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Riverdance: The Animated Adventure (2021)

Posted: 02/22/22 15:15
by bunniefuu
'The boy never knew his parents,

but was lucky enough
to be raised by his grandparents.

They were the best of friends

and worked at the lighthouse
of Rivers End...

But it was no ordinary lighthouse.

Every night,
Grandad turned on the light

to ward off a darkness
from another world:

the Huntsman.

Legend said if ever
the lighthouse light went out,

the Huntsman would enter the river
looking for Spirit Deer

adorned with magical antlers.

Their antlers made the water flow

and let life grow.

And if the Huntsman
took the magical antlers,

the rivers would dry up...

But for now, the lighthouse shines,

water flows,
and we all celebrate our river

with dance!'


Are you OK?

Good luck!

The around the world
hook-a-roo for the win.

Oh, Liam!

Good shot!
Thanks, Keegan.


Leg it, lads!
Boys! You hit the cat!

Not very good at DJ-ing.

You're gonna be a legend
after this party.
Thanks, Margo.

Can I get a high-five?

Slightly missed it there. Yeah, OK.

Don't screw up!

Joking! But it's sort of in that way
that I'm not joking, you know?

OK, have a good night!

Well, well, well,
look who it is!

I came as fast as I could.

Heavy traffic, woman.
Traffic? Cheeky.

Just like your grandad.

The old fart will never admit it,
but he could use a little more help!

He's not as young as he used to be.

Hey! I heard that.

Oh, he can hear when he wants to.

Which bit did you hear?
"The old fart" or the "help"?

I'll show you an old fart!

For your information, I've aged
like a fine leather wallet.

Now, if I could only find it, I'd be
a richer man too.

He's as mad as a box of frogs.
But he's hot.


See you both back
at the cottage for supper.

Love you, me boyos. Woohoo!

Hey, Grandad!

Hey there, Mr Hot Shot DJ!

What other records did you get
for the St Paddy's Day party?

Ready for a sneak preview?

My dancing slippers
can hardly wait.

Here we go now!

Oh, yeah!
Oh, yes!

This brings me back.

Ow! My back!

I'll feel that one in the morning!

Ah, now. Oh!

Oh, cool!

We can use that for the Huntsman
in our paper theatre.

Oh, now, that's pretty fat.
It's all brawn.

He needs to carry those antlers.

The Huntsman must never
get to those deer, Keegan.

Their dance
keeps the rivers flowing.

Think about it.
Without the rivers, no more life.

No more dance.

This is the one you must stop.

it's just a legend.

He's very real.

He's darkness and our magic light
is the only thing that can stop him.

Our light stops him?

I thought we just kept ships
from crashing into the rocks.

Ha! That's just an added bonus.

Now, lad, what do you say
we light this house up, eh, bucko?

Let's do it!

Race you up the stairs!

Right, up the stairs we go.
Here we go.

Ouch! There you go.

Are you OK?

Just wrecked from all that dancing,
that's all.

And drum roll, please!

The tradition of warding off
darkness...for another night.

Easy, Grandad.
I'm fine, stop that now.

I'll just take a quick break.

You know, I was thinking,
why don't we automate this place?

It'd save so much time.

Where's the sport in that?

You don't automate your music,
do you?

You prefer the spirit
in the vintage vinyl.

Same here.
We're more alike than you know.

You always say that, Grandad.

Now, relax.
I can clean up on my own.

Hey, Grandad! You all right?



♪ Where the river foams

♪ And surges to the sea

♪ Silver figures rise to find me

♪ Wise and as daring

♪ Following the heart's cry

♪ I am that deep pool

♪ I am that dark spring ♪
I never got to say goodbye.

Do not mourn the man.

Celebrate the life.
Celebrate with dancing!

He would have loved this.
It was our favourite dance.

Your grandad was a tough act
to follow. Fastest feet I ever saw.

He was a legendary dancer.
He was
unmatched on the hurling field.

He kept our seas and town safe.
You will too.

We're all counting on you
to carry on his traditions.

'What do you say
we light this house up, eh, bucko?'

No! The Huntsman
is just another one of your stories.

Stupid lighthouse!
Stupid traditions!

Stupid everything!

C'mon, boys!

Hey, Keegan!
Hey, Liam.

Big hurling game this weekend.
You in, little man?

Maybe another time. Thanks, anyway.

OK! No problem, Keegan.
Hang in there, pal.

Hey, Keeg.
Hi, Moya.

Meet you at the waterfall
at high noon.
High noon?

Big things always happen
at high noon.

It'll be worth it, I promise.

Oh! Oh, my bananas!


Wait, let me take my headphones off.
I don't want to be the DJ.

Oh! There's no need to shout.
I don't want to be the DJ tonight.

Oh, no! Ah, aren't you gonna give
the people what they want?

They all want you to DJ. They'll be
like, "Keegan! Keegan!


It's all different now.
Ah, yeah, come here.

It's OK. I understand.
You do?

Yeah, of course I do.

Listen, I'll try to find
someone else to fill in.

But you should just go and...
take a walk!

Go out and get some fresh country
air into your lungs.

Walk? To where?
I don't know.

Wherever the river leads you!

That was my Gandalf impression.

What's so funny?

I was just remembering this time
I was having a rotten day

and your grandad took me
to get some sweets and he...

Oh... And he did this!

How's that?

Oh, it's too funny.


Oh! Actually, that...
that one is actually stuck up my....

Oh! Oooh!

I suppose you don't want
to eat that one now?

No, me neither. Hmm...

Hey! Did you know sweets
solve all problems?

It's true,
it's scientifically proven.

Unless you're a dentist, and then,
they are very much against that

as a problem-solving technique.

But what do you say,
we drop by Sammy's Sugar Shack?



What? Hey! Oh!




Hey, give me those back!


Ha! Whoa! Ah!





Where are the brakes on this thing?

Waargh! Ooh!


Uh, uh...

Uh... Hey, Keegan. What you doing?

Having a bad day!
Well, just keep hanging in there.

Very funny! Help me up.

Thanks. What's that?

She's my new friend.

Why is she purple?
It's hair dye. I love purple.

So... what are you doing out here?

It's noon. We're right on schedule.

But I...didn't...

Get ready for your mind to be blown!
Sounds painful!

Riddle time!

What always runs, but never walks,
often murmurs, but never talks?

I can't balance and solve riddles
at the same time.

Has a bed, but never sleeps.
Has a mouth, but never eats.

Oh, my God, Keegan.

Oh! Oh, no! Oh!

Ahhh! I hate sheep!

Good luck!

Good luck?

You'll be fine,
it's a fun ride!

Whoo! Que epico!





That was amazing.

The swish, swash, swee
of all the rapids!


I love that part.

Que divertido!

How are we gonna get back?
Back? We just got here.

Just got where? What's going on?

Come on.
Don't be a Wussimus Maximus.

I am not a Wussimus Maximus.

Wait, what's a Wussimus Maximus?


Now what?



There's no signal here.
Wouldn't help anyway.

The headphones were eaten,
the glass is cracked.

And now, it's waterlogged.
Maybe we can dry it out.

I doubt it, but nothing to lose.

How did you walk on water?
I didn't walk. I danced.

Way harder.

So... Confession time.

I came here when my grandma died.

You did? Where are we?

Some place magical!
Yeah, right!

I saw her, she was here.


No, I told you... Magical!
What happened when you saw her?

We danced.

Flamenco! It was our thing.

I've never seen you dance flamenco.

We danced it all the time
when we lived in Spain.

But I haven't in a while.

I guess I've been trying to fit in
with the Irish dancing thing.

Trying to fit in? You?

You're pretty good. How come
I've never seen you Irish dance?

I don't know. How come
I've never seen you flamenco?

How come you're not the DJ
at the party tonight?

I didn't want to celebrate.

I wanted to celebrate with you,

Urgh! Urgh!

Looks like Beth likes you.
And that's her husband, Rib.

Oh! Eurgh!

Uh... Hello.
They apologise
for stealing your sweets,

but it was to feed
their 50 children, so...

Well, 49,
because they lost one. Adam.

They're wondering if we'd seen him.

I haven't.
Sorry, guys.

Would you like nuts
or berries for breakfast?

I've been up for hours.

So... You speak frog?

No, but Penny and Benny do.

Hey, little man!



Hello, I'm Penny.
Name's Benny.

Shake my hand, it's cordiality.

You must be Keegan.
Heard a lot about you.

What's wrong with you?

I'm trying to scream,
but nothing is coming out.

Like in a nightmare.

He probably thinks
you're going to eat him.

Eat me?
Kid, kid, relax.

You're all skin and bones.
Plus, we already ate breakfast.

Some of us twice.
Hey! You!

You always do... Give me those back.

Ah... I think I'm stuck!

I'm stuck.

What in the world are you doing?
I saw a girl do it in a film once.

I thought it was worth a try.

- Wake up, wake up, wake up!
- You're awake.

- Ow!
- Huh?

Hmm, they're coming!

The other Megaloceros Giganteus!

Wait, you've heard of us, right?

Only in history class.

Megaloceros Giganteus?

Oh, my...





Oof. Ha-ha!

Welcome back, Moya.
Thank you, Patrick.

And you are?

He's my best friend, Keegan.

His grandad died
and he needs your help.

I am Patrick, of the
Megaloceros Giganteus.

Oh, yes! Oh, yeah.

- That was not supposed to happen.
- Oh, get off me, Penny!

Penny! What happened?
What happened?

She's a wrecking ball with fur!

Irish dancing
is harder than it looks.

She's trying to fit in, like you.
As if I'm trying to fit in.

Then teach her
your grandma's flamenco.

Is that a chicken I smell?

Or just a big, fat Wussimus Maximus?

It's hard to tell,
they smell so similar.

You know what, Penny?
Maybe you're more fire, less water.

Say what?
Maybe you're less Riverdance...

..and more flamenco!

Ohhh, ohhhh!

Flamenco? Penny? No way!

I'll teach you, Penny.
You will? Oh, my gosh! I love you!

Whoo! BFFs! Yas, girl!

I am going to bring the heat,
like so much fire...

Ha-ha. Excellent idea, Moya.
It was actually my idea.

I'm actually surprised
he's allowing the flamenco.

He's all Riverdance all the time!
He invented it!

Makes us dance every morning

to keep the rivers flowing
and life growing.

It's exhausting.
Penny and I usually hide.


I'm sorry about
your grandad, Keegan.

It's OK.
No, it's not.

Tell me about him.
Do you have a year?

Maybe just the highlights.

he was an amazing dancer.

A star hurler and an awesome
lighthouse keeper.

Whoa, those are some big shoes
to fill.
They were frog slippers.

And you haven't the
froggiest idea how to fill them.

Oh, terrible!
Dad joke alert!

Oh, sorry, bad joke.

We all feel a little lost sometimes,

The good news is,
you've come to the right place.

Follow me, I think I can help.

Where are we going?
We're going crazy! Wanna come?

We follow the river, Keegan.

Rivers connect everything
and everyone.

And the energy we create
while celebrating them...

we return to them.

Their waters
not only create life, they are life.

His antlers are sick!

Are you implying mine aren't?
No, no, no, no.

I didn't say anything about yours.
They're travel-size, buddy.

Let's leave it at that.


If the teachers were wrong,
and you didn't go extinct, then...

how old are you guys?

Patrick is the oldest,
which makes him about...

400,000 years old.
Whoa! How old are you?

Pfft! I mean, honestly,
I don't even know, man.

I lost count around 200,000.

Ever try to count that high? Yeah?

I was counting
and counting and counting

and then I was like, "Screw it!"
Don't need it.

Ha! You're all right, Benny.

No fooling?
No fooling.

Oh, I am serving hoof,
serving hoof, serving face.

So, Moya, how good
do I look right now?

Well... You seem very limber
and have a unique style.

So definitely steps
in the right direction.

Yes! The right direction!
Better than the wrong direction.

Now, try not to think.
Ha, don't worry, I'm not.

Good, because flamenco
comes from the heart.

Whoa! Deep.

Twirly, twirly!

Does he say anything else,
this guy?
He's probably gassy.

I saw him chowing
on some swamp grass back there,

like it was going out of style.

Ever been around a butt that big
when it lets one go? Ooh!

It's like a b*mb inside a hurricane!

You know, I'm only, like,
five feet in front of you

and I can hear
everything you're saying.

Oh, he farted out
a baby swamp rock!

Whoa, that's nasty.

That was not me.
My bad, never mind.

It's just a hurling ball
going on a bounce.

I thought you
were a baby swamp rock.

No way. You guys play hurling?

We have to stay in shape
for dancing somehow, don't we?

Only three minutes left
and the game is tied!

Go, go, go, go, go!
Good block!

Let's go, let's go!
Up, up. Let's go.
I got it!



- Oh, that looks so painful!
- That's gotta hurt.

Gonna be a while
until they get unstuck.

- Who wants to fill in for them?
- Not it!

Moya's still teaching me flamenco,
so we're out.

Keegan and Benny, you're the lucky
No, I really don't want to.

This is the exact opposite of lucky!

Benny, you're goalie.
Keegan, you're corner forward.

Patrick, I don't want to play.

Your grandad was a star hurler,
Taught me everything.

Well, then, make him proud!

You get on that field
and you do what he taught you.

Hurling stick, helmet, crack hardy.

Not me! Him!

Guys, colour up.

Benny, smear it on your antlers,
don't drink it.

I know, but, come on!

They're raspberries
and they're so delicious!

Great, we lose our two best players
and get stuck with these guys.

- Well, there goes the playoffs!
- Victory is ours!

Team sports, yay.


Let's go, let's go. Up, up.

Oh, my God, oh, my God!
It's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt!

Yeah! Awesome job, Benny!

Boo-yah! That's what
tiny antlers can do for you!

Watch it, kid!


Come on, Keegan, me boyo,
get up and play!

Play like your grandad is watching.

No way!


Ahh, come on!

This one's for you, Grandad.

You did it, kid!


Keegan! Keegan!
Red team wins!

Don't be a brute, Brutus.
Go get that ball back.

Don't worry, I'll get it.

Attention, ladies and gentle deer.

Get ready to be razzle-dazzled.

Pull the alarm
because Penny's on fire!

Heel, toe, repose and serve
to the left, serve to the right.

Serving face all night long,
here we go!


Serving... face...ah!



No, I'm fine!

In retrospect, I shouldn't have
started on the top of a hill.

So, any luck finding Adam?

Well, I mean, he can't be far.

He doesn't have legs.

You'll find him. Cheer up!

Tiny tadpole kisses.

Whoa... What is this place?

The bridge...between light and dark.

You're the Huntsman.
I take many forms, but...

guilty as charged.

I'll scream
and the others will come for me.

You're the one
who left the light off.

Where I'm from,
that's an invitation.

No! I...
As a token of gratitude,

I have a proposition for you.

Come to my world and you can have
everything back the way it was.

My grandad said to never trust you.
Suit yourself.

Oh, and Keegan?

I wouldn't tell anyone you saw me,

because then
they'd know what you did.

Inviting me in. Wouldn't want
them to get the wrong idea, right?

See you around.

- Keegan?
- Keegan!

Hey, little man!
Where did you go?

We've been looking all over for you.
You missed Penny's dance!

Classic Penny
disaster-piece theatre. So funny!

Benny, manners!
Benny, be nice.

She almost had it.
She'll honour us with it one day.


You look like you've seen a ghost.

The thing about that is...

Just a little afraid
of the dark is all.

Ah, yes,
that's because this is a place

where one faces
one's darkest fears.

I'm not afraid of anything.

You're afraid of everything, Benny.
No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.
No, I'm not.

Oh, yeah? Caterpillars!

Where? Where? Are they on me?
Are they on me?

Are they in my mouth?
Are they in my mouth?

Keegan, this is a lighthouse
from times past.

If you faced your fear here,
you can banish darkness.

You are a keeper of light. Passed
from one ancestor to the next.

All the way to you.

Come on guys, let's go!

Where are we going?
All the way to the sea.


- Is that bad?
- Yes!

Because it's so much walking!

Don't worry, I know a shortcut.

The Great Gate.

This is the gate
through which spirits

from the past,
present and future pass.

Fionn MacCumhaill, Cu Chulainn
and the Children of Lir

have all come through here too.

Do you think my grandad
came through here?

Ah, you'll have to ask
the Gatekeeper.

Er... Did an old guy
come through here?

You know, big nose, frog slippers.

And big ears, like yours?

He danced through here, boy!

He said you are keeping
his traditions alive.

Keegan, come here!

This is where I saw my grandma,

I don't see anything.

Close your eyes.
How can
I see anything if I close my...

Do you know why I dance?

There is a rhythm to the rivers
that hits the sea.

It means life is still going!

We should always celebrate life.

I want to go back! No!

Keegan, son, where are you?

Down here, Grandad!
The Huntsman!
The Huntsman is coming!

You need to light the lighthouse!


What have I done?

Oh! Oh!


I've got you!

I forgot how to gallop!

It's been so long
since I've exercised!

Just real quick, how do you gallop?

Keep galloping now!

Oh, cramp! Cramp!

Ow! Aargh! Help!


Look at his travel-size antlers!

I know, right?

- Oh, that's not so bad.
- Huh?

Oh, no, no!
Bad Huntsman! Bad Huntsman!

Don't worry, you're just bait.

He's the one I want.

Now, your antlers
are the ultimate prize.

Run, Benny!
It's a trap!
He looks stupid, but he's clever!

Get out of here, Keegan!

Keegan, look out!

Let go of me!

The kid for the antlers!

Give me your antlers
and we can all go home.


With the power to stop rivers,
I can spread darkness everywhere.

Patrick, don't do it.

No, Patrick...

Get your hands off me!

Quiet, boy!
You knew this would happen.

The river!

The river's gone!


Ohh... Huh?

- Stop!
- You can't stop me!


You should thank me!

No river, no need to protect it
with a light!

No need to celebrate it
with a dance!

- You're free!
- Keegan!

The hunter must not leave
our world with Patrick's antlers.

You must return the antlers
to the water.

The water will renew his spirit!

Can you help me
turn his raft around?



Come on. One more time.



♪ How can the small flowers grow

♪ If the wild winds blow

♪ And the cold snow is all around?

♪ Where will the frail birds fly

♪ If their homes on high

♪ Have been torn down to the ground?

♪ Lift the wings

♪ That carry me away from here

♪ And fill the sail

♪ That breaks the line to home

♪ And when I'm miles and miles

♪ Apart from you

♪ I'm beside you when I think of you

Now walk on, thatta boy.

Watch your foot.

♪ How can a tree stand tall? ♪

That was awesome!

You faced darkness and won.

You are truly a keeper of light.

♪ And how can a heart survive

♪ Can it stay alive

♪ If its love's denied for long?

♪ Lift the wings

♪ That carry me away from here

♪ And fill the sail

♪ That breaks the line to home

♪ And when I'm miles and miles

♪ Apart from you... ♪

Thank goodness he's back.
Have you seen Rib and Beth?

♪ A Stoirin

♪ And I'm with you
when I dream of you

♪ A Stoirin

♪ And a song
will bring you near to me

♪ A Stoirin

♪ A Gra ♪

Yes, tadpoles. Get it!
Oh, baby frogs now.




Hey, Moya. Look who figured you out.

I liked when you thought
I could walk on water.

I still do. Wait...

How are the rivers still flowing
without Patrick's antlers?

I think
you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Did he just go through puberty?

Goodbye, travel-size antlers.
Hello, king-size antlers.

It couldn't have
happened to a better deer, Benny.

Benny? Why does he get to be king?

Sometimes, those you think
are the least able

prove to be the most capable.

Oh, I didn't ask for this job.

But I have to admit,
these antlers are pretty sweet.

Looking good.
Sorry to leave,
but I have to get back home

and turn on the lighthouse.
That's a good idea.

The Huntsman
will never stop hunting.

And now,
you have to protect this guy.

What? He's coming for me next?

Thank you so much
for helping me find my fire!

It's all you, Penny.

Please turn that light on.
I still have no idea how to gallop.

And I'm a really slow learner.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

You're all right, Benny.
I got this.


Good luck, Keegan.
Good luck, guys.
See you later, alligator.

Ah! Oh!
I was hoping you could say
goodbye to your grandad.

It's OK. Thank you for trying.

The river... It's the river!

Your riddle!

What always runs, but never walks,
often murmurs, never talks,

has a bed, but never sleeps,
has a mouth, but never eats.

The river!

I hope she comes back.
Me too.

I've been dreaming
of lamp chops for dinner.



Oh, sheep! Run!

Whoa! Run!

So, meet you at
the St Patrick's Day party?

Uh, hate to break it to you,
but that was yesterday.

No, it wasn't. We've only
been gone a couple of hours.

How is that possible?
I told you it was magical.

Happy St Patrick's Day.

Happy St Patty's Day.

Happy St Patty's Day.

So, there's still time for you
to dance the flamenco tonight?

I've committed to the Riverdance.
Oh, trying to fit in.

Wussimus Maximus.

My favourite DJ quit.

♪ Wussimus Maximus ♪

Glad I caught you.

Hi! So, you just caught me
fiddling around.

What are you looking at me
like that for? Look, it's a fiddle.

Do you still need a DJ tonight?

Oh, sorry, bud.
But Larson volunteered.

Larson stinks! I don't stink.
And I didn't volunteer.

I was winking, Larson,
to get Keegan super-jealous

and teach him
an invaluable life lesson,

one for which he will never forget
across the rivers of time.

So I'm still the DJ?
Only if you buy this fiddle.

I'm kidding!

Yes, you're still the DJ.

Awesome. Thanks, Margo.

But, Larson, you are going
to have to buy this fiddle.

I hate the fiddle.
Nobody likes the fiddle.

That's why I can't sell it.

But just like broccoli
and alternative jazz,

you learn to put up with it.

Hey, guys.
Hey, Keegan.

If you're still looking for
another hurler, I'm your guy.

- Of course!
- Yes!

A green river for good luck.
Enjoy the brew, fishies.

Has that deer always been there?

That ain't no deer. That there
is the Megaloceros Giganteus.

They're legends.
Do you think
they invented Riverdance?

Sssh! That's a secret.

Hi, honey.
What have you been up to today?

Uh... nothing.

They look like antlers.
He loved the deer.

Always said
it was his spirit animal.

What do you think?

Dancing slippers are totally in.

You know, I'm still not sure if
I want to go to the party tonight.

First one
without my dancing partner.

I know how you feel.

Put it on.
It's too big.

What are you talking about,
too big?

It fits you perfectly.

You're the spitting image of him,
Keegan, right down to his big ears.

I'll leave you to it, then.

Love you, my boyo.

'The tradition of warding
off darkness for another night.'


I'm proud of you, my bucko.

I can't stay.
I know.

Will you be all right?
Oh, I'll be better than all right.

I'll be dancing.

Goodbye, Grandad.

Let's dance!

Move it, woo!
Stop, fellas!

But the fish love the green brew.

Stop, lads.
Come on, it's St Patrick's Day.

Keegan! Keegan! Keegan!


Woo! Happy St Patrick's Day!

Hey! When are you going to dance?
What makes you think I'm not?

Light Me Up

All right! There's gonna be
some changes around here.

Hurling is banned, at least for me.
And so is early-morning dancing.

And you know something,

I get to eat as many raspberries
as I want! Y'all cool with that?

Doesn't matter,
because I'm in charge now.

King Benny!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Uh, somebody help me up?
These new antlers are really heavy.

What a jerk.
What a disappointment.

Let's get out of here.
I'm sorry. I'll do better.

It's my first day at this and it
kind of went to my head. Literally.

Mmm, classic Benny
disaster-piece theatre. Well, bye.

Megaloceros Giganteus?

Where my "friendsiusis" at, huh?

Wanna help?
Wanna help your old pal Benny up?

Anybody wanna help Benny?

Benny! Wanna help Benny up?

Buddy Benny, buddy Benny,
wanna help Benny up?

Ah, poop. What if I have to poop?
What do I do?

Hey, everybody.
This next one is for Megaloceros

and mega-grandparents everywhere!