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Space Dogs: Tropical Adventure (2020)

Posted: 02/22/22 15:04
by bunniefuu
[soaring orchestral music]

[sweet orchestral music]

[ominous music]

[exciting music]

[ice pick hitting ice]


why are you so quiet?

[Strelka whistling]

Ah snack time!


You're impetuous actions have
put our operation at risk.

Uh huh.

[Strelka gasps]


Just wait a minute.

Something weird is going on.

What are you saying now?

We don't have much time.

[monster roar]

[Strelka gasps]

Here! Catch that!

Strelka! What's going on down

Well, how do I put it...

We got serious problems.

Sure when there is a problem,
it's always WE.

[Strelka screams]

[monster roars in pain]

[Belka] What about the samples?
Can we deliver them to Earth?


If we manage to get out of here!

What do you mean if we manage
to get out of here?

[Strelka screams]

Just tell me what's going on

Well, I can tell you this much.

Someone is...

in a rush to get dinner.

[Cedric Cat]
Do you read me, over?

- Loud and clear.
- You have a new assignment as of now,

you must terminate the expedition
and return to Earth immediately.

There's a strange anomaly in
the Atlantic Ocean.

- Do you copy?
- Roger that over and out.

Did you hear that?

[Strelka screams]

[monster roars]

[Strelka laughs]

[Strelka screams]

Whoa, whoa!

Strelka, What's going on?

I dropped the samples.

[Belka] That's it! I'm reporting
this as an emergency situation!

[Strelka laughs]

No, I must retrieve them.


[Strelka screams]

Hello fancy meeting you here.

Strelka, strelka dear!
Hang on.

I'm on my way

Calm down, I've got the samples.

But we have another problem!

Fire up the engines.

Let's get out of here!

[monster roars]


Save yourself!

Just fly away!

No way.

Who am I going to argue with

It's okay.

It's fine.

I'm just trying to make new

you're only telling me that I
need to

learn how to make new friends.

This is the end.

I hid my favorite bone in the
control panel, you can chew it.

[Belka] First of all, that's not

Secondly, you can che it

I've got you!

Thank you, of
course, but I wanted

to be the only noble
hero around here.

- So I didn't really want to be rescued
- If you listened to me

we wouldn't end up in these
situations every single time.


I can't do anything without you
coming to my rescue!

[monster roars]

[both heavily panting]

Well, then, I'm home.

So let's for dinner.

Do you realize

that because of you?

We almost became dinner

All right,

Looks like this big guy still
thinks that we're on the menu

Okay. Let's prepare
ourselves to get back to

planet Earth. Step ,
fasten your seat belt

- Put this here, and this one here.
- Done.

Step .
Check the rearview mirrors


- Step -
- Step just ignore all the other steps.

[alarm beeping]

What's happening?
Why aren't we ascending?

The secondary release,
hold on.

[Belka] I really hope that this
time you learned your lesson.

[Strelka] Of course next time I
will always listen to you.

- Of course.
- You can count on it.

Count on it, you?

[Strelka laughs] No you won't.
I will.

- No.
- Yes. I will.

- No you won't.
- I'm telling you that I will.

I don't believe you.

Here it is.

Our dear precious Earth.

It looks so small from above
like a little bone,

but from below it's huge

like a fatty shank.

With a crispy crust.

Why don't you just have lunch

I already had lunch after

By the way. Are you
going to finish yours? Huh?

[alarm beeping]

This is the command

- What's your report?
- Right away commander!

This is the situation
we have found

unique samples on
Saturn's moon Enceladus

- Here.
- What do you mean here?

I gave you a command to return
to Earth immediately and you

arrived three hours later than
what was scheduled.

How can you explain this
anomaly this delay?

That's because we had to...

[Strelka whistling]

- You what?
- I...

I have no explanation.

You constantly disappoint me
Commander Belka.

- I-
- I'm going to relieve you

of your duty and transfer
command to your partner Strelka.

- What?!
- Do you have any questions?

- [sighing] No questions.
- Commander Strelka!

Please proceed with the mission

At this time, you are going
to research the anomaly

near the Cuban Shore and
find its cause. Is that clear?

Crystal clear, yes.

One moment general, I can-

Oh and by the way,
you absolutely have to

deliver the samples
to the base unscathed.

Your tails are on the line.

Well, alright, I'm a commander.

[laughing] and Lenny said that
I'd never get that promotion.

What's wrong? Belka.

Don't be angry.

I didn't mean it.

[crowd talking]

[Donald Cat]
Flight of the magic watch


[Gwen the Hen yelling with joy]

I'm flying!

[Gwen laughing]

Why is she shouting and screaming
like there's a fire. What is that?

Hey Thomas... time!

Quarter til one, maestro.

[Gwen giggling]

Why did God give me such an

I mean her time is over, bring
her down before she lays an egg.

Is that clear?


[Thomas struggling]

I'm so grateful for that

The girls and my coop will
absolutely die of envy

when they find out

- I got to fly like a bird!
- Spreading happiness...

is... our mission here, now that will
be one dollar and thirty cents, please.

Maestro is it true that you brought these
magic watches back from your road trip,

- to the moon?
- You had a work trip when you went to the stairwell

on a slipper and I took part in
the most heroic Moon Odyssey

Where I selflessly
risked my life and saved our

two national heroines Belka and

What was I saying again?

Ah, sh**t! I lost count, ah,
one dollar forty five, seventy five...

- So all in all done, huh? What?
- Woof.

Is your name Lenny?

Yes, I'm Lenny.

one ride is a dollar and thirty
cents, two rides are four dollars.

- Oh, by the way, who are you two exactly?
- We are agents of the

committee for combating
illegal business practices.

So that's it we're done

You are under arrest.

I told you it wouldn't end well
didn't I say that Thomas?

Today we open an illegal ride,

and what will we do tomorrow?
Sell out our motherland.

God, I'm so ashamed about this
please, arrest us, arrest us officers.

Just do it right now before we
do something worse

and judge us according to the
full severity of the law.

Oh and what is this?
Wow, that's a lot of cash.

[Lenny screams]

[dogs barking and growling]

My precious, Thomas don't lag

Oh darn it.

Wait, wait, wait! Hold on!

Wait where are you going?

[dogs growling and barking]

[Lenny laughing]

[animals screaming]

[dogs whimpering]

My age is really starting... to

You blew off your pursuers
masterfully maestro!

So where do we go now? Will we
move to Gorky Park?

Sure Gorky Park.

It has different laws and you
can do whatever you want there.

All right.

You're a genius!

We should have opened the ride
there from the start.

Well sh**t Thomas.

I was just being sarcastic.

By the way, write this new word

Okay, this goes here.

This will take, no we'll take

Aww. My girls

too bad life pulled us apart.

If I had known that business
was more dangerous than space.

I would have never left you.

My dear girls.

Okay, apprentice,

where are our tail coats, huh?

[Thomas thinking]

It protects you from the wind
from behind and doesn't get in

your way in the front.

- Got it.
- Ah yes!

- I'll go get them!
- Why did God

give me such an apprentice?

Okay, okay.

This'll do.

[Lenny struggling]

Get over here.

So what do we need them for?

My dear Thomas today is going
to be a big day for us.

We're traveling to Cuba to see
my heroic uncle

and these are our plane tickets.

Well as they say let's go!

[Thomas struggling]

You shouldn't have packed
so many things.

We've arrived.

Oh, wow, it's humongous.


The whirlpool is sucking in a
huge amount of seawater.

At this rate in exactly two
whole days and hours.

It'll swallow all the water
from the Atlantic Ocean.

- What should we do then?
- Huh?

You oughta know after all
you're in charge now?

Well, okay then.

Let's see what's inside this
huge thing.

No way.

We can take a risk like that.

We have samples with us.

We need to report the
whirlpool to headquarters

and await for
further instructions.

So you want instructions?

- What going on?
- As Commander I order you to fly into the whirlpool.

Commander, you consistently
defy orders.

Orders are for the

We're flying into that

No, we aren't.

Don't you dare.

- We're going.
- No we aren't.

Your ship will-

- We're going!
- Not going!

[Cedric] I'm sorry to-

interrupt but can I say

- [Strelka & Belka] What?!
- The whirlpool!

Everything's under control

It's all just perfect.

- I have everything under control.
- Nothing is under control, nothing.

[Strelka gasps and both scream]

[Strelka and Belka continue

- To the right!
- No to the left!

And I'm saying to the RIGHT!

[alarms beeping]

- [Belka] And I'm saying to the left.
- I'm the commander, and I command

- you to the right!
- Commander!

You're a joke, to the left!

[Belka screaming]

[Belka sighing with relief]

[Belka and Strelka screaming]

[Gary] The last time your crescendo
was not really legato enough.

[Regis] I beg your pardon my
dear but when you're hearing

you might as well confuse mezzo

What a strange contingency
right this new word down.

I hope they'll feed us
something other than

Glinka's sonatas.

Maestro, I think we look suspicious
a triangle has three sides but

- there's only two of us
- Thomas pull yourself together.


I have an uncle in Cuba.

He's a sea captain, a hero of
the seven seas and twelve.

And I don't quite remember how
it goes.

All we need to do is get to him

and then everything
is settled, got it?


[trumpet snore]

[Perry shouts]

Attention, please.

[passengers wake up startled]

May I have your attention,

Since we have some free time, I
think we should get ready

and use this time to rehearse.

[Perry Parrot]
From rehearsal mark , please.

And a-one

[light hearted tropical music]

[Dispatcher] This is an Urgent Message
to all civilian aircraft that are

flying over the Atlantic Ocean.

You must change course immediately
and return to airspace.

This is flight Moscow to

This is the captain speaking,
what happened?

[Dispatcher] There is a threat from
an unidentified anomaly in the ocean.

You must go back immediately.

[upbeat jazz music]

Stop! No, no, no, no!

That was a disaster, just a

Someone wants to make a pig's
ear of this concert.

[pig snorts angrily]

It's nothing personal,
I'm just talking figuratively.

Now everyone's gonna play their

one by one so I can see which one
of you guys is playing a tune.

Listen Captain we won't make it

- We don't have enough fuel.
- Mmm

Base, this is flight .

We only have enough fuel to
reach Cuba.

Do you copy?

Copy that, good luck guys.

What really? Stop
playing that racket!

[pilots panting]

It's a disaster.

[gasping] Let me tell you a jazz
music has never bothered anyone

We're gonna continue, and now

[Lenny fake coughing]

I'm too sick.


Alright then let me get ready.

[out of tune triangle sound]

[Strelka struggling]

[Belka sighing]

We don't have time to be messing

We have to wait to assemble
the boat according to the

instructions and wait for
orders from headquarters.

Yeah, I didn't ask you.

[Strelka screams]

She never thinks about the

She does what she wants and
that's it.

She does whatever she wants

and who gets in trouble then,
me... always me.

Whoa, whoa!

We must go to the whirlpool.

We must follow instructions and
use our heads wisely.

Stay alert dear commander.

Well stay here and think then,
you will have a lot of time to think.

Just don't you dare lose those

I've risked my whole life to
bring them aboard.

All you brought was a lot of trouble
while risking our lives by the way.

That's it, I'm off.

- Are you coming?
- No.

- And please try not to fall
- Don't count on it.

[Belka sighs]

For four days our city has been
at the center of a series of

unexplained seismic phenomena.

There are several waterspouts a

The sea level has dropped
significantly. Wind gusts

sometimes reach speeds of
miles per hour.

The residents are fleeing their

- in panic, trying to leave the disaster zone.
- Two tickets please.

by any means possible.

We have someone here
with us today, Mr. Bilardo.

Did you manage to buy tickets
for you and your family?

[birds laughing]

Don't touch Thomas!

[Thomas screams]

Hands off you silly!

[Lenny screams]

Hey, what about our suitcases!

[gasps in fear]

And our tail coats?

What, you came here thinking it
was just ding ding you're amateurs!

Learn the right notes Schubert!

Go to...

Mozart! Thomas!

Where are you?

I'm here.


[in pain]
Behind you...

I'm sorry, buddy.

[duck humming]

There's a plane.

Huh, oh!

[crowd screaming]

Woo, here it is. The air of

La Cuba to Mallorca

How did it go?

[crowd shouting and yelling]

They're acting weird did
something happen?

Don't be so dramatic Thomas.

How can anything bad happen in
beautiful Cuba?

It's just teeming with life.

Maybe they're preparing for a
festival or going on vacation.

Buenos dias, dear Cuban

Oh that's a greeting.

[upbeat jazzy music]

Thomas call the police.

My heart has been stolen.

Uhm maybe we should look for
a bus schedule instead.

What do you say?


She doesn't see him.

What should I do?

Super Lenny to the rescue!

[Lizard yells]

I go you.

I got you!

Ah, oooh.

Look at that.

Pardon Miss.

How are you?
I mean a parlez-vous français?

My grandmother was a ballet
dancer at the Mariinsky

theater one says young and

So I speak different languages,
excuse my absent-mindedness.

- I'm so bird brained sometimes.
- Don't say that.

I'm Leonard but my friends
call me Lenny, a my folks

call me Leon and people
close to me call me super Lenny.

- Nice to meet you Leon
- Nice to meet you too.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

Oh, What a goddess.

Hey. Hey!

and this one's mine, too.

Maestro, we have a problem.

It's that... there's...

- No more buses running today.
- Thomas.

- Don't worry.
- Taxi Mister Rat?

Our car is right there.


See that?

Right now.

We need to go to the seaport!


I don't need this part anyway.

Okay, what's next?


This just proves my point,

Hey you need to get that tin can

going quick!

[Belka gasps]

[Jellyfish chuckles]

[pirate music]

♪ Our pirate ship is sailing not
so Pacific seas ♪

♪ and I'll gladly take aboard
haha ♪

♪ Someone else's things! Forget
Kraken, forget smackin' ♪

♪ Forget about rough Seas! ♪

♪ Because on our pirate ship! ♪

♪ We are proud Jellies! ♪

[Crew] ♪ Jellies, Jellies,
Jellies, JELLIES! ♪

♪ Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Jelly,
Jelly ♪

♪ Here is! ♪

♪ Pirates that can sting and
make you itch! ♪

♪ If your vessel looks rich ♪

♪ Watch out for us Jelly Fish ♪

♪ Watch out for us JELLY FISH! ♪

♪ Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Jelly,
Jelly ♪

♪ FISH! ♪

♪ Pirates that can sting and
make you itch! ♪

♪ That's when you are in a
hitch ♪

♪ Watch out for us Jelly Fish

♪ Watch out for us JELLY FISH!

♪ True pirates never fear the
evils of the deep ♪

♪ Land lovers will fall over from
the constants sway and swinging ♪

♪ We're always ready to fight
with a sword or with a punch ♪

♪ We do things pirate style
Marine Science ha ♪

♪ Only singing only singing is
respected by the sea. ♪

♪ The jellyfish Captain is a
bandit who can SING! ♪

♪ Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Jelly,
Jelly ♪

♪ FISH! ♪

♪ Pirates that can sting and
make you itch! ♪

♪ Watch your cargo and your ship.
Jelly fish are coming for it! ♪

♪ Jelly fish are coming for IT!

♪ Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Jelly,
Jelly ♪

♪ FISH! ♪

♪ We tried unions but
their not a good fit ♪

♪ Jelly fish life is fun you
know ♪

♪ back in school my grades low ♪

♪ But now you sing just like
a Rousseau! ♪

[musical break]

Hey Strelka.

How did you get into this mess?

Well, get used to it.

I guess I'm just very social.
Let's Go.

♪ Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Jelly,
Jelly ♪

♪ FISH! ♪

♪ Pirates that can sting and
make you itch! ♪

♪ We sing our songs on the sea ♪

♪ They come to us naturally ♪

♪ Yeah that's right! ♪

♪ What are we? ♪

♪ Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Jelly,

[Jelly fish gasp]

Wow, such a nice neighborhood.

Guys, is it much further?

We're already there.

[evil laugh]

So Thomas and I really
thought about it and

decided that we'll take
public transport after all.

Yeah, let's go!

Thomas as they say get to know
ordinary Cubans.

Well, muchas gracias!

But you forgot to pay for the
tour. Huh?


Thomas, come on pay these
nice gentlemen here.

We don't have any money

We'll take this instead.

My watch! Fine have it your way
you gaudy punks!

If you don't want to do it the
easy way...

my uncle is well known and
respected here.

You will see! Thomas!

Get his picture out of the
suitcase now.

Excuse me, excuse me, thanks.

[Lenny] Well, then!

[birds laughing]

He looks different in real life.

[birds continue laughing]

Stop joking around guys.

Take his watch already.

What a cutie over there!


Why you!


[Lenny screaming]

[Lenny laughing]

What is this?

Yeah hoo!

I'm flying!

Is this how you treat your
guests boys?


[birds yelling]


[birds snoring]

- I don't get it today fall asleep?
- Their parrots after all

they think it's night time now.

I knew it.

I knew that the fire that
ignited between us would lead

you to me. And there you are.

I'm flying to you on
wings my love.

Aww, He's my hero.

I had to find you
again, especially

since we mixed up our suitcases.

Oh goodness.

My plane has left.
And it was my last

chance to save myself
from the whirlpool.

Your last chance.

[gasping] That's why
everyone was running.

Don't worry. Goddess,
you'll be totally fine with me.

Look, here he is, a sea captain.
The pride of our family.

This is my uncle.

His name is Jonas.

Your uncle...

- a seal?
- Yes.

Well, we're not related by
blood my aunt Sima certainly

loved traveling more than

So, yes, we just need to get to
his ship and then we might go to

the edge of the world.

[Masha gasps]

I've never been to the edge of
the world.

Hey jellies, easy there.

Is that how you treat
world class celebrities?


Well, then show me where is all
your jewelry?

You see fellas were the first
in space exploration.

They might even award you for
saving us.

- They might even give you medals.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- How about you offer them an autograph.
- Buzz off?

I'm negotiating.

Excuse me.
Would you like our autographs?

Shut up you Scallawags.

Keep moving.

Hey, you cosmonauts hurry up and

give me the
password to this thing.

Otherwise, you're going
straight to the bottom

of the sea to feed the
crabs, you scoundrel

If you argue with me darling,

you're going to become food for
the ♪ crabs ♪

Yeah, right in your dreams

I beg you

don't k*ll us.

I'll give you... the

Sure we trust you.

Two... Five... One

Six... Nine... Zero...

And four.

[buttons beeping]

Headquarters calling Belka and

Who are those strange squirts
with eyes.

Where are our pilots!
[Belka & Strelka] Help! Help us!

We've been captured!

- They're holding us hostage!
- Please help us!

Get a fix on the location.

I need to find their

Ha! I found them.

Send them to the bottom to
feed the crabs.

Well, great negotiation skills.

You're a wonderful diplomat.

Now our embassy will be sent
to the bottom of the sea.

Okay, okay.

it should be around here

Maybe your uncle was evacuated
with everyone else.

That's ridiculous, my dear

Heroes don't flee.

By the way my
mom used to say that

my uncle and I
we're very much alike.

There he is.

Lo siento, camaradas.

This place is closed come back
after the end of the world.

Excuse me, Uncle Jonas?

- Huh?
- Uncle!

Huh? Oh!

Maldita sea, my nephew


You're the spitting image of
your father, but don't worry

appearances aren't the most
important thing for a man.

Todo estará bien.


Let me introduce my travel
companions to you.

- This is-
- Hi I'm Thomas.

My apprentice and this is
a new friend of ours.

I didn't think to ask for her
name though-

Maria Aranta Sanchez Caballero.

Oh, so Maria then...

[Uncle Jonas laughing]

Hermosa chica, good choice

I approve.

[Jonas chuckling]

Now guys come and help the old
man out.

Its time, as they say in my

to huir rápido, to cut and run.

[Lenny] What did I tell you?
He's gonna save us.

Uncle Jonas,

how can this be?

I thought you were a hero,
an old Sea Dog, scourge of the Seas.

But you're just
a photographer?

Four pesos!

[Uncle Jonas]
Hey insolente come down off

your high horse, you little rat.

Taking a good
portrait might be even

harder than standing watch.

Lighting, color, correction.

Tell me something.

Are you ready to go?

Do I have time to draw up a


It's just like in my
motherland me

patria, even the
radio I can listen to it.

Radio Mayack.

[Radio Announcer] Moscow
we have an urgent message.

Today, near the Cuban Shore.

a reconnaissance
plane with honored Soviet

cosmonauts Belka and Strelka...

went missing.

According to our information...
they were captured by pirates.

The government is discussing
a rescue plan for our heroes.

My dear friends...

How can that be? How can that

You know the famous Belka and

No, them?!

We're like a single team
like Marx and Engels,

Lennon and McCartney,
or Anton and Chekhov.

We need to find a way to
save them immediately.

But how I thought we agreed to
save ourselves.

Thomas don't embarrass your
teacher, think of the big picture.

There's a reason we ended up
here in Cuba.

It's destiny.


I promise you this, no matter
what obstacles stand in our

way and no matter what tricks
the ocean plays on us.

I'll surely find my girls.

I will punish those pirates and
save Cuba from this Whirlpool.


I'll sail with with you
my hero


we need to borrow your yacht.

I don't agree amigos.

I'm sorry what? Excuses-Moi?

I'm coming with you captain's
don't abandon their crew.

"No rendirse" es nuestro lema!

I knew it.

- Uncle!
- Never give up is our motto!

[Jonas sighing] Now we just
need to get to the water.

- [Jelly] A ransom!
- Feed them to the sharks and we're good!

We should demand a ransom!

Send them to the
bottom to feed the crabs!

A ransom!


I'm the boss here.

- So I'll decide.
- Neptune's beard.

How is he the boss?

I should be the boss.
I've worked here the longest.

No me!

My talent brought us loot and
supplies numerous times.

I say ransom.

I am the smartest one here.

So I am the boss!


at least it's not on fire.

[engine explodes]

[weird noises]

Oh, there we go.

Now this tin cans up and

What's that smell?

Everyone's good with their
hands in our family.

I'm sorry.

I ate chili for lunch, comida

Nephew you give me a hand.


[engine starts]

Uh, oh!

I lived at a taxi depot for two

- So I learned a lot about engines.
- Of course he did.

What a scholar!

I think I see a ship over there.


What flag does it have

I can't see I need glasses.

I think it's black

and there are some bones on it.

We lucked out.

Those are archeologists.

They're great guys.

I think it's what we've been
looking for.

I'm the smartest here.

I'm the boss here.

I'm the smartest!

Give me a stomach ache.

Jellyfish don't have stomachs
idiot, time to throw you overboard.

I'm the boss.

Stop fighting already.

Let's cast lots.

[jellyfish laughing]

Hey, are you serious?

That's enough - Strange
way to choose the boss.

Isn't it?

At least it's fun you pond scum.

Whoever can crack the bottle
first will be the boss.

First is the worst, second is
the best!

[Jellyfish all laugh]

[In unison]
Help, they're going to k*ll us!

No one will ever hurt

Belka and Strelka.

Who are you?

- Who is there?
- I'm their best friend.

[Belka gasps]

That's who I am

What an entrance.

I order you to untie.

them and apologize at once.

I'll count to three.



[Lenny yells]

Just let me get over there and

I'll show you malditos piratas.

Just give me a little bit

Ah, false alarm.

There's only two rats and the
fatty here.

[Jelly fish choking]

[Jelly fish laughing

I don't believe it.
Look at Maria!

So cool.

- I'm so happy to see you, Lenny!
- Lenny, you saved us!

Oh, my dear girls! Belka!

What are you doing in Cuba?

- [Lenny] It's a long story.
- I hate to interrupt you...

but how about helping me out!

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Yes, of course.

Uncle Jonas are you coming?

You said you knew karate and

Arm wrestling, kickboxing... Sí,
sé pelear.

What do you want, a bag with

Final de la batalla! Ha ha ha!

Don't you have... anything else to scare
us with, other than... a flying rat?

[Jelly fish laughing]

Prepare to defend yourself!

[Jelly fish gasp]
Oh mama.

Ah ha!

I've got you!

Shiver me timbers.

Abandon ship!

Hooray! Maestro! We've won!

This is what happens when the
team is all here.

Oh my hero!

Thomas look away.

Ah ha!

Here I come.

Fin amigos!

Immediately release-Huh?

The whirlpool.

It's swallowing us!

[Strelka screaming]

[Belka gasps]

[Whole group yelling]

- [Lenny] My watch!
- The samples! Aaah!

Maria! Maria!

[everyone yelling]



I'll save you!

[water swirling]
[Thomas whimpering]




[Uncle Jonas sobbing]

[Pilot ] I'm looking at the
specified area from the air.

I can only see a shipwreck,
oh and an old seal.

We lost them.

Who the cosmonauts? Belka and

The samples.

We have lost the samples.

Well those two as well

Looks like I'll have to deal
with the whirlpool by myself.

[crab cheering the others on]

[laughing and whistling]

[Belka sneezes]

What is it?

Ew. It stinks?


[Belka gasping]

Who goes there?


It's you Lenny.

Where's Maria?



My love.

I'll save you


[Thomas coughing]

[Thomas laughing]

Maestro don't worry.
I'm okay.

[Lenny sighs]


Answer me.

[Belka gasps]

Guys! I'm stuck in this thing!

Help me get it off!

It's me Strelka!

Help me!

There! Get a load of that!

[Strelka panting and sneezing]

You're just a misfit dog.

- Is she gone?
- Listen Lenny.

- Forever.
- Don't jump to any conclusions just yet.

Maestro I thought
I saw your uncle

saving Maria and
pulling her out.

- Yeah?
- You can trust me.

Did you see Maria?

I am sure she is okay.

- Yeah I hope so.
- What's that smell?

- Where are we?
- At a dump.

But how come there's a dump

I'm here.

And my Maria is out there

It's a paradox.

[Lenny laughing nervously]

Get away from here!

[Lenny screams]

Over there!

Or how about over there!

Which way do we go?


That way! Hurry!


Uh oh!

The samples!

We'll have to come back for them later.
First, we need to figure out

where we are. Jump, quick!
[Lenny] Who'll go first?

Where's my watch?

What's this?


[everyone yelling in fear]

[Lenny laughing]

Oh! Her flower!

[Thomas laughing in excitement]


Can I jump into the ball
pit again? Huh? Huh?

No, you can't.

[machine noises]

Keep your eyes peeled.

It could be dangerous in here.

[Belka gasps]

What an interesting

There's a light.

Well, shall we check it out?

Has anyone seen the forecast
for today? Huh?

What if there's a storm and
Maria's there?

Lenny don't worry.

Everything will be fine.

We have to believe that


Your uncle is there he's
basically a sea dog.

Uh huh. He's a seal.

She's gonna be okay.

- She's gonna be okay.
- Lenny.

Don't you worry,

I checked the forecast there
won't be a storm.

So there's hope in finding her


[majestic sweet music]


it's like a jungle in here.


It's beautiful.

Maria's gonna go crazy.

I'll make such a nice bouquet
for her.

[Pumbary humming]


Do you hear that?

[humming continues]

Is it a hedgehog?

Yeah a hedgehog who ate a big

He doesn't look dangerous.
[Croakagy] Pumbary!

But this one does.

what are you doing?

Why on Pluto,

are you not sorting garbage?

I mean, do you want some trash

to get sucked in with
everything else.

I'm sorry Croakagy.

I was just going to
water the flowers and

then I will return
to the control panel.

You know what you're crazy
about your flowers.

In case you forgot...

We need to pump no less than
three million gallons of water

today or we're gonna be in some
seriously big trouble.

They're the ones who are
stealing the Earth's water.

So that's what those blue balls

That means that we almost
drowned because of those weirdos.

Please don't be mad at me.

I'm Almost done here.

And don't forget to feed the

Will you just look at this

I always have to do everything
by myself.

All by my lonesome.


Lenny wait!


[Lenny is startled]

[Pumbary yells]

Get me out of here!


- We're coming to help you!
- Hey you!

- Big guy!
- Hang in there!

Spit him out immediately.

I'm warning you.

I know for pressure points!

[Pumbary yells in pain]

That's it!
You're asking for it.

[Strelka growling]

[Pumbary sneezing]

I'm sorry.

[Lenny coughing]

I didn't mean it

Guys promise me that this
incident will stay between us.

and Maria won't find out about

- Hey, get off me already
- And you

young man.

You should see an ear nose and
throat doctor.

A cold like this is no joke.

Oh, oh.


Now hurry up and tell us who
are you?

And why were you stealing our

My name is Pumbary

Unicumus Pereputum Soliasso

from a sort of smooth-horned
needle-spined species.

But you can just call me
Pumbary Unicumus Soliasso.

And this is my friend...

Well, it's a real pleasure to
meet all of you guys.

Now why don't you say cheese?

Cheese! Calm down guys, whatever
your names were Pumbary and Croakagy.

Let me just call you Hedgephant
and your friend here Froduck.

So, dear Hedgephant... and

We ended up here by pure chance
and we come to you in peace.

[Group gasping]

Shame on you both.

You just can't go up and steal
the whole ocean.

You're thieves.

Why don't you go up
and look at what you've done?

Stop she didn't really mean
it. Please don't be offended.

Will you stop talking there is
plenty of water on your planet!

♪ Somewhere in the vast universe is
our motherland the beautiful planet. ♪

- ♪ Altaease ♪
- ♪ It's awesome. ♪

♪ We were thriving population no
disease or starvation. ♪

♪ Lifestyle! Peaceful and Fair! ♪

♪ Always an abundance
of food to share. ♪

♪ Remember the fruit and the
flowers ♪

♪ The flowers! ♪

♪ Yeah flowers. ♪

♪ They blossomed all around us ♪

♪ Rainbow Gardens grow ♪

♪ red and blue ♪

♪ and yellow ♪

♪ But as we know nothing lasts
forever a ♪

♪ perfect night with summer
weather ♪

♪ a meteorite
came from outer space ♪

♪ then forever changed
my beloved birthplace ♪

♪ oceans ponds and spring went
dry ♪

♪ as the natural balance went
awry. ♪

♪ Altaease could no longer
sustain life. ♪

♪ And now all the vegetation has
died ♪

♪ The president gave an order to
build a fleet that he wanted ♪

♪ to be filled with only the
best and brightest ♪

♪ to go search in
other galaxies for ♪

♪ some water to bring back home.

♪ He promised rewards of titles

♪ and riches to save
us from the drought ♪

♪ The flowers.
Yeah flowers ♪

♪ They blossomed all around us ♪

♪ To think of them it makes me
cry ♪

♪ because it's so hot they
withered up and died ♪

[Croakagy] We've been
traveling through galaxies

for croakty-five years
searching for suitable water.

And your H O has the same
molecular structure as ours.

So it suits us.

We just need one ocean.

You have a lot of them.

Hold on a sec.

So you are saying you need
water to save your planet?

Well, yes. And once we become
heroes, we'll get titles.

- And a new echo sounder.
- And I'll get a Golden Croaktain Award.

Listen to me.

I think we can help you.

She'd say anything to make us
let her go.

Stop talking to them entirely.

Our suitcase is in the dump.

There's proof in there,

I promise, if you
let us go and get it

then we'll bring it
back right to you.

We will On my honor.

Ah sure like, we're that stupid.

Watch these liars extremely

and sh**t them if you need to.

[Thomas fainting]

Thomas. Thomas!

Thomas wake up Uncle Froduck
is just kidding, right?

I remember wonderful moment.

as before my eyes you appeared

you broke my heart forever

and in dark waters you

[smelling the flower]

Only these flowers remain.

Oh what a divine flower that is.

Wow, I've never seen
anything like it before.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, careful!

It's the flower of the Goddess
after all.

Yes, there are many wonderful
flowers on Earth.

Yeah, she's right.
And you should know if

you and your duck-frog
steal our water...

All of our flowers will die
along with everything else.

- [Strelka] Ouch!
- [laughing] My friend here...

is trying to say
that you a chance

to save a million
plants on Earth


I didn't know your planet was

I don't mind but Croakagy said...
and now I don't even know...

if I let you go.

He'll be very upset.

- And he's my only friend.
- Alright.

But if we can find our suitcase
he'll believe us and forgive you.

and you'll have enough water
for your entire planet.

[Thomas yelling angrily]

[Thomas whimpering]

[Croakagy gasping in anger]

You believed all the lies those
balls of fluff told you that's it.

That's IT!

That's gonna be the last straw.

I'll just let hatchling
deal with them.



- He let the hatchling out!
- Oh it's so tiny!

Such a cutie.

Oh, I just realized I forgot to
feed him today.


Everyone save yourselves.

[Lenny laughing]

Can you believe that?

He looks like a huge hedgehog

but in reality he's
such a coward.

I mean, it's just a small tiny
little monster.

[hatchling roars]

[everyone yells in fear]

The garden, we can hide there!

This way!

No time to rest Thomas!

- Weee!
- I got him!


Catch me!

My flower!

Oh, he ate it.

[hatchling burps]

That's it. Uncle Lenny's
put up with it for a long time.

But this is too much.

This will be fearsome.

- Uh, Thomas you go first
- And we'll get the samples.

Monster baby!

Monster baby hey!

You're our hero

Hurry up, let's get going.

The only way we can get to the
pump is through this pipe.

There look... it's there!

[machine buzzes]
It's useless.

It can't be opened without
Hedgephant or Froduck's fingerprints.

So are we just gonna give up?

Is there no hope left for our

One, two,

three. One, two,

- three. One, two... three.
- what are you doing for?

- Four, five,
- Are you okay?

- Quiet, I'm counting.
- Oh, yeah, oh yeah.

- Just the right time to do math sure.
- Huh?

It compresses at intervals.

If we can calculate it we'll have
a chance to get into the dump.

You're a genius, let's count

I'm ready.

Careful if I make a mistake we
won't make it.

You made a mistake?
Oh, please

I mean, please, please, please,
please don't make a mistake.

Then get ready.

One, two...

Too early, false start!


One. Two. Three!

- Go!
- Roger that

Stop! Four.

Five. Six. Go now!

Roll now!

We made it through.

You're a hero.

I'll demand they give you a

[Strelka laughs]

I never could have done it
without you,

but I'll remember what you said
about the medal.

One, two, one, two.

Good job guys!

Thomas to the left now to
the right!

Thomas hurry up,
but don't forget what

an important mission
we've undertaken here.

A mission of self-sacrifice.

Maestro I don't think

we'll be able to wear him down.

I think maybe we should
come up with another plan?

Uh huh!

Oh dear Thomas. I have
no idea how you managed to

outlive dinosaurs with
that fitness level you have!

Hard to believe.


Now you listen to
me you overgrown

Chihuahua no one
dares att*cks my friends.

No one dares drive me up a tree.

And no one dares eat a flower
from my beloved lady.

Have you ever loved anyone?

Have you?


[hatchling roars]

I don't get it.

Take this!

[panting excitedly like a dog]

Whoa, does he...

want to play fetch?

I'm not sure but we can try.

Good boy!

Good boy!

I think I already looked through

- or maybe I didn't.
- Same issue over here.

I'm at a loss right now.

There's so much stuff.

We will never find this tiny
suitcase in our lifetime.

[Lenny laughing]

Make way!

For the kings elephant!

Don't be scared.

Hatchling is a good boy.

He was just angry because no one
played with him.

What are you doing?


What if he's just pretending to
be nice?

It's elementary girls! A
golden rule of training...

the carrot and the
stick. Carrot and stick.

So where's the suitcase?

How will we ever find it now?

We need a tracking dog for it.

Look at that.

He has our suitcase.

Hooray, we're saved!

Oh good boy.

Well, what did I
tell you hatchling

turn around is my
watch there somewhere.

Good boy.

- Such a good boy.
- You're such a good boy.

Yes, you are.

Wait, wait, wait,

If you keep this up he

might disappear completely.


You should have warned us about

He wanted to save all the pretty
little flower didn't he...

and now you're never gonna see
any of them ever again.

Please don't do that.

Please don't hurt the flowers

All I'm doing is just
fulfilling my duty.

Hold on.

We found our suitcase

Hatchling, oh! It's you!

- Oh and now you're with the traitor
- Calm down mister.

Our suitcase has something
that will let you solve

your planets problem
without taking our water.

Okay, drum roll, please

Get ready!

Ta dah!

Thomas call a taxi.

That's it.
You're done here.

You little fluff balls. Hey!

Uh, where's my plasma g*n?

Are you looking for this?

It's My Maria.

My dear Maria.

You're alive.

Oh, I'm so happy.

Oh and you saved my watch too!

[Lenny laughs happily]

Stop it, darling.

before I ruin your pretty face
with this big plasma g*n.

What's happening?

But I thought we were serious

you and I.

I'm very seriously on...

about this watch.

This is the only
reason I joined your

romantic adventure
and I must say it paid off.

This spaceship is an island full
of technological treasures.

Any country will gladly buy
them from me.

Any country?

- So, who are you anyway?
- Ha!

I forgot my name the real one, I

[Jazzy Latin song]

♪ My friend don't be so sad ♪

♪ with me you didn't stand a
chance. ♪

♪ It's only that we grew up ♪

♪ in completely different
worlds. ♪

♪ You were raised
with silver spoons ♪

♪ and velvet ribbons
on your shoes. ♪

♪ My childhood was painful ♪

♪ with constant hunger and fear. ♪

♪ Simple Maria that's what'd you
say. ♪

♪ Simple Maria she went away. ♪

♪ You thought you could change
my ♪

♪ heart to feel joy
happiness and love ♪

♪ You're just a toy in a cat and
mouse game. ♪

♪ Nothing special.
You're all the same. ♪

♪ I'm not your little
sweetheart. ♪

♪ I'm Maria De Sanchez Gonzalez ♪

♪ My friend don't be so sad ♪

♪ you're foolish it's not that
bad. ♪

♪ You gave me a wonderful role. ♪

♪ I'm sorry. That's not who I
am. ♪

♪ Why would I want your offering ♪

♪ when in my hands lie, the
rarest ♪

♪ things that anyone
on this planet ♪

♪ has ever possibly seen. ♪

♪ Simple Maria.
That's what you say ♪

♪ Simple Maria.
She went away. ♪

♪ You thought
you could change my

heart to feel, joy,
happiness, and love. ♪

♪ You're just a toy and
a cat and mouse game. ♪

[Lenny crying]

No one is ever allowed to
hurt or make fun of the maestro!

Hey Cucaracha don't be an idiot.

- I don't want to hurt anyone
- Thomas.

Don't do it.

She's a lady after
all don't do it okay.

[Maria screaming]

[Warning alarm]

Help me!

I order you to annihilate
everybody immediately!

Huh? Oh!

[Croakagy yelling in

- What happened?
- What happened is that we're all done for.

[Ship computer] Ship is damaged.
Please leave the ship immediately.

It's sinking! Abandon ship!

Stop panicking.

Can you explain the situation

Oh, of course.
I'm totally At your service.

The situation is as follows
your crazy friend sh**ting

damaged everything it possibly

The engines, pump, compressors,
waste filtration and oxygen supply system.

Our ship is sinking quickly.

And the only thing left for us
to do is-


Oh no! Does that mean that we
won't ever be able to return home?

Pumbary! What home? We won't even
be able to rise to the surface.

Stop panicking.

Do you remember how to switch
the ship over to manual control?


- I think it's like this.
- Tell me as clearly as you can.

But we've never used it before.

Give me the ship's schematics.

Okay, so we have two key
priorities to drop the ballast

and to restore the full
operating abilities of this ship.

That's right.

We need to get rid of all the
water that you sold from Earth.

But then our planet will die.

How will you save it from the
bottom of the ocean?

Come on release the water.



Oh, wait a second,
I think something got stuck.

Nothing is like it's supposed to be
on earth. Everything's upside down.

What did you say? Upside down?

- Yes upside down.
- Upside down.

Of course.

That's my Misfit dog.
You're so smart.

That's exactly what we should

Do what?

Watch this.

If we rapidly change the incline
the ship will topple over

this way, then it will
release the water and be

pushed to the surface
as if it was a balloon.

- Genius!
- Croakinius!

Well yes,

but we still we'll need to
work together.

- Is there something I can do to help you?
- Sit down Mata Hari!

and Strelka and I will
prepare for the maneuver.

Twelve inch wrench.

Now the screwdriver.

[Chuckles] No, not the Philips,
the flat-head one!

Good boy! Now go find me a few
screws and a pair of pliers.

Okay let's see here.

It doesn't leak here or here.
That's great.

Looks like it leaks here.


Ah look at this.

It's all scratched up and worn

Just like my heart.

All right, here's a blowtorch
that will come in handy.

How's it going team?

The control panel is restored

and I'm resetting the autopilot.

All of the leaks in the Command
Module are fixed.

Great! Good job.

Wait, and where's Hedgephant?

Hedgephant, do you copy?

Do you copy?

How's it going with the trash?

What's wrong?

You're strong and huge like a
house, huh?


It's fine if you
don't care about us,

but your precious
flowers will die as well.


[Hedgephant trumpeting]

That's it.

The estimated time of the turn
is Seconds.

When it's at about degrees,

- Start the left engine.
- Roger that.

Okay on my command.

Start dropping the ballast.
Just don't do it too quickly.

[Chuckling] or we'll hit
the bottom of the ocean.

I don't think we will.

[Strelka laugh]

- Let's go friend.
- Come on friend.

- Five.
- Four.


- I think...
- Croak!

And one.

[Ship computer]
All mechanisms are in order.

The surfacing program is active.

Hooray! We're saved!

Hooray, hooray!

[joyously laughing]
We're saved!

[Lenny] I told you!
We did it guys!

I told you!

You'll always be fine with me.


Get ready and aim.

Target acquired.

Wait! Commander in Chief hold
your fire.

- We'll explain everything later.
- Slain? Who's slain?

- I said explain!
- What airplane?

You need to leave immediately.

Stealing water on
such a large scale is no

joke, they'll put you
in jail for a long time.

I'd bet my life on that.

But the ship doesn't even
have enough energy,

to even leave the atmosphere.

Yeah, Maria, excuse me, but
this scratch wasn't here before.

I'm just saying.


Your watch!

Maybe it can serve as an alternative
energy source for the spaceship.

Well you know,

let's do some brainstorming.

Give me some other ideas.

We can't just go with the very
first one.

Thomas any ideas?

Hey Lenny,

we don't know what they're
capable of but...


You should give them your watch.

Maybe it'll save their planet.

[Lenny sighs]

I let you into my heart once
and I don't know if I'll ever

be able to look at another watch
face in the same way again.


You sacrificed your most
precious thing.

[Engine powering up]

- It worked!
- Yay!

[everyone cheering]
It worked!

- It worked.
- It worked.

I don't know about you, but we
must continue looking for water.

- We haven't completed our mission after all.
- Yay.


Hold on.

Maybe this can help you

- You've been looking for it so hard.
- There it is.

Not bad Maria.

[Strelka laughs]

If only I had known you were
like this.

I would have never stolen
anything from you


This crystal holds a huge, huge
amount of water.

How is that even possible.

There's almost... two...

oceans in there.

- It's ultra concentrated water.
- We told you!

Ah wonderful now, we won't
need to steal anything else.

And please,

I hope that you can forgive us.

We were just trying to save our
own planet here.

Sure, and become a croaktain
while you're at it! Uh-huh.

Your friend is a real hero.

Come on, don't say that.

You can just name the ocean
after me, Leonard ocean.

That's enough.

Thank you my new friends.

Good bye! Good bye!

Here are our heroes, the
saviors of the Earth. The whole

world applauds you. Long
live Belka! Long live Strelka!

Commander Strelka, you lost your
only ship.

forfeited the samples from

and allow the alien spaceship to

What am I supposed to make of

I'm sorry Commander in Chief.

It's true.

I failed as a commander.

The blame for the failure of
the mission is entirely on me.

On us.

- No, me.
- on us.

Let me state something for the

I'd like to say that I wasn't
always following orders.

- So I'm prepared to be punished equally.
- And you will be punished.

And you won't need to
go very far at all.

Your punishment is to stay here
and serve at the Cuban base.

It's hot as the sun

- We'll do our best commander.
- Excuse me Commander in Chief.

We're also ready to be severely
punished for our terrible

inexcusable actions.

[Cedric groans]

[upbeat salsa music]

[Strelka and Belka laughing]

Here you go enjoy I hope
you brought your appetites!

If I knew we could be punished
like this,

- I would never have to take a vacation.
- And I'd remember to pack a swimsuit.

Yes girls.

I'm the only one
who lost something

in this battle my
heart is broken.

and my watch is gone.
[Uncle Jonas] Hey!

Hey, nephew, you need
to stop all of this slobbering!

Cuba is the island of miracles!

You just need to believe in the
magic of the island.


Okay, everyone watch your

[Jonas clears his throat]
[Lenny laughs nervously]

Good evening.

The bar is about to close.

Did you want something?

I want to start it all over,

as if nothing happened.

If you can possibly forgive me.

María Aranta Sánchez Caballero.

but you can just call me Maria.



People call me Lenny, my folks
call me Leon

and my friends just call me

super Lenny.

What a couple!

- You were truly made for each other.
- Congratulations!


[Uncle Jonas]

everybody dance!




[upbeat jazz music]

I have a present for them.