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Donkey King, The (2020)

Posted: 02/21/22 16:37
by bunniefuu
(slow orchestral music)

(slow ambient music)

(dramatic music)

(upbeat poppy music)

(audience cheers)

- Hello, good evening, and welcome

to "I Want to be a Millionaire,"

and I'm happy to be your host, Lando.

Now, here in the hot seat with us today,

we have Donkey Mangu.

Mangu, you are one question away

from winning a million dollars.

(audience applauds)

Everyone is on the edge of their seat.

So how are you handling the pressure, eh?

(Mangu wails)

Mangu, Mangu?

Earth to Mangu.

- Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

What's that?
- Hey, are you still with us?

- Yeah.

- How are you feeling right about now?

- Oh, Lando, I am so happy, I'm so happy,

I don't even know what to say.

In my whole life,

I never would have thought
I would be sitting here

in front of you on "I
Want to be a Millionaire."

Ever since I was a little donkey,

all I ever wanted was to appear
on your game show and win.

(Mangu brays)

(Lando chuckles)

- So cute, dare to dream,
my friend, dare to dream.

You have just one question left.

If you answer correctly,
you'll be a millionaire,

and that question will be
coming up on your screen now.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- So dreaming your life away again, huh?

Better wake up, you can't
just lay in bed and sleep.

You gotta get up and face the world.

- Is this is my Phone a Friend?

- Hurry up, Mangu, you only
have 10 measly seconds left.

- Better stop wasting your time, Mangu.

You can't sleep all day, wake up, Donkey.

Do you hear me, it's
past 7:30 in the morning.

Are you gonna sleep all day?

- I did it, I won, I'm so
happy, I'm a millionaire.

I'm a millionaire, I bet
you're proud of me, huh?

Hi, Uncle.

- Don't sit there and "Hi" me, lazy bones.

- Oh, dear Uncle Perry,

you woke me up 10 seconds
before I became rich.

I would have been the
first donkey millionaire

in the history of Azad
City, I would have a big,

beautiful house, a fiery sports car,

and a girlfriend of my
very own, oh, a girlfriend.

(slow electronic music)

⪠You are my dream girl âª

⪠You are my dream girl âª

- What's with all the hugging?

Stop the hugging, stop it.

Listen, Mangu, when will you
stop living in a fantasy?

- Oh, no, Uncle, my father said,

"Anything is possible if you dream it.

"Let your dreams shift your world."

- You're so naive, that is
not how the world works.

You come from a long line
of donkeys who died poor.

The same will happen to
you, you can't change that.

- Cut it out.

- Your father, my brother, Changu,

he was a dreamer and it didn't
do him any good, did it?

- Uncle Perry.

- It's about time for you
to join the real world.

Get yourself to work and
start washing these clothes.

Here you go.

- [Mangu] This pile is huge.

- Of course it is,

that's because today
is the Jungle Festival.

All the clothes in Azad City
need to be washed today.

Get going, forgot one, wait just a sec.

You better be very careful with this,

it is incredibly special,
it's the royal robe

of the King Sun Prince Shazad.

Gotta get out there and
start washing, you boob.

Feel the rhythm, rhythm of the washing,

rhythm of the washing,
rhythm of the washing,

rhythm, rhythm, rhythm of the washing.

(water splashes)

- [Group] Washing the
clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

- Stop, get set, bring on the music.

- [Group] Washing the clothes,

washing the clothes.
(upbeat music)

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes--

- Stop.

(upbeat drumming)

- [Group] Washing the
clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

Washing the clothes, washing the clothes.

(slow orchestral music)

- Every time.

Oh, Father, I wish you were here.

I'm afraid Uncle Perry is right.

Can't spend my entire life dreaming

of things that will never happen.

- [Changu] How dare you lose faith?

- [Mangu] You're alive?

- Of course not, you're
dreaming, which is good.

- But Uncle Perry says
I have to stop dreaming

because it won't lead to anything good.

- My brother's a fool, if you dream

about what you want,
you can make it happen.

- But Dad, be real, we're a
family of donkeys. (brays)

I rest my case.

- Mangu, my son, listen, a
good donkey can do anything,

but you must first trust in yourself.

Only then do you have the opportunity

to reach your full potential,
got it, I'm watching.

- I'll try harder.

- [Uncle Perry] What's the holdup, Mangu?

- Cool down, Uncle Perry,
I'll be there in a minute.

Oh, no, how am I gonna explain this?

Not good, Mangu, the prince
is gonna chop your ears off,

and then he may eat them,
'cause they're full of protein.

- [Uncle Perry] Back to work, Mangu.

- All right, I'm going.

(slow orchestral music)

- The Jungle Festival is tomorrow.

The palace is raising taxes to pay for it.

Read all about it, it's all in the paper.

How will you ever know what

to think if you don't buy a newspaper?

Buy a paper here, buy a paper here.

- I've got some very
good stuff in my cart.

- [Monkey] What is wrong with you people?

- [Hawker] Two for the price of one,

two for the price of one.

- My bamboo is like
anything you've ever seen.

We've got (mumbles) on the map.

- [Hawker] I've got something good here.

I've got something good here.

⪠When will you come to
meet me, my dream girl âª

- Stop, stop, you dare knock on my face?

You're just a washerman.
- Here.

- A no one.

- I disagree, there's no
shame in being a washerman.

The president of the United
States is a washerman.

- What?

- He lives in Washing Town,
Washing Town, Washing Town.

- Are you crazy?

- I'm serious, and of
course you're familiar

with the rapper who's also a washerman.

- What?

⪠Soap doggy dog âª

(slow orchestral music)

(dramatic orchestral music)


Whoa, brother, here's
your shirt, I ironed it.

- Wait, this ain't right.

- I know, it's such a nasty stain.

- How did it get on my shirt?

- You wanted the shirt dry cleaned.

I hope you know that's
a very delicate process.

- So?

- So I spit on it and I ironed it flat.

- You spit on my shirt?

- Stop him, stop him,
don't let him get away.

I want his head.

(lively orchestral music)

- I'm not the guy, I'm not even a donkey.

It's a common mistake,
can't you see I'm a zebra?

No, I don't want to go, no. (cries)

I can't believe this, it'll take forever

to get rid of the smell.

- [Group] We demand a
fair share in Azad City.

We demand a fair share in Azad City.

Down with the 1%, down with the 1%.

- Hey, Zandar Bear, why the protests?

- Mangu, this is not just a protest.

We're taking a stand against the rich.

- But what if one day I
suddenly become a rich donkey?

Will you protest me?

- Mangu, open your eyes, they'll
never let you become rich.

The game is rigged
against ordinary people.

It's time for a change,

corruption as we've seen cannot continue.

- [Group] Down with the 1%.

(overlapping chattering)

(car engine revs)
(slow hip hop music)

- Who was that?

(Zandar chuckles)

- Mangu, that is the royal Prince Shazad,

the spoiled brat who thinks
he'll become king soon.

- Oh, gosh, I have to get to the palace

and deliver his royal
robe, goodbye, Zandar.

And goats, keep up that good protesting.

(overlapping chattering)

(slow orchestral music)

My goodness, it's such a huge palace.

(bell clangs)

(whimsical orchestral music)

Who are you?

- Me, I am Fitna, the fox.

No one enters the palace unless I say.

I am the special advisor
to His Majesty, the king.

And you, what is your
name, and why are you here?

- My name is is Mambo, no, it's not.

It's Mangu, the washing machine.

- You're a machine?

- No, I'm a donkey, I use the
machine to do the laundry.

I brought the robe, I have
to give it to the prince.

- You're a fool, but you serve a purpose.

I'll just take this.

- No, Madame, I like
to deliver this myself.

Please let me deliver his robe.

I want to meet the prince.

- I will take it.

- No, I want to take it to him myself.

I may never have another
golden opportunity

to meet royalty. (brays)

Please, please let me do it.

- Okay, just once, just this once,

you may deliver it, then go.

(Mangu laughs)

(slow orchestral music)

- Wow, it reminds me of
nowhere I've ever been.


Help, somebody, help!

The prince is on the
floor, he's not moving,

and I think something
terrible has happened!

I swear I didn't do anything. (cries)

- Chill out, I didn't fall, I'm fine.

I'm just snapping a selfie, you donkey.

- Oh, sorry, sorry, you're not dead.

Yes, I see that now,
(laughs) I have your robe.

Here we go, here we go,
here we go, here we go.

Here we go, here we go, here we go,

here we go, here we go,
here we go, your royal robe.

- What, there's a huge hole in it.

I've had animals shaved
for less than this.

- Prince, if I may speak, the
robe is not ruined at all.

In fact, from what I heard,
it's the newest fashion

on the scene, it's the very
first air conditioned robe

in the world.

- What?

- Anyone who is anyone has one.

I wish I had one, look
what you can do with it.

As you walk about, you can
wag your tail around all day

and really strut your stuff.

The ladies go crazy when they see it.

- Really, the ladies love it?

- Yeah, it drives them wild.

- Wow, I'm so putting this on.

Miss Fitna, hey, Miss Fitna?

Where's my fox when I need here?

Hey, Miss Fitna--

- You know I'm never
ever far away from you.

What can I do for you, my prince?

- How do you think I look, Miss Fitna?

I look amazing?

- Wow, it's to die for.

Check yourself in the mirror.

- I look cool, I look
too good for this world.

It's a curse, beauty is a curse,

and it's mine to bear. (cries)

But I do look good, so good.

- I wonder if between them,

they even have half a brain. (laughs)

Good morning, your highness, am I busy?

No, not at all, not too
busy for you, right now?

Yes, sir, right away, hmm.

- Attention, all rise and
pay homage to the king

as he graces us with his royal presence.

(slow fanfare music)

- You may proceed.

- Yes, Your Majesty,

preparations for the Jungle
Festival are underway.

We've spared no expense, my Lord,

a royal photographer, a
decadent feast to enjoy,

and we've hired your favorite
artist to sing for you.

- Very good, very good,
everything must be perfect.

Today's festival is important.

I am going to make a royal announcement.

- Announcement, my Lord?

- Calm yourself, super guard, control.

Everything will be revealed
at today's festival. (sighs)

That is all.
(slow orchestral music)

- My Lord, as usual I'm here for you.

Whatever you wish, I will provide.

- Of course you will, Fitna.

I need your advice on a delicate matter.

- You need my advice?

- Fitna, more than anyone,

you know how long I've
been sitting on the throne.

But I don't feel I can continue my duties.

My arthritis has gotten worse.

I'm even having trouble
with my, don't ask.

I believe it's now time for young Shazad

to replace me and ascend to my throne.

- You don't mean--

- Ah, the announcement
I will make today is,

from this day forward, the
prince shall take his place

on the throne.

- You mean Prince Shazad?

- Yes, you agree?

- Well, what an idea,
what a great idea, sir.

- I will admit to you that
I do have some concerns.

- Concern, what's your concern?

- I know the prince is immature.

He's always on Facebook, putting
up nonsense like selfies.

That's why I'm not sure
he's ready for the throne.

- Sadly, it's true, my Lord.

The prince can be very immature,

self absorbed, and rather simple minded.

In fact, there's some who
would say he's no lion at all--

- Who says that?

- Well, I don't say that,
I don't say that at all.

- Very good, very good.

- I'm sure once the prince
is sitting comfortably

on the throne,

he'll become exactly the
king we all know he can be.

- Really?

- But of course, my King, of course.

- Fitna, you can't deny one thing.

The prince is not very
popular with the animals

of this country, so I doubt
they would accept him.

We can't expect to live peacefully

if the animals are unhappy.

- Animals, they'll do what we tell them.

- No, Fitna, no way,
this country's love is

what gives him strength, a
king must rule with his heart.

Otherwise, his time on the
throne won't be very long.

So the animals must love him.

- There is a way, of course,

but I don't think you're
gonna like it very much.

- Fitna?

- My Lord, what if we were

to turn our great nation into a democracy

and let the animals choose
the king themselves?

- Democracy, what kind
of nonsense is that?

- Only for public, just for show,

but our democracy will in
reality be a hypocrisy.

We control everything,
animals will think they voted

for a king, but except
everything's been already fixed.

As long as things go according
to plan, the prince wins.

It's the same way humans choose

their own king all over
the world, you see?

- No, no way, I refuse to copy them.

- Eh?

- I refuse to sink my throne
to their level, we are done.

Democracy, election, (scoffs)
what will they think of next?

- Miss Fitna--

- I didn't do it.

Godzilla, where have you been?

- In here, but hiding from
the king, he scares me.

You have to admit it yourself,

he scares you as well, right?

You don't want to have
your pretty head cut off.

- Scared, (laughs) far
from it, you scaly fool.

Yes, lions and elephants
are stronger than I,

but the last time you went to
a circus, did you see a fox?

Go on, have you ever seen
a fox dance in a circus?

- Madame, I only go to the circus

because I want to see the clowns.

Oh, I forgot, I also have a sweet tooth,

so I always get the cotton candy.

- You talk such foolish
nonsense, you coward.

I have a plan, where's Jambora?

He's the one I need.

- You know how Jambora is.

He's either out there putting
on a show, or he's dead.

- I don't care what he's doing.

I got a show he's gonna love. (scats)

Move it. (scats)

(upbeat music)

⪠Monkey News âª

- You are watching Monkey News,

our great nation's
number one news channel.

Breaking news, Prince Shazad
broke up a peaceful protest,

speeding around in his Ferrari,

a Ferrari, a Ferrari, Ferrari.

Well, out there, we'd
like to hear from you.

Should the prince face charges?

You tell us, tweet us using
hashtag Prince at Protest.

Stay tuned for more (grunts) Monkey News.

It's a family thing.

(upbeat music)

⪠Monkey News âª

- Hey, boss, the ratings are falling.

We need some earth shaking news.

- Do you really think I don't know that?

News like that doesn't just walk in.

- Mr. Jambora, today
must be your lucky day.

- Miss Fitna, what have you
brought me today, a scandal?

- Jambora, can you tell me
why you keep that thing?

- These monkeys truly represent

our three guiding principles, speak evil,

hear evil, and show evil,
because evil means big ratings,

and big ratings means big money. (laughs)

- I've come to give you
some really juicy news.

- Oh, is it evil news?

- I only bring you the news I have.

You're the one who makes it evil news.

- Fine, speak right into the ear.

- Okay, here it is, listen closely.

King Khan has decided something crazy.

- Welcome to the Jungle Festival.

(upbeat fanfare music)

(crowd cheers)
(whimsical orchestral music)

- Predators, prey,
undecided, who will take

on the bovine behemoth, Tsunami?

Tempt your fate, win a prize.

- Well, boys, something's happening.

What do you think today's
announcement's gonna be?

Although I gotta admit,

I don't think it's
gonna be anything great.

- No, no, I bet he's gonna give
Prince Shazad a new Ferrari.

Hey, it's Mangu, hey, donkey
boy, we got a score to settle.

- Huh, the Bull Brothers?

Feet, don't fail me now.

(lively orchestral music)

- The Tsunami, (mumbles),
is anyone brave enough

to risk his life?
(audience cheers)

A volunteer, this wonderful
donkey will risk his life

and limb for your amusement.

- No, no, no--

- You're a brave donkey.
- No, no, no, no, no.

- A very brave donkey.
- No, no, no, no, no.

- I hope you've notified your next of kin.

- There's been a mistake, I can't fight.

- It's Mangu versus Tsunami.

(Tsunami roars)

(Mangu trembles)

(dramatic brass music)

- My nephew, that bull is gonna k*ll him.

Who will do the washing?

- That silly little donkey,
two seconds, he'll be dead.

- Make that just one.

- No, no, no, no.

My friend, let's just
talk instead of fighting.

A little chat?

(whistle tweets)

(upbeat guitar music)

(audience cheers)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(audience cheers)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(Mangu cries out)

(audience cheers)
(upbeat orchestral music)

- Mangu, use this to hypnotize him.

(slow Carnatic music)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(Tsunami snorts)

(audience cheers)

(Tsunami farts)

- He beat him?

We'd better go before he comes after us.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
Mangu beat Tsunami.

He was the one person brave
enough to take on the bull.

And now His Majesty, King
Khan, has an announcement.

(slow orchestral music)

- Hear me, one and all.

Although I have spent
my whole life carrying

and watching over your little lives,

all good things must come to an end.

And so I hereby announce my departure,

and I shall step down as your king.

But a new king will rise.

- [Audience] What, a new king?

- Yes, a new king,

a king who is younger.

After much consideration, I have come

to an inescapable conclusion, that yes,

my young son you know as Prince
Shazad is the best choice

to take my place on the throne.

- The prince, he's a spoiled
brat who cares for nobody.

How will he make a good king?

- I hear that your prince is a lazy bum.

I think we should just
reject him, how about you?

- You're right, no, we
can't accept him as king,

not the prince, unacceptable.

(overlapping chattering)

- [Audience Members] Unacceptable.

(overlapping chattering)

- My Lord, the people
are not happy, not happy.

(Khan growls)

- My King, my King, if
you lose your temper now,

things could get very ugly.

Remember my proposal to hold elections?

That's the way we get what we want

and keep the animals happy.

- Quiet!
(slow orchestral music)

I have not finished my announcement.

Shazad is my choice, but then
something occurred to me.

Our nation needs something modern.

You, the animals, should
have rule by democracy.

You will vote, you shall select
your next king by decree.

I'm told the humans
have a similar practice.

Now, of all of you, who will step forward

and run against the prince
for the democratic right

to be your king, huh, anyone?

- One moment, your Highness,

how can anyone here possibly
compete with the prince?

As you know, we are but common animals.

- No, no, His Majesty has spoken.

He says the animals will
choose their next king,

and when His Majesty has made a decision,

nothing in the world
could change it one bit.

Isn't that right? (laughs)

- Of course, of course,
and so it is now decided,

leading the search to find someone

to run against the prince
will be Fitna here.

In exactly two weeks from today,

we'll hold the first election

in our nation's history, that is all.

(upbeat poppy music)

- Welcome, ladies and
gentlemen, to "Royal Idol,"

the show where we search the entire nation

for a reality TV star
to be the brand new king

of Azadnagar, based on
a 30 second audition.

- Why should you be our new king?

- To be a good king, you
have to love the people,

and I'm all about loving all the people,

I really do, (laughs) all of them!

- If you make me the king of
the United States of Azadnagar,

I'll be the best king of
all time, the greatest.

I will drain the swamp

'cause nobody will do it better than me.

And I get the ratings, TVs always love me.

You know you love me.

- This is a very simple matter.

The next king should be a goat like me.

- A true king has to be able
to move and have perfect pitch.

We do, let's show them.

- [Both] One, two, three, four.

⪠Boom, we blow your mind,
boom, we blow your mind âª

⪠Boom, we blow your mind âª

⪠You can't handle our
beat, but you need it âª

⪠It was trapped in your
butts but we freed it âª

⪠If you make us the
king, we will see this âª

- The problem with this
country are the children.

They are given too much freedom.

If I am king, they will be
given much less freedom.

- Hello, hello, you can stop the search.

I am here, you will make me
the king, what's the holdup?

I just know you won't let me
have it because I'm a woman.

- Good evening, ladies and
gentlemen, you know me from MNN.

Today I would like to
break a major scandal

and speak truth to power,
it pains me to say it,

but the facts are quite clear.

Corruption, it's everywhere,
including the king,

who is robbing the country blind.

I have to tell you this,
the truth can't be denied.

The country needs a change,

and I'm the change the
country needs, vote for me.

- Audition, audition, audition, audition,

audition, audition, that is my audition.

It's an excellent audition,
what more do you fools want?

⪠You can't handle our
beat but you need it âª

(upbeat poppy music)

- Really, this is terrible.

Watching these wannabes
is giving me a headache.

Why does this have to be so hard?

My hat would make a better king.

The prince will run unopposed,

and the king will be so
upset he'll have our heads.

- No, no, we cannot give up.

We really must have a
competitive election.

We need someone to run against the prince,

I don't care if it's a donkey.

- What, donkey?

Donkey, that's it, Jambora,
a donkey, what an idea.

Quick, the washerman, what's his name?

- Mangu?

- Yes, that's it, go and bring him back.

- But that donkey is such a--

- I know he's a joke, but he's
a joke that belongs to us.

He's exactly what we
need in this situation.

He's someone who will do whatever we say.

We'll come out of this
smelling like roses.

"Royal Idol" has a winner.

- "Royal Idol" audition
number 419, take one, action.

- Hello out there, my name is Mangu,

and I'll be the donkey king. (brays)

(Mangu snorts)

- Cut, cut, cut, you're
terrible, total disaster.

No one in the world would vote for you.

He belongs in the dumpster.

- This wasn't my idea, anyway,
I'd make a rotten king.

- Don't talk like that, Mangu.

You're the perfect choice
to lead this country

in a new direction, who
better than a donkey

to bear the burden of leading our people?

- Oh, no, Madame, I
couldn't possibly do that.

- Silly Mangu, of course you can.

Think of the endless possibilities.

When you're king, you'll have
tons of money, a huge mansion,

a beautiful girlfriend who will shower you

with love and other things.

- My dream girl?

(slow poppy music)

⪠You are my dream girl âª

⪠You are my dream girl âª

- Mangu, yoo hoo, Mangu, Mangu?

- Yeah, I'm with you.

- You have to realize

you can have everything
you've ever wanted.

- Everything?

- Of course, come with me,
let me show you something.

Come along, just look at this
palace, imagine living here.

- Madame, the king has
stepped out for a moment,

but he'll return.

- That's quite all right,
just two minutes, please.

Now, donkey, doesn't
this make you feel good?

- Oh, Madame, just
being here terrifies me.

- Good, the king will be here any moment.

- No, Miss Fitna, I don't belong here.

I am only a humble washerman donkey.

- Mangu, being a donkey is not your fault,

but acting like a little coward,

you're the one who's making that choice,

and it is a choice that is going to stay

with you and haunt you your whole life.

Are you sure that's what
you really want, Mangu?

- Huh, me as the king, who is she kidding?

What kind of idiot will follow a donkey?

- Boy, get over here.

- Again with the cane?

- Why are you leaving?

- Come on, Dad, I don't
belong in the palace.

- If not here, then where
exactly do you think

you would belong, my son,
washing clothes forever?

This is your one chance
to do so much more.

- What can I do?

- You always have a choice.

Some wait their whole lives
for an opportunity like this.

I don't want you to fail to hear

that doorbell, you gotta answer it.

You may not get this
opportunity ever again.

- So should I say yes?

- You fool, have you
not heard a single word

that I've said out here?

Of course you're going to say yes, go.

- Miss Fitna.

(dramatic orchestral music)

I've decided that I'm ready

to carry the burden of the kingdom.

(Fitna cheers)

- I told you so, I told
you so, I told you so.

- On one condition.

(dramatic orchestral music)

I will carry the burden of the kingdom,

but I can't handle if it
weighs any more than 30 pounds.

I have a bad back, here, you want to see?

- No.

- As you wish.

- What a fool this donkey
is, that he actually thinks

he could rule this kingdom
by himself. (laughs)

(Shazad laughs)

- Oh, Miss Fitna, Miss Fitna,

say it again, just one more time. (laughs)

- Prince Shazad, you will--

(Shazad laughs hysterically)

- I can't take it, I
can't take it. (laughs)

- What's all this big laughing about?

One simple question for you,

have you been able to
find a candidate yet?

- Dad, it's even better. (laughs)

- Fitna?

- Yes, sir, the opposition
candidate will be Mangu.

- Oh, the donkey from the arena.

- Dad, he does laundry. (laughs)

- You see, you are certain to become king,

to victory. (blows kisses)

- Someone will have to be in charge

of the prince's campaign,

and that will be your job, Miss Fitna.

- I'll take care of
everything, you just lay down

and sleep through it all.

- Yes, a nap is what I really need.

(Khan groans)

Oh, my arthritis.

- Little does the king know yet,

but when the credits roll
at the end of this film,

I'll be the one sitting
on the throne. (laughs)

- I'm so excited, I just can't hide it.

I love this election, nothing
could stop the prince now

from becoming king, it's
totally in the bag ski.

- We will stop him, we'll
make the donkey king.

- What, but I thought that, I'm confused.

- Will you hack into the voting machines?

- No, we don't need to do that.

We'll use your news channel

to make people think Mangu is a hero,

and the prince is horrible.

- I like the idea because a
foolish king is a great source

of scandalous news.

My ratings will likely go
completely through the roof.

- And what if the king should
find out about your plans?

- Watch, see that pocket,
keep your eye on the ball.

(slow orchestral music)

- Huh, you were aiming for this ball.

I don't know how you did that, mind blown.

- This is how we will control every aspect

of the upcoming election, you see.

I will accompany the
prince everywhere he goes.

You two will follow Mangu,

and everything he says
should sound brilliant.

But every time the prince makes a mistake,

you have to have a reporter on the scene,

and that reporter will find a way

to blow everything out of proportion.

- I gotta say, your plan
is right up my alley.

First we speak evil, then hear evil,

and, of course, then show evil.

(Godzilla scats)

- I've always said lions
and elephants may be strong,

but their real talent is to
perform like dogs in a circus.

(Fitna laughs)

(Fitna scats)
(Godzilla scats)

- My friends and those
who are not my friends.

As the song goes, "Times are changing,"

and we must change with
those changing times,

or the times will simply
change without us.

Speaking of changing times, I
missed the bus this morning.

And since we're having a
conversation about buses,

you should all know I
prefer the yellow bus.

And while we're on the subject of yellow,

don't you agree with me that
yellow bees are very annoying

in the summer, and in the summertime,

there's nothing I love more
than going to the beach.

Speaking of the beach in the
summertime, I cannot swim,

so I just lie on the beach
and get all sandy. (laughs)

- Cut, cut, cut.

What in this nonsense
you're speaking, donkey?

- You gave me specific instructions

and you said, "Talk like a politician."

- Mangu, my pea brained donkey friend,

don't try to be a
politician, just be yourself.

- I can't do this anymore, I'm out.

- Godzilla, bring me that donkey.

I said get the donkey,
go get me that donkey.

(whimsical orchestral music)

(group cries out)

(lively orchestral music)

- Just stop, calm down,
think happy thoughts.

- Mangu, I have an idea,
we'll write your speeches,

and I'm sure they'll be great.

- Not only that, we'll manage
every aspect of your campaign.

Don't worry, we'll take
care of everything.

- Oh, I'm just thinking here,

but if Mangu wins, things will change.

He's a regular donkey,
not some stuck-up elitist.

He's a laundry man, he
has no love for the 1%.

The 1% can die, (chuckles) but
you didn't hear that from me,

and if you did, no biggie.

- Indeed, could that Mangu really win?

The animals would all have a voice.

Then we could really
turn this country around.

I must spread the word.

(dramatic orchestral music)

(slow music)

- My little jungle
animals, other nations like

to send animals to the
moon, I'll send them

to the sun because it's bigger.

- Isn't the sun incredibly hot?

- Well, of course it is, that's
why I'll send them at night

and not during the daytime, genius.

- My friends, if you make me king,

I will protect the rights of all animals.

I will even protect the
rights of humans because,

let's face it, they have it
worse than we do, they do.

- Don't waste time,

you have to go out
there and make promises.

- But then I'd have to keep them.

- Election promises
are just like balloons.

After the election, you
ignore them and they deflate.

- No longer will we push carts, instead,

we will all have brand new cars

to drive. (imitates engine revving)

Out of the way.

- When I am king,

fortunes will decline
while poverty thrives.

- You mean fortunes will
thrive as poverty declines?

- That's what I'm saying, you animals have

to open up your ears and listen to me.

Otherwise, how will poverty
ever be able to thrive?

- Godzilla, have you ordered the food yet?

- What for?

- What for, let me explain it.

People actually vote with
their bellies, their bellies.

- When I am king,

a new and vastly improved
country will emerge,

and then we'll sell the old one.

- Any comments?

- Four words, I hate donkeys.

- You heard it here, how do you respond

to this insult, Mangu?

- Inky pinky punky, I am
just a donkey. (brays)

- You heard it here.

- My friends, when I
am made king, I will--

- Fitna, Fitna, Fitna, I see Mangu's face

in every newspaper and all over TV.

- Don't worry, elections
are very much like circuses.

The clown is just there
to entertain the crowd.

The show stopping final act
always belongs to the lion.

- I'm glad.

- When the two face off in the debate,

Shazad will have that donkey
begging for mercy in no time.

So relax, my king, and
enjoy the show, ta ta.

(slow poppy music)

⪠Inky pinky punky, inky pinky punky âª

⪠Time for the king to be a donkey âª

⪠Ding a ding a da da,
ding a ding a da da âª

⪠Lions are the kings through history âª

⪠Inky pinky punky, inky pinky punky âª

⪠Time for the king to be a donkey âª

⪠Ding a ding a da da,
ding a ding a da da âª

⪠Lions are the kings through history âª

⪠Inky pinky ponky âª

⪠Inky pinky ponky âª

⪠Inky pinky ponky âª

⪠Inky pinky ponky âª

⪠I can carry any trouble you have âª

⪠Make that burden fall away âª

⪠If it means climbing trees,
I will do it for the jungle âª

⪠Just another day for me âª

⪠Listen to the lion who's always trying âª

⪠To please a daddy who's been a king âª

⪠Mangu, Mangu, washerman fool âª

⪠Your efforts don't mean nothing âª

⪠Inky pinky ponky, inky pinky ponky âª

⪠Time for the king to be a donkey âª

⪠Ding a ding a da da,
ding a ding a da da âª

⪠Lions are the kings through history âª

- Careful what you're saying,

it's a foolish game you're playing.

⪠My voice can sing a royal song âª

- I've got awesome ears.

⪠Shazad âª

- I'm a rockstar, Mangu style.

⪠It's all done, you're washed out âª

⪠There's no way you'll
ever see the throne âª

⪠I'll never quit, I'm a Mangu hit âª

⪠I am loved by all in the jungle âª

⪠You are just a washerman,
some would say a donkey âª

⪠You're a liar, understand,
and a liar full of gas âª

⪠Better get lost âª

- I'm not going anywhere.

- I'm warning you.
- I am so ready.

⪠Ding a ding a dong a dong a,
better get out while you can âª

⪠Pinky pinky ponky âª

⪠I will be the new king and a donkey âª

⪠Watch yourself, you play with fire âª

⪠Take a selfie, then inspire âª

- Wanna fight?

- You know I just might.

- Mangu, here's your final
speech, tomorrow's election day.

If you make any mistakes, we're dead.

- Time to seal the deal, don't choke.

There are hundreds of people out there.

- Wait, wait, wait, Mr.
Jambora, please, I have some--

- Hey, cut out the
whining, what do you fear?

- Dad, I have to give a speech.

There's hundreds of people out there.

- That's it, just speak from
your heart, you'll be fine.

- You said to speak from my heart?

- Uh-huh, you got it, boy,
you see, when you speak

from the heart, when you speak truth,

then your words, they grow wings

and fly into the hearts of your audience.

- Fly into hearts, my words, grow wings?

I could really go for some
buffalo wings right now.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
predators and prey.

I give you a donkey who
needs no introduction, Mangu.

(audience applauds)
(slow orchestral music)

- So many people, here goes nothing.

- He's doomed, this will never work.

What the heck were we thinking?

- [Changu] Remember,
Mangu, speak the truth

and your words will fly into their hearts.

- Hey, Mangu, if you forgot your speech,

you can always dance.
(audience laughs)

- No, my friend.

I haven't forgotten anything,
but you don't need me

to give a speech to you,
what good is another speech?

Royalty and politicians, they
will say anything to you,

say any old thing.

They usually say, "Vote for me,

"and your troubles will
vanish like magic."

They will go to your neighbor
or your mother in law.

(audience laughs)

But that is not how things
work, this is the real world.

Uncle Zandar, you're here,
glad you could make it.

Sit down, sit down.

- Hey, donkey, we're not
here to meet your family.

(audience laughs)

- All right, you got
me, I'm a donkey, I am.

I shoulder the burdens of the world,

but if that makes me a donkey, well,

then, all of you out
there are donkeys, too.

Look, I see a donkey there,
and there's another one.

And there, you too, you with
the horns, you're a donkey.

- Mangu, watch your mouth.

- Sadly I cannot do that, my friend.

My teeth get in the way.

(audience laughs)

What I'm saying is this.

It's not your looks that make
you a donkey, but your mind.

It takes a whole jungle,
no one can live alone.

We can't be greedy, we need each other.

We must set aside our petty differences

and stop being selfish.

We have to work together, everyone,

and shoulder our burdens together,

not just be content to push them aside.

Azad City can be a place
of peace and harmony.

We can make that happen.

Then it won't matter who you make king,

Prince Shazad or a silly donkey.

Thank you, I have nothing more.

(Zandar claps)
(audience applauds)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(slow orchestral music)

- Hey, aren't you gonna vote today?

- What's the point, my friend?

One vote won't make a difference.

- You make a good point.

- Get up, you, you need to
go out and cast your vote.

- Your voice is like a
jackhammer on my brain, woman.

I'm tired, can't you go
vote for the both of us?

- I'm ashamed to know you.

- Excuse me, my friend,

who do you think will win the election?

- I don't care at all.

- You don't care?

- No, the key to happiness
is, just don't care at all.

(slow orchestral music)

- It's election day, I'm so excited.

The polls are closing, but no
one's at the polling stations,

not even the dumb birds.
(bird caws)

Get lost, beat it, it
seems that only members

of the royal family have even bothered

to show up and cast their vote.

Is the rest of the country
sleeping through the election?

Keep watching (grunts) Monkey
News, it's a family thing.

- I will protect the
rights of all animals.

- My king, no one's showing up to vote,

and no one's going to, either.

Shazad, you might as well
pick out what you want to wear

because you're going to win.

- Dad, which jacket do

you think will get me
more likes on Facebook?

- No likes, be serious, and grow up.

Fitna, if you have things
under control here,

I need to take a nap.

- That's a very good idea, absolutely.

Rest easy, I have it all under
control, my King. (laughs)

- I never thought getting
old would be so painful.

- The situation is under my control,

and now it's time to turn
things to chaos. (laughs)

(phone vibrates)

Hi, Jake.

- Yes, boss?

- [Fitna] It's showtime.

- Got it, boss. (laughs)

(car horn honks)

(slow orchestral music)

- Hey, Zandar, come here, you hear me?

I said come here.

- Hey, bear, would you
like some ice cream?

- You don't, eh, ungrateful.

- You see, about the vote,
don't bother, just go on home.

- And if I don't?

- What? (laughs)

Have you forgotten how much

the royal family loves a good barbecue?

After all, lions are naturally
carnivorous. (laughs)

- I'm not scared.

- Move along, teddy bear,
voting is closed. (laughs)

No one's voting here today,
go home, enjoy the day.

We'll cast your vote for you,
now go, voting is closed, go.

(background noise drowns out speaker)

(crowd screams)

- We will not be intimidated by them.

We'll prove that you can't stop the will

of the animals, the will of the animals.

Now come on, follow me.

(slow drumming)

Wake up!

- Hmm?

- Huh?

- [Group] Hmm?

- People of Azad City, wake up, wake up!

We must all go and vote, I
don't care who you vote for,

Mangu or Shazad, I'm just
asking you to go and vote.

It's true, your vote counts.

Far too often, the wrong
candidates can be elected

because good people don't
bother to go and vote.

But today, we can change things.

You have to vote, so do you.

We can change the destiny of Azad City.

Wake up, everyone must
go and vote, go vote.

Go vote, go vote.

- You know what, the
bear has the right idea.

One day we'll regret it
if we don't cast our vote.

- Come, my brothers,
come, Zandar is right.

It's time to vote, come on.

- Come on.

- Come on, everyone, you too.
(uplifting orchestral music)

Come on, let's go.

(slow orchestral music)

- The vote counting is underway.

In just a few moments, we'll know who won,

and then our nation will
have a brand new king,

new king, new king.

While we wait for
tonight's election results,

I am joined in the studio
by two very special guests,

the very well dressed
government representative,

Mr. Propaganda, and Mangu's
rather poorly dressed

Uncle Perry, Uncle Perry,
what insights can you give us

about Mangu as a child?

- Ask anyone, I was like a father to him.

I showed him almost everything in life.

I told him, you gotta reach
high if you want the best.

I always believed he was
destined to be our king.

Mark my words, in no time at all,

he'll bring us all together. (laughs)

- Is it true that Mangu
has always been something

of an irresponsible daydreamer?

- Mangu wasn't being
irresponsible, it was important.

In fact, every morning, I would
smack him when he woke up.

- You wouldn't.

- Of course I would, he needed to go back

to sleep if he was gonna keep on dreaming.

Donkey, donkey, dreaming donkey, donkey.

- You may mark my words,
Prince Shazad will win.

- You seem a little nervous,
afraid he'll lose to a donkey?

- [Mr. Propaganda] How
dare you, I will see to it

that your laundromat is closed.

- Then I'm gonna completely cut off

your laundry service, buddy.

- I hereby announce that
if Mangu wins the election,

I will officially change my name.

- Will you go with Fluffy
or Whiskers? (laughs)

No, how about Twinkle Toes?

- That's it, I'm done with this interview.

- Let the little kittycat go,
I'll send him a bumper sticker

when we win. (laughs)

- I can't let him go, he took our mic--

- I have one more thing to say--

- [Uncle Perry] Back for more, Sparkles?

- [Mr. Propaganda] Watch it, pal.

- Why don't you go chase your tail?

- Shut up.

- You shut up.

- I'll have you jailed.

- You'll make a nice rug.

- I'll rip your ears off.

- I'll kick you into next year.

- I'll have you in a sandwich.
- I've got breaking news.

- He could use a little catnip.

- Be quiet!

The official results have
started to come pouring in,

from Bear Colony, Fish
Market, Buffalo Road,

Monkey Avenue, Hippo
Hill, it's everywhere.

Mangu is the winner,
he won in a landslide.

- Yeah, donkey, he really did it!

Everybody, Mangu won, he's now the king.

(crowd cheers)
(upbeat drumming)

You are no longer just a donkey.

From now on, you are the Donkey King.

- I can't believe it, could
this really have happened?

- Come on, come on, let's
march to the palace, let's go!

- [Crowd] All hail Donkey
King, king of all the animals!

All hail Donkey King,
king of all the animals!

All hail Donkey King,
king of all the animals!

- What is that outside, so much noise.

Fitna, Super Guard, what's
going on, where is everyone?

- My king, it's a
disaster, a total disaster.

We're finished, I can't take it.

- What happened?

- The donkey, my Lord, the
one who shoulders the burden

of the animals, he's riding the shoulders

of the animals right now.

My Lord, Mangu has won the election.

I don't know how, but he has won.

Our life in the palace is over. (cries)

- How is that even possible?

- Yes.

Sir, I wish you had never
decided to hold this election.

I've heard of people sh**ting
themselves in the foot,

but you managed to sh**t
yourself in the head, so sad.

I just want to tell you, you
made a horrible mistake, sir.

It was a terrible mistake you made.

- But this idea was all yours, Fitna--

(glass shatters)

- King Khan, my king, we
can sort this out later.

Right now, we have to get
you out of the palace.

The crowd is getting out of control

and I'm worried they'll come for you.

I couldn't bear to see that happen to you.

I think you need to go
into hiding for a while.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Mangu] Miss Fitna, Miss Fox?

- Just hold that thought,
I'll be right back.

(thunder rumbles)

- Ancestors, I beg your forgiveness.

My mistake has brought
our dynasty to an end.

- My Lord, we must hurry, we
can use the secret passageway

to escape the palace, hurry.

- The country will be ruled by a donkey.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Help me, help me, help me,
help me, help me, help me.

- Super Dude, be gentle.

The donkey is now the king of the country.

- Yes, I know, he's filthy

and should take a bath
before the crowning ceremony.

- I don't want to take a bath.

I'm not really a fan of cold water.

- But Mangu, I mean, Your Majesty,

I don't think you really want

to smell bad when you are introduced

to the animals as their
new king, am I right?

- On one condition.
- What?

- I will not use shower
gel, it dries out my skin.

- I beg to differ with you, my Lord.

It makes your skin as
smooth as a baby's bottom.

- Really, that's not what you said.

- I will drop and do 20 pushups.

- No way.

- Thank you, sir.

- Draw my bath, I'll use the gel.

Be very careful, (laughs)
'cause I'm ticklish.

- Don't forget to use the royal shampoo

and conditioner, my Lord,
we wouldn't be his fur not

to be silky smooth when
he meets his public

for the first time. (laughs)

(upbeat drumming)

(slow brass music)

- Attention, stand and behold His Majesty,

the king of the jungle, Mangu the donkey.

- People of Azad City,
look proudly upon me

and raise your ears, use your
tails to whip the flies away

because Azad is now under
donkey rule. (brays)

(slow drumming)

(slow music)

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Lion was the king before,
but you elected a donkey âª

⪠Only you, and you, and you âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Azadnagar has a new king,
donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠All the people dancing in joy âª

⪠No advisor will be a cat âª

⪠A monkey minister is where it's at âª

⪠And our ambassador will be Fitna âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Azadnagar has a new king,
donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠All the people dancing in joy âª

⪠The job of king will now be done âª

⪠By a washerman who's ready to fly âª

⪠Spread the word on the digital highway âª

⪠Donkey Mangu rules from this day âª

⪠Our interviews will be published âª

⪠Even a film may be made of us âª

⪠Donkey king starts ruling today âª

⪠Yeah, yeah, yeah âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Azadnagar has a new king,
donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠All the people dancing in joy âª

⪠And of course I'll have a princess âª

⪠We will make a great love story âª

⪠She will glow like Sleeping Beauty âª

⪠Charming everyone with her glory âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Azadnagar has a new king,
donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠Donkey Mangu is the new king âª

(slow piano music)

⪠There was a time when the
king was a lion (mumbles) âª

⪠A donkey is chosen âª

⪠Now to lead âª

- Madame, I'm just loving the donkey,

but when the lions come back,
I'm worried they'll k*ll us.

(dissonant piano music)

- Don't worry, little green one.

Just remember what I told you.

Lions and elephants may
be stronger than we are,

but where could they all end up?

- The circus, in the circus.

- Finished off, so true,
(phone rings)

little lizard, so true. (laughs)

Hello, this is Miss
Fitna, talking to you live

from the palace, (laughs) hello, hello?

Sir, hello?
(ominous laughing)

(Fitna trembles)

Sir, hello, sir, I was just
about to call you, yes, I was.

Mangu the donkey has been elected king.

I just need some more time,

but everything is going according to plan.

(whip cracks)

Sir, I promise, everything
will be fine, I promise.

We will start the second phase tonight.

No, no, no, I can assure you
everything will go smoothly.

There will be no mistakes, not one.

(ominous laughing)


Goodbye, have a good night.

He said it is showtime.

(slow poppy music)

⪠You are my dream girl âª

⪠You are my dream girl âª

- Your Majesty, get up, time to go.

Please try to wake up
now, hop to it, King.

- Good morning, Super
Dude, why did you wake me?

I was about to get married
to a beautiful woman.

- But my Lord, you
can't just marry anyone.

You're the new king, the donkey king.

- Why didn't you tell me this before?

- I'm very sorry, Majesty,
I'll drop and give you 20.

- Nonsense.

- Thank you, sir, a crowd
waits to speak to you.

- A crowd, let us greet them.

- Attention, all, I said, attention all.

Be wise and stand down.

- What do you mean?

Is there someone plotting
evil against our new king?

- What I meant was stand
downwind, just in case.

- Your Majesty, when the last king left,

the government went with him,

so nobody knows what should be done.

- What, you're right,
we need a government.

So who will put that together?

- You do.

- Oh, well, then I shall build
a government. (cries out)

All righty, what exactly do we need?

- Your Majesty, one of the
first things we need is someone

to go to when we have a complaint.

- A Minister of Complaints, you say?

So who could we name, any ideas?

- What if we name that sparkling TV guy,

Lando, as Minister of Complaints?

- Yes, that's a great idea, Lando?

- Yes?

- Do you agree?

- You want me to eat a tree?

- Not eat a tree, agree.

- What?

- Lando, do you agree?

- He's so crazy tall that none

of the people's complaints
will ever make it up

to reach his ears. (laughs)

- Your Highness, we could also

really use some new policemen.

- Hmm, it seems that we
need a new Chief of Police.

Who could it be, who could it be?

- I think Rapid would make
a great Chief of Police.

- Right, great idea, Rapid?

- Did somebody call me?

I was so busy with my meditation.

- I'm naming you Chief of Police.

The safety of the city is
on your shoulders, okay?

- Hold on, let me get this straight.

You want me to put the
entire city on my shoulders?

- That turtle is so
slow, by the time he gets

to the scene of a crime,
it'll be too late. (laughs)

He would make even humans seem fast.

- My King, we desperately need teachers

for all of our schools.

- Teachers, new teachers, teachers?

- Nothing says you have
to strain your brain.

You've made some big decisions today, sir.

It's a lot for a donkey.

- You're absolutely right,
(snorts) yes, yes, yes.

It's a lot for a donkey to do. (brays)

But I am now the king, with
an important job to do,

the one who must teach the children is me.

- Are you sure that's--

- That's enough, this meeting is over.

The king needs his rest.

- That's so true, anyway,
I have laundry to do.

I'm done here.

(wolf howls)

(ominous orchestral music)

(goat cries out)

- Hello, police, this is the police?

I'm not sure, but I think someone
followed me into my house.

Send help right--

(goat cries out)

(slow orchestral music)
(car wheels screeching)

- [Hippo] Help, help!

(Mangu snores)

- Wake up, my king, you look
good, how are you feeling?

- Dad, again?

Do I notice you're calling
me king instead of Mangu?

- But of course, what
else should I call you?

Because now you're the king.

So how are you, are you happy now?

- Me? (laughs)

I'm like King Midas, even
moldy, useless dirt turns

to gold in my touch, I'm ridiculously rich

and have the unlimited power
that anyone could ever want.

I have achieved all these
great accomplishments

through my own work, I
did it all on my own.

- Your own?

You really think so?

- You think you helped
me with any of this?

- What about all the animals?

They voted for you.

- Voters, they just do
what they're told, yeah.

- So now you think you're
better than everyone.

Watch out, the higher you may
fly, the farther you fall.

- Earth to Dad, I'm
Mangu, believe it or not,

I don't need you to haunt me

and speak in riddles all the time.

I'm no longer a child,
I'm now the donkey king.

Now go away, (yawns) now let me sleep.

- Sleep while you can, my son.

Your future may not be as
restful as you think. (chuckles)

- My poor dad, he was
always just a donkey.

I've never been so tired.

- [Crowd] We demand
action, we demand action!

We demand action, we demand action!

We demand action, we demand action!

We demand action, we demand action!

- What is the problem, what
are you protesting about?

- Your Majesty, bad news,
something terrible has happened.

Many animals in the
town have gone missing.

- Animals have gone missing, you say?

Why wasn't I made aware of this?

- Don't worry, my King, it's only a rumor.

- This is not just a rumor, it's a fact.

- If something like this
happened, then Jambora would have

to be the first to know, right, Jambora?

- If I don't agree with her,
I know she will expose me,

and then I'll be ruined.

No, no, no, I'm pretty sure
that it's just a rumor,

and that's all.

- If it's really only a
rumor, then where's Sandy,

or Brian, Alan, Nina?

Explain it, they're gone.

Were they abducted by some kind of aliens?

- I'm sure you're overreacting.

- No, no, this is really happening.

I bet you know something
about it, don't you?

Come clean, tell the truth.

- [Crowd] The truth, tell us the truth.

The truth, tell us the truth--
- Enough of this.

We'll get to the bottom of this.

We just need the right man, Rapid?

(slow drumming)

(Rapid chuckles)

Stop laughing, Rapid, we have animals

from our city that are missing.

Begin the investigation straightaway,

and leave no stone unturned, my orders.

(Rapid yawns)

(upbeat drumming)

- Officer, Officer, my son has
been missing for three days.

- I see, you say your son
has been missing, yeah?

- Yes.

- So when was the last time you saw him?

- Well, his last Instagram
post was three days ago.

- I'm sure you're making
a big deal out of nothing.

You know what I think?

No doubt he ran off and partied too hard.

Go home and call me if you get a post.

- Yes.

- Sit down, Mr. Hippo, who
is it you're looking for?

- Well, it's my wife, she
left early this morning

and hasn't come back yet.

- My hearty congrats,
you're a free man now.

Of course I'm only kidding.

Can you tell me what color her eyes are?

- I can't say I ever noticed,

but to me they always look angrily red.

- What about her hair?

- I don't know her real
color, she always dyes it.

- Oh, I'll bet she was
driving in her car--

- Yes, yes, you're absolutely right, yes.

- Of course I am, tell me
everything you know about her car.

- Black Honda Civic VTI

with supercharged V6 three liter engine

that gets 330 horsepower
a*t*matic transmission,

and it's complete with
full LED headlights.

- You're talking so fast,
saying so many things,

you're making me dizzy, you
should get a speeding ticket,

but I'll give you a break.

I'll find your wife, don't sweat it.

You'll be hearing from me shortly.

- Great.

- My Lord, what do you
think you would like

to have for dinner?

- Well, yesterday I had
baked beans. (farts)

Why did you do that?

But today, I think I should have salad.

- That's not what chef made today.

Instead we have royal meatballs.

- Royal meatballs, but I'm a vegetarian.

- Mangu, my Lord, as king,

you must represent all
your people, which means,

in point of fact, you
have to be an omnivore.

- I do, why didn't you tell me?

- Sorry, sir, I'll drop and give you 20.

- Get out of here.

- Thank you.

(Mangu burps)

- These meatballs are
actually pretty delicious.

- Finally, those meatballs
were specially made

to put him to sleep. (gags)

(ominous orchestral music)

(car engine stalls)

(elevator rings)

(tiger knocks)

- Don't worry, my brothers,
I know it looks bad,

but you can mark my words, our
friends will return, Kiddo?

Can you put a pot of coffee on?

- There is no coffee,

not until we can get the
gas to come on again.

- We have no gas, we have no water,

no electricity, and folks are missing,

all because we let the
donkey become the king.

- Well, it could be much worse,

but I sure don't know how. (laughs)

- Oh, we have light, finally, electricity.

Spoke too soon.

- What was in

those meatballs? (groans)

I can't sleep, I feel sick.

The bathroom will not smell
too good when I'm done.

- Another animal disappeared today,

a bear from across the river,
and what's the palace doing?

Absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing.

We must have action, what
are the police doing?

This crime wave must stop< these
criminals must be put away.

Keep watching Monkey News all night.

⪠Monkey News âª

- This is terrible.

What the heck is my Chief
of Police doing about it?

(phone rings)

- Good afternoon.

- It's nighttime, a bear has disappeared

across the river, go investigate.

- The river is far away
and will take a lot of time

to get there, and I don't have that.

- Wake up, Rapid, like it or not,

you will go do your job
and I will meet you there.

- I'll go as fast as I can.

I'll even try to get a ride out there.

(slow orchestral music)

There are shoe prints
all over the crime scene.

- But nobody wears shoes in the jungle.

- Maybe it was an alien--

- Oh, Rapid, if your
mind moved any slower,

your teeth wouldn't know
what to do in your mouth.

Something's really suspicious
about this whole affair.

- Shoe prints don't appear out of nowhere,

they must lead somewhere.

- Super Dude, why didn't you tell me?

- Sorry, sir, I'll drop and give you 20.

- Knock it off.

- Thank you.

- Follow me.

There's a footprint and there's another.

I think we're getting lucky,

the trail leads right down this path.

Hey, who turned off the sun, it's so dark.

- My king, why don't we set up our camp?

We'll continue the search in the morning.

- That is a brilliant idea, Super Dude.

- I'm sure you would
have thought of it soon.

- You're right.

- Thank you.

(mosquitoes buzzing)

- These nasty mosquitoes,
I'll never get to sleep.

Hmm, look at that, he's
fast asleep, pathetic.

- Thank you, sir, thank you.

- Those lights, what's that house

in the middle of the forest?

And I wonder who lives there.


(dramatic orchestral music)

Goodness, what are all these
animals doing in cages?

- Mangu!

(Mangu cries out)


- My Lord, how, you shouldn't
be in there, my Lord.

I mean, ex Lord because I'm king now.

Wow, this is pretty
awkward, don't you think?

- Get us out of this cage.

- But how did you get in
the cage in the first place?

- You wouldn't believe me if
I told you, but I'll tell you.

Remember election night?

(thunder crashes)

- My Lord, we must hurry, we
can use the secret passageway

to escape the palace.
(slow orchestral music)

- Miss Fitna, when will
we reach the safe house?

It's so dark, just like life.

- Fitna, when will we reach
the end of the tunnel?

- My Lord, we are nearing
the end of our journey.

If you can just be patient
for a little while longer,

everything will sort itself out.

Here we are, here's the end of the tunnel.

See, like I told you,

there's the entrance
right in front of you.

- [Shazad] Where are we going?

- Oh, no, no.

- Fitna, how did this happen?

- I have no idea how
we got trapped in here.

But really, you're the one that's trapped,

you and your son, (laughs) stupid son.

- Is this a joke?
(dramatic orchestral music)

(Ringmaster laughs)

(whip cracks)

- Welcome, welcome Ringmaster, sir.

- Ringmaster, my butt.

He looks just like a circus clown, a tool.

- You are quite mistaken,
Ringmaster is not the clown

of the circus, no, he's not.

On the contrary, if I may say,
he's the king of the circus.

(Ringmaster laughs)

And now the two of you will
have the great pleasure

of performing in his circus at the crack

of his whip, what fun.

I've always said lions and
elephants may be stronger,

but they belong in the circus.

This is only the
beginning, Ringmaster, sir.

(whip cracks)

Oh, don't worry, I do
remember my promise to you.

You told me to let the
elections happen and I did.

(Ringmaster growls)

Let the donkey wear the cap,
sorry, sorry, I mean crown,

and then I will deliver hundreds

and hundreds of animals to
your circus, hundreds. (laughs)

(Ringmaster laughs)

(whip cracks)

- Fitna, how could I have been so foolish?

All this time, I thought I was the king,

but as it turns out, I was only a pawn.

- Ah, their ultimate goal
was to steal all the animals

for the circus.

- Got it, DK?

- DK?

- It stands for donkey king,
don't you understand anything?

- Oh, yes.

- It sounds like they're coming back.

DK, you must get us out of here.

- You know, I may be a donkey,

but that doesn't make me a
fool, I need a place to hide.

(ominous orchestral music)

- Who were you just speaking to, old man?

You better tell us right away, you better.

- No one, no one, I was
just practicing my speech.

- Just saying, the king

of the jungle giving a
speech will be a huge hit

in the circus. (laughs)

(Ringmaster growls)

- Daddy.

- You talk to him, I'm right behind you.

(Ringmaster laughs)

(whip cracks)

Ringmaster was very clear
when he said, what did he say?

(Ringmaster growls)

(whip cracks)

Maybe you should talk to him.

- No need to be upset,
Ringmaster, everything is ready.

Tomorrow morning, just as planned,

I'll bring all the animals to the circus.

(Ringmaster laughs)

(door slams)

- Fitna, Fitna, you may do
what you have to with me,

but for heaven's sake, spare
the rest of the animals.

They're innocent, there's no
place for them in the circus.

- Excuse me, why would I let them go?

If we can't use them in the circus,

we can sell their skins,
or perhaps we'll sell them

for animal testing, there's
always a market. (laughs)

(phone clatters)

Godzilla, go see who that is.

What is this?

Come back here, stop.
(upbeat orchestral music)

Come back here.

I just want to see your
Twitter feed, honest.

Can I offer you a bribe?

He's so fast, is he part cheetah?

Oh, snap, donkey dead.

(Mangu snores)

- Who said you could sleep?

- What's going on?

Father, Father.

Father, I have to admit
it, I'm a complete fool.

That evil fox made me do
some really terrible things.

(Mangu cries)

- Son, despite what people may say,

you have a brain up
there under that crown,

and it's full of little gray cells,

and now it is time for you to use it.

- You told me that dreaming was good,

but I'm living a nightmare.
- Okay, calm down.

- [Mangu] I was under the
illusion that I was a king.

- It's not an illusion.

You are the legitimate king,
and you shouldn't need me

to tell you that, so now
go and save your people.

- I know you're right, wait,
let me upload this video

to Facebook first, all right?

- Oh, Mangu, forget it, in life you've got

to face your problems, not Facebook them.

- Dad, I don't know if
I can do this alone.

Come with me, please.

- Sorry, you have to do this yourself.

The people elected you king, now it's time

to show them exactly why
they elected you king.

It's your story, Mangu, it's
your story, you are the hero.

Now go on, get out there

and be the king you promised
the animals you would be.

- But--

- Though you were born a donkey,

now you wear the crown of a king.

Now go, donkey king, don't
make me have to tell you again.

Go and make me proud.
(upbeat orchestral music)

A father's work is never done.

- I haven't seen the king today.

Could he have been kidnapped too?

- We should be so lucky,

then maybe things would
start working again.

- There he is now, the new king.

(Mangu pants)

- Sir, sir.

- Get that away from me, I
don't deserve the respect.

- It's an umbrella.

- Not now, brothers, I
need you to forgive me.

Forgive me for how I failed
you, I didn't mean to.

- But Mangu, what do you mean?

- Zandar, you can't imagine
a horrible thing I've done

as your king, but they made me do it.

Fitna's been working to destroy us,

and she's been using me
as her unwitting donkey.

- What did he say?

- Bull brother, bull bro, I discovered

where they took your missing brother,

and your son who's been
missing for so long.

Your children are being held in cages.

- What?

- I've seen them myself
there with my own eyes.

- Oh, where are they, please tell me.

- Fitna, Fitna is the one holding them.

They're all being held
in cages, her plan is

to transport them to
the Ringmaster's circus.

Though I found them, I
couldn't set them free.

- What kind of madness is this?

- The worst kind of madness,
she even has the king

and Shazad locked up, too.

- Wow, Mangu, (claps) wow.

As a king, you're already a joke,

but you just took it to the next level.

(group laughs)

- Brothers, you must believe me.

We can't let them get away with it.

- Why should we, have you done
anything to earn our trust?

- We don't have time to
stand here and debate this.

If we don't do something right away,

Fitna's gonna turn those
animals into circus slaves.

- Mangu, we should never
have made you king.

It was the biggest mistake we made.

- Maybe, maybe you're right,
but I am still the king now,

and despite what you may
think, that won't change.

It's time for me to act like
the king you want me to be.

I'm going on a rescue mission,

even if I have to go all alone.

- Then go.

- Thanks for nothing, I'm out.

- Hey, everyone, look,

Mangu's finally acting like a real donkey.

(group laughs)

(horn honks)

- They're on their way to the circus,

but I'm the one who's gonna stop them.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- DK!

- Save us, King, save us!
(overlapping chattering)

(slow orchestral music)

- Sir, did you happen
to see this video posted

on Mangu's Facebook page?

- Then Mangu is telling the truth?

Get this story out immediately.

- But this isn't evil news.

- There are times for doing evil,

and there are times for
doing what is so needed.

Go and break the news.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Fitna and the Ringmaster's
plan is exposed.

Can the donkey king defeat
these villains all by himself?

You gotta keep watching Monkey News.

It's about our family today. (cries)

Come on, we have to go help Mangu.

- Mangu was right, we have to help.

Come on, now, get going.

- [Mangu] No, no, no, no.

(Mangu cries out)

(horn honks)

- My King, you need to
straddle the bike, it's safer.

- But my pants are really
tight, they could rip.

- Not good.

- I got you.

- Hey, is somebody cooking meatballs?

Oh, no, it's me, I'm cooking.

Oh, that's bad.

- Yeah.

- Excuse me, fun fact about cars.

They often have two doors,
one on each side. (laughs)

- It is a goal, the crowd goes wild.

The crowd goes wild.

- Mangu, Mangu!

- What's going on, why is this happening?

I was just minding my own business.

They're out to get me,
they're all out to get me.

People tell me I'm
crazy, but obviously not.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Let's go, ex king, give me your hand.

(tires screeching)

(whimsical orchestral music)

- He's up, he's up, it's
going, he has done it again.

The crowd goes totally wild.

- Where have (mumbles) hijinks gotten to?

- Go, stop the fox, now.
(dramatic orchestral music)

(brakes screeching)

- No.

- [Super Dude] Shazad, Shazad!

- Oh, no, no way.

- [Shazad] Daddy!

(Fitna laughs)

(Mangu cries out)

- [Mangu] Come on, Prince.

- [Shazad] DK.

- Give me your hand.

- If you're asking for my
hand, you have to ask my dad.

- I'm not trying to marry you, come on.

Let's go, Shazad, come on, let's go.

- Daddy, Daddy!

- Shazad, this is a rescue.

I've never seen anything like him.

(Mangu cries out)
(ominous orchestral music)

(Fitna growls)

- What shall I feast on today,
donkey pie or donkey fry?

- I prefer goodbye.

(brakes screeching)

(Fitna gasps)

- That sure was a close one,
I could have been k*lled

by that, but I'm okay now, huh?

(Fitna cries out)

- I need to invade your personal space.

- [Shazad] Under no circumstance
are you to invade my--

(Shazad cries out)

- Oh, oh, oh. (screams)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(crowd gasps)

(quiet overlapping chattering)

- I know sometimes he can
be very inappropriate,

but he died saving my life.

- Mangu was good at heart, a good king.

- Move out of my way
so I can see who died.

Oh, no, darn. (cries)

- My Lord, it was you we were mourning.

How did you manage to escape?

- Even though a shark tried to eat me,

he decided against it.

I guess he thought I was just too bony.

(group laughs)

(group cheers)

Your Majesty, allow me
to return your crown.

You see, I'm a donkey, that
is all I will ever need.

- Mangu, the people of Azadnagar
chose you to be their king.

That's a sacred bond that no
one can ever take from you.

- Huh?

- Not even me.

(slow orchestral music)

- Zandar, please, make
him try to understand.

- I'd love to help you, but
I can't because he's right.

The animals elected you, you
are the duly elected king.

- How can I possibly run the
government all by myself?

- You don't have to, a government is run

by more than a king,
it's run by many animals.

- But where will I find all these animals?

- They're all around you, Mangu,

each one ready to serve if you pick them.

- Zandar, I'm so confused.

- It's like this, if your
ears were where your eyes are

and your eyes where you have ears,

nobody would be able to
see or hear anything.

If you put the wrong person in a position

that's wrong for them, then
nothing's ever going to work.

- Oh, I get it now.

In that case, I hereby state

that you will be our
new Commander in Chief.

No one would dare defy
my orders if they knew

that you were around the palace.

And you, Rapid?
- Good afternoon.

- I'm now gonna make you
the Minister of Complaints.

You have the patience
to listen to everyone.

And you, Lando.

- Pardon?

- You are in charge of
protecting our border.

You'll be able to see the threats

that come to us from afar.

- You want a brand new car?

- You can see far.

- Very smart, sir, with the right person

in the right position, in no time at all,

we'll be a new nation.

- Super Dude, why didn't you tell me this?

- I'll drop and give you 20 pushups, sir.

- That's nonsense.

- Thank you.

- And in this new nation of ours,

Monkey News shall speak no evil,

hear no evil, and in the
future, we will show no evil.

- Sir, the ratings?

- I said forget the ratings.

- Excuse me, excuse me,
can someone please tell me

what there is for me to do around here?

- Three jobs, entertainment,
entertainment, entertainment.

(Shazad cheers)
(group laughs)

Good people of Azad City, a few words.

Lift your ears proudly and use your tails

to whip the flies away because now,

our nation is under donkey,

no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It's animal rule.
(upbeat orchestral music)

(crowd cheers)

- Okay, it's time for me to go, son.

- But Father, how would
I do this without you?

- You don't need me anymore.

You have proven that while you
may have been born a donkey,

you are now a king.
(slow orchestral music)

You'll be fine, just
wash behind your ears.

- Huh?
(slow orchestral music)

(upbeat drumming)

- Three, two, one, yo, what's good?

It's your boy, Kenny Knox, and
I'm playing the donkey king,

Mangu, we're here, day one,
you about to get started.

I'm excited, probably be really fun.

It's my first leading
role, it's animation.

I always wanted to do animation.

I'm excited, goodbye.
(upbeat music)

- Day one, recording my voiceover.

It's Mark Dohner, I'm playing Shazad.

He's got the blue streak in his hair.

I went with the pink, but
we'll see how it goes today.

- [Production Assistant]
Okay, go ahead, do it.

(Kenny brays)

- I'm trying to make the donkey noise.

- I look amazing.

- [Fitna] Wow.

- I look amazing?

- [Production Assistant]
Yeah, there you go (mumbles).

- How do you think I look, Miss Fitna?

I look amazing?

- [Fitna] Wow.

- [Production Assistant]
Just be a little more excited

about this, like he's proud of his--

- How do you think I look, Miss Fitna?

I look amazing, I look amazing?

- [Production Assistant] Yeah, great.

- How do you think I look,
Miss Fitna, I look amazing?

- [Production Assistant] Perfect.

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey,
new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey,
new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Donkey, new king, donkey,
new king, donkey, new king âª

⪠Azadnagar has a new king,
donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠All the people dancing in joy âª

⪠Azadnagar has a new king,
donkey Mangu is the new king âª

⪠All the people dancing in joy âª

(Shazad laughs)

- [Shazad] Miss Fitna, Miss Fitna,

say it again, just one more time.

(overlapping chattering)

- Great day, day one is
wrapped, we in this thing.

I'm onto day two.

- That was really, really dope,

really easy to work with the crew,

and it was fun, I'm excited

to hear how it sounds all
vocally produced and mixed, so.

- [Interviewer] Can you explain
your character real quick?

- Mangu is a donkey, he's a washerman.

He's just a silly, a
really silly character,

and he's about to become king.

You gotta watch the movie,
you gotta see what happens.