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09x01 - The Nyoibō's Secret / Lost and Found

Posted: 02/23/22 08:57
by bunniefuu
Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling
secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful
miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

The love of a
pounding chest is GISSIRI,

Multi-colored dreams
rain down DOSSARI,

Somewhere in this world,
they are glowing.

Let's go on out there
and find them, BO Y,

All the while pounding on
mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day
on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky,
while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try,
such an adventure,

Our strange little
journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable
gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down!
The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable
drama in the world.

This life is one
big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

I won!

Child of mine! Avenge your father one day!

Never let the evil in you be extinguished!

When the epic battle came to a close,
Goku had finally defeated Piccolo Daimao.


Tenshinhan... is it true that
the Turtle Hermit d*ed?

Yes, it's true.

Chaozu too.

And Shen Long?

I see...

"Nyoibou's Secret"



What's that?

It sure is quiet, isn't it?


What do you suppose is going on?


We really need to get a closer look...

But I'm almost sure it was
Goku-san in that aircar!

So then he b*at Piccolo?!

Hurry, get over here!

If he did, then what about Tenshinhan?



So you came?

This kid's sure full of surprises...

Winning against a guy who
easily vaporized an entire town...

OK! Almost there!

Oh yeah? So it was Goku!

Yes, it was incredible.

I have so many things to tell you about.

Hello? Television station?

Tell everyone that everything is A-OK now!


Eh? No, I mean that Piccolo is dead!

He's been defeated!

By whom?

Why, the defender of truth
and justice, of course!

Hello? What is this person's name?!



Piccolo Daimao is dead!

Metro West-no, the world-is saved!

The battle is over, everyone!

Piccolo Daimao has been vanquished!

Peace has returned!


Too bad, huh? Piccolo's dead now...

Great news, isn't it!

Okay, arrest me!

Congratulations, Your Majesty!

No, it's all thanks to that young boy.

Son Goku?

Yeah! Goku did it!

Is that so?

It's Goku!

It's Goku! I just know it was him!

Yes. Well done!

Hey! We're here, Goku!

Here's Karin.

Goku! Wake up already!

You did well in returning here, Goku!


I... I...

I know. I will take responsibility
and heal your wounds!

That's not it...



Goku's grown that much stronger?


He was at a level where I couldn't
even hope of contending with him!

He's surely the strongest
person the world's ever seen!

I wonder what Kuririn
would say if he heard that?

Feeling sad about him,
are you? I knew you would!

He was always competing
with Goku, you know?

Like techniques and stuff!

And height?

But if only Shen Long were alive...

And these stone balls are useless too...

It's gigantic!

Today's regularly scheduled
program will not be shown.

Instead, we present the special
documentary, "The Mysterious Boy
who Defeated Piccolo Daimao".


It's terrible!

What are you so worked up about?

The world's supposed to be at peace again.

I was doing the laundry at the river when
this enormous egg came drifting along!


Is it a dinosaur egg?

No, it doesn't seem like it...

Maybe Kami-sama has left
us a child to care for!

You can't be serious...

No, that has to be it!

Should we look inside?

Bring me a kitchen Kn*fe! Hurry!


I'm all better!

My wounds are really all healed up!

My herbs are amazing, wouldn't you agree?


You really pushed yourself
as far as you could go.

I can't believe you
defeated Piccolo Daimao...

What? Didn't you send him off because
there was a chance of him winning?

Oh... uh...

Well, to be honest, I didn't think there
was any chance of him winning at all...

I thought that if he was lucky he might
have realized that fact for himself.

You're sick.

What was I supposed to do?!

The only one who even had a chance
of defeating Piccolo was Goku!

But even if Goku did die, I was prepared
to collect all the Dragon Balls...

...and bring him back to life along
with the others who were k*lled.

You knew about the
Dragon Balls, Karin-sama?

But of course!

There is nothing I don't know!

So then you also know about how
Piccolo Daimao k*lled Shen Long?


That can't be...

Is what you say true?

I see...

I suppose if there was anyone who
could k*ll Shen Long, it would be him.

Damn it!

If only Shen Long were still alive
we could bring everyone back to life!

That's how things are, Goku.

It's called "fate".

Even when people die because of diseases
or accidents, the regret lasts a lifetime.

Yajirobe is correct.

But what's worse is that the
spirits of those slain by the Mazoku

will never find rest.

Unable to make their
way to the other world,

...they have no choice but
to endure suffering as they
ceaselessly wander in limbo.

Man, am I glad I didn't get k*lled...

That's terrible!
Isn't there anything we can do?!

It's hopeless. With Shen Long gone, there
is nothing that can be done about it.


That's right!

We may be able to do something after all!


Where did my brain go? I can't believe
I forgot something so important!

So what do we do?!

This. You meet the person who
created the Dragon Balls and ask him
to bring Shen Long back to life!

The person who created the Dragon Balls?!

You mean someone made those balls?


Isn't it obvious?



Ridiculous. Kami-sama, of all things...

How can you say something
like that at time like this?

So I just need to ask
that Kami-sama guy, right?

Hey, Son!

Don't you know what you're saying?

This is Kami-sama we're talking about!

There ain't no such person!

The only ones who can meet
Kami are people I approve of.

Ones who are strong, powerful,
and possess a pure heart!


You fit those qualifications perfectly!

Unlike Yajirobe!

Shut up!

So where should I go to meet him?

Kami lives in a temple.

Above this tower.

See?! He's lying! We're already
at the top of the tower!

You're really starting to
get on my nerves, Yajirobe!

The temple floats in the
skies high above Karin Tower!

It floats, you say?
Don't you ever quit joking?

I don't see a thing.

That's because it's extremely high above us.

OK! I'll go check it out with Kinto Un!

Impossible. It can't go any
higher than we are here.

Alright! In that case how
about I swipe us a rocket?

A waste of time.

Even if something like a rocket
did make it up to the temple, it
would just be bounced back down.

Then what do we do?
Not even I can jump that high...

Goku. You indeed are easily excited.

You have the Nyoibou, do you not?

Your Nyoibou will take you there.

Nyoibou will?!

The Nyoibou was originally a pole that
connected this world with the temple.

Long ago, I let that
Muten Roshi guy borrow it

after he wouldn't stop
pestering me about it.

I thought that there would never be
anyone who could go to the temple, so...


So then my grandpa got it from him,
and then I got it from my grandpa...

And I thought Nyoibou was
a w*apon this whole time.

Huh? It's gone.

It's gone!


Nyoibou's gone! Nyoibou! Huh?

Are you sure you didn't drop
it while fighting Piccolo?

That's it!

Kinto Un!

Listen! Find it without fail!
Everything depends on the Nyoibou!

Right! It's my Nyoibou!
I'll definitely find it!

I see... So Nyoibou had
that sort of secret...

Your Majesty! What do you plan to do now?

As I have already stated, we will rebuild
King Castle for the sake of the citizens.

Tell us, just who was this amazing
person who defeated Piccolo?!

Let us meet this person!

Well, you see...

Oh! You're... !

Wait! Don't sh**t!

Thank you for coming!
We've been looking for you!

Hey, have you seen my Nyoibou?


Yeah. A pole about this big.

Have you seen it?

No. This whole area was basically vaporized
in the expl*si*n; there wasn't a thing left.

Not here... Not here...

Um... who is that boy?

That is the person who
defeated Piccolo Daimao.

This isn't good...

What's your name?!

What's your birth date?!

What's your blood type?!

How do you feel?!

I'm in trouble without it...

Not here... not here!

It's not anywhere!

What am I going to do?!

This isn't good!

Wait! Fortune Teller Baba helps
people at times like this...

That's it!

Hey! Little boy! Wait a moment!

So that's why I need you to
tell me where Nyoibou is.

I'll go and fight the guys, so
hurry and do your fortune telling!

Don't be silly. Who would ever try and fight
the incredible person who thrashed Piccolo?!

So you won't do it?

I'll do it for free.


The life of my brother
depends on it too, after all...

Let me see...

It appears it is inside this house.

In Kame House?! What's it doing there?!

Thank you!

He truly did save the world.

Who knew that he would be able to
go to the temple on top of that?

He is the first human able to meet Kami.

He certainly doesn't look like
such a remarkable person, though...



Where's my Nyoibou?!



Son! I put your Nyoibou...

It's gone!

That's where it was?!

Where could it have gone?!

Not here!

My Nyoibou... !


That's it!

It was lying where you were
fighting, so I picked it up for you!

Now I might be able to bring the old
Turtle Hermit and the others back to life!

Later! I'm going to see Kami-sama now!

Don't burn their bodies!

What did he say?

Something about bring everyone back to life?

Something about Kami-sama?

I did it! I found Nyoibou!

Look at that!

It's him!

He's the one who b*at Piccolo!

Hold on, Kuririn! Old-timer Turtle Hermit!

Will Goku really be able to meet Kami-sama?


I hate peace! I will
k*ll my father's m*rder*r!

I will get him soon!

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the
mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even
more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me
you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart
a glittery, shining dream!