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03x06 - Real Life S**t

Posted: 02/22/22 08:18
by bunniefuu
ZOEY: From an early age,
we are led to believe that

a degree from a prestigious
university will set us apart

from the next man.

♪ Psychedelic flow,
I'm the dope and the antidote ♪

That the promise of higher
education is to get a leg up

and bring us closer to our aspirations.

♪ You can clap that ♪

♪ Talkin' patty cake ♪

But for some people,
that higher education

only creates more space
between them and their goals.

And let's be honest, those
"some people" are Black people.

♪ Talkin' big flexin',
hung the phone up ♪

♪ And she still textin' ♪

♪ Money in the way ♪

♪ ...what they got to say? ♪

♪ I throw it up, it's fallin' down ♪

♪ It's definitely in the way ♪

♪ It's definitely in the way ♪

Yo, you got to relax, bro.

You got this.

I know, I know.
I just... I just feel like

I don't want to reek of desperation.

Okay? But to be clear,
I am very desperate.

Yo, you... you... Don't be.

You got six months
til you graduate, bro.

Six months. You're gonna get a job.

I don't have six months.

I owe 100K in student loans now, Doug.

- Right now.
- [Sighs]

Come on, the line's over there.

Bro, you're looking
at this the wrong way.

You're a diversity hire
with mad community service hours

- and a high-ass GPA.
- Okay.

All these dudes at these
companies are gonna be

begging for you to be
their one non-threatening

Black work friend.

- Wait, wait...
- Watch.

I can be threatening.

You're wearing a vest, bro.

Tupac wore a vest.

Not to a career fair, he didn't.

Bro, look, you just gotta go in there

with your signature
Aaron Jackson charisma...

- [Sighs]
- ...and you'll be good.

You're right, you're right. You're right.
I'm gonna go in here.

- Yes.
- I'm gonna get a job

with good benefits.

I'm talking about student loan
forgiveness program...

- Right.
- ...a six-figure starting salary...

- Uh-huh.
- ...maybe a little Maxima.

I love those cars.

See you later, bro.
You're gonna k*ll it.

- Yep.
- Excuse me.

[Exhales sharply]

This is as far as it's gonna go.


♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Although Aaron was facing one corporate

Caucasian complication after another,

he was determined
to keep pushing forward.

This all looks really good,
but typically,

our candidates are accounting majors.

So, you'd say you have

a wealth of project management
experience, then?

I'm just struggling to see
how your "experience"

translates to this particular skill set.

Well, we appreciate you
submitting your résumé,

and we'll certainly be in touch
if you're a good fit.

Right, I appreciate you
looking out, brotha.

Yeah, hey, uh, look, Joey,
I'm just stepping into class

right now, but I promise
as soon as I'm out,

I'm gonna e-mail you those looks, okay?

All right. Hit you later. Bye.

Of course the only seat open
is beside the girl

I found out was sleeping with my ex.


[Ding, ding]


Hey, girl! How you doing?

Good, good. How are you?

Oh, me? I've been really good.

I've been... I've been so good.

I've been the truest definition
of G-double-O-D good.

- You know?
- Good.

Good. So, that's me.

Uh, look, I just wanted to
apologize for the other night.

I didn't know you and Luca
had a history.


Ancient history.

It's just like...
prehistoric at this point.

It's so old.

So old, like a young Morgan Freeman old.

- That's old.
- Uh-huh.

Well, look, we should grab
a drink or something.

Oh, I... Wow.

Uh, yeah, no, I would love that.

Drinks shall be grabbed.


Okay, so here's a little bit about me.

Uh, I am hardworking, dedicated,

a natural-born leader.

I just think I could
seamlessly fit into the culture

at your company.

In fact, one of your
senior VPs, Andre Johnson,

is my friend's dad, so...

- Oh, cool, cool.
- Yeah.

My dad owns the company.

Yeah, and my dad has been banned from

the Staples Center
for the next five years.

[Chuckles] It's nothing weird.

He just likes to have sex with strangers

in the nosebleed section.

You know, he tried having
sex with people

he already knows, but he just
doesn't like it as much.

Great, well, you guys seem...
you guys seem great,

and I would love
the opportunity to apply.

And the fact that you guys help pay back

your employees'
student loans... amazing.

It'd really help me out a lot.

- What?
- What?

- Oh, that doesn't sound right.
- We don't do that.

- I don't think that's...
- Oh, look at that!

- Wow.
- There it is.

- I'll be damned.
- Crazy.

Well, listen, we have been looking

to bolster our urban division.

One of our execs has just been
so checked out lately.

- Oh.
- Charlie.

Yeah, absolutely.
I haven't seen him in a while.

It's been two days at least.

Anyway, thank you for your résumé.

We're gonna have interviews
on Friday from 2:00 to 5:00,

and then those candidates
that are selected

will be notified via e-mail.

Okay, awesome.

Hey, well, I look forward
to hearing from you.

And you. Hell, even your dad.

Oh. [Chuckles] Daddy would love you.

[Clears throat]

- I'm gonna go now. Thank you.
- Yep.

- I like your ponytail.
- Mm.

- [Indistinct talking]
- Hi.

[Beethoven's "Fur Elise" playing]


Love this song!

You love Beethoven?

Yeah, yeah. Great movie.

Hey, yo, Sky, good luck being
a traitor to your race.

What the [bleep] did you just say?

Because I'm dating a White guy,
I'm a traitor to my race?

Y'all mess with White girls
all the time.

You're the real traitor to your race.

And your mama.


Why you bringing my mama into this?

I said good luck training for your race.


Oh. [Chuckles]


Thank you.

Go, Titans. [Chuckles]


What... What was that?

[Sighs] I'm sorry.

Look, I've got to be honest with you.

I've never dated, like,
a... a White guy before.


is this gonna be a problem?

No. N-No.

I mean, I... I don't think it is.



How about you get at me
when you figure it out?

Here are your Cheetos.

Yo, you want in on this Postmates, bro?

No, man! I told you, I am on a strict

bologna and Cup-o-Noodle
diet for the next...

rest of my life.

Are you back on this loan mess?

Yes! I am looking at 750 bucks
a month in student loans.

Even if I get a great job,

it'll take me at least
30 years to pay this off.

How am I supposed to
affect change at 50?

I mean, John Lewis still be
leading marches at 80.

I mean, it's more like...
like a hobble now,

but it's a hobble for us.

I don't want to hobble.

[Laptop chimes]

Oh, shit.

It's from Stevens & Lido.

Look at Jesus. Won't He do it.

- Hallelujah.
- "Dear Aaron...

Thank you for your..."

I didn't get the interview.

Oh, He didn't do it this time.



Uh, yeah, one second!

[Sighs] Coming, coming.

- Hey, dude.
- Hey.

You here looking for Vivek?

Uh, no. Actually,
I came here to see you.

I need a favor.

I applied for a gig at your dad's job.

- Stevens & Lido?
- Yeah.

Um, and you know I hate to ask favors,

but this is a huge
opportunity, you know?

- Mm-hmm.
- There's a solid chance

it could turn into a full-time
job after I graduate, so...


They're holding interviews
tomorrow, so I would just...

I'd really appreciate it
if you would just get me

in front of your dad, you know?

Yeah, I got you.
Don't even stress about it.

Really? You...

You can get me in?

Of course I can.

I'm Zoey Johnson.
I'm my father's favorite child.

He would do anything for me.

Oh, and you know what?

You should wear this.

It's supposed to be for Joey,
but I really think

you should take it for your interview.

It would look amazing on you.

[Cellphone ringing]

Uh, one second.

- Oh.
- Thank you.

Goodness. That's Joey.
I should take this.

Yeah, no, do your thing.

- Yeah.
- But thanks again, really.

- Mm-hmm.
- Appreciate it.

Hey, Joey.




Hello. Excuse me.

I'm Aaron Jackson.
I'm here for an interview.

Just want me to sit down? Cool.


♪ Boss man know I got that work, yeah ♪

♪ CEO for certain ♪

- ♪ Know I got that work in ♪
- Okay!

- ♪ I got the blood like a cuticle ♪
- Hi.

♪ We don't just pop in the studio ♪

♪ Boss man know I got that work, yeah ♪

♪ CEO for certain ♪

- That's cool, all right.
- ♪ Know I got that work ♪

Okay, yeah, go. What you got?

♪ I got my own, son ♪

♪ I can show you some ♪

♪ But you gonna owe me one ♪

♪ What they told us ♪

♪ We keep going ♪

Hey, excuse me, Miss.

Uh, I'm sorry, I just...
I've been here, like,

sitting there for a couple hours.

So, just wondering,
you know, when I'm up.


Sorry, it looks like we've
completed all our interviews.

What was your name again?

Uh, Aaron Jackson.

I'm sure it's in there.

No, sorry. You're not on my list.

All right. Hey, Rachel,
I'm done for the day.

Mr. Johnson! Hey!

- Hey.
- Just the man I want to see.

- How you been?
- I'm all right.

- Do I know you?
- Yeah, it's me, Aaron Jackson.

Uh, Zoey's friend from school.

We met a couple years back.

I stayed the weekend at your place.

Oh! Yeah, yeah.


Hey, man, my mama's still
talking about you.

Uh, so what brings you here?

Oh, my God, is Zozo with child?

Please, God, don't tell me
my baby's pregnant!

No, no, no, no, Zoey's not pregnant.

At least I don't think.
Certainly not by me.

I'm just here about an interview, man.

She told me she was gonna call you today

about getting me in.

I'm in, I'm here, and I'm ready, so...

Well... she didn't.

In fact, we haven't
talked in a few weeks.

Tell her to get at me, though.

- [Elevator bell dings]
- No, I did, about a job.

That's why I'm here, sir.

Hey, man, are you following me?

I wouldn't call it following.

It's just more of like
a trailing behind.

Look, if you would just take
a look at my résumé here...

I'm sorry. Um, now, I know you won't see

a lot of marketing experience,
but I promise you

I am... I am a hustler, I'm motivated,

and, um, to be honest,
I kind of remind myself

a lot of a young you.

Obviously I'm... I'm a little
taller, but, still...

Son, I would never wear a vest.

[Elevator bell dings]

Hey, look, man, this résumé
looks like it's pretty strong,

but I've already filled the position.

Okay, cool. Uh, thanks.

Keep your head up, man.

[Cellphone chimes]


"Good looking out, homie."

What the hell does that mean...

Oh, my God!

The interview!

♪ Oh, you been living free ♪

♪ I think I know your type ♪

On a scale from 1 to 10,
how mad is Aaron?

Oh, you could add a zero to that 10,

and you'd be in the ballpark.

- Great.
- What, could you blame him?

You flaked on a simple favor.

Okay, yeah, I know.

But it was an honest mistake.

I get that it doesn't
make it any better,

but... but I've been swamped at work.

I literally haven't slept
in the past 48 hours.

Okay, well your
"honest mistake" cost him

a real opportunity.

He's going through it.

Because I didn't get him
an interview at Stevens & Lido?

No, because his student loans
are, like, six figures.

And your dad's company
could've helped him

with their loan forgiveness
program if you hooked him up.

[Sighs] Right. I feel awful.

You should. [Chuckles]

Okay, wait a minute.
Granted, we all know

that Zoey tends to be
a little wrapped up in Zoey,

but we can't put Aaron's
entire financial crisis on her.

She didn't make him take that money.

No, the banks who preyed on Aaron did.

What, preyed on him? How?

[Scoffs] Sometimes I really forget

how Sherman Oaks you are, Sherman Oaks.

JAZZ: The way they prey
on all Black kids

who want to go to college
but can't afford it.

Yeah. They know that there's
no other option for us,

so they give us this easy money,

wrap it in a free T-shirt, right?

And then you go off
to college, and then it's,

"Whoo, I'm in school,"
just for you to realize

when you get out, that you
owe them twice the money

that they gave you,
plus the shirt off your back.

Um. Hello. Hi.

Fellow person of color here.

And as someone riddled
with student loans,

I still think there's
something to be said

for more minorities going
to college than ever before.

Yeah, and that's great
and all, but the cost

and the benefit of
that education aren't equal.

The reality is if we all graduated with

the same degree,
all had the same experience,

and all slayed the same interview,

the offer would go to Nomi first,

and then to you,
and then to Doug and Aaron,

and then Zoey, Sky, and I
would come dead last.


You... You should probably pick
that up right there.

Pick what up?

Oh, that... that knowledge
my baby just dropped.

- [Chuckles]
- She did.

- You did.
- I did.

Mm-hmm. Like a Congresswoman.


[Indistinct talking]


[Sighs] What's up?

Aaron, I had no clue about everything

that was happening with
the loans and all that,

and... and believe me
when I say I am so, so sorry.

I promise I'm gonna make it up to you.

I... I swear.

Yeah. All good.

Look, um, hey.

No, um...

Dude, can you give me a second, please?

Okay. Here's your second.

What's up? [Clears throat]

Well, I put a call in to my dad,
and he can't...

Great, because it seemed
like he had been waiting

to hear from you.

Weeks, actually.

Look, Aaron, I messed up.

Look, Zoey, I'm... [Sighs]

I'm trying my hardest
not to say anything

disrespectful to you,
so I'm politely asking you

to please give me some space.

All right?

No, because I want to fix this.

- You can't fix it.
- You're not letting me.

Because you're too late, Zoey!

The one time that
I needed you... the one time...

where were you at?

- I...
- Right.

But if you need something,
you expect me to drop everything

and be there, no questions asked.

Because that's how this
relationship works.

You... You... You... You...
You need some advice

about something, I give it to you.

You need some support during
a crisis, you got it.

You need somebody to kiss
to get over your ex?

I'm your man, right?


You said it yourself.
I'm always there for you.

I know, and I'm... I'm sorry.

Man, don't be. Please don't be.

I'm actually... I'm honestly
not even mad at you.

I'm mad at myself

to think that you would
actually come through for me.

How'd it take me this long
to realize how selfish you are?

It's crazy.



You good?

[Chuckles, sniffles] Oh, yeah.

No, I'm good. I'm G-double-O-D good.

You wanna talk?

No. [Sniffles]

But how about that drink?

You got it.



[Door closes]

What's up?


So, you wanted to talk?



I was... I was out

with my sister
and her boyfriend tonight,

and I think I figured out

what's been bothering me.

It's their connection.

What does their connection
have to do with us?

Theirs is rooted in
a shared cultural experience

because both of them are Black.

We'll never have that.

And no matter how hard I try, I just...

[Sighs] I can't seem to get past it.


Well, I guess you figured it out, then.

But the other thing that
I can't seem to get past

is how much I like you

and how much I can't stop
thinking about you.


So, which side outweighs the other?



Is it okay if I still call you Rod'Nae?




[Indistinct shouting]

Excuse me, Dean Telphy.

Excuse me, sir.

Hold on a second.

[Laughing continues]

[Clears throat]


How can I help you?

I don't know, man!
You called me in here.

Uh... Oh, right.

See, that's my problem.

This is why I need
an administrative assistant.

And when I got a call from
my good friend and confidant,

Andre Johnson, he told me that
you might be looking for a job,

I immediately summoned you.

Wait, are you...

Are you offering me a job?

It all depends. Are you accepting it?

I mean, I can only accept it
if you're offering it to me.

Are you offering it to me?

Hmm, you drive a hard
bargain, young Aaron.

But you got the job.

What job, sir?!

I'm sorry. What job?

I'm sorry, you're just confusing me.

Look, let's start with the basics.

How much does this job pay?

Oh. Minimum wage.

Okay, is there health insurance?

[Chuckles] Is there health insurance?


Right. Um...

Is there any type of
loan forgiveness program?

Hmm, does free grad school
for Cal U staff count?


Free grad school?

You mean like a Masters degree
for no money?

- There's got to be a catch.
- No. There's no catch.

You just got to show up,
put in 20 hours a week,

and become my personal assistant.

Now, your first order of business...

you need to call this lady
I've been seeing and tell her

I don't want to see her no more.

Her name's Keshia Kirschbaum.

She's, uh... unhinged.

- Good luck.
- This is huge, man.

You don't realize what
it's doing for me.

This... This past week has been...

Oh, it has... it has sucked.


Not as much as my week with Keshia.

- [Scoffs]
- You know what?

- Man.
- I'll take the job.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- [Laughs]
- Hey.

The reality was that

Aaron couldn't erase the debt
he had already acquired,

but this bizarre job and
the offer of free grad school

would give him a financial head start

to ensure he wouldn't become
just another statistic.

♪ I think I'm on a roll now ♪

♪ I think I got to go now ♪

♪ I'm a champion all day ♪

♪ All day, that's right ♪

♪ I'm a champion all day ♪

♪ Boy, this fight wasn't about you ♪

Is the sun always this bright out here?


And please just stop yelling.

You know what I could use right now?


- Waffle House.
- Mm.

They come through for
a hangover every time.

We don't have Waffle Houses in L.A.

We have Roscoe's.

They have an Obama special.

Always down for anything Obama.

Should we go?




In a minute.



Is it okay if I just...