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5x01 - Because You Left

Posted: 02/24/22 09:32
by bunniefuu
[As the episode commences we see and hear the buzzing of an analog alarm clock with the time 8:15 AM being displayed. A man's hand reaches out, avoids the glass of water on the nightstand and shuts off the alarm and he falls back on the bed, face down. There is a WOMAN lying in the bed next to him. She awakens to the sound of a baby crying. She smiles then turns to the man lying next to her.]

WOMAN: Ah, the baby's awake.

MAN: Hmm?

WOMAN: It's your turn.

[She leans over and kisses him on the side of his head. The man moans again then tosses back the comforter that is covering him and arises from the bed. We do not see his face. He walks to another room and stands in front of a phonograph. He picks up a 33 1/3 RPM record, removes it from its sleeve, blows on it, puts it down on the spindle of the phonograph, lifts the arm and puts the needle on the record. It begins to play. It is a song by Willie Nelson entitled Shotgun Willie and we hear it in the background as the man walks away from the phonograph. We can no longer hear the baby crying.]

Shotgun Willie sits around in his underwear.

Bitin' on a b*llet, pullin' out all of his hair.

Shotgun Willie has got all of his family there.

Well, you can't make a record if

[The record hits nick in the vinyl groove, bounces back and repeats the same words.]

You can't make a record if

You can't make a record if

You can't make a record if

[While the record plays the man walks to the kitchen, puts a baby bottle in a pot of simmering water to heat the contents, then sets the timer and walks away. Next we see the baby in a crib pulling up on the side rail then cooing as the man lifts the baby out of the crib. The man sits in a rocking chair is feeding the baby. Switch to a shower being turned on followed by the man standing in front of a sink, shaving. He puts his toothbrush back in the holder and proceeds to the closet to takes out clothes to wear. This when the record starts repeating and the man removes the needle, scratching the vinyl and places it back on the arm. The scene switches to the man carrying an attaché and walking down the path to a building and enters. The room is set up like a studio and there are various people dressed in tan jumpsuits with Dharma logos about the room. One approaches the man handing him a piece of paper.]

MAN IN JUMPSUIT: Morning. Here you go doc.

MAN: [handing another man his attaché] I don't need a script.

[The man walks toward a chair as a woman meets him and hands him a lab coat which he puts on.]

MAN: Come on let's go. I don't have all day.


MAN IN JUMPSUIT: OK Dharma Orientation film number 2 take 1 [clack of cue board] and action.

[Man in lab coat is sitting in a chair facing the cameraman.]

MAN: Hello. I am Doctor Marvin Candle and this is the orientation film for Station 2, the Arrow. Given your specific area of expertise, you should find it no surprise that this Station's primary purpose is to develop defensive strategies and gather intelligence on the island's hostile indigenous population.

[A man, wearing a hardhat bursts into the room and interrupts the filming.]

MESSENGER: Dr. Chang! Dr. Chang!

DR. CANDLE/CHANG: Damn it! What the hell?


MESSENGER: Sir we have a problem down at the Orchid.

[A blue and white van, with a Dharma logo on the front, is seen approaching a construction site. Dr. Candle/Chang exits the van and enters the site and takes an elevator to a lower level with the messenger. A foreman hands Dr. Candle/Chang a hard hat and they walk together down a tunnel.]

FOREMAN: Over here. We were cutting through the rock, right on your specs. That's when the drill melted.

DR. CANDLE/CHANG: The drill melted?

FOREMAN: Uh yeah.. Three meters from the margin line on the plans. We went thru six carbon drill bits and the last one just fried. Then my operator starts grabbing his head and freaking out.

[There is an unconscious worker lying on the floor of the tunnel with a nose bleed] Dr. Candle/Chang looks at the wall and looks intently at 5 drilled holes then looks down to see the melted bit. .

FOREMAN: We sonared an image through the wall. There's an open chamber about 20 meters in behind the rock.

[Foreman hands Dr. Candle/Chang a sonar image of the chamber. Dr. Chang stares at the image and sees the teeth of a large gear. The foreman points at the image.]

FOREMAN: There is something in there. And the only way to get to it is to lay charges here and here, blast through it…..

[Dr. Candle/Chang interrupts the foreman.]

DR. CANDLE.CHANG: Under no circumstances. This station is being build here because of its proximity to what we believe to be an almost of limitless energy and that energy, once we can harness it correctly, is going to allow us to manipulate time.

FOREMAN: [amazed] What? OK so what, we going to go back and k*ll Hitler?

DR. CANDLE/CHANG: Don't be absurd. There are rules. Rules that can't be broken.

[Focus in on holes in rock wall.]

FOREMAN: OK so what do you want me to do?

DR. CANDLE/CHANG: You are going to do nothing. If you drill even one centimeter further and you risk releasing that energy. If that were to happen, God help us all.

[Dr. Candle/Chang hands his hard hat to the foreman and walks away. The foreman walks to the injured man being put on a stretcher.]

FOREMAN: C'mon. Let's go.

[As Dr. Candle/Chang walks back thru the tunnel he bumps into a worker carrying a large canister The worker has his head lowered so his face cannot be seen.

DR. CANDLE/CHANG: Watch yourself!

WORKER[/COLOR: Sorry sir. It won't happen again.

[The worker continues walking, puts down the canister and stands up. The worker is Daniel Faraday. He watches as the injured man is carried out on a stretcher.]

FOREMAN: [to Daniel] Did you hear that? Time travel. How stupid does that guy think we are?

[Switch to the outside of Hoffs/Drawler Funeral Home. Inside we see Locke lying in a coffin. Jack appears drunk and addled as he looks at down at Locke. As he leans against a table Ben enters the room and opens up a gurney.]

BEN: Why don't you close that up now Jack. Come on. Let's get him in the van. It is out back.

JACK: Where are we taking him?

BEN: We will worry about that once we pick up Hugo.

JACK: Hurley is locked away in a mental institution.

BEN: Which should make recruiting him considerably easier than the rest of your friends.

JACK: They are not my friends anymore.

BEN: Oh that's the spirit.

JACK: [shaking his head] How did we get here? How did all of this happen?

BEN: It happened because you left Jack. Now let's get started, shall we?

[Ben slams the cover of the coffin closed. The scene switches to Jack shaving. He is in a motel room with Ben. Ben is packing clothes. A television is on in the background. The audio cannot be determined.]

JACK: So once we get Hurley, then what?

BEN: Then we get Sun, Sayid, and Kate, of course.

JACK: I don't see that happening.

[Jack walks from the bathroom while Ben continues packing. Jack sits on the edge of one of the beds.

JACK: When was the last time you saw him? [pauses] I mean Locke.

BEN: [takes a deep breath] On the island. [footage of Locke and Ben from the S4 finale] In the Orchid station below the greenhouse. I told him I was sorry for making his life so miserable. And then he left.

[This is not what the footage shows. It shows Ben shaking hands with Locke then Ben walking away from Locke. Back to Jack sitting on the edge of the bed hanging his head in sorrow. Ben looks intently at him.]

BEN: So obviously John's visit to you made an impression. What did he say to make you such a believer?

[Jack raises his head to address Ben while footage from S4 finale plays.]

JACK: Sawyer, Juliet, everyone from the boat, everyone that we left behind, John said they'd die too if I didn't come back.

BEN: Did he tell you what happened to them after the island moved?

[Jack shakes his head.]

JACK: No. No he didn't.

BEN: Then I guess we will never know.

[Three years earlier. We see footage from S4 finale where Ben is trying to turn a very large gear. He struggles and it starts to budge. As he moves it a little bit at a time, a white light starts to emanate from the rock it is lodged in. Switch to the jungle where we see Locke, Richard Alpert and the hostiles. A strange noise is filling the air. It almost sounds like someone hit a large tuning fork. We then see Sawyer and Juliet sitting on the beach. They turn as they hear the sound. We see the raft on the ocean with Daniel and various Redshirts. The helicopter, piloted by Frank Lapidus, carrying the O6 appears. We see everyone on the helicopter look around as they too hear the sound. Switch back to Ben turning the gear. We see yellow light being emitted from the rock. A very bright white emanates from within the island and as everyone looks the scene switches to Locke standing in the jungle in the pouring rain with his right arm still covering his eyes from the light. He looks around.]

LOCKE: What the? Richard? Richard?

[Locke, holding his knife, is standing among the same group of rocks that he, Richard and the hostiles were at when the white light appeared.]

LOCKE: Anyone? Anyone?!

[Switch to the Zodiac raft, driven by Daniel and heading toward the island. He stops the raft.]

Neil (Frogurt): What happened? What was that light?

DANIEL: We must've been inside the radius.

[Everyone on the Zodiac is confused. Sawyer and Juliet on the beach look confused. Everything around appears calm.]

SAWYER: What the hell was that?

JULIET: I don't know.

[Sawyer looks around and stops as he looks out on the ocean.]

SAWYER: Where's the freighter?

[Juliet looks out at the empty ocean.]

JULIET: Maybe it went down.

SAWYER: Uh uh, no way. A minute ago that boat was coughing black smoke now there's just nothing?

JULIET: What about the helicopter?

SAWYER: It was headed for that boat.

[Suddenly we see Bernard running frantically toward the ocean.]

BERNARD: Rose! Rose!

JULIET: [runs to Bernard] Bernard!

BERNARD: Rose! [runs toward Juliet] Have you seen Rose?


[Rose emerges from the jungle.]

ROSE: Oh my God! Bernard!

BERNARD: Rose! Where were you?

ROSE: [hugs Bernard] I was over. [pointing] back at church. What was that sound? Wha, .what was that light?

SAWYER: Just calm down. There is no need to panic. Right, we'll just go back to camp, figure this….

BERNARD: Calm down? No need to panic? . We can't go back to the camp.

SAWYER: What the hell are you talking about?

BERNARD: There is no camp.

[Sawyer looks at Bernard confused. We switch to the jungle and see Charlotte, Miles, and various Losties at the campsite looking around and confused. Back to the beach where Sawyer, Juliet, Bernard and Rose are walking toward the campsite.]

BERNARD: As the sky lit up, and then this. The kitchen, gone. And all the tents, all the food and water, gone. Well everything but us. All of it. It's gone.

[Daniel approaches Bernard and Sawyer.]

DANIEL: It’s not gone.

[Charlotte sees Daniel and runs to him smiling]


DANIEL: [hugs Charlotte] Hey.

CHARLOTTE: I thought you were on the freighter.

DANIEL: No, we never made it. We were on our way out there when it happened.

SAWYER: [to Daniel] What do you mean the camp's not gone? Who the hell are you any way?

MILES: That's Dan. He's our physicist.

DANIEL: Listen, we have no time. [to Juliet] I need you to take me to something man made. Something that was built. Any kind of landmark.

JULIET: There's a Dharma Station fifteen minutes from here.

SAWYER: You mean the hatch? The one we blew up?

DANIEL: That's perfect. We should get moving before it happens again ok?

SAWYER: [stopping Daniel] Before what happens again? Why is our camp gone?

DANIEL: The camp isn't gone. It hasn't been built yet.

[LOST Logo]

[In living room with a television airing a cartoon. The camera pans around the room then to a kitchen. Kate is getting a cup of coffee. Back to the television showing a cartoon of a train. Aaron is sitting at the counter watching the television with his breakfast on the counter.]

AARON: Choo choo tunnel

KATE: [smiling] No, I think choo choo knows better than that. He goes into that tunnel he's never coming back home.

[The doorbell rings. Kate gives Aaron a kiss on the head.]

KATE: Watch your cartoons Goober. Mommy'll be right back.

[Kate answers the door to find 2 men in suits.]

First man: Miss Austen?

KATE: Yes.

Dan Norton: Hi. I am Dan Norton of the Law Firm Angostini and Norton. [holds up a business card] May we have a moment of your time?

KATE: And who are you?

Dan Norton: He's my associate. [pauses] If I could just come in I would be glad to explain.

[The two men attempt to enter and Kate stops them.]

KATE: No. You can explain right here.

Dan Norton: OK you've got it. Miss Austen we are here to get a blood sample from you and one from your son Aaron.

KATE: Excuse me?

[Dan Norton removes a document from his inside left jacket pocket.]

Dan Norton: Now I have a court order signed by a judge for you to relinquish your blood upon being served these papers.

KATE: Why?

Dan Norton: To determine your relationship to the child.

KATE: I'm sorry I don't understand. Um, who sent you?

Dan Norton: I am not at liberty to divulge the identity of my client.

KATE: Your client?!

Dan Norton: Please may we come in?

KATE: Get off my property!

Dan Norton: If you won't comply then I am going to have to come back with the sheriff.

KATE: Then come back with the sheriff.

[Kate closes the door on the two men. As she turns she notices that Aaron has been watching the encounter. Kate quickly gets a suitcase, walks to the bedroom, tosses it on the bed and unzips it. She begins to pack frantically. She goes to an armoire, reaches up and brings out an envelope that was taped inside. It is full of money. She puts it her purse. There is an open box on the bed from which she takes a p*stol and proceeds to put that in her purse also. Aaron enters the room.]

AARON: Where are you going Mommy?

KATE: We're going on vacation baby.

[Kate takes Aaron by the hand and carries him down the stairs. She grabs her keys, opens the door, and looks inside for a brief moment before walking out.]

KATE: Say bye bye baby.

[Switch back to the island where Sawyer is leading a group through the jungle to the hatch area. Juliet is walking behind Sawyer.]

JULIET: Why did you jump off that helicopter?

SAWYER: Told you we were runnin' outta gas. I wanted to make sure she…[pauses and takes a deep breath] Wanted to make sure they got back to the boat. Don't matter now anyway does it?

DANIEL: Excuse me we're gonna need the two of you to pick up the pace, ok thanks.

[Daniel walks passed Juliet and Sawyer. Sawyer is annoyed.]

SAWYER: First things first. Gimme your shirt.

DANIEL: My shirt?


DANIEL: I really think we have far more pressing matters than me giving you a shirt. How 'bout we just keep moving, ok?

SAWYER: How 'bout we call a time out so you can tell us what the hell is goin' on..

DANIEL: How about you trust me?

SAWYER: Trust you? I don't know you.

DANIEL: We really do not have time for me to try to explain. You have no idea how difficult that would be for me to try and explain this, this phenomena to a quantum physicist. That would be difficult so for me to try and explain whatever is happening…

[As Daniel continues to talk, Sawyer forcefully slaps him across the face.]

CHARLOTTE: Oy! [to Sawyer] What the bloody hell you think you are doing?

SAWYER: Shut it Ginger or you're getting one too. [to Daniel] Now talk.

DANIEL: The island… [pauses] think of the island like a record spinning on a turntable, only now, that record is skipping. Whatever Ben Linus did down at the Orchid Station…. [pauses] I think it may have, dislodged us.

MILES: Dislodged us from what?


[Miles, Daniel, Sawyer and Juliet look at each other.]

JULIET: So that's why our camp is gone. Because the island is moving through time?

DANIEL: Either the island is or we are.

SAWYER: What?!

DANIEL: It's just as likely we are moving, your people and us. Everyone in your group, you're all accounted for, right?

[Juliet looks at Sawyer and he takes another deep breath.]

SAWYER: Not everyone. [to Juliet] Locke.

[Switch to the interior of the jungle where Locke is alone. It is no longer raining. He climbs up from a ravine. At the top he finds himself in an open field. He walks around trying to get his bearings. In the offing he sees a twin propeller airplane approaching him in a dive. As the plane flies over him, he ducks to avoid being hit, then watches it fly off only to crash beyond the next hill. As he turns to walk away he sees a blue and white statue of the Virgin Mary. He picks it up. He looks toward the crash site. Next we see Locke approaching the crash site while still carrying the statue. He looks up to find the plane, a yellow twin propeller, teetering off the edge of a ridge.]

LOCKE: [yelling] Is anyone there?!

[He moves closer]

LOCKE: Hello?!

[He moves closer still to only hear the squeaking of the plane as it teeters with one propeller still slowly turning.]

LOCKE: Hello?!

[Locke grunts and groans as he climbs up a large banyan tree in an attempt to reach the plane. He pauses to look down to the ground then back up at the plane. Suddenly a g*nsh*t hits the tree just to the right of where he is climbing. Locke looks down and sees no one. Another shot.


[A third is heard and he falls out of the tree landing on his back.. Stunned he looks down to realize that he has been shot in his right thigh and is bleeding. He hears someone walking in the jungle. He props himself up on his elbows to see who it is. Suddenly out of the brush we see Ethan Rom holding a r*fle aimed directly at Locke.]

ETHAN: Who are you?

[Locke stares at Ethan in astonishment.]

LOCKE: [scared] Well listen listen.

ETHAN: How many others on board?

LOCKE: Wait, listen listen, you don't understand. I didn't come on that plane.

ETHAN: Wrong answer!

LOCKE: No wait! Stop! Stop! I know you. I know who you are. Your name, your name is Ethan. Your name is Ethan.

[Ethan looks quizzically at Locke.]

ETHAN: Who are you?

LOCKE: My name is John Locke. I know this is going to be hard to understand but Ben Linus appointed me as your leader.

ETHAN: That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

[Locke looks around and hears a noise. Ethan aims the r*fle at Locke.]

ETHAN: Good bye John Locke.

[A bright purplish white light begins to shine. Locke covers his head with both of his arms. The next thing Locke realizes is that he is alone again and it is nighttime. He looks around and appears confused. Switch to Sawyer and his group and suddenly it is nighttime for them also.]

SAWYER: Great!

[The rest of the party are looking around wondering what just happened.]

SAWYER: [to Daniel] So when are we now whiz kid?

DANIEL: Either in the past [pauses] or we're in the future.

[Switch to airport lobby. Sun is on an escalator and using her cell phone receiving no answer. She approaches the counter. It is for Oceanic Airways.

COUNTER ATTENDANT: Evening ma'am. Where are you flying to tonight?

SUN: Los Angeles.

COUNTER ATTENDANT: Of course. May I see your passport please?

[Sun hands her passport to the attendant who lays it face down on a scanner and keys in some data. The attendant looks at the passport name and photo and immediately stops processing.]

COUNTER ATTENDANT: Excuse me. Could you wait here for just one moment Miss Kwon?

[The attendant walks away and leaves Sun at the counter. Switch to a uniformed man opening a door to a room and Sun enters. As she turns around, he immediately closes the door.]

SUN: Hey! Where are you go... Open this door!

[Sun begins banging on the door.]

SUN: Open this door!

WIDMORE: [from behind Sun] Save your breath.

[Widmore enters the room closing the back door to the room.]

WIDMORE: They only do what I tell them to do.

SUN: You? You had me brought in here? Why?

WIDMORE: You had the audacity to approach me in broad daylight, in front of my business associates. In public! Why did I have you brought here? Because you showed me no respect. I will be respected Sun.

SUN: Fair enough.

[Sun walks from the door and sits at the table in the room.]

WIDMORE: Since you seem to be worried about your plane, I'll get right down to business. You mentioned that you and I had 'common interests.' Why don't you tell me exactly what they might be.

SUN: [coolly] To k*ll Benjamin Linus.

[They exchange looks. Switch to a motel room where Ben is watching television. He is watching the news.

NEWS REPORTER: The victim was found shot inside his car on the grounds of the Santa Rosa Hospital, a private mental health care facility outside Los Angeles.

[Jack approaches Ben.]

JACK: OK let's go get them.

[Jack stops and listens to the broadcast with Ben.]

NEWS REPORTER: The police have identified the suspect as a patient at the hospital who escaped earlier this evening. Hugo Reyes. Now if that name sounds familiar to you, that's because Reyes was a member of the infamous Oceanic 6. As to why he may have m*rder*d a visitor to the facility, where Reyes lived for two years, that remains a complete mystery.

[Jack shuts off the television. Ben looks at Jack.]

BEN: Well, looks like we have a change of plan.

[Jack lowers his head, Ben grabs his jacket, walks to the door with Jack following him. Switch to the parking lot outside the Rainbow Drive-In restaurant. Hurley leans a bit toward the window.]

HURLEY: Here she comes. Right now.

CAR HOP: [to Sayid] Here's your order sir.

[Sayid hands the bag to Hurley and turns to hand the car hop money.]

SAYID: Keep the change.

CAR HOP: [to Sayid] Thank you.

[Sayid starts the vehicle while Hurley looks in the bag.]

HURLEY: [to Sayid] Ah, awesome! Want a fry?

SAYID: No, thank you.

HURLEY: You know maybe if you eat more comfort food, you wouldn't have to go around sh**ting people.

[As Hurley pops a French fry into his mouth, Sayid drives out of the parking lot. They pull into the parking lot of a large motel and park. As they ascend to the level their room is located, Hurley is eating a hamburger.]

HURLEY: So that dude you popped outside Santa Rosa, who's he?

SAYID: I don't care. He was armed and he was watching you. That made him an enemy.

HURLEY: Ya think he was gonna k*ll me?

SAYID: I'm not taking any risks after Bentham died.

HURLEY: Ya mean Locke?

SAYID: Yes, I mean Locke.

HURLEY: I need a cool code name.

[They climb another level and walk toward the room.] Hurley is still eating his hamburger.

HURLEY: So when did you become so paranoid?

SAYID: If you had spent the last two years doing the things I was doing, you'd be paranoid too.

HURLEY: Oh yeah? Paranoid like what? What kind of things?

SAYID: I was working for Benjamin Linus.

HURLEY: Wait. He's on our side now?

SAYID: Listen to me Hurley. If you ever have the misfortune of running into him, whatever he tells you, just do the opposite.

[Hurley becomes silent. Sayid turns and looks up at the door and touches a piece of duct tape that has been ripped indicating the door has been opened. Sayid then pushes Hurley to the wall.

SAYID: Wait here.

[Sayid takes out his g*n, turns quickly and pushes open the door. He is greeted by a man who att*cks him. The two men fight and Sayid tosses him over the railing. The man falls several stories and lands on the ground. Hurley looks down in amazement. Another man sh**t at Sayid but no loud noise from the g*n. Sayid runs at the man into the motel room. Tables break, lamps are broken as the two men struggle. Sayid jumps over the counter toward the sink and grabs for a g*n taped to the bottom of a cabinet. We hear two more sh*ts. Sayid pulls a dart from the back of his neck. As he stumbles, he appears to lose consciousness and slumps over the sink. The man comes at him again and Sayid comes up, grabs a cast iron fry pan from the dish rack and hits him. They begin to struggle with each other again. Sayid manages to force the man back against the counter and the dish washer door pops open. The man falls backward on the open dishwasher door, onto several knives that are facing pointed side up. Outside, Hurley picks up the g*n that was knocked out of Sayid's hand. As he looks over the railing, Hurley sees people gathering around the dead man on the ground.]

BYSTANDER 1: What's going on? Is he alright?

BYSTANDER 2: I dunno. Check him out.

BYSTANDER 1: Hey look up That guy's got a g*n. Run! Get outta here! Call the cops! C'mon c'mon hurry!

[Another bystander looks at Hurley holding the g*n and take a picture of him with a cell phone. Hurley goes back into the motel room. Sayid is trying to maintain consciousness.]

HURLEY: Sayid! Whoa! You ok?

SAYID: Get me to the car.

[Hurley gets Sayid's arm around his shoulders and helps Sayid out of the room and down to the car.]

HURLEY: Dude! Oh man! I thought this was supposed to be a safe house. We never should have left that island!

[Switch to the jungle on the island. It is nighttime. Juliet is leading the way.]

CHARLOTTE: [to Miles] Do you think he is looking for us?



MILES: Took him like twenty years to find this place the first time. I'll start holding my breath now.

JULIET: Over here!

[The group gathers. They look to find a very large, deep hole in the ground.]

DANIEL: Is this the hatch?

SAWYER: It was. Blown up, just like we left it.

DANIEL: Ok, so when we are now? It is after you and your people crashed on the island.

SAWYER: You saying our camp is back on the beach again?

DANIEL: [nodding] It's possible, yeah.

SAWYER: [turning to leave] Good, I'm going back.

DANIEL: [holding Sawyer's arm] Hey, no no. It's pointless.

SAWYER: More pointless than staring at a hole in the ground?

DANIEL: We don't know when the next flash is coming. By the time you get back to the beach, the camp could be gone again.

SAWYER: Yeah well what if it ain't? Hell what if the helicopter hasn't even taken off yet?

JULIET: We could warn them. Stop them from ever flying to that boat.

[Daniel lowers his head.]

DANIEL: That's not the way it works.

SAWYER: Who says?

DANIEL: You cannot change anything. You can't. Even if you try to, it wouldn't work.

SAWYER: Why not?

DANIEL: Time, it is like a stream. Alright, we can move forward on that stream, we can move in reverse, but we cannot ever create a new stream. If we try to do anything different, we will fail every time. Whatever happened, happened.

[Juliet, Miles and Sawyer look at Daniel.]

SAWYER: How do you know so much about this Danny boy?

[Daniel takes off his backpack and opens it. He takes out his leather bound journal.]

DANIEL: I know about this because I spent my entire adult life studying space time. I know all this because [patting journal] this journal contains everything I've ever learned about the Dharma Initiative. This, is why I'm here. I know what's happening.

SAWYER: So how can we stop it?

DANIEL: You can't stop it.

SAWYER: Then who can?

[Daniel looks away and says nothing. Switch to the inner jungle where Locke is still lying on his back in the dark. He looks over to see a piece of the plane covered in brush. He stands up and hops a ways and leans on the fuselage of the plane which has been burned. It is covered in cobwebs and foliage. Locke enters to find open boxes filled with statues of the Virgin Mary. He sees a skeleton, pauses, turns and rips a piece of strap from the inside and applies it as a tourniquet for his injured leg. Locke exits the plane and leans up against it. He sees a torch flame and hears someone walking. He takes his knife out of its sheath and prepares to meet the intruder. Richard Alpert comes into view.]

LOCKE: Richard?

RICHARD: [smiles] Hey John.

[Richard approaches Locke and sits next to him.]

LOCKE: Richard what is happening?

RICHARD: What is happening is you're bleeding to death. Here…

[Richard puts down is pack and rips Locke's pant leg open. Locke groans.]

RICHARD: I need to get the b*llet out.

[Richard takes out a Dharma med kit.]

LOCKE: How did you know there was a b*llet in my leg Richard?

RICHARD: Because you told me there was John.

LOCKE: No, no , no I didn't.

RICHARD: Well, you will.

LOCKE: It was Ethan who shot me.

RICHARD: Well, [puts on glasses] what comes around goes around.

[Richard pours a clear liquid onto the wound and John winces.]

LOCKE: Uhhh! [pauses] When am I?

RICHARD: Well, John that's all relative.

[Richard continues to tend to Locke's wound. He is using a set of forceps to remove the b*llet.]

LOCKE: Wait! Wait! The noise, when the sky lit up, where did you go?

RICHARD: I didn’t go anywhere John. You went. Alright this, this is gonna hurt. It'll be a lot worse if you move, ok? Hold still. Ready?

[Richard proceeds to remove the b*llet from Locke's thigh. Locke winces and reaches for Richard's shoulder. The b*llet is removed.]

RICHARD: Hold on!

LOCKE: I don't understand. How, how did you know that I was here? How did you know where to find me?

RICHARD: I wish I had time to explain it John but you're going to be moving on soon and we need to go over a couple of things before you move...

LOCKE: [groans]Moving on?

[Locke groans in pain as Richard bandages his wound.]

RICHARD: Sorry. First thing ok. You're gonna need to clean out the wound every couple of hours and keep as much weight off the leg as you can. Alright? The island will do the rest John.

LOCKE: [interrupts Richard] But, I don’t….

RICHARD: Second thing, now pay attention! Next time we see each other I'm not gonna recognize you. Alright? You give me this.

[Richard hands Locke a compass.]

LOCKE: What is this?

RICHARD: It's a compass.

LOCKE: What does it do?

RICHARD: It points north John. Look I wish I had time to be more sensitive about this because it's a lot to swallow. But you need to know it in order to do what you gotta so I am just gonna say it ok? The only way to save the island John is to get your people back here, the ones who left.

LOCKE: Jack? Kate? The chopper was headed for the boat, the boat…

RICHARD: They're fine and they're already home. So you have to convince them to come back.

LOCKE: How? How am I supposed to do that?

RICHARD: You're gonna have to die John.

[Locke looks at Richard intently. Before either man gets to say another word, the sky changes to a bright white, Locke covers his eyes and then finds himself in the jungle, leaning against a rock below the teetering plane. It is daytime. As he gets his bearings he notices his bloody hand and the compass in his palm. Switch to another part of the jungle. It is nighttime. The group with Sawyer are standing about looking around.]

MILES: So what was this thing before you guys blew it up?

JULIET: A Dharma Station.

MILES: For what?

JULIET: There was a man named Desmond living down in it. He was pushing a button every 108 minutes to save the world.

MILES: Really?

JULIET: Yeah, really.

[The noise returns, they all start holding their heads, a bright white light appears.]

SAWYER: Son of a….

[The noise and light stop. Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Charlotte and Daniel are standing in the same place however it is daylight.]

SAWYER: …bitch.

[They are looking around. The hole is no longer there. Foliage is all about. Juliet notices first and walks where the hole was a moment ago. As she clears away the brush, the hatch door appears, intact.]

JULIET: The hatch. It's back. I guess you haven't found it yet.

[Everyone is stunned. Sawyer quickly walks away from the group.]

MILES: [to Sawyer] Hey, where ya goin'?

SAWYER: Back door. I'm getting some supplies.

[Sawyer continues into the jungle.]

DANIEL: James, wait, not a good idea.

SAWYER: The sky can flash all it wants but I ain't starting over Dilbert. I ain't rubbing two sticks together to start a fire and I ain't hunting damn boar. There's Dharma food, beer and clothing. And I'm getting Desmond to let me in one way or another.

DANIEL: That's not gonna work my friend.

SAWYER: Yeah? Why not?

DANIEL: Because Desmond didn't know you when he first came out of there. That means you never met which means you can't meet.

SAWYER: This would all be fascinating if I was listening to ya.

DANIEL: How do you know Desmond is even in there? Think about it, it could be anybody.

SAWYER: I don't care who's in there.

DANIEL: Wait. Wait.

[Sawyer starts banging on the metal door.]

SAWYER: Open the damn door!

DANIEL: It won't work.

SAWYER: Sure it will. You open up! It’s the ghost of Christmas future!

DANIEL: No one, no one is gonna answer.

SAWYER: Open up! Open the damn door! Open the door!

DANIEL: Please? You're wasting your time.

SAWYER: Open up I know you can hear me!

DANIEL: If it didn't happen, it can't happen.

[Sawyer continues to struggle to open the door.]

SAWYER: Open the door!

DANIEL: It can't happen! You can’t change the past, James!

[Sawyer stops and quickly turns around. He grabs Daniel by his shirt and pulls him right up to his face.]

SAWYER: Everyone I care about just blew up on your damn boat. I know what I can't change.

[The two men look at each other as Juliet approaches them.

JULIET: [to Sawyer] We should get back to the beach. It’s been a long day.

[Sawyer glares at Daniel and slowly turns around and starts walking to the beach. Juliet follows him.]

MILES: Why are we going back to the beach if there's nothing to go back to?

JULIET: So stay here.

MILES: [to Charlotte] That chick likes me.

[Miles follows Sawyer and Juliet. Daniel takes a deep breath and relaxes. He looks at Charlotte and notices she has a nosebleed.]

CHARLOTTE: What? What, what's the matter?

[Daniel points to his nose. Charlotte touches her nose and sees the blood.]

CHARLOTTE: Oh, I haven't had a nosebleed since I was little.

[Daniel stares at her]

CHARLOTTE: Dan, I'm fine.

DANIEL: Yeah, no, no, no. I'm, uh, of course you're fine. I'm uh nervous. The site of blood is uh…

CHARLOTTE: Well it's a good thing you're a physicist, isn't it? [turning to leave] Shall we?

DANIEL: Yeah, um, my pack, of course I left my pack back at the hatch crater. I better get it. Why don't you head back with everyone else and I'll be right behind you.

CHARLOTTE: Don't dilly dally.

DANIEL: I wouldn't think of it.

[Charlotte chuckles then starts walking back to the beach. Dan takes a deep breath, waits then runs back to retrieve his backpack. He pulls out his journal and starts flipping through the pages. He stops and intently reads it. Next we see Daniel back banging on the same door as Sawyer previously was. He begins pounding on the door.]

DANIEL: Please let this work, please. Let this work, please, please, please. Let this work.

[Daniel bangs on the door again. Suddenly the door swings open with a bang. A man exits wearing a hazardous material suit and aiming a r*fle at Daniel. Daniel puts his hands up in a defensive posture.]

DANIEL: Oh! Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't sh**t.

DESMOND: Then you best explain why you've been banging on my door for the last twenty minutes brutha.

DANIEL: Desmond.

DESMOND: Are you him?

DANIEL: Him? Who?

DESMOND: My replacement.

[Desmond lowers the r*fle a bit.]

DANIEL: No. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm…

[Desmond raises the r*fle and takes aim at Daniel again.]

DESMOND: Do I know you?

DANIEL: Yeah, in a way. Listen, that is not important. What is important Desmond is what I'm about to say to you. I need you to listen. You are the only person who can help us because Desmond, the rules, the rules don't apply to you. You're special.

[Desmond lowers his r*fle and listens to Daniel.]

DANIEL: You're uniquely and miraculously special.

DESMOND: [raises r*fle] What are you talking about?

[The noise is starting again. Desmond looks up.

DANIEL: OK listen to me. Listen! If the helicopter somehow made it off the island, if you got home…

DESMOND: What helicopter? What are you talking about?

DANIEL: Listen, I need to you listen or people are gonna die. My name is Daniel Faraday and right now me, and everyone else you left behind, we're in serious danger. You're the only person who can help us. I need you to go back to Oxford University.

[The sky starts turning white.]

DANIEL: Go back to where we met. I need you to go there and find my mother. Her name is….

[The noise gets louder. The sky gets brighter. Desmond is lying on his side in his bed, sweating and wincing. He awakens. The light is turned on. Desmond turns, breathing heavily unsure of what just occurred.]

PENNY: Are you alright?

[Desmond lies back startled and trying to collect his thoughts.]

DESMOND: I was on the island.

[Penny comforts Desmond, rubbing his shoulder.]

DESMOND: I was on the island.

PENNY: You've been off the island for three years now.

[Desmond tightly holds his head. Penny kisses his shoulder.]

PENNY: You're safe now. It was just a dream.

[Desmond turns quickly, sits up and faces her.]

DESMOND: It wasn't a dream Pen. [pauses] It was a memory.

[Penny looks at Desmond. Next we see Desmond coming out of a cabin on a sailboat as he puts on a sweater.]

PENNY: Desmond! Where are you goin?

[Desmond picks up a crank handle and walks around the deck. Penny follows him. Desmond puts the crank in an opening and starts turning it. The sails are opening.

PENNY: Des? Desmond. What are you doing?

DESMOND: We're leaving.

PENNY: Leaving to go where?

DESMOND: Oxford.