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Come Away (2020)

Posted: 02/21/22 15:32
by bunniefuu
"Where dips
the rocky highland

"Of Sleuth Wood in the lake,

"There lies a leafy island,

"Where flapping herons wake

"The drowsy water rats;

"There we've hid our faery vats,

"Full of berrys,

"And the reddest
stolen cherries.

"Come away, O human child!

"To the woods and waters wild

"With a faery hand in hand,

"For the world's
more full of weeping

"than you can understand."

I'll never forget
The summer I was eight years old.

It was a summer of tea parties
and sword fights.

Of longing to grow up
and fearing to grow old.

Of wishing things
could stay the same forever.

That was the summer
we found the boat.

I scalp rodent enemy.

I avenge brave chief.

- Let him go.
- Try and make me.

I'll get you!

Tiger Lily, come on.

Wait for me!

I am Pan,
God of the woodlands,

and these are my woods.

You're no Pan.

Take that!

the Indian princess now,

or say goodbye to the hostage,
Chief Witchataw.



I'll get it.

Mama said we're not supposed
to go over the wall.

Come and take a look at this.

Who do you think it belongs to?

Finders keepers.

It's ours now.

She just needs
a bit of fixing up.

Just imagine.
The three of us, mateys at sea.

Braving the elements to discover
uncharted territories.

Where to next, Captain?

But, David,
what if we get lost?

Well, that's the whole point,
isn't it?

We'll be the Lost Boys
of the wild. And girls.

Peter, I almost forgot.
I found this in the woods.

Do you reckon it's special?
To the Indians?

It's an eagle feather.

I'd better wash up.

Hurry along, you two.
Did you not see the time?

Oh dear, oh dear.
I shall be too late.

Hush, don't tease him.
He almost lost his scalp today.

Would you ever get a move on?
Go on, get in with you.

Did you forget your Aunt
Eleanor's coming for dinner?

Oh, you'll be the death of me,
the pair of you.


Who are these dirty vagabonds

and what have they done
with my children?

- Where's Peter?
- He went to speak with Father.

Upstairs, both of you.

Yes, but this one I keep.

- Get yourselves cleaned up.
- Come, talk to me.

I have something for you.

The tinker was in this morning,
mending the pots,

and when he was done, he found
he had some extra copper,

and with it he agreed
to fashion you a small present.

Would you like to see it?

- It's just a bell.
- Oh!

She didn't mean it, I promise.

No, no, it's alright.

- Let me guess.
- Oh!

- Peter.
- The Golden Hind?

You gave me a fright.

It's not suppertime
already, is it?

- Is it for old Mr. Brown?
- Right you are.

The Golden Hind.

The first ship to sail
all the way around the globe.

Imagine what it must be like
to see the whole world.

To sail the Indian Ocean
and the Pacific

and maybe even discover
new lands.

Ah... The things
she must have seen.

When the first baby laughed...

...for the first time,

its laugh broke
into a thousand pieces

and they all went
skipping about,

and that was the beginning
of the fairies.

You see, fairies are far
too magical for the human eye.

So when we look at them,
they take the form of bells.

Every child has a fairy
born just for them.

And this...

...tinker's bell
was born for you.

Tinker Bell.
It's wonderful to meet you.

What's this?

"Dear Mr. Littleton,

"it is my duty to inform you

"that your son Peter
is currently failing...

"All his subjects."

- Peter.
- I know what she thinks.

I may not be David,
but I'm not a duffer.

Peter, who said anything
about David?

If you were a duffer,
would you be able to recite

a complete index
of British naval vessels

from the last decade
in under five minutes?

Would you be able to construct

a fully functioning
model galleon in a bottle?

Unlike your siblings,
I might add.


I'm not in trouble, then?

Of course you're in trouble.

Look, you've got to try, Peter.

For me?

Come here.

Careful, darling.

Last one.

Beware of the queen of hearts.

Easy does it.

Well done.

- Bravo.
- Bravo. Come on, darling.

Let's keep going.

This silly game has become
something of a family sport.

Our record is four decks,

but Jack thinks
we can do it in five.

You know, I'm...
I'm slightly shocked,

you allow him to have cards
in the house at all.

Red Queen captures White Queen.

- Alice, Jack.
- Coming!

All right, almost done,
almost done.

All right.

There you are.

Mmm. Don't you look handsome.

Not nearly as handsome
as you are beautiful, my queen.


My sis... My sister
is in the other room...

My sister's in the other room.


- Oh, yeah.
- She's in rare form tonight.


David. What do you think
about dancing lessons?

One must have lessons if one
hopes to ever attend a ball.

I don't think that's quite where
David's interests lie, Eleanor.

Mama, I wanted to ask if you...

Speak when you're spoken to.

Really, child.

But if everybody
obeyed that rule

and you only spoke
when you were spoken to,

and the other person
always waited for you to begin,

nobody would ever say anything.

The Red Queen
does not tolerate disobedience.

Off with your head.

Alice, what was it
you wanted to ask?

A pardon
from the White Queen.

I wondered if you might help me
with a sewing project.

Ah, now, good girl. Sewing is
very becoming to a young lady.

I need to mend
my white rabbit's waistcoat.

It was torn this afternoon

when he was taken hostage
by Indian warriors.

Hmm. Poor thing.
Of course I'll help you.

Good heavens, Rose,

the girl's fingernails
are gnawed to the quick,

and what's left of them
is black with dirt.

She was
playing outside, Ellie.

- It's what children do.
- No, it's what boys do.

It's quite a different matter
with girls.

For heaven's sake, this is not
a way to raise a daughter.

Which you would know from your wealth
of experience raising children?

It's brilliant.

Well, children,
I have some very exciting news.

- David has been...
- No...

David has been accepted
to Bristlemoss School.

He starts the new term
in a month's time.

Bristlemoss School?

Does that mean
you're moving away?

Now, children, let's not
get ahead of ourselves.

Your aunt really shouldn't have
told you about this

before discussing it
with your mother and me.

There's quite a few details
yet to iron out.

No, I have discussed it,
with Rose.

I was going to speak to you.
I just haven't had the chance.

William and I
will fund David's tuition.

Everything has been arranged.

You agreed to this?

I don't see why we must
make things harder on ourselves.


- Rose, darling, let him go.
- Jack.

Do you know?

Boys who are away from home

still get presents
for their birthday.

My hat, you'll still make it
for me, won't you?

Of course.

It's an eagle feather.

The most sacred
of all Indian symbols.

What does it stand for?

- Courage.
- Courage.

Well, we can all use a little
extra courage now and then.

The Golden Key. Again.

It's my favorite.

Oh, I know.

We need to check
for the monsters.

Found one.

- Good night, my loves.
- Good night.

I don't want you to go away.

How about I leave my shadow behind while I'm gone?

He's sillier than I am,

so you'll have to keep him
out of trouble.

- Deal?
- Yeah.

Not me. Him.


Do people really forget
how to dream when they grow up?

Aunt Eleanor certainly has.

But have Mother and Father?

Why not?

I reckon some people
have extra dream dust

that can travel
out of the nursery windows

and be absorbed by grown-ups.

Should we open the window, then?
Just to be sure?

Great idea.

I saw the letter
from your teacher.

You're not to go outside today

until you've finished
your arithmetic.

All right?

- Morning.
- Morning.

- What's that?
- Uh...

List of supplies.

- For old Mr. Brown's replica?
- That's exactly right.

I'm going into London today
to get them.

I might also catch
an old friend.

Will you be long?


Toodle-oo, Peter.

Dishes and arithmetic.
What a dreadful day.

Why are you so good at this?

I can't do this.

No. That was nothing.

Oh, you've won.

Can we go and play
hide-and-seek now?

The bustle of London

held an edge of mystery
in our minds.

We knew our father
had a life before us,

but what that life
had actually been...

We could scarcely imagine.

Have you seen your dad?


The boss?

Uh, I've needed to stay away.

How is he?

He's still the boss, isn't he?

Have you ever thought of coming
by, for old times' sake?

We both know I can't.

How's the rest of your family?

My eldest son will soon be
leaving for Bristlemoss.

Oh. Will you look at that?
You must be proud.

Yeah. Suppose I am.

My own boy, Bristlemoss.

Who'd have thought it, eh?

I should get him something.

The boy deserves a gift
for an accomplishment like that,

doesn't he?

I found you.

You hardly gave me a challenge.

- Let me help.
- I don't need your help.

Mama will let you play
once you're done.

Leave me alone.

You were never planning on repairing
that boat with me, were you?

Of course I was.
I didn't know I'd get...

It doesn't matter.

Go to your stupid school.

You're just like
all the rest of them.

But not me.

No one will catch me
and make me a man.

Hard at work?

Uh, I just wanted to...


For the man of the moment.

Well, open it.

It's just like...

The one my father
gave to me, yes.

You never met your grandfather.

Um, he...

Had high hopes for me.

I'm afraid I never quite fulfilled them.

But I want you to know
I'm proud of you, David.

All right, I'll let you
get back to it.

Give me that.

We'll still have time
for adventures before I leave.

What are you doing?

This could be dangerous.

You can retreat if you want.

Go back if you want,
Bristlemoss boy.

I'm not scared.

Neither am I.

One... Two...


I know you're here!

Come out and fight!

Come here!

I'll fight all the pirates
in the sea.


Behind you!

Up above!

Well done, David!





I miss David.

- Did you see that?
- What?

That's it.

We were playing hide-and-seek
and now he wants me to find him.


He's gone.

He's gone,
and it's because of me.

Peter, please.

You can retreat
if you want.

Go back if you want,
Bristlemoss boy.

No, Alice.


Go and play.

What are you doing?

Making a hat for David,
as I promised.

Did you hear that, Tink?

She's making him a hat.
He will come back.

There we are.

Why isn't Mama tucking us in?

I want Mama.

Your mother needs her rest.

Come on, then.
Let's read a story.

Goody! Tell us the story
about the orphanage.

Let's see.

I think this is the right one.

"Long ago,

"in a faraway land,

"there was an orphanage.

"By day, the children did
as they were told.

"They studied hard.

"They worked hard.

"And they never, ever
played games.

"But at night,

"when they were left alone,

"their golden dream dust
would fill the room

"and take them far, far away,

"and no matter how he tried,

"their keeper
couldn't stop them

"from escaping
into their dreams."

'Cause being a grown-up,

he had forgotten
how to dream long ago.

Peter, whatever's the matter
with you?

I think I'm getting too old
for bedtime stories, that's all.

Good night.

Off to bed.


I don't want you
to go away.

No one will catch me
and make me a man.

We'll be
the Lost Boys of the wild.

Catch us if you can!

Wait for me!

You'll never catch us!
We're the Lost Boys of the wild!








Oh, Jack,
I'm sorry about your son.

Deal me in.

I said deal me in.

Give me your cards.

You too.

Well, you certainly
seem to be enjoying yourself.

What makes you think
you can come in here

and play these tables, hmm?

My debts were cleared away
years ago.

Is that so?

Just had a bad run,

My luck is bound to turn
in good time.

Look, all right.

Give this to that boss of yours.

Tell him he knows
I'm good for it, all right?

I'm sure he's gonna love this.



haven't you heard a word I've said?


I'd like you to come and stay
with William and me for a while.

Why are you doing this
to yourself?

I just don't understand.

Until you're a mother,
you never will.

I see.

Never mind.

My mother seemed to be lost.

I couldn't reach her.

So I reached for a heart
I could touch instead.

Would you like some tea?

We would be ever so grateful
for the company.

Thank you.

Oh. Uh.

Would you like to see
a real teahouse?

Thank you so much.

Are you enjoying yourself?

Ah, you have a...

Yes, a little bit
of cream just...

A little bit lower.

Almost gone.

Ah! Isn't this nice?

It's a shame we haven't spent
much time together before.

You really are a lovely girl.

I'm not a girl. I'm a lady.

Then I think you should know,

a lady never rests her elbows
on the table.

A lady also only crosses
her legs at the ankles.

Oh, you poor thing.

You just want to be brought up
in a civilized manner.

Is that not so?

You need my help, and my help
is what you're going to get.

A lady should never gnaw
on her fingernails.

It is a disgusting habit
of the lower class.

And just because your father
is from that class,

it does not mean
that you have to be too.

We will make a lady of you yet.

It's perfect.

It was the last thing
I promised him.

I know.

I have news.

Peter, that is wonderful.

Oh, my.

I want to take David's place,

at Bristlemoss.

I can make you proud too.

Peter, you've always
made us proud.

- Stay back.
- No, no, no.

I told you
to pay your debt, Littleton!

Everyone all right?

Rose, I can explain.

We need to send for the police.

No, no. He's got the police
in his pocket.

Why? Why?
After all these years?

- You know what he's like.
- I'll pay it off.

Once I finish The Golden Hind
for Mr. Brown,

we'll have enough
to pay off my debt.

- Rose...
- Finish it, then.

- Rose. Rose.
- Finish it. Hannah.


What are you doing?

Alice, go back to sleep.


What happened tonight,
the trouble Father's in,

it never would have happened
if David were here.

And if it had, he wouldn't have
stood by and watched.


I want to help.

Alice, get down.

Evening, sweetheart.

Can you spare any pennies?

Oh, I've had enough
of this.

I'm going for an ale.

Oh, no, no, no.
I don't take any myself.

- Oi! Watch it!
- Go, go, go!

- Oi!
- Oi!

- Out of the way!
- Hurry up! He's coming!

Hurry up! Come on!

Get back here!
You dirty little vermin!

- Run! Go!
- Move, you sop!

Wait till I get my hands on you,
you rats!

Hurry up!
Get out of the way!

D'you hear me?
You little scum!

Alice, go!

You little toerag!

If I get my hands on you...
I'm gonna k*ll you!

Why are you following us?

'Cause of you we lost the loot.

You mean this?

Would you happen to know the way
to the pawn shop?

This is where we leave you.

You're not coming?

We've got business at the Row.

How can we repay you?


Is anyone there?

Children, children!

Games and games,
and what are your names, hmm?

- Peter.
- Peter...

- Little...
- Pan.

Peter Pan and Tiger Lily.

Can you answer me a riddle?

- I love riddles.
- She loves riddles.

How is a raven like...

A writing desk? Hmm?

How is a raven
like a writing desk?

How much will you give me
for this?

Must you sell it?

Hmm! Let us all move
one pace on.

Thank you.

Alice, look.

What do you have for me?

Have you guessed
the riddle yet?

No. What's the answer?

I haven't
the slightest idea.

Ooh. May I?

Your hair wants cutting.


We've got guests.

Customers, yes, yes, we know.

What are your names, then?

- Peter Pan.
- I'm Tiger Lily.


And you can call me...


It's quite
an extraordinary piece.

And the inscription is...



It was a gift from our father.

Complicated, aren't they?


Are you sure you're
willing to part with him?


I said are you sure you're
willing to part with it?

We need to sell it.

Well, then,

let's do business.

We did it. We really did it.

I can't wait to see Papa's face
in the morning.

I've often
wondered when it was

that my brother and I
were set on different paths.

We were wounded
by the same hurts.

Alice, wake up.

Soothed by the same lullabies.

Was there a single moment
when we diverged?

You're standing
on my foot!

The Lost Boys at your service.
We want you to come with us.

Where did you get this?

Alice, what are you doing?

I told you always to knock.

I'm sorry, Mama.

What does your potion do?

Never you mind.
This is not for children.

It is not ever for children.

I'm not a child.
I'm a young lady.

I know all about
how a lady acts.

For instance, nail biting
is unacceptable for a lady.

It's a disgusting habit
of the lower class.

The lower class?

Just because Father
is of that class does not...

Don't you ever speak
of your father that way. Ever!

Go to your room.

Take me away from here,
Tinker Bell.

I know you're a real fairy.

You can show yourself to me.

It's safe.

Tink, please.


I'm so sorry, Tink.

Mr. Littleton, sir.

Oh, thank you, Wells.

Jack, good to see you.

Mr. Brown.

Uh, please, can I interest you
in some mock turtle soup?

Oh, no. No, thank you, sir.

No. Wise man.

What can I do for you?

Well, I know it took longer
than we discussed,

but the replica you commissioned
has been completed, sir.

Oh, that is exquisite.

Your work never ceases
to impress, Jack.

But this particular replica

was meant as a birthday gift
for my grandson.

Shall I inscribe it, sir?

His birthday
was over a week ago.

I heard word of what happened
to your son. I'm so sorry.

I sent Wells to inquire,
but you were never at home.

You see, I had no choice
but to hire...

Another craftsman
to do the job.

I'm sure you can understand.


Yes, of course.

Thank you, sir.


I'm sorry for what I said.

I slapped Alice.

Rose, how could you?

The way she looked at me, Ellie.

I just haven't
been myself since...

I just...

I just wanted to hold onto him,
just a little longer.

Now there's everything
with Jack.

What about Jack?
What's happened?

I shouldn't have mentioned...

I just...

For God's sake, Rose,
stop biting your nails.

I haven't seen you bite your
nails since you were a girl.

It's the most disgusting
habit of the lower class

and you know that.

And just because Jack
is of that class,

it doesn't mean we have to be.

Is that what you said
to my daughter?

He's her father, Ellie.

Rose, listen to me,
you have to understand...


I knew he'd leave me a clue.

All children have been
to Neverland.

But most of them
lose their Neverlands forever

when they get all...
All growed up.

Their heads get filled
with all kinds of muck.

Like neckties.

And taxidermies.

- Most children?
- Most, but not all.

Have you ever heard
of dream dust?

Dream dust?

Dream dust is the stuff
that makes us remember.

It's the reason you can
build sandcastles in the sky.

Or take a voyage
to the moon.

All right.

But what does that
have to do with me?

You have more dream dust
than anyone we've ever seen.

You never have to grow up.

Come to Neverland with us, Pan,
and be a boy forever.

I have to grow up, Nibs.

My family, all their
expectations lie in me now.

Don't you see? It isn't
their expectations inside you.

It's their dreams.

What does your potion do?

Please, potion,
take me away from here.

Make me disappear.



You can use it
to pay off those men.

How did you get this?

This is not your burden to bear.

Peter, you're...
You're not to worry.

Don't you understand?
Everything's all right now.

That's what you needed,
and I got it for you.

Where did you get this?


Where did you get this?
Answer me!





Let me take care of this.

This is my problem,
not yours.




If you're here, come out.

I want to come with you.

The bond between
my brothers was deep and true.

But not all brothers
are as lucky,

and when fathers
divide their sons...

Hello, Father. can
all go terribly wrong.

My boy!


James, look here.

This is my son Jack,

home from university.

Tell Margaret to come down...

And put the kettle on.

- Come, come, come.
- I'm alright. I'm alright.

Sit. Sit.

- He's a bit slow.
- Enough!

I don't have the money, James.

I need more time.

After 12 years,
that's all you have to say?

Have a drink
with your brother, Jack.

We'll discuss business later.

Bottoms up.

Your leftover brats,
they're wilier than I expected,

for two pampered little toffs.

They showed up.
Can you imagine?

Two little mice traipsing
into the mouth of a crocodile.

And you were gentle with 'em.

I appreciate that.

They're my flesh and blood,

Not all of us
betray our families.

Plus, they came
bearing treasures

from a long forgotten past.

"To our son, with pride."

Touching as ever.

So, right back where we began.

I was a lost man, Father.

I had to get away. I had to.

And yet
here you are again.

Perhaps this is where
you always belonged.

I'm nothing like you.


Go lay down, Father.

Yes. I'll go lay down.

I'll get you
the money soon, all right?

The rules never really
did apply to you,

- did they, little Jack?
- I just need some more time.

Always an arrogant
little snob.

I lost my son, James.
I lost my son.



I'm still your brother.

Well, then, brother...

For once in your life,

you shall pay your debt.


He crushed my hand.

All I did was
ask for more time.

I'll k*ll him.

I'll k*ll him.

Off with his head.

Don't you ever speak
of your father that way, ever!



Leave me alone.

We need
to get a doctor.

I'll get the doctor.


We've always been alike.

A little bit lighter
than the world will allow.

Don't let life drag you down.

You just keep floating above it,
long as you can.

You promise?

Peter... You promise?

I promise.

She's upstairs.

Leave me alone.

My mother's not in here.

I didn't come for your mother.

I came for you.


Rose, darling, how's Jack?

They took
his hand, Eleanor.

He's a craftsman.
He can't work.

I want you to know
that William and I

will do anything we can
to help you

until Jack
is back on his feet again.

Under one condition.

Alice comes with me.

Get out.

I'll raise her properly, Rose,

see that she's well-groomed
and well married.

Leave my house.

Even if I do,

I can't promise
that she'll stay away from me.

You see, darling,
it was Alice that suggested it.


- Get out, Eleanor.
- Rose.

Get out.

It's for the best.

You will see
it's for the best.

What's that?

I thought you might like
to have your things up here.

Here, let me help.

No, no, no. Peter.

It's over now.

No one
is going to bother us now.

Not my brother, not anyone.

It's over.

It's over.

CJ did that to Father, Alice.

- He's our uncle.
- What?

CJ's our uncle.

Our own family did this to us.

Let go of me.

He's going to pay,

and I know how, too.

No, Peter, you can't.

They'll come after you.

Which is why I won't be able
to come back. Not ever.

Come with me.

I'm going to live
with Aunt Eleanor.

Aunt Eleanor?

She'll turn you into a lady.

You won't be able to play
or make up stories.

It's time for me to grow up.

And this tinker's bell
was born for you.

The Red Queen does not
tolerate disobedience.

Off with your head.

We will make a lady
of you yet.


It's not time to grow up, Alice.

It never is.


You'll see.

I shall be too late.

Long ago, in a faraway land,

there was a family.

By day, the children did
as they were told,

and in the innermost places
of their hearts,

they worried about
what it might mean to grow up.

But at night, when their
hearts lay still and sleeping,

their golden dream dust
filled the room

and took them far, far away.

Come home.

Catch me if you can.

I was
only a visitor in Wonderland.

Take care of Peter, Tink.

But Peter
was born to be Pan.

It's brilliant.

Oh, my baby.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

We always knew
when he'd been to visit...

Because he'd leave us
a piece of his adventures.


The world fresh

and full of possibilities
once again.

"For he comes, human child

"To the woods and waters wild

"With a faery, hand in hand

"for the world's more full of
weeping than he can understand."

Mama, what's wrong?

Nothing, Wendy.

Nothing at all.

You look lovely, Alice.

I don't remember
the way to the rabbit hole,

or the smell
of Neverland's shores...

But because of my brothers,

I haven't forgotten
how to dream.