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Far til fire & vikingerne (2020)

Posted: 02/22/22 14:53
by bunniefuu

- Careful, Dad.
- Ssh.

Ole! Quiet!


- Ssh!
- Dad...


Ready? Three, two, one.

Today is Bodil's birthday!
Hooray, hooray, hooray!

I told you they'd come.

Bodil wanted to get up at : ,
but you stay in bed on your birthday.

That's what we do in our family, Per.

- Now we'll recite our family oath.
- Do we have to?

We always do it on birthdays.

Family's best, family's blessed,
family will not fail!

- Together we are strong.
- And in the end we will prevail!

Now for breakfast!

- Bodil, you lovely blue elephant...
- Gray, Dad.

Gray-blue elephant.

I remember the day
you came into my life.

It was on my fifth birthday -

- and ever since, you've been
a big part of this family.

Now it's Sis's turn.

Dear Bodil. When I turned five,
it was my turn to be your mother.

I held you in my arms
for seven glorious years.

Then I passed you on to...

Me. Bodil, you were my best friend.
You never left my side.

- We had so much fun...
- What are you on about?

- Bodil, you were mine most of all.
- No, she wasn't.

I took care of her and found her
whenever you left her here and there.

- She always slept in my room.
- This is so typical!

- What about you, Ole?
- Stop!

We had a / arrangement
with shared custody.

- That's not true.
- She was always in my room.

Then... I got you, Bodil.

We'll be together
until one of us dies.

Let's stand and
give three cheers for Bodil.

Dear Bodil.
I hope you'll live long and well -

and live to be an old elephant.

- Three cheers for Bodil.
- Hooray, hooray.

- And the long trunk.
- Hooray!

Dad, you've got to talk to Ole.

His stinky socks
and underpants are everywhere.

I go to school
smelling of stinky socks and boy farts.

Do you realize how harmful
that can be for a girl entering puberty?

- We're too old to share a room.
- But we don't have enough rooms.

Sis is almost an adult
and needs her own room.

- Can't Per and Ole share?
- He's only seven.

- You're too much!
- Mie!

Dad, you have to talk to Mie.
She doesn't respect my boundaries.

- I'll talk to her. Again.
- I'm sick of sharing a room with her.

I'm almost . A grown man.
And I'm surrounded by pink and bows.

- It'll give me a trauma.
- I'll talk to her.

If you'll start putting your dirty
laundry in the laundry basket.

- You leave it everywhere.
- You always take her side!

Ole and Mie,
come and fold your own clothes.

- No? Okay.
- I can help, Sis.

Thanks, but they'll have to get with it
if they want clean underwear.

- I'm sick of doing everything here!
- Sis!

- Why is your stuff on my side?
- What are your dolls doing here?

They're highly collectible
action figures. They're expensive.

What about this junk?

Don't throw my jewelry around.
Do you know how much it cost?

- Sis?
- No!

You're so annoying!

A Bedouin camp.

Is that you, Per? And the birthday girl.

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you, Uncle Anders.

I see you have my talent
for building and comfort.

- Are you pretending to be a sheik?
- This is no game.

- I'm hiding.
- From whom?

- Those inside.
- Which one?

All of them.

- Hello, everybody!
- Out of the way.

Here. The floors need to be done
in this room and the kitchen.

The toilet needs maintenance,
and fix the U-bend in the laundry room.

- My word!
- Not now, Uncle.

Good grief!

- Shouldn't you be doing something?
- I'm building a partition wall.

- Stick to your own side.
- Hi, kids.

Not now, Uncle!

I'm not a housewife
or a builder or a plumber.


- The bird has flown.
- This family is falling apart!

I'll say!
You have to do something, Dad.

Like what?

- Family therapy?
- Exactly.

You need it desperately.

I know two experts in family dynamics
and crisis management on Funen.

We'll all go there
and be energized -

- and learn tools to help us
live together in peace and harmony.

It's an incredibly interesting project.
We'll live together like the old...

We'll do no such thing. We're already
happy and living in harmony.

- We expect a guest in the fall holiday.
- She can come too.

- Then she too can live like the old...
- Not me. I'm moving away from home.

- I get her room!
- What did you say, Sis?

I'm moving out. You heard me.
You're already arguing over my room.

- Don't you want to live with us?
- I'm an adult. I can't stay forever.

- Who gets your room?
- You two can figure it out.

- Sis isn't going anywhere.
- I'm . It's my decision.

We need to talk about this.
You're not old enough to move out.

Family's best, family's blessed!
Family's best, family's blessed!

Family's best, family's blessed!

- This place is gorgeous.
- Amazing.

- It's almost pretty.
- Pretty means the same as gorgeous.

It's really nice too.

Isn't it, Dad?

They could at least have given us
cushions to sit on.

- Where is this Funen place?
- Here, there and everywhere.

- I'm glad you came, Olivia.
- It's my first time in a carriage.

- We're out in the countryside.
- Aren't there any houses here?

- Or a comfortable car?
- Or people?

There's someone.

- Will he sh**t us, Dad?
- Not at all. He's probably hunting.

- Wow.
- Look!

This place is wild.

Welcome to Freya's Delight.

We're so glad that you want to give
your family life a new direction -

- that includes forgiveness,
collaboration and, Freya willing, love.

- Speaking of love, this is Rie.
- And this is Runulf.

We want to take you back to a time
when life wasn't so complicated.

We will live as Vikings.

- Are we going to play Vikings?
- Yes!

I tried to tell you.

Back then, unity was crucial
for the survival of the group.

- May I ask a question?
- No!

Forget it.

There were no computers -

- cell phones
or other alienating elements.

It's time to put your cell phones
and iPads in this basket.

- You can't be serious.
- We are.

You'll get them back at the end of the
course. If you want them, that is...

I'd also like to introduce Gorm
and Lisa.

Lisa is our cook,
and Gorm is our handyman.

First we'll find your quarters,
which are in the village.

Thank goodness!
I thought we had to live in this circus.

We'll probably stay in that cozy inn
we passed.

Come along. It's just
on the other side of this thicket.

Stay on the path.
Giants might by lying in wait.

Mind your arms and legs.
Now we're almost there.

- Here.
- This isn't the village.

It is indeed. This is a copy
of a village in the Viking Age.

The Jakobsens?
This is your cottage.

And the Madsens?
Yours is over there.

And the Stevenson-Mahmouds?
Your cottage is behind us.

And the last cottage is
for the Dad family.

The door is locked.

Yes, exactly. Just like
your pattern of family life is.

- I'm not sure I...
- Keep your big mouth shut, Torben.

You have to figure out
how to get inside.

Your first family exercise
starts now. Off you go!

That's right.
You can go to your cottages now.

Brilliant, Runulf.

- Look, everyone. Is that a trapdoor?
- Maybe we can crawl in.

- It's shut.
- Pulling on the antlers might open it.

- I'll do it.
- No way, Little Per.

This is a job for adults.

- Go, Uncle.
- Yes.

- On my shoulders.
- Alright, alright.

No, no, Uncle. Stop!

- I can't see anything.
- Watch out, Dad.

- Move your hands.
- Careful!

- Look out!
- Oh no!

Thank you, adults.

Can you use a lasso?

I'll have you know
that I used to work at a rodeo.

If you can lasso a cow -

you can lasso a dead deer.


- Now what?
- Crawl up the rope.

- And this is a job for children.
- You're almost there, Per.

- How will he get down on the inside?
- There's a ladder here.


- I won't share a room with Mie.
- I have to have my own room.

Let's get inside
before you start assigning rooms.

- Are you there, Per?
- Yes.

- Good job, Per.
- Stop!

Where is Bodil? I hope
she didn't get scared and run away.

I've got her.
You sound as though she were alive.

- You have no idea, Olivia.
- In we go.

- It's one big room.
- Oh no...

Well, I never. Who didn't want
to share with whom?

- I won't sleep in Ole's corner.
- I need my own space.

How about if we all cover our eyes
and see where we end up?

- Good idea.
- Will you ever grow up, Uncle?

- I hope not.
- Dibs on this area!

That's enough!

I've just been welcomed by nutcases
who forbade me to use the door -

- which is the normal entrance.
Uncle and Ole, you sleep there.

The little ones and I will sleep here,
and Mie and Sis over there.

Either that or we sleep in the woods.
End of story.

I hope you have settled in.

- I brought your clothes.
- We brought our own, thank you.

- Not Viking clothes.
- Viking clothes? Cool!

- Where are my clothes?
- All the packages are labelled.

We'll meet in the Hall of the Gods
in minutes. Any questions?

- Where is the bathroom?
- There.

- Sorry. Where?
- There.

- There?
- Yes. Here. See you.

This isn't half bad
if I say so myself.

- Don't you look handsome!
- You look like a chieftain.

If the shoe fits...

We could be your chieftain children.
And Dad could be...

- Head of the slaves.
- A spectacular save, Per.

Let's get going.

Welcome, kinsmen. Now that
you have left the modern world -

- and are wearing Viking clothes,
it means -

that we are one tribe.

That means we stick together
through thick and thin.

First of all, we need to have
some proper Viking names.

Their bynames had to do with
their appearance or their achievements.

We already have
lovely Viking names.

By my side is Runulf the Resourceful.

And this is Rie the Sly Fox.

- Ready?
- Yes.

Your Viking name
is Perus Curlytop.

Your name, pretty lady -

is Mie Fairmouth.

- And you are Ole the Magnanimous.
- Wow.

- Dad!
- I know.

Your name is Torben the Henpecked.

- The Unchecked?
- The Henpecked, Torben!

- Yes...
- Sistra Shield-Maiden.

- Olivia Applecheek.
- Applecheek!

- Uncle Eaglewing.
- Right.

Dad Dogfish.


Uncle, do I look like a fish?
Be honest.

There is a bit of the monkfish about you
on closer inspection.

- Ole says that fairmouth means foul.
- A monkfish is the ugliest fish.

- Does my byname mean foul?
- Am I ugly?

Fair means beautiful, Mie.

- Your byname means beautiful mouth.
- Yes! Ole?

Now you are true Vikings.

Let us begin your journey
with a good meal.

- It looks delicious.
- Not yet!

Mealtime is often a challenge
for families -

- whose soul is in pain.
But the Bifrost Method can help.

- The Bifrost Method?
- Exactly.

- Let's show them.
- Yes.

- Spoon up.
- Link arms and dip in gruel.

- And eat.
- And dip in gruel.

And eat.

That's it. Your turn.

- Stop it.
- Not that way, you idiot.


- Stop it, Uncle.
- Knock it off!

Uncle, stop it.


You work together.

You can have fun -

- while we work on
your family dynamics.

- Are we the only ones awake?
- No.

Dad says that bakers get up at night,
so we can buy bread in the morning.

- No one here is awake.
- Luckily. My whole family is nuts.

- Not Uncle Anders.
- He's always been nuts.

- Why are they so mad at each other?
- I can't figure it out.

Why can't they just get along?

I don't know.
I've only been alive for seven years.

- I don't want to grow up.
- I don't even want to be a teenager.

You look like you stuck your finger
in a socket. I'll put it on Insta.

Where's my phone?

I can't sleep in that bed.
I'm not built to sleep on straw.

My legs are paralyzed.

Ow, my legs!
Now you're laughing.

You are at each other's throats
until Dad looks a fool.

I'll teach you!
Here I come!

- Dad!
- Stop!

Dad, I think you need
some Fimbul winter.

- Excuse me?
- You can cool off cutting wood.

I'll give him a hand.

Let me show you how it's done.
You go like this.

And as a finishing touch...

Welcome to your first day
here at Freya's Delight.

We'll take the first step
on the rainbow together.

- You can't walk on a rainbow.
- Yes, you can.

The Vikings thought the rainbow
was a bridge between Midgard -

- where humans lived,
and Asgard, where the gods lived.

The rainbow was called Bifrost.

That's why our family therapy
is called the Bifrost Method.

The aim of the method -

- is for each family to learn
to overcome their problems step by step.

Imagine walking on a rainbow
to a better place. A beautiful image.

I've never heard such baloney.

- Let's give it a try, Dad.
- Dad Dogfish.

Regarding the rainbow...
How can you...

Can't you just shut up
and listen for once in your life?

- We'll take one family at a time.
- The Dad family, follow me.

The rest can come with me.
Come along.

Come in.


This is a val.
The Viking word for a b*ttlefield.

If we're to untie the family's knots,
we need to loosen the ropes -

- so love and forgiveness
can flow freely.

The Vikings had a great exercise
that we can use today.

- Fighting with an axe and a broadsword.
- That can be dangerous.

Yes, so we're modifying the weapons
as well as you.

"So love can flow freely?"
I can hardly breathe.

Choose one... excellent choice.

Very good.

Now we're ready
to pummel our problems out.

May the god of thunder and battle,
the mighty Thor, be with you.

Off you go!

Very good. But choose someone
you really want to fight -

- just like the berserkers did
in the Viking Age.

- Go berserk? Okay!
- Two against one isn't fair.

- Ow!
- Isn't it fantastic?

Dad, what are you doing out there?

- I didn't want to intrude.
- You should join the fight.

- It's amazing.
- Right.

No, no. No. No!

- Dad? Are you okay?
- Are you?

That was our b*ttlefield exercise.

- Wasn't that fun?
- Very, but that's enough.

Now I'll go back to my straw
and dream that this was all a dream.

No, you won't.
Everyone is sleeping outdoors tonight.

- What?
- What?

You'll sleep in a wooden hut
in the woods. The adventure continues!

Please go through the portal.

- Here you are.
- Where is the hut?

There. It hasn't been assembled,
but it won't be a problem -

- as long as you have the instructions
and the will to work together.

See you tomorrow. Bright-eyed
and bushy-tailed. Off you go.

- What?
- Let me see now.

- Give Uncle the instructions.
- It doesn't matter who reads aloud.

- Remember the IKEA closet?
- The instructions were faulty. Listen.

- This one has a thing on the end.
- It must be a D .

- No, a D is shorter.
- And has no thing on the end.

- Then put them down.
- What about these big ones?

- That's for the floor.
- No, they look like roof plates.

- If you want to put flooring...
- Aggressive projection.

It is the roof.
Grass goes on top of it.

Don't blame me
when the floor caves in.

- How is it going?
- Exactly according to plan.

The family is falling apart.
No trust, no leadership.

They're not Vikings.

- Isn't it interesting?
- Yes, but it's a huge challenge.

- Help!
- Uncle?

- What's wrong?
- Dad, come and help.

You said I can't do anything right.

Alright, Uncle?

One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four, five.

I'm okay.

What did I tell you?
No one needs me.

We have to use harsh methods.

I have some birch sap on the stove.
Come along.

- Rie, you little valkyrie.
- Come on.

We'll make the best of it.

- Can I lie in the middle?
- Yes. There's always room for more.

- Where is everyone?
- Uncle Anders went for a walk.

- Mie needed some me-time.
- Me-time?

- Comfy?
- Yes.

- Ah.
- Ah?

- Comfy?
- Yes.

- Dad, don't.
- Move.

- There isn't enough room.
- Lie still.

My body isn't built
to lie on spruce branches.

I'm going for a walk.
Will you keep an eye on the little ones?

- Of course.
- Good.

As usual.


- Where are you going?
- I just...

- If you have to pee, go far away.
- Of course.



Then south is that way.


Maybe I was an idiot.
It was mostly my fault.

It's just that...

That must be north,
so that's south.


I'm sorry I was so mean.

I can see why you got mad
about the room.

I just want you to live with us,


Am I a pathfinder or what?

I've been looking for you everywhere.

In the inn's bathrobe?

Well spotted. We have to get back
before the kids find out we left.

I'm afraid it's too late.

Dear children, now we'll talk
about our deep down feelings.

You're here with your siblings,
but how often do you think about -

how much you love your family?

Now please get out
your favorite childhood thing.

Open those bags and boxes
and let's take a look.


Easy now.



This is a funny little spikey thing.

Where is your favorite childhood thing,

My childhood what?

Now what I'd like you to do is to go
into the woods and find something -

- that reminds you the most
of your siblings and their good sides.

- Alright?
- Yes.

Very good. Off you go.
Out in the gods' greenery.

Dogfish, did you read the program?

Of course I did.

I have a question.

If anyone besides me wants to speak,
they must stand on one leg.

- What?
- Stand on one leg.

The Vikings did it,
so discussions wouldn't drag out.


What do you want to say?

Why is it so important
to bring our favorite childhood thing?

Dad, it said so in the program.

Don't you understand the exercise
or didn't you read the program?

I read it.
I just can't...

You didn't bring your favorite thing.

Yes, I did.
I brought it.

- It's in the cottage.
- Then go get it. We'll wait.

- Now?
- Yes.

- May I...?
- Yes.

This? No.

Or this? Ew!

This? No.

What can I use?

Hi, sweet Bodil.
Can you help me?

It reminded me of my little sister.

Very nice, Rasmus Raven.
And Mille Moonstone?

This reminds me of my little brother.
You think it's prickly -

- but then you realize that
it's soft and nice to the touch.

Good find.
Perus Curlytop, who will you start with?

- This is my big sister.
- Because she's soft?

- Yes, and you can move her skin around.
- Hey! Do you mind?

- You can't comment on the finds.
- My skin is firm and taut.

Ole the Magnanimous,
who's first?

My twin sister.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Mie, wait!

I've had Quack since I was five.

My father bought him
in Singapore.

When he gave Quack to me,
he said...

- He said...
- That's fine, Inger.

Just fine.

- Are you okay, Mie?
- Sure.

The sun is out, the birds are singing,
and my brother thinks I look like...

...a frog.

But it was a cute little frog.

Thanks, Per.

Then my mother said to me...
Well, my stepmother:

"This is Snuffles.
If you really want him, he's yours. "

That's how Snuffles came into my life
and has been ever since.

That's a very moving story,
Torben the Henpecked.

It's very clear how much
your childhood things mean to you.

That's good.
It's time to say goodbye to them.

In the Viking Age,
growing up fast was crucial.

It's part of the Bifrost Method -

- to help you transition
to becoming adults.

You will become chieftain mothers
and chieftain fathers!

Do you really think saying goodbye
to our cuddly toys helps?

All the care and sense of security -

- that your things represent
must be freed -

- so you can pass it on
to your families.

Please put your cuddly toys
in this box.

We'll give the box to charity -

- so some other children
can enjoy them.

- It's a win-win situation for everyone.
- No...

Jeez, Mie!

No, I won't do it.


Hu! Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Goodbye, Pearl Blossom.


Hu! Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Thank you for years, little Log.

Thank you for always laughing
at my funny stories.

And even when they weren't funny.

Thank you!


You're last, Dad Dogfish.

Come now, Dad.

Come on now.

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu! Hu! Hu!


I should ask the children,
since Bodil is also theirs.

No, no, Dad. Stop.
That's the whole point of this exercise.

You have to take on the role of
the responsible chieftain father -

who can make hard decisions.

- Come on, Dad.
- Come on, Dad.

Come on, Dad!

Come on, Dad!

Come on, Dad!

Come on, Dad. Come on, Dad.

Come on, Dad. Come on, Dad.

Come on, Dad. Come on, Dad.

Come on, Dad. Come on, Dad.

Come on, Dad. Come on, Dad.

- Come on, Dad!
- Come on!

Look what I found!

It should go here.
Now it's perfect.

- I'll just to add one here.
- Me too.

- It's mine!
- Let go!

- Sorry. You take it.
- Okay. Thanks.

Look! Now it's perfect.
It's our house!

Look here.
There's a room for Bodil.

The size is perfect.

- Let's go and get her.
- Good idea.

Oh no. I knew it.
They said I had to...

- Oh no. It's over.
- Relax. Let's talk about it.

There's nothing to talk about.
I'm a dead man.

- Finished as a father.
- Will you sit down?

There. You're not finished.

- You're a chieftain father.
- Am I?

Yes. You did it for the family.
Like a proper chieftain father should.

- You may be right.
- Of course I am.

Take the blankets.
I'll get Bodil.

Oh no. Oh no. No!

- It's all over now.
- Have you seen Bodil?

You're finished.
Finished as a father.

What's wrong?

- I don't understand at all.
- Order in the court!

- This isn't a court, Olivia.
- Then order in the woods!

Ole has the floor.

- Did you give Bodil away?
- No.

I didn't give her away.
It was a liberation.

- What do you mean?
- One at a time.

- Mie.
- Did you liberate Bodil?

No, not Bodil. I liberated the family.
What was it Rie said?

"Only by liberating
your life-long... care... "

And something about security.
No, I can't remember it.

- Are you trying to blame Rie?
- Yes! No... You're right.

I was the one who went to get Bodil
and put her in the box.

- It's my fault alone.
- Agreed!

- That is...
- It's not your turn.

- Mie.
- When will Per get her back?

I don't know. I think...
I never asked.

- Then go and ask right now.
- Yes. I'll go and ask... them?

- Yes.
- Insist on getting Bodil back.

Right. But they're not easy
to deal with. I think they'll say...

It's out of the question, Dad.

- Then when do we get her back?
- Never. That's the whole point.

- All the care you show Birthe...
- Bodil.

All that care should be given
to your family alone.

It's a rite of passage to adulthood.
Don't you remember?

All the cuddly toys go to the Red Cross
and then to poor children.

You want to help the poor children,
don't you?

- Don't we want to do that?
- Does that mean I won't get her back?

- They can'tjust give her away.
- Didn't you protest?

Yes, I did... But I couldn't say
I didn't want to help the poor children.

It's just a cuddly toy.

- Have you lost your mind?
- Bodil isn't just a cuddly toy.

We want to help the poor, but this is
like giving away a member of the family.

- Can't we give them Ole instead?
- You have a point, Mie.

What if you offer to trade her
for another cuddly toy?

- Then we could give them that.
- What about the liberation thing?

They can't refuse
if they get a different cuddly toy.

We could give them .
They can't refuse.

- A bunch of cuddly toys for Bodil.
- Where do we get some out here?

- Cuddly toys?
- About .

We only have Benny's shop.
He doesn't sell them.

He has some glass knick-knacks.

- Will they do?
- It has to be huggable.

- It's fine if it's homemade.
- Like that.


- Yes, it's nice. Look.
- Very nice.

- Where did you get it?
- The woodsman.

- He lives in a cottage in the woods.
- His place is full of them.

- Super. We'll go and see him.
- That's not a good idea.

The woodsman isn't fond of people.

- He's a bit peculiar.
- We're used to peculiar.

It's said that he hasn't spoken
to anyone for more than years.

- That will make it difficult.
- We have to try. For Bodil's sake.

Stop. We're here.

Where is his cottage?

But it's best if we get out here.

What a lot of signs.

- "Go away". "Stay away. "
- He's not very hospitable.

- It looks like a witch's house.
- Stop it. Let's say hello.

Perhaps I should go first.

Nonsense. He's a man like any other.
I'll go and have a chat with him.

Hello? Anybody home?

- What's that?
- We're from Freya's Delight...


- Are you hurt, Dad?
- I'm okay, I think.

- This man means business.
- I told you he shunned human society.

He could've k*lled me
with that buckshot.

His only amm*nit*on is dried peas,
but they sting.

- Are you sure?
- It's a peashooter.

- Right. Are you with me, Uncle?
- You bet. What are we doing?

Hello, Mr. Woodcarver.
We mean you no harm.

Stop that nonsense.
We just want to talk.

Look. There he is.

We saw him in the woods.

- What's he doing?
- It looks like a ropeway.

Oh no!

Sis! Uncle! Look out!


- I get the feeling he won't talk to us.
- Now what?

- We give up.
- But what about Bodil?

You practically need a knight's armor
to get close to him.

A knight's armor?
Come, Ole.

- It's our turn.
- To do what?

- Are you sure about this?
- For Bodil.

For Bodil.

Is this really a good idea?

- Do you have a better one?
- No.

What's this?

I'll get them.

He's using his stupid aerial w*apon

A few rotten apples won't work now.

- Now it's our turn.
- To do what?

It's not apples this time.

- A wasp's nest.
- No!

- Allow me.
- Dad, you can't do that.

You can do what you really want!

Yes! Well done, Dad!

That's nothing.

- Great job.
- Are they in?

We don't know yet.

No! We've been betrayed.

- Ready?
- We'll fight to the last man.

Hi there.

Get down!

- Sorry to barge in like this.
- But we really need your help.

I hope you won't sh**t us.
We just want to save Bodil.

And we really need help.

I'm not going to help save anyone.
I don't like people.

Bodil isn't a person.
She's an elephant.

I see.

You're making fun of me.
Everyone always does.

No, we aren't.
Bodil is an elephant. A little one.

What's his name?

His name is... It doesn't have one.
Do I look like a kid?

Not at all.
But I think he has a name.

- He looks nice.
- Do you think so?

You're making fun of me again.
He's not nice at all.

- He was my very first.
- So what is his name?

His name is Poul.

- He's putting his g*n down.
- And sitting down.

I made him when I was seven.
Seven and a half. He was my best friend.

- Just like me and Bodil.
- Kids teased me, but Poul never did.

We played hide-and-seek.

- I always knew where he was hiding.
- Bodil and I play that too.

I pretend I don't know
where she's hiding.

- Can I hold him?
- Well...


You little devil.

So what's up with this Bodil?

- Well done, you two.
- You did a good job too.

That was proper family collaboration.

Family's best, family's blessed.

Hey. Listen.
Family's best, family's blessed.

Family's best, family's blessed.

Family's best, family's blessed!
Family's best!

Family's best, family's blessed

Family will not fail
and we will prevail

Family best, family blessed

We know each other well

even though we do raise hell

All alone you're on your own

like a tree without any leaves

The more you are
the merrier by far

and you can invite others in

Togetherness is the trunk of the tree
we're growing on

And family is the entity of our unity

We say hello to the world
because we know

it's full of lovely people
we'd like to get to know

But in the end
the family is where we belong

If you know where you're from

and where you belong

it's easier to achieve
what you want

If you know who you love

and who's on your side

you're all set to make
new friends

All alone you're on your own

like a tree

without any leaves

The more you are
the merrier by far

and you can invite others in

Togetherness is the trunk of the tree
we're growing on

And family is the entity of our unity

We say hello to the world
because we know

it's full of lovely people
we'd like to get to know

Togetherness is the trunk of the tree
we're growing on

And family is the entity of our unity

We say hello to the world
because we know

it's full of lovely people
we'd like to get to know

But in the end
the family is where we belong

Family's best, family's blessed

Family's east, family's west

Family is best

- Sorry! Sorry!
- It's okay. It wasn't your fault.

- Are you donating all these figurines?
- Yes, woolly hats and all.

- Fantastic. Thank you.
- Only if we get Bodil back.

Exactly. In A condition.

Does that mean that all of you
are attached to that toy elephant?

- Yes. Please call her Bodil.
- Because that's her name.

- She's a full member of our family.
- And has been for many years.

This is momentous.
I'm sorry. I find it quite touching.

This is what we call "aureus".
The breakthrough.

I've never seen it
in such an unadulterated form.

Could you put that in layman's terms?

It means we've found the very symbol
of the family's problems.

- The exercise worked. Congrats.
- Thanks... I guess.

May I ask you something?
Does that mean that we get Bodil back?

- No!
- What?

Now it's more important than ever.
It's crucial -

- that all of you free yourselves
of those ties -

- that have blocked
healthy and true relations.

Remember how harsh the Vikings were
when it came to hardening the young.

Excuse me, but that's the worst rubbish
I've ever heard.

- Right, kids?
- Right.

It's just a bunch of homespun twaddle
and psychobabble.

- My very words!
- And mine.

- Almost.
- Wonderful!

It's great when you form
a united front.

Do you know what that means?

It means that the Bifrost Method
is beginning to work.

You must trust us. We know
what we're doing.

- Is he still howling?
- I'll say.

Dad? Dad!

Dad, calm down.

I can't.
It feels like I'm in a movie.

"Dad and the Monster Vikings".

- He's very persistent.
- Are we doing the right thing?

They're very attached to that elephant.

And that's why
we're doing the right thing, Runulf.

We could give the elephant back.
It's just a cuddly toy.

Then we might as well close shop. If we
don't believe in our methods, who will?

You're quite right, dear Rie.
It worked before, and it'll work again.

I know we're on the right track.

They'll thank us
before they go back home.

Poor Bodil.
I think she misses us.

Poor Log. We haven't been apart
for years.


Cheer up! The battle isn't over.

- Isn't it?
- Not at all.

- Will we stand up for Bodil?
- Yes.

- I can't hear you.
- Yes!

- Will we fight for Bodil?
- Yes!

- Will we go home without Bodil?
- Yes! No.


That's all I've got right now.

- I'm going.
- Where?

- Somewhere where I can think.
- I'm coming too.

Rie? Rie?

- Rie?
- What?

I think we're on the right track, but
the usual rituals might not be enough.

- Of course.
- What?

Of course they're enough.
They work every time.

But this family is different.
Especially that dad.

He's certainly stubborn.
What's your idea?

My idea...

My idea is about all the cuddly toys.

Something big and effective.

- Ragnarok.
- No, I won't have it.

Last time, my ears were ringing
for a week.

Okay. How about something
that doesn't make your ears ring -

but is still big and effective?

Chieftain blót.

- Chieftain blót. What's that?
- Something about a ship.

- And earrings.
- Blót?

- I think I've heard that word before.
- Let's google it.

- Oh right.
- Aren't we done following the rules?

- We are so done with that.
- What?

I still have my old Nokia.
You're kidding! My phone is dead.

- In that case...
- What? Sis, you too?

I handed in the cover.
I have to stay in touch with Peter.

- I'm out of data.
- No matter.

Now I remember what it is.
It's a sacrifice.

- How come you suddenly remember?
- I don't know.

It just came to me.

- Dad?
- What's under the blanket?

- I would've handed it in, but...
- Cheater.

Never mind. What does it say
about the chieftain thing?

"When a Viking chieftain
died in battle -

- he was laid on his ship with
some animals and his slaves and... "


Then they set fire to the ship
and pushed it out to sea -

where it burned and sank.

- Does that mean that Bodil will...
- I'm afraid so.

- We have to do something!
- I have an idea.

But we'll have to work closely together.

- And no howling or screaming?
- Of course not.

- For Bodil!
- For Bodil!

We need something to sail in.
A raft.

- I've built lots. I remember...
- Great, Uncle.

We have boards.

We need some plastic barrels
to make it float.

Let's go.

Gorm has some kind of pump,
doesn't he?

And we need rope, buckets
and a ladder.

- How about these?
- Good.

- Is that wrapped-up thing Bodil?
- I'm afraid so.

- Can't we just grab her now?
- We'd never get away.

Oh no!
I hope they're not sacrificing Snuffles.

- Be quiet, Torben!
- But...

Welcome to our place of sacrifice.
And welcome to the lur players -

and to the Lundby Viking Guild.

It's wonderful to see you.

Let us show our respect
for the holy priestess.

Hail, children of Midgard.

You are invited to a party in Asgard
by the gods themselves.

Awild boar is already cooking
on the spit.

Let the mead and sap flow.

Oh, exalted Odin!

Glorious Freya!

Mighty Thor!

In front of you are four families
in need of help -

- to reconcile, to reunite
and to have a better life.

Did you bring gifts
to appease the gods?

Yes, priestess.
They bring gifts of the finest love.


Are you ready to sacrifice
these gifts for a good cause?

Yes, they are.

- I'm not ready.
- Don't talk now. Our time will come.

Let my shield-maidens take the gifts
to the dragon ship.

Oh, you Norse gods!

Your humble servants bring you gifts
of love and respect.

They will turn into smoke
that will rise to Asgard -

where you can witness our devotion.

This is it! Go!

Danish heroes, let the flames
burn away the sins of the past.

Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Hu! Hu!

- Oh no...
- No, no, no!


Goodbye, Snuffles.

- Coming, kids?
- Finally. It's about time.

- It looks good, Uncle.
- Let's hope it can float.

It reminds me of my time
in the navy when I...

I'll repeat our plan.

We hurry out to the ship.
The pump puts the fire out.

I free Bodil, and then we sail
to the other side and wave goodbye.

- Let's hope he's there.
- Of course he is.

- Are you sure?
- Yes. We agreed on it.

- I hope you're right.
- Push.


Are those pirates?

- What? Where?
- Hurry, hurry!

- What are they doing?
- Hurry! Faster, faster!

They're heading for the ship. Stop!

Come back!

Stop! Stop!

- Hurry! You can do it!
- Now be quiet!

No, it's about time
you shut your trap!

They're saving Snuffles!

Put your backs into it!


Let's hurry, Rie.

- Hurry!
- It's hard work.

I'll help.

Thanks, sister.

Come on, Rie.

Get in. Hurry.

- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.

- Take this oar.
- Take it?

- I can't row.
- You'll bloody well have to!

- He's not here.
- If Poul says he's coming, he's coming.

- Isn't his doll called Poul?
- They all are. And so is he.

Here he comes!

I had to get the old thing started.

- Where are the others?
- On the raft.

It's not moving.

- We're not moving.
- We're stuck.

- We're caught in underwater plants.
- Someone has to disentangle us.

- I'll do it.
- No!

- What's going on?
- Torben the Henpecked!

- Come and get a hug.
- There's no time. Get moving!

- And don't forget Snuffles!
- Right.

- Pull, dear Rie!
- I'm pulling as hard as I can!

What are you doing? Put it
in the rowlock, you amateur Viking!

Says you!
"Give me a chieftain blót. "


- Greatjob, Dad.
- Thanks, kids.

- How are they doing?
- They're almost there, Torben.

- It's all ablaze!
- All hands to the pumps! Or the pump.

- Over there, Mie.
- Here.

- Ole, the ladder.
- More water.

- I'm coming, Bodil.
- Dad will go.

I'll do it. I'Il do it.

I'll do it. I'Il do it.
Keep pumping.

Dad is climbing onto the ship now!

He's no sissy, is he?

- More water!
- Come on!

- He's lost his marbles.
- He's a man's man.

Go, Dad!


- Go!
- You can do it.

Oh no! They've gone crazy.
We have to hurry.

Give me your oar.
Sit down over there.

I'll show you some Viking rowing.

- Hurry, Dad.
- Mind the fire!

- Spray more water on it.
- I'm trying.

- The pump is empty.
- We have to fill the buckets.

- I can't get past the fire.
- Hurry!

It's working again!

- Hurry, Dad.
- Spray it.

Good, Mie.

- The rope is on fire!
- Which rope?

- Dad!
- Goodness.

- They're setting sail.
- Get me down!

- I can't hold it. It's sailing away.
- What do we do?

- Uncle, do your cowboy thing again!
- Why not?

When you can catch a Viking cottage,
you can catch an escaping dragon.

No, no!

Yippee ki yay!

- Yay!
- Grab the rope, kids.


Family's best, family's blessed!

Family's best, family's blessed!

Family's best, family's blessed!

Family's best, family's blessed!

Family's best, family's blessed!
Family's best...

- Per, stop!
- Let me go! I'm coming, Dad.

- Per's going over to it.
- Per!

- How do I get you down?
- Untie the rope.

But careful...

- My brave boy.
- My awesome dad.

- Look out!
- What about the other cuddly toys?

- You're right. Off you go.
- Come on.

- You're a hero!
- He's safe now.


Ole, take Bodil.

- Log, Mie.
- Here, Uncle.

My dear Log.
What have we gotten you into?

There, there, Bodil.
You're safe now.

What did they do to you?
Bodil has turned into hay.

- So has Log.
- They didn't sacrifice the toys.

- Then where is Bodil?
- Don't worry.

Bodil is safe.

Bravo, everyone.

It was excellent conflict management -

with beautiful and close cooperation.

Who knew that
the Bifrost Method was so effective?

- Can we have Bodil back now?
- You bet!

Bodil did a stellar job.



- Look.
- And this is yours.

Thank you very much.

My very own Snuffles.

Thanks for your help.
Come, little Poul.

We thought the toy elephant
would be the key to your success.

You're crazy.
I was this close to being barbecued.

We never imagined
that you'd go to such lengths.

But you were very good.
You kids were fantastic.

That's because I have
the best sister in the world.

And I have the world's best boyfriend.

Thatjust proves that our method,
the Bifrost Method, works.

Stop it.
I'm sick of hearing about that method.

Our well-functioning family
has nothing to do with your method.

It's because we love
and respect each other.

We're the best family in the world.

Could you put that in writing
for our next brochure?

I have a better idea.
A group photo for our brochure.

A photo of all of us.
Gather round, everyone.


- So this is it, Sis.
- Yeah.

- Have you got everything?
- I think so.

- How will you manage without us?
- Call us every day.

And come over all the time.

- I promise, sweetie.
- Here.

- Take care.
- We'll miss you.

- See you.
- Bye.

Bye, bye.

First one in gets Sis's room!

- I'll win.
- No pushing!

Oh well.

Family's best, family's blessed

Family will not fail
and we will prevail

Family's best, family's blessed

We know each other well

even though we do raise hell

All alone you're on your own

like a tree without any leaves

The more you are
the merrier by far

and you can invite others in

Togetherness is the trunk of the tree
we're growing on

And family is the entity of our unity

We say hello to the world
because we know

it's full of lovely people
we'd like to get to know

But in the end
the family is where we belong

If you know where you're from

and where you belong

it's easier to achieve
what you want

If you know who you love

and who's on your side

you're all set
to make new friends

All alone you're on your own

like a tree without any leaves

The more you are
the merrier by far

and you can invite others in

Togetherness is the trunk of the tree
we're growing on

And family is the entity of our unity

We say hello to the world
because we know

that it's full of lovely people
we'd like to get to know

Togetherness is the trunk of the tree
we're growing on

and family is the entity of our unity

We say hello to the world
because we know

it's full of lovely people
we'd like to get to know

Togetherness is the trunk of the tree
we're growing on

and family is the entity of our unity

We say hello to the world
because we know

that it's full of lovely people
we'd like to get to know

But in the end
the family is where we belong

Family's best, family's blessed

Family's east, family's west

Family is best