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4x06 - The Other Woman

Posted: 02/24/22 09:24
by bunniefuu
[A hand pulls a wooden rake in a wave pattern through straight lines in a Zen garden; several stones, some black some white, are in the sand above the raked area. The camera reveals Juliet sitting on couch. She is smartly dressed with wavy hair pulled back sitting on an overstuffed couch in a neatly furnished room. Juliet takes notice of several diplomas hanging on wall above a bookcase and fashionable vases and furnishings displayed throughout the room. A door opens and Juliet stands as another woman enters the room.]

HARPER: Hello. Sorry, I’m late. You must be Dr. Burke.

[Extends hand to Juliet]

JULIET: Juliet.

HARPER: Juliet. (they shake hands) I’m Harper Stanhope. Please sit.

[Harper sits down in chair across from Juliet who sits on the couch.]

HARPER: Today’s just a meet and greet so that we can get to know each other.

JULIET: Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I… I really don’t think I need therapy.

HARPER: (bites her lip and looks away. Looks at Juliet) How about we call it “talking” instead of therapy.

JULIET: (smiles and nods her head) Ok.

HARPER: Good. Let’s talk. (looks at notes in lap) So you’ve been here a week, what’s your least favorite part so far?

JULIET: (considers the question and chooses her words carefully) I don’t like being treated like a celebrity.

HARPER: Is that surprising? You’re big news right now.

JULIET: Yes, I know. I guess I don’t like being the center of attention. It makes me feel isolated. Alone.

HARPER: Well, maybe you feel like all eyes are on you, but you’re not a celebrity. And soon enough you’ll realize that you’re no different than anyone here.

JULIET: Oh, I know. I… I never meant that.

[A knock on the door]

HARPER: (towards the door) Yes? (the door opens, being pushed by a mustached Tom Friendly)

TOM: Harper. I’m sorry for the interruption. I know you don’t like me busting in… but Ben would like to see the doc. (looks at Juliet)

HARPER: Um, she’s all yours, Tom. (Both woman stand facing each other) It was nice talking with you, Juliet. (they shake hands and Juliet leans in) Welcome to the island. (they exchange awkward smiles)

[Cut to exterior of Harper’s house as several Others walk about taking notice of Tom and Juliet.]

TOM: That Harper’s a piece of work, (grunts) but you give her a week and she’ll have you crying about your daddy. I’m speaking from personal experience here.

[Chuckles. Motions Juliet towards Ben standing on a patio holding a bouquet of flowers]

BEN: (bows slightly) Welcome to your humble abode.

[Ben steps off patio towards Juliet. The Camera reveals a house with a charming exterior including patio furniture and colorful potted plants.]

JULIET: This is for me? (accepting the bouquet from Ben) The whole house?

BEN: You’re here to help us with some very important research, Juliet. (Juliet exhales and smiles at Ben) We’ve pulled out all the stops. Two bedrooms, two baths. Washer, dryer. Fresh linens, a well stocked fridge. (Juliet giggles and steps onto the patio.) Oh, and I know you like the opera. You have all the classics on CD.

JULIET: (serious tone) Ben this is amazing. Seriously, you shouldn’t have gone to all trouble. I’m only going to be here for six months.

BEN: Right, of course. (impish smile) But we want you to feel at home.

[Juliet stares at Ben slowly.]

[Cut to beach at night. Juliet is working with her shelter’s posts.]

SUN: (several feet away squatting with Jin petting Vincent) Need some help? (Stands and moves quickly towards Juliet)

JULIET: I’m fine. (smiling) I just can’t seem to get it steady. (The two women work to secure the post) Ok, nice. Thanks.

SUN: Why are you going to all this trouble when we’re about to leave this island?

JULIET: Well, we still need somewhere to sleep tonight. Right?

JACK: (hurrying towards Juliet and Sun) Juliet, have you seen, um, Charlotte and Faraday? All of their stuff is gone.

JULIET: No I haven’t seen them. You still have the SAT phone, right?

JIN: Charlotte and Faraday, Jungle (speaking Korean, points towards jungle)

SUN: He saw them going into the jungle.

JACK: (visibly upset) Why didn’t he say anything?

SUN: (speaks to Jin in Korean)

JIN: (to Jack) You said they are friends.

SUN: Aren’t they?

[Scene jumps to Jack, Juliet, Sun and Jin together lighting torches]

JACK: Alright, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover so let’s fan out. If you cut their trail, you call out to me, I’ll come to you.

[Thunder roars and a rain begins to fall as Jack and Juliet depart into the jungle in separate directions while Sun and Jin move into the jungle together.]

[Cut to Jack anxiously studying the ground as a steady rain falls and thunder rumbles. Scene jumps to Jin and Sun moving deliberately through the jungle in similar conditions. Scene jumps to Juliet moving quickly through the rain in the jungle holding a g*n in addition to a torch. She slows and pivots several times as whispers fill the area.]

JULIET: Jack? (turning as whispers grow louder to find Harper standing several feet in front of her now. Steps backwards)

HARPER: Hello, Juliet. Long time no see.

[Juliet nods slowly, mouth agape. Juliet studies Harper and steps forward]

JULIET: What are you doing here?

HARPER: I came to deliver a message; from Ben. (Juliet tilts her head and bites her lip) The two people you’re looking for, Faraday and Lewis, they’re headed to the Tempest. And if they figure out how to deploy that gas then everyone on this island is going to die.

JULIET: Why don’t you stop them?

HARPER: Because Ben wants you to go.

JULIET: (looking off) How can Ben possibly know where they are when he’s a prisoner?

HARPER: Ben is exactly where he wants to be.

JULIET: (mentally reviewing the information and carefully considers her response) How am I supposed to stop them?

HARPER: By pointing the g*n, and pulling the trigger.

JACK: (entering the area behind Harper) (loudly) HEY! (Harper looks hard at Juliet, blinks and turn to her left to face Jack who readies his g*n) Who are you?

HARPER: I’m an old friend of Juliet’s. (Jack tries to make sense of this) I just told her where the people you’re looking for are headed. (condescendingly) Maybe you and your g*n can go, too.

[Whispers are heard in the area. Jack and Juliet pivot towards the sounds. The whispers move and then stop. They face each other to find that Harper is gone. They scan the area, confused.]

[Cut to a Flashback, Juliet is sitting on the floor in a medical lab bent over her knees weeping into her hand. An off screen noise startles her; she begins to compose herself and stands. A person is seen rifling through medical supply boxes as Juliet enters the room.]

JULIET: You ok?

GOODWIN: (startled) I… I was just looking for some gauze. (holds gauze up) I didn’t (takes notices of Juliet) know anyone was here.

JULIET: (stepping towards Goodwin) How’d you mange that? (looking at his arm)

GOODWIN: (an irritation on his inner forearm is seen.) I um… I work over at the power station and pressed up against the transformer.

JULIET: (softly) Take a seat; let me take a look at it.

GOODWIN: (sits and hold up arm, observes Juliet while Juliet observes his injury. She turns and walks towards medical supply cabinet.) You’re Burke, right? The baby doctor?

JULIET: (returns with medical supplies. Smiles) What gave me away?

GOODWIN: I heard we lost Henrietta this morning. (comforting) Its ok, I… it’s not your fault.

JULIET: (bandaging Goodwin’s wound) Pregnant woman on this island are dying. I was brought here to help fix that. So whose fault is it?

GOODWIN: Believe me, no one expects you to fix it overnight. (Juliet smiles at Goodwin) You have anyone to talk to? Any friends here? Maybe Harper?

JULIET: (abruptly) Harper hates me. (Continues to bandage the wound) We only talk because we have to. I get the feeling that she’s a mean and spiteful person.

GOODWIN: (sheepishly) She’s my wife.

JULIET: She’s your wife? (nods head, embarrassed smile) I’m sorry.

GOODWIN: No, no. Don’t worry about it, really. It’s ok.

JULIET: Ok, you’re, uh, you’re set.

GOODWIN: Much obliged, ma’am. (Juliet returns supplies to cabinet) Hey. (Stands and steps towards Juliet, Juliet turns to face Goodwin) I know this place can wear on you but, if you need to talk I’m around. (smiles)

JULIET: (smiles) Good to know. Oh, if you promise, uh, not to tell your wife what I said about her (Juliet straightens) I promise not to tell anyone you lied how you hurt your arm. (Goodwin focuses) I know a chemical burn when I see one.

GOODWIN: (chuckles, taps nose) You got a deal. (turns and walks towards the door. Stops, spins) Oh, by the way, I’m Goodwin.

JULIET: Juliet. (Goodwin continues towards the door, Juliet smiles)

[Cut to Juliet leading Jack through the jungle at night in the steady rain.]

JULIET: Faraday and Charlotte are heading for the Tempest.

JACK: The Tempest?

JULIET: It’s safer for you if I don’t talk about it.

JACK: No, talk about it. Please.

JULIET: It’s an electrical station that powers the island.

JACK: Why would they go there? Hey. (grabs Juliet’s arm, they both halt and he steps in front and faces Juliet) If there’s something you need to tell me, now’s the time to do it.

JULIET: (considers her response) What I need is for you to help me. Will you help me? (bites her lip. Jack seems confused) If we move all night, maybe we can still catch them. (Jack nods) Thank you. (Juliet continues, Jack follows)

[Cut to morning in the jungle, birds chirp and the rain no longer falls. Faraday and Charlotte squat facing each other near a stream studying a map.]

DANIEL: I think it’s that way. (points over Charlotte’s shoulder) What happens if I, well, if I can’t do it?

CHARLOTTE: Dan. Look at me. (Daniel looks and she maintains his attention) I know you can do this. Should we get going? (smiles reassuringly as Daniel relaxes)


[Kate emerges from a path and startles Faraday and Charlotte. Charlotte quickly points a g*n at Kate. Kate steps back, startled by the circumstance.]

DANIEL: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. It’s ok, it’s Kate.

[Charlotte withdraws the g*n, Kate seems puzzled.]

[Cut to Kate filling her canteen in the stream with her back to Charlotte and Daniel, they are standing.]

DANIEL: So they have Miles?

KATE: (still filling bottle, sight turn towards them) Yeah, but he’s fine. Look, they’re treating him fine. I thought you two were with Jack at the beach? What are you guys doing out here?

CHARLOTTE: (looks hard at Daniel) Jack was trying to communicate with Sayid and Desmond on the freighter but the SAT phone ran out of juice. It’s totally dead, there’s no way we can call the boat. (Kate notices a green indicator light on the SAT phone in Charlotte’s pack, stands, and faces the two] So we volunteered to get the spare batteries out of the packs we threw out of the chopper.

KATE: (to Daniel with a playful smile) So, you threw your pack from the chopper? What’s that? (looking at the pack on his shoulder)

DANIEL: This, uh, is just batteries.

KATE: Mind if I take a look?

CHARLOTTE: (considers question, shrugs shoulders) Go ahead, Dan. Show her.

[Daniel places pack on the ground, Kate kneels unzips the bag to reveal gas masks.]

KATE: (removing a gas mask) Batteries huh? What’s this for?

[Charlotte smashes back of Kate’s head with the g*n handle. Kate falls forward, unconscious as Faraday catches her and looks at Charlotte.]

CHARLOTTE: (shrugs shoulders) What? (Daniel looks stunned)

[Cut to Juliet leading Jack through the jungle, presumably in the morning.]

JACK: That woman, what was her name?

JULIET: Harper.

JACK: The two of you, were you friends?

JULIET: Not exactly, she was my therapist.

JACK: You people had therapists?

JULIET: It’s very stressful, being an Other, Jack.

JACK: (shakes head) She seemed kinda hostile, even for a therapist.

JULIET: I’m sure there are things from your past you’d rather not talk about.

JACK: Yeah. You read them all in my file.

JULIET: (hushed) Trust me, Jack; you don’t want to see my file.

FLASHBACK Juliet in the medical lab studying a specimen under a microscope while Ben sits next to her

JULIET: The problem occurs somewhere in the second trimester when the mother’s immune system is triggered. (sits up and looks at Ben) The white blood cells count plummets, it’s like the immune system turns on the fetus.

BEN: May I?


BEN: (Ben looks into the microscope, his hand rests next to Juliet’s, and she moves her hand) Any thought yet, on a cause?

JULIET: It’s too early to tell, but only woman who have conceived on the island does it happen to. So it makes me wonder. (the door to the lab opens, Goodwin enters)

GOODWIN: Juliet!

[Ben sits up looking toward Goodwin.]

GOODWIN: Oh, Ben. I didn’t know you were here. (Ben smiles awkwardly at Goodwin) Ethan, is out sick I have an extra egg salad on Rye. I was just checking if Juliet wants it.

JULIET: Thanks, no. I already ate. Besides, I have an appointment with your wife in ten minutes.

[Touches her cheek as Ben turns to look at her]

GOODWIN: Great. Tell her I said “hi”.

JULIET: Oh, will do.


BEN: (quickly) No, I’m fine.

[Goodwin leaves]

[Scene changes to Harper’s office]

HARPER: So Juliet, what do you think of Ben?

JULIET: (smiling) He’s great. Uh, very smart and intense; challenging. He’s been really good to me.

HARPER: (taking notes) Of course he has, you look just like her.

JULIET: I’m sorry?

HARPER: And I see that you and my husband have become very close.

JULIET: Yeah, he’s great. He’s been really helpful?

HARPER: (poignantly) When did you start sleeping with him?


HARPER: Juliet, I’m not an idiot. When did it begin?

JULIET: (shocked, smiles) Ok, I’m not doing this. (stands to leave) We’re done.

HARPER: No. (stands, steps in front of Juliet) Please respect me enough to spare me the pretense that you’re actually offended. (face-to-face) I know, I followed you. Watched you.

JULIET: (considers her reaction; softly) I’m sorry.

HARPER: It doesn’t matter anymore. But what does matter is that you listen to me and that you believe me and that if you continue to have a relationship with Goodwin there will be consequences. I don’t want him to get hurt.

JULIET: I would never hurt him.

HARPER: Look it, I’m not talking about you. I am talking about Ben.

[Scene changes to Locke carving a rabbit while Claire approaches carrying Aaron.]

CLAIRE: Hi, John.

JOHN: Hi, Claire. Is there something I can do for you?

CLAIRE: I want to know what’s going on with Miles.

JOHN: Afraid now not a whole lot. I’m bringing him food and water until he decides to talk.

CLAIRE: I’d like to talk to him myself?

JOHN: (drops knife, cleans hands on a towel) And why would you want to do that?

CLAIRE: John, we have to find out who these people are and where they came from and why they’re not interest in rescuing us.

JOHN: And you don’t think I’m going to get that out of him?

CLAIRE: No, I… I just think we’re taking the wrong approach. I mean, you k*lled one, Ben shot one and now we’re holding one prisoner. You know, it’s not hard to understand why they think we’re hostile. I may be a little less intimidating.

JOHN: It’s not going to happen, Claire.

CLAIRE: John, I don’t…

JOHN: You do remember what Charlie said about these people?

CLAIRE: All Charlie said was whose boat it isn’t. Don’t you want to know whose boat it is?

[John stabs the table with the knife]

[Cut to Ben reading Philp K. d*ck’s Vallis while locked in the storage room in basement of his house. The door opens, Locke has a tray of food, and Ben stands and accepts a plate of food from Locke.]

BEN: (inquisitively) Rabbit today?


JOHN: We’re all out of chickens.

BEN: (staring at the meal) This didn’t have a number on it, did it?

JOHN: What? (Ben shakes head) Eat, change. Put your laundry, dishes by the door. I’ll be back to collect them in fifteen minutes. (walks towards the door)

BEN: So, has the revolution begun, yet or? (takes a bite of food)

JOHN: (steps back into the room) What are you talking about?

BEN: (serious tone) Well, you’re the leader now. I know it’s a tough position. You have to deal with those people second guessing your decisions. And it always starts out so innocently, doesn’t it? A question here, a comment there. Then if you’re not careful you find you have a full blown insurrection on your hands. (still eating) Believe me, your people are going to be so angry when they realize you still don’t have a plan.

JOHN: And I assume you have a plan.

BEN: (confidently) I always have a plan.

JOHN: Does it involve you raising 3.2 million dollars? (Ben looks wide eyed at Locke, Locke exhales) That’s a lot of money. Wait, maybe this will get you started. (hands a dollar to Ben) Put your laundry and dishes by the door. (walks out of the room)

BEN: I can help you, John. We have shared interests. Or at least a common enemy.

JOHN: (turns back into the room) And that will be our friends on the freighter?

BEN: Not them, the one they work for. Let me out of here. Give me some semblance of freedom, let me sleep in a bed and eat with utensils and I give you my word that I’ll tell you everything you want to know about the person who sent the freighter.

JOHN: Now there’s your problem right there. I don’t trust your word.

BEN: Alright then. I guess I’ll have to show you.

[Cut to a secluded beach. Juliet breaks through the surface of the water and looks towards Goodwin sitting on a blanket on the beach. Juliet approaches him and Goodwin tosses a towel to Juliet]

GOODWIN: I hope this is good. [Opens a bottle of wine begins to pour it into a pair of glasses] I don’t know much about wine. I swiped this off of the sub. (Juliet wraps the towel around her and lies next to Goodwin on the blanket. Goodwin hands Juliet a glass of wine) There.

JULIET: Thanks. (they clink glasses and take a drink. Juliet smiles and rolls over resting her head on Goodwin’s back)

GOODWIN: I wish we could do this all the time. I hate that we have to be so… private.

JULIET: What’s the matter with being private?

GOODWIN: It’s ridiculous. I’ve been sleeping on the couch for a year. Why am I not just telling her?

JULIET: I don’t think it’s a good idea. (they both sit up and face each other)

GOODWIN: Why not?

JULIET: Ben wouldn’t like it.

GOODWIN: That’s what this is about? You’re worried about Ben?

[Juliet nods]

GOODWIN: Why? Because he has a crush on you?

JULIET: (embarrassed smile) You know?

GOODWIN: Come on. Everyone knows. He follows you around like a puppy.

JULIET: And you don’t think that’s a problem?

GOODWIN: Now a little less than a kilometer from here he has me working with chemicals that could k*ll every man, woman and child on this island if I flipped the wrong switch. Trust me; Ben has enough on his plate the last thing on his plate is to worry about you and me.

JULIET: I just… get the feeling that he would be upset.

GOODWIN: What’s Ben gonna do?

[Scene switches to Oceanic flight 815 falling apart as Other’s in New Otherton watch.]

BEN: Goodwin. (Goodwin hurries toward Ben alertly) See where the tail landed?

GOODWIN: Yeah, probably in the water.

BEN: You run, you can make that shore in an hour. (Goodwin nods) Ethan, get up there to that fuselage. There might even be survivors. You’re one of them, a passenger, you’re in shock. Come up with an adequate story if they ask. If they don’t, stay quiet. Listen, learn. Don’t get involved. I want lists in three days. Go.

[Goodwin nods to Ben, nods to Juliet and quickly departs. Harper stares at Juliet.]

[Cut to Juliet and Jack running through the jungle. They cross over the stream and stop]

JACK: Something’s wrong. We should, we should have caught up with them by now.

JULIET: These people base jumped out of a helicopter. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.

[Off screen someone moans. Jack and Juliet approach, Juliet stops]

JACK: (off screen) Hey. Hey it’s ok. Hey, it’s alright, (on screen) it’s ok. (Kate rolls over flailing an arm Jack helps her roll over) Hey, it’s ok, you’re alright. Come on, take it easy. Take it easy. (Kate sits up)

JULIET: I’ll go get her some water.

JACK: Yeah, thanks.

[Juliet departs]

JACK: (to Kate) What happened?

KATE: (labored breaths) I was going back to the beach. I ran into Faraday and that woman, um, Charlotte. I think she hit me.

JACK: They disappeared out of camp last night; we’ve been trying to catch up with them.

KATE: Do you know where they were headed?

JACK: Some sort of power station.

KATE: Jack, they had gas masks.

JACK: (looks away with concern) Juliet? (louder) Juliet! (picks up g*n, stands and walks towards jungle) JULIET! JULIET!

[Cut to New Otherton as birds chirp and a crow crows. Inside a house Ben is walking in front of John, his hands are bound.]

JOHN: Alright, no tricks. You’re not leading me out into the jungle so that you can disappear, or sh**t me in the back.

BEN: No tricks, John. We don’t even have to leave this living room.

JOHN: So let’s have it.

BEN: We have a deal, right?

JOHN: How do I know you’re not going to run off and meet your people first chance you get?

BEN: If my people still wanted me, they would have stormed this camp long ago. (turns towards wall) It’s behind that picture.

[John smiles and moves towards the picture, swings non-hinged side of the picture revealing a wall safe. Looks at Ben.]

BEN: 36 15 28.

[John twists the dial, unlocking the safe and opens the door slowly to reveal two items in the safe. John removed it, a VCR tape labeled Red Sox.]

JOHN: Red Sox?

BEN: I taped over the game.

[Cut to John inserting the VCR tape in a machine while Ben watches. John sits and Ben crouches in front of the TV. The image on the TV appears to be a secret recording of a black limousine in a warehouse. Charles Widmore is seen stepping out the limousine.

BEN: This is Charles Widmore. This is the man whose boat is parked off shore. (Ben stands) This is the man who has been trying to find the island.

[John looks at Ben. On the video a blindfolded man is being led away from the limousine.]

JOHN: Who’s the man in the blindfold?

BEN: One of my men who had the misfortune to get caught.

JOHN: How does Widmore know about the island?

BEN: I don’t know. But he does.

JOHN: What does he want?

BEN: John, three months ago in Gainesville, Florida the Virgin Mary seemed to appear in a patch of mold on the side of an old housing complex. As the word got out, over five thousand people came to see the face for themselves. You survived an airline crash on this island. One minute you’re in a wheel chair, the next minute you’re doing jumping jacks. If five thousand people came out to see a piece of mold how many do you think would come here to see you? (turns toward the television, Charles Widmore delivers a fierce left jab to the face of the blindfolded man) Charles Widmore wants to exploit this island and he’ll do everything in his power to possess it. (Widmore stares towards the camera and the screen fades to static. Ben walks to the safe) Everything I know about Charles Widmore is in this file (removes a red folder and walks towards John). Some of it’s vague, some of it’s guesswork, some of it’s concrete. But this is everything and now it’s all yours. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all this sooner. It was the only bargaining chip I had left.

JOHN: There’s one more thing I need to know. You’re man on the boat; I want you to tell me who it is.

BEN: Alright, but you might want to sit down.

[Cut to the jungle where Kate tracking a trail while Jack paces behind her.]

KATE: She came through here. So did them about a half an hour ahead of her. (stand up and moves along the trail she found, Jack follows)

JACK: What happened?

KATE: Sorry?

JACK: At Locke’s? What did you stay?

KATE: I stayed because I had to find something out.

JACK: You gonna tell me or are we gonna keep walking through the jungle like it doesn’t matter.

[Kate stops and turns to Jack]

KATE: I stayed to find out if the people on the freighter know who I am. They knew that I’m a fugitive, that I’m wanted for m*rder.

JACK: Do they?

KATE: Yea, they know. We should keep moving. God knows where Juliet is.

[Cut to Juliet approaching a DHARMA era station. She pauses in front of a damaged control panel then manually releases the door and enters the station with her g*n pointed]

[Flashback, Ben opens the door to his house]

BEN: Hi. (excitedly) Come on in. (turns and hurries toward the kitchen. Juliet enters the house holding a basket of dinner rolls) Sorry, I have to get this ham out of the oven or it will dry out.

JULIET: Please (closes the door) don’t mind me. How are you feeling by the way?

BEN: (turns towards Juliet) Never better.

JULIET: Smells delicious.

[Ben removes the ham from the oven, places it on the counter smiling proudly. Juliet notices two place settings on the table.]

JULIET: Ben, I thought this was a dinner party.

BEN: Just you and me. (looks at Juliet and places a serving platter on the table) Oh, I guess I should have made that clearer.

JULIET: No, it’s fine. I.. I hope you like dinner rolls. (hands basket to Ben)

BEN: I do indeed.

[Scene changes to Ben slicing the ham while Juliet sips from a glass of wine]

BEN: I want to thank you for how wonderful you’ve been with Zach and Emma.

JULIET: They’re really sweet kids. Ben, they’ve been asking about their mother in Los Angeles. I’m not really sure what to say.

BEN: They’ll stop asking in time.

JULIET: They’re children. Do they really belong here?

BEN: They were on the list, Juliet. Who are we to question who’s on the list and who’s not?

JULIET: Now that we have everyone on the list from the tail section what about Goodwin? He’s been undercover for three weeks?

BEN: (seriously) He’s making a case for this woman, Ana Lucia. He thinks she’ll be a valuable member of our society. Between you and me, I don’t see it. He feels very passionately about it. Almost inappropriately so.

JULIET: After losing Ethan it’s a risk.

BEN: (quickly) Goodwin stays where he is right now, Juliet. There’s no reason for him to worry back. But his assignment will be over soon. Promise you.

[Flash to the Tempest Station as a siren blares.]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Warning. Computer switching to manual operation. This attempt is unauthorized.”

[Juliet walks through a door and stands on a catwalk overlooking one person in hazmat suits and gas mask standing near a computer frantically typing.]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Warning. Manual entry. Override denied.”

[Juliet scans the area and then walks towards a stair case.]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Warning. Manual entry. Override denied. Repeated attempts to access storage tanks will result in contamination. Repeated attempts to access storage tanks will result in contamination.

JULIET: (behind the person in the suit) Hey!

DANIEL: (turns to face Juliet) Juliet. What are you doing here?

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Warning. Manual override failed. ”

JULIET: Step away from the computer.

DANIEL: I’m so sorry. I can’t do that.

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Warning. Manual override failed. Counter measures will begin.”

[Daniel turns to computer and begins typing]


AUTOMATED VOICE: “One minute to contamination”

JULIET: (grabs and removes Daniel’s gas mask) You want to release the gas? You’ll die like the rest of us.

DANIEL: No, no. I’m not trying to release it. I’m trying to render it inert, Juliet. I just want to make it safe.

[Charlotte approaches Juliet from behind and strikes Juliet with a pipe. Juliet falls to the ground and her g*n slides across the floor away from her. Daniel returns to typing. Juliet dodges Charlotte’s attempts to hit her with the pipe.]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Forty seconds to contamination”

[Juliet rises and pushes Charlotte against a table attempting to remove Charlotte’s gas mask. Charlotte kicks Juliet away. Daniel continues to type frantically]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Thirty seconds to contamination”

[Charlotte and Juliet struggle crashing into work benches near Daniel. The alarm sounds.]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Warning. Contamination imminent. Evacuate immediately”

DANIEL: (to the women) Hey!

[Juliet removes Charlotte’s gas mask, reaches for the g*n and strikes Charlotte in the head and stands pointing the g*n at Charlotte.]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Twenty seconds to contamination”

JULIET: (to Charlotte) Whatever he’s doing, tell him to stop.

CHARLOTTE: (sitting up) We’re trying to disable it before he can use it against us. (removes hood) Juliet, look at me in the eye and tell me that you are certain that Benjamin Linus wouldn’t use this gas to k*ll everyone on this island. We know he’s used it before. If you want to stop us, you’ll have to sh**t us both.

[Juliet aims g*n at Daniel]

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Ten seconds to contamination”

CHARLOTTE: (anxious) Daniel!

DANIEL: (typing frantically) Yeah, yeah. I’m trying! Come on. Come on.

AUTOMATED VOICE: “Five, four, three, two.”

[Siren stops. Daniel smiles, relieved. Juliet looks at Charlotte and walks away.]

DANIEL: That, that was awesome.

[Flashback, Juliet is working in the medical laboratory. Ben enters and walks toward Juliet]

BEN: What are you reading?

JULIET: Shephard’s file. Mikhail dropped it off. He’s a spinal surgeon, Ben. He has extensive experience in tumor removal.

BEN: (nodding) Hmm… How about that?

JULIET: He can help you. (Ben approaches Juliet) I thought you’d be more excited. What’s wrong?

BEN: (seriously) I need you to come with me.

[Juliet stands]

[Cut to the island valley, steep mountainsides in the distance.]

BEN: (off screen) After our last raid on the tail section survivors they ran off. (Ben and Juliet are hiking) Left the beach. I sent Pickett and Tom to track their location and they came across it. (Ben stops and turns to Juliet) I’m sorry, Juliet.

JULIET: Sorry about what?

[Ben redirects Juliet’s attention slightly downhill from where they are standing. Juliet begins to move in that direction.]

JULIET: Oh my god. Oh my god. (Juliet approaches a man lying on his back impaled by a large stick and kneels beside him) Oh my god. (a close up of Goodwin’s face, Juliet caresses his face) Oh my god. (turns to Ben) What happened?!

BEN: We don’t know, there weren’t any witnesses. I can only assume they found out he wasn’t one of them. (stares in the direction they walked) Guess I should have listened to you.

JULIET: Why are you showing me this? Why did you bring me out here?

BEN: What? You mean instead of his wife? (pauses, turns to leave)

JULIET: You knew this would happen. You sent him out here because you knew this would happen. (agitated) You wanted this. You wanted him to die. Why?

BEN: Why? (moves downhill toward Juliet) You’re asking me why? After everything I did to get you here? After everything I’ve done to keep you here? (excitedly) How can you possibly not understand that you’re mine? (pauses) Take as much time as you need.

[Juliet is in shock, mouth agape.]

[Flash to Juliet walking in the Tempest with Charlotte. They exit. Kate and Jack are approaching as they exit the jungle. Kate aims her g*n at Charlotte.]

JULIET: Whoa, Kate. It’s alright, they’re on our side.

KATE: Our side, Juliet? She just knocked me unconscious.

CHARLOTTE: Yeah, I’m very sorry about that but I had no choice. Look, Daniel’s inside securing the facility. If you come with me I’ll be more than happy to explain how we just saved your life.

KATE: (looks at Jack. Looks at Charlotte with g*n pointed) Ok, let’s go. (looks at Jack)

JACK: (nods) I’ll take their word for it.

[Charlotte and Kate exit. Jack approaches Juliet.]

JACK: You ok?

JULIET: He wanted me to k*ll them. Ben. He told me to k*ll both of them.

JACK: (turns away, confused and angry, turns back) How can he tell you anything?

JULIET: I don’t know. (shrugs) But he knew how to get to me and he knew where they were going and what they were doing. Don’t you understand, these people came to wage w*r against Ben? Ben’s going to win, Jack. And when he does you don’t want to be anywhere near me.

JACK: (softly) Why not?

JULIET: Because he thinks that I’m his and he knows how I feel about you.

[Jack steps towards Juliet and kisses her]

JACK: He knows where to find me.

[Juliet hugs Jack]

[Cut to New Otherton. A horseshoe appears and leans against a pin.]

SAWYER: Oh! Look at that. (laughs)

[Hurley aims his horse shoe, throws it. It knocks Sawyer’s show off the pin as it comes to rest around the pin. Hurley laughs.]

SAWYER: Son of a bitch. (he and Hurley walk toward the horseshoe pit) How did you get so damned good at horseshoes?

HURLEY: I don’t know. Guess I’m just lucky. (something catches Hurley’s attention, Sawyer notices also. Ben is seen walking on a path smiling and holding a pile of linens)

SAWYER: What the hell are you doing out?

BEN: (waves) See you guys at dinner. (walking briskly towards a house, enters the house)