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04x11 - Movin' Different

Posted: 02/22/22 14:28
by bunniefuu
Look, what happened between us
was a one‐time thing.

TT The Artist & Shiftee's
"Fall Back" playing...


We never, ever...

ever speak about this again.

I love secrets.

♪ Fall back, whoo ♪

♪ I'm 'bout to get loose ♪

♪ Got the girls wanna rock ♪

Zoey: Throughout life,
there are certain moments

that can take you by surprise,

knock you off your axis,
and redirect your path.

And the catalyst
for these changes

can be any number
of situations,

like a relationship,
an experience,

or an encounter.

But for Ana Torres,

her catalyst would be something
a little more unexpected ‐‐

a '96 Buick Regal.

♪ Fall back ♪

[ Car radio thumping ]

♪ Fall back ♪

[ Screams ]

[ Tires screech, engine revs ]

I'm telling you, it's exactly
how they say in the movies.

Like, in that moment of impact,

my entire life flashed
before my eyes.

But no, honestly,
like, I‐I do.

I feel so lucky that I was able
to walk away from this

with just a few scrapes
and bruises.


You [bleep] Vivek?


♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new
every day ♪

♪ I don't know,
so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world
on me ♪

♪ But no regrets,
this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

[ Indistinct talking,
monitor beeping ]

Okay, I think what
Jazz meant to say

is that she's so glad
you're okay.

No, no, no, I meant
exactly what I said.

You promised never to mention
our night to anyone.

You even said
you love secrets!

I do, okay?

I was totally vague, but they
somehow put it together.

You sent Ana
the flowers?

You were inside of her?

I can't talk about it.

Night, y'all.

We had sex after
Doug and Luca's party,

and it was amazing and hot
and not fast at all.

Okay, let's put the Vivek thing
aside for a second, okay?

Did you... Did you see
the guy who hit you?

I got a quick glimpse
of his face

before he drove off
like a maniac.

- I mean, what a despicable human.
- Mm.

To... To hit someone and then
leave the scene?

- Yeah. - Yeah.
- I mean, guys, for all he knows,

Ana could be dead.

Yeah, exactly.

Geez, what an awful night.

just all around.

I mean, did I even mention
that Aaron

basically did
a hit‐and‐run on my heart?

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone rings]

Come on, come over.


- What?
- Yeah, this is her.

I am trying to make Ana
feel better

by showing her that
she's not alone in her trauma.

- Do you want to know how to do that, sweetie?
- How?

By telling her she's not
alone in her trauma.

Nomi: Is, um...
Is everything okay?

Yeah, that was the police.

Um, they already
have a suspect.

And they asked if I could come
down to the station tomorrow

to see
if I could ID him.

- Wow.
- Oh, my God. That was so fast.

Unlike our sex, which was
slow and methodical...

purpose‐driven, even.

Eat shit.

You know what, Ana,
I just want to let you know

that you are not alone in your
trauma, automotive or otherwise.

Thank you.

Because Aaron
broke up with me.

I'm so sorry.
I just had to say it.

But now we can focus
on you.

- How are you?
- Take your girl.

‐ Okay.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Okay, let's go.
‐ Time's up.

‐ But I did good.
‐ Call us later.

‐ I did such a good job.
‐ Bye. Feel better.

So, yeah, basically he was
a sl*ve for 12 years,

some horrible stuff went down.

Any questions?

Nope? Okay, I think
I'm gonna call it, guys.

I know it's a little early,
but have a good night.


It's happening.

It's... It's you.

I'm sorry.
Do we know each other?

Oh, no, not yet.
I'm Renard,

a freshman here
at California University,

and I've been waiting
for this moment

for the last 12 months
of my life.

You're also wearing
an orange jumpsuit.

Where are you coming from,

Oh, no, no, no,
I'm not dangerous!

This is from your prison
protest last year.

Got it off eBay.
That's a great cover‐up story.

Listen, I'm gonna call
campus security just to be safe.

- You stay where you are.
- Oh, no, no, just listen, just listen.

I've been following your career
since I was in high school,

and now that I'm here,
I was hoping to

get into your class
because you inspire me.

- Um, so, uh...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's in the bag?

- Slow down, buddy.
- Oh, no.

I was wondering if
you could sign this form to...

to let me in your class.

You get why I wouldn't
want to sign this

right now, though, right?

Like, it's late.

You have
the same bag as me.

My buttons
are on your jacket.

It's just...
it's offputting.

I understand, but if I'm
being real vulnerable,

you're the whole reason
why I came to Cal U.

I was hoping to learn
something from you.

From me?

You know that this is just

an interdisciplinary studies
class, right?

So, you should just... you
should manage your expectations.


Welcome to class, Renard.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Black man, Black man!

Just keep it at a dab
for now.

There you go.

Man, you don't understand
how much you're gonna

change my life
with this class, man.


Am I?


[ Knock at door ]

Oh, my God.
What happened?

Well, I told your brother about
our secret little hook‐ups,

and... and he took it out
on my face.

Mm. I'm sorry.

You know my brother can be
such a huge assh*le.

You okay?
He's fine.

I mean, me and Luca's friendship
is probably over,

but you know what?

It is what it is,
and you were right.

I mean, we're two
grown‐ass people

who should be able to
operate however we want.

Yeah, e‐exactly.

And at least
you're being honest.

Yeah, so how about
you and I

go out
for a celebratory drink

in public

in front of Jesus and God
and everybody?

Yeah, yeah.
No, it's just, um,

you know, I‐I kind of have

plans or whatever tonight.

Plans or whatever?

you going on a date?

I mean, if you consider
two people

getting dressed up
to go eat some lobster

overlooking the water a, uh...
a date, then...

Wait, hold on.
I'm... I'm confused.

W‐Weren't you the one
trying to get me

to tell your brother about us
a couple of days ago?

Yeah, and you were the one
who said you weren't comfortable

living out loud
or messing up the trifecta

between you, me,
and my brother, so...

kind of just...
I guess I figured we were casual

and I should
keep my options open.

Oh, yeah, I get it.

No, all good.

Casual, cool.

You enjoy your crustacean
and hit me later.


Your very detailed description
of the driver

and his vehicle
was really helpful.

We wound up picking him up
about an hour later

running a red light.

Wow. I'm so glad
you caught him.

I want that assh*le
locked up.

Turns out not only
was he driving uninsured,

but he was also driving
with a suspended license

and undocumented.


Yep, 17 years old,
and this kid's already

throwing his life away.

So, here is the suspect.

He's down the hall
in a holding room.

Gonna have him stand against
the wall, look left, look right.

You're gonna tell me
if this is the guy or not.

Got it, okay.

[ Beep ]

Okay, stand straight up
with your back to the wall.

Stare straight ahead
into the camera.



So, is this your guy?


Hey, wait, wait, wait,
where are you going?

Yeah, we have
a million questions.

Uh, yeah, he was the guy
who hit me.

Ana, they got him?
Dude, that's great!

No, because
I told the police

I needed more time
to think about it.

So, you're not sure
it was him?

No, I was...
I was for sure sure.

Ana, that guy
could've k*lled you.

He's a monster.


Turns out he's
an undocumented monster.


So, if I positively ID
this 17‐year‐old kid,

who has no prior
criminal record,

for what he did to me,
then, um...

he could be deported.

- Damn. That poor kid.
- Mm‐hmm.

Well, look, you... you
definitely did the right thing.

Hold on.
Isn't this the same person

who you said deserves
to be locked under the jail,

but because he's undocumented,
he's no longer a criminal

and suddenly an angel
who doesn't deserve punishment?

Okay, no, of course not,

but fleeing
after the accident...

I mean, it makes
a little bit more sense now.

We know the risk
that he would've faced

if he'd been caught, and accidentally
knocking someone off of a scooter

doesn't mean he should be
ripped from his family

or kicked out of the country.

Yeah, but as complicated
as his immigration status is,

I'm struggling because
he is still guilty of a hit‐and‐run.

Right, which certainly
confuses me more.

Okay, look, Ana,
your first instinct

when you heard about
this kid's background

was to not identify him,

and I think that that
was the right decision.

That's the problem, Nomi.

There is no
right decision here.

If I ID him,
he could be deported.

If I don't, he gets away
with a hit‐and‐run.

Either way, I'm put in
a really tough position

and the police are waiting
for my answer.


[ Video game beeping ]

No, mnh‐mnh.

No, no, no.

Making it dark for video games
is just sad, boys.

[ Blinds clicking ]
Alright, talk to me.

Why are we in our feels?

I got played
by a freshman.

I got reality‐slapped
by a freshman.

Okay, I'm gonna need more.
Kiela, man.

I got punched in the face
by Luca

because I told him
about us,

and now she's out
with other dudes.

Oh, so you're mad because
you want to be with her.

No, I don't mind us
being casual.

I just... wasn't expecting her
to be enjoying lobster

by the seashore
with other men so quickly.

You know,
that's humiliating.

Damn. Lobster by the sea
sounds so good right now.

Oh, that lemony butter,
just the right amount of chives.

Oh, that dude is definitely
gonna hit.

And what's your woe?

Uh, this little freshman kid
came into my class,

told me how much he admired me,
how inspired he was by me.

He even had on
my prison protest jumpsuit.

Oh, so you're like
his hero, then.

I get it, yeah.
Oh, God, that must be terrible.

You're missing the point.

This kid wants to be
the old me, activist Aaron,

the motivator,
the demigod on campus.

I even broke up with Zoey to try
and become that again, you know?

And all I've managed to do
so far is, uh,

be in my feelings about that

and bore the hell
out of my students.

You know what?

You both need to go
[bleep] yourselves.

- Excuse me?
- Dude!

No, I don't know
if you've noticed,

but I've kind of been
through the wringer this year...

drug bust, expulsion,
paternal rejection...

so I'm sorry if your little
non‐problem problems

seem like baby bullshit
to me.

You... you don't even want to
be in a relationship.

So she wants to
keep it casual?

You both win.

She gets to have sex
with little lobster guy,

and you get to have sex
with whomever you want.

You're living the dream.

Okay, I've had vision boards
that are less aspirational.

He's not wrong.

- And you... you're even more visionless than he his.
- Hey.

You're so worried about
what you used to be,

you can't even see
what you could be.

Alright, you want to
inspire people again?

Why don't you start with
the c*ptive freakin' audience

you have
three nights a week?

You don't even have to
organize an event.

They have to be there,
so make them want to be there

because you want to
be there.

Be the teacher you wish
you always had

when you were
an undergrad.


When did you become
so enlightened, man?

- Vision boards and whatnot?
- Hmm.

Mm, maybe it was
when I fulfilled

one of those visions
on those boards

when I copulated
with a one Ms. Ana Torres.

That's funny.


Vision boards.

Get you some, fellas.

There's no way, right?

No, it didn't happen.

With the clock
still ticking for Ana

to give the police
an answer,

her confusion
became the catalyst

that sent her
searching for clarity

in the most unlikely of places.



Can we talk?




You're not the one
that's deporting him, Ana.

You're just
telling the truth.

Yeah, a truth that could
get him deported.

Didn't you dress up as
a border patrol agent

for Halloween?

Javi, this is not
a Halloween costume.

This is someone's life.

Look, what if it happened
to one of your loved ones?

What if it was more than
them just being hurt?

I know.

But this kid is also
someone's loved one,

and that's what
I can't stop thinking about.

You want to be a lawyer,


So, the evidence
is all right there.


Yeah, I‐I guess he could use
a consequence or two.

Ana, you have always
been somebody

who trusted the system to do
what it is supposed to do.

So your only responsibility now
is to be honest.

Provide the cops
with the facts,

and then you let
the system do its job.

You're right.
Yeah, you're right.

I'm sorry.
Did I hear that correctly?

Oh, my gosh.

Uh‐huh, did Ana Torres
just tell me I am right?

- I did.
- ♪ Hold up, wait a minute ♪

♪ Now we back on that ♪

♪ It's in my genes,
they try to hit me ♪

I'm so sorry
about your face.

I mean, I still got
a pretty nice face, don't I?

And I'm happy to see it.

It's been a minute.
I know.

So we got to make up
for lost time, huh?

How about we start with
another round of drinks first?

I'll get it this time.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]



[ Message dings ]


[ Message dings ]

Alright, here we go.

[ Extreme Library's
"Days Roll By" playing ]

So, this one is
to lost time.

To lost time.
[ Chuckles ]

♪ Oh, won't you be mine,
all mine ♪

♪ Days roll by like
la, la, la, la, la ♪

Hey, welcome, welcome.

Come on in.

Thank you for finding your way
to our new home

in the west building.

Now, not only are we
in a different location,

but class is gonna be
a little different

from here on out,
too, okay?

After some recent reflection,

I've kind of realized that
I've been lecturing at you guys

and not engaging with you,

So tonight and every class
moving forward

will be more
of a salon‐type vibe.

So we'll have some
free‐flowing exchange of ideas,

but this one in particular will
be centered around Blackness,

an Afro‐centric
anthropological dig

where we deconstruct
the triggers in our culture

and in our modern world,

Do you mind free‐flowing your
tuchus right over to that chair

just so I can have
a little bit of breathing room?

Oh, yeah, yeah, no problem.
Yeah, thank you.

No problem. Got it.
So again, guys,

no topic is off limits,
uh, except Whiteness.

Um, but what are
the goals here, guys?

The goals are to
challenge each other,

to learn from each other,
and to grow.

So, without further ado,
everybody welcome to

what shall be known henceforth
as Cal U's Afro‐Salon.

[ Brain Tan's "Calm Down"
playing ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Sorry. This is
one of my residents.

One... One sec.


♪ Get your ass in the shower
and I won't leave ♪

♪ I've got a fever for you ♪

♪ Giving you the power,
need a quarantine ♪

♪ Lightheaded,
you spin in the room ♪

♪ I collapse,
falling to my knees ♪

♪ I'll stay ♪

♪ Gotta go, I can't take it ♪

It's a lot better
than lobster, huh?

Ah. Shut up.

♪ I'll stay,
why you wanna rush? ♪

[ Telephone ringing,
indistinct talking ]

I'm Ana Torres.

I'm here for Officer Taylor.

Have a seat.


Yeah, she's...

yeah, she's waiting
for you now.

[ Breathe.'s "Are You All Good?"
playing ]

♪ When all you want ♪

♪ Is to disappear ♪

♪ Searching for wisdom ♪

♪ But nothing's clear ♪

♪ What will become of me? ♪

♪ Tell me how you're feeling ♪

♪ Now we're all alone ♪

♪ I want to whisper
you something ♪

♪ That you already know ♪

♪ Are you all good? ♪

♪ Tell me how you're feeling ♪

♪ Are you alright? ♪

♪ Now we're all alone ♪

♪ I'm in your neighborhood ♪

♪ I want to whisper
you something ♪

Ms. Torres, sorry for the wait.
This'll be quick.

All you have to do now
is make a positive ID,

and that kid's in the system
and you're on your way home.

You ready?

[ Laughs ]
Great language.


So, how did everything go
at the police station?

Well, uh, I told them
they had the wrong guy.

Wow! I‐I would've never guessed
lying to the police

- would be where you would have landed.
- Mm‐hmm.

But brava.
Brava is right.

I mean, I admit
that I'm shocked,

but also very happy
you took my advice.

Actually, it was Javi's advice
that made me take your advice.



Conservative‐ass Javi
told you not to ID him?

Oh, no, he told me
to absolutely ID him,

that I had every reason to

and that I should let
the system do its job.

- Right.
- Which, I'll be honest, I almost did.

But then, you know, I saw
all these people of color

being processed
in and out of the system.

- Mm.
- And I thought about this young kid

just getting caught up
in this machine

where he probably doesn't
stand a chance, and it...

it scared the crap out of me.


Yeah, that makes sense.


Because I'm struggling.

I'm struggling to make sense
of what that means about me

and the system
that I grew up believing in.

Well, it says that
you can believe in a system

and also believe that system
needs improvement.

Yeah, and maybe one day
you'll be in a position

to do something about it.

Okay, calm down, antifa.

When life redirects your path
or knocks you off your axis,

the comfortable thing to do

is remain the same person
you've always been.

But when the catalyst
for change is so powerful

it alters who you are
and what you believe,

the courageous thing to do
is embrace that moment

and use it
as an opportunity to grow.

[ Knock at door ]

So, I know I messed up

by telling everyone about
our night of extraordinary sex.

But I wanted to give you
this gift to apologize.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, my gosh.
Thank you.

Yeah, I figured
it might help protect

that legal brain of yours

the next time you get
onto a scooter.

Or, you know,
the next time we have

tender yet incredibly
athletic sex.

This is really sweet.

Now shut the door.

No, no.
I meant shut the door

and please be on
the other side of it.

Right. Yeah.
