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My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship (2018)

Posted: 02/24/22 10:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ You are my Equestria Girls ♪

♪ I met you when the light switched on ♪

♪ It brightens up like the sun ♪

♪ When my friends come a-runnin'♪

♪ You were right all along ♪

♪ That together we're always better ♪

♪ We could turn a sketch into a masterpiece ♪

♪ When you're here, I feel like I'm complete ♪

♪ You are my Equestria Girls ♪

Experience the world like you've never seen it before,

At the one,

The only, Equestria Land!

Stop! cut! cut!

Why is everyone dressed like they're not dressed?!

Because you keep changing your mind about the costumes, Vignette Valencia

Do you know what it means to be in charge of public relations for this park?

It's my job to make sure the world knows how amazing Equestria Land is gonna be

And in two weeks, when there's fifty thousand people here for opening day,

The last thing they'll see before they leave at night will be this light parade

And, by extension, your costumes,

Which apparently do not exist as of this moment!

B.Y.B.B. Be yourself, but better

You even have a philosophy?

G.W.I.Q. Guess what. I quit.

I need a stress salad!

Where am I gonna find a new costume designer for the light parade with only two weeks left?

I'm not promoting you

If only I could put a filter on real life to make everything the way I want it.

Only way to feel better is getting ten thousand likes with the perfect salad pic

Hey, did somebody install a new app on my phone?

'Cause I like it!


Nothin'. you?

Somebody has unspilled beans at this table, and it's not me, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, or Sunset Shimmer!

Rarity and I applied for summer jobs at the new theme park

Equestria Land?

Wait... Will you get to go there for free?!

Actually, they pay us to go there

We applied to work side by side as caramel apple girls

Yes. It's not that I'm nervous, but... Applejack, you're perfect for the job

And, well, my resume is less apple-centric

We'll be together

I got a good feelin'

No missed calls while we were talking about caramel apples

Shall we practice answering our phones and sounding calm?

That was about as calm as Pinkie Pie on Cake Day

Was it today? Did I miss it?

One new e-mail!

It's from park!

You open yours first!

No, you open yours first!

Okay, okay. Same time

One, two...

Too late! I opened mine!

Oh. They said I'm overqualified for caramel apple girl

They want me to be lead parade costume designer!

You haven't even started, and you already got promoted!

That's gotta be a record

I didn't get a job

But I'm really happy for you, Rarity

Oh, pffft. There must be a mix-up, darling

Obviously, the internet mailman gave you the wrong latter

I know that's not how the internet works, but I'm trying to cheer you up

Technically, Rarity didn't get the job, either, since she got a different job

So they're about to send another e-mail with your promotion

Just a sale at Stinky Bottom's Discount Hat Emporium

Forty percent off!

Oh, sorry. Not helping

Well, I'm not going to accept it without you, obviously


You can not let this opportunity pass you by, Rarity

Think of all those vision boards, the late-night sewin'

This has been your dream since... since kindy-garten

Preschool, actually

But that's not the point

My mind is made up

We planned spend the summer together and...

That's what we're going to do


You're takin' the job, and that's final

Okay, if you insist!

I'm gonna be a costume designer!


I probably shouldn't quit my old job this mornin', huh?

I'm sure they haven't replaced you already

My name is Vignette Valencia, and to answer your first question,

Yes, I'm that "Vignette", but no, I do not think I'm better you just because I have three million followers on SnapGab

You're up to three million now?

I mean, yes, uh, yes, I-I am familiar with your online repertoire

I have a good feeling about you, Rare

Oh, you have to let me call you "Rare". It's the perfect name for lead parade costume designer

Not a... um, caramel apple girl

I don't even know why you applied for a job like that

Not a SnapGab feed like yours

Obviously , I looked you up

Great, pictures, by the way. That gingham and linen sundress caught my eye, and your follower count is im-press-ive

For someone just starting out. of course

But I can already tell you've got magique inside

Magi... You can?

The light parade is the most important event in the park

Over a hundred cast members, and you're gonna make them look perfect

And before I forget,

Don't put anything on that table

Especially your phone

No reason. just a super-important rule I made up



Applejack! Darling!

How's work on the farm?


I could not be happier... makin' foot stompin' applesauce the old-fashioned way with my family

Less chatter, more splatter!

Oh, good

I'm so happy for you

And I'm so happy for you and your new job, too

Oh, yes, well...

It's certainly a big job

I'm sure you won't slip up

Well, I was calling, because, you see, well, it's not that I'm...

nervous or anything silly like that, but I-I-I was wondering if... if you and the girls wanted to come on opening night to see the parade

V.I.P. passes!

You can cut the lines!

You bet your britches, missy!

I wouldn't miss your big night for the world!

Applejack? Darling? Hello?

Equestria land opening day!

What should we do first?

West Stunt Show? Nightmares Moon's Haunted Castle? Sugarcube Everything?!

Now, hang on

I got the sense Rarity's overwhelmed, wich is understandable

I mean, she's all alone here without any of her friends

Which I why I wouldn'ta taken the job, but that's just me

Point is, we're here to support Rarity

What? Uh, which character is that?

It's not a character, silly!

It's Vignette Valencia!

She's famous on SnapGab,

Which you'd know if you actually logged in once in a while

You're missing my "one Cupcake Every Day" series

She posts a lot of pictures of her Welsh corgi named Yaas Queen

And she's friends with, like, every awesome athlete in the world!

Don't look at me. I only follow bots that post interesting science facts

These are her pictures?

"Chillin sandy style"?

"U no how I do"?

"I cam I saw I vintaged"?

Okay, somebody tell me why this picture has twenty thousand likes


I don't know

Spendi' all that times just to look good in a picture ain't my idea of fun

There you are!

Here comes the lead parade costume designer!

Guilty as charged!

So? You've been here so lone without your best friends all this time

How can we help?

Hold that thought

Vignette! Over here!

You know Vignette Valencia?

Do I know her?

Why, she's my best friend at the park!


Oh, but can we use your phone?

Mine's been acting super-weird lately

Thanks. You're the best!

Everyone, this is Vignette Valencia

She runs P.R. for the park, and she's my boos

I told you not to use the "B" word

I'm your... "Friend"... who gets to boss you around!

I don't get it

So this is Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy

And Applejack

Sorry, you were standing a-I-I didn't see you

They're my best friends

So... I thought you'd like to meet them

Fun fact - uh, we perform together in a band called Rainbooms


Why is that familiar?

A hundred thousand followers?

Focused consumer-centric demographic, too?

Does your curated content consistently aggregate across multiple platforms?

We sing songs together!

I am going to turn you into the centerpiece of tonight's light parade!

Uh, the Rainbooms?

Are you ready?

B.Y.B.B. Be yourself, but better!

That's been my power phrase since I started my first company

A middle school girl selling artisanal handmade mascara

"But isn't that just melted crayons?" Hey, neighsayers gonna neigh

But I say B.Y.B.B

Um, How many people will be watching us?

All of them!

What do you say?

Well, if it's gonna help out Rarity...

Like, like, like, like, like, like

Upload and post it, ladies. This'll trend fer sure!

I'll @ you with the exact deets

B.Y.B.B, Rare

V, out

I know

She's amazing, right?

She sure is... somethin'

Logistical question: How're we supposed to get our instruments?

Vignette will handle everything

I got a question, too

When you said she's your "best friend at park",

Did you mean "best friend, comma, at the park"?

Did I say that?

Listen, tonight's a huge opportunity

And not just for me now, but for all of us!

Let's go see the park!

Honestly, I don't know why you're giving me your frowny eyebrows

It's nothin'

Well, uh... enjoy the park

I'm gonna be super-busy preparing for tonight

So let's meet in the staging area for sound check and run-throughs

I have three minutes' break at four o'clock, and I can give you two of them


Rare, out!

Well, looks like Rarity doesn't need us as much as you thought. So...

Should we practice for the parade?

It's a little... daunting, isn't it?

We know every song by heart

Wouldn't you rather go have some fun?

Great idea!

Pretty great, right?


Can you hear me over all the screaming?!

I can't hear you over all the screaming!

I wish I'd gone with Sunset and Twilight. Or Pinkie Pie. Or anyone else in the entire park

Look at it this way

It's the perfect opportunity to conquer your fear

Can't I conquer something a little smaller first?

Hey, good idea!

A warm-up before the big game!

What did you have in mind?

Dragon Lands Drag Racing?

The Appleloosa Runaway Train!

Neighagara Falls Barrel Flume?!

These kids are so brave

Applejack, this parade is a living, breathing dance of light and sound!

Love it, lock it, stitch it

Beautiful, perfect, I just threw up, love it

Now, hurry up! I need these done yesterday!

You were born for this, Rarity

Anythin' I can do to help?

Play a great show tonight?

Excuse me! I know I am not seeing a lapped zipper on that faux fur!

A lapped zipper is a simply a stuck zipper waiting to happen!

This is what I'm up against

So, uh... wanna take a break and go get a caramel apple?

I'd love to, darling, but I am a tad super-insanely busy

Of course

I-I just thought... uh, never mind

You're right

I wouldn't wanna rain on your parade

Rain?! I didn't plan for rain!

Get me one hundred ponchos, stat!

I'm proud of you. you know that?

You're facing your fears head-on

Just like I always did as a kid

I mean, look, a four-hundred-foot vertical drop right into these loop-de-loops and a corkscrew?

You're probably super-nervous about that, I bet

And that next part where it goes backward?

How are you feeling, Fluttershy?

Is it even safe to be this high up?

You're probably thinking, "stop the ride! I want to get off!"

That's what you want, right?

Right now? You're about to yell it?

Stop the ride! Seriously!

Please, somebody stop the ride!


That was actually kind of... fun

Totally! That's why I didn't want to get off!

I was just saying what you would've said

That's all

You were very brave

You, too... by the way

Apples! Caramel apples over here! We've got red and green and everything in between!

Micro Chips?

Caramel apple?

Uh, Applejack

You're who they hired to be the caramel apple... girl?

Vignette said she wanted cool nerd chic

I said she found it

Wouldn't you?

Do you by any chance have a knife or samurai sword or several tiny but sharp nail clippers?

I know what you're thinking. "But, Vignette, how can I ever thank you for coming up with such a brilliant idea for the parade?"

I don't understand

You want me to pretend I'm someone else tonight?

Everyone in the band has a new role. It's part of my bold, new vision!

All caps, Helvetica, Sixty-five

"Fluttershy: Bad Girl"

Spiked hair, ripped tights

I've already commissioned an A-list/sneaker artist to tag up a custom guitar

How do you feel about skulls?


Maybe I, um... shouldn't do it. At all

You're right

If collab-ing isn't your thing. that's your life decision to make

But I just thought of a way for us both to get exactly what we want

You did?

Of course! Getting what I want is what I do best, sweetie

Now say "cheese!"

Sorry, Fluttershy

You'll thank me later

Excuse me?


Where am I?

And do you mind if I eat this salad?

I'm feeling stressed

Step right up! Don't be shy!

You like prizes? We got prizes!

Toss this ring onto any of these bottles!

Easiest game in the park!

This game does look easy!

Would ya lookee here? somebody who knows a thing or two about a thing or two!

Twilight, they're just giving ya the old bump-tingle to lure you in

These games are rigged



Do you know what's not rigged?

The laws of physics

Assuming no air resistance and a vertical displacement of zero,

Horizontal displacement equals initial projectile velocity squared times the sine of twice the launch angle divided by the acceleration due to gravity

Oh, the suspense!

The drama!

I can't watch!

Hold me!

You were pretty close, though

Maybe we should try one more time?


Let there be light!

Maybe tonight won't be a disaster after all

Will you, uh, excuse me for a moment?

Of all the outlandish circumstances in the universe,

Why are all the wretched things happening to me?

Hey, Rarity


I wasn't having a meltdown!

Who said I was having a meltdown?

I am not having a meltdown!

Whoa. uh, have you seen Fluttershy?

See, she went wanderin' off with Vignette and then disappeared

Are you honestly asking me this right now?

It's not that I don't trust Vignette if that's what you're thinkin'

We're in a giant fun park with fifty thousand people

'Course you can't find her

Fifty thousand people!

All looking at my costumes!

Are you seriously not concerned about Fluttershy?

That's a hundred thousand individual eyeballs, Applejack

Well, if you ain't gonna worry about her, I will

Somebody give me a bigger pile of clothes to scream into!

Come on!

All right! What's next? What are we doing? How are we going to win this?!

Guess who just mapped out a perfect projectile trajectory taking into account propulsion, gravity, and aerodynamic drag!

This gal!

Betcha thought I forgot about friction, air drag, and veering initial velocities.

Well, guess what. I didn't!

What she said!

You know what they say...

Hundredth time's the charm.

Howdy, y'all!


Oh. Sorry

Have you seen Fluttershy?

Nobody's seen her all afternoon

Her phone's goin' straight to voicemail

I keep thinkin' somethin' real bad mighta happened.

Lighten up, Applejack

There's not always a villain with Equestrian magic out to get us.

On a side note, do you have tickets we could borrow? Kinda used 'em all.

I don't like to lose



I was just about to ride this thing for, like, the tenth time already!

Nothin' outta you!

Have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?

Oh, she was with me, super scared of this ride,

But I think she went off with Vignette

Ok. Thanks

If you see her, tell her she still owe me a rollercoaster ride!

No frowning allowed!

As "Fun Inspector", I'm a little concerned about what I'm seeing here

Pinkie Pie?

Don't tell me you're workin' for the park now, too

No, silly!

Fun Inspectors are freelance!

And don't get paid

And totally made up by me earlier today when I saw a little girl crying

because she dropped her ice cream, and I said to myself, "Pinkie Pie, this place isn't as fun as it could be!"

Do you like the uniform?

I made it out of things I found in the trash, but you can't even tell!

So, have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?

Nope. But I have seen my Deputy Fun Inspector!

Now you have all access to the entire park, Deputy Fun Inspector!

So close

I can't feel my fingers anymore

It all looks the same!

Is this real-life?

How long have we been here?

Um, hey, listen, lady

Uh, how about you just take a parakeet and go home?

It's not about the parakeet!

You said it yourself

It's rigged

How about we get some ice cream?

You're right

Why didn't I listen to myself?

We never even had a chance

Well, would ya look at that?!

A winner every time!

... Or maybe I want her to be my prime suspect because she's Rarity's new best friend at the park

Am I goin' crazy over a whole lot o' nothin'?

What's that badge ya got there?!

I, uh...

Y-Y-You see, it-it's just...

It's crime to fake security badges, you know

I'm a fake cop, but I can send ya to real jail!

If you'll just let me explain, I'm lookin' for my friend, and...

Hands on your head!

No sudden moves!

Got that?

Why didn't ya tell me you were a Deputy fun Inspector?!

I am so sorry about that, ma'am

Here's my workstation

It hasn't been fun-inspected in years

I'm tryin' to tell you my friend made this badge

It ain't real

An undercover Fun Inspector

I get it

Anyway, have fun "not inspecting" my workstation. wink, wink

How many times do I have to say it?

Rarity told me you're the coolest, smartest friend who knows what's the opposite of down

What's up!


I have a bold new vision for the Rainbooms that you are going to love!

The Throwbacks! Capital T, #TBT, Throwback Today. Or for short, T.C.T.H.T.B.T.[T.B.T.], pronounced "ta-ca-ta-ca-ba-ta"!

You are going to represent the touchstones of cool throughout the ages!

I like it so far, and I assume I'll like what you say next

"Rainbow Dash: ' s Sockhop Sweetheart"!

Poodle skirt, adorable blonde hair

How do you feel about shaving your head?

I only ask 'cause you'll definitely have to do it for the wig

There is no way anyone is shaving my head



But I already am the best?

Well, if you insist on just, ugh, being yourself or whatever,

Then at least let me take a picture of the real you

Is Vignette zappin' my friends with a magical phone?!

I knew she was up to somethin'!

Just wasn't expectin' somethin' so magic and evil

She makes 'em disappear,

But where do they go?

Aw, man! Are we trapped in a magical phone?


You gonna eat that stress salad?

One hour until wheels up, everyone!

The light parade waits for no one!

Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

Big night tonight, Rare

Perhaps the biggest of all time

Definitely the biggest of your life

I'm excited for you

You're not worried? Not that I'm worried

Unless you're worried, in which case, I'm very, very worried!

There's no room for self-doubt

You've gotta get rid of it faster than a pleated cargo skort

So I love everything you've done here

One thought – do we want the costumes to have lights on them? You've got time

I think we should start from scratch

B-T-Dubs, every amazing fashion vlogger and SnapGab celeb's gonna be here tonight!

No presh

Really? 'Cause I'm feeling presh

Why am I seeing neon pink and yellow on that dragon's tail?!

Is this a beast of legend or a safety vest?!

I suppose Applejack has better things to do than final fittings and sound check!

Don't be mad at her

She's still out trying to find Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy,

Who aren't here either, by the way

Do not tell me who to be annoyed with!

I know you're stressed, Rarity,

but I'm sure you've got something totally amazing up your sleeve!

You did remember to wear sleeves with amazing things up them, right?


Not everybody stop

I just meant my friends

Y'all keep doin' what you're doin'

Sewin' up them, uh, clothes

Where have you been?!

Nobody go anywhere with Vignette, understand?

- Not really - Nope


You can explain yourself after the parade

I'm sure...

No, Rarity

Vignette is evil!

Applejack, she can hear you!

She's done somethin' to Fluttershy

And I saw her from the security office when she made Rainbow Dash disappear with her phone!

Ten eggs in a chicken coop says it's Equestrian magic

Oh, honey, delusional isn't your color

You're an autumn

If you're so innocent, then how do you explain this?!

Say goodbye to your mannequin thingy!

Hang on

Watch it... disappear!

I think I hashgabbed my SnapTag or all in the...

I can't figure out these new, fandangled apps

I sound just like Granny Smith!

I just saw your friends. They're in wardrobe, and they're fine

Are you sure?

And looking good in your costumes, by the way

Applejack, the parade is less than an hour away, and...

This is bigger than the parade, Rarity!

Nothing's bigger than the parade, Applejack!

I know you didn't just say that about your missing friends!

I'm gonna let you two sort this out amongst yourselves

Applejack, admit it! You don't care about my parade!

"My parade?!" This isn't about you! She's done somethin' to our friends!

Is this about our friends or about you and Vignette?

Ever since she gave me this opportunity, you've been jealous because she sees my potential but she didn't hire you!

You guys, stop!

This isn't like you!

You're so blind, you can't even see she's usin' you!

You only like her because she's always blowin' smoke up your chimney!{\s }

But that's what she does to everyone!


Maybe I should just... go

Maybe you should

Applejack, wait!


Waiting is for waiters, ladies

We're better off without her


The Throwbacks, formerly known as the Rainbooms

Hang on

Why does "we" include you?

Obviously, somebody needs to fill Applejuice's spot

And since it's so last-minute, we are lucky to have someone with as much vision and talent as well

Uh... you?

And not just that!

We'll be playing a song I wrote!


One – you are not in the band!

And two – we are not performing without Applejack

Which is her name, by the way

Not "Applejuice"

And you know what?

She's not usually one to make things up, like, ever

So, all that stuff she said about you...

Is true

Now, let's see if this Equestrian magique is all it's cracked up to be

Now then... That's better

I wish I'd had this thing years ago!

Think how perfect my life could've looked!

Rare, you're not gonna believe this!

What? What is this? What am I looking at?

Your friends, but better!

Now we can make the parade exactly how I want it!

How you want it?

You said you hired me for my vision!

Well, I needed your vision to bring out my vision

But now there's an app for that

Vignette, wh-what is going on here?

Where are my friends?!

Like, trapped in the internet as zeroes and ones or erased from existence or something?


See, like, my phone became magique or something,

And now it has this power where whenever I take a picture of something and it disappears

And then I can customize them with a swipe of my finger and make them real again, or...

real enough, but hey, blah-blah-blah, O.M.G., I'm boring myself to death just talking about this stuff

Bring back my friends this instant!

Fine. If you wanna be with them so bad, I'll do you one last favor

You're welcome

I can't believe we're trapped in Vignette's phone

We're no strangers to getting stuck in magical objects

At least Rarity and Applejack are still free

Maybe they can get us out of here

They have to stop fighting first

We can't just sit around hoping to get rescued

If we're in the internet, we can hack our way out!

Well, I can


Oh, I hope Rarity and Applejack are okay

I wish we knew what's going on out there

Sorry, Rare, guess you're not so "rare" after all

Okay, that was your cue to disappear!

Never underestimate a good accessory!

Stop un-magique-ing my magique thingy!

I can't believe I listened to you over Applejack!

Hey! U-G-H! Whatevs!

I don't need you anyway

Attention, people who work for me!

I am now the lead costume designer

Because our former lead costume designer is being H.B.W. Herself, but worse!

Now pretend I just gave you an inspiring speech and get back to work!

The parade's about to start!

If only I had done somethin' or said somethin' different! Maybe none of this woulda happened

I really screwed things up with Rarity



Don't go!

You were right

I got carried away and let this stupid parade become the only thing that mattered to me!

And I let Vignette manipulate me with false flattery into forgetting what really matters – my friends.

Come on, now

Your talent puts you so far beyond the need for flattery

Stop flattering me!

I've not finished apologizing!

I'm sorry I lost sight of why we applied for jobs here in the first place

And I'm sorry I got jealous

All this time I thought I was bein' honest with you about not likin' Vignette

I wasn't bein' honest with myself

I felt like I was losin' my best friend

You didn't

Caramel apple girls to the end?

Our friends!

Vignette has them all trapped in the internet!

She confessed!

We have to get them out! We have to save them!


We've been wastin' all this time chin-waggin' about feelin's?!

We need to get crackin' on a rescue plan!


It worked!

Applejack, we're stuck in Vignette's phone!

I found a way to hack her apple popper app to route a VoIP connection to your IP address!

Magic. Got it


We've come up with a plan to set all this right

You'll need to remotely install a virus that creates a backdoor admin account,

Which you can use to reset all the permissions on her phone and make a proxy backup

That should get us out of here! How much coding do you know?

None. Uh, I can rub two sticks together

Oh, boy. Okay. Get a pencil

Hang on

I think I can hear you talkin'


S-Somewhere close

Really, y'all?

The phone just teleported us into some random white room in the park

We were just sitting in a white room the whole time?!

Wait, you guys didn't know that?

Micro Chips?!

Did Vignette take your picture just now?

I was just minding my own business making perfect caramel apples,

When suddenly, Vignette saw me and said I wasn't as cool a nerd as she thought

Then she took my picture, and I ended up here, violating all known laws of space and time

Guys, this is bad! It means Vignette is on the parade route,

And she's using her phone to change whatever she doesn't like!

What happens if she decides she doesn't like the crowd?

Everyone in the park is watching that parade!

If her phone teleports that many people into this tiny room at the same time...!

Squish city!

Our friends are in that crowd!

Sweetie Belle is in that crowd!

We've got to stop her!

You do realize if we stop the parade,

No one will see all your hard work

Someone reminded me that none of that matters without my friends

We'd better hurry!

I'm sure Vignette's getting more corrupted by Equestrian magic every minute!

Be yourself, but better

Or don't be yourself at all

Follow Vignette on SnapGab


This crowd isn't cheering enough for my taste

Luckily, that can be tweaked with the flick of a finger. Say "cheese", everyone!

Sorry to rain on your parade!

Nice one!

But I'm afraid this evening is cancelled

Now turn off your phone and hand it over!

Are you honestly asking a social media star to hand over her phone?

Yeah. She is

Rarity, this is the version of your friends that will be popular

I have the metrics to back that up.

Doesn't matter if they're real

It's what you show people online

This is your chance to be everything you've always wanted!

No! It's a chance to look like everything I've always wanted!

What I really want has been right in front of me the whole time! My friends!

No amount of online success is worth it without my real life friends to share in it!

What have you done?!

Now how can things ever be perfect?!

I love nothing more than someone telling me I made a perfect outfit,

But I'd say you got a bit carried away.

I-I... guess so

You guess so?!

You created virtual holograms of our friends and almost sent an entire crowd of people to squish city!

But, B.Y.B.B...

It's not a bad thing to want to be better, but not at the expense of other people

And especially not your friends


I have three million followers, but no real friends

How pathetic is that?

You've got one

If you want

Make that two

Why are they clapping?

Do they even know what's going on?

Whoa! The Rainbooms are trending on SnapGab!

People are saying that rainbow laser thing was the coolest light parade show they've ever seen!

Hey, maybe the parade ain't ruined after all!

We do still have our real instruments up there

You're not too nervous?

I should ask you the same thing

If you're up for it

♪ A blemish on the surface ♪

♪ Of a perfect happy pic ♪

♪ Just add a fancy filter ♪

♪ And that's an easy fix ♪

♪ But behind that perfect snapshot ♪

♪ Are the people who you love ♪

♪ Don't forget those happy moments are because of ♪

♪ Our memories together ♪

♪ They can last forever ♪

♪ We won't let this break us ♪

♪ We'll get through whatever ♪

♪ Side by side on this adventure ♪

♪ Our friendship will never, ever end ♪

♪ Side by side, besties forever ♪

♪ We know that it's more than just a trend ♪

♪ 'Cause it's you ♪

♪ And me ♪

♪ This is how it should be ♪

♪ The whole world stands before you ♪

♪ Full of things to see ♪

♪ Pay attention or you'll miss it ♪

♪ Life's best is always free ♪

♪ Don't lose sight of what's important ♪

♪ Give more than you can take ♪

♪ There's so much to strive for ♪

♪ So many friendships you can make ♪

♪ All those likes can't measure ♪

♪ The fun we have together ♪

♪ When we're in the moment ♪

♪ Everything is better ♪

♪ Side by side on this adventure ♪

♪ Our friendship will never, ever end ♪

♪ Side by side, besties forever ♪

♪ We know that it's more than just a trend ♪

♪ This is how it should be ♪