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03x15 - Over My Head

Posted: 02/22/22 14:21
by bunniefuu
Zoey: Baby milestones.

When everything you do
is a wonder

and you're considered
the most amazing, talented,

precious human being ever,

for doing pretty much nothing.

[ Toy rattles ]

Nomi: Come on.

Roll over, baby girl.
You got it.

But as a mother, Nomi realized
that when it's your baby,

those nothing moments
are absolutely everything.

At 2 months, Luna laughed
for the first time.

At 3 months,
Luna got her first tooth.

At 4 months,
Luna surpassed Vivek

in both real-world
and Instagram popularity.

- ♪ You came just in time ♪
- [ Ding! ]

Roll over, baby girl.

Come on, roll over.
You got it.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Cell phone Message tone]

But the one milestone
Nomi never expected

came at 5 months...

[ Coos ]

...when Nomi heard
from Luna's father,

who didn't even know
his baby existed.

[ Cooing ]

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new
every day ♪

♪ I don't know,
so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world ♪

♪ On me ♪

♪ But no regrets,
this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world,
I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪


Daddy's back in town,

and he wants to take Mommy
on a date.


Have you responded yet?

Clearly, you know.

No, I have not.

So, um, why don't I just respond
for you?

[ Chuckles ] Ana,
knock it off, though. Really.

You know I'm not gonna go,
I know I'm not gonna go.

But Phil's gonna be less than
2 miles away at Titanium.

Nomi, God is offering him
up to you

on a greasy
silver platter.

and I'm just gonna

send that platter
right back into the kitchen.

Nomi, come on.

You need to know
what type of person he is.

I mean, is he...

Is he kind,
is he lazy, hygienic?

Come on, aren't you just
a little bit curious?

Frankly, never been less curious
about anything.

Yeah, well,
I think these details

are really important
to know

about the father
of your baby.

And I think you're making
a huge mistake.

Okay, and I think
you're driving me crazy, okay?

Look [Chuckles]
if you want to go and, like,

get some closure
or validation

or really what just seems to be
pure entertainment,

you should go
on a date with him.

Why would I do that?

Because you seem to think that
knowing a few details about him

is more important
than what I'm telling you

I know is best
for my daughter.


So, you know, go find out
if he likes to floss

or share a beer
with his dad, okay?

'Cause, after today,

we're never talking about Phil
ever again.

Okay. Great.

I'll go.

Great. Have fun.

- Okay, you know what?
- Just so we're clear... - Hmm.

...this isn't
for my validation

or my entertainment.

This is for
your daughter,

because whether or not
you want to know,

someday she will.

And it would be nice
if someone had those answers,

and that someone
should be you...

The person
who claims to be

putting her
best interests first.

'Cause right now,

it... it doesn't seem
like you are.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Check me out ♪

[ Cellphone swishes ]

♪ Unh,
I space out like an Astro ♪

♪ And buss flows in both holes ♪

♪ Till it leak
out your nose slow ♪

♪ Just consider me a natural ♪

♪ If you react slow ♪

What's up, Zo?

Look like you lost
your best friend or somethin'.

No, uh, actually,

two of my friends are trying out
for the Olympics,

and one of them is meeting
the other one's baby-father,

but that one
wants nothing to do with it.

I guess,
long story short,

I'm here missing all of it,


- You're just homesick.
- Eah, a little bit.

I get that.

I miss a lot of big events,

being on the road.

I mean,
I guess, you know,

the grass is greener
wherever you at.

Like, when I'm home,
I miss the road.

When I'm on the road,
I miss my superstar daughter

who's outshining
all of her talentless,

flatfooted friends
in ballet class.

You know?

I mean, I guess what
I'm really trying to say is,

the only thing
you could really do

is pour yourself a drink
and, you know,

just purge your feelings
out to these guys,

your tour family.

[ Laughter ]

then pour me a drink, fam-o,

'cause I have some purging
to do.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

[ Laughs ]

♪ And when mama see 'em
in the lineup ♪

♪ When she point 'em out,
she say, "Him and him" ♪

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Ana: Hey!


Are you, by chance,

And you are?

Hi. I'm Ana [Chuckles]
Nomi's roommate.

Oh, did she not tell you
that my boyfriend and I

were supposed to be
joining you guys here?

No, uh,
I never heard from her,

so I figured
she wasn't showing up at all.

Classic Nomi...

Never tells you anything,
just always keeps you guessing.

[ Giggles ]
It's fun, right?

I don't know...

Well, guess it's just
you and me

[Sighs] till these
crazy kids show up.

Vivek: Yo, why did you say
you're ordering

red, white, and blue string
lights and American flags?

Are we going to w*r?

Read the news, man.

Yo, I was actually
trying to decorate your joint

for when we watch
the Olympic trials tomorrow.

Yo, is Rochelle coming
or not?

I have not gotten an RSVP
from her yet.

Yeah, no,
I would count her out for sure.

She's still a little hot
that I told Zoey

about the whole Cal U
loan stuff first, so...


Well, you know how sensitive
girls are.

Look, I just started smashing
on the reg...

- I'm getting pretty good...
but even I know that. - Damn.

I did nothing wrong
in the situation.

I-I-I saw Zoey a few hours
after I got the offer.

It was on my mind,

and it just...
It came out.

Bro, regardless,

you took the biggest thing
that was happening in your life

and shared it with someone
who was not your girl first.

[ Sighs ] Not
only not your girl,

but someone everyone knows
you wanted to be your girl.


I mean, it was sad.

- Pathetic.
- But hey, you do you, player.

As Phil patiently waited
for Nomi to show up,

Ana dove in with her in-person
interrogation technique.

How are you with money?
Any debt?

Home foreclosures?
Auto repos?

Do you have a criminal history?
Arson? Manslaughter?

Public urination?

You know,
it's been a while.

Are you sure
that Nomi's still coming?

How do you register?

Sex offender?

♪ I don't wanna waste
no more time ♪

♪ I don't think you understand ♪

♪ I'm caviar ♪

♪ You don't get
to dine and dash ♪

♪ I'm tired of ya ♪

♪ Show up at my door,
like, who invited ya? ♪

♪ Miss me with that ego,
'cause I'm caviar ♪


What are you
doing here?

I thought about
what you said,

and you're
absolutely right.

I should know more about Phil,
for Luna's sake.

So, where is he?

Not here.

Did he stand me up?

No, no, no, he was here...

...and he was game

for answering a lot of
real personal questions.


But then, um,
I think there was, like,

a bit of a...
A tonnage issue,

so... he left.


- I'm so, so sorry, Nomi.
- Hmm.

Well, way to have Luna's best
interests at heart, Tía Ana.



Thanks for coming back.

I... think
I owe you an apology.

If you didn't want
to hang out,

you could've just hit me back
and said so.

Instead of siccing
some psycho friend on me.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, I don't know...
I don't know what to say.

Then why'd you ask me
to come back?

Okay, to be honest,
it took me a minute

to even get the courage
to meet you here,

and she scared you off
before I even got here, so...

Why would you
need courage?

The last time we hung out,
we had an amazing night.

Wait, "amazing night"?

I thought
it was too many tequila sh*ts

and your penis.

Well, I had no idea
that you were that drunk.

I mean, sure,

that was the beginning
and the end of the night,

but there was
a lot of cool stuff

that happened there
in between.

So, just out of curiosity,
um, what was the in-between?


thanks for meeting up.

Look, I know things have been
a little icy between us

as of late,

So there's a few things

that I-I want to share
with you, okay?

Just bear with me here.


"Sometimes I enjoy sitting down
when I pee.

My favorite movie
is 'Beaches.'

I never told my dad
I love him.

I call my rattail

Or Dragontail,
however I'm feeling on the day.

Um, there's also

some other embarrassing stuff
in there, so...

I'm sorry, what is...
What is all this?

That is a list of things
I have never told anyone.

You are now the first
to know all of it.

Thank you.

That's a really sweet

Yeah, look, I-I was giving
the Zoey thing a lot of thought,

and clearly our friendship
makes you uncomfortable,

and I-I just... I never
want to put you in a situation

that makes you feel
like that.

You're my priority,

And I-I...

From this point on,
I won't...

let it happen...


[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Spray can hisses ]

[ Chuckles ] Hey.

there she is.

what is up today?

Why is everyone
saying that to me?

Because we all know
you gave Joey's ding-a-ling

the full Zoey Johnson
Styling Experience last night.

I gave his what
the full what?

People saw you
come out of his bus at 3:00 a.m.

Don't act like that's not
peak ding-a-ling hours.

Um, not for me
it's not.

I don't know how other people
choose to allocate their time,

but first of all,
he is my boss,

and those are
his private parts!

That's insane.

No, what's insane is for you
to be up at his bus all night

and expect no one to assume
y'all were ****

What are we
supposed to think?

Y'all are bingeing reruns
of "Family Matters"?

Everyone is always
all up on his bus at 3:00 a.m.

Matter of fact,

you're always on his bus
at 3:00, so...

'cause I'm [bleep] him!

So, now our entire
tour family

thinks that I am, too?

Zoey, wake up. These people
are not your family.

And walking off your boss' bus
in the middle of the night

is a bad look, period.

You're a professional woman
in the real world,

and you need
to handle yourself like one.

[ Sighs ]
So, what do I do now?

Oh, my God,
this is too much.

You grow the **** up
or you get the **** out.

Got it.


Are you still here?

Please tell me you didn't leave
me to die in your aunt's house.

you can open your eyes.

Is this
"Sixteen Candles"?


This is exactly what
you begged me to do last year.

- I did?
- Yeah.

We were talking about
our favorite movies,

and you said "Sixteen Candles"
was yours,

and then
you cried about...

Never had
my dining-room table moment.

- Hmm.
- Mm.

Well, then the crying
ended up becoming

this really messy,
like, snot-filled sob...

Oh... about breaking
up with some old lady.

And so then
we came in here,

and I gave you
your dining-room table moment.

That is the most romantic thing
anyone's ever done for me

that I don't remember.

[ Chuckles ]

It's okay.

What do you say?

You want
to make a wish

and blow out the candles
like you did last year?

♪ Hope I ♪

♪ Wish I ♪

♪ Knew how ♪

♪ To start up time ♪

♪ Before we ♪

♪ Realize we're a scene
from a movie... ♪

Phil, there's something
I have to tell you.

♪ It's like we're swimming
in the deep end ♪

♪ Breath away from drowning ♪

♪ No way we ain't going down ♪

So, after Nomi returned home

to relieve Luca
of his babysitting duties

and detail the events
of her evening,

he was left with
only one question.

You smashed?

I know, I know.
It's really, really, really bad,

but also, it was really, really,
really, really good.

No, that's just
all the way bad.

You had a one-night stand
with your one-night stand

not telling him
you birthed his child

from your first
one-night stand.

I mean, it's poetic,
but also very dark.

Like a haiku of mistakes.

So, are you saying that
I shouldn't respond to the text

that he already sent me
about hanging out tomorrow?

Out of the question.

If he finds out
you've been

this information from him

while continuing
to date him,

he's gonna hate you.

You're right.

I can't see him again,

and I can't tell him
about Luna.

I mean, he has his whole life
ahead of him, you know?

Something about WWOOFing
in New Zealand.

Who am I
to take away that from him?


And I mean,
Paul not knowing...

Agree to disagree.

Him not knowing
is what's best for him,

and it's what's best
for Luna.

And honestly...

it's what's best for me.

I mean,
three parents

are way too many cooks
in the kitchen.

And when we get into
sleep training,

I don't want to start having
a clash of philosophies.

Indigo's words
were a real gut punch.

I knew working
in the real world was hard,

but I never questioned
if I was ready for it.

In my time working for Joey...

[ Ding! ]

...I learned
that the real world

is a tough
and unforgiving place.

In that moment, I had to retun
to my Cal U bubble

and the people I loved
and needed more than anything.

Joey: Are you sure I can't
get you to change your mind?

Yeah, I'm sure.

I just think
I got in a bit over my head,

and apparently I have
a little growing up to do.

And, you know, I really
just can't stop thinking about

how much greener
the grass is at home.


Well, then that's where
you need to be.

You know, I never grew up around
grass for real.


Just know you can always
come back when you're ready.

Proud of you.

Thanks, boss.

No doubt.


So, while I was returning home

from my difficult milestone
of quitting my dream job,

the Twins were hoping to
achieve their own milestone...

Qualifying for
the freaking Olympics!

This is what I always
imagined for my man cave.

Just a bunch of dudes
hanging out, drinking beers,

watching sports,
sh**ting the shit, you know?

[ Chuckles ]


Female announcer:
She is stuck in lane 1,

but this is her best race.

All right, good talk.

[ Knock on door ]


Uh, I was just about
to head downstairs.

I'm trying
to finish unpacking.

Oh, no,
I'm... I'm not staying.

I just came to help Doug
set up his, uh, w*r decorations.

But I heard
you were back in town

and I wanted to talk to you
about something.

Uh, yeah, what's up?

Okay, so, uh, Rochelle.

- You know Rochelle.
- I do know her.

Turns out that she has a bit
of an issue with our friendship.

Which I totally get,
totally fair.

So I think
out of respect for her,

it's best that I,

you know, that I just...
I-I step back...

Well, fall back
a bit from you.

[ Scoffs ] Uh...

the whole "fall back" thing.


No, I-I totally get it.

She talked to you, too?
[ Chuckles ]

Rochelle talked to you?

Me? W...

But it's just not...
Not that big of a deal.

It was all good. It's
...It's all good. It's...

No, no, no, it's not "all good"
that she said that to you,

and it's not "all good"
that you didn't tell me.

Okay, dude,
what was I supposed to say?

"Hey, Aaron,
you know your girlfriend?

Well, she doesn't trust us
to hang out with each other.

- Aah!"
- Yeah.

Why couldn't you
have said that?

It's not like there's anything
going on between us.

Are you serious?

Are we gonna
play this game?

Because at the beginning
of the semester,

I told you I wanted
to be with you to your face.

And so you know
I actually kind of get it,

because if I was your girl,
the last thing I'd want

is someone who's in love
with my man sniffing around.

You're in what?

Everyone quiet down!

Quiet, quiet, quiet!
The Twins' race is starting!

Here, give me this.

All right,
this is gonna be a good one.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

[ All cheering ]

Why would you wait until I am
in the middle of a relationship

to say
something like that?

Well, God,
how was I supposed to know

that literally one month after,
uh, you kissed me,

that you were already
gonna be with someone else?

Oh, as opposed to me
sitting around waiting for you

for another three years?
[ Sighs ]

Yeah, I could see how that
would've thrown you off, Zoey.

I'm here now.

♪ Don't say another word ♪

♪ Please be my everything ♪

♪ I want you to see ♪

[ Sighs ]

♪ Show me everything you want,
what you need ♪

[ All shouting, cheering ]

♪ Moving way too fast,
get close to me ♪

Zoey: As baby Luna
would come to learn,

even after our first words,
first steps,

and first days of school,

we never
stop reaching milestones.

♪ I'm here to stay ♪

Male announcer: Just now
for the final standings...

Sometimes, they're the ones

we've worked towards
our whole lives, side by side,

but only one of us achieves.

Sometimes they're the ones
that catch us by surprise

and absolutely
take our breath away.

♪ Unraveled 'fore your eyes ♪

♪ But you won't see
the disconnect ♪

♪ Has me discontent ♪

♪ Wishing our past
could be our present ♪

♪ Got me talking to myself ♪

And sometimes, the most
significant milestones,

the ones we use
to right a wrong,

will alter the course
of our lives forever.

I'm glad you changed your mind
about hanging out.


Okay, look, Phil,

there's something that
I didn't tell you last night

because I was scared,
but I should've told you,

and then I saw
this note from my dad,

and that
made me realize that...

Y-You know what?
The details actually

- don't really matter, I... Yeah.
- Nomi,

what are you
trying to say?


[ Smacks lips ]

I'm saying that
I don't want to be the reason

that you miss out on

what could be your favorite part
of every day.

I am beyond confused.

Um... Hmm.

This is
your daughter, Luna.


So, not exactly
what I imagined

for the first event
in my man cave,

but hey, you know,
we're still a bunch of dudes,

hanging out, eating chips,
drinking beers.

But we can still
sh**t the shit.

your girl made the cut.

- She did.
- Yeah.


Sorry your girl didn't.

She did not.

Your girl
made some fire guac.

She did.

Oh, so good, though.

Facts, bro.
Every time.

It slaps.

So, you really
kissed a dude?

I did.

I really did.


All right,
good talk.