into hyper-hoof,

and avoid all ponies by
any means necessary!

It didn't feel good ignoring
my friends like that...

Maybe I can tell just
one little pony the surprise?

The pony who ruins
a surprise for somepony

else must live with
that guilt, forever!

You're right, spooky
reflection of Rarity

that I know is actually
my own imagination...

I can't tell anypony at all!

Then they would tell Twilight,
and she wouldn't be surprised,

and then it would be all my fault!

Finally, I'm all aloney
on my owney.

Wow, great idea!
I'm starving too!

This apple is delicious!

What are you having, Gummy?

Oh no!

It's the list that Twilight
helped me make yesterday

so I wouldn't forget all of
my Pinkie Promises today!

And I have three
more things to do!

Aw, four if you count bringing
those snacks to Twilight's castle!

I've been getting liberal with
those Pinkie Promises lately...

Ooh! I want a flamingo!

I want a goldfish!

Surprise me!

Is that a... baby bottle?

No! It's a... a... puppy!

Woof woof, ha ha!

Are you sure? Because
it looks like a-


Uh, a baby pony, please!

Uh, unless of course
that would be a royal pain...

Interesting choice of words,

Was it?

I dunno, was it?

Uh, maybe you'd better
just make me a giraffe.

My, your friends weren't
kidding when

they said you had a great
filing system, Pinkie!

You are Ponyville's
best kept secret!

No I'm not!

Speaking of secrets,

have you ever known
somepony else's secret?


A surprise that was
so big and exciting,

that it was all you
could think about?


Me neither...

That's just what I wanted,
thanks, Pinkie!

You're welcome!

Oh, by the way, can you
help spread the word

about the big crib sale
I'm having?

Treat your foal like...


Pretty good slogan, huh?

Came up with it all by myself!

Oh. I thought it was clever.

Those look yummy, Pinkie!

Let me help you!

But we'd better cover them up
so they don't get spoiled.

Why would they get spoiled?

We're all gonna eat
them super soon!

Oh, didn't anypony tell you?

Shining Armor and
Cadance are held up.

They may not arrive 'til Saturday.


You mean...

I have...

to wait...

another whole day?!

I don't know if I can!

Pinkie Pie, do you have
something you need to say?

You seem like you've been
keeping something in.

We're here to listen.

Well, go on then, sugarcube.

We're not going to
judge you, darling.

You'll feel so much better once

you get it off your chest!

Come on-

Whatever it is, you can tell us!

We're best friends!

Friends! Friends! Friends!

Tell! Tell! Tell!

Friends! Friends! Friends!

Tell! Tell! Tell!

Okay, okay, you win!

Shining Armor and
Cadance are gonna have a-

An awesome weekend
with the best

little sister in all of Equestria!

Hi everypony.

Shining Armor, Cadance!

You're early!

I thought something
had come up and

you weren't gonna
make it until Saturday!

So did we. Turned out we weren't

needed in Maretonia
until next week.

And the summit we were
supposed to attend

today had to be rescheduled, so...

we got here even
sooner than planned!


It's wonderful to
see you all again!

I'm so glad you're here!

I have a big surprise for you!

Oh yeah?

Lucky we came when we did, huh?

I'm guessing you saw
the scroll we sent

to Mr. and Mrs. Cake?

Hey, I'm impressed
you've been able

to keep our secret this long!

So you're gonna tell Twilight now?

You're gonna have to
wait just a little bit longer.

We have something special planned.

It'll be worth it, I promise.

It'd better be.

So, do you think Shining Armor
liked his surprise?

Didn't you see him? He couldn't
stop raving about it!

Where did Shining Armor and
Cadance say they'd meet us?

I'm starving!

In the town square.

I wish they'd waited
to walk over with us,

but they said they had
something to take care of first!

They're gonna have a lot
more to take care of soon...



That's odd. Usually
they're quite punctual.

Ughhh! I need a hayburger
in my belly right now!

What's this?

What does it say?

A scavenger hunt!
Shining Armor used

to set these up for me
when I was a filly!

At the end, there was
always a big prize,

like a new book, or
several new books, or...

We get the picture!
You like books!

So what's the first clue?

I hope it's something
about eating lunch!

You've got a scroll,
you're on a roll,

why don't you take a peek where

young ones spend their week?

A piece of paper will
continue this caper.

I've got it! 'Where the young
ones spend their week'.

I'm not quite followin'.

It's the Ponyville schoolhouse!

Good enough for me!
Now where's the next clue?

Extra, extra! Get your
Ponyville news!

Read it in the paper!

A piece of paper will
continue this caper'.

It's in the Foal Free Press!

Ooh, look at that
dress Mayor Mare

is wearing for the social report!

Why, it's stunning!

Uh, didn't you make that, Rarity?

Yes, what is your point?

Focus, everypony!

You know, there's really no time

limit on these scavenger
hunts, Pinkie.

A-ha! There!

Though this hall is rather small,

in it you'll find files of all kinds.

Take a look on the back of
the birth certificate of Applejack.

I don't like where this is goin'.

Baby, a royal ba-


Does anypony know where
the birth certificates are kept?

Ooh! I do, I do!
Go down that hall,

then you take a left,
then a right,

then another right,
then a slight left

and it's the third
door on the right!

Wow, Pinkie. I never knew
you knew so much about town hall.

There's a lot of things I know,
that you don't know I know!

This next place is where you
can buy a table or chair,

or some comfy beds
to rest little heads?

Ugh, really? None of you?

It's obviously the
furniture store!

Go in go in go in!

I don't know...

Daagh, fine!

Wow, you're scary good
at this, Pinkie Pie.

It seems we saved
the best for last,

we hope that you have had a blast.

Now it's time to take a break

where you can get a slice of cake!

Sugarcube Corner!

That was an easy one.


Twily, did you like
the scavenger hunt?

It was perfect!
Just like old times,

except even better
because this time

I got to share it with
my best friends!

There's just one thing
missing, isn't there?

What's that?

Mm-m, the book prize at the end!

There's still a prize,

but it's a little different
this time.

Oh. I don't understand.

All the places we sent you
today had something in common.

First we went to
the schoolhouse...

Then we read the
Foal Free Press...

After that we found
Applejack's birth certificate...

And then the last clue
was under a crib.

Hmmm... School... foal...

birth certificate...

and crib...

Can it be?

Are you two-?!

We're having a baby!

A baby, Twilight! It's a baby!


You mean... I'm going
to be an aunt?

This is the best prize ever!

Oh, I love you guys! And I can't

wait to meet your little foal!

Neither can we.

I did it, I did it,
I did it, I did it!

Go Pinkie.

You did it, Pinkie Pie!

You kept it a surprise!

Thank you!

Was it much trouble?

Piece of cake!