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My Little Pony - Rainbow Roadtrip (2019)

Posted: 02/24/22 10:11
by bunniefuu
The sun is shining,

And the open road is calling
our names

My bag is packed so,

Are you ready?

Cause to lose this day
would be a shame

There's a rainbow waiting,

A song is playing,

And I can't wait to hit
the road with you

There's a rainbow waiting,

And we got rainbow
road-tripping to do!


Okay, not technically a road
trip because we're taking that--

- Mhm.

- Beat you to the balloon!
- Nope, I'm gonna beat you!

Ha ha!


I'm gonna beat you!

- No I'm gonna..! Ah!
- Eep!


- Gah! Agh!
- Eeeeep!



Ugh..! Okay, I was fourth.

Yeah? Well, I was fifth!

- That's not even..!

Haha! Yeah!

But I beat you!

Y'all are both still late!

We gotta shove off soon
or we'll miss the tailwind.

Don't worry, we wouldn't
have left without you.

Well that goes without saying,

After all, Rainbow Dash
IS the guest of honor

at the Rainbow Festival!

Ha ha!

Has anypony seen Twilight?

It's not like her to be late
for an adventure.

I'm coming,
I'm coming!

Gah! Ugh!

Sorry! I just had to pack up a
few books and papers to grade.

And by "few",
she means slightly less

than I'm able to lift. Ugh!

Wait. You're bringing work

to a festival?!

Yeah! It's supposed to be
a non-stop fun-o-rama party!

Grading papers is fun! It's
relaxing, and rewarding and -

Too much to talk about
right now!


- Aghh..!
- Let her loose, Spike!

Keep an eye on things for me!
And feel free

to file those class assignments
while I'm gone!

It's my top priority!

Have fun everypony!

Um...why aren't
we going anywhere?

Hmmm. The basket's too heavy.


How dare you! I brought
the itsiest valise.

Sorry to do this,
Twilight, but...

- Ugh!
- My papers!


- They'll keep till we get back.
- Ohhh..!

Miss us! Buh-bye!
Keep an eye on things!

See ya! And remember -

whatever happens
at the Rainbow Festival,

I wanna hear all about it
when you get back!

Bye! Buh-bye! We'll miss you!

Did somepony mention something
about a spa in..

- Where is it we're going again?
- Hope Hollow!

Or as I like to call it...

Rainbow Dash Fan Central!

Ugh...You're gonna be like this
the whole trip, ain't you?

You know it! I mean,
look at this letter!

They love me there!

"Dear Rainbow Dash...Thank you
for agreeing to be our guest

at this year's famous Hope
Hollow Rainbow Festival.

The many members
of your fan club..."

- Ahem, ahem!
- Ugh..!

"..are looking forward
to your visit.

You and your friends will be
staying at our famous

luxury Rainbow Resort and Spa,

where your every whim
will be catered to!"

Ooh, I accept that challenge!

I have so many whims!
Fluttershy: Oh, look!

There's a "Famous Butterfly
Garden" too!

Hmmm. You know -

it's strange that we never heard
of this festival before,

especially since everything in
the town is so well-known.

"At this year's festival,
you can eat treats

at the traditional Rainbow
Bakery Booth,

sing your favorite
rainbow-themed songs

at the Karaoke Competition..."

Bakery AND karaoke?!

It's like they see into my soul!

"And try our famous
Rainbow Trout

catch and release activity."

Huh. Now that sounds
right up my river.

PLUS we get to watch the Mayor
give Rainbow Dash an award!

I call dibs on the cheering
section! Eeee!

An award for what, exactly?

I dunno - showing up?

General coolness?
Aheh, all of the above?

Well, we're so glad you invited
us along.

YEAH! It's gonna be
one long party!

Which starts...NOW!

A hundred bottles of pop
on the wall

A hundred bottles of pop!

Take one down,
pass it around,

Ninety-nine bottles
of pop on the wall!

Ninety-nine bottles
of pop on the wall,

Ninety-nine bottles of pop...

Two bottles of pop on the
wall, two bottles of pop!

Take it down, pass it around,

One bottle of pop on
the wall!


A hundred bottles of pop
on the wall--

- Six times too many?
- Ugh!

Shouldn't we be there by now?

Huh. I thought so too.

Maybe we should've turned left
at that last cloud

- instead of right.
- Ohhh.

It's getting darker
by the minute.

I can't see anything!


I spy with my little eye...

A rainbow!

Great. We're playing
that game now?

No. I really do spy a rainbow!

Wooow! Ooooh!

Wow! That's the biggest rainbow
I've ever seen.

And we're heading right for it!

Don't worry, we'll pass right
through it!

Rainbows aren't solid.


Tell that to the rainbow!

I don't think
that's a rainbow!

It's a rainbow billboard!

Oh no!

Hang on, everypony!


- Whew! Whew!
- I don't think that's working!

We're gonna craaaash!


Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy!

Let's get everypony out!



Phew. Thanks, y'all.

That basket could've been us.

Where are we?

Ah-ha! "Welcome to Hope Hollow."

Home of the Famous --

- Rainbow Festival!
- We've arrived?

And there's nopony here
to greet us?

Good thing, too. The guest
of honor and her friends

just destroyed the town sign.

Rainbow Dash? Did your letter
say where our hotel is?


The "middle of town."

Hmmm.. Doesn't really help much

when you don't know
where the middle is!

Let's start looking.

Huh. Funny.

You'd think a big luxury resort
would be sorta, well..

- easier to spot.
- Yeah!

It seems like the whole town's
shut down!

Oh look! There's somepony.


- Hello!
- Oh!

Maybe you can help us.

We're here for the Rainbow

Oh! Uh, Rainbow Festival?

Yeah, y'know, the one
where I'm the guest of honor?

Aho ho! Ha ha!


Oh for cryin' in the mud...

What's Sunny done now?

- Excuse me?
- I mean..

Umm, you'd best talk
to Mayor Skies about that.

And where will we find him?

City Hall! Uh...

But it's closed till tomorrow,
don'cha know.

Is there something
I can help you with?

Uh, yes, please.

Could you direct us to
the Hope Hollow Luxury Resort?

Oh! O-oh, you mean the hotel?

- Mhmm!
- That's easy.

There's only one in town.

Could you uh, give us

No need! You're there!

I mean, here.

Hotel Hope.

Also known as the town
Information Center and Library!

My name's Petunia Petals,
by the way.


I'm the librarian here.

And the information guide.

And the hotel manager!

Historian, chef, portrait

Um...I'm Rainbow Dash,

and this is...Everypony.

Hellloo! Howdy!

Well, hello, everypony!

You just wait one hoof shake
and I'll take you to the room.

"The" room?

There's only one.

Makes it easier to find!

Here it is!

The Royal Suite!

How rustic..and..charming.

Isn't it just?

I couldn't help noticing..

There are only three beds.

- Okay, four.
- Oh, there's a pop-out too!

Oof! It can be a little tricky!

There she is! Sleeps two.

You'll be all fresh and ready to
see the Mayor in the mornin'.

Sleep tight!

Did anypony notice anything
strange about Petunia?

Other than she just called
this place the "Royal Suite?"

Hard to tell in this light,

She looked a little..gray,
didn't she?

Probably from all the dust up

N'aw, this room's not so bad!

All it needs are some

Streamers...Yip pi dip pi doo!

And...The piƱata!

Good thing I brought some!

Huh? And look!

It comes with a cute little

Hello, Spider!


Uhhh...Sorry, everypony.

I didn't know what I was getting
you into.

Aw! The most important thing
is we're all together.

Yeah! As long as we have
beds to sleep in,

we're set!



It wasn't the worst night
of sleep ever.

But definitely in the top three.

Or would that be
the bottom three?

Why is everypony looking at us?

Maybe they recognize
Rainbow Dash.

Or Princess Twilight.
But probably me.


I think they're staring because
we're the only part of this town

that isn't...gray.

- What do you mean?
- Look around!

All the colors here are gone!

That's so strange.

It's just like I noticed
about Petunia last night.

Everything's mostly gray.

Oh, hello!

Except the stuff

Oh my. I knew something
was different, but--

This is sooo weird!


From the way
they're gawking at us,

it appears they think
we're the odd ones.

Maybe they don't even notice.

It might be rude to mention it.

I wonder what caused this.

- We can ask the mayor.
- Yeah.

If we ever find him.

Quit shoving!

These are pro-level moves

I'm doing, sis...Whooaaa!

Agh! Eugh!
- Come on!

Let's go!

Ah! Gah!


Don't pout, dear.
It'll wrinkle your withers.

I'm not pouting, sweetums,

but I am hurt by your comment.

I thought the pie I baked
was quite tasty!

- I didn't say it wasn't!
- You didn't say it was..

- Oh!
- Watch where you're going!

You don't own the sidewalk,

- Well I never!
- Ugh!

Huh? Oh!


Well, look at that! Somepony's
fixin' up our balloon!

Oh, goodness! This is

Bad with a side of terribly

- Excuse me, sorry, sorry..
- Huh! Hey!


Well, stuff me in an olive
and call me a pimento!

It's THE Rainbow Dash!
You made it!

Eh, it is you, isn't it?

Pretty sure, yeah.

Ha! Thank Celestia!

I saw the balloon,
thought the worst and--

Well, you're here!
All of ya, heh!

Welcome to the Hope Hollow
Annual Rainbow Festival!

I'm Twilight Sparkle.

And you must be..?

Sunny Skies.
The Mayor of this lovely town,

and pleased as a poplar tree
to meetcha!

We're very sorry about your
rainbow billboard,

Mr. Mayor, it was dark and--

D'ohh, don't give it
a second thought!

That old thing needed repair

Haven't used it since, eh..
Well, never mind.

Eh, anyway!
Once your balloon's fixed up,

Torque can take care
of the billboard.

Everypony, meet Torque Wrench.
Our town handy-pony.

She offered to repair
your balloon for ya.

He volunteered me.

She'll have it fixed in a jiffy!

If by jiffy you mean
"this'll take all day".

Sooo, you got in last night,

I wish I'd known, I would have
been here to greet ya!

Eh- where did y'all stay?
- At the "luxury" hotel.

Petunia Petals let us in.

Oh, well of course she did!

She's something,
I'll tell you what.

I'd be lost without her!

I-I mean the town would be!

Mayor, I hope you don't mind
my asking, but...

Is there a reason your town

Oh! Heh.
You spotted that, didja?

Well, it's a...
Long story, eh..

Why don't I show you the town
highlights first?


with the all-natural mud bath.

Mayor Sunny Skies: Pretty, huh?

Ahh! Ohh..!

Maybe we could see some of the
Rainbow Festival activities!

- From the brochure!
- A' course!

The Bakery Booth is there --

- Huh?
- Eh?

Or will be.
We're still settin' up.

But we got a lotta great things

And...The Butterfly Garden?

Oh, that's right over here.


Oop. Eh, lemme fix that.

Sooo...none of the butterflies
are actually...?

Real? Ohhh, no. Uhh...

What with the flowers not having
color and all,

the butterflies don't really
come around much anymore.

I'm almost afraid to ask, but,

the brochure mentioned fishin'?
- Fishin'?

Oh, not sure what you mean.

"Our famous Rainbow Trout"?

Ohhh, ya, sure!

Ah, well, uh, you don't
fish for them exactly.

You just kinda, ehh,
talk to him.

Uh, he's right over, uh--

That's funny,
where'd our trout go?

Oh, Mr.Mayor, ha!

Uh, just taking my lunch now,


Um, so, no big deal,

well actually okay yes,
kind of a big deal,

but the brochure also mentioned
the karaoke contest?

Right here!

The trout doubles on harmonica.

How...Multi-talented of him.

Good thing I bring my own
Karaoke party --

With me wherever I go


Well, uh...

That's the big tour!

- Mayor Skies.
- Aheh.

I don't understand. Your Rainbow
Festival isn't...

Quite as you described.

And the Resort Hotel wasn't what
it cracked up to be either.

'Cept for all the cracks.

None of these things are as
pictured in your brochure.

Well, maybe I exaggerated
a little, but...

I intended on having
everything ready!

It's just kinda hard getting
anypony excited about anything

in this town anymore!

I didn't think you'd come
if you knew the truth.

The truth?

Ohhh...There is no Rainbow

- No Rainbow Festival?
- No fan club?

Believe me, I didn't mean to--

- Bring us here for nothing?!
- Think of all the papers

I could be grading!
- If you just let me..!

We should leave
this very moment!

- Balloon's not fixed yet.
- MAYBE...

We should let the Mayor explain?
- Ahem.

Eh. Guess I should start
at the beginnin'...

A long time ago, when
my Grandpa Skies was mayor..

Hope Hollow was different.

They used to call this town,

"The End of the Rainbow."

'Cause everything you'd ever
want you could find right here!

Next-door neighbors chatting,

Over white wood fences,

Stopping on the street
to say hello,

When friends did well,

We sang their praises,

Brought soup to comfort them
when they felt low,

That was our town at the End
of the Rainbow.

No pots of gold,

Or buried treasure,

Just everypony looking after
each other,

The truest riches,

Cannot be measured,

It was a lesson that had kept
us together,

In our town at
the End of the Rainbow.

To honor our fine town,

My Grandpa Skies decided,

To throw a party each
and every year,

They planned for weeks,
Cooked for days,

Celebrated fifty ways,

So everypony
would gather here,

In our town

At the End of the Rainbow.

Grandpa made a gizmo,

Called the Rainbow Generator,

To paint the sky
with lots of colors

Shining bold and bright,

To remind us all

Together we are greater,

And darkness never wins

Against the coming
of the light

Grandpa passed it onto Dad,

Then it was my turn,

To make the pretty rainbows
in the sky.

It filled my heart
with pride to see,

Our whole town gathered

Where we were sure there
would never be

An End to the Rainbow.

Then fences went up,

We lost track of our

Each year passing dimming
spirits all around,

The happy days
came to an end,

And nopony had time to spend

To gather in the town,

I thought I knew exactly

What the festival


A bigger, better rainbow,

Would surely make them see it

But the extra magic
was too much

For the rainbow generator...

And I'm the one who brought
the rainbow,

To an end.

That's how our town,

Our little pony town,

That's how our town

Saw the End...

Of the Rainbow.

Wah! Wah-ah-ah!

That is the saddest story-song

I've ever heard.

I tried for a long time
to get everypony

interested in
the festival again.

To remember what it's like to
come together as a community

and share the fun!

But nopony even bothered

That's why I wrote to you,
Rainbow Dash.

You were my last hope! I figured
if a pony of your stature

came to town, it would get
everypony excited

about puttin' on
the festival again!

I mean, Rainbow's even part
of your name!

Hmmm. Yeah, I can see that...

Mr. Mayor, what kind of magic
did you use

on the Rainbow Generator?
- Oooh. I'm not sure.

I didn't know what I was dealing

I only wanted to help.

But instead I sucked all
the color out of the town.

That billboard's one of the only
things that didn't change.

To me it's a reminder
of what we can be!

Keeps the hope in Hope Hollow.

Hmm. If I could find out
the type of magic you used,

I might be able
to reverse the spell.

You mean-- You're gonna stay?!

Uh huh! Mhmm!

Heh. Nothing we like
better than a challenge.

'Specially when it comes
to helpin' ponies.

You don't know how clam-happy
this all makes me!

Thank you kindly.
- We'll do whatever we can

to bring back
your Rainbow Festival.

I won't fib to ya,
it won't be easy.

It's gotten so nopony even
talks to each other anymore.

Mmm, it might be tough but...

We have a little experience
bringing ponies together.

YAAAY! This is exactly like
planning a party!

Only bigger,
'cause it's a FESTIVAL!


Which means MORE CUPCAKES!

WOO-HOO! Oooh...

D'AH! I've got a date
with the Bakery Booth. Ha-ha!

Hee hee hee hee! Ha ha!

Um. I'd better go with her.

Hmmm. An overall stylistic look

to unify the sentiment of the
celebration -

that's what this festival needs!

- You mean like, a rainbow?
- Yes darling, yes, yes,

but more complex.
More thematic.

Something like...Ooh!

Something like that!


The biggest challenge is getting
your town interested

in a Rainbow Festival when
everything's so...Gray.

I think if we can bring
the color back,

it'll solve everything!

- I'm with ya there, but...
- Rainbow Dash!

I need your help.

Mr.Mayor? Seriously.

Is there a fan club?
- Ohhh! You betcha!

They're around...Somewhere.

Any tools I can borrow,
your honor?

I'm gonna spruce up that
billboard to let everypony know

this here Rainbow Festival's
back in business.

Oho, that's music to my ears!
Torque Wrench!

Let's get our host tooled up,
whaddya say?

She's gonna put our rainbow back

Oh, yippee.

Oh, uh..!

If you don't mind, I, uh,
I have a speech to work on.

- See ya around!
- Hmmm.

's your plan?

If magic caused this,

maybe magic can solve it.

Ooh, I was afraid of that.

I've never seen any magic
like this before!

Heh. Let me try!

I mean, Rainbow's part
of my name, right?

Ooh! Oh my what was that?

Ugh. Yeah, that's all I got.

Thanks for trying.

I guess I need to do
more research.

Look out!

No, you look out!







Are you okay?


Why did you zig in front of me
like that?

I didn't zig, you zigged!
I zagged!

That's no excuse for--

Guys! Guys! Hold on!

It was just an accident.

An accident that happened in
front of you.

Ugh! I'm so embarrassed.

All of our lives we've been
wanting to meet you, and--

Wait! So...You're the fan club?

You've heard of us?!

Barley's the President.

Pickle's the Assistant

Well, what do you know?

The Mayor was telling the truth
about something!

Anyway, you're my brother's
favorite Wonderbolt!

And my sister's favorite
Wonderbolt too!

He knows all of your best moves!
- So does she!

We practice all of them,

But...We really can't do them.

Well, it's true!

- Go ahead, ask her.
- No, you ask her.

- No, you ask her!
- No, you!

- No, you do it!
- No, you do it!

Somepony ask me!

Do you think, maybe...

You could give us a lesson?
Just a tiny one?

Show us some of your moves?


Well...You promise to listen,

and work hard, and practice?


Absolutely practice!

Tell you what,
if I like what I see,

the three of us
will put on a show

at the Rainbow Festival!
- Ooooh!

There's still a Rainbow

And we're gonna perform at it?

I think the whole town
should know there's a couple

of future Wonderbolt's
living here!

C'mon, we got work to do!

Did you hear that?!

She called us future

I think some of this
can be saved,

but we'll need some
fresh lumber.

Uh, Torque? The Mayor said maybe
you can lend a hoof.

Hmmm, him and his crazy schemes.

What's your business
in this, anyhoo, hmm?

Well for one thing,
we're helping the mayor.

And for another,
Granny Smith always says,

"You break something,
you fix it."

And any job you do,
you should be proud of.

Ha ha! Proud of being
a repair pony? Ha ha!

Well, absolutely. It's a pretty
rare talent to have.

Nice work on that balloon
basket, by the way.

Reweavin' all that straw
is no joke!

Oh, heh! Ya, well...

Thanks for, well, noticin'.


That's one of my designs!



No way! Stack my pancakes!

Are you really THE Rarity?

Uh, it's just "Rarity."

Uh, and I-I couldn't help but
notice that you've got--

I love ya! I love ya so much.

Your work, I mean. Your designs,
your taste,

your eye for beauty...
- Well, thank you.

They're the perfect canvas
for me to fancy up!

Yes, about that!
The-the hat,

the-the boa, the scarf, the--

- Do you like 'em?
- Very charming.

Thank ya!

Those are Kerfuffle originals.
I'm Kerfuffle.

Spelled like it sounds
with a double "ffhh"

for the fuff!

I should really stop
talking now.

I do hope you don't mind
my asking,

but with all this talent...

Why don't you simply display
your own work?

Instead of adding to others?

Ah ha ha ha! Oh ho ho!

Oh...Oh no.

I-I-I couldn't, it's...

Not good enough by itself.

Hm! Au contraire!
Take this shawl.

Hoof-dyed, nicely woven -

a piece of art by itself!

Imagine if you could work
in color!

Oh, I do imagine!

I mean, that's how I design

I feel in my heart
what the colors are.

Like this scarf!
This stripe is red,

then orange, yellow...!

Like a rainbow!

How would you like to work with
me as the Official Assistant

Designer of the Rainbow


Work with you?

I can't believe it!

Woo! Weee!

Wait, there's still a Rainbow

Darling! If we have anything
to do with it,

not only will there BE
a festival,

it will be the most stylish
anypony in this town

has ever seen!
Now let's get started!


Petunia: You like it?

I love it! I just never

That a teeny town like
Hope Hollow

would have a library this grand?
We may be small,

but we are well read!

I make sure of it!

Mayor Sunny was right -
you ARE something!

Did he really say that?

Oh, that silly unicorn.

Did he say anything else?
I mean--

What can I do ya for?

I don't suppose you have a magic


Elemental? Or theory of?


If cupcakes makes a party,

that means for the festival
we need...

Divide by two, carry the one...

- More?
- Super more!

We're gonna need some baking


It looks like it's closed.

Aw, that's so sad!

We can only use the ones from
OUR yard, lovey!

Oh, darling, stop it!

Excuse me! I see you're taking
your pie for a walk,

and I was wondering-
- We're not interested. Oh!

It's getting so a pony can't
even walk

without being terrorized!

Ha ha ha oh!
That's not terrorized.


- Ahhh!
- terrorized!

So! How would you like to be a
part of the Official Baking Team

at the Rainbow Festival?

There's still
a Rainbow Festival?

Uh-huh! We'll have a booth
with cupcakes

and pastimes and fun and we're
going to start with this pie!

Let the taste test begin!



What kind of pie did you say
this was supposed to be?


Are you sure? It's kinda...


Not that there's anything wrong
with that.

Well! The apricots are from

our very own tree!

In our very own yard!

Behind our very own house!

Yeeeah. Maybe we should get
a look at this tree!

Alright, rookies.

Show me what ya got!

She sounds just like we
always imagined she'd sound!

Only twenty per cent cooler!


Aren't you gonna fly
or something?

Yes sir! I mean, m'am!




Whooaaaa!! Oof!




Fancy flying is something
you have to work up to.

Even I didn't become
Rainbow Dash in one day.

Two days?

Everypony's gotta learn the
basics before they can show off.


You'll get there. But first,

let's start with a single flip.


If you don't mind my asking,

you don't sound like
the other ponies here in town.

Oh, we weren't born here,

we're originally
from Manehattan.

But it was so big,

all those ponies
crammed together,

never talking to each other,

We heard Hope Hollow
was just the opposite.

So we moved here.

And it was wonderful...

Ehh...for a while.

- What happened?
- Uh..!

Things changed.
Ah! Here!

This is the tree!

This is where the apricots
in my pie came from.

Well, I'm no expert, but...

I don't think these
are very ripe.

Apricots are supposed
to be orange!

Well, that's the problem
isn't it?

With hardly any colors
in this town,

one apricot looks like another!

What about that tree?

Its apricots are big and juicy.
- Oh.

We can't use the apricots
from that tree.

Sure you can.
All you gotta do is --

HEY! Stay away from my tree!

Wh-what was that?

Just old Moody Root.

He's made it quite clear
he won't share his apricots.

He hasn't even said hello
in ages.

Have you tried
saying hello to him?


Well, no, but...

Mr. Moody Root? Are you there?

Who wants to know?

I'm Fluttershy.

Your apricot tree is beautiful.

So healthy. You must take
very good care of it.

Well, I try to.

Plant food. A good waterin'
now and then.

Keeps my apricots happy.

I bet that's why you have
so many of them!

You must always be busy making

Jam, cobbler, pie...

Nope, I just eat 'em.

Pie does sound pretty good.

What in Equestria is she doing?

I haven't the foggiest, dear.

Doing what she does best!

Your neighbors were just about
to bake some pies.

You know them, right?

Mr. And Mrs. Hoofington --
Mr. Moody Root.

H-hello. Uh.

- Yes, hello.
- Hello, Mister...Root.

- Ahem.
- But,

they're a little short
on apricots.

If ONLY there were some apricots

we could use!



Oh, yes of course! We'd be happy
to bake you a pie.

Two or three pies even!

So you mean if I give you
my apricots?

What a great idea!

Then everypony can share!

What do you think Mr. Moody

Ugh! Oh well...

Wait for it...

Got a ladder?

We can just pick 'em from your
side of the fence!

Um, yes! Of course! This way!

A prism curse? An erasure spell?

None of these are big enough
to make a whole town

lose its color on their own!


Oh for the love of cheddar!

Mayor Sunny Skies: Uh, yes,
I think this works, just...

Just this line,
lose the end bit...

D'oh, it's just not right yet.

- Mayor Skies!
- Oh!

- What is all this?
- Princess Twilight!

Welcome to our town's
Rainbow Room.

Anything you want to know about
each year's festival,

from the very beginning.

The pictures! They're in color!

Sure are. Oh...

Those are from happier times.

Back when there still was a

Seems even though we faded,

the memory never did.

I come here sometimes
for inspiration.

I need plenty for this speech
I'm writin'.

Biggest one of my life --

- Didn't see you there!
- Sunny!

Heh. I didn't know you were

Aha ha, j-just leavin', ha ha.

Eh, I g-gotta finish this,
eh, well,

eh, s-s-see you later!


The festival was really
something, wasn't it?

Used to be wonderful.

It brought the whole town
together for a long time.

And these pictures...

Are from the last festival.

Twilight: You can see.

Petunia: It didn't go well.
Twilight: Right.

The mayor's magic
and the generator

caused the colors to go.
- That's what Sunny thinks.

He blames himself for it, but...

I'm still not convinced it was

other than an accident.

There's something strange about

I just can't put my
hoof on it.

If only the generator hadn't
been destroyed.

Petunia: Not all of it was!
- Ohhh!

- Wooowww!
- I don't keep it out

because I know it hurts the
Mayor to see it.

Mind if I borrow this?

Oh ha ha!

Great job!

It's even better than it was
before, don'cha know!

Rainbow Festival?

I didn't know it was
still going on!

Sure is! Bigger and better than

I hope. Tell all your friends!

Can we go, Mama?

I suppose so, why not?



Ha ha ha!

Mr. Mayor!

- I hope you don't mind, but...
- Where'd you find that?

I gave it to her, Sunny.
She has an idea.

Best idea would just be to throw
that thing in the trash heap.

My theory is that the generator

whatever magic it uses.
Makes it stronger.

So if we could rebuild it...

And use one of the reversal
spells I just read about...

It could work to bring color
back to the town!

Even if we could get it working

which is quite a tall order --

Not for a gifted repair pony

who I just happen to know.

Let me take a look see.

Yeah, I could give her a go!

Ooh! I don't wanna get my hopes
up but...


Don't worry! I'll get to work.

Um. How's your speech comin',

I'd be happy to help ya with it
if you'd like.

Ah, oh, no, you couldn't. Heh.

Uh, thanks, but, uh -

I have to do a little mayor-type
business, don't you know,

but I'll check back in
a little bit to see

how everything's goin'...

Hmmm. He's acting so peculiar!

From what I've seen
of the mayor..

How can you tell exactly when
peculiar kicks in?

Mmm! Mm-mm-mmm!

If I had known your pie
was this good,

I'd have given you those
apricots ages ago!

Mr. Hoofington did all
the baking.

N'ohhh. Inspired by you,


Say, the whole town should know
about this here pie!

Oh, don't worry! They will.

We're gonna give it away
at the Rainbow Festival!

Wait, what?

There's still a Rainbow



Torque: Well! Here it is!

Had to hoof-build some
of the parts myself,

but it's as good as new.

Hoo-wee! This looks amazin',

Nopony else could have
pulled this off.

Thank you so much for your help.

It was a real challenge!

But turns out,
that was part of the fun!

Whoa! Did - Did y'all see that?

- Now we need to test it.
- Should we call the Mayor?

Might be best to make sure it
works first,

I'd hate to disappoint him.

Uh, Twilight, I think I saw --

In a moment, Applejack.
This is important.

- Yeah, but..!
- Turn on the generator.

Oh. Okay.


Huh! Well look at that!

Isn't it beautiful?

That's what the generator's
always done!

For years and years!

Now we just add magic,


I'm sorry. I thought for sure it
would work.

Let's not tell the Mayor.
It would break his heart.

No, we have to tell him we

We can't bring the color back.

Hmmm. Twilight!

I really think you should see

You betcha--
Pinkie Pie: We did it!


Everything you need for the
Rainbow Festival Bake Sale!


Courtesy of the Hoofingtons.

- And Mr. Moody Root!
- Hehe.

Oooh! Everything looks

Mr. Moody Root!

Why I haven't seen you in the
library for ages!

High time I came back!

Eh, you got any of them

Hey, they're pretty good!

They've been practicing their
tails off for the big show!

What big show?

The Rainbow Festival!

They're the official

Ahh! Ooh! Whoa!

Yeah, landing still needs
a little work.

Rarity: You're all here!

Wonderful! You can help us set
up our cart.

Kerfuffle's Official Rainbow
Festival Accessories!


Ha! Whoa-ho-ho!

Nice stuff!

And I designed color-matched
accessories for each of ya!

Um...I can't help but notice
that the color-matched

accessories don't have much

Well of course not, silly.

The town doesn't have any color,

Ohhh, right!

Oh, but don't worry.

I know where the colors are
supposed to be!

An orange scarf for Applejack,

red leggings for Fluttershy,


The pink flower lei is for...

Well, you know who!

No, who?

Ha ha ha ha!


And look at my purple kerchief.

Isn't it divine?

The blue goggles
are for Rainbow Dash.

Oh ho ho!

And I think I have some

that might match for you two.
- Whoa!


And something very special
for Princess Twilight -

Wing Bling!

In every shade of the rainbow,
don'cha know!


Kerfuffle, this is amazing!

you've done great work.

I just wish I could have
done my part.

I hate to admit it,
but - I'm stuck.

I don't know how to make
the town's color come back.

That's what I've been
tryin' to tell ya!

It IS comin' back!

Wow! Oh!


What's happening?

Something wonderful!


It wasn't the generator.
Which means...

Something else must have drained
the town's color

in the first place!

I have to get back
to the library!

Look - in the second photo -
when the generator goes off,

Twilight: This pony is walking

But on the third photo,
with all the colors gone,

he's back where he was!

Which means...

We have to tell the Mayor!
Mayor Sunny Skies: Tell me what?


Have you seen what's happenin'

No, I've been in here for a
while, working on my speech.

Maybe we should just show him.

Who wants apricot pies?

Best pies in Hope Hollow!

Pies for sale! Yummy-licious!

Hello there, Mr. Hoofington,

Mrs. Hoofington! Been a while.

How lovely to see you!


What's better than one pie?


Official Rainbow Festival
goodness right here, now!

Over here, darlings.

Just look what Kerfuffle
has came up with!

I never knew you did such great

I have to visit your shop!

Hey, you got anything



But - colors!

So you were able
to reverse the generator?

The generator had nothing
to do with it.

- And never did.
- Soo...

None of it was my fault?

No, ya big doofus!

How many times have I tried
to tell ya that?

All those years ya blamed
yourself for nothin'!

These photos from the library
explain everything.

Once I realised they
were out of order,

it proved that
the town's colors got dim

before you turned on
the generator!

Boy, howdy, am I glad
to hear that!

But then, what did cause it?

It's called "Hopeless Magic".

Everypony was already giving up
on each other - losing hope!

Then when the generator blew up,

it must have been the last

It took all the hope out of the
town for good.

Along with the color. But now...

There's a different kind of

Of everypony coming together

Just the way you wanted it,

What do you know?

There is still
a Rainbow Festival!

And we better get it started.

This town's been waiting
long enough.

The generator's working again,
Mr. Mayor.

Just the way your Grandpa
built 'er.


I just hope my speech lives up
to the occasion.

Attention please!

Welcome to the brand new Hope
Hollow Annual Rainbow Festival!

And here's the pony who made it
all possible...

Mayor Sunny Skies!

I am as proud as a two-tailed

to see you all here today.

To once again celebrate our
little town

at the end of the Rainbow.


And I can't give enough thanks
to Rainbow Dash,

Princess Twilight,

Pinkie Pie,


Rarity and Applejack.

My Grandpa started this festival
to celebrate us -

the ponies of Hope Hollow.

It's you who brought friendship
back to our town.

And all the bright colors that
come with it.

We just have to always remember

to reach a hoof out to our

To respect, and listen,
and talk to each other.

Ya never know what just
sayin' hello

to somepony can do.

So, without further ado--

Here we go, this is the
moment, yeahhh!

Let the Rainbow Festival

Heh heh.

Wow! Woah!

- Oooh!
- Wow!

- Whoa!
- Ohhh!

Woah, what's happening?



It's exactly as I imagined it!

That was a beautiful speech,

What? Oh, no, uh,
that wasn't my speech.

But, uh-- then what have you
been writin' all day?

Well, eh, another speech.

I mean it's for later, but...

Aw, flapjacks.

I guess now is as a good a time
as any.


You've never given up on me,
or the town.

You always had hope
when we had none and...

I can't imagine a day
without you.

You're the pony
who brings color into my life.

Petunia Petals...

Will you marry me?

Of course, ya silly goose!

Attention, everypony!

Introducing Hope Hollow's very

Junior Wonderbolts!

Yeah! Go go!

Did you hear what she called us?

Did YOU hear what she called us?

Junior Wonderbolts!

- Ha ha!
- Alright!

Okay guys. Showtime!

Heh heh!


Now this is something I'm proud

to be a guest of honor for!

And it looks like there's a
Butterfly Garden after all!

Only one more thing

could make this Rainbow Festival

Oh, not more karaoke, darling!

What? No!


Hee hee!
Now THAT'S a partaaayyy!!

We're living in color!

Step out of the shadows

And into the light
Where it's bright

And you might see all the
colors you are

Or any color you wanna be

That your mind can see

And wear them bright
like a shining star

Why just be black and white

No need to hide

All those colors inside.

Cause when they shine out

It just feels right...

To be living in color

We'll be living in color

To be living in color

We'll be living in color

Make up any colors

That you can devise
Mix 'em up

Watch the joy as it

Make a rainbow and you will

How together we are like one

When we harmonize

Why just be black and white

No need to hide

All those colors in sight

Cause when we shine so bright

It just feels right

To be living in color

We'll be living in color

To be living in color

We'll be living in color

"Hello my friend"
Is a big, bright yellow

Violet's what you get
When you're feeling mellow

Red is the part
Where your heart starts to glow

In the mood, in the groove,

Blue is the sky spinning
high as can be

Orange can amaze
Bringing days that are sunny

Green is serene,
Take a breath, feel new

Feel all the living colors

There's a rainbow in you!

Now we're living in color

Yeah we're living in color

Now we're living in color

Yeah we're living in color

We're all living in color

Living in color!
We're all living in color.

We're all living in color.

Living in color!
Yeah we're living in color.

We're all living in...


Ah-ah-ah-ah, ooh,

Ah-ah-ah-ah, ooh,

Ah-ah-ah-ah, ooh,

There's a rainbow waiting,

A song is playing,

And I can't wait to hit
the road with you

There's a rainbow waiting,

And we got rainbow
road-tripping to do,

Ah-ah-ah-ah, ooh,