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09x28 - The Phantom Fire-Eating Bird / The Fire-Eater

Posted: 02/23/22 09:26
by bunniefuu
Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling
secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful
miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

The love of a
pounding chest is GISSIRl,

Multi-colored dreams
rain down DOSSARl,

Somewhere in this world,
they are glowing.

Let's go on out there
and find them, BO Y,

All the while pounding on
mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day
on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky,
while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try,
such an adventure,

Our strange little
journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable
gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down!
The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable
drama in the world.

This life is one
big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!


Only the Basho Fan can
put these flames out!

Goku and Chichi set out
to find the Basho Fan,

after having been given a
hint by Fortuneteller Baba.

However, things did not work
out quite as easily as hoped.

"The Magical Fire-Eating Bird"


Hold on...

Come on!

Aha! Here we are!

So the rumors were true after all.


Is there any chance of putting it out?

Heck no!

Nobody could put this
monster of a fire out!

Hi! It's been a while!

Let me see...

Who might you be again?

It's me!

Don't tell me you've forgotten?

Goku-san! What a fine
young man you've become!

How've you been, Urigome (blockhead)?!

It's Umigame.

And who might this be?

I'm Son Goku's wife.


Is the old timer around?

The Turtle Hermit?

He hasn't returned from the
Tenkaichi Tournament yet.


Oh, that's right...

The tournament just
ended a short while ago...

And they don't have a
Kinto Un of their own...

So it'll take a while
for them all to get home...

Do you need the Turtle Hermit
to help you with something?

We want the Basho Fan.

The one that he threw away
after using it as a pot stand?

I doubt we could ever find it now...

That was several hundreds
years ago, after all.

That's not what we're here for, though.

We're going to make a Basho Fan.

Eh? Make one?

We heard there's an old book
that tells how to make one!

If you're looking for old books, there
are several in the back of the closet.

Hurry! Show us!

Certainly. No problem at all.

Come on, Urigome-san! Hurry up!

My name is Umigame...

Let's go!

Here we are!

The Turtle Hermit Style

Basho Fan... Basho Fan...

Let's see...

Oh! Here it is!

One swing of this mighty
fan will cause a heavy gale,

two swings will summon the thunderclouds,

and three swings will bring
down a torrential rain!

It is made of the feathers of
the magical Fire-Eating Bird,

which dwells inside the crater of Mt.
Kiwi, at the southern end of the world.

The Fire-Eating Bird?

As its name implies, it's
a bird that consumes fire.

That's it!

Are you cold?

No, your back is nice and warm.

Is that it?

I think it might be.

It's so hot...!

Watch your step, Chichi!

A bird that lives by
eating fire? How weird...

Isn't it just a fairy tale, though?


But we don't have any other clues, so...

What is it?

Don't you hear it, Chichi?

W-what's that sound?

The Fire-Eating Bird...!

l-it's getting closer!

Be careful! It's dark in...!

Don't move, Chichi!

Sorry for waking you up!

Good thing we chose to
do this in the morning!

But who do you suppose they are?

They're probably looking for the bird too.

We better look sharp.

They might've already found it!

Let's hurry!

It's okay...

Sorry we woke you up!



That was close...



Are you okay?

l- I'm fine...


What is it?

W-what is this?!

What's the matter?!

What a humungous egg!

It might be that
Fire-Eating Bird's egg...!

Stop right there!

Don't touch that egg!

Goku! Hurry up!

Is this the Fire-Eating
Bird's egg, Mister?

That's right.

Who are you two?!

I'm Son Goku!

I'm his wife!

We're looking for the Fire-Eating Bird.

Where's the mother bird?

There isn't one.

It d*ed. A long time ago.

years ago, this mountain
exploded in a violent eruption,

during which the Fire-Eating Bird
d*ed when it was crushed by a boulder.

The legendary Fire-Eating Bird
no longer exists in this world.

All that remains is that single egg.

It's amazing that it was able to
stay alive these past years...

The heat of this volcano kept
the frail creature alive.

It's a miracle of Mother Nature!

When will it turn into a chick?!

I haven't the slightest.

I'm not even sure it will hatch at all.

We're back to square one, then...

Let's go back and see Fortuneteller Baba.

Who are you?!

We're here for the egg.


We're extremely grateful
that you found the egg for us!

Sorry, but we'll be taking it now.

Huh? Aren't they...

What foolishness is this?!
Who would give you anything?!

Save your big talk until
after you've seen him!

The man whose face strikes fear in the
hearts of even the worst of evildoers!

Robbery! Tattle-telling! Speeding!

Blackmail! Stealing other people's food!

He'll do anything if it's for money!

His name: Mister Pilaf Daimao!


You know him?

What a beautiful egg!

Beautiful because it's
the only one in the world!

I could sell this to an obsessed
fan for million Zeni!

And with that much, world domination
will finally be more than a pipe dream!

That's right!

You're all mine!

Keep your filthy hands off of it!




Hey, you, girl. Come over here.

I'll have you know I'm someone's wife!

Come on! Just do it!

Aha! Tricked you!

Hand over the egg if you want her to live!

Wow! What a cute hat!

You look like a baby!

Think I'm bluffing?!

I'll do it if I have to!

I'm serious!

I could swear we've
seen him somewhere before...

Yeah, I was just
thinking the same thing...

Hey, what's his name?

Goku. Son Goku.

Son Goku?

Son Goku, huh?

Son Goku?!

Shuu! Mai!

Put the girl in a world of pain!


Oh no you don't!

Darn it!

N-now I remember!

Y-you're Son Goku...!


Well, don't give up, Mister!

You too.

I hope it hatches.

An eruption?

Oh no...!

It's the...

It couldn't be...!

Am I dreaming? The Fire-Eating
Bird is still alive...!

That's the Fire-Eating Bird?

It wasn't dead after all!

Watch out!

We have to get out of here!

If you're hungry then eat more!

Good for you, your child's still alive!

We have to leave too!


Goku! The feathers!

Kin...! Huh?




What does it mean?

These can put out the fire?

What are you doing?

I heard we could make a Basho Fan out
of the Fire-Eating Bird's feathers...

A Basho Fan?

Ah, you mean that powerful fan?

That story you heard was
just a bunch of nonsense.

The Fire-Eating Bird
would run out of food

if its feathers could put out fires...

Then that book was...

...obviously pure nonsense, you moron!

I was drunk when I wrote that crap!

I guess we really are
back at square one...

The Basho Fan, eh?

Hold on, I once heard where it was.



I've heard that to the north of here
there's this place called Ice Mountain,

which even the Fire-Eating
Bird is too scared to get near...


Let's go, Chichi!

Or was it to the west?

Without even a single
moment to feel disappointed,

Goku and Chichi have
taken to the sky again

after catching wind of a new clue!

Will the Basho Fan really be there?!

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the
mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even
more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me
you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart
a glittery, shining dream!