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05x08 - The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone

Posted: 02/22/22 11:35
by bunniefuu
La la-la la la!
La la-la la la, la la-la la la!

This is gonna be so great, Gummy!

We've nothing to do
today except bake!

I've been waiting for just
the right time to finally try

Granny Pie's super-special

fifteen-layer marjolaine recipe!

It's gonna be amazing!

Let's see.

Nutty meringue, chocolate ganache,

praline and nuts,
cocoa-flavored buttercream...

An hour per layer, that's fifteen
hours of pure baking bliss!

Okay Gummy, I think we're ready
to start prepping the second layer!

Ohmygosh, my cutie mark!

You know what this means?

The map!

Uh, Gummy?
Could you take over for a bit?

Hopefully this'll be quick.

I'll just measure baking
powder for you...

...and when the first layer cools,

you can drizzle some of
the ganache over it!

And don't forget to beat the
egg whites for the meringue!

I know you can do this, Gummy!

You're the best alligator
baker I've ever met!

This is so exciting.

The map is summoning
you to Griffonstone,

the very heart of
the griffon kingdom!

I don't know if either of you have
read ""Bygone Griffons of Greatness"",

but Griffons were known to be-

Rude, insensitive bullies?

You mean Gilda?

Yeah, I mean Gilda!

When she came to Ponyville,

she was a total jerk to all my friends,
especially Pinkie Pie!

She was a bit of a party pooper.


So, maybe Gilda
was a little rude.

You still get to go to Griffonstone,
and according to this book,

it has a rich,
fascinating history!

In ancient times

griffons wereknown to be
as greedy as dragons,

always hoarding their
bits and other treasures,

but all that changed
when King Grover

found the mysterious
golden Idol of Boreas.

Legend says the Idol of Boreas

was made from the
dust of golden sunsets,

blown across the mountains
by the north winds.

Possessing the Idol of Boreas
filled the griffons' hearts with pride.

It's said that that one
great treasure is responsible

for turning Griffonstone into the
most majestic kingdom of all the land.

Why do you care so much
about griffons anyway?

It was actually Gilda's visit
that made me curious.

So I picked up ""Bygone
Griffons of Greatness"",

and I've been
hooked ever since!

And now...

Now you two get to see Griffonstone
with your very own eyes.

Huh? Just me and Rainbow Dash?

Hey, you can totally take
my place if you want.

I still had half a nap to finish.

Why don't you just
come with us?

I mean, you are the
Princess of Friendship.

No, no, if the map wanted me to go

to the coolest kingdom
in all of Equestria

and tour the palace and
see the actual idol

that unites an entire species,
which would be super amazing,

I'm sure it would've said so.

You two can handle whatever
the issue is just fine.

I'll stay here and do
important princessy things.

I guess.

Well then, come on, Dashie!

We're going to Griffonstone!


That's the spirit!

Watcha reading, Rainbow?

Twilight literally wrote a book on
what we need to do in Griffonstone.

You mean like a guide
on how to figure out

what problem we're
supposed to fix?

And then some. It's like
Twilight herself in book form.

Always carry plenty of bits.

The griffons are sure to help you
as long as you share the wealth.'

Uh, can I borrow some bits?

Upon arriving in Griffon Gorge,

be sure to pause and
cast your eyes northerly,

up the Hyperborean Mountains,

taking in the breathtaking
beauty of Griffonstone.

Once in Griffonstone proper,
go immediately to the palace,

and introduce yourself
to the king.

Bygone Griffons of Greatness
was written a long time ago,

and it ends with the coronation

of the fourteenth king of
the griffons, King Guto.

I have no idea who's
in charge now.

Tell the King you've been sent
by the Princess of Friendship,

and you're there to help him
solve some sort of problem.

If for some reason
the king can't help,

I'd try the Griffonstone
library next.

It's a little known secret that
if you befriend a librarian,

you can usually
find out anything.

Plus, as a bonus, there's a
statue of King Grover outside!

Photo op!

And don't forget to
sample some famous griffon scones.

They're supposed to be the best.

Aw, Twilight should've come along!

Then she could see
first-hoof that Griffonstone is...!

...A total dump!

Ugh, maybe the map
should've called Rarity instead of us.

Excuse me, sir?

This is Griffonstone, right?

Well, that wasn't very nice.

See? These griffons are exactly
like I'd thought they'd be.

Maybe we should just find the palace

so we can ask the
king what's going on!

We don't have a king, losers.

Hello, Gilda.



What are you doing here?

Uh, I'm a griffon?
What's your excuse, dweebs?

Hey! These 'dweebs' are
here to help Griffonstone!

Help it what?

Well... we're not really sure!

But it involves a map,
our cutie marks, a problem, and-

Bored now!

Well if you don't have a king,

could you at least tell us
where the Ideal of Boreas is?

Ha-ha! Don't tell me you
really believe in that thing.

You'd better believe in it!

It was the best thing to
ever happen to us griffons!

Oh, great. Now you got
Grandpa Gruff started!

I'll tell you the whole tragic tale...
for a couple of bits!

The first griffon king, King Grover,

united our kind like we've
never been united before or since!

And he did it all with that
increadible Idol of Boreas.

That idol brought pride to the
heart of every griffon that saw it!

From one king to the next,
Griffonstone had our golden idol,

we were the envy
of all other species!

It held us together,

it gave us an identity, right up
until the reign of King Guto.

That's when Arimaspi came,
to steal our griffon treasure!

King Guto tried to fight him off,

but Arimaspi managed to
get away with the idol!

That thing and our treasure
fell into the Abysmal Abyss,

our pride went with it. King Guto
was the last king of Griffonstone!

And we all lived miserably
ever after, the end!

That was the
saddest story ever!

Aw, well...
Tough tailfeathers!

No refunds!

No wonder Twilight's book ended
with the coronation of King Guto.

Who'd want to record
a history that sad?

It's not sad!

Do we look sad to you?

Pinkie, I think I know why
the map sent us here!

We need to find
the Idol of Boreas

and bring glory and
pride back to Griffonstone!

Ha-ha, here we go,
typical pony hero complex.

None of us care about that
dumb old idol, don't you get it?

We don't care about anything,
and that's the way we like it!

I think Rainbow Dash is right!

The map sent us here to
fix some sort of problem!

The only problem
Griffonstone has is you!

Well, I don't care
what she says.

We're gonna find that treasure,
make Griffonstone cool again,

and get back to Ponyville!

Come on!

Wait, Rainbow Dash,
what about Twilight's advice?

What, taking a bunch of pictures?

She mentioned finding
answers at the library!

Knock yourself out.

But when you get bored
with Twilight's tour book,

I'll be at the Abysmal

Abyss finding the Idol of Boreas.

I'm here to find your missing
idol and save Griffonstone!

Uh, I'll need some rope,
a grappling hook,

and a guide to take me down
to the Abysmal Abyss.

And I'll need some bits.

Hey, Gilda! Word on the
street is that Griffonstone

has an amazing library chock-full of answers!

Word on what street?

Okay, maybe not this street,
but on other streets,

your library is the
talk of the town!

Library's right there,

so why don't you go inside
and leave me alone?!

Maybe it's good that
Twilight didn't come...

It's sad what happened
to your town, King,

but Rainbow Dash
can't be right!

This can't all be because of
a missing hunk of gold.

You are right, Pinkie!

And you've got amazing hair!

Oh King Grover,
you old charmer!

I know what Griffonstone needs!

Fewer ponies?

A song!

I've got a super song
about smiling that sure

to make even the most
grumpy griffon grin!

Can't sing here!

But- how do you break into uplifting
musical numbers with no singing?

Yeah, that's Griffonstone's
biggest problem,

lack of uplifting
musical numbers.

Well if I can't sing,
how about a party?

If there's one thing
these griffons need,

it's a good cheer!
Where's your party store?

No party store?

Aw. How about cake?

Nothing cheers folks
up like cake!

Where's a bakery?


No singing, no parties, no bakery?!

What is this place?!

You're welcome to
leave at any time!

Well that just takes the cake.
Wait, no!

It can't take the cake 'cause
there is no cake!

Oh, we got griffon scones.

That's my specialty.

I'll buy one!

Bits first!


What, you like it?

That's my Grandpa Gruff's
secret recipe.

Ow! I think I broke a tooth!

Well, whatever.
No refunds.

I don't even care anyway.

I just want to sell
enough of these

so that I can leave
this lousy town.

I can help you with that!

Uh, you think you could tighten
the strap on my helmet?

Can you give me more bits?

Never mind, I got it.

So how deep is this abyss?

How deep are your pockets?

Don't you griffons ever talk
about anything but bits?

Gimme some bits and I'll answer.

No wonder Gilda's such a delight.

Grandpa Gruff's recipe is good,

but it's missing one
important ingredient.

Don't tell me. 'Friendship'?

Uh, no. Baking powder.

Lucky for you I never
leave home without it!

Now just pop those in the oven

and you'll have griffon scones
worth their weight in gold!


A-ha! I saw that, Gilda!

You may act like a
gruff grumbly griffon,

but inside you're
gracious and great!

What are you talking about?

You just helped your friend up
when she got knocked down!

What, her?

Greta's just some
griffon I know.

We don't have friends here!

I did have a friend once,
but you saw how that turned out.

Oh my gosh,
I gotta go find Rainbow Dash!


You sure we can't just fly down?


Nevermind, totally got my answer there.

Just gotta find that golden idol
and get out of this place.


My hoof!


Throw me another rope!

You got bits?

Wait! Heeeeeel-

There you are!

Forget about finding the idol,

I figured out how to solve
Griffonstone's real problem!


Pinkie Pie, you get back here!


Can you throw down a
rope or something?

Let me look!

One rope coming up!

We need help!

Don't go anywhere!

Where does she think
I'm gonna go?

I hope I don't go anywhere!

Rainbow Dash is stuck on a
ledge in the Abysmal Abyss,

and I need your
help to save her!

Not my problem!

Of course it's your problem!

She's your friend!

Used to be.

Can't you remember
when she was?

Yeah. Of course.

Doesn't that griffon
know she's supposed

to fly at the Junior
Speedsters Flight Camp?

Maybe she just doesn't want to
make you look bad!

Hey there,

I'm Rainbow Dash! And you are...?

Uh... G-G-G-G-G-Gilda.

You sure about that?

Stick with me, Gilda,

and those guys won't give
you any more guff!


You're awesome!

You too, Rainbow Dash!

Well, Gilda, let's show
these guys how it's done!

Junior Speedsters are our lives,

Skybound soars and daring dives,

Junior Speedsters,
it's our quest,

to someday be
the very best!

Fine, I'll help her.

But that doesn't
make me her friend.

Duly noted.

Except it does!

Hang on, loser!
I'm coming!

What took you
so long, doofus?!

Rainbow Dash!
I'm coming for you!


Hold on, you two!

The Idol of Boreas!

I'm slipping!

The idol!

You're more important to me
than some chunk of gold.

Hugging later, climbing now!

I'm really sorry about how
I treated you two.

Thanks, Gilda.

Apology accepted.

And I'm just sorry we didn't
get your idol back.

Now I'll never be able to
solve Griffonstone's problem.

That's what I was
trying to tell you!

The map didn't send us to
find the lost Idol of Boreas,

it sent us here to replace
it with something better!

Nothing's better than
gold to a griffon.

That's because you
don't have friendship!

If you can learn to care
about each other again,

Griffonstone could be a mightier
kingdom than it ever was before!

And you don't need some
golden idol to do that.

You just need each other.

Whoa, Pinkie, that was...
really sappy.

Eh, what can I say?

That's how I roll.

Go on, Gilda!
Go make a friend!

I don't know, Pinkie, you really think
these griffons are up for this?

We aren't exactly in
Ponyville, you know.

Okay, so she was really weirded
out until I gave her the scone,

then she tried it, and
said it tasted good!

That's the first nice thing
anygriffon's ever said to me!

Whoa, Pinkie, I guess that really
was the problem we needed to solve.

Baking powder makes baked goods
and friendships fluffy and delicious!

Well, we'd better
be heading home.

What? Y-y-you want me to
spread friendship here by myself?!

How am I supposed to do that?!

I haven't even made
one single friend yet!

No, you haven't.
You made two.

Hugging now!

But, you'll come back
and visit, right?

Just try and stop us!

See you later,
you old charmer.

Uh, Pinkie?
Who are you talking to?


Come on,
let's go home and see

how Gummy did with Granny
Pie's marjolaine recipe!