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5x12 - Dead is Dead

Posted: 02/24/22 09:42
by bunniefuu
[As the episode commences, a man is riding horseback into a camp area. There are yurts and people going about daily chores. There is a large fire pit surrounded by benches. The horseback rider alights and walks towards one of the yurts. He approaches Richard who is washing his hands in a basin. As he reaches for a towel the man speaks. It is 1977.]

MAN: What have you done Richard?

RICHARD: Calm down. Calm down. This has nothing to do with you.

MAN: So it's true. You actually brought one of them to our temple.

RICHARD: He's just a boy and he was dying.

MAN: Then you should have let him die.

RICHARD: Jacob wanted it done.

RICHARD: The island chooses who the island chooses. You know that.

MAN: [pause] Yes, yes of course. What's his name?

[Switch to the man entering a yurt. He stops and looks a young boy lying on a cot. The boy awakens and slowly turns he head to look at the man. He takes a stool and sits next to the boy.]

MAN: Hello Benjamin.

YOUNG BEN: What happened?

MAN: You were injured.


MAN: You don't remember.

YOUNG BEN: Where am I?

MAN: You're among friends. We're going to take care of you.

YOUNG BEN: My dad. Is he here?

MAN: You'll be back to him soon enough.

YOUNG BEN: No. No, I don't want to go…

[Ben tries to sit up. A pain in his chest and coughs stops him. He slowly lies back.]

MAN: Shhh. Okay, Easy, easy

YOUNG BEN: [in pain] I don't wanna go back. I want to stay. I want to be one of you.

MAN: [smiles] Just because you are living with them doesn't mean you can't be one of us. You should be dead Benjamin. But this island, [pause] it saved your life.

YOUNG BEN: Who are you?

MAN: I'm Charles. Charles Widmore.

[Switch to the Hydra in 2007. Ben is lying on a cot on his side. He is asleep.]


[Startled, Ben awakens. He slowly lifts his head and turns to see Locke standing above him. He appears surprised.]

LOCKE: Hello Ben. Welcome back to the land of the living.

BEN: My God! You're alive!

LOCKE: Yes I am.

BEN: [sits up] I knew it. I knew that this would happen.

LOCKE: Then why are you so surprised to see me?

BEN: Because it is one thing to believe it John. It's another thing to see it.

LOCKE: Then why were you trying to run away to the main island?

BEN: I broke the rules John. I came back to the island. I was going to answer for what I'd done. I was going back to be judged.

[Locke looks up a bit and smiles.]

LOCKE: Judged?

[Ben nods yes. Locke scrunches his eyebrows.]

LOCKE: By whom?

BEN: Well, Ja, John, we don't even have a word for it. But I believe you call it the monster.


[Switch to the beach where Ajira 316 crash-landed. It is daytime. Ben is walking with his toward Ilana and some men. They are trying to make a large metal crate easier to carry.]

ILANA: [to Ben] Good morning.

BEN: Hello. What's in the crate?

ILANA: Just some stuff we need to get moved.

BEN: Need a hand?

HUSKY MAN: Oh, thanks. We got it.

BEN: Okay. Have a great day.

CAESAR: How are you feeling, my friend?

BEN: Like someone hit me with an oar but I'll live.

[Locke is standing at the ocean's edge. His pants are rolled up to his knees and he has his hands in his pockets as he looks out at the ocean. His feet are buried in the sand.]

CAESAR: [looks at Locke] What do you make of him?

BEN: I'm not sure. What has he told you?

CAESAR: When you were out cold, he was watching over you and he said you k*lled him.

BEN: I k*lled him?! Really [chuckles] 'cause he looks fine to me. [drinks more water]

[Caesar and Ben look at Locke standing on the water's edge.]

BEN: You know I don't really remember him from the plane. Do you?

CAESAR: No, I don't.

BEN: What if [pause] he was already here, before we crashed? If he thinks I k*lled him, then he's insane. We may be dealing with a man who's dangerously deranged then the question is what are we gonna do about him?

CAESAR: [shakes his head] Don't worry, my friend.

[Caesar puts his hand on the sawed off shotgun he had found hidden under a table. He takes it out and shows it to Ben.]

CAESAR: I have your back. [extends his hand to Ben.] Caesar.

BEN: [shakes hands] Pleasure to meet you Caesar. I'm Ben.

[Caesar takes one more look at Locke and walks away. Ben takes a look at Locke and drinks some more water. Switch to the jungle. Ben is a younger in this scene. He is with a young blond headed boy. Ben looks at a makeshift camp.]

BOY: Want me to do it?

BEN: Shhhh.

BOY: I can do it if you want me to Ben.

BEN: [to boy] Shut up and stay here Ethan.

[Ben takes a handgun from his waistband and quietly makes his way toward the camp, g*n aimed in front of him. He is ready to sh**t. A fire is smoldering. He cocks the g*n and walks into the tent. A baby is crying. As Ben moves through the darkness he knocks over a music box with a pink ballerina. It starts to play. A hand reaches for a r*fle.]

BEN: Don't, don't do it.

[A woman looks at him. It is a young Danielle. She stops.]

DANIELLE: You are the one who infected us, aren't you?

[She points at him and speaks in French. Ben walks to the crying baby.]

DANIELLE: No, no, not my baby. No! Give me my baby.

BEN: It's okay.

[Ben picks up the baby and walks toward the tent opening. Danielle is yelling at him in French.]

DANIELLE: Please don't take my Alex.

BEN: You want your baby to live?

DANIELLE: Why are you taking her?

[Ben sh**t the g*n toward the ground.]

BEN: Be grateful you're still alive. Now you listen to me. If you try to follow me or ever come looking for me, I'll k*ll you. And if you want your child to live, every time you hear whispers, you run the other way.

[Ben exits the tent and Danielle sits there crying. Switch to Ben rummaging thru a desk that looks as if it had been deserted. He takes a picture from a frame. It is he and Alex as a teenager. He is interrupted.]

LOCKE: What's that?

BEN: Just something sentimental.

[Ben folds the picture and puts it in his pocket. Locke approaches the desk.]

LOCKE: So this is your old office, huh? I never pictured you leading your people from behind a desk. Seems a little [sits in desk chair] corporate.

[Locke leans back in the chair and props up his feet.]

BEN: [annoyed] Was there something that you needed John?

LOCKE: Well Ben I was hoping that you and I could talk about the elephant in the room.

BEN: I assume you are referring to the fact that I k*lled you.

LOCKE: Yeah.

BEN: [pauses, smacks lips] It was the only way to get you back to the island along with as many of those who left, as possible. [sarcastically] You do remember John, that's why you left in the first place, to convince them to come back. But you failed and the only way to bring them together was by your death and you understood that. That's why you were about to k*ll yourself when I stopped you.

LOCKE: If all I had to do was die Ben, then why did you stop me?

BEN: You had critical information that would have died with you. And once you'd given it to me [pause] well I just didn't have time to talk you back into hanging yourself. [Locke looks at Ben intently] So I took a short cut and look at you John. I was right. You're here. You're back. So are the rest of them. I don't know where yet exactly but they came. It worked. [pause] That's why I did it. Because it was in the best interest of the island.

LOCKE: I was just hoping for an apology. [long pause] I've decided to help you Ben.

BEN: Help me do what?

LOCKE: Do what you say you were on your way to do. Be judged.

BEN: That's not something you want to see John.

LOCKE: [puts up hand] If everything you've done has been in the best interest of the island, then I'm sure the monster will understand. [looks Ben in the eye] Let's go.

[Switch to the place on the beach where the outriggers are. They are hidden beneath sticks, leaves and other foliage. Ben and Locke are uncovering one outrigger. Caesar and three other men interrupt them.]

CAESAR: Hey! What are you doing?

LOCKE: Taking a boat.

CAESAR: Where?

LOCKE: Over to the main island.

[Ben watches Caesar carefully.]

CAESAR: I don't think so my friend.

LOCKE: Are these your boats?

CAESAR: Are they yours?

LOCKE: Caesar, right? I was under the impression these were found here so I am just going to borrow one. I'm happy to leave the other boat for you in case you want to follow us.

CAESAR: Us? [to Ben] Are you going with him?

BEN: He didn't really give me a choice.

CAESAR: I'm sorry but I'm calling the sh*ts here and I said you're not taking anything. What you are going to do is to sit down and tell us how you know so much about this island, my friend.

[Locke claps his shoes together to rid them of sand. He puts them in his pack.]

LOCKE: You're in the habit of calling people friend but I don't think you mean it.

CAESAR: Step away from the boat.

LOCKE: No. I'm not gonna step away from the boat. I'm gonna take it and you're gonna let me, my friend.

[Locke puts his pack. Caesar reaches into his messenger bag.]

CAESAR: You are not taking any….

BEN: [holding sawed off shotgun] You looking for this?

[Ben sh**t Caesar square in the chest sending his body flying backward before it hits the sand.]


[One of the three men looks at Caesar and the other at Ben who has the g*n aimed at him.]

BEN: This gentleman and I are taking a boat. Does anyone else have a problem with that?

[The three men back away from Ben and Locke. Ben tosses the g*n to Locke who catches it with one hand.]

BEN: [to Locke] Consider that my apology.

[Switch to Locke and Ben paddling the outrigger toward the larger island. They arrive at a dock and Ben moors the outrigger. The dock looks abandoned. A lamppost is strewn across the pier.]

BEN: Home sweet home.

LOCKE: Looks like we're not the first ones who decided to tie up here.

BEN: That'd be Sun and Lapidus. I showed them where the boats were and Sun thanked me by smashing me on the head with a paddle.

[Locke sits on the dock and puts on his shoes and socks.]

LOCKE: She the one that hurt your arm? Noticed you were favoring it on the way over.

BEN: No. Someone else hurt my arm.

LOCKE: You just make friends everywhere you go, don't you?

BEN: Well I found sometimes that friends can be significantly more dangerous than enemies, John.

LOCKE: That why you shot an unarmed man in the chest?

BEN: The man was unarmed because I'd stolen his g*n. The g*n he was going to use to k*ll you. Couldn't let that happen.

LOCKE: No sense in me dying twice, right?

BEN: You're welcome.

LOCKE: We're going to your old house, aren't we?

BEN: Yes. It's the only place I can summon it. [pause] The monster. Once it arrives, I'll either be forgiven or I won't.

LOCKE: I think you're lying.

BEN: Lying about what?

LOCKE: That you want to be judged for leaving the island and coming back because it's against the rules. I don't think you care about the rules.

BEN: Then what do I want to be judged for, John?

LOCKE: For k*lling your daughter.

[Switch to Ben and Ethan walking back to their camp. It is nighttime and Ben is carrying baby Alex. People are sitting around a fire, eating.]

WIDMORE: Well? Did you do it?

BEN: We had a complication.

[Baby cries.]

WIDMORE: I'm sorry. [pause] Is that a baby? You're orders were to exterminate that woman.

BEN: Why? She's no threat to us. She's insane Charles. Besides, you didn't tell me she had a child. What was it I was supposed to do?

WIDMORE: k*ll it!

BEN: It's not an it. This is a child.

WIDMORE: You might find this difficult to understand Benjamin. Every decision I've made is about protecting this island.

BEN: Is k*lling this baby what Jacob wants? [hands baby toward Charles] Here she is. You do it.

[Charles looks at Ben and the baby then turns and walks away. Richard and the other people just stare at Ben. Switch to the abandoned Dharma Processing building. The sign swings and creaks from one nail. It is nighttime.]

LOCKE: So whose idea was it to move into these houses?

BEN: Excuse me?

LOCKE: Well your people were living in the jungle then after you m*rder*d the Dharma folk you relocated here. Just wondered if it was your idea?

BEN: Do you disapprove John?

LOCKE: It just doesn't seem like something the island would want.

BEN: You don't have the first idea what this island wants.

LOCKE: Are you sure about that?

[Locke looks at the building. Ben turns to look. A light turns on and a shadow of man walks passed the window. Ben stares.]

LOCKE: That was your house, wasn't it?

BEN: Yes and that is Alex's room.

LOCKE: Well I suppose you better get over there and check it out.

[Ben turns and looks at Locke then proceeds toward the front door of the house. He opens the door slowly and it creaks loudly. The door creaks again as he closes it. The game Risk is on the table. Pieces are scattered. Snack dishes and glasses are also on the table. Ben walks thru the house slowly. He walks down a hallway that has many pictures on both walls. He arrives at Alex's room. The door is closed and there is light showing from the bottom of the door. A shadow walks passed the door. Ben is wary. He then opens the door swiftly only to startle Sun.]

SUN: Oh! [catches breath] Oh!

BEN: Sun?

[Frank quickly enters the room from Ben's left side.]

FRANK: What are you doin' here?

BEN: This used to be my house. I saw a light turned on. What are the two of you doing here?

[Frank picks up a framed picture and hands it to Ben. It is a picture of the Dharma folks in coveralls. Kate and Hurley are front and center in the picture.]

SUN: That picture was taken in 1977.

BEN: Are you trying to tell me that your friends were in the Dharma Initiative?

SUN: You don't know about this?

BEN: Of course not. [pause] Where did you get this? Who gave this to you?

FRANK: We met some crazy old man outside.

SUN: He said his name was Christian. He told us to come in here and wait.

BEN: Wait for what?

SUN: He said if I ever wanted to see my husband again, I had to wait here for John Locke.

FRANK: But considering he's dead, we ain't holding our breath.

BEN: Well you might want to look outside.

[Frank and Sun look at each other. Sun pulls back the curtains. Sun and Frank look out the window to see Locke standing outside. He waves to them. Switch to inside the house. Sun, Frank, Locke, and Ben all stand quietly. No one is speaking.]

SUN: [to Locke] What you're saying, it's impossible.

[Locke opens his arms and shrugs.]

LOCKE: But here I am. I don't know how. I don't know why but I'm sure there's a very good reason for it.

FRANK: As long as the dead guy says there's a reason then I guess everything's gonna be just peachy. And forget about the fact that the rest of your people are supposedly thirty years ago, now the only ones are here to help us are [points to Ben] a m*rder*r and a guy who can't seem to remember how the hell he got out of a coffin. Sun, please, let's just go back to the plane and see if I can fix the radio and maybe we can get some help.

LOCKE: If you leave with him, you'll never find your husband again. I'm all the help you'll need.

SUN: Are you saying you know how to find them? How to find Jin?

LOCKE: I have some ideas.

FRANK: I'm sorry to say but I'm leaving, with or without ya.

SUN: If there's any chance of finding my husband then I have to stay.

FRANK: Alright. [pause, deep exhale] Well for God's sake, watch your back.

[Sun nods yes then Frank leaves the house.]

SUN:Alright, how do we find Jin?

LOCKE: Ben has something to do first. Isn't that right Ben?

BEN: Yes John. That's right.

LOCKE: Better get to it then.

[Ben moves a bookcase revealing another room. He enters and turns on the light. Suits and shirts are hanging on racks. He moves them to either side revealing a double door. He pries it open as if it were a stuck elevator door. There is a stone archway and door. He pushes the door opening to a cave. Ben lights a lantern. He walks down a flight of stairs then proceeds to crawl through a round opening. When he reaches the end, he is standing in front of a pool of mucky water. A drain is opened and the water evacuates the hole showing an opening similar to the one outside the Temple.]

BEN: I'll be outside.

[Switch to Ben pushing a very young Alex on a swing. It is a sunny day.]

YOUNG ALEX: Again daddy, again. [laughs]

BEN: Okay. Okay. [laughs]

[A man approaches. It is Richard Alpert.]

RICHARD: Wow Alex! Any higher and you're gonna fly right off the island.

[Ben has become solemn. He is no longer laughing or smiling. He continues to push Alex on the swing.

YOUNG ALEX: Weeee. [laughs

RICHARD: [to Ben] The sub's about to leave]

YOUNG ALEX: Higher daddy, higher. [laughs]]

BEN: Alright

RICHARD: You don't have to see him off, right?

BEN: Yes Richard, I do.

YOUNG ALEX: Higher, higher daddy.

[Switch to a dock with a submarine at the end. Two men are escorting a third man whose hands are tied in front of him. They turn around and see Ben walking behind them. Everyone stops.]

BEN: I came to say good-bye.

WIDMORE: No you didn't. You came to gloat.

BEN: No. Don't act as if I wanted this. You brought it on yourself.

WIDMORE: Are you certain you want to do this, Benjamin.

BEN: You left the island regularly. You had a daughter with an outsider. You broke the rules Charles.

WIDMORE: What makes you think you deserve to take what's mine?

BEN: Because I won't be selfish. Because I'll sacrifice anything to protect this island.

WIDMORE: You wouldn't sacrifice Alex.

BEN: You're the one who wanted her dead. Charles. Not the island.

WIDMORE: I hope you're right, Benjamin. Because if you aren't, and it is the island that wants her dead, she'll be dead. And one day, you'll be standing where I'm standing now. You'll be the one being banished and then you'll finally realize that you cannot fight the inevitable. [smugly] I'll be seeing you, boy.

[The two men continue to escort Charles to the sub. There is a yellow insignia consisting of yellow lines, some small some large, on the sub's mast and on the back of the 2 men's t-shirts. It is one of the segments of the Dharma wheel. Switch to Ben's house. Sun is sitting on the porch alone. Ben exits the house.]

BEN: Where did John go?

SUN: He said he had something to do.

BEN: Did he say what it was?

SUN: No. I didn't ask.

[Ben quickly looks at toward the jungle.]

SUN: Jack must have lied.

BEN: Excuse me?

SUN: About Locke being dead. I don't know why he would but it's the only explanation.

BEN: Jack didn't lie. John was dead.

SUN: Just because he was in a coffin doesn't mean he couldn't have been d…..

BEN: [interrupts] Trust me. I'm sure.

SUN: So you knew this would happen to Locke if we brought him back here?

BEN: Sun I had no idea it would happen. I've seen this island do miraculous things. I've seen it heal the sick. But never once has it done anything like this. Dead is dead. You don't get to come back from that. Not even here. So the fact that John Locke is walking around this island, scares the living hell out of me.

[A noise is heard coming from the jungle. Ben and Sun look in its direction.]

BEN: You may want to go inside.

SUN: Why?

BEN: Because what's about to come out of that jungle is something I can't control.

[Sun stands up. More cracking of sticks is heard to their right. They both look only to see Locke emerge.]

LOCKE: [to Ben] Any luck?

BEN: It hasn't shown up yet.

LOCKE: Last time we didn't have to wait this long.

BEN: It's not a train John. It doesn’t run on a schedule.

LOCKE: Well if it's not going to come to us then I suppose we'll have to go to it.

BEN: It doesn't work that way. I only know how to summon it. I don't know where it actually is.

LOCKE: I do.

[Switch back to inside Ben's old house. Locke is wrapping cloth around the top of a thick branch fashioning a torch. Sun is silent.]

LOCKE: It's weird for me too.

SUN: Excuse me?

LOCKE: I realize how strange this all is. Me. Here. But I assure you Sun I'm the same man I've always been.

[Ben joins Locke and Sun. He has his pack strung across his shoulders.]

LOCKE: [to Ben] Are you ready?

BEN: [sarcastically] Lead the way.

[Locke smirks at Ben and walks out first followed by Sun then Ben. Switch to the marina in Los Angeles. It is a clear and sunny day. Ben is walking along a pier and is making a call using his cell phone. It is ringing and answered.]


BEN: Charles? It's Benjamin.

WIDMORE: How did you get this number?

BEN: Doesn't matter. What matters is I'm going back to the island today.

WIDMORE: The island won't let you come back. Trust me. I've spent almost twenty years trying to return.

[Widmore walks outside a building with a sign that reads Widmore Industries above the doorway.]

BEN: Well Charles, where you failed I'm going to succeed [pause] just as soon as I do one thing.

WIDMORE: And what's that Benjamin?

BEN: k*ll your daughter.

[Widmore stops walking. Penny is on Desmond's boat doing chores.]

BEN: In fact I'm looking at our mutual friend right now.

WIDMORE: I don't know what you are talking about.

BEN: It's the name of the boat Penny's on.

WIDMORE: Don't you dare.

BEN: Good-bye Charles.

[Ben shuts his cell phone. The call ends and Charles is left wondering. Ben walks along the pier. Switch to the island. It is daylight. Locke, Ben and Sun are walking single file thru the waist high foliage. Locke is carrying two torches in his backpack.]

BEN: May I ask you a question John?

LOCKE: sh**t.

BEN: How is it that you know where you're going?

LOCKE: I just know.

BEN: I mean, how does that work exactly?

LOCKE: How does what work?

BEN: The knowing. I mean, did it come upon you gradually or did you wake up one morning suddenly understanding the mysteries of the universe?

LOCKE: You don't like this, do you?

BEN: What?

LOCKE: Having to ask questions that you don't know the answers to. Blindly following someone in the hopes that they'll lead you to whatever it is you're looking for.

BEN: No John. I don't like it at all.

LOCKE: Well now you know what it was like to be me.

[Ben stands stunned saying nothing. Sun approaches the two men.]

SUN: We should keep moving.

LOCKE: Yes we should.

[Locke starts walking again. Ben follows and then Sun.]

BEN: I think I know where we're going now John.

LOCKE: Do you?

BEN: It's the same place they brought me as a child. It's where the island healed me.

[The three stop walking. They are standing in front of an edifice.]

LOCKE: Well, let's hope it's as generous this time around.

SUN: What is it?

BEN: It's the wall around our Temple.

SUN: What Temple?

[Locke smirks and follows Ben and Sun.]

BEN: About a half mile from here. We built this wall to keep people, like the two of you, from ever seeing it.

LOCKE: We're not going into your Temple, Ben.

[Locke and Sun stop by this large hole/cavern in the ground.]

LOCKE: [to Ben] We're going under it.

[Ben is speechless. He walks around to get a better look at the opening.]

LOCKE: After you.

[Ben is scared and unsure of what is happening.]

BEN: I need to ask a favor of you Sun. If you ever get off this island, find Desmond Hume for me. Tell him I said I was sorry.

SUN: Sorry for what?

BEN: He'll know.

DESMOND: Hey! What are you doing here?

PENNY: Desmond?! Desmond! Des?

[Penny stops and walks across the deck of the boat and to the railing closest to the slip walkway. Ben is pointing the g*n at Penny.]

BEN: Don't move. Not another word. Hello Penelope. My name is Benjamin Linus. I'm sorry that you're caught up in the middle of this thing but your father….

PENNY: My father and I have absolutely no relationship whatsoever so whatever….

BEN: Your father is a really terrible human being. He's responsible for the k*lling of my daughter and that's why I'm here.


[A little blonde haired boy starts to climb the steps from the cabin. Ben notices the little boy.]

PENNY: Charlie, go back inside babe. Go back inside. Please, please? Whatever you do, please don't hurt my son. Please don't hurt my son.

CHARLIE HUME: Mommy. Mommy.

PENNY: [firmly] Charlie, go inside!

[The little boy turns around and descends back into the cabin. Ben is still surprised to see the child and lowers his g*n. Desmond tackles him from behind, disarms Ben of his g*n by having it fall in the water then starts punching Ben about the face. Desmond continues to throw left hand punches landing square on Ben's face. Ben attempts to cover up. When Ben is just about unconscious, Desmond throws him off the pier and into the water. Ben drifts down spewing blood from his mouth. Switch to the beach on the smaller island. Frank is pulling the outrigger onto the shore. A man is running toward him.]

MAN: Captain Lapidus! Captain Lapidus! You're back! Thank God! They found g*ns!

FRANK: What are you talking about? Who found g*ns?

MAN: Ilana and three of the others. They said they were in charge now.

FRANK: Where are they?

[The man in a wet, red t-shirt looks back at the beach where everyone else has gathered. Frank looks. He is walking toward Ilana and a man who are trying to put handles, made from tree limbs, on the large metal crate to make it easier to carry.]

FRANK: Ilana!

[Ilana stops then turns and points a r*fle at Frank and cocks it.]

FRANK: What's going on?

ILANA: What lies in the shadow of the statue?

FRANK: What?

[One of the men working with Ilana picks up a r*fle and faces Frank.]

HUSKY MAN: Answer the question!

ILANA: What lies in the shadow of the statue?

[Frank looks, smiles, chuckles.]

FRANK: I have no idea what….

[Ilana takes the butt end of the r*fle and smashes Frank in the jaw. Frank falls on the beach. He looks up at Ilana with blurred vision.]

ILANA: Get everyone else. Tell them it's time and tie him up. He's coming with us.

[The man goes to deliver the message. Frank takes one last look at Ilana and goes unconscious. Switch to Locke, Ben and Sun at the Temple. Locke and Ben have crawled down the hole. Locke lights two torches and gives one to Ben. Ben removes his pack and leaves it behind as the two men start walking.]

BEN: You know you were right.

LOCKE: About what?

BEN: Why I need to be judged. When Charles Widmore's men came they gave me a choice. Either leave the island or let my daughter die. All I had to do was walk out of the house and go with them. But I didn't do it. So you were right. John [pause] I did k*ll Alex and now I have to answer for that. I appreciate you showing me the way but I think I can take it from here.

LOCKE: [nods] You got it.

[Ben starts to walk away from Locke.]

BEN: I'll meet you outside if I live….

[The floor comes out from under Ben. He falls below to another chamber. Locke rushes and looks down. Ben is lying on the floor.]

LOCKE: Ben! Are you alright?

BEN: [grunting and groaning] Never better.

LOCKE: Hang on. I'll find something to get you out of there.

BEN: John! Wait!

[Ben realizes he is alone. He looks around then slowly stands up. He reaches for his torch and looks around the chamber. As he walks he sees various glyphs on the walls. He stops in front of an altar. There are steps and a grate with holes at the bottom of the steps. The torch is extinguished and Ben is in the dark. He hears water and the sound of the Smoke monster. It exudes from the holes and the grate. Ben steps backwards. The smoke rises and quickly surrounds him. Bright lighted is flashing in Ben's eyes. He is witnessing events in his life. They speak.]

BEN: You didn't tell me that she had a child.]

[Charles Widmore's face appears in the smoke larger than life.]

BEN: What was I supposed to do?

WIDMORE: k*ll it.

BEN: It's not an it. This is a child.

[Now Ben watches himself pushing young Alex on a swing.]

YOUNG ALEX: Higher. Again daddy. [laughs] Higher, higher daddy.

[Alex now appears as a teenager.]

ALEX: I hate you. I hate your guts. I wish you were dead. [pause] These people, you said they're dangerous. More dangerous than you?

[Alex appears kneeling on the ground with Keamy standing behind her. He has his g*n aimed at the back of her head.]

ALEX: [crying] Dad? He's serious. They k*lled Karl and my mother. Please, dad? Help me!

BEN: She's not my daughter. She means nothing to me. So if you want to k*ll her, go ahead and….

[Keamy sh**t Alex and her limp body falls to the ground. The smoke retreats back into the grate. Ben is left standing alone in the middle of the chamber. Suddenly his torch ignites and startles him.]

ALEX: Daddy?

[Ben is startled and turns quickly around. He sees Alex standing before him.]

BEN: Alex.

ALEX: Hi dad.

BEN: [sighing] Oh Alex.

[Alex approaches Ben.]

BEN: I'm so, so sorry. [pause] It was all my fault.

ALEX: I know.

[Ben and Alex change demeanor. Alex grabs Ben by his shirt and pushes him against a column. Ben drops his torch.]

ALEX: Listen to me you bastard! I know that you're already planning to k*ll John again. And I want you to know that if you so much as touch him I will hunt you down and destroy you. You will listen to every word John Locke says and you will follow his every order. Do you understand?

[Ben nods yes. Alex pushes Ben harder against the column.]

ALEX: Say it! Say you'll follow him!

BEN: Yes, I will follow him. I swear.

[Alex pushes Ben into the column one more time. Ben has his eyes closed. Alex backs away. Ben breaks down and cries. Frightened, he slowly opens his eyes, looks around, and realizes he is alone in the chamber. As he looks around he hears a voice.]


[Ben walks toward the opening in he ceiling he fell through. Locke starts to pass down a rope made of vines to Ben.]

LOCKE: Ben? [pause] Ben? [Ben appears] What happened?

BEN: It let me live.