2x06 - Abandoned

Complete collection from season 1 to 6. Aired: September 2004 to May 2010.*
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The survivors of a plane crash are forced to work together in order to survive on a seemingly deserted tropical island.
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2x06 - Abandoned

Post by bunniefuu »

[At the beach, Shannon gives Vincent water.]

Shannon: You thirsty, dog? Yeah, you're always thirsty, aren't ya? So drink.

Sayid: [walking by]

Come on, gather your things.

Shannon: Where are we going? Sayid?

Sayid: Right over here.

Shannon: [following Sayid]

Where are we going?

[Sayid doesn't answer and they approach a tent on the beach.]

Sayid: What do you think?

Shannon: Does it have an inside?

[They enter the tent and Shannon is touched by Sayid's efforts to make her a tent.]

Shannon: When did you do this?

Sayid: It's all yours.

Shannon: Thank you.

Sayid: You're quite welcome.

[They kiss, and there's a sound when Shannon puts her arms around him. Sayid pulls a g*n out of the back of his waistband.]

Sayid: [putting the g*n away]

I'm sorry.

Shannon: You need to carry that all the time?

Sayid: I only carry it because I have someone to protect.

[They kiss again, and lay down. Finally someone on the island gets some.]

[The tail section folks and Sawyer are resting (some apparently sleeping).]

Cindy: Ana, it's got to be over an hour. Shouldn't we start moving again?

Ana-Lucia: Let them rest a little while longer.

Cindy: Yeah, but what if they come?

Sawyer: She's lost.

Ana-Lucia: I'm not lost.

Sawyer: Then tell me, Ponce de Leon, which way are we supposed to go?

Ana-Lucia: Alright then, genius, where would you go?

Sawyer: Hey, I'm with you -- sit tight and wait for Mr. Eko to show up and guide us.

Ana-Lucia: If your friend didn't run off, Eko would still be here now, wouldn't he? You sure didn't have any problem leaving him behind, though, huh?

Sawyer: Mike only cares about himself and his kid, and neither's got squat to do with me.

Michael: [appearing]

Glad you feel that way.

Sawyer: Didn't expect to see you again.

Jin: [speaks to Sawyer in Korean, and looks at Sawyer's wound.]

Sawyer: Yeah, yeah, Chewie, I know. My arm's about to fall off.

Ana-Lucia: [to Eko]

You okay?

Eko: Yes, but we have to go. I saw them.

Cindy: What?

Bernard: What do you mean, you saw them?

Cindy: How many were there?

Libby: Did you see the kids?

Ana-Lucia: Libby.

Eko: We need to go. Now.

Ana-Lucia: Alright. We're moving out. Now.

[Post-coital Shannon and Sayid.]

Shannon: So, does all this -- the tent, flowers -- mean that we're serious now?

Sayid: Quite definitely not. I do this for all the girls I meet on deserted islands.

Shannon: [laughing]

Don't go anywhere.

Sayid: Where are you going?

Shannon: To get some water.

Sayid: [getting up and dressed]

Let me. I'll be right back.

[Shannon lies back contentedly. There's a sudden "wind" sound and the candle in the tent is extinguished.]

Shannon: That was quick.

[We see Walt's silouette. He's dripping wet, and says something backwards. Shannon screams.]

[Shannon standing on the beach. Sayid comes running from the direction of their tent.]

Sayid: There's nothing -- no one there.

Shannon: I am telling you I saw Walt.

Sayid: It was a dream, Shannon.

Shannon: He was here. I saw him. He went into the tent.

Sayid: I was only gone a few moments. You must have fallen asleep.

Shannon: This was not a dream! I saw Walt!

Sayid: Then where is he?

Charlie: [entering]

Hey, what's going on?

Sayid: Nothing. It's just a dream; everything's fine.

[Shannon walks off, upset that Sayid doesn't believe her. Claire enters carrying the baby. Sayid follows Shannon.]

Sayid: Shannon...

Claire: What's wrong?

Charlie: Shannon had a nightmare. [Looking at the baby] Why's he up?

Claire: I woke him.

Charlie: Woke him?

Claire: I heard screams -- I got worried. Why, would rather I had left him over there alone?

Charlie: You heard screams so woke up the baby and ran toward them?

Claire: Okay, it sounded like she needed help.

Charlie: Well, he's going to need feeding now. He's going to be up all night and fussy all day.

Claire: Sorry.

Charlie: Alright, well, no harm done -- give him here then. I got him.

[Claire reluctantly hands Aaron over to Charlie. Charlie kisses and soothes the baby while Claire looks on, none too happy.]

[Shannon packs up her bag at the tent and starts walking away.]

Sayid: Wait. Wait! Come back with me; let's talk about this.

Shannon: Do you believe me? [Sayid doesn't answer and Shannon starts to walk away again] No. I know what I saw.


[A ballet studio with girls practicing.]

Shannon: Beautiful, Sophie. Okay, can you bring your shoulders down for me a little -- extend up, good -- and finish. Very nice, ladies.

Sophie: Did my papa see me?

[We see an older man whispering in the ear of another instructor.]

Shannon: I think so. [Looking at the students] Wonderful, alright, thank you for a great class today, ladies.

[We see the older man leaving with Sophie walking past the other instructor, Dominique. She and Shannon laugh.]

Dominique: He wants me to be his au pair, can you believe that?

Shannon: Au pair, my ass.

Dominique: [in a French accent]

Live in my big house, take care of my kids -- next thing you know it's: Oh, I'm so sorry; I did not know you were in the shower. What a perve!

[Shannon's cell phone rings.]

Shannon: Hello.

Sabrina: Shannon, your father's been in an accident. I'm on my way to St. Sebastian's, I'll meet you there.

[At the hospital.]

Doctor: Mrs. Rutherford?

Sabrina: Yes.

[Jack walks by in the background.]

Doctor: Why don't we talk down here?

Sabrina: Doctor, my husband, Adam, how is he?

Doctor: Your husband was in a head-on collision with an SUV. He suffered massive internal injuries. He stopped breathing at the site of the accident. I'm afraid we were unable to resusitate him. I'm so sorry.

[Shannon starts to cry.]

Sabrina: May I see him?

Doctor: Of course. Would your daughter like to come?

Sabrina: Step-daughter. Come on, Shannon.

[The tail section folks and the raft guys walking through the jungle.]

Ana-Lucia: How much further to their camp?

Eko: A day -- maybe more, maybe less.

Ana-Lucia: Thanks for being so specific.

[Sawyer stumbles and goes down to one knee.]

Sawyer: Damn it!

[Libby tries to check his wound.]

Sawyer: Okay, okay. I'm fine.

Libby: You want to let me just take a look at your shoulder?

Sawyer: What, are you a doctor?

Libby: A clinical psychologist.

Sawyer: You're a shrink? Well, maybe you ought to talk to my shoulder.

Libby: How'd you get shot, anyway?

Sawyer: With a g*n.

Michael: He got shot when they took my kid.

Sawyer: It's bad, right?

Libby: Yeah, it's bad. But it's not real bad. C'mon, you're going to be okay. Let's go.

[Michael helps Sawyer up, but Sawyer wants to make it on his own.]

Sawyer: I got it. I'm alright. I'm fine.

Bernard: Let me give you a hand, okay?

[Sawyer doesn't answer; he just keeps on walking by.]

[Rose and Hurley on the beach doing laundry.]

Hurley: Um, tell me again why we're doing this here when there's a dryer in the hatch?

Rose: I don't like the hatch.

Hurley: Oh, it's because of the doomsday button, isn't it?

Rose: Well, who needs a dryer when we've got sun and fresh air? We wouldn't want to spoil ourselves, now would we?

Hurley: [laughing]

Yeah, spoiled.

Shannon: [entering]

Hey, do you guys know where Michael and Walt left the stuff they didn't take with them on the raft?

Hurley: What kind of stuff?

Shannon: Their clothes.

Hurley: I think their stuff's still on the beach back where their tent is.

Shannon: Thanks.

Rose: Poor thing, it can't be easy losing the one person you love on the island.

[Shannon finds a shirt of Walt's and gets Vincent to smell it.]

Shannon: Here, smell this, that's his, right? Come on, get a good whiff of it. You're always trying to run off and find him? Then find him. Find Walt.

[Vincent takes off running, dragging Shannon along by the leash.]

Shannon: Good dog. Find Walt.

[Shannon stops as they end up back at the beach, right at Boone's grave.]

[Claire rocking a crying Aaron in the cradle as Locke passes by.]

Claire: [to Aaron]

I know I woke you and I'm very, very sorry; but please, staying awake for 8 hours straight -- isn't that just cruel and unusual punishment?

Locke: How's that cradle treating you?

Claire: The cradles great. It's the baby that's the problem.

Locke: What's wrong?

Claire: He just won't sleep.

Locke: [wanting to pick the baby up]

May I?

Claire: Sure.

[Scene jumps to Locke wrapping the baby in a blanket.]

Locke: Babies like the feeling of being constricted. It's not until we're older that we develop a desire to be free. [Finishing up with the blanket] There.

[Claire takes the baby.]

Claire: You know, I think everybody knows more about my baby than me.

Locke: Everybody?

Claire: Charlie read me the riot act last night for waking him. And as mad as it made me -- turns out he was right. You know, it's like we're playing mum and dad to this baby. Yet, I don't remember marrying him. [Locke laughs] No, seriously. I mean, we're practically strangers, him and me. For all I know, Charlie could be some religious freak.

Locke: Yeah, I seriously doubt that.

Claire: Then why is he carrying around a Virgin Mary statue?

Locke: What?

Claire: You know, one of the little statues? He says he found it in the jungle.

Locke: Hmm, how about that?

[We see Shannon at Boone's grave.]


[Her father's funeral. Shannon looks like she's in shock.]

Boone: [to Shannon as she's looking in he father's casket]

Death sucks, doesn't it?

Shannon: Boone!

Boone: Hey. [They hug] I'm so sorry, Shannon.

Shannon: You came back.

[We see Sabrina looking over at them embracing.]

[In Shannon's room, Boone pours alcohol from a flask into some toy tea cups.]

Boone: Where'd the poster of Marky Mark go?

Shannon: I'm 18, Boone. Your mom's going to freak.

Boone: It's a wake. I mean, seriously, who doesn't serve booze at a wake? Scotch? [toasting] To your dad. [Handing Shannon some gum] Maybe after all this you'll come visit me in New York.

Shannon: I won't have to visit if I get that job at the Martha Graham dance company. I'll be living there.

Boone: Right. Internship. [He shrugs]

Shannon: I know it's like a 1 in 3000 chance, but I may get it.

Boone: Absolutely. Have you spoken to my mother?

Shannon: She's going through her thing and I'm going through mine.

Boone: Have you two been getting along?

Shannon: She hates me.

Boone: Just try to talk to her.

Shannon: From day one she resented my relationship with him, my dad.

[At the rocky shore part of the beach. Eko notices Sawyer is struggling.]

Eko: We need a break.

Ana-Lucia: 5 minutes.

Eko: [handing Sawyer some water]


[Eko assesses the coastline they need to traverse.]

Ana-Lucia: What are you looking at?

Eko: We have to cut inland.

Ana-Lucia: What? Into the jungle. They said their people were on the beach. If we keep walking...

Eko: The beach goes into a peninsula ahead. It may not be passable.

Ana-Lucia: May not?

Eko: May not.

Ana-Lucia: You're doing this to get the cowboy back faster, aren't you? You would risk our lives to help him?

Eko: It's the only way I know.

Ana-Lucia: I liked you better when you weren't talking.

[Claire and Locke at the beach.]

Claire: I can't believe he's still asleep.

Locke: Swaddling works every time.

Claire: Uh-huh. Hey, do you want to hold him?

Locke: That's okay.

Claire: Put your arms out. It's okay.

Locke: He smells good.

Claire: He does, doesn't he?

Locke: Yeah.

Charlie: [enters]


Locke: Hello, Charlie.

Charlie: Hello.

Claire: Hey, John just taught be a new trick: swaddling.

Charlie: That's excellent. I just came to take him so you could have your walk.

[Locke looks to Claire, unsure if he should give the baby to Charlie, but Claire doesn't say anything.]

Locke: Well, great timing, yeah. I've got to get going.

Claire: Well, thanks for your help, John.

Locke: Welcome.

Claire: [to Charlie who's staring at her]


[In the jungle, the tail section people are walking very carefully. Libby steps on a stick, and Cindy shushes her. Jin starts saying something in Korean. Sawyer stumbles and Jin says something again.]

Sawyer: I'm fine.

Jin: [something in Korean]

Sawyer: I'm fine.

Jin: [something in Korean]

Ana-Lucia: Shhhh - shut up.

Michael: What? They can't talk at all?

Ana-Lucia: If he talks he's going to get us all k*lled.

Michael: By what? Them? I thought they lived a day back that way?

Ana-Lucia: How about you shut your mouth and get your buddy over here moving?

Michael: What happened to you people? You want us to take you back with us? Fine. But you want me to keep quiet then you need to tell me why I have to.

Ana-Lucia: They came the first night that we got here. They took 3 of us. Nothing happened for 2 weeks, then they came back. They took 9 more. They're smart, and they're animals, and they could be anywhere at any time. Now we're moving through the jungle -- their jungle -- just so you can save your little hick friend over here. And if you think that 1 g*n and 1 b*llet is going to stop them -- think again. So shut your mouth and keep moving.

Michael: They took my son.

Ana-Lucia: They took a lot of things.

[Shannon at Boone's grave. Sayid enters.]

Sayid: I know what it is to lose someone you care deeply about.

Shannon: You really think that this is all about Boone? I saw Walt, Sayid.

Sayid: Then why are we sitting at Boone's grave.

Shannon: [getting up to leave]

Just go back, Sayid.

Sayid: Where are you going?

Shannon: To find him.


[Shannon in her apartment. Dominique comes in.]

Dominique: [handing Shannon a letter]

It came.

Shannon: Oh my god.

Dominique: Open it.

Shannon: I can't open it.

Dominique: You what?

Shannon: You open it.

Dominique: You have been waiting 6 months for this letter -- no way I'm opening it.

[Shannon opens the letter.]

Shannon: I got it!

Dominique: You got it!

Shannon: I got it!

Dominique: Oh my god, you're going to New York.

[They're jumping and hugging. The phone rings.]

Shannon: Hello. This is her. Uh, that's impossible. Okay, are you sure? Of course, I will certainly do that. Sorry.

Dominique: What?

Shannon: My rent check bounced.

Dominique: But you're, like, rich.

[At Sabrina's house.]

Sabrina: I'm sorry, I would have offered you something to drink, but I have to be at a meeting in 10 minutes.

Shannon: Yeah, um, my checks are bouncing.

Sabrina: Well, that's what happens when you make withdrawals and don't make deposits, Shannon.

Shannon: When do I get the money dad left me? The money from the will.

Sabrina: There was no will.

Shannon: What?

Sabrina: Shannon, your father and I had a living trust. Everything passed to me. I'm afraid there was nothing specifically designated for you.

Shannon: Why would he do that?

Sabrina: Well, maybe he just wanted you to find your own way. We all have to work, Shannon. Most of us are the better for it.

Shannon: I can work. I just -- I just got this really prestigious internship. And I'm not going to make any money for a while but I'm going to be working like 16 hours a day.

Sabrina: The only thing I've ever seen you do 16 hours a day straight is sleep.

Shannon: I just need to get to New York. I need just something -- something to get started. I'll pay you back.

Sabrina: This week it's an internship -- last year it was what -- interior design? You'll never pay me back. And you'll only hate yourself even more.

Shannon: I really want this, Sabrina. I can do this.

Sabrina: I'm sorry, Shannon. You're on your own.

[Locke and Charlie playing backgammon on the beach.]

Charlie: Oh, double-6's, how nice for you.

Locke: [laughing]

Lucky. [pause] I hope you didn't get the wrong idea seeing me with the baby?

Charlie: What wrong idea would that be?

Locke: You and Claire are close, and you spend a lot of time with Aaron -- I just wouldn't want to overstep my bounds.

Charlie: Did she tell you we had a fight?

Locke: She didn't say it was a fight.

Charlie: She was going to give it up, you know -- for adoption. Did she tell you that?

Locke: Yeah, when I built the cradle.

Charlie: Ah, of course, when you built the cradle.

Locke: Why do you ask?

Charlie: She's got a bit to learn about being a mum -- responsibility and all.

Locke: Hmmm, now that's an interesting thing to say -- for a heroin addict.

Charlie: Recovering addict.

Locke: Recovering. It's your turn.

[Jin is half carrying Sawyer through the jungle.]

Bernard: [hearing Sawyer stumble behind him]

Here, let me help you.

Jin: [Says something in Korean like: That's okay, thanks.]

Michael: I got it.

Jin: [Says something in Korean]

Michael: I said I got it, man. Take a break.

Jin: [Says something in Korean like: No, I got it.]

Sawyer: [to Michael]'What? You suddenly give a damn about me? [taking his arm from around Jin's shoulder] Leave me alone. Both of you. I got it.

[Sawyer starts walking away, but collapses.]

Michael: Hey, hey, hey [he puts Sawyer's head in his lap] Okay. Hey, Sawyer, you okay?

Sawyer: [barely conscious]

I would have left you behind.

Michael: Shut up, man. Don't try that.

Sawyer: I did leave you behind.

Michael: Yeah, well, good thing I ain't you. [He smiles at Sawyer and Sawyer passes out.] No, no, hey, Sawyer. Sawyer, hey.

Jin: Water! Water!

Libby: Here you go. Here, here.

Michael: [pouring water into Sawyer's mouth]

What's the matter with him?

Libby: Well, the fever -- he's got an infection -- he's dehydrated.

Ana-Lucia: We gotta keep moving.

Michael: What?

Ana-Lucia: We gotta keep going.

Jin: [angry, to Ana][Says something in Korean like: Sawyer needs our help]

Ana-Lucia: You want stay, that's fine. But we're rolling out.

Bernard: We can't just leave him, Ana.

Libby: Maybe if we just rest a little while, he'll regain consciousness.

Ana-Lucia: Rest? Here? Do you remember what happened to us? What they did to us? You remember Goodwin?

Cindy: Ana's right, maybe we should just push on.

Michael: Hey, you know what? I don't remember Goodwin. And I'm really sorry about whatever happened to him, but I don't care. Mr. Eko, can you help me make a stretcher? And Bernard, I need 4 sticks -- sturdy ones -- about 5 feet long.

Bernard: Yeah, got it.

Ana-Lucia: You're going to carry your friend.

Michael: Yeah, we're going to carry him.

[Sayid and Shannon in the jungle.]

Sayid: Why are you doing this, Shannon?

Shannon: I didn't ask you to follow me.

Sayid: No, you'd rather be out here alone and get lost or hurt.

Shannon: I don't need your help, Sayid.

Sayid: Walt is not out here. You're following a Labrador, not a Bloodhound -- in an effort to find a boy who's on a raft in the middle of the ocean.

Shannon: He's not on the raft.

Sayid: What are you talking about?

Shannon: We found the bottle on the beach.

Sayid: The bottle with the messages that they brought with them?

Shannon: I know he's out here somewhere. I saw Walt. And the raft is gone, and he is all alone.

Sayid: Shannon.

[Jin and Michael carry Sawyer on the homemade stretcher. They come to a steep embankment along a river, and all struggle to lift Sawyer up.]

Ana-Lucia: Cindy. Cindy? Where's Cindy?

Bernard: She was just here.

Ana-Lucia: Cindy? Cindy?

Bernard: I don't know, she was...

Libby: Did they take her?

Michael: How could she just be gone?

Bernard: Cindy? Cindy?

Ana-Lucia: I'm going after her.

Eko: [grabbing Ana's arm]

No, we stay together -- we split up, we give them what they want.

Ana-Lucia: This is all your fault. We never should have gone through the jungle. You risked our lives to save him and he's already dead. This one's on you.

[They all hear the whispers.]

Michael: What the hell is that?

[Ana draws her g*n.]

Libby: [terrified]

Oh, god.

Ana-Lucia: Run!


[Shannon packing up her apartment. Boone enters.]

Boone: Hey.

Shannon: Hey.

Boone: She said no. She knew why I asked for the money.

Shannon: Can I crash at your place in New York for just a little while -- until I get on my feet.

Boone: I'm leaving New York. She offered me a job.

Shannon: You're going to work for your mother?

Boone: It's a really good job, Shannon. [He pulls out a check] Look, this is all I have right now, but my trust fund's going to kick in at the end of the month. And after that I can absolutely keep you afloat.

Shannon: Thank you, but I'm going to figure out a way to make my own money.

Boone: But who knows when that's going to be, just take it.

Shannon: Why, you don't think I can do it?

Boone: I didn't say that.

Shannon: Do you believe I can, or don't you, Boone? [He just looks at her] Okay, you know what, I really want you to just take your money -- go work for your mother -- I don't want it...

Boone: Shannon, it's just money...

Shannon: Just take it, alright!

Boone: I'm trying to help you, Shannon!

Shannon: I don't want your money!

[Shannon and Sayid running through the jungle at night in the rain. Shannon trips and falls.]

Sayid: Shannon!

Shannon: Do not help me up.

Sayid: Let's go back.

Shannon: Why don't you believe me? [Sayid doesn't answer] I need you to believe in me.

Sayid: I do believe in you.

Shannon: You don't! No one does. They think that I'm some kind of joke. They think I'm worthless.

Sayid: Shannon, you are not worthless.

Shannon: You say that now, but you don't -- you're just going to leave me. I know as soon as we get out of here you're just going to leave me.

Sayid: I will never leave you. I love you. I'll never leave you.

Shannon: You do?

Sayid: I do.

[They hug. And then they hear the whispers. Sayid sees Walt.]

Walt: Shhh.

Shannon: Do you see him?

[Sayid nods.]

Shannon: Walt! Walt!

[Walt walks away and Shannon runs after him. Sayid sits stunned for a moment and then goes after Shannon.]

Sayid: Shannon!

Shannon: Walt! Wait!

[Sayid trips and starts running after Shannon again.]

Sayid: Shannon!

[Sayid hears a g*nsh*t.]

Sayid: Shannon! Shannon.

[Shannon turns around to reveal a wound in her gut. She collapses into Sayid's arms and dies. Then we see Ana standing there with the g*n. And shocked looks on Jin and Michael's faces. Sayid looks like he has m*rder in his heart looking at Ana.]

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