02x18 - Nice for What

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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02x18 - Nice for What

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ciara's "Level Up" plays]

ZOEY: In the immortal words
of Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter,

"Who run the world?

- Girls."
- ♪ My comeback on one hunnid' ♪

Not exactly true, Queen Bey,
but we're getting there.

And for women today,

our collective voice
has never been louder.

♪ Like on another level ♪

- ♪ Five, four, three, two, one ♪
- ♪ Leggo! ♪

♪ Watch me level up, level up ♪

And yet, despite being
arguably better than ever

at advocating for ourselves as a group,

on an individual, interpersonal,

and romantic level,

we may still have some work to do.

I don't know how you make
such an uncomfortable couch

look cozy, but you do.

And I wish I could stay,
but I have to get to campus.

Wait for me. I have class
at 10.:00 I'll go with you.

I can't today. I'm sorry.

I'm gonna carpool with Professor Wedeen.

And if I ask if my 19-year-old
girlfriend can hitch a ride...

- Mm-hmm.
- ...you know, it tips her off

that I have a 19-year-old girlfriend.

Why don't we just say

that I'm your foreign exchange student?

¿Dónde está la español?

- It's good, right?
- Huh.

- Your girl's been watching "Narcos".
- Hmm.


But no. Not today, I'm sorry.

- Okay.
- Look, stay here. Enjoy yourself.

If you feel like it, take that
couch, toss it in a fire.

I hate it anyway.

I'll call you later?

- Yep.
- Okay.

[Door opens, closes]


- Morning!
- Morning.

You want in on this? It's tofu eggs

for our resident vegan.

No, I've already had my
recommended daily allowance

of, uh, disappointment for the day.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Yay, food.

Oh, gross Luca food.

You know, sometimes I wonder...

what came first,

the chicken or you haters?

- [Plate clinks down]
- 'Sup, party people?

Okay. Uh, well,

just get at me... whenever.



It's all good.

We get at each other now.

I don't know what's more fake,

my friends pretending they're fine

or these eggs.


♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪


Wow. [Chuckles]

So, it seems like Aaron changed his mind

- about being in a relationship.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, no. No one's in a relationship.

I just... I just thought about it,

and I realized that, you know
what, we are in college.

If there is a time to be free
and enjoy myself,

that is now.

And, well, I just...

I really enjoy myself with Aaron.

In fact, last night, I, uh,

enjoyed myself three times!

Ooh. High three.

Aah! Thank you!

Plus, it's not like he's gonna
be Mr. Aaron Torres. Come on.

LUCA: True. I mean, think about it.

None of us in the next 15 years
is gonna have a last name.

We're all gonna have
barcodes on our elbows.

You know what, as long
as you're happy, I'm happy.

But just make sure you're not settling

for less than you deserve.

I don't think Ana's settling.

I mean, trying to make something work

with someone you really like,

even if it's not exactly what you want,

- it's very m-mature.
- It is mature,

but sometimes it can be
a little undefined,

and, like, for me personally,
it's a hard place to be in.

Yeah. But, like, for other people,

probably a hard place
to be is, you know,

the traditional relationship
you guys are in.

You're, like, cuffed up

and basically living together
in college.

All right. Well, let's all just agree

to live in peace
and enjoy our relationships,

- traditional or otherwise.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I am off to my traditional job

with a traditional boss

who will dock my traditional paycheck

if I show up late again...

as is my tradition.

Honey, I'll be home at 6:00.

Wow. I'm blown away.

She works too damn hard.

And just a reminder,
all sales are final,

so if you truly believe
that this "Titan Green"

will enhance your, uh,
winter complexion,

then you know what?

Go, Titans!

[Whispering] Oh, my God.

That is Professor Hewson!

[Normal voice] But you know what?
It'll be fine because I can be cool.

Who cares whether or not
she's dating my roommate?

It'll be fine.
I don't have to talk to her.

Plus, she's in here buying
some old lady book, I'm sure.

Probably, like, the Bible.

Doubt she even saw me.


Hi, I'm Zoey.

- I know.
- You know.

I know that, too,

'cause you know me from class,

which is, pbht, where I know
you from, silly goose.

I got your nose.

[Quietly] Sorry, that was weird.

- I'm sure we'll get past it.
- Yeah.

- [Clears throat]
- Ohh.

"Ayesha Curry: The Seasoned Life." Nice.

- For your next dinner party?
- [Scanner beeps]

Not that it's any of my business

whether or not you throw dinner parties.

Although, me and my roommates
do love a dinner party.

Not that you'd know my roommate,

particularly my blond roommate.

Anyways, Ayesha Curry

has a fantastic mac and cheese
recipe in here

that will knock your socks off.
Nomi told me about it.

[Chuckling] But not that you know Nomi,

because what is a Nomi?

Not anything I know, me. [Humming]

Zoey. Stop.

You clearly know
about Nomi and me, so...

It's fine. I just want to pay for this,
and I want to get out of here.

You know what?

Just take it.

Yeah, it's on me.

A gift from me to you.


My favorite professor, P. Hewson.

Okay, thanks.

All right. [Chuckles]

Well, I mean, that wasn't terrible.

And, technically, she just stole,

so I have that on her now.

But you know what?
If she says things are fine,

then I'm going to have to trust

that things are totally
and completely fine.

Because that's just feminism.

What do you mean, "It's fine"?

You told her you know about us.

Zo! I told you explicitly

not to say anything
to anyone about us... ever!

I gave her my special discount.

- You made her steal?!
- Nomi, I'm so sorry.

I'm not good under pressure.
You know this about me.

It's just really difficult

'cause I'm literally
standing face-to-face

with such a huge secret.

It's actually... It's not difficult.

It's really easy, 'cause you
just don't say anything!

And that feels right to you?

Yes. It feels right to me, okay?

And just because
you can't wrap your head

around my relationship,

it doesn't give you the right
to interfere!

Zo, you might have just
ruined everything.

- I might've ruined your relationship?
- Mm-hmm.

No, Nomi, you do not get to do that.

Because isn't she the one
that won't let you

talk to your friends about her?

I mean, gosh, let alone be seen
in public with her!


You know what?

Not that it's any of your business,

but those are the terms

of my "non-traditional" relationship...

- "Non-traditional" relationship.
- ...and I'm fine with it!

- I'm fine with it!
- Don't you see

how much you're giving up
to be in this relationship?

I'm not giving anything up.

It's called compromise.

Dude, compromises are concessions.

Oh, my God. Really?

You want to talk about concession, Zoey?

If anyone should know anything

about making concessions
in a relationship,

it is you.

What in the world are you talking about?

Zoey, please.

All you do is make concessions
in your relationship.

You... You eat what he wants to eat.

You watch what he wants to watch.

You even wear buns in your hair

to keep his rings from getting
caught in your hair,

and you hate buns!

Luca calls all the sh*ts
in your relationship.

You know what? It's... It's pathetic.

♪ I got that formula
that make you wanna ♪

♪ Dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Dripping all up on your body to your ♪

- ♪ Pants, pants, pants ♪
- [Crowd chanting]

Okay, well, since you're
taking orders, um...

I'll have a rosé wine cooler, please.

Ooh, no, sorry. No embarrassing drinks

at this particular
establishment, but maybe...

[Chuckling] Ohh, okay.

Coming from the guy
that drinks appletinis.

Uh, just make me anything.
I'll be right back.

It was a Midori sour, not an appletini.

Two very different fruits.

It's actually the most masculine
fruit in the fruit phylum,

if you think about it!

Uh, and it's in the name...
It's like muskmelon, manly.

- She's not listening.
- Okay!

I see you over there with Aaron

laughing like you're in
a French movie with subtitles.

- [Laughs]
- I'm impressed.

I didn't know you had
French romance in you.

Thank you.

Since you're so uptight and controlling.

- Excuse me?
- Ignore her.

We're detoxing for the NCAA finals,

and the lack of tequila
and CHEETOS in her system

has her a bit cranky.

Well, I don't care what anyone says.

I'm having a good time.


You are definitely stronger than me.

I couldn't do a situationship with Doug.

I love hard.

Some would say too hard.

Everybody would say too hard.

Even our mom won't give Jazz
her e-mail address.

[Chuckles] Jokes on her.
I hacked that shit.

Come at me, Brenda.

My point is, I'd be losing it right now

if the dude I was smashing
was over there

doing a pick and roll...

on Chastity Decas.

- What?
- Whoa.


Guys, I'm good. Yeah, no.

That's... That's part of the deal.

We both get the freedom

to pick and roll with whoever we want.

Luca, I need a pep talk
before I post this bag to eBay.

Why? It high-key clashed
with my party vibe.

Not really the pep talk I was
looking for, but you know what?

Gets the job done.

- [Cellphone blips]
- Huh. That was easy.


My fourth favorite pair of
classic Louboutins just sold.

Can we ease the pain over margaritas?

Drinks on me, 'cause I got money now.

Yeah, I can make you
a margarita right here,

where we can chill and cuddle.

What flavor do you want,
banana or raisin?

Or we could go to Titanium,

sit on the patio,

and celebrate the life of
a truly gorgeous pair of shoes

that's making some
high school boy in Denver

the most fabulous kid
in school right now

over regular margaritas,
chips, and salsa.

That place is always so full of bodies.

[Sighs] Mars is in retrograde.

I just don't want to risk

running into a Sagittarius right now.

All right, then...

what do you... what are you feeling?

What about that sushi spot?

You love their dynamite roll,
and they deliver mad fast.

Well, you're not wrong. I do...

Done. Got you.

- We're getting sushi in 22 minutes.
- Right now...

I'm gonna switch into
my cuddle kimono...

a little, uh, less fabric
between you and me, you know?


- [Hatin Toney's "Water g*n" plays]
- [All chanting] Chug! Chug!

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!


Hi, girl. [Chuckles]

You okay?

You're hitting that vodka pretty hard.

Hot take...

parties are fun!

Are you sure the fun you're having

isn't because of the "fun"
happening over there?


I know who Aaron's going home with.

My money's on Chastity.

Her pick and rolls have turned
into body rolls, and...

- they are on point.
- Please.

I know Aaron.
10 seconds of me getting at him,

and he's mine.


- I'll prove it.
- Okay.

♪ I'm high-maintenance ♪

♪ I just got a check, I feel amazing ♪

♪ I'm-a need the diamonds
on the bracelet ♪

- ♪ Get 'em to me now, I'm not patient ♪
- Mm-hmm.


I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me.

I've left my toaster in the oven.

I should go take it
out of the oven... right now.

- Come on.
- Okay. Bye!

♪ I'm high-maintenance ♪

As I took a bite of my rainbow roll,

all I tasted was imitation crab
and compromise.

This wasn't the meal I wanted,
the beverage I wanted,

or even the location I wanted.

Nomi's words kinda haunted me.

I mean, how many of these
moments had there been?

How many concessions to Luca had I made?

[Indistinct TV narrator]

Uh, you know what? This isn't right.

No, baby, that's actually how
the rams sharpen their horns.

Not what I meant. [Chuckles]

Okay, this may seem stupid,

but, you know, selling those shoes

was a small victory for me.

And literally, all I wanted
to do was to celebrate

with a margarita, salsa,
and chips on a sunny patio.

I'm sorry.

I guess I didn't realize
you wanted it that bad,

but, um, maybe we can do that next time?

Yeah, but I don't want it next time.

I want it now.

So I'm gonna get it now.

Are you leaving? Do you want me to come?


Sushi at home is what you wanted,

so, you know, you should have that.

I want something else,

and I'm realizing that that's okay.

Are you mad? 'Cause, real talk,

I'm... I'm feeling like this is a trap.

Totally not mad. Enjoy your rams.




Look, I'm so, so sorry.

Zoey, she's an idiot.

And I'm sure you know that
just from knowing her.

But I swear, she's not gonna
tell anyone.

- You sure about that?
- Yeah, no, no. I'm sure.

You have to understand
how hard it's been for me

not to share my first big
relationship with my friends.

Oh, friends? Plural?

So it's... i-i-it's not
just Zoey who knows.

Okay, technically, you know,

Ana and the twins know, too.

But Jazz and Sky,
they only talk to each other,

and it's, like, often at the same time.

And they do this weird clapping thing,

and I'm not allowed to do it.

Then everybody tunes out Ana
all the time anyways,

- so we're good!
- Nomi, Nomi.

Please stop.

[Stomps foot] Why?

Look, this whole thing has just gotten

very out of control, very fast.

And... [sighs]

I don't trust her.

And I, honestly... I don't trust you.

Okay, please don't say that.
You can trust me.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Because every time you tell someone,

you betray me.

- Are you serious right now?
- Yeah. Yes.

- I betrayed you?!
- Yes!

You're the one who sold me
on this whole, like,

"live out loud, be proud
of my sexuality" thing.

[Voice breaking] But all I've
done these last few months

is, like, sneak around,
lie to everybody,

and ditch my friends to be with you

when you would have me around.

I'm just so tired

of being afraid of disappointing you.

- Nomi.
- Mnh-mnh.

I'm tired, actually, of, um...

disappointing myself.

I can't do this.

[Door closes]


Score! It's clean!

This morning's me
really had my back today.

She must've known
I was having company over.

Whoa, I can tell you're really
feeling those sh*ts, aren't ya?

[Chris Lee's "Trouble" plays]

Yep, there it is.
Okay, let's get you to bed.

- You're no fun.
- ♪ Something in the way you move ♪

Come on.

♪ You turn into somebody ♪


♪ Trouble comes along with you ♪

[Chuckling] Okay.

♪ And we've been falling down ♪

♪ Trouble comes along with you ♪

Will you stay with me
until I fall asleep?

♪ Hey, yeah ♪

Yeah, sure.

♪ Now she's stone cold wasted ♪

- Okay.
- Just...

- [Grunts]
- ♪ And she's been going through my... ♪

- ♪ 'Cause she's impatient ♪
- [Sighs]


How you feeling? You feeling sick?
You got the spins?

How many Aarons do you see?

Just four.

Just four, great.

- Yeah.
- That's usual.

- And they're sexy as hell.
- [Chuckles]

- Oh, no, no. Come on, come on.
- [Groans]

Let's just get some rest, okay?

♪ You keep walking circles around me ♪


♪ Telling me what you think
we should be ♪

♪ But trouble comes along with you ♪

You don't want to be
in a relationship with me.

♪ Feel it in my body now ♪

Come on, you're drunk.
Now is not the time.

We can talk about it another time, okay?


But you wanted to be
in a relationship with Zoey.

♪ We've been falling down ♪


♪ Yeah, trouble comes along with you ♪

♪ Hey, yeah ♪

[Distant music plays]



I, um, saw you were here.

No Luca?

Mm, no.

I'm trying this new thing
where I do what I want,

- even if it means doing it alone.
- Mm.

The hostess threw some shade,
but still I persisted.

[Both chuckling]


I'm sorry I said those things
about you and Luca.

Yeah, I know. But you were right.

I mean, you told the truth

about all the concessions
I was making to Luca.

And, you know, honestly,

I-I-I don't even know
why I didn't notice it before.

You know, I'm also really sorry

about messing things up with Paige.

So, I broke it off.

God, Nomi, I'm so sorry.

Um, how are you feeling?
Are you... okay?


Honestly, um, I'm sad.

But, ultimately, you were right.

I just, uh,

never stopped to realize

everything I was giving up
to be with her

'cause I wanted to please her, and...

I just, like, wanted her to like me.

I'm so sorry.

You know what, why don't we
promise each other

to never compromise our happiness

for anyone else's anymore?


[Sighs heavily] You know, if you, like,

really, really, really
wanted to make me feel better,

you should probably give me
that margarita.

But that would be putting
your happiness in front of mine.

[Exhales deeply] I know,
but I think it would, like,

really help right now.

This one time.

♪ Evolution giving me the skills
that I don't need ♪

In a time when women are advocating

so loudly for one another,

it's good to have someone in your life

who you know is looking out for you.

And while some of us still
needed a little help

knowing when to stand up
for ourselves...

[Cellphone dings]

...others were taking baby steps

- to do it on their own.
- ♪ And I just need a quiet mind ♪

♪ And I'm cool for a while ♪

♪ And I'm cool for a while ♪

♪ Then I'm looking for that high ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm looking for ♪

♪ Superior emotion ♪

♪ Obsessed with the mess
and the feeling of devotion ♪

♪ That's what I want,
and I'm cool for a while ♪

- ♪ Cool for a while ♪
- ♪ And I'm cool for a while ♪

- ♪ Cool for a while ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ But I'm looking for that high ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm looking for ♪

♪ Superior relations ♪

♪ Superior relations ♪

♪ It's a taste of my faith,
that sublime sensation ♪

♪ That's what I want ♪

- ♪ But I know I don't need it ♪
- [Sighs heavily]

♪ That's what I want,
that's what I want ♪

- Goodbye, Hans.
- [Eggshells clatter]

Au revoir, Christian.

Auf Wiedersehen, Andersen.

Banana raisin margarita
to ease the pain?



[Glass taps]

Thank you for your sacrifice.

You will not be forgotten.

They were so young.

[Quietly] Yum, yum.


[Normal voice] You may want
to close your eyes, babe.

This is gonna be painful to watch.

Huh. Is this one Christian?

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