02x21 - Dreams and Nightmares

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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02x21 - Dreams and Nightmares

Post by bunniefuu »

When do your dreams
descend into nightmares?

it's when the subconscious mind

is wrestling with
an unresolved issue or fear.

Zoey, just don't take this
the wrong way,

but can you just... fall back?

- Uh, like a job?
- Yeah, a job.

Honestly, the job
was never your boy's to have.

And there's nothing more terrifying

than coming face-to-face with
those things in your dreams.

- You okay, baby?
- Uh...

Except maybe waking up
and coming face-to-face

with them in reality.

No. Um...

actually, there's something
I need to tell you.


And at that moment, my biggest fear

was how Luca was gonna react

when he found out
I had accepted a dream job

with one of the artists he
wanted to design for the most.

Okay, so...

you work for Joey Bada$$ now?




He's cool.

- Wait a minute. Hold up.
- Mm?

Tell me again how this happened,

but this time, can you really,
really paint the picture?

He's not cool.

No. Legit, all it was, was...

So after really painting
that picture for Luca,

things shifted from cool
to uncomfortably warm.

So, wait. One minute you're pushing me

to talk to this dude about a job,

next minute,
you're taking the job with him?

You didn't even know who Joey Bada$$ was

until I put you on.

- Sure. But it was an opportunity.
- My opportunity.

And from there, things went
from uncomfortably warm

to straight-up scalding.

I told you to fall back
so I could get at him my way!

And that's what I did!

No, you didn't! You followed him outside

and showed him your digital portfolio!

And you don't care about
anything but yourself!

- That's just a fact! It's literally a fact.
- Are you...

This is absurd. You literally...

Dude, I went outside to fall
back, just like you told me to,

and he just so happened to be out there,

and we just so happened...

And you just so happen to sound mad sus.

What was I supposed to do?

He said he wasn't gonna
give you the job,

so I figured shouldn't
one of us have it?

You told me to take it!

Remember our whole
"vegan slider" conversation?

Yeah, I thought we were
talking about a burger,

- not a [bleep] job.
- [Sighs]

I swear, this is some
double-talking snake shit, bro.

Luca, I have your back.

I-I would never do anything
to hurt you. I swear.

Whatever. I'm off this, anyways.

So, really, that's it?

You're just gonna get up
and leave with no pants on?

I can't find them... probably
'cause you stole those, too.

I didn't steal anything.

Appreciate you having my back, chief.

I thought nightmares
were supposed to end

when you opened your eyes.

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Do you guys think I should invite Luca

to the closing ceremony
of the pop-up shop tonight?

Oh, wow. It's over already?

Yeah, it's their last night
before they head over to London

to open up the flagship spot, and...

- Ah.
- ...and I really did want him to see it,

but we haven't spoken
in over a week, so...

Over a week?

Like, no texts? No Snapchat? Nothing?


What if Luca and I are broken up,
and I just don't know it yet?

Oh, you would know.

Okay. I understand now
why the twins talk in unison,

because that was so satisfying,
and I think we should clap.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

You. Would. Know.

- Ohh.
- It's magic.

Are you done?

- Um, uh, yes, yes.
- Mm-hmm.

- Please, go on.
- Mm-hmm.

So then, I should probably
invite him, right?

I just don't want it to seem
like I'm rubbing it in his face.

No, if you want him there,
then just be the bigger person

and invite him.

Yeah, and while you're at it, you know,

just tell him to come over here
and get his crap.

Get. His. Crap.

Oh, my God. It's so empowering.

Please don't tell the twins.

- Yeah, don't do that.
- Mnh-mnh.

A toast.

To getting that bulky-ass cast off.

And to having two working legs.

One of which needs to get waxed

Whatever, okay. I am just so excited

to get back on that field
to train, okay?

The NCAA finals are gonna be turnt!

- Oh, girl!
- Yes!

Oh, look, Doc.
I can still do "the Thotiana."

- Hey!
- Okay, okay.

This girl's a real lightweight.

Ms. Forster, I'm glad
your leg's feeling better.

But unfortunately,
I have some not-so-great news.


So, what do you think?

I think it looks like Tyler, the Creator

created a baby with Baby
from "Baby Driver."

Okay, what she's trying to say

- is that we are so proud of you.
- Yeah.

It's kind of loud in here.

I'm, like, freaking out that
I'm gonna miss this phone call.

You're not waiting for a call
from Hewson, are you?

No. I applied for an internship
with the ACLU.

More like ACL-boo.

Yeah. Now that I'm, like, free of
the shackles of this relationship,

I can finally focus on the
things that are important to me.

Freedom's ringing.


Oh, my God, look. There's Aaron.




Zoey, it's fine.

Aaron and I, we had a moment at
his "Black Minds Matter" event,

and we're good.

Yeah, no, I actually unblocked him,

and we spoke afterwards

and even exchanged
a couple of political jabs.

- Oh, my God. That's good, right?
- Yeah.

Honestly, I think I was more infatuated

with the idea of being in love
than actually in love with him.

I am so happy for you.


we all know who
he's really in love with.


Wait, what?

Hey, Zoey, one of Joey's friends

is asking about those gold
Spandex track stirrups.

I need you to show me where
they are in the stock room.


- Zoey.
- Yes.


Hello, there.

Sorry, bruh. This is actually mine.

Oh, no, no. I believe you're mistaken,

because I got here first.

Okay, so, it seems like
we got us a situation.

So it seems.


Well, false alarm.

Turns out it was some guy

selling Harlem Globetrotter tickets.

- Mm.
- I mean, I bought 'em.

Obviously, right?

But, really, these telemarketers
are so annoying and stupid,

but I can't ignore it,
because what if it's

the internship that's calling, you know?

Um, hey.

Have you either of you guys seen
Luca come through by chance?

- Um...
- No.

Did he tell you he was coming?


He didn't even really respond
to my text.

No, maybe it is over.

Look, you can't let Luca
ruin your night, okay?


- You did this.
- Mm-hmm.

You nailed this.

You're so right. You're so right!

I mean, I did this.

I styled those mannequins.
I designed those displays.

I was the one who put this sweatsuit
with a dope cross-body bag

- and made it a whole vibe.
- So cute.

I don't need Luca.
I really don't because I am

a-a strong, powerful,
independent Black woman who...

Oh, my God, he's here.

Hey, you came.

I did. I couldn't miss your big moment.

Um... you know, I'm really sorry
about the other night.

There were so many things
that were said that I just...

I wish could be taken back.

Mostly by him.

I'm really just glad that you're here.

Me, too. Show me around, boss.

Yo, just let it go, son.

You let it go, "son."

I will out-wait you.

Look, this is insane.

We split the cost of the jacket,

and we Affleck-Garner this.

A.K.A., we co-parent.

We can work out a schedule

alternating holidays and weekends.


Looks like we got ourselves a jacket.

Jazlyn, can you please stop pacing?

You're making me nervous.

How can you be so calm right now?

You can't compete in the finals!

- It is what it is.
- No, it's not!

How could they not see
it was a hairline fracture

in the first place?

We're getting a second opinion,

and if we don't like that one,

we're getting a third opinion.

Jazlyn, stop. Okay?

You're going to Ohio, and you're
gonna run in the finals

while I stay home
and rehab over the summer.

Then we'll just run together
again in the fall.

I've never done anything without you.

I don't know if I can do this
without you.

Of course you can.

And hey, listen,
you better go down there,

and you better represent
the Forster sisters.

Because if you don't,
then I'm gonna go down there

and make sure that you're the one

who ends up in the cast, all right?

You hear me?



This is fire. You bodied this.

And, you know, obviously,
what I said the other night

I didn't mean.

Thank you.

You know, it's just
really important to me

that you know I'd never
do anything to hurt you.

Yeah, and, you know, real talk,

I get why Joey Bada$$
would give you this job.

I mean, you're perfect.

You're stylish, bubbly.

You're beautiful, so...

You know, who wouldn't
want to be around you?

Yeah, but also I'm really talented.


This event turned out amazing,
and it was all you.

I mean...

Joey didn't know you could do
that when he hired you, but...

Okay, uh...

So, what are you saying?

Hmm? I'm only saying
you probably didn't get the job

based off your talent.

But that's okay.

No. Mm, no, actually, it...
it's not okay.

I got this job based on the fact
that he noticed my bracelet.

And then, guess what? He liked my work.

I mean, Zoey, come on.

I had the same bracelet on.
He didn't hire me.

Yeah, dude, that's probably
because you were so busy

trying to "lay back in the cut"

and "ride your own wave," remember?

Or I'm not a cute girl in a nice dress.

Wow. So, according to you,

I either have to do some snake shit

or somebody has to want to
sleep with me to get a job?

- No, but it doesn't hurt.
- Actually, you know what?

If you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go do the job that,

apparently, "I didn't earn."

Zoey... Zoey, you're tripping right now.

Dude, why don't you just leave me alone?

You guys good?

- We're fine.
- We're so not fine.

Look, I know it's none of my business,

but tonight's her night, man.

Maybe just now isn't the right time.

I'm trying to have a
conversation with my girl, bro.

Actually, you know what, Aaron?
It's fine. We're fine.

So, why don't we go continue
to be fine not in my workplace?


Zoey, what's your problem?

Why do you always act like
I don't support you?

Because you only support me
on your terms, Luca!

Like, you have no problem
giving me a pep talk

when I'm down and you're up.

But the minute the tables turn,

the minute I have
the slightest win over you,

you can't even handle it.

That's not unconditional support,

that's bullshit!

So after eight days of no talking

and trying to figure out
where Luca and I stood,

it was suddenly clear.

Nomi and Ana were right.

When it's over, you know.

And I knew.

I don't think I can do this anymore.

What does that even mean?

It means we're done.


Au revoir, Zoey's bedroom.

How you holding up?

Uh... I've been better.

Aw. Zo, look, it's only
been three days, okay?

And I get it. It's really, really hard,

even, you know, when
you're the one who ended it.

Hey, but you know what?

The good news is that,
once you're past the anger,

you'll land in a place where
you guys can be friends again.

And I'm sure you and Luca will
see each other over the summer

at, like, the mall,
or Dave & Busters or something.

Not unless they're in London, we won't.

Wait, London?
What are you talking about?


Well, after the breakup,

I realized I just needed
a new environment.

So I went to the director
of the pop-up shop

and asked if there were
any opportunities

at the flagship store,
and she said "yes."

So, your
girl's taking her styling skills

to London, guvna.

- Zo, that's huge.
- That's amazing!

- Wait, h-h-hold on.
- Uh-huh.

Wait. But, Zo, you... you know that

you don't have to go
halfway around the world

just to prove something to Luca.

I know.

I just kind of want to
prove something to myself.

Okay, guys. Can you believe it?

Okay, guys.

Can you believe it?

No more finals. No more apartment.

We actually made it to
the end of our sophomore year.

And we're going out exactly
the way we came in.

Chips, champagne, and no Luca.

You know what? Too soon, crutches.

That was funny, though. That was funny.

- This guy.
- Yes.

- I'll... I'll do my part.
- Your part?

- Hello?
- Yes. Is this Nomi Segal?

Yes, this is she.

Ms. Segal, we're calling from

the Cal U Independent Ethics Committee.

There have been some allegations

against Professor Paige Hewson

regarding inappropriate conduct,

and we'd appreciate it if you
could come in and talk to us.

Hey, everything okay?

What? Yeah, yeah, it was just, like,

another annoying telemarketer.

How do they get our number?

- I don't know.
- Okay, okay, okay.

Before we all have to go,
can we please take

one last sophomore selfie
to commemorate the year?


So, we'd started off the year
pretty convinced

that our sequel would be better.

And in some ways, it had.

We'd survived the road blocks,
the injuries, the heartbreak,

and we'd all managed
to come out even stronger.

And just like that,

our sophomore year at Cal U was over.

See you around, Prince Mustafa.

I can't believe that...

Yo, y'all know where Zoey at?
I've been blowing up her phone

all day, and she's not
answering any of my calls.

Sorry. Um...

see, the way Girl Code is set up,

- I can't reveal to you her location...
- Airport.

She went to go take a job in London.


She's... She's leaving?

Okay, see, now I know
who not to trust with a secret.

Wha... If you was leaving,
I would want to know.

Aww, baby.

You okay over there, Freshman?

Yeah. No. I'm good.

And I appreciate the ride.

No problem. No problem.

So, private, huh?

Yeah. The company is paying for it.

I'm basically babysitting
a bunch of $700 jean shorts.

Wow. That's cool.

Just know I will be taking
$40 on this t*nk of gas

instead of the original $20
we agreed upon.

- You think you're funny.
- You think I'm funny.

You're fine.

I'm fine?

Thank you.

You scared?

A little.

- A lot.
- Don't be.

It's gonna be great.
You just have to believe in it.



Why are you always here?

I'm sorry. I... I don't comprehend.

I don't know. I guess
what I'm trying to say is,

you were there when I had
my first big fight with Luca.


You were there when I was
trying to figure out my major,

at the pop-up shop, and... and now...

Like, you're always here
without me even having to ask.

Well, to be clear,
you did ask me to drive you.

Here. To the airport.

You... You said,
"Aaron, can you drive me?"

- And I said...
- Yes, I did, I said that.

Good, yeah.

Okay, come on. Let's get you
on this jet, you big-baller.

Oh, my God. You... You bought the bag.

It looks so good!

Oh, yeah. I just wanted to
show some love, you know.

- Mm-hmm.
- Wanted to support you.

Support me.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I should probably go now.

You should go.

Oh, sir, I'm sorry, but no one
is allowed beyond this point.

Please, I just have to
talk to a passenger.

- It's, like... It's gonna take a minute.
- I'm sorry. It's ticketed passengers only.

I mean her name is right here.

The reality about facing your fears

is that you never know the outcome.

Whether you're scared
of opening old wounds...

...afraid you're losing
the best thing you ever had...

...or nervous about embarking
on a new journey,

the truth is, the only real way
to conquer those fears

is to fly right through them.

All right, so, based on our
schedule, it says that I have

the jacket on the 27th
for the Mets-Dodgers game.

What? Hell no. With all that
open ketchup and mustard?

Someone might spill
their beers on Jackie.

Oh, no, no, no, no. Yo, you
gotta stop with this now, man.




I'm sorry. I'm a proud parent.

As am I.

Meet Jacques Telphy.

Hey, Jacques.

- Wow.
- You know what?

I don't want any part of this. No.

You can have the jacket, full custody.

I'd rather be cold.

Us single-jacket owners have it so hard.

But it feels so good.
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