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5x03 - Jughead

Posted: 02/24/22 09:34
by bunniefuu
[As the episode commences we see the beach and marketplace of a small town. Children are playing outside and men are arguing playing cards inside one of the tents. Desmond is frantically running down the dirt street stopping people as he goes along, showing a piece of paper and asking the same question.]

DESMOND: Efren Salonga? Ef, Efren Salonga? Efren Salonga?

[The scene switches to the men arguing and playing cards. Back to the street.]

DESMOND: Efren Salonga? [yelling] Efren Salonga!

[Desmond bursts into the tent where the men are playing cards. He holds up a piece of paper]

DESMOND: Efren Salonga! Efren Salonga.

[All the men stop the card game and become silent.]

EFREN SALONGA: Who are you?

DESMOND: Are you the doctor?

EFREN SALONGA: Yes. What's the matter with you?

[Scene switches to Desmond running down a pier, turning, with the doctor following him. They pass a sign reading Mabuhay.]

DESMOND: You're sure you know what you're doing ?


DESMOND: Because there is a lot of blood man.

EFREN SALONGA: How much blood?

[Desmond enters the cabin of the yacht and the doctor follows.]

DESMOND: I'm coming Penny.

[Penny is groaning loudly in the background.]

DESMOND: It's okay Penny. We've got a doctor.

PENNY: Where have you been?

DESMOND: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

[Desmond holds Penny and comforts her. The doctor takes out a large pad and places it under Penny who is in labor.]

DESMOND: Alright. Here ya go. Okay ju, just breathe Penny okay, just, just, just breathe. Breathe.

PENNY: I can't breathe.

DESMOND: You're doing great.

PENNY: I can't.

DESMOND: You're doing great. Just be strong, yeah. Okay.

PENNY: [crying] Make it come out.

[The doctor takes a large pair of forceps and approaches Penny.]

DESMOND: Just be strong. Okay, okay.

PENNY: [crying] I can't. I can't.

DESMOND: Yes, yes you can Penny.


[Penny yells out as the contraction begins.]

DESMOND: Okay. Push now Penny. Push.


[Desmond continues to comfort Penny.]

DESMOND: Come on Penny.

[Penny yells out as she pushes as hard as she can.]

DESMOND: That's it! Penny.

EFREN SALONGA: Push harder!

DESMOND: Push! I can see the head. I can see the head.

EFREN SALONGA: One more time. Push!

DESMOND: I can see it. It's coming! It's coming.

[Penny continues to yell out.]

DESMOND: Got it.


DESMOND: Oh my God Penny

EFREN SALONGA: You done it.

PENNY: Oh! Oh!

[The baby begins to cry.]

DESMOND: You did it.

EFREN SALONGA: [smiling] Oh, It's a boy.

[Penny begins to cry tears of joy. Desmond is beaming with pride. They kiss.]

DESMOND: I love you Penny. I love you.

[The doctor wraps the baby. Walks around and hands the baby to Penny.]

DESMOND: Oh, oh Penny, he's beautiful, beautiful. Oh my God, he's so beautiful. My God.

[Penny is smiling ear to ear. She holds her newborn son and looks to Desmond.]

PENNY: Both of you, I love you.

DESMOND: And I love you. [kiss] I love you.

[They look at their son and smile. Switch to present time. Desmond's son is sitting on his dad's lap as the yacht sails. He is a curly-haired boy.]

DESMOND: Look. Right out there. Beyond where the sea is an island and it is a very special island. I left it a long time ago. Never thought I would see it again.

[Penny comes up out of the cabin and listens.]

DESMOND: It's called Great Britain. And the most beautiful part of the island is Scotland. That's where you're daddy's from. Yes, mountains and glens and monsters and deep lochs. And it's where your mummie and daddy [pauses] fell in love.

PENNY: It's also where he broke her heart.

[Desmond loses his smile as he looks up at Penny. Penny sits down next to Desmond with their son in between them.

DESMOND: Yeah, well I, I thought I'd leave that part out.

PENNY: You also left out the bit about his grandfather. The man who sent a boat to the island to k*ll all of daddy's friends.

DESMOND: We'll be in and out. He'll never know we're here Penny.

PENNY: Don't underestimate him Desmond. If he finds out we're here I don't know what he’ll do.

DESMOND: This has nothing to do with your father Penny.

[Penny looks away and down at her son.]

DESMOND: We are here because of Daniel Faraday. Look, he told me [pause] that everyone on that island [pause] is in danger and I am the only one that can help them. I have to do this Penny. Switch to the island. It is daytime. Daniel, Charlotte, Miles and two Redshirts are walking thru the jungle.]

DANIEL: [to Miles] Are you sure that's what he said?

MILES: Yeah. Sawyer said to meet at the creek so unless he got torched by a flaming arrow that's where he and everyone else should be.

[Miles stops walking and looks around. The two Redshirts pass the three and keep on walking. Miles follows. Daniel waits for Charlotte.]

DANIEL: [to Charlotte] Hey. How's your headache?

CHARLOTTE: Worse actually but considering we're running for our lives, I'm not going to complain.

DANIEL: Have you had any dizziness or double vision?

CHARLOTTE: Both, actually.

[Daniel stops walking. Charlotte turns around and stops when she realizes he stopped walking.]

CHARLOTTE: Why do you look so worried?

[Daniel does not respond.]

CHARLOTTE: Is it because you know what's happening to me?

DANIEL: Listen to me. Nothing is gonna happen to you. Nothing. I won't let it.

[Charlotte and Daniel smile at each other. A voice interrupts.]

MILES: Hey! We're here!

[Charlotte and Daniel join Miles.]

MILES: Some rendezvous. It's just us.

DANIEL: Well we should probably wait and see if they show up. They could be right behind us.

CHARLOTTE: Yeah or they came and left.

MILES: Or they're dead.

DANIEL: Miles, that, right there. That kind of attitude. Not exactly what we need right now. People are scared enough as it is. Miles.

[Miles is not paying attention to Daniel. He is looking around. He sees a trip wire The two Redshirts continue walking. Miles stops and puts his right hand on his chin and is in thought. He sees the wire is attached to an antipersonnel mine.]

DANIEL: Miles?

MILES: [to Redshirts] Wait! Don't move!

[A mine detonates and one Redshirt is thrown aside into the water. A second mine detonates and the other Redshirt meets the same fate. Three more mines detonate in quick succession. One is very close to Miles and he dives to the ground. Daniel and Charlotte are on the ground also. Suddenly a group of men dressed as soldiers come out of the jungle armed with bows and arrows. They quickly surround Miles, Daniel and Charlotte as they lay on the ground, shaken from the explosions. All are ready to sh**t their arrows. The sound of a r*fle being cocked is heard. A young, blonde headed woman walks up to the trio with her r*fle at the ready.]

FEMALE SOLDIER: [to Miles] Who's in charge here?

MILES: [looking toward Daniel] He is.

[Female soldier walks over toward Daniel and stops.]

FEMALE SOLDIER: You just couldn't stay away. Could you?

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[Switch to Desmond and Penny's yacht at the pier. Desmond is sitting on the bed getting his boots on. Penny enters the room with a coffee mug. She puts the mug down on a table next to the bed and then climbs on the bed and sits.]

DESMOND: Did he finish his breakfast?

PENNY: Yeah. Had a bit of a fight. He listens in the end, unlike his father.

DESMOND: [chuckles] Look honey, all I have to do is find his mother. Tell her he is still on the island and then I'm done with this for good.

PENNY: Why now? I mean if he told you all this on the island, why didn't you remember it until two days ago?

DESMOND: [chuckles] I don't know. Look, I don't understand how this works any more than you do. [deep breath] I know it happened. Daniel Faraday knocked on the hatch door. Told me to go to Oxford. Everyone was in danger and I was the only one who could save them. [pauses] I know how insane it sounds.

[Desmond stands, puts on his jacket, walks around the side of the bed to Penny.]

DESMOND: I'll be back by dark. And then I'm done, forever. I promise.

[Penny looks at Desmond with a bland face. He leans in and kisses her. Desmond starts to walk out of the room.]

PENNY: If you are going to promise me something Des, can you promise me you'll never go back to that island again?

DESMOND: Why in God's name would I want to go back there?

[Desmond leaves. Switch to the island. Three men dressed as soldiers drag the bodies of the two Redshirts from the creek. Another soldier ties the wrists of Charlotte and Miles. The female soldier watches the proceedings with her r*fle at the ready.]

FEMALE SOLDIER: [to Daniel] There were twenty of you on the beach and only five of you here. Where are the rest of your people?

MILES: Maybe they got blown up by some more of your land mines.

FEMALE SOLDIER: [turns to Miles] We didn't put them here. You did.

[Miles and Daniel exchange looks.]

FEMALE SOLDIER: [to Daniel] Once we leave here I will be out of control with what happens to you. But if you cooperate now, things will go much easier for you. So, where are the rest of your people?

DANIEL: I don't know.

[Switch to Sawyer, Juliet and Locke in the jungle. It is daytime. Two of the soldiers, Jones and Cunningham, that att*cked Sawyer and Juliet are kneeling with their hands on their heads. Locke is sitting in front of the two men and thinking. Sawyer is pacing behind them.

LOCKE: Who are these people?

SAWYER: Well gee I didn't have a chance to ask that with Frogurt on fire and all.

JULIET: They att*cked us on the beach.

[Locke is sitting with one of the soldier's r*fles on his knee.]

LOCKE: This is a 30 caliber M1 Garand r*fle. It looks new.

SAWYER: Who cares 'bout the r*fle. Where the hell you been?

LOCKE: If you'd have been going through what I have James, perhaps the more appropriate question would be 'When the hell have I been?'

SAWYER: [changes subject, to Locke] What happened to your leg?

LOCKE: I got shot.

SAWYER: By who?

JULIET: We can swap stories later. We told the rest of our group we would meet them at the creek. If there's any chance of reconnecting with them, we better get moving.

SAWYER: Fine. Seeing as we have no rope to make sure these two don't go trying to k*ll us again. Guess we're gonna have to sh**t 'em.

[Cunningham speaks to Jones in Latin.]

CUNNINGHAM: Quare non sunt vestitus eis?

JONES: Tace!

SAWYER: [shoves Jones] What?

[Locke stands up.]

JULIET:Cognoscitis qui sumus.

SAWYER: What language is that?

JULIET: They're speaking Latin. That one asked why we aren’t in uniform and this one told him to shut up.

LOCKE: [to Juliet] And how is it that they know how to speak Latin eh Juliet.

JULIET: For the same reason I do. [shrugs] 'cause they're Others.

[Switch to Daniel, Miles and Charlotte being escorted by the female soldier and her team. Daniel notices that one of the men has his left hand bandaged yet redness shows. Miles looks down suddenly and starts looking around nervously. He walks next to Daniel and the two whisper.]



MILES: We just walked over a fresh grave.


MILES: Four U.S. soldiers. Dead just under a month. Three of them were shot. One died of radiation poisoning.

[Daniel looks back at Miles astonished.]

DANIEL: Miles, hey. Did either of them happen to mention what year it is?


[The group approaches a camp consisting of tents on a mesa. There are palm trees. People at the camp look at the group and slow down to watch. They approach a tent with the front open.]

FEMALE SOLDIER: Richard. We're back.

[Everyone stops walking and waits. A man exits the tent and approaches the group. It is Richard Alpert.]

FEMALE SOLDIER: [points with r*fle] Caught these three by the creek. [gestures at Daniel] This one's their leader.

RICHARD: [to Daniel] What's your name?

DANIEL: [with attitude] What's your name?

RICHARD: [smiles, hands on hips] My name is Richard Alpert. I assume you've come back for your b*mb.

[Miles and Charlotte look at each other in disbelief. Daniel stands his ground. Switch to Oxford. Desmond is walking toward the building where he first met Daniel. We next see a clerk talking to him inside one of the buildings.]

FEMALE CLERK: No. I'm sorry sir. I'm not finding a record of any Faraday.

DESMOND: [shaking head] No. That's, that's impossible. You see I know her son was a professor here. His name is Daniel Faraday. I'm sure he's in your database.

FEMALE CLERK: There's no record of any Faraday ever having being employed here at Oxford.

DESMOND: [emphatically] I visited him. I went to his lab. It was in an attic. It was, it was above the physics department.

FEMALE CLERK: The archives go back quite far. Perhaps there's a clerical error. You don't happen to recall the year it was in which you last visited.

DESMOND: The year? [pauses] No. Um, I'm not exactly sure.

FEMALE CLERK: May I ask why you're seeking this information?

DESMOND: Sorry I wasted your time. Thanks.

[Desmond walks from the clerk and goes outside. As he walks, he looks around. He stops by an entryway. The sign reads Department of Physics. Desmond pauses then enters. He walks down a corridor that has items covered in tarpaulins. He sees a door with a taped barrier which reads Danger. Fumigation. Do Not Enter. Desmond looks around then breaks the seal by forcing the door open with his left shoulder. He enters quickly, shuts the door and flips a wall switch to turn on the lights. The room appears as if has not been used in a long time. There is dust everywhere. Furniture is covered with sheets. Stunned, Desmond slowly walks about the room. He walks to a chalkboard and uncovers it. It is green with no writing on it. He stands and runs his hand through this hair. He hears a creaking. He is stepping on old papers strewn about the floor. He picks up a picture with a broken frame from the floor. It is a picture of Daniel and a young blonde headed woman. He places the picture down and walks over to another sheet and pulls it off. It is the apparatus that Daniel used on Eloise the rat. He pulls back another sheet to find the maze Eloise ran leaning on its side against a wall. He is suddenly interrupted.]

JANITOR: Hey! I wouldn't touch that. I was wondering when someone would find out we weren't just fumigating in here.

[The man puts down his lunch pail.]

JANITOR: Are you a professor?

DESMOND: No. Not exactly.

JANITOR: [nodding] Well. At least you're honest.

[The janitor covers the maze.]

DESMOND: So why'd you tell me not to touch it?

JANITOR: [nodding] Because I'm the one who had to take the rats that he made run through this bloody thing down to the incinerator so no one would find out what he was up to.

DESMOND: You mean Daniel Faraday?

JANITOR: Yeah. You're not the first one to poke around here asking about him and his work. Rumor had it, he was trying to send rats' brains back in time. Ridiculous, isn’t it?


JANITOR: Look, I'll forget you broke my lock if you tell your mates that all you found was rubbish left behind by a man.

DESMOND: Fair enough. [walks a bit, stops] Faraday, the university says there's no record of him.

JANITOR: Well can you blame 'em? I mean after what he done to that poor girl?

DESMOND: What girl?

[Switch back to the island. At tent camp, Miles, Charlotte and Daniel are shoved inside a tent, still all bound at the wrists, by a soldier.]

DANIEL: Hey! Take it easy.

CHARLOTTE: It's alright Dan. I'm fine.

MILES: We are so dead.

DANIEL: [to Miles] Hey, no, no, no, no. We are not so dead. We're gonna be fine. We just need to keep it together until there's another flash. Alright? Then all this disappears.

MILES: Well, when's that gonna happen?

DANIEL: Could be five minutes. Could also be five thousand years.

MILES: That, that's just awesome.

CHARLOTTE: What is going on Dan? Why they doing this to us?

DANIEL: I'm not sure. But they must think that we are with the American military and if that's the case then our best chance of staying alive is to let them keep thinking it. Alright? Let…

[Richard enters the tent. Daniel, Miles and Charlotte are sitting in a circle.]

RICHARD: Sorry. Am I interrupting? Ellie tells me that you're not willing to reveal where the rest of your squad is?

[Female soldier's name is Ellie. She is now in the tent with a male soldier with the bandaged hands.]

DANIEL: Why would I do that? So you can k*ll them too?

RICHARD: We didn't start this, friend. Your people att*cked us. You come to our island to run your tests. You fire on us and what? You expect us not to defend ourselves?

DANIEL: I don't know nothing about that. We are scientists.

RICHARD: So what? They send you here to recover it?

DANIEL: You mean our hydrogen b*mb? Then yes. And I'm guessing from this man's radiation burns that the housing has been compromised. Is that right? You need to listen to me. You have an unstable device and it is capable of destroying this entire island and it's broken. If you don't allow me to render it inert, all of us are gonna die. All of us.

RICHARD: How do I know you weren't sent here on some su1c1de mission. I'll take you out to the b*mb and you'll just detonate it?

[There is a long pause before Daniel responds to Richard.

DANIEL: Because [pause] I'm in love with the woman who is sitting next to me.

[Charlotte looks at Daniel surprised at what she just heard.]

DANIEL: [eyes welling] And I would never, never do anything to hurt her.

RICHARD: Alright. Take care of your b*mb but you try anything else and you will hurt her.

[Switch to Locke, Sawyer and Juliet. Locke is looking at his compass to get a bearing. Jones and Cunningham are walking ahead of him with their hands on their heads.

SAWYER: [to Juliet] Who taught you Latin?

JULIET: Others 101. Gotta learn Latin, the language of the enlightened.

SAWYER: Enlightened my ass.

LOCKE: I suggest you talk to us. Once we get to the creek and we meet up with the rest of our people there's gonna be a lot of anger directed at you for attacking them.

CUNNINGHAM: The rest of your people are either captured or dead.

[Locke stops and stops Cunningham in his tracks.]

LOCKE: What? What makes you say that?

CUNNINGHAM: [looking at Sawyer] That idiot shouted out meet at the creek. We knew exactly where they were headed.

[Jones turns and looks at his comrade.] Sent a group after them.

SAWYER: Maybe I should've said it in my secret language.

[Juliet steps in front of Sawyer.]

JULIET: James, wait.

[Juliet walks to the Cunningham. They speak Latin.]

JULIET: [Non sumus hostis vobis.] We're not your enemy.

CUNNINGHAM: [Itaque nos liberate.] Then let us go.

SAWYER: What the hell are you sayin'?

JULIET: [Duce nos ad vestra castra.] Take us to your camp.

[Cunningham stands silent.]

JULIET: [Si placet.] Please.

CUNNINGHAM: [Quare hoc faciam.] Why would I do that?

JULIET: [Estne Ricardus ibi? Ricardus Alpert?] Is Richard there? Richard Alpert?

[Jones and Cummingham look wide eyed.]

LOCKE: Did you just say Richard Alpert?

JULIET: John. Please?

JULIET: [Duce nos ad vestra castra. Non necesse est alium mori. Si placet.] Bring us to your camp. No one else has to die. Please.

[Cunningham swallows. He looks at Juliet. He looks at Jones who glares back at him.]

CUNNINGHAM: Alright. Okay. We need to head east another couple of kilometers till we hit the ridge.

[Jones breaks from his stance, rushes Cunningham and twists his head, breaking his neck and k*lling him then turns and runs away. Locke still has the r*fle.]

SAWYER: sh**t him!

[Locke takes aim and hesitates allowing Jones to continue running.]

SAWYER: sh**t damn it!

[Sawyer rips the r*fle from Locke's grip and takes aim. He sh**t and misses. He looks at Locke angrily.]

SAWYER: Are you crazy? What where you thinking? Why didn't you sh**t him?

LOCKE: Because. He's one of my people.

[Sawyer looks back at Locke in disbelief. Switch to Desmond walking along a street, looking for a particular address. He finds it and proceeds to knock on the door. A blonde headed woman answers the door. She has a British accent.]

WOMAN: And who might you be?

DESMOND: Uh, my name is Desmond Hume. I'm looking for Theresa Spencer.

ABIGAIL SPENCER: I'm Abigail Spencer. Theresa's my sister.

DESMOND: Oh, right. Um, can I have a word with her?

ABIGAIL SPENCER: You want to speak to Theresa?

DESMOND: Yeah. Um, I got her name from a, a gentleman I met at Oxford University. Um, Daniel Faraday.

ABIGAIL SPENCER: Daniel Faraday? Well, why didn't you say so? Please, you must come in.

[Desmond removed his cap and enters the home.]

DESMOND: Thanks.

[Abigail opens a pocket door to an adjoining room. We here a beeping sound. Desmond sees a woman lying in a bed with a man trying to spoon feed her.]

ABIGAIL SPENCER: [crosses arms] He didn't tell you, did he?

DESMOND: No, No he didn't. Can she hear us?

[The blonde headed woman in bed has her eyes are in a fixed stare.]

ABIGAIL SPENCER: No, Theresa's away right now.

DESMOND: Away? What do you mean?

ABIGAIL SPENCER: Well, sometimes she wakes up, thinks she's three. Wants to know where her dolly is. Yesterday she was talking to our dad. He died five years ago.

DESMOND: I'm sorry. Um, this was a mistake. I, I shouldn't have come.

[Desmond turns to leave the room. Abigail follows him.]

ABIGAIL SPENCER: Of course. Why would you want to stay. Daniel certainly didn't.

DESMOND: He left her like this?

ABIGAIL SPENCER: Went running off to the states, never to be heard from again. He abandoned her. What kind of a man does that?

[Desmond stands silent, listening to Abigail.]

ABIGAIL SPENCER: Seriously don't know what we would have done if it hadn't been for Mr. Widmore.

DESMOND: Uh, I’m sorry, who?

ABIGAIL SPENCER: Daniel's benefactor. He funded his research, and he took responsibility for the result of it. He's been taking care of Theresa ever since this happened to her. Everything here is due to Mr. Widmore. God bless him.

[Desmond is surprised by what Abigail has said. Switch to the island. Inside the tent where Miles, Daniel and Charlotte are still being held.]

MILES: [to Daniel] A hydrogen b*mb? Seriously?

DANIEL: Back in the fifties, the U.S. Government tested H-bombs in the South Pacific.

MILES: Lucky us.

[Miles walks away from Daniel. Charlotte is sitting at a table across from Daniel.]

CHARLOTTE: You didn't have to say that.

DANIEL: Say what?

CHARLOTTE: That you loved me. I mean there are plenty of other ways you could've convinced him you weren't going to blow up the entire island.

DANIEL: I said what I said because, I meant it Charlotte.

[Charlotte looks at Daniel with eyes wide open. Daniel smiles back. Female soldier enters the tent. She pushes Miles aside and walks over to Daniel.]

FEMALE SOLDIER: Right then Let's go.

DANIEL: Back soon. I promise.

[Daniel and the soldier leave the tent. Charlotte fights back tears. There are various conversations in progress throughout the camp. Richard Alpert unties the rope around Daniel's wrists.]

RICHARD: Whatever, uh, your superiors told you, I want you to know the truth. A month ago we found 18 members of an army battalion right here in our jungle, here setting up this camp. We gave them the opportunity to leave the island peacefully. They weren't willing to do that so I was forced to k*ll 'em. All of 'em.

DANIEL: Forced?


DANIEL: By whom?

RICHARD: You answer to someone, don't you? You follow a chain of command. Right?


RICHARD: Yeah, well so do I.

[Jones runs into the camp toward Richard and Daniel.]

JONES: Richard! Richard!

RICHARD: What the hell happened to you?

JONES: Cunningham and I, a group of them surprised us. We were outnumbered but I escaped.

FEMALE SOLDIER: Outnumbered, eh?

JONES: Shut up Ellie. [points to Daniel] Who's this?

RICHARD: He's gonna help us take care of our problem. [to Ellie and Daniel] You better get going.

JONES: Wait! He's one of them. You can’t actually trust him.

RICHARD: You heard me Ellie, go! [to Jones] How did you escape?

JONES: I ran.

RICHARD: And it never occurred to you that they might follow you?

JONES: Follow me? Their leader is some sodding old man. What, you think he can track me? You think he knows this island better than I do.

[Switch to Locke, Sawyer and Juliet. Locke is raises his arm to block sun glare and looks out at the camp. Juliet joins him.]

LOCKE: How did you know Richard would be here?

JULIET: Richard's always been here.

[We see Richard directing people about the camp.]

LOCKE: How old is he?

JULIET: Old. Why are you so interested in Richard, John?

LOCKE: I'm interested in him because he was about to tell me how I could save us.

JULIET: Save us?

LOCKE: [nods] Yeah, but before he could finish, we were interrupted by that flash of light. And I'm hoping we can pick up where we left off.

SAWYER: I hate to bust up this I'm an Other, you're an Other reunion but Faraday, the guy that's actually gonna save us, [points to Ellie and Daniel] he's being death marched into the jungle right now.

LOCKE: Good luck with that.

[Locke walks away from Sawyer and Juliet.]

SAWYER: You're not gonna help me save him?

LOCKE: No. I'm gonna go down and finish my conversation with Richard.

SAWYER: That's gonna get us all k*lled. You go rolling in there, they're gonna know we're here.

LOCKE: Fair enough. I'll give you ten minutes head start.

[Locke walks toward the camp. Sawyer turns to Juliet.]

SAWYER: What about you? You gonna stay here in crazy town or are you gonna help me rescue the geek?

[Switch to Ellie and Daniel. She has her r*fle aimed at him as they walk.]

ELLIE: Why do you keep looking at me?

DANIEL: No, no, no, I'm not…

ELLIE: You are.

DANIEL: You know what? You're right. I'm, I'm sorry. It's just that you look so much like, someone I used to know.

ELLIE: Someone other than the girl you just professed your love for? Well, aren't you the Romeo.

DANIEL: Far from it. Believe me.

[Daniel walks. Ellie stops and aims at Daniel. He stops and turns back to look at her.]

ELLIE: I don't believe you by the way. You may have Richard fooled. But you can't really expect me to believe that you, a British woman and a Chinese man are all members of the Unites States military. Who are you? And what are you doing on our island?

[Daniel looks around and approaches Ellie.]

DANIEL: You wanna really know who I am?

[As he approaches Ellie, she back steps.]

DANIEL: I'm your best chance at disarming that b*mb.

ELLIE: Right then.

[Ellie points the barrel of the r*fle at something.]

ELLIE: Disarm it.

[Daniel turns and sees a large b*mb suspended from the inside of a large tower. Daniel is on a platform next to the b*mb and inspecting it. On the side is painted "JUGHEAD". He continues around the platform checking parts as he inspects. There is a small door. On it is painted in white, Trigger Control Panel.]]

ELLIE: What are you doing up there?

DANIEL: I'm examining it.

[Daniel goes under the chain railing surrounding the b*mb. He looks underneath it and finds a patch of corrosion. He quickly moves back and climbs back down off of the platform.

DANIEL: Back up!

ELLIE: What?

DANIEL: Get back! Get Back! It's unsafe. We need to move.

[Ellie runs back a short way and stops. She stands her ground and aims the r*fle at Daniel.]

ELLIE: I swear. If you try anything…

DANIEL: If I try anything? What, you're gonna, you're gonna sh**t me. That right? Yeah, that would be perfect, because of course, r*fle fire right next to, what would you call this hydrogen b*mb. Yes? Fantastic idea. Really inspired. Okay, listen to me. Do you people have any access to lead or concrete?

ELLIE: For what?

DANIEL: There's a crack in the casing. It needs to be filled with lead. You need to take it off this platform carefully and bury it.

ELLIE: You brought me all the way out here to tell us we have to bury it? You told Alpert you could disarm that thing.

DANIEL: You don't need to worry. You do what I say you bury it and it won't go off.

ELLIE: How do you know that?

DANIEL: I need you to trust me.

ELLIE: I don't trust you.

DANIEL: Just bury it. Bury it and everything will be fine. Remember your superior ordered you to take me take care of this …

ELLIE: How can you be so sure?

DANIEL: You want to take care of this b*mb you bury it.

ELLIE: How do you know that?

DANIEL: Because fifty years from now, this island is still here!

[Ellie cocks the r*fle and points it directly at Daniel who is just feet from her.]

DANIEL: There you…

ELLIE: What did you just say?

DANIEL: Whoa. Take it easy. I can explain myself a little better. I know how this sounds. Believe me it's hard to explain. Fifty years from now me and my, me and my friends, that's where we're from. Okay? And here's the key. Everything's fine. I'm not saying it is perfectly fine but there hasn't been any atomic blast, alright?

[Ellie is losing patience. She cocks the r*fle again and takes aim.]

DANIEL: There has not…

[They are interrupted by Sawyer who takes his r*fle and aims at Ellie.]

SAWYER: Drop the g*n blondie

[Ellie looks at Sawyer, ignores him and aims again at Daniel.]

DANIEL: It's okay. She's okay. You can put your g*n down.

[Ellie looks back and forth from Daniel to Sawyer.]

SAWYER: She puts hers down first.

[Juliet walks out from the foliage carrying a machete and raises her hands.]

JULIET: Why don't we all put our g*ns down.

[Ellie is trying to decide what to do. She looks back at Sawyer and Juliet behind her and then to Daniel in front of her.]

SAWYER: I said drop it!

[Ellie drops her r*fle to the ground. Juliet picks it up. There is creaking from the platform surrounding Jughead. The b*mb moving with the wind. Sawyer looks at it.]

SAWYER: [whispers] Son of a bitch!

ELLIE: to Daniel] Are they from the future too?

SAWYER: [to Daniel] You told her?

[Switch to the ding of an opening elevator door. Desmond exits the elevator and walks right passed a receptionist who quickly rises and follows him.]

RECEPTIONIST: Sir! You can't…

[Desmond throws open a set of double doors and forcefully enters an office. We see Mr. Widmore sitting at the desk. He looks up at Desmond and stops .]

RECEPTIONIST: Mr. Widmore. I'm so sorry. He charged right passed me.

WIDMORE: That's alright, Melanie. Mr. Hume is a [pause] colleague of mine.

[Another man in a suit enters the office. Widmore raises his hand to the man signaling him to stop.]

WIDMORE: Please leave us.

[Faint sound of a phone in the background. The receptionist and man exit the office and close the door.]

DESMOND: I know you have questions for me. I'm not gonna answer them. I've come here to ask you something. And once you've told me everything I need to know, you'll never see me again. Understand?

WIDMORE: Alright.

DESMOND: I need to know where I can find Daniel Faraday's mother.

WIDMORE: What makes you think I would even know the answer to that?

DESMOND: [angry] Because even before you put Faraday on you little boat and sent him off to the island, you spent ten years funding his research. So I figure you must know something regarding his next of kin.

WIDMORE: Desmond. I haven't seen or heard from my daughter for three years. Just answer me this. Is she safe?

DESMOND: [ignores Widmore] Where's Faraday's mother?

[Widmore, silent, looks at Desmond, looks around the room with only his eyes, pauses then reaches for a box and unlocks it and retrieves a book. It is an address book..]

WIDMORE: She's in Los Angeles. This is an address for her.

[Widmore looks through the book, and copies from it.]

WIDMORE: I suspect she won't be pleased to see you. She's a very private person.

[Widmore hands Desmond the paper with the address. Desmond takes it, opens it, reads it, folds the paper, turns and begins to walk out of the office.]

WIDMORE: Wait, Desmond.

[Desmond stops walking. Widmore gets up from his chair behind the desk and walks to the front of his desk.]

WIDMORE: Deliver your message, but then get out of this mess.

[Desmond turns and faces Widmore.]

WIDMORE: Don't put Penny's life in danger.

DESMOND: Danger?

WIDMORE: You're getting yourself involved in something that goes back many, many years. It has nothing to do you or my daughter. Wherever you were hiding, [whispers] go back there.

DESMOND: [sarcastic] Thanks for the advice.

[Desmond turns and opens the door and exits the office. He leaves the door open. Switch to the island. Locke is approaching the tent camp. He is calling out as he approaches. Members of the camp take notice.]

LOCKE: Richard Alpert! Richard Alpert!

[Jones sees Locke and gets up. He yells to him,]

JONES: Hey! Hey!

LOCKE: I'm looking for Richard.

JONES: Don't move!

[Locke continues to walk passed Jones who readies his r*fle.]

JONES: Get on the ground now!

LOCKE: Richard I need to talk to you!

[Jones takes aim at Locke's back.]

JONES: Shut your mouth.

RICHARD: That's enough!

[Locke stops. Jones is aiming at his back. Richard exits a tent and walks to Locke.]

RICHARD: Who are you?

LOCKE: [deep breathe] My name is John Locke.

RICHARD: Is that supposed to mean something to me?

LOCKE: [pauses] Jacob sent me.

[Richard is stunned. There is a long pause.]

RICHARD: [to Jones] Put the g*n down.

JONES: What? Richard, you can't seriously trust him.

[Richard walks over to Jones and shoves the r*fle to the side so it is not aiming at Locke's back.

RICHARD: [to Jones] I said put the g*n down Widmore.

LOCKE: [to Widmore] Your name is Widmore? Charles Widmore?

WIDMORE: [irked] What's it to you?

[Richard watches. Locke smiles and turns from Widmore a moment.]

LOCKE: Nothing. Nice to meet you.

[Switch to Desmond's yacht. Penny is reading to their son.]

PENNY: [low voice] And the sheep suddenly peeked out but it saw the bears and ran away again. Huh? Where…

[Desmond hangs his jacket. Penny is lying on a sofa with her son between her and the back. She notices that Desmond has returned. She looks up at him. Desmond gazes at Penny and his son with a smile on his face.]



[Penny gets off the sofa, walks to a table and folds a baby blanket.

DESMOND: Good day?

PENNY: Yeah. He wanted to go fishing in the Thames. We were unsuccessful. And you? Did you find Faraday's mum?

DESMOND: Ugh. There's no

one to find. She, um, [pause] she died a few years ago.

[Penny and Desmond look at each other. Desmond is silent.]PENNY: Why are you lying to me?

DESMOND: [scoffs] What? I'm not.

PENNY: [adamant] Where is she?

DESMOND: [sighs, pauses] She's in Los Angeles.

[Penny turns away.]

DESMOND: Look, Penny you have nothing to worry about. You know, this was a mistake. No, I, I made a promise to you it would be done in a day and now it's done.

[Penny walks away from Desmond ignoring what he is saying.]

DESMOND: It's not our problem anymore.

PENNY: [deep breath] And what happens if you wake up tomorrow and you remember something else?

DESMOND: I'll forget it.

PENNY: And the next day?

DESMOND: I'll forget it. It doesn’t matter Pen. You are my life now, you and Charlie. [pauses] I won't leave you again. Not for this, not for anything.

[Desmond gently puts his hands around Penny's neck. A pause then Penny starts shaking her head side to side.]

DESMOND: You'll never forget it, Des. So I guess we're going with you.

[Penny leans into Desmond's shoulder. He hugs her and kisses her on the forehead. Penny's eyes are shown they are welling up with tears. Switch to the island. Richard and Locke are sitting in one of the tents. Richard is examining a compass and shakes his head from side to side.]

RICHARD: I gave you this?


RICHARD: After you were shot in the leg and I wandered out of the jungle to patch you up?

LOCKE: That's right.

RICHARD: And why don't I remember, well, any of this.

LOCKE: Because it hasn't happened yet.

RICHARD: [chuckles] I'm not sure what you are expecting me to say, John Locke.

LOCKE: I expect you to tell me how to get off the island

RICHARD: That's very privileged information. Why would I share that with you?

LOCKE: Because you told me that I had something very important to do, once I get there. And because I'm your leader.

RICHARD: You're my leader?

LOCKE: That's what you told me.

RICHARD: Look. I certainly don't want to contradict myself but we have a very specific process for selecting our leadership. And it starts at a very, very young age.

LOCKE: Alright. Alright. What year is it right now?

RICHARD: It's 1954.

LOCKE: Alright, May 30, 1956, two years from now, that's the day I'm born. Tustin, California and if you don't believe me, I suggest you come and visit me.

[There is a faint sound and Locke reacts.]

LOCKE: Oh no.

RICHARD: What's wrong.

LOCKE: It's about to happen again.

[Locke stands up and looks out from the tent. The sound is getting louder.]

LOCKE: You need to tell me now Richard. How do I get off the island? Please? Tell me!

[The sound is like a loud rumbling. There is a flash of white light. When the light fades, Locke is standing in the same place except there is no camp. He is standing in a large clearing. He looks around and the camp, including Richard, is gone. He leans over and holds his head in disbelief. In eyesight are Daniel, Sawyer and Juliet.]

LOCKE: [to Juliet] You alright?

JULIET: Yeah. I think so.

[Daniel looks around and sees Charlotte and Miles standing alone with their wrists still bound. He runs over to them.]

DANIEL: Charlotte! You okay?

CHARLOTTE: [nods] Yeah. I'm fine.

[Daniel unties Charlotte’s bindings.]

MILES: Yeah. Me too. I'm great too.

[Charlotte smiles then gets woozy. Her nose starts to bleed. She reels a bit then falls to the ground.]

DANIEL: Charlotte! Charlotte!

[Daniel rolls Charlotte over onto her back. Miles, Locke, Juliet and Sawyer gather around.]

DANIEL: Charlotte. Look at me! Look at me! It’s okay. It’s okay.

[Charlotte's nose is bleeding profusely. She is becoming unconscious. Daniel holds her closely to his chest. He is extremely upset.]