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Bigfoot Family (2020)

Posted: 02/21/22 15:29
by bunniefuu
All families are weird, but mine is the weirdest.

My mom is pretty normal, but my dad is Bigfoot ...

yes, the famous Bigfoot.

It doesn't sound like it, but I am a Bigfoot too.

I have all the magical powers, but luckily not the hairs.

What powers? Well...

as the name suggests, I have big feet.

It was annoying at first. I have worn out a lot of shoes.

But without shoes, these little gems are quick.

I am with Adam. - I have very fine hearing.

Yeah, he's so cute. But very shy.

It can sometimes be very embarrassing.

Bigfoots also have the healing power.

It is very convenient for injuries. We save on medical costs.

And something else. I can talk to animals.

Hello, Adam. -Hello, Wilbur.

Does not use all the hot water.

It is not my fault. Look at the surface I have to wash.

We live with lots of animals ...

friends of my father when he lived in the forest.

Now they are part of the family.

We make pancakes. You are hungry?

Send. - Here is your plate.


Thank you. -Well received.

You're welcome.

Hello everyone. Adam, your bathroom is full of hair.

It is not my fault. -Catch.

Oops. -Trapper.

What did I say about the food throw?

It was a very nice throw.

You don't know how to receive. That said ...

He said what? -Mom doesn't know how to talk to animals.

So it's up to me to keep the peace.

Trapper said sorry and you were beautiful.

I did not say that. Don't give the wrong image of me.

Like I said, my family is the weirdest.

You know, for a big guy like you ...

you drink a very small coffee.

If I drink more, I won't hibernate all year.

Me, in the morning, I need a good boost.

It will be time. The remote control? -She comes.

We take great care of the environment.

Clean Oil, from X-Trakt.


You are watching 'Hello World'.

I am Becky Dabmore.

My next guest does not need to be introduced ...

but I present it to you anyway.

He comes out of the woods. Literally.

Here he is, the man everyone is talking about:


I love this new look.

Surely better than jeans shorts.

Merci, Becky.

I did not have access to luxury shops ...

when I was hiding in the forest.

I'll start with the question everyone is asking:

Where have you been all these years?

It's a complicated story.

I was a scientist and I was studying genetic sequencing ...

when an experiment has gone wrong.

My DNA mutated and I transformed into Bigfoot.

We all agree that ...

that these mutations suit you perfectly.

Isn't that right, ladies?

So where were we?

I was being sued by a pharmaceutical company.

They wanted to lock me up and study my case.

When she collapsed ...

I was finally able to come back to live with my family.

It must have come as a shock to them.

I owe everything to my son Adam.

He found me and brought me home.

I hate this photo. -I understand.

Not everyone is as photogenic as I am.

My face is beautiful on all sides.

Hush. Shut up.

It's wonderful to be back home.

If you ever come home.

Let's go. Be united.

Although you no longer climb trees ...

you are still in great shape.

You have a wandering hand, Becky.

'Oh, you are so muscular. You are in great shape. '

So, are we no longer united? -Don't turn my words against me.

You have become a big star. -That's so not sure.

Let's see. Everyone wants to have your big feet.

What's the next step? A line of clothes?

Trainers? Video games?

I have to introduce you to my agent.

I just wanna find a way ...

to make the world a better place.

How adorable. Ladies and Gentlemen: Bigfoot.

It was a great interview. Bigfoot looked like a true gentleman.

He looked puffy. Had they brushed her off?

He needs a full-time road manager.

Let me guess.

Are you volunteering for the job? -Of course.

I have an eye for showbiz. The sequins, the glamor.

Perhaps he should have a better road manager without chips.

My chips have more integrity than most in this business.

OK, it's time. You go to school, -Yes, great.

Can your father sign this photo for me?

Can he come to my birthday?

Just him. It is in a small committee. -Your father is super cool.

Can you give him this letter?

Children. Get out of this hallway immediately.

You violate the fire code.

Adam, you and I know each other well.

We understand each other.

Yes, you suspended me two months ago.

It was surely an administrative error.

You are the administrator. - Anyway ...

Would you like to give me the pleasure of having this photo signed by your father?

'For Director Jones'. -Not now, I'm in a hurry.

'My good friend, Director Jones.' Or better yet:

'My best friend, Director Barenthal Jones.'

In nice big letters, to be able to frame it.

Pay a little attention.

Tell him to write 'for Steven'.

Come on, Adam. Tell your father to sign.

For Lucy. Please.

Too funny. -Emma?



What are you doing here? -I...

I'm doing research for my essay ...

on waste recycling.

Is that so? I didn't know you liked to do the trash.

Yes, I love to do the trash.

It's a crazy time for you.

I just wanted my dad to come back.

But he's so busy he's never around.

It's crazy how life is going so well for a moment ...

to always derail afterwards. -Do not talk to me about it.

I thought my parents would always be together.

But it didn't happen.

We may expect too much of others.

I do not know. I thought everything would go back to normal.

Now that he's famous, everyone asks for him.

Look at the bright side. People love your dad.

He makes them happy.

Sometimes I wish it remained a secret.

What's this?

We had to change cars when we had a grizzly at home.

Really? Are you going to take your license in this machine?

I hadn't even thought about it.

Good luck with the slots.

Failure is guaranteed. So I will take the bus forever.

Take the bus? You drive the bus. Ding.

This is your stop. See you.

Hey, Emma, ​​I was like ...

that we could perhaps go to the movies once.

Some sort of date, if you will.

I'm terrible.

No third world price, but the fourth world price.

Don't do anything until I see this contract.

What? No, no fax. We are not in 1983.

How are you doing, kid? Here, it's a gift.

No wait. At the manufacturing price.

Wait and see. At wholesale price.

What? No, I told you ... -You want some?

Take this, identical thugs.

Boom, fireball.

Wait, Bigfoot throws fireballs?

This game has no logic.

What is happening? Where did this guy come from?

This Bigfoot video game sucks.

The raccoon is the weakest character ...

without any special asset.

Armor: zero. Magic: zero, Strength: zero. It is shameful.

How was your day? -Believe me, you don't want to know.

What is happening here? -It happened after I was on TV.

Forget ... -Who is this guy?

He came up with business.

I find you handsome. -Not on that. Yuck.

Listen, Bigfoot. Sign me these contracts. Let's beat the iron while it's hot.

You are popular until you are not.

Pfft, this guy only knows about aggressive selling.

Don't let him push you around.

Don't sign anything until he fluffes me.

It would sell like hot cakes.

In several versions for collectors.

Sweet and cute, proud and tough ...

or maybe one of me unperturbed?

I do not want. -Why? Not paid enough?

You're tough in business, Bigfoot.

But I respect that.

We'll increase your percentage.

I say I don't want this. Point.

No image rights for the media ...

and the modes of distribution, blah blah blah.

What? I need to fix something. I'll call you back.

I don't want to sell stuff with my head on it.

I want to do something useful. - Useful?

I can't take 10 percent "useful".

And the letter from the non-profit organization?

Do you know why we say 'non-profit'?

Because they don't make a profit.

Take your things and get out. -What's going on?

I see that the spirits are heated. Think about it.

I can't feel it. The situation is getting out of hand.

Did you refuse the money? What's the matter with you?

We live here with three people and ten animals in a two-bedroom.

You can still sleep outside in the rain.

Me? No way. I love being here.

Thanks guys.

'Cher Dr Harrison.

We are writing to you from Rocky Valley, Alaska.

X-Trakt is licensed to drill an oil well ...

in our biggest reserve.

X-Trakt says its 'clean oil' process ...

has no impact on the environment.

X-Trakt is believed to be lying and endangering this magnificent ecosystem.

With your reputation and influence, you can denounce what is going on ...

and stop X-Trakt before it's too late.

Signed, Pam and Shamus. '

X-Trakt. They are everywhere.

Do you believe in fate? -Oh no. It starts again.

It is my life mission.

Put my voice at the service of people.

I have to go. -In Alaska? Seriously?

I can be a game changer there. -You just got back. Don't go back.

I can use my fame to make the world a better place.

You know what, daddy? Sorry...

but one person cannot change anything.

You're wrong. Let me prove it to you. -And me, then? We need to discuss this.

As a reminder: I would have taken the money.

We can talk? -Talking about what?

Here you are back after so many years and you want to leave.

Good holidays. -You know that's not it.

I have to do something with my life.

And I have to sleep. I have school tomorrow.

I love you, kid.

It goes behind? -Yes.

I had never been on such a small plane before.

It shakes. -It?

This is nothing. -It's very cloudy.

I would have liked to make beautiful images. -A filmmaker, eh? It had to be said.

I love action movies. Let's go.

Are you a stunt pilot?

I don't like to fly. I am a land mammal.

Come on, man. You forget to film.

Look over there. It's always a nice angle.

Banal images. I want banal images ...

Do you have all the takes you wanted?

I can take you around again. Show you the good old looping. Come on.

No thanks. I have what I need. -OKAY. Take it easy.

Like that. OKAY.

Here Bigfoot. I just landed in Rocky Valley, Alaska.

I am here to do what I can to save this place.

But first, I have to find the people who invited me.

Look at this. The air is so fresh and so clean.

And listen to this silence. - See you, man.

We'll cut that.

Rocky Valley is a former mining town.

This ghost town has been dead for over a century.

It's beautiful to see nature take back its rights.


They speak of a ghost town, but we know that ghosts do not exist.

It is sinister.

Hello? There is someone?

It's good like that.

My heart is racing.

I took you for a ghost.

Get out of my country. -What?

Go away. -What?

Wait, the big one. Stopped. Nasty moose.

It means: get out of my country.

We'll delete that during editing.

Ho, hé, X-Trakt Oil, du balai

Hi. -Wow. Look who's there.

Dr Harrison. I'm Pam, we spoke on the phone.

Nice to meet you. Call me Bigfoot. Like everyone.

I am Shamus. Thanks for coming.

You are fighting for a good cause. I couldn't wait to be here.

But I expected to see more people.

For now, there are two of us.

But we are very motivated.

It's a beginning. Where is the oil company?

Somewhere on the other side of this bridge. No one can come near.

They have guards on the ground and drones in the air.

Nothing fishy is going on there.

I come to reinforce your message.

Hey, man, I'm Arlo. Welcome to Rocky Valley.

Arlo was born and raised in Alaska ...

therefore our action is important to him.

We camp there. Find yourself a nice piece of land ...

and drop your things there. -Thanks, okay.

But first I join the rest of the group.

To all spectators. This is a call to action.

Write to politicians, share this video ...

or, if adventure tempts you ...

come to Alaska and make your voice heard.

And remember: whoever you are ...

wherever you are, you can make a difference.

Not with 14 views. -14 views?

I would have had more with the lens cover on.

I'm sorry for him.

He won't even be home for Christmas. We have to help him.

One person can make a difference, right?

Come on, be nice. -Okay.

You can spice it up with music and quick editing.

You slip, you let go and presto, in the file.

Put an effect on me.

No effect. -Why not?

It must look professional.

To all spectators. This is a call to action.

The government authorizes X-Trakt ...

to drill an oil well on our great reserve.

Share this video or if the adventure tempts you ...

come to Alaska.

And know: whoever you are, wherever you are ...

you can change that.


Much better. -You are not Spielberg, but it's okay.

Hi, Emma. -How are you?

Great. I have something to ask you. -Go ahead.

My dad's online video is weak and he needs help.

Do you think your soccer team could share it?

Yes. I ask them.

Thank you. You rock.

It looks good. I hope it will attract ...

enough attention and you can get in.

Stop with this video. It's my turn.

Oh, here's the right thing.

Unbelievable that you look at this filth.

One's dirt is another's treasure.



Who are all these people? -Your video has gone viral.

They come from everywhere.

Has your computer caught a virus?

No, man. The video has gone viral. Everyone has seen her.

So it's good. -Yes it's good.

Good job, Bigfoot. -Put on sandals and a poncho.

And you will have kombucha and goji berry granola.

I don't know, but I'm starving.

The abandoned mining town of Rocky Valley ...

finds itself in the spotlight ...

thanks to a group of activists. - Mom, look.

Daddy's message gets through. Rocky Valley is on the news.

The new face of activists: Bigfoot.

One accident can destroy Rocky Valley's fragile ecosystem.

We want to show the stakes ...

and face the oil company that puts all of this in danger.

Why is Bigfoot the face of this protest?

I'm enjoying a bit of fame and I'm going to enjoy it.

With enough public pressure ...

X-Trakt will have to cease operations.

We speak with Connor Mandrake, the director of X-Trakt ...

a family business for three generations.

Thanks, Jim. Nice to be your guest. I have a question:

How did you go to your job? -By car.

Exactly. The world needs oil.

In my father's day, drilling was very polluting.

So we invented X Trakt's clean oil technology.

We have become a technology company.

Our operations in Rocky Valley have a zero ecological footprint.

I assure all activists that X-Trakt has evolved over time.

No one cares more about the environment than I do.

Please inform viewers about X-Trakt's vision for clean oil.

We come back immediately, after the ad.

Clean oil? You laugh. It was an advertisement for the company.

Accept advertising money from people interviewed?

Good journalistic integrity. -Look.

X-Trakt puts nature first Look around you.

We take great care of the environment.

Clean oil. From X-Trakt.

For a cleaner future.

This jingle makes me want to buy oil.

You laugh?

X-Trakt got us

but we defended ourselves well, because Bigfoot came

Bigfoot has come

Bigfoot has come

Hey, so, man? -X-Trakt says their clean oil ...

leaves a zero ecological footprint. People will soon believe it.

This is infox, man. It's a new era.

Our word against theirs.

Why do they have guards, drones and electric fences?

They say their process must be kept secret.

Until it is patented.

We need to know what's going on on the other side of that bridge.

If their process is really clean, they have to prove it.

But if he's not, and if they're lying ...

we will shut down X-Trakt permanently.

It's deep, man.

cause Bigfoot came, yeah, honey

Bigfoot has come

I'm telling you, Bigfoot has come

It's too far.

I knew they were lying. Look.

You won't get rid of me like this.

OK, I'm up.

Let's see how many views you had last night.

Daddy, what have you done?


This is Dr. James Harrison, also called Bigfoot. Leave a message.

Dad, you deleted your videos and your password doesn't work anymore.

Call me and we'll solve this together. OKAY. Hi.

The verdict is in. Dad doesn't know how to use his computer.

If you look like a caveman, you have to ...

Bigfoot, the leader of a group of activists against oil drilling, has disappeared.

I saw him come out of his tent last night.

I thought he was going to defecate.

I didn't offer to come with him, because that would have been weird.

But according to X-Trakt ...

their cameras show him crossing the bridge.

They looked for him, but that's all there is left.

It must have been horrible to see.

Bigfoot was reportedly att*cked by wolves.

att*cked by wolves?

It's absurd. Dad can talk to animals.

They would never attack him. -Adam is right. It's absurd.

It's impossible. -There is something weird.

Perhaps the call of the wild was too strong ...

and we lose it again.

Excluded. He was happy to be home.

We're taking the next plane to Alaska. -Forget the plane.

If we're going to a wood in the middle of nowhere, we need Wilbur.

I suggest taking the motorhome. -I'm here. You know I want to come.

Okay, Wilbur and Trapper. -Wait a bit.

You want to travel thousands of kilometers in this old motorhome ...

with a grizzly bear and a raccoon?

It won't smell good ...

but we're doing this for daddy.

Okay. We are ready.

Hi girls. Watch over your mother. -Do not do stupid things.

OKAY. But I don't promise anything.

Steve, record my shows.

I'll wait for you to watch them.

I am not waiting. I watch.

What? I want to know if Brandine is coming out of a coma ...

and finds her lost twin sister. I must know that.

I'm leaving for a few days. Are you taking my homework? I have to go.

No, hang up first. No you.

I will help you. Was that your girlfriend?

Shut up or I'll tie you to the roof. -Excuse me.

I spoke too quickly.

Traveling excites me. - Fasten your seat belts, guys.

It's not okay. -It's not for animals.

We are not humans. -Warning.

These rules have a good reason for being.

Let's be careful. Your mother is a reckless driver.

What is he saying? -He likes your musical taste.

Yes? Did he say that?



Who are you texting? -To no one.

Emma? -Perhaps.

She is so sweet and very pretty. Did you tell her you liked her?

Mom, please. -Your father was the same at the beginning.

Too shy to express his feelings.

I'll jump out the window if you keep going.

I will never forget our first kiss. It was...

Shut up.

The story was just starting to get cool.

I hope dad is well. -He spent ten years alone in nature.

He is surely doing well. - He must miss his old life.

We can never see him again. - Shall I get rid of it?


Here we are. The Rocky Valley mining area.

Yuck. Someone call the town?

This is the first ghost town I see.

I am scared.

There are no ghosts. They call it that.

No, I'm afraid I won't find good pizza here.

We're stuck. - Can you go back?

No, the tires are spinning. -If we die here ...

we will be the ghosts of the city. -Trapper.


It's not true.

We are thousands of kilometers from a tow truck.

If only dad was here.

Thank you for the trust. Glad to have been able to help.

Sorry, I didn't mean that.

Sorry. You scared us.

Me? This is the first time that I am afraid.

We're all a little nervous.

Madam, you must warn ...

when you have a grizzly in your motorhome.

It's just Wilbur. It is harmless.

You are one of the activists. I saw you on TV.

I'm Arlo. Arlo Woodstock.

Hi, Arlo. I'm looking for my husband, James Harrison.

One meter 85, brown eyes, a beautiful smile ...

It's Bigfoot too, mom. We should stick to it.

Yes, it's Bigfoot. I'm not used to it yet.

Where are the other activists?

After what happened to Bigfoot?

They got scared and left.

They are lying about what happened to him.

He is strong and he will know how to get by in nature.

I can take you to the place ...

where I last saw him.

I'm going with Arlo. Adam, stay here with Wilbur.

No way. I did not come to Alaska ...

to wait in the car.

I'll see if the place is safe and come back and get you.

Listen to your mother, kid.

You're safer here with the bear, I think.

Mum. -No discussion.

Close the door and open it only for me.

If something happens to him, you end up all-in.

Understood, ma'am.

Paper, scissors, stone.

I win.

No it's me. The stone beats the scissors.

The scissors? It's a piece of white paper.

Cheater. -OKAY.

Do we play poker? -OKAY.

Sorry, Wilbur, four two. I win.

Are you sure? -Of course.

One two is better than one. -Cheater.

So I was a millionaire on paper, but the market collapsed.

Incredible, right? -They are gone too long.

I will see.

No way. I promised your mother.

After all we've been through together, do you take his side?

Absolutely. Your mother terrifies me.

She can make a rug out of me.

Me too. She has that crazy look in her eyes.


I hear a noise. Get down.

Who is it? -A friend of your mother. Open.

A friend of my mother?

She doesn't know anyone here.

But if. She told me to come get you.

Hurry up. We must go.

We have no time to waste.


The show is over. You come with us.


Grab it. -Classes. Save yourself.

Come on, go for it. Corner it.

This way.

It's gonna be your birthday.

He is escaping. Come on, let's go.

He jumped.

He couldn't survive this.

Mission accomplished.

Of course. No network.

Let go of me.

Humans have nothing to do here. Go home.

I'm here just to look for my dad. -You understand what I say?

I speak with animals. I don't mean harm to you.

Humans are unreliable.

You are destroying our country and poisoning the ground we walk on.

All you care about is that smelly black water.

False. My father came to shut down the oil company ...

but he disappeared.

Maybe you will disappear too.

Not all humans are bad. If you help me find my father ...

I promise you we'll do everything to protect your valley.

Why would I believe you?

Either I tell you the truth and we can help each other ...

either I'm lying and you can eat me.

There is hardly any meat on these bones.

I can't give you more.

And then I don't want to be eaten. I tell you the truth.

I don't know where your father is ...

but I can show you where you can start looking.

Get up, big dadais.

Can't you take a single damn arrow?

Oh, he's had his fill.

OKAY. We're stuck here, all alone.

We need to check our reservations.

OK, big one, I know you like to eat ...

but we will have to ration ourselves.

We must not weaken ourselves to the point of no longer being able to defend ourselves.

And you, you're in the dark.

So I have to keep my strength.

I'm doing this to protect you.

I have no pleasure in eating these wafers.

Oh that's good.

I have no fun ...

to eat the whole bag of marshmallows.

Oh that's good.

Hold on. It is not very far.

You already said that two hours ago.

I'm starving.

And I am hungry for something that dies.

She is good. A word game.

Where you go?

Save yourself.

Wolf, stop. What are you doing?

What's the matter with you? - Do you know this maniac?

Are you in cahoots? -Not at all.

Oh, I get it. You attract me and he eats me.

Run away quickly, I'll stop him. - Don't put me down. You are crazy?


I said: Stop.

What's the matter with you?

It's instinct. I can do nothing.

If you were a vegetarian ...

you would make friends more easily.

'Lone wolf', does that mean anything to you?

I am not here to make friends.

Come. It is just behind this ridge. -OK, let's go.

And clean oil has no ecological impact?

Bend down, robotic bird.

I bet you my dad is here. Come.

Come. -I'm not going any further.

I don't walk on poisoned ground.

So you leave me all alone?

I kept my promise by bringing you here.

Now it's up to you to hold yours and save our valley.

When we're done here, we'll be happy to bring ...

our clean oil process in your city.

Yep, it looks perfect.

I hate drilling in Alaska, it's way too cold.

Indeed. I wish I was still in Texas.

I also hate Texas. Way too hot.

You're hard to please, Roy.

X-Trakt puts nature first. Look.

We take great care of the environment.

X-Trakt's clean oil. For a clean future.

Perfect. We will speak again. Hi.

It's incredible. Clean oil.

People are so gullible.

We Mandrake would sell snow to the Eskimos.

What is needed is the right look.

First, your sparkling ring.

Your cowboy hat.

Not to mention the big belt buckle. Here.

It's perfect.

What? Give me a minute, I'm coming.

Damn it. What is this delay? -M. Mandrake ...

drilling in frozen ground takes longer than expected.

Didn't you know, you assh*le, it would be cold in Alaska?

We go to the stock market at the end of the month and I want results now.

But sir, we are also worried ...

consequences of the impact of BD-416.

The BD-416, what a horrible name. It sounds bad.

Now this b*mb is called the 'Big Daddy'.

Yes sir.

The bad news is that the shock wave ...

Big Daddy will fracture the bedrock ...

which will push a lot of oil to the surface.

Much more than expected ...

and the whole valley will be flooded.

Cool. Maximum impact for maximum oil.

This is not bad news. -But the impact on the environment, then?

Bigfoot and his hippies gone, no one is watching.

Of course, it is with a heavy heart that we will present the standard apologies.

Hey, kid. This way. -Arlo?

Adam, man. Not that way. Guards are waiting for you.

There is another way. Follow me. Quickly.

What are you doing here? -Your mother sent me to get you.

She is mad with worry.

She is fine? -Very well. Hold this for me.

We will tie you up very comfortably.

What are you doing?

You hippies are so naive, it's sad.

So we creep into your groups.

Did I believe you with us? -Sorry to disappoint you, kid, man.

I'm a mercenary and I'm going where the money is.

And there is always some, in oil.

It's Arlo. Tell the boss I'm coming in with an intruder.

No need to try, kid.

What happened?

Those X-Trakt scoundrels sent us arrows ...

pushed into the motorhome and put in the ditch.

And do you know what's the worst?

They took all our food, really everything ...

and they came back with the garbage.

It's horrible. Where's Adam?

With his big feet, he was able to escape. -We have to find him.

How? 'Or' What? We got stuck.

Its good. I will push. Do you know how to drive this machine?

What question. I am a raccoon.

Of course I know how to drive this machine.

Thank you for your help.

Get out of my country. Go away.

Hold on. - Clear my country.



Saved by a moose.

It'll stain your CV.

Come on, lazy. We need to find Adam.

Step aside, NASCAR. There is a new champion.

Step aside, you morons.

I only have one stone, it's on the accelerator.

You walk wonderfully, friend. A natural talent.

There are intruders near the bridge.

I repeat: intruders near the bridge.

They are in a motorhome. -A camper?


Hey, Wilbur, do you understand English? -Why?

I see signs scrolling. Surely advertising.

Alas, fools. I do not know how to read.

You won't get my money.

In case we're done, I wanted to tell you ...

I love you too, Trapper. -Not that.

Did I tell you the guys from X-Trakt had our food?

Well, I...

It's okay?

You mean the guys from X-Trakt and our food?

I was just going to say it's very unfair.

How could they do that? That's all.

You're on private land, I can get you arrested.

Excellent idea. Let's call the cops right away.

Here, we take care of security ourselves.

Is it worth destroying this place for oil?

Absolutely. You thought I was interested ...

to this high-tech clean energy? No.

I am an oil tanker. My father was an oil tanker ...

my father's father too.

Under my watch, the oil will not disappear.

With our new process, oil is even more profitable.

What did you do with my parents?

We're going to make a pact.

Promise me not to say anything about what you saw here ...

and I bring you back to your parents. -What you want.

I just want my family. -Wise decision.

The family is the most important thing.

So let me bring you together.

They're somewhere down there.

Come on, break it, you dirt.

It's Adam Harrison. I'm stuck underground, with no network.

This phone has enough evidence. to bring down X-Trakt.

If you find him, share the videos and show who these people really are.

Mom and Dad, if you see that ...

I want to tell you something.

Dad, excuse me for getting mad ...

because you were going to Alaska. You were right.

This city is worth saving. And mom, I love you.

Know that I am grateful to you for everything.

Except for your meatloaf.

And finally, Emma. Life turns out to be short.

I should have dared to tell you how I feel.

Frankly, I will miss you so much.

Mom, look, it's me. -Oh Adam.

I was so worried. You're okay?

Calm down, mom. It hurts. -I'm taking that away.

Hold on. Be careful. -Not moving.

Thank you. Have you seen daddy?

He must be here too.

These tunnels never end.

We will never find him. -He has very fine hearing.

If we make enough noise, he will hear us. Dad.

Jim. -Dad.

Dad? It's him. I hear it.

Are you sure? -Yes come.

It comes from there.

It's surely broken.

Come on.

He's there. Hey, daddy.

Hey, kid. Happy to see you again.

I was so worried. I thought I would never see you again.

I knew I could count on you.

It was naive to think that I would do it on my own.

Forget that. Let's finish this job together.

We have to get out of here. X-Trakt is going to blow everything up ...

and I'd rather not be there.

I can't go anywhere.

I have a broken foot. -Okay, I'll do it.

Thank you. -We are a family and we support each other.

Let's get out of here. Come.

Sir, we are at the right depth. -Finally.

Prepare the Big Daddy.

Prepare the BD-416

Ouch. I mean, get the Big Daddy ready.

Wait. You hear? -Yes.

No. -It comes from there.

This is the b*mb they were talking about.

If it explodes, the whole mine collapses.

We must defuse it.

These devices don't look nice. -They haven't seen us.

Sir? You must see this. Look.

They will not compromise our business.

Make sure they don't come out alive. -To clarify things ...

And don't be offended.

Do you mean I have to k*ll them?

It's not in my job description.

Job specification? What?

Arlo. Come here.

I thought you would never ask me.

Move over, friend.

Let's see what these drones can do.


OK, I was wrong. They saw us, that's for sure.

How did you guess, mom? - Don't be insolent.

This way.

Come on. It's too old.

Dad, the drone is cutting the cables.

It worked well.

I hate roller coasters.

Let's go for a walk. -OK, let's go.

As long as the tunnels don't give way ...

it must lead somewhere.

They follow us. Pump as fast as you can.

Shall we slow down? I don't feel safe.

We are chased in an abandoned mine ...

by psychopaths with drones.

Let's see how they will react to this drone.

Drone shot down. I lost one of my babies.

They are actually my babies. I paid them.

Adam, Shelly, ici.


Here is more.

We are saved.

They took out our last drone.

We cannot escape the Big Daddy.

It won't explode for 24 hours.

We have to remove our equipment ... -New plan.

There are 10 minutes left. -It's insane.

All that remains in this valley will be drowned ...

in a beautiful ocean of oil.

Evacuate with your teams.

Ten minutes before the expl*si*n. Everyone evacuates. Ten minutes.

The explosions set the oil on fire. -Guys.

We have to jump over it. -We are not going fast enough. Hang on.

Do not inhale. The smoke is poisonous.

Daylight. We'll get there.

Finally ... fresh air.

I am connected. Let's see ...

what the world thinks about X-Trakt's plans.

Come on. Dial-up access was faster.

Adam, this isn't the time for selfies.

Mom, I'm in the middle of something.

Brake. -I try.

You're not pulling hard enough.

Good job, honey.

Look, a river. We have to jump. -I don't know if I can.

You better stay dry.

Papa. -Adam.

Where is your mother? -Help.

A waterfall. -Oh no.

Mum. Dad.

It's okay? -Yes, I am fine.

Evacuate. Time until expl*si*n:

1 minute and 30 seconds.

Quickly leave the valley. Climb as high as possible.

What about you? -Everything will be alright. Go ahead.

Time until expl*si*n: 1 minute and 15 seconds.

60 seconds before the expl*si*n.

We don't have time. Let's run fast. - I hope Adam is safe.

I'm sure. Come.

30 seconds before the expl*si*n.

Adam. -Oh no.

OKAY. How do I get down?

15 seconds before the expl*si*n.

I hope it will work.

Ten, nine, eight ...

seven, six, five, four, three ...

Come on. -... two, one, zero.

What is happening? -Disabled.

He succeeded. -Disabled.


No it's impossible. What are you waiting for?

Reactivate that for me. -It is not that simple.

If it was turned off at the source ...

only another expl*si*n can detonate it.

Can we use a little frack b*mb?

In theory, the expl*sive charge is sufficient ...

to activate BD-416

I mean the Big Daddy.

Arlo, can you handle this device? -Sure.

As a child, I blew up my foster family with it. It works.

Great. Let's go.

I need a break.

What now?

They have another b*mb. -Oh no.

Listen. We throw the b*mb ...

and one ascends to the top before the valley is flooded with oil.

How much time do we have? - Have you ever had to run to the bathroom?

As fast as that.

And the hero entered on his mighty steed.

Looked. We have to stop them.

Foot to the floor. -He is already there.

But that might help. We're coming, Adam.

What is this nonsense?

No problem. This bear is harmless.

Hey, get out. -Move out of the way. I settle that.

Wilbur. Attention. -Trapper.

It starts again.

Hang in there, Wilbur.

Give them a beating. Do not worry about me.

For me, it's over.

Here, here, here. Look who's there.

Mr. Big 'crazy' himself.

It's been a while. Give me that. -Never.

Would you rather blow us all up? -It's over.

That's why you hippies will never win.

There is no room for dreamers here. You...

Get out of my country. Go away.

The LED flashes. Shouldn't you turn it off?

I do not know how.

Plan B.

It was narrow, but well done, my son.

A little too narrowly, that's for sure.

Never do that again.

You are safe. I'm proud of you.

Guys, what happened? You screwed up the motorhome.

It's not my fault. -Where's Trapper?

I'm here...

Here 'Info on the 6'. We have a few questions.

They saw my videos.

Hey, Mandrake. Mouse. You are on TV.

Hey, this airspace is regulated. -They show the world what you did.

I sent the video where you talk about your plan to destroy Rocky Valley.

I will say that is fake news.

They say the truth sets you free.

Not in your case. You will go to jail. -Look, cops.

Try to catch me.

Get out of my country. Go away.

OKAY? What it means? It means:

Get out of my country.

Come on. We're going to eat -I don't like human flesh.

But a very fresh rabbit ... - It starts again.

I'm Becky Dabmore and you're watching 'Hello World'.

I'm in Alaska where Bigfoot and his family ...

saved Rocky Valley from ecological disaster.

Dr Harrison, it looks like you made it ...

to make the world a better place. -Thank you, Becky.

But it was my son Adam who saved this valley.

Do you have something to say, Adam? -My father was right.

One person can make a difference.

The government has decided to protect this country.

No one will ever drill here again.

The mother must be very proud.

Yes, I am proud of the whole family.

Everything is fine.

I caught this CEO of the oil company ...

and I looked him straight into his weasel eyes.

'It's time to stop this crude behavior.' You understand?

Because sometimes we also talk about crude oil.

I have to say I don't find it funny.

In fact, it was I who saved the day ...

and I am the hero of this story.

Okay. Wilbur helped too. And Adam too.

But it was mostly me.

Sorry. I started badly.

Normally that would annoy me. But your pancakes are so delicious.

Keep sending.

I am late. See you tonight. -Have fun.

Say hello to Emma.

Mum. Don't encourage them.

Don't encourage who? -Hi, Emma.

Perfect timing. What are you looking at?

By sending your videos ...

you sent them all.

Emma. Life turns out to be short.

I should have dared to tell you ...

Emma, ​​do you want to go out with me?

Pay no attention to them. Let's go.

Our kid is an adult now.

Can I still have a pancake?