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01x13 - Anything but This

Posted: 02/22/22 19:35
by bunniefuu
It's so hot.

Seung Chan, wear your life vest!

Put it on.

Oh? Dad, there's a huge...

Seung Chan!

The oxygen saturation is falling.


What should I do? He needs an ECMO...

He needs an ECMO but Professor Oh's not here.

What now?

Hey, Ko Seung Tak! Where are you going?



(Eunsang University Medical Center)

What was the exact cause of death?

Hypovolemic shock due to a broken rib...

rupturing the descending aorta.

Can the surgeon be held responsible?

We can't blame Dr. Ko because...

the patient's blood pressure fell as we waited for Professor Jung.

It was urgent, and we had to do something,

and the damage was done before we opened him up.

It wasn't medical malpractice?

Any other resident in that situation...

would've just held the aorta shut and waited.

They wouldn't have opened up the patient.

But Dr. Ko tried to do whatever he could to save him.

The patient was also already suffering from high blood pressure.

His descending aorta was already enlarged,

and that means it was already weak.

Anyway, Dr. Ko did what he could in a situation...

that was beyond his control...

You're all speaking so eloquently.

One would think you were all in on it.

Is this what you'll tell the dead man's family?

You're right. A patient died, and we must be held accountable.

We have a moral responsibility,

however, we can't call this medical malpractice.

We can see if that's true or not.

Why are you here anyway, Chief Ban?

- Pardon? - Shouldn't you be in the OR?

What do you mean the surgery was canceled?

It wasn't postponed by a few hours but completely canceled?

That's because our department is in trouble.

Our chief has a lot on his plate.

I don't know what happened, but Young Min's surgery...

When will they do it, then?

I can't say.

Where is Dr. Ko?

The thing is, Professor...

The problem involves Seung Tak.

What should we do now?

How could he leave us?

Ko Seung Tak! Stay where you are.

You can't walk off.

Seung Tak!

Ko Seung Tak!

Ko Seung Tak!

Seung Tak!

Seung Tak!

That punk...


Didn't I tell you to be careful?

Oh, dear me.

I got flung out during the surgery.

I tried to get back in but couldn't.

Gosh. Why did that happen during surgery?

The patient wouldn't have survived even if you stayed in his body.

So you should have stopped when you knew it wasn't safe.

Look at what you did. You just couldn't resist...

going into his body to operate on a patient.

It wasn't my decision this time.

I saw his eyes.

I bet he had the same eyes that you used to have.

If he was that desperate,

he should have tried to save the patient with his own skills.

He could have come up with solutions to fix the patient.

When he comes back, you need to rewire his brain.

I'm not sure if he's coming back.

Whenever I experienced that, I thought to myself,

"I won't be able to do it myself."

I might not be a doctor who can save people.

But I can't let you die on my watch.

It's my fault. I shouldn't have gone into his body no matter what.


at least, the patient wouldn't have died in his hands.

My goodness. If you know that,

why are you sitting here, spacing out?

"Oh, my. It's my fault!" Is it time to punish yourself?

If you know it's your fault,

figure out a way to take responsibility.


The big one and the little one are both clueless. Gosh.

Seriously. I should just...

Whatever. I'm leaving.

- Hey, are you calling Seung Tak? - The phone is turned off.

- What did he say? Where is he? - Please leave...

Why is his phone still turned off? Come on, man.

Please. Just answer your phone.

- Seriously. Why did he do that? - The phone is turned off.

Did he think he could save every patient he touches?

He was getting even more arrogant.

He wanted to show off.

And it totally backfired.

How could you say that right now?

If you were there,

you would have just watched the patient die.

At least, Seung Tak...

tried his best to save the patient.

- The phone is turned off. - Hey.

Please leave a message...

- after the tone. - Can you reach Seung Tak?

You can't reach him either?

It's still turned off. And he's not reading his messages.

Gosh. I didn't expect it from Seung Tak.

He just left the OR and went AWOL.

I mean, look at the mess he made.

I knew he was going to get into trouble someday.

He should've known better. He overestimated himself.

- I should just hit that throat... - Are doctors scarecrows?

Are we supposed to stand there and watch?

Shouldn't doctors be desperate to save patients?

Seriously. Every doctor has the right to save patients.

- What about hotels? - We're searching every hotel...

in Seoul, but no words yet.

And he left his car in the hospital parking lot as well.

So we can't track where he might have gone.

Gosh. That jerk. He didn't even go home then.

He didn't go home?

I dropped by just in case because I couldn't reach him.

He must have been very shocked.

But he should go home at least. Everyone is worried about him.

But don't worry.

He'll probably need time.

Seung Tak...

is stronger than you guys give him credit for.

I'm sure he'll shake it off and come back soon.


And don't worry about the surgery.

I'll keep the bereaved family's best interests at heart...

as I resolve this.

As you know, that's my job at the hospital.

Seung Won.

Your uncle... Seung Tak's father.

You know that he died trying to save...

Seung Tak, right?


It was a boat accident years ago.

And you know that he's developed...

this odd condition that you're aware of from the shock.

You remember it, right? When he was young,

he was the most cheerful and thoughtful boy.

And you also know...

what he had to...

go through for years after the accident.

Seung Won, I'm scared...

that Seung Tak might slip away again like before.

Then why did you make your precious son become a doctor?

You know what goes on in hospitals.

You didn't think something like this would happen to him?

This would have been great if you got him to stop then.

I clearly gave you a chance to do so.

I understand what's going on, but he still needs surgery.

If Dr. Ko isn't available, another resident can do it.

Well, Seung Tak has to be there for Professor Cha's surgery.

Who told you that?

Did Chief Ban tell you that?

Actually, I agree with him.

It's not just some patient. It's Professor Cha.

I really believe our genius doctor, Seung Tak, should be there.

I know that he's very competent.

But he's only a first-year.

He's not your regular first-year. He's like an expert first-year.

Well, he's never been this good.

But after operating on Professor Cha,

he's just become a totally different person.

Since then, he has started to operate on...

major surgeries all by himself.

As you can see, it'll be too much to place blame...

on the surgeon for the patient's death.

He didn't just watch the patient die when he was in critical condition.

If you fault him for the outcome...

of his desperate effort to save the patient,

the medical staff at our hospital and everyone in the medical field...

will say this is an unreasonable...

You might give people the wrong idea.

Don't overstep your boundary.

Draw your conclusions based on your medical knowledge and protocol.

And the hospital will pay for the medical bills...

and the funeral service.

And compensate the bereaved family for the death as much as we can.

Yes, sir.

How will you proceed with Dr. Ko's disciplinary action?

You told me to see what I could do about that.

His career is over. No need to go that far.

It'll only make people gossip and be a hassle. Just forget it.

He left on his own, and he'll never come back.

Right. He can't come back.

When he submits his letter of resignation,

just get that processed fast.

The chills just went down my back. I guess you're here.

Nice. Can you feel my presence?

Then open up the window and jump...

before I push you myself.

Were you trying to use this chance to kick your cousin out?

Given his tragic history,

do you think you can get rid of him without lifting a finger?

It wasn't me.

You ruined Seung Tak, Cha Young Min.


As you know, I didn't do anything to him.

It was you who ruined his career.

Seriously. You should have known when to stop.

What did you do to him? He's already fragile as it is.

Let's be honest. It's not like I meant for this to happen.

This all happened because you just had bad luck. Why do you keep...

blaming me for it?

And you made Seung Tak your collateral damage.

I don't know why...

you're pushing yourself to perform these surgeries...

or what you gain from them.

But you took advantage of Seung Tak just to save yourself.

And as if that wasn't enough,

you ruined him now.

Are you feeling better now?


I'm devastated.

I didn't know that he had such a tragic story.

I'm worried.

He's already weak. I don't want him to get weaker.

I'm frustrated because I want to see him, but I can't leave.


What am I doing here? Talking to myself...

But you see, you're wrong.

Who said I ruined his career?

It's not over for him. What do you know?

Do you think you know him better than me?

You said you needed Dr. Ko when you operate on Professor Cha.

Yes. Did you hear?

I guess you did. Well, let me explain that to you.

I know that he's only a first-year. But he's the best resident we have.

It might be hard to believe because you've never seen him.

Then have you seen him perform surgeries in person?

Of course, I have. I've seen him operate several times.

I shouldn't be talking about this out in the open.

But when Dr. Ko performed his first surgery,

everyone in the OR was just so shocked.

We thought we had been possessed by a spirit.

Or we thought Dr. Ko was possessed by a spirit.

If it only happened once, we wouldn't be talking about it.

Gosh. As he started to perform more surgeries, he kept improving.

Gosh. It's like he had a touch of the deity.

It was fascinating and mysterious.

We almost believed in supernatural beings.

And we were certain that he was the doctor, gifted by the universe.

Did Dr. Ko volunteer to operate on Professor Cha?

Of course. What he did was more than just volunteer work.

He appealed to our emotions to get this surgery signed off.

Dr. Ko has this strong desire to save Professor Cha.

I'm sure you know that he was the one who found the solution.

So I think it might be better to wait a bit longer for him.

Once we are on a time clock, we'll have to do it ourselves.

And I am confident that I can do this.

But think of it as getting...

the best doctor to operate on Professor Cha.

I cherish and love Professor Cha as my junior colleague.

And this is what you're doing?

- What? - I can't wait that long.

If you need Dr. Ko, bring him as soon as possible.

Or I'll ask someone else.

Dr. Ko...

will be back.

He's too mysterious to understand, but I do know one thing.

He is more sincere about people's lives than anyone.

That's why he makes us feel ashamed all the time.

Professor Cha, are you here?

Do you hear me?

If you do, can you give me a sign?

I'm sorry.

I knocked before I came in, but...

It's fine.

Dr. Oh Soo Jung, correct?

You know who I am?

I saw you in the ER a few times.

You're friends with Dr. Ko, right?

I was going to go see you, actually.

Are you in touch with him by any chance?

No, not yet.

I thought maybe you were.

But what brings you here?

That's right.

Have you eaten yet?

I didn't know what you liked,

so I just got things that were quick to pack.

I guess I have a face that says, "Feed me."

- Pardon? - Dr. Ko always asked...

if I ate whenever he saw me too.

I guess Seung Tak used to bring you food.

He never did that before.

Good boy.

He always sent warm, soupy food.

I don't know how he knew.

I see.

He doesn't drink broth because it fills him up too quickly,

but he knows what you like.

What a good boy.

Even I've never had soup with him.

Did you come to feed him in Dr. Ko's place today?

The thing is...

I felt like I should do something.

It was too frustrating to do nothing.

I can't replace him completely,

but this, I can do.

I felt like doing what he'd want to do for him...

was the best way to comfort him.

I hope he doesn't scold me for bringing you food like this.

Dr. Ko has a very good friend.

Not at all.

How embarrassing, making my younger doctors...

worry about me.

Thank you very much for the food.

Dr. Ko said...

I needed to be strong to give Professor Cha strength.

I believe him, so I plan to be strong.

You can stop worrying about me.

Worry about your friend instead.

Dr. Ko helped me a lot during my times of trouble,

but as you can see, it's hard enough for me to look after one person.

Okay, I will.

Let's enjoy the food and be strong.


- Enjoy. - It looks good.

My boy Seung Tak has a good friend.

My debt keeps growing and growing.

Does a drowning person wait until a rescue team arrives?

- What? - Patients don't wait for a doctor.

It was scary when I was a kid.

I got scared too.

I was only eight years old.

Where is he right now, all alone?

I haven't cooked at home in a while.

I should've practiced had I known I'd have to cook.

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

Why isn't the newbie here yet? I can't stop yawning.

I told Hoon Gil to wait with me, but he took off already.



Did you hear?

Hae Jin is applying for lecturer positions at universities.

Ji Won passed the first round for a professorship in the suburbs.

She woke up only a few days ago.

It's okay. You can catch up quickly.

They say you can go home in two weeks,

so work hard starting then and finish your thesis by next spring.

Mom, I'm reading.

Can you stop talking?

What? I'm just saying these things...

because you may be anxious and nervous about falling behind...

while your friends got their PhDs and became professors.

Did I ever say...

I wanted to get a PhD or become a professor?

That's your dream.

You're the one who's nervous that your daughter may not become a PhD.

Awesome. Yes.

Oh my. What is wrong with you lately?

Is this an after-effect?

Did you bring me this book?

Where'd you get it? How'd you know?

Isn't that your book?

I only brought your books from your apartment.

Did Soo Mi bring it?

Why are you hiding? You're a ghost.

Newbie must've brought it.

We'll never hear the end of it.

Where is he, anyway?

You haven't finished my request yet.

Tae Hyun. What are you doing here?

How dare you come here?

Honey. How have you been?

Sorry for not coming by often.

Joon Young went to watch basketball with his friend.

His favorite player is playing or something.

He said to tell you that he was sorry.

He said he'd come to see you for sure next time.

I see.

It's okay. I'm sure he'd rather see his favorite player...

than his sick dad.

It'll only hurt to see me.

You must be busy. You don't have to come often.

It's amazing.

I made it like this, and it tasted a lot like yours.

Joon Young's happy too because it tastes like yours.

They sell as soon as I make them.

We'll be rich in no time at this rate.

Good. My gosh. That's such a relief.

It's such a relief.

Anyway, did you write this and put it somewhere?

It doesn't look like your handwriting.

Where did he get this?

You should've given it to me sooner.

Or you should've taught me beforehand.

Then we wouldn't have had to close the previous shop.

I didn't want to make you do anything hard.

I wanted to do it all.

You worked...

your fingers to the bone day and night...

and suffered all that to get that spot.

I'm sorry...

I lost it.

I'm the one who's sorry...

for making you suffer like this.

I'm really sorry.

Anyway, that guy was funny.

He said to bring our son because you were waiting.

What a busybody.

I wanted to thank him,

but he's off today.

Newbie said that?

I'll thank him for you.

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

Hey. Here comes our fighter now.

Long time no see, Dr. An.

What's going on? What are you scheming now?

Why did you want to see me?

You should come back to work.

- Pardon? - Yes. A great doctor like him...

shouldn't be idle for too long.

I heard that doctors' hands rust if they don't operate for too long.

Is that right?

One of our doctors suddenly went AWOL...

before an important surgery,

and there's a patient you need to operate on instead.

A patient needs surgery?

What kind of...

- Cha Young Min. - What?

You want me to operate on Professor Cha?

Does it matter who the patient is?

What matters is what surgery it is.


One of our patients recently died on the table.

Everyone says...

it was unavoidable and that it happened while the doctor...

desperately tried to save the patient.

And sometimes, during surgery,

something happens and patients just die.


HR will soon have you reinstated.

Get back soon and pull off a successful first surgery.

Why would you say that here?

Why? Are you afraid he's here watching us?

So what if he is? What can he do?

Seung Tak's gone.

What's that anyway?

Oh, this?

This is...

an early reinstatement gift for Dr. An.

Once you pull off the surgery, we can open this together.

Don't mess up like last time.

Deal with it in one go, without fail, okay?

You know how rare this is, don't you?

- It is rare. - You have a good eye.

(Riar Apartment Block Unit )

This is Professor Cha's apartment.

It looks like Dr. Ko drops by sometimes.

I had a feeling he might be there.

Oh, I see.

If you find him, can you tell him I want to see him?

There's something I want to ask him in person.

Excuse me.

What are you doing here? How did you find out?

I'm here to get you.

Let's go.

What's taking you...

Can we go already? I'm an intern and I'm busy.

Was it Dr. Jang or Nurse Jung?

Dr. Jang.

She told me to beat you up if you wouldn't do as I said.

How does she know I pack a punch?

I heard it got sorted out.

I'm the only one left that needs sorting out.

Somewhere in the living room is my letter of resignation.

Can you hand it in for me?

I'm getting sick of all the calls.

Will this work?

Nothing here fits me right.

I had a crush on you. Did you know?


When you rushed around in your white gown,

when you grinned that you'd saved a patient,

you looked cool and excited.

My heart raced whenever I saw you like that.

My grandpa would've been so proud to see you.

The thought strikes me from time to time.

Why would you mention your grandpa?

I've never met him.

You said he died.

He did. Twenty years ago.

He died then,

but he saved a kid in doing so.

That's why I'm so upset...

to see the kid act like this.

What are you saying?

I have to go somewhere.

You should rest here for a bit before going back.

See you.

You know Professor Cha's surgery was postponed, don't you?

He'll be waiting, though I'm sure you know that.

The hospital is full of doctors. They'll manage just fine.

Professor Jang is waiting for you too.

There's something she wants to ask you.

I don't think I should have to see her again.

I just told you I like you, you scumbag.

Should I have just beaten him up?

Are you out of your mind? You want me to do what?

There's no time.

You lost your mind, but even so,

what do you take me for?

I'm a ghost with class that's all about doing what's right.

You helped with Seung Jo too.

Do you think this is the same as that time?

And with Hoon Gil.

I don't want to help. Stop asking!

Then that day...

Why were you in the OR that day?


Don't just stand there! Clamp it!

Do you have to nitpick about the past?

If you'd come in sooner,

would the patient have lived?

What are you talking about?

I might have hung around for years,

but could I operate on someone?

Then that day, what was it you did with my body?

That day years ago.

A few more times since then,

you used me to save patients.

You were a doctor, a cardiothoracic surgeon.

You're skilled,

and you owe me one.

Did you get the math straight?

I owe you? It's not the other way round?

My surgery is coming up.

Once I'm in the OR,

I'll die.

There's a possibility you'll die...

even before then.

This time,

I'd like you to...

be involved in my life or death, doctor.



Did I get you all upset?

You bet you did.

Do you know how anxious I was?

That's why I'm here. Because I don't want that.

Let me have a look at you.

Do you eat well?

Have you ever seen me not eat?

You know how I eat only the best.

Why won't you come home?

Where are you staying at?

There's a secret hideout that Grandpa doesn't know about.

He's very worried about you.

You know that...

he pretends not to on the outside,

but he actually loves you a lot.

I know that.

I also know you suffer a lot defending me against...

Grandpa who pretends not to care about me.

I really don't like that,

but it looks like you'll have to do it again.

I have something to tell you.

I'm hungry.

Can we order first?

[font color="# ff"][VIU Ver] tvN E 'Ghost Doctor'[/font]
[font color="#ff "]"Anything but This"[/font]
[font color="#ff "]-♥ Ruo Xi ♥-[/font]

Don't be too surprised. And don't cry too much.

I'm okay.

I'll be okay.

I'm not doing this to die.

I'm doing this to live.

To live and come back to you.

- Hello? - It's the ER.


What is he trying to do that he made me do this?

Oh, whatever. I don't care.

The food here is delicious.

Let's come here again.


This reminds me of that day.

You were around ten, I think.

You came downstairs with a huge smile.

"Mom, I'm hungry. I want breakfast."

That's what you said.

"Wow, this is delicious. Make this for me again."

You said that too.

Since that day...

you pretended to have forgotten everything...

and acted as if you were fine.

You laughed more loudly than before and acted more like a kid.

It was like you were trying to act more like a kid from a rich family.

I know you did that for me.

You thought that I lost my husband because of you.

So you wanted to make me laugh on behalf of your father.

You made me very happy.

And I was also heartbroken...

because I knew...

that you were trying so hard for me.

I know that you're not interested in the foundation.

You probably think that I took this position...

in place of your father and want to pass this down to you.

And I know you're doing this for me.

But you don't have to do that, my son.

Don't live for me.

Live for yourself.

Do what you want with your life.

That will make me happier.

(Treatment in the ER can be delayed for more critical patients.)

(Emergency Medical Center)

We don't have any patients for NS.

I think there was a mistake.

Yes, Nurse Jung.


What's going on?

It's an aspiration.

- Get me a portable X-ray device. - Okay.

I'm calling from VIP Suite .

Bring us the portable chest AP now.

I came here right away as soon as you called me.

But the bed was slanted toward his head.

I thought it was odd. So I raised it right away.


I checked the bed before I left.

(Missed call from Mom)

(Missed call from Brother Jae Won)

(Please answer your phone. There's a problem...)

Please answer your phone.

There's a problem with Professor Cha!

What's going on with Professor Cha?

Hey, why didn't you answer my calls?

Sir, drive me to Eunsang University Medical Center. Hurry.

How do you people sleep at night?

Wasn't Chairman Jang enough?

Were you trying to k*ll Professor Cha too?

What do you mean?

What? Were you scared that Professor Cha was getting surgery?

Because you'll be exposed once he wakes up?

Even so, how could you do something like that?

Did you think I didn't know?

Do you want to know why I didn't say anything when I knew everything?

In case you tried to hurt Professor Cha too.

I wanted to save him.

So that I could keep him safe.

Listen to me carefully.

If something goes wrong with him,

I will not let you guys get away with this.

Relay my message to that piece of trash too.

If he approaches Professor Cha ever again,

I'm going to chase him to the end of the earth and destroy him.

I'll k*ll him.

Got it?

(To be continued)


You're back, Ko Seung Tak.

So I have to risk my life if I want to see you again.

Look at that. That outfit looks familiar.

What? Are you worried that I'm already dead?

As you can see, I'm fine.

Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind?

How could you do something so stupid? You almost died!

What choice did I have? You weren't here.

Without you here, there was nothing I could do.

And what? What happened to your honorifics? You brat.

That patient wouldn't have survived even if the surgery was successful.

You probably didn't know,

but it had already ruptured even before we opened him up.

It was too late.

It wasn't your fault. So...

He could have been you.

I could have k*lled you.

What if it happened during your surgery?

I must have misjudged you.

I thought I would end up with a useful doctor if I trained you.

I guess I was wrong about you.

That was all you could think about after running away from here?

You didn't beat yourself up for not being a better doctor?

You were scared that you could have k*lled someone?

- Professor Cha. - Doctors...

aren't always happy when they are done with surgery.

Do you think doctors always get to say,

"The surgery was successful."

"Don't worry."

Is that what you think?

Are doctors deities?

We're not. That's why...

all we can do is try our best...

as we hope...

the patients we save outnumber the patients we lose.

We can only hold onto that desperate wish.


So you'll run away every time you lose a patient?

Hole yourself up in a room like the world has ended?

Crying your eyes out?

If that's the attitude you have, forget about being a doctor.

A coward like you doesn't deserve to wear the coat.

Give back the hand warmer I gave you.

Who said I was going to stick around?

Who are you to judge me?

Why did you mess up my life when I didn't do anything to you?

You won't even remember it once you wake up.

Why must I go through this?

Why must I get mixed up with you and go through this?

Do you regret it?

Or are you sick of me?

What? You said you would stick around until I woke up.

Yes. I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of the hospital, the patients,

and letting you borrow my body!

I'm sick of trying to figure out how I'm going to live my life.

I'm just so sick of everything!

I want to stop now.

I want to go back to my old life.


He came rushing here, worried that you might die.

And you put your life in danger, so he could come back.

What an unbelievable pair.

I get that you wanted to help him through this.

Why were you so harsh on him?

You could have comforted him first.

You told me to rewire his brain or something.

Since when did you listen to my advice?

Why did you enter my body that day?

That day from years ago.

I already told you.

You had the same eyes he had.


This is a hospital. We're doctors.

If we give up on a patient, who will...

I guess you can say those eyes won me over.

Do we have some kind of magic power?

Right. That's why I'm going to bet on his eyes.

He's still torn and thinking about medicine.

Seeing how you decided to only focus on those words,

you are in deep too.

Well, the angle, volume, and timing.

You took up his body after calculating everything. Right?

- Gosh. - That wasn't some surgery.

Hey, you're lucky she found you right away.

Besides, I don't even know what's going to happen later...

because this was my first time.

I promised myself that I would never take up a body of an evil man.

Gosh. That was really awful.

Why are you smiling?

What bad luck!

(Administrative Deputy Director Han Seung Won)

(VIP suite)

(Administrative Deputy Director Han Seung Won)

Where are you?

I thought he'd get his surgery and wake up soon.

What now?

It's my fault.

I shouldn't have left him alone that day.

It's my fault.

Starve, and I'll k*ll you.

Keep your phone on - if you know what's good for you.

Professor Cha...

thankfully doesn't have septicemia. He has aspiration pneumonia.

We need to give him antibiotics for two weeks and monitor him.

His surgery is postponed indefinitely until he recovers.

Sorry. I'm really sorry.

But Se Jin, I'm a doctor.

A doctor who's going crazy...

that he can't do anything for a critically ill patient.

A doctor...

who wants to do anything to save him.

I won't let this patient die like this.

I swear I'll save him.

I'll save him and...

send him to you.

I promise.

Hey. Seung Tak, do something.

He won't last much longer.

Doctors aren't almighty.

That's why...

we try...

our best.

Hoping we'll save...

more patients than we lose.

With that heart of desperation.

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

(Brother Jae Won)

What's up? Did something happen to Professor Cha?

Yes, it did.

They're transferring him to another hospital.


Professor Jang suddenly said she'd treat him somewhere else...

and get him his surgery there.

She must be in shock from what happened yesterday.

Chief isn't here right now.

Why don't you discuss it with him once he returns?

No, there's no need.

I've waited as long as I could. I can't trust the care here.

Find a hospital I can transfer him to today.

Doctor, but...

Should I look myself?

What about Professor Cha? Does he know?

What? Professor Cha?

What are you talking about? What difference would that make?

What's wrong? Did it get caught in your throat?

Oh my gosh. Ji Min. Son.

- What's going on? - What's wrong with him?

Someone, please help!

- Oh my gosh. - Help.

- We should call an ambulance. - Please call .

- Oh no. Son. - What's wrong with him?

Oh no.

- We're at the intersection of... - Ji Min. What's wrong?

Please help. Please.

Someone, please help!

Ji Min. Oh no.

Please help. Son. Ji Min.

Chief Ban?

(Chocolate Covered Peanuts)

Does your son have asthma?

Yes, he does.

He was choking on a peanut earlier, and we just got it out.

He seemed okay, but he started wheezing...

after taking a few steps and fainted.

I think his throat was irritated and closed up.

Then... What should I do? Should I take him to a hospital?

He won't last that long.

Just a second.


Wait right here. I'll be back in five minutes.

Little one. Keep an eye on him.

Don't let Ban Tae Shik go anywhere.


What's going on? Where am I?

What do you mean?

Seung Tak.



What's going on?


What is this?

- Give me that scarf. - Okay.

Little one. Give me a light.

- Here. - Okay.

Is it safe to do that?

Ji Min, are you okay?

It's Mommy. Are you okay?

- He's awake. - He's awake.

Thank goodness.

( Emergency Medical Aid)

Ji Min.

What's going on?

He has asthma.

He inhaled a foreign object,

causing airway obstruction and triggering an asthmatic attack.

I managed to free his airway...

so take him to the hospital and treat him with steroids.

Are you a doctor?

How do you know that?

What's happening?

Why am I coming and going?

What's happening to my sanity?

Who are you?

Yes. I got him discharged.

What time do we leave?

Give me a moment.

Who are you?

What's going on?

Why are you here?

I heard you're having him transferred.

Did Professor Cha agree to it?

Quit the nonsense and get out.

Didn't you hear what I said?

I guess Professor Cha hasn't caught on yet.

Or are you hiding it from him?

What are you talking about?

Gosh. It was almost impossible to keep up.

Ban Tae Shik must be getting old.

With legs that frail,

how does he stand for hours to operate on people?

Were you a doctor?

If you'd come all the way to the entrance,

you should've just come in.

Did you have to make me come out in the cold?

It's freezing.

- Are you a Mr. Oh? - Since we're already out here,

shall we shop for some spring, summer designs?

Will you buy me a few pieces from a nearby men's wear store?

You have a granddaughter who's my age, don't you?

I do. She's the prettiest thing in the world.

Soo Jung.

(Emergency Medical Center)

( Emergency Medical Aid)

(Emergency Medical Center)

What are his vitals?

Chief Ban.

What were you doing in there?

I wonder too.

I'm lost as to what I'm doing here.

It's like that day.

That day from years ago.

Was it you?

The one who saved me years ago.

The kid from that day...

grew up so well.

Seung Tak.

Time flies, doesn't it?

- Doctor, the ambulance is ready. - Okay.

Keep your hands off him.

Dr. Ko.

Do you want to go elsewhere?

What took you so long?

I got sick of waiting.

Is your judgment about me still valid?

- You bet it is. - Okay. Let's stay here.

Where I am.

With me.

( years ago)


Seriously, Professor Oh. You're amazing.

Professor, you're perfect.

Good job, everyone.

By the way.

- Dr. Ban. - Yes?

Whenever you're free,

scrub in with me.

If you learn whatever it is you lack,

you'll get better in time.

Thank you so much, Professor.

I'll study hard and learn.

Is something the matter?

Oh, no.

I'll watch the patient. Go home and rest.

- You were here all night. - It's fine.

I should wait until the patient wakes up.

My gosh.

If it isn't my princess?

Grandpa will take a look at a patient,

then I'll come home.



Will you wait up for me?

Yes, of course.

I bought my princess' favorite...

chocolate cake, and it's waiting for you.

We'll redo an ABGA test in an hour. Call me if there are any problems.



There's no available surgeon. Can you go elsewhere?

What case is it?

Excuse me.

It's a descending aortic aneurysm with an impending rupture.

With an impending rupture,

even if the vitals are stable, something could happen on the way.

I'll do it.

Take the patient.

Call Anesthesiology and arrange an OR.


Come on over.

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

Do you believe in deities?

Even if you don't,

there comes a moment...

when you desperately call out to one.

For such times,

doctors like us exist.

What would happen if a doctor were to ignore a patient then?

Ghosts can't do anything.

The living...

must do their duties as best they can.

My gosh...

It's that time already?

She cried saying she'd stay up until you came home,

and she just fell asleep.

I missed it again.

This useless grandpa broke his promise again.

(Professor's Office, Oh Joo Myung)


Oh, dear. He must've worked all night again.

(Professor's Office, Oh Joo Myung)


Are you asleep?

(Eunsang University Medical Center)

(Emergency CT Room)

Did you check the test results for the patient with chest pain?

Not yet.

Pull yourself together. What if he has a heart attack?

- Watch it. - Okay.

Let's have a look.

Thank you for waiting.

We can go now.

This way.

All right. Grab it. On my count. In , , .

Put him on an EKG now. Hurry.

Give me that.

This way.


Grab it. On my count. In , , .

Seung Tak, wake up.

Put him on an EKG.

Intubate him now!







A time when you desperately call to the deities.

If the deity's too busy to help,

you wish even for a ghost to help, you are that desperate.


If the doctors can fix all the patients...

If only...

(Ghost Doctor)

Look at the time. You're late even on your first day.

Don't even lay a finger on him.

He's my teacher now.

- Teacher. - Yes.

I want to save these patients.

It's a cardiac arrest. Get ready to do CPR.

Pretend you're meditating. You need to start over.

No. Not that.

You'll practice all night long. Go.

Did you eat?

- Something is off. - Something is off.

We should pay him back.

Move, Dr. Ko!
