02x20 - Mind Playing Tricks on Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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02x20 - Mind Playing Tricks on Me

Post by bunniefuu »

Zoey, just don't take this
the wrong way,

but can you just... fall back?

You speak from the heart,
and he'll understand.

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Dreams come in many forms.

And rather than the visions

that may haunt your thoughts
while you sleep,

I prefer them in less disturbing forms.

Like a beautiful night...

or an impeccable couple...

or watching your friend
fulfill his dream

of making a difference.

Passed hors d'oeuvres,

alcohol not in red Solo cups,

and no trap music?

Aaron really pulled
something special together.

Yeah, when he said he wanted to do

an event for Black mental health,

I kinda assumed he was just gonna

throw together a gospel brunch
or a Spades tournament.


Oh, my God. Damn, look at Nomi and Ana!

- Ladies, photo?
- Oh, no, no, no.

I'm not here to do all of that.

I'm just here for the cause,
not to support Aaron.

It's bad enough I even caved and came.

Ana, you're not caving, okay?

You're taking the higher road.

And you're not even gonna see
him anyway,

'cause I promise
I'm gonna keep you guys separate

the entire night.

- Okay. Yeah.
- All right?

Just relax and celebrate the fact

that a few weeks of no alcohol's
giving your ass

very strong JLo
"Waiting for Tonight" vibes.

- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.

Oh, wait. Hold on. Wrong way.


Just... Let's go.

- Let's go.
- Oh. Thank you.

Sky, you can slow down.

You don't have to be a hero.

Yeah, this flimsy red carpet

might slip under you like a bath mat.

Remember, that's
how Grandma Sadie went down.

No. The crack-infested '80s

brought Grandma Sadie down, okay?

Guys, I'm fine.

Seriously, it's just a sprain.

Um, excuse me, sir.

Can you please hold these while
I make all my exes jealous?

Okay, you are not putting
any weight on that knee.

You take these crutches from her

and they're going up your ass.

What do I say to that?

You take these crutches

and tell us to say "cheese," bitch.

O-Okay, okay.

Just take the picture, bro.


All right, smile like this is
the last photo

you will ever take as
Joey Bada$$'s biggest fan.

Because after he meets you tonight?


Again, Zoey, I'm... I'm not a fan.

I just have mad respect and
an intense devotion to his art.

I mean, have you seen the shit
he does with Pro Era?

It's inspiring.

And his lyrics? They speak to me.

It's like we live the same lifestyle...

aggressive but also sensitive.

Got it. Like an adoring fan.

They say you never get a second chance

to make a good first impression.

And this is it... Luca's first
big moment with his idol.

S'up, bro.


Hey, baby.

He's really eyeing that piece.

You should let him know that
that's your friend's art

and just keep the conversation
going from there.

Remember, you got to tell him

you are aggressive
but also so sensitive.

- Huh?
- Zoey, I'm cool. I got this.

Hey! Hey, hi. I'm Zoey.

Um, hate to brag, but my boyfriend

is responsible for the art here.

Uh, guilty, caught me.
I'm bragging. I'm bragging.

Oh, you did this?

- No.
- Wh...

No, he didn't do it, do it, per se.

But he's responsible for it being here.

Like... drove it here?

No, um...

his homegirl is the artist,

and so Luca here
connected Aaron with her.

And then, boom, art! A common interest.

Cool, cool.


- You ready?
- Let's go.

You know some synonyms for "cool"

are "phenomenal" and "amazing".

Well, that went well.

Zoey, just don't take this
the wrong way,

but can you just... fall back?

"Fall back"?

How do you take that the right way?

I mean, I know you like to come in hot

and lay on the charm

and become best friends
in the first 10 minutes.

- You know, it's...
- You're describing a Golden Retriever.

All I'm saying is that that's not me.

You know, I just like to lay in the cut

and just let things happen naturally.

Just ride my own wave.


Um... well, while you are here
"riding your own wave,"

I'll be over there...

riding one of those drinks and
possibly a vegan mini slider.

- Ooh, those are fire.
- Mm-hmm.

Can you grab me one or two?

- Got ya. All right, bye.
- All right.

Wow, when you're sober,
people are unattractive.

All right, Black Eagle spotted.
We're on the move.


False alarm.

You know, spotting Aaron in a
sea of Black men in black tie...

it's a lot harder than I expected.

- Nomi.
- Mm.

No. I was right, not r*cist.

It's Black Eagle. Go, go, go!

Hey, man. Hey. Where'd she go?

- Hey. Look, um...
- Yes, sir?

...do you recommend anything for nerves?

I have a big speech coming up, and
I-I don't want anything too strong,

'cause I don't want to be like how
I was at my cousin's wedding.

I started talking about my aunt's boobs.

Not her boobs exactly,

but her breast reduction she got when...
'cause she had back pain and...

Anyway, screw it.
Can I just get a drink?

So, Luca had basically told me

I was cramping his style.

And since I couldn't find
the vegan sliders or my girls,

I did what any person
in my position would do...

I just stared at my phone

as if I was receiving some
extremely important texts.

You good?

Me? Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.

I'm good. I'm good.

- But you know who's great?
- Who?

My boyfriend.

I had never seen him more excited

than when he realized Aaron
had booked you for this event.

97 unsolicited DMs later, here I am.

Luckily for your boy, though,

this is a cause that I really
get down on.

Oh, yeah, no, cool. Same. Totally same.

But you know who you should also
get down with?

Let me guess... your boyfriend.

Have you heard of him?

I mean, he actually is a really...

super talented designer

who would absolutely k*ll me
if he knew I was saying this,

but it's kind of his dream job
to work with you.

I'm sure you hear that
all the time, though.

Yeah, as long as you don't link me
to your SoundCloud, we're good.

Dope bracelet, by the way.

- Jon Buscemi.
- Mm-hmm.

- That's my boy.
- Oh, that's amazing.

I have the sneakers to match.

But not that I'd ever wear them
at the same time.

'Cause, I mean, I'm a stylist.
I know better.

Oh, so you style?

So, yeah, Jazz and Sky
were the first customers

of the Zoey Johnson Styling Experience,

and, fun fact, I almost
got fired over this picture.

That there is dope.

I can tell you really got an eye.

Well, thanks.

Yeah, well, my brand is doing
a pop-up in a few days.

You should come through.
Maybe add a little bit

of that "Zoey Johnson
Styling Experience."

Uh, like a job?

Yeah, a job.

I'll have my assistant find you
and get you the info.

- Okay?
- Yeah.

Take care.

Uh, wait.

I-I can't.


I can't work for you.

I mean, I'd... I'd absolutely love to,

but I can't.

So thank... you.

All good. Be easy.

Did I just turn down a dream job?

In the same way a dream can wander

from sitting on a sunny beach

to running naked through
your middle-school lunchroom,

tonight had taken the same strange path.

And I needed some help

interpreting this latest turn of events.

So, what happened?

Uh, it's a long story,
but the short of it is,

Joey Bada$$ offered me a job
at his pop-up shop.

Why would you turn that down?

Because it's Luca's dream
to work side-by-side with him,

and I-I can't steal something
like that from my boyfriend.


Did he offer the job to Luca first?


Well, was he going to?

I don't know.

Guys, please tell me
I did the right thing,

because I did, right?

- Totally.
- Yes.

Oh, my God, I totally
screwed up, didn't I?

- Yes.
- Totally.

I'll be back. Bathroom.

We're going, too.

You're gonna have to cover
your eyes, baby.

Would you please come out
from under my nuts?

Seriously, my knee's not broken,

I'm not dying,

and I don't need you and your boyfriend

coming to the bathroom with me.

Yeah, for the record,
that's not for me, either.

The doctor said
you have to stay off of it.

Finals are coming up
in just a few weeks.

Yeah, Jazz, I know.

What do you think
I think about every day

in our dorm room, alone?

Seriously, I just wanted one night

to take my mind off of things.

- Yeah, but I need to make sure that...
- Please!

Just for like one hour,

can you try to treat me
like a normal human being?


I love you. I'm sorry.

I love you, too.

But, for real, I gotta pee.

By herself.

I couldn't stop replaying the moment

over and over again in my head.

And even though I worried

I made the wrong decision for my career,

I believed I had made the right
decision for my relationship.


Is that one of those vegan sliders?

I have been looking for this all night.

Yeah, this is actually the last one.

Oh, my God. Thank you.

Damn it.

This is Luca's favorite.

I really should let him have it.

You know what? Hold up.

Is that what he would even
want me to do?

Hey, babe, this vegan slider

is your absolute favorite
thing, isn't it?

I mean, yeah.
I also really like bike rides...

Okay, not pertinent.
We're talking about this slider,

and it's the last one.
So would you be mad if I ate it?

I don't know. Are you hungry?

Very, but I know
that you really love it.

And even though I really,
really like it, too,

I know that you really, really
love it, so it would be unfair

- if I took it, yeah?
- Can't we just split it?

No. No, we cannot split it.

You can't split this with me.

You either take it or you don't.


this is the realest conversation
we've ever had.

It is.

So now, the question remains,

would you be mad if I ate the slider

if that means
that you don't get to have one?

I mean, there are more vegan
sliders out there.

It's not the last one in the world.

You're the one that got it, so have it.

I'll be fine.

Oh, my God.

Luca is so right.
This is just one slider.

There are plenty
of other sliders out there

for him to have.

And, okay, B.T.Dubs...

sliders are really cool job
opportunities in this scenario.

Enjoy your slider, babe.

- I'm...
- Yeah.

Wow, hey.


You enjoying the party?


Uh... listen, I know you didn't have to,

but I-I really do appreciate
you coming through.

Yeah, well, um...

Oh, it's, uh... it's a good cause.

Yeah, it is. I just hope I don't blow

what seems to be a great evening

by embarrassing myself
with, uh, this speech.

It's kinda what I tend to do
at these things.

Well, um...

good luck.

Gonna need it.

Look, um...

you want some advice?

Yes. I-I honestly...

I just can't afford to take
another "L" at one of my events.

You started this year
wanting to elevate Hawkins.


Look at this event.

You did just that,

so you don't need to figure out
what to say.

So just speak from the heart.

Everyone will love it because
they'll know it's genuine.

Thank you.

I'm... I'm glad I could help.

Me, too.

Hi. Sorry.

Styling Experience. What's up?

Um, okay, this is gonna seem
a little random,

but if it's not too late,

I would like to take you up
on your job offer.

Why the sudden change of heart?


Okay, just to be completely honest,

uh, I kind of panicked in the moment.

I was a little worried
that if I took it,

I'd be stealing
my boyfriend's dream job.

Honestly, the job
was never your boy's to have.

I mean, you know, he was cool,

but he just seemed a little too cool.

Unlike you, who just kinda
puts it all out there,

not caring how it makes you look.

Yep. That's me.

So... the job's still mine?

- Sure, if you still want it.
- Yes!

I do, I do.

Bet. It's yours.

Well, technically, I did give
Luca the last vegan slider,

so he should be fine with this.


At the beginning of the school year,

uh, my goal was to elevate Hawkins.

And, to be honest, I failed.

So when the issue of mental
health in our community

literally came to my doorstep,

I was face-to-face
with the lack of resources,

the, uh... the lack of awareness,

and it all just kinda felt
too big to tackle.

But seeing you all show up here tonight,

looking like the true definition
of Black Excellence,

I don't feel that way anymore.

Tonight, I-I look out
onto a room full of people,

and I can honestly say
I'm moved by your support.

And, um... yeah,
speaking from the heart,

I can say that I've never been
more surrounded by true friends,

so thank you.

All right.

Okay, enough with the sap.

We're gonna drink. We're gonna eat.

Joey Bada$$ is here.
Make some noise for him.

Uh, and our lovely young deejay's...

Hey, Sky.


What are you doing here?

I heard you were having a rough night.

There's no way you can enjoy
yourself on those ugly things,

so I brought you these.

Oh... my God.

You are so sweet. Wow.

They're my Grandma Ruby's.

She uses them at the Beverly Connection

to stage slip and fall "accidents".


Well, they're very beautiful.

But what you won't need these for...

...is a slow dance.

May I?

All right.

We'll see if I can do this.

Oh, don't worry. I'll hold you up.

I've been taking this new
Hoopnotica Hula-Hoop course,

so my core is incredibly strong.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

You did this?

If there's one thing I know about you,

Jazzlyn Amerie Forster,

it's that if your sister's scared,

you're scared.

And I love you too much
to see you scared.

You love me too much?

I love you.

I love you, too,
Douglas Fredrick Edwards.

I'm gonna go outside and call us a car.

All right.

- Doing, Freshman?
- Oh, hey.

I wanted to say thank you, 'cause
if we hadn't had that conversation

about pushing walls, then none of this

would've happened tonight, so...

Well, tonight was spectacular. Truly.

Joey Bada$$ kinda offered
me a job at his pop-up shop.

- That's amazing!
- Yeah!

- You s... You serious?
- Uh-huh.


- Congrats.
- Thank you.

How's, uh, fanboy taking it?

- Well, I haven't exactly told him yet.
- Right.

Uh... so...

Think he's gonna hate me?

Nah, how can he hate you?

He's your dude. What?

He's gonna be happy for you, okay?

Every guy wants to see his girl win.

Yeah, well, Luca's a little off-center.

He's not "every guy", you know?

Fair argument.
But the weirdo loves you, okay?

So speak from the heart,
and he'll understand.

- Thank you.
- Yep.

And again, congratulations.

- Oh, is this what we do now?
- Yeah, come on.

- Come here.
- It's our handshake.

Thank you so much... for coming.

I'm gonna go clean.

All right, go clean.

The night had started
with me trying to help Luca

take a step towards
getting his dream job.

So the thought of telling him
that I got it instead

had me on edge.

But I decided to speak from my heart

and hoped Luca would be okay
with everything.

Hey, babe. I was wondering...

Oh, wow.

What? Everything okay?

Joey Bada$$ just followed me on IG.

Wow. Uh, that's amazing.

Told you, babe. Riding my own wave.

Yeah, excellent.


So I decided to go to sleep

and tell Luca I was pursuing
my own dreams tomorrow.

Fall back.

I totally screwed up, didn't I?

Baby, you okay?

No. Um...

actually, there's something
I need to tell you.

Hey, excuse me.
So sorry to interrupt, guys.

Uh, I just want to say thank you
for an amazing night.

You really took it from here to here.

- Just next level, you know?
- No doubt, no doubt. Appreciate it.

I was wondering if you'd be interested

in commemorating the night
just to, you know, kind of...

Bro, you're either asking me
for a picture or on a date,

and I'm only down to do
one of those, to be clear.

Perfect. Right this way.

Just to be clear, this is a picture?

Just a picture.

Big fan, bro.

Just get in there, all right? Scooch.

- Part of the business.
- All right.

Shit, okay.

- So, y'all like...
- Let's get the first one.

Hey, the picture's coming in 3, 2...

Can you just move, bro?

He wants the picture with me.

I-I kind of put him on to, like,
the music and all.

Do you like Biggie?
I'm a huge Biggie fan.

He probably inspired your lyrics, huh?

He made you you. I like that.

- Think we got this.
- No, no, I think we just...

- just one more shot.
- Just one second, just...

1, 2, 3!

♪ Joey Bada$$ ♪

♪ Hey, hey, Joey Bada$$ ♪

♪ Where you going?
Where you going, Joey Bada$$? ♪
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