02x15 - Tweakin'

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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02x15 - Tweakin'

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, relationships.

In college, they're in
a constant state of flux.

If you're lucky enough
to be in a relationship

that's clearly defined,
and you know exactly

where you stand, that's when
everything feels secure.

And sometimes,
even without an official label,

you can still feel secure

as long as you're both on the same page.

But then there are those other times,

when you haven't clearly
defined your relationship

and neither party is on the same page,

which leads to only one thing...

utter confusion.

Thank you, man.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, uh, the girls are leaving
to go get something to eat,

but I was wondering,

do you just... wanna get out of here?

Maybe go back to your place?

I do wanna do that, yes.


Um, but I was thinking

I was just gonna hang back

and kick it
with Vivek and Doug tonight...

if that's cool with you.


- Yeah. Of course.
- You sure?

No, no. Very cool. I totally get it.

No problem.

Houston, she's got a problem.

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'm-a feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx

Ana and Aaron are obviously
having an awkward moment.

Now, normally, I'd go in
and rescue my friend

from this mild to excruciating

but given all the messiness

happening with the girls lately...

We're not friends anymore.

You're just a girl I live with.

I'm not doing this right now.

Why? 'Cause you're doing our professor?

...I've decided to stay
right here in my own lane.

Hey, babe, you want get out of here,

do something fun and different,
just you and me?

Ooh. I guess that's a yes.

Hey, you hungry?

Me and Ana are meeting
Sky and Nomi at the diner.

Uh, we just gonna post up for a minute.

But, I mean, I may be
in the mood for some dessert.

Ooh. I could definitely
go for some dessert.

It's my cheat day.

Oh, you mean [bleep].

- Okay.
- Yeah.

All right.

Thank you.

Text me when you get home
so I know you made it safe?

- Sure.
- Okay.

- Later, dude.
- Hey.

So, you're kicking it with us
instead of having sex with Ana.

- That feels dumb.
- Uh, I'm sorry.

Am I not allowed to hang out
with the fellas?

Besides, I didn't see Doug go with Jazz.

You saw me give her a kiss goodbye.

You gave homegirl your cheek

like it was your grandma or something.

I'm just saying, that's weird for that

"new new gotta smash phase."
I don't get it.

It's really not that deep, guys.
Don't overread it.

Yeah, but it seems like you not
feeling her like that.

Incorrect, dude.

I'm definitely still feeling her.

It's just that we're on,
I think, two different pages.

You know, I'm in the prologue,
and she's...

Working on the movie adaptation.


Just between us hanging out every night

and her trying to hold my hand...

- Ooh! What?!
- Oh, God. What?

Hold his hand? No.

You cannot just be running up
and grabbing black dudes' hands.

Why is that such a big deal?

Because they just
don't get down like that.

The last time a black man

trusted somebody to take his hand,

we all ended up on ships.

Okay, that is bullshit.
Doug holds my hand all the time.


On roller coasters, in movie theaters,

in haunted houses,

and at the altar calls during church.

Right. Dark, scary, religious
places where no one can see.

Okay. I got to interject here.

This is not just
a black man thing, okay?

It's an all man thing.

I hold women's hands all the time,

whether they're black, white, Pinay...


...Honduran, Russian...

Okay, I definitely don't think
you need to trip

because all the creepin'
around you guys have done,

he's definitely feeling you.

Okay, then why is it that I can
hold his pinga in my hand,

but not his hand in my hand?

Because anybody can hold
a penis in their hand,

but holding a hand in a hand?

That is reserved for "wifey" status.

Have you and Aaron even talked
about being exclusive yet?

Well, no. Not explicitly, but...

Guys, come on.

I assume that after everything
we have been through,

- it's pretty clear.
- Oh, girl.

Do not assume anything ever

when it comes to relationships, okay?

And that, by the way, that's
definitely not just a man thing.

Guys, we text all the time,

we're always together,

and... and we sleep together...

Every night, bro?

- Yeah.
- Peep game.

If you're not hooking up
with other people

and you're regularly
smashing the same person,

you're definitely in a relationship.

What? That is insane, dude.

Tell me why I need to be hooking up

with other girls
to not be in a relationship.

You're insane.

Why are you not hooking up
with other girls?

So many options, so little time.

You know what?

For someone who rubs himself
to sleep every single night,

you sure do have an awful lot
to say about my sex life.

Hey, why do you know
my schedule, though?

Why do you tell me your schedule?

You right.

Yo, real question is,

do you not want to be with Ana, man?

I don't know how to answer that, okay?

I've been with her for like a month.

I don't know what I want.

Bottom line is everything you doing...

the hanging out,
the smashing every night...

that's all signs
of a full-on relationship.


Walks like a duck,
it quacks like a duck,

it bangs like a duck.

Bro, you've wifed up a Cuban duck.

Quack, quack, bitch.

Wow. Look who it is.

Wassup, Aaron?


Bears are found on the
continents of North America,

South America, Europe, and Asia.


This is your idea
of something fun and different?

We've done this exact thing,

like, three times this week.

I mean, we get it.

The cute, little bear falls,
climbs up a cute, little tree.

The end.

But do you really get it, though?

You need to look closer.

Like, right now, in this elevated state,

I see...

I see so much more.

I see the sunlight
dappling tiny green leaves.

I can see...

triumph over adversity.


this is more, way more,

than a bear climbing a tree.

This is the very meaning of life.

You sound like an insane person.


And I want to get on your level.

Your level can't handle my level.

No, I'm being serious.

I want to get really high.

Like, Luca Jae Hall high.


You wanna go on an adventure?


Has that tea set always been there,

or am I already high?

Wait, so, we're gonna, like...

drink the weed?

Trust me.

Tonight, I am your shaman.


I have heard that some guys

are just so afraid of being vulnerable

that when they find
someone that they really like,

they just... they really want

to try and protect their heart,

so they... they push the woman away.

And where exactly did you hear that?

I think I read it somewhere.

"Chicken Soup for the Thirsty Soul"?

I'm sorry.

I keep forgetting
other people have feelings.

Yes, and right now, they're hurt.


Guys, I just want answers.

What is happening with Aaron?

How does he feel about me?

Okay, we can't answer that.

There's only one person who can.


What? He truly is the only One.


She... She's not wrong.

But I'm still gonna go talk to Aaron.

- No!
- Unh-unh!

Don't let her go.
Asking a man about his feelings

is like setting yourself on fire.

But right now,
I feel like a crazy person,

and I have to figure out
what the hell is going on!


Excuse me.

Girl, you better let her go.

I will pray on my way.

Thank you.

I'm so drunk, I got another drink.

But for real, where have you been?

I haven't seen you around campus lately.

I've been around.

I mean, I'm the R.A. now,

so policing my little Hawkins babies

and just kind of
saving the world, really.


'Cause I thought

maybe you had got boo'd up or something.


Boo'd up?


No, I'm solo.

Super solo. Yeah, solo dolo.

All the way.

So then, what are you doing
later tonight?

What am I doing tonight?


Quack, quack, bitch.

I guess I'm kicking with you tonight.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Good.

- Hey.
- Ohhh.

Um... Ana. Hi.

Where's Aaron?



Uh, bathroom?


He had the bubble guts,
um, and then he went home,

uh, to go to sleep,

probably for the rest of the night.


Mm-hmm. Alone.

- Right.
- Mm.




This dude got us lying for him, man.

He's 100% in a relationship.


No? Okay.

Well, you were right because
that wine... that's fantastic.

Did you not get my voicemail?
These people won't leave.

Oh. Okay.

Did you want me to, like,
swing back in an hour?

No, no, no. It's too late.


Nomi, hey.

No, he... Uh, come in.

- I completely forgot. Come on.
- Hey.

Everyone, this is my student, Nomi.

Nomi, this is, uh, everybody else,

including Professor Chavez

- from the Music Department.
- Oh.

Hi. It's really nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Nomi has this voracious appetite...

- I do.
- ...for second wave feminism.

I love it.

It's... It's... It's incredible,

and I promised her a copy

- of the documentary "Bloody Town Hall."
- Mm-hmm.

- Have you ever seen it?
- I can't wait.

Well, then I don't want
to keep you waiting.

- Okay. Okay.
- Just go have a seat. I'm gonna go find it.

Be here.

- Hey.
- Hello.

So, Luca made oolong tea

infused with Blueberry Hornet
and... I'm not sure what else.

After one cup, I felt nothing...

so I snuck another cup.

And then...

I am officially Luca Jae Hall high.

The shaman does not approve
that second cup.


Watching this makes me realize

that we are tiny, tiny specs,

just like these swans.

One dies, and the other one
just keeps on living.

I mean, what else
is a swan supposed to do

but live, you know?


We're in a relationship.

Mm. Yeah, we are.

- But who knows, right?
- Hm?

Nothing is for sure.


Do you think that we're gonna
be together forever

or just another college statistic,

destined to perish?

Maybe you need...

Don't leave me.

Okay. I'm not going anywhere.

But how do you know that?

What if another swan comes along?

What if you lose interest?

What if I lose interest?

Is my...

Do you feel that?
Is my tongue swelling up?

Babe, your tongue is fine.

Take some breaths and ride the tea.

Don't let the tea ride you.

Just... breathe.

Yeah, you're right.

I feel a lot better.

Oh, I am riding the tea.

Riding the tea, riding the tea,
riding the tea.

No, tea is riding me. I have to go.

Don't look at me!

Just ignore it.

Rochelle, you want in on this pizza?

Nah, I'm good.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.


I'm sorry. I can't...

- What?
- I can't do this.


I just...

I don't know. I just... I-I can't.

Bye, you guys. Good to see you again.

- You were fantastic.
- Mm.

Oh, wait.
Where did you go when you left?

I hid behind a car across the street.

- You did not.
- I did.

- No, you didn't.
- I did.

- Did anyone see you?
- No. I was like a ninja.

- I have to say...
- Mm-hmm.

- ...lying to my co-workers with you...
- Uh-huh.

it's kind of hot.

Yeah. It's really hot.

Oh. Heyyy.

Hey. Are you okay?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I kind of over-served myself
on Luca's tea.

Just needed to touch
some cold tile, you know?

Um, are you okay?

Uh... I'm all right.

Want to talk about it?


I mean, this is kind of
an embarrassing conversation

for me to have with you, so...


You do... see me right now, right?

It can't get much more
embarrassing than this.

Uh, I'm just...

I'm really confused

about what's going on with Aaron.


He's just been giving me
such mixed messages lately,

and I just... I just wish
I knew what he wanted.

I-I wish I knew what was in his head.

Like, does he want to be with me?

Does he want to have a relationship?

- Okay. Hold on, hold on.
- Does he even want to keep this thing going?

- Hold on. Hold on!
- Because he's acting like...

Who cares what he wants?

What do you want?

I mean...

I want to be with him.

Well, there you go.

Go tell him what you want.

Go tell him how you feel.

You know,

you give good advice when you're high.

I'm not high anymore, but thanks.

Bye, Nomi.



How was your night?

- Hm?
- Were you with Paige?

Yeah, why?
Do you want to judge me again?

No. So, the other night...


...when we got into it at the hotel...

I was out of line.

- Hmm.
- Seeing you with Professor Hewson

just kind of threw me,

and, you know, I should have
considered the fact

that you're obviously
an evolved and amazing human.

You should be able to live
your life however you want to.

- Mm-hmm.
- Free of my judgment.


You know what, um, would really help me

get over this fighting thing faster?

- Hm?
- Like four more eggs in a nest.

It would really do it.


Okay, why are you so obsessed

with watching "The Price is Right"?

I enjoy watching active military
win Toyota hatchbacks.

Yeah. Sorry for tweaking
so hard last night.

You know I don't actually
worry about us, right?

Paranoia happens
on that sneaky second cup.


I mean, it did scare me
a little, though.

I know that no one can promise
anyone a happily ever after,

but can we promise

to make every moment
we have together special?


If I could give you

a Toyota hatchback to seal the deal,

I would.

Thank you.

So, thanks to Luca's weed tea,

I'd realized that there was
no point in stressing about

a future that I couldn't control.

And it also allowed me to help Ana

finally take back her control.

So, um... I've been replaying
last night at the club

over and over again, you know?

Should I be mad? Can I be mad?

Look, this is on me, honestly,

because I haven't been
exactly straight with you.

And I, uh... I owe you an explanation.

I realize that.


I was doing some thinking
last night, just kind of...

You mean...

when you weren't in your room?

- It's not like that.
- No, it's whatever.

No, it's actually not "whatever."

It's just...
Look, when I thought about it,

I realized that I couldn't be mad

because we haven't said what we are.

So that's why I asked you to come over

because I-I want to be honest
about what I want.


What is that?

I want us to be together.

Honesty will always lead
an undefined relationship

to its definition.

You know, last week when you, um,

- you talked about us being a couple...
- Mm-hmm.

...it just kind of made me
realize that, uh...

I don't know.

Maybe we're in two different spaces.

You know?

I mean, I love doing
what we're doing, but I...

For me, personally,

I just don't know if I'm ready
to be in, like, a full...

full-on relationship right now,

you know... in my life.




But I think you're so dope, you know?

- And I wish you...
- I think you should leave now.

All right.

It's just sometimes, that definition

isn't always the clarity we hoped for.

Oh, yeah!

Broad daylight, baby.

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