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05x04 - Bloom and Gloom

Posted: 02/22/22 11:33
by bunniefuu

Apple bloom: Hear
ye, hear ye!

This meeting of the
cutie mark crusaders

Is now in session.

Who wants to do roll call?

I'm pretty sure we're all here.

Yeah, apple bloom,
what's this all about?

Oh, nothin'...

Except this letter
from babs seed

Saying she's got
her cutie mark!


She says it's a
pair of scissors.

So... She's good
at cutting stuff?

Of course!

She was always fussing
with her bangs and tail.

I'll bet she grows up to
be a celebrity stylist.

But if she spends all
her time cutting hair,

Who's gonna run the
manehattan cmcs?

Well, not babs.

She can't be a
cutie mark crusader

If she's already got
her cutie mark.

Oh, wow. I guess
you're right.

I'm glad she's happy, but
I sure wouldn't want to be

Up to my flank in
mane hair all day.

Can you imagine
getting stuck

With a cutie mark
you didn't like?

No... Or, at
least, I hadn't.

Most of your family has
apple related cutie marks.

I bet yours will be too.

And what's not to
like about apples?

There's the core, and sour
apples, and rotten apples,

And apples with worms in them...


Not helping.

♪ my little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ aaaahhh

♪ my little pony

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ my little pony

♪ until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ big adventure!
♪ tons of fun

♪ a beautiful heart! ♪
faithful and strong! ♪

♪ sharing kindness
♪ it's an easy feat

♪ and magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ to have my little pony

♪ do you know you're all
my very best friends♪

Timing adjusted by:

Apple bloom: I guess I
just spent so much time

Worrying about how to
get a cutie mark,

I never even thought about
what would happen after.

There's just so many
things I never considered.

I'm sure there are, but
you don't need to--

What if I finally
get my cutie mark

What if I get my cutie
mark and nopony likes me?

Well, that's just ridicul--

What if the crusaders
drift apart?

I mean, we won't really be the
cutie mark crusaders anymore.

What if it's not an apple?

Will I have to move out?

All right. That's
enough, sugar cube.

Those are way too many questions
to answer all in one night.

And nopony's gonna
make you move out.

Are you sure, applejack?

Of course I'm sure.

Now get some sleep.

You'll see.

Everything'll be
better in the morning.

♪ hush now little sister,
you're loved by all you know, ♪

♪ you'll never lose
their friendship, ♪

♪ no matter where you go.

? there ain't no call to worry,
so don't you cry or fret, ?

♪ a cutie mark won't change
you, no matter what you get. ♪


No matter what I get.


[rooster crows]

Hoo whee!

Nothing like a
good night's sleep.

Applejack: Breakfast!

You were right, applejack.

I feel much better.

I don't know what I was so
worried about last night.

See? Now, what did
I tell you?

A good night's sleep'll
fix just about an--

Well, no wonder you
were so worked up.


Looks like somepony
got her cutie mark!

I can't believe it.

I got my cutie mark.

I got my cutie mark!

I got my cutie mark!

Wait till I tell the others
that my cutie mark is a, a...

What is it?

I have no idea
what it means.

Old man voice: I
know what it means.

It means I can retire.

Ha hoo!


You mean, like, parasprites?

Please. Any pony with a trombone
can get rid of parasprites.

I'm talking about
the serious stuff.

You ever hear of twittermites?



Pest ponies like you and me are
the only things keeping these

Live wires from destroying
half of equestria.

Pest ponies?

It's no easy trade.

Even the best of us
yearns for the day

They can move on to
greener pastures.

And now that you're here to take
over, my day has finally come.

You're gonna need to stop
repeating everything I say

And pay attention if you
want to learn anything.

I guess this just wasn't
what I was expecting.

Don't worry, with a
cutie mark like that,

I'm sure you've got the touch.

The touch?

Oh. Sorry.

Now you're gonna
need to be quick.

Once these things get out,
it can get pretty shocking.



What do you mean?


Ha ha! Told ya!

And the farther
apart they spread,

The more powerful
these jolts'll get.


What do I do?

Call them back,
of course.






Bug, bug, bug,
bug, bug, bug, bug!

Well, it looks like
you're all set.

Drop me a note sometime

At the piney shade
retirement community.

Now hold on...

I'm sure this job
is real important,

But I don't think I wanna call
bugs for the rest of my life.

Hey, where'd he go?

Well, well, well.

Look at the new bug pony.

It's pest pony.

It sure is.

I might have known you'd end up
with the worst cutie mark ever.

[nasty laughter]

But look on the bright side.

Whenever you need a friend, you
can just go out and catch one.

That's not funny.

Heeeere friend, friend,
friend, friend, friend...

Stop it.

Here, bug! Here, bug!

Will you be my friend, bug?

Because nopony else will!

Ha ha ha!

You know what?

My cutie mark isn't the worst.

You two are!

[hooting laughter]

I hate to think that
diamond tiara is right,

But this cutie mark sure
isn't what I was hoping for.

[echo voice] why should you
have to keep it, then?

Who's there?

What do you mean?

If your cutie mark bothers
you so much, get rid of it.

Well, if you know
how to wave a hoof

And erase a terrible cutie
mark, you go right ahead.

As easily said as done.

[whistling wind]

Huh. Now that is
some serious magic.


Hey, where's everypony going?

[panicked screams]

Mayor, what's going on!

You've got to get your
family out of town!





Heeeere, bug, bug,
bug, bug, bug!


Here, bug!


Come on here!

Apple bloom, what in
tarnation are you doing?

I'm trying to stop the
infestation, of course!

Only a pest pony can do that!

Now come on.

We've gotta skedaddle!

But I've got to do something!

Are you crazy?




[rooster crows]

Hoo whee!

Now that's what I
call a nightmare!

It seemed so real.

Applejack: Breakfast!

Applejack, you are not gonna
believe the dream I just had.

I guess I needed more
sleep than I thought.

See? Now, what did
I tell you?

A good night's sleep
will fix just abou--


Well, no wonder you
were so worked up.

Looks like somepony
got her cutie mark!


I mean, I did?


Potion making!

Now that's more like it!

More like what?

I'm just glad princess
twilight's lessons

Finally paid off.

I expect you want to run
off to the clubhouse

And tell your friends all
about your new cutie mark.

But before you go, make
sure you do all your--



Woo hoo!

Why all the excitement?

Yeah. What's going on?

Oh, nothin'.

Except this brand
new cutie mark!

That's amazing!

Whoo hoo!

[excited shouts]

I don't suppose either
of you got yours?


Me neither.

I always hoped we'd get our
cutie marks together.

Me too.

But I'm still super
excited for you!


I know!

Let's call this
meeting to order.

I'm sure the three
of us can figure out

How to get two
more cutie marks!


The thing is...


Well, you can't be a
cutie mark crusader

If you've already got
your cutie mark.

Oh. Yeah.

Just like babs seed.

Well, I can just sit
quietly in the corner

While you two figure out
what you're gonna do.

Well, technically, the clubhouse
is for crusaders only.



I guess I should just
come back later, then?

I mean, you can't
come in then either.


I don't even think we're
still supposed to be friends.



Sweetie belle?


Come on, fillies!
This isn't funny.

[echo] more trouble
with cutie marks?


I mean, yeah.

I mean...

Well, I got mine, but my
friends didn't get theirs

And now there's all
kinds of trouble.

Sounds to me like cutie
marks and trouble

Are two peas in
the same pod.

I guess so.

I mean, if I was a
blank flank again,

There wouldn't be a problem.

Your wish is my command.


Hey, apple bloom.

Why'd you want to meet here?

Well, us blankflanks
have to meet somewhere!

Um... Actually,
apple bloom,

We both sort of got
our cutie marks.

You did?

What are they?

Oh, we don't have time
to go into all that.

And we certainly don't have time
to hang out in an old clubhouse.

Yeah. We've got
responsibilities now.

But, maybe we'll see you later.

Much later.


Hold on!

I can get my cutie mark back.

I think.

I mean, I got it once, right?

Just wait a second!


[rooster crows]

What in equestria is going on?

Applejack: Breakfast!

I'm not so sure sleep is the
cure-all applejack thinks it is.

Uh... Applejack?

I know you said sleep is
supposed to make me feel better,

But I'm pretty sure it's
making me feel worse.

See? Now, what did
I tell you?

A good night's
sleep will fix--

Well, no wonder you
were so worked up.

Didn't you hear what I said?

I was trying to--

Well, what do
we have here?

What is it, granny?

What's wrong?

Oh, nothin'.

Right, applejack?


Nothin' at all.

Right, big mac?

Truth is, apple bloom...

It's your cutie mark.


Oh, no.

What is it now?

Well, I'll tell
you what it ain't.

It ain't no apple!


And we don't have
room for non-apples!

Time for you
to mosey on.

You can't stay here.

But this is my home.

Oh, and you're gonna
have to change your name.


I think just "bloom"
has a nice ring to it,

Don't you, applejack?




[rooster crows]

All right.

This is getting ridiculous.

I never thought I'd be so
happy to not get a cutie mark.

What the--?

I don't want to see another
cutie mark as long as I live!

[echo] back so soon?

All right, whoever you are, I
don't know what spell you went

And cast on me but I want
it to stop right now!

I didn't cast a spell.

On you or anypony else.

I only did what you wanted.


Why would I want you to
torment me with nightmares?

You didn't want to
catch bugs and I helped.

You didn't want to lose
friends and I helped.

If there's a problem
with your family,

I'm sure I can
help with that too.

I don't want your help.

Just get away from me!

Oh, apple bloom, you can't get
away from your own shadow.

Princess luna!

My shadow?

What do you mean?

It's just me?

You mean I've been doing
all this to myself?

Of course, apple bloom.

It's your dream.

If I've been dreaming this whole
time, why don't I just wake up?

Sometimes we can worry
about a thing so much,

The fear can make us feel like
we're trapped in a nightmare.

I don't suppose
there's anything

You're particularly
afraid of, is there?


I guess I'm pretty worried
about getting my cutie mark.

Well, that is the same as
worrying about who you are.

That is all a cutie mark is.

If you cannot
accept who you are,

Your life might seem
like a bad dream.

But, if I like who I am, do you
think other ponies will too?

Of course.

Then it doesn't matter
what my cutie mark is!


But that's so simple.

I must be the only
pony in the universe

This worried about
her cutie mark.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.




[struggling grunts]

Scootaloo and sweetie belle
are having nightmares too?

It's been a busy
night for us all,

But I think it's time
to bring it to a close.

Princess luna!

I know you've all had a
lot on your minds tonight,

But I think apple bloom has
something she'd like to share

Before you wake.

We're still asleep?


Well, I guess I should
call this dream meeting

Of the cutie mark
crusaders to order.

I know we all got pretty
anxious when we found out

Babs got her cutie mark.

But I, for one, don't wanna
have nightmares every night

From now until we get ours.

Me neither.

And even though we're
all a little scared,

A cutie mark won't
change who we are

Or how everypony
feels about us.

It's lucky we're all
scared of the same things.

That way we can help
and remind each other

To just be who we are.

And when the day comes

That you all finally
get your cutie marks,

You can be sure they'll
fit you to a tee.


Do you fillies think that
babs is worried or scared

About some of this stuff?

Let's put together a
care package for her!

That way she'll know
she isn't alone!

We wouldn't want
her to think

That just because she
isn't a crusader,

We can't still be friends.


Maybe we should wait
until we wake up.

Good idea.


[rooster crows]


? there ain't no call to worry,
so don't you cry or fret... ?

♪ a cutie mark won't change
me, no matter what I get! ♪

Well, it sure looks like
somepony is feeling better.

You have no idea.

See? Now, what did
I tell ya?

A good night's sleep cures
just about everything.

I guess so...

I just wish it hadn't
been so exhausting.

♪ my little pony

♪ my little pony

♪ my little pony

♪ friends