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22x11 - Timelash - part 2

Posted: 11/17/04 23:54
by bunniefuu


Written by Glen McCoy

Original air date: 16th March, 1985
Run time: 44:36

Inner Sanctum

The Doctor: Where's Peri? You promised her safe return.

Tekker: Ah, yes. Well, you shouldn't believe everything that people tell you, Doctor.

The Doctor: You gave me your word, you microcephalic apostate. I demand to see the Borad immediately.

Tekker: Admit defeat, Doctor.

The Doctor: Never!

Tekker: The stories I've heard about you. The great Doctor, all knowing and all powerful. You're about as powerful as a burnt out android. Our ruler has finished with you once and for all.

Kendron: We can't do this, Tekker.

Tekker: Shut up, or you'll be joining him.

The Doctor: You're as warped as your dictator friend.

Tekker: Save your breath for the Timelash, Doctor. Most people depart with a scream.

Brunner: The vortex is ready, Maylin.

Tekker: Despatch the Doctor first.

Tekker: Goodbye, Doctor. Unpleasant journey. Bwahahahahahaha!

Inner Sanctum

Vena: Seal the doors!

The Doctor: Thank you, Mykros.

Mykros: Doctor.

The Doctor: Right, get those guards next door and tie them up.

Sezon: We're safe. Just let them try breaking in.

The Doctor: They will, but we must be ready for them.

Katz: But how?

The Doctor: We're safe for now, but we must turn this pause to our advantage.

Herbert: What is this Timelash, Doctor?

The Doctor: Not now, Herbert. Mykros, can you hand me some strong rope or wire?

Mykros: Yes, right.

Vena: Doctor, what are you going to do?

The Doctor: Enter the Timelash.


Peri: Ow! You're hurting me.


Peri: Where are you taking me?

Guard: You'll see.

Borad's vault

Android: Borad, what are your instructions?

Borad: The Guardoliers must apprehend the Doctor and the rebels.

Android: But the Sanctum has been sealed.

Borad: My time web has the power to disintegrate the doors. Use that.

Android: At once.

Borad: But the Earth woman must be kept alive.

Inner Sanctum

The Doctor: Not as long as I'd have liked, but it will have to do.

Vena: Is it safe to enter the Timelash?

The Doctor: It's our only hope. Without the Kontron crystals, we've got no chance of getting out of here alive.

Herbert: Let me go, Doctor. You're needed here.

The Doctor: Thank you, Herbert, but no. Those crystals require skilful manipulation. Rough handling could be dangerous. Right, here we go.

Katz: Good luck, Doctor.

Sezon: He's stopped.

Vena: Doctor! What's the matter?


The Doctor: The vortex attraction forces are taking effect. Could be tougher than I thought.

Inner Sanctum

Herbert: Can I come down and help, Doctor?


The Doctor: No, stay where you are! I've almost got this one.

The Doctor: Mykros, lower me a little. Enough.

Inner sanctum

Mykros: Do you want to come out now, Doctor?


The Doctor: Not yet. Almost got this one. Gotcha!

Inner Sanctum

Vena: Pull him back!

Mykros: I can't! The force is too great.

Vena: He's dangling on the edge of oblivion.

Herbert: Hang on.

Sezon: Katz, come here, quickly!

Mykros: Take the strain!

Sezon: Come on, pull!

Vena: Careful, Herbert.

Katz: Careful!

Sezon: Careful, Herbert!


Herbert: Doctor!

The Doctor: Get back!

Mykros: I've got you!

Herbert: Just a bit further, Doctor. Got him!


Kendron: The Borad will not be pleased with us.

Tekker: Stop whining.

Kendron: I have noticed it is better to die than to fail the Borad.

Tekker: If you were to die, I don't think anybody would notice the difference.

Kendron: I say, Tekker!

Tekker: Maylin Tekker.

Tekker: Ah, Borad.

Borad (on screen): You do not serve me by arguing.

Tekker: A frivolous debate concerning protocol.

Borad (on screen): You have time for such things when my Timelash is in the hands of the Doctor and his friends?

Tekker: We serve as best we can, Borad. As you know, I am not a man of action. The recapture of the Timelash is best left to those trained for such things.

Borad (on screen): You disappoint me. I expected more from you than this.

Tekker: Your trust is not misplaced. Kendron and I are on our way to see you.

Borad (on screen): For what purpose?

Tekker: With respect, Borad, a matter best not discussed over an open channel.

Borad (on screen): Very well. Disappoint me and you die.

Tekker: Of course.

Kendron: Now what have you said? The Borad will k*ll both of us.

Tekker: Oh, I think not. After what I have to tell him, I think he'll be delighted. And while he's smiling, I shall recommend that he appoints you my deputy.

Kendron: Me?

Tekker: Yes, Kendron, you.

Inner Sanctum

Vena: Are you all right? Where are the crystals?

Vena: Doctor, did you get the crystals?

The Doctor: Yes.

Vena: Oh, well done.

Katz: Well done.

Vena: Yes, indeed. Well done! And you too, Herbert.

Herbert: Well, it was nothing.

The Doctor: When we've stopped congratulating each other, perhaps we can get on.


Peri: At last. Why am I being kept here? And why have I had this contraption fitted to me? Well, can't you speak, dumbo?

Peri: Ow! All right, I'm coming, I'm coming.

Outside the Borad's vault

Tekker: What's the matter with you? Don't you want to be recommended as Deputy Maylin?

Kendron: It all seems a bit sudden.

Tekker: But you're the perfect choice. You have the right attitude.

Kendron: What about Brunner?

Tekker: What about him?

Kendron: I thought...

Tekker: What?

Kendron: Nothing.

Tekker: There you are, you see? I'm right. You have the perfect attitude.

Borad's vault

Borad (on screen): What happened, Tekker? Have you failed me as well?

Tekker: Ah, we were betrayed, Borad.

Borad (on screen): Indeed? By whom?

Tekker: Kendron. He betrayed us.

Kendron: No! You're lying. You said I was to be made Deputy Maylin.

Tekker: Ah, yes. A small ruse, Borad, to put the traitor off his guard.

Borad (on screen): He must be dealt with.

Kendron: No! No! I have been faithful to you.

Kendron: What's going on?

Borad (on screen): I will not tolerate infidelity.

Kendron: Oh, oh please, Borad, believe me. I am not a spy.

Borad: It would seem I made the right choice for Maylin.

Tekker: Thank you, Borad.

Borad: See that you continue to serve me with the same degree of fidelity.


Peri: You're still hurting me. Now where are you taking me?

Guard: You'll see.

Peri: No, not that creature again! No, please!

Inner Sanctum

Mykros: Do you want the whole of this panel out, Doctor?

The Doctor: Every last nut and bolt, if you please.

Vena: What are you making?

The Doctor: Just a mess at the moment.

Herbert: Shouldn't we prepare for the attack on this place, Doctor?

The Doctor: I am.

Herbert: Well, how are these baubles and crystal balls going to help us?

The Doctor: You'll see.

Herbert: But will it work?

The Doctor: Of course it'll work. I hope.

Herbert: A small barricade in front of the door wouldn't help?

The Doctor: Whatever they use to break through that door won't be impeded by a small barricade. Hurry up with that unit, Mykros.

Mykros: Yes, nearly there.

Katz: It signalled back to you.

The Doctor: No, it was the same beam of light.

Katz: But how could it be? It took all of ten seconds to return.

The Doctor: Precisely what it's supposed to do.

The Doctor: Well done.

Vena: I think we could be running out of time.

Mykros: You may well be right. Doctor?

The Doctor: Nearly ready. Ah, there we are.

Herbert: Where?

The Doctor: Quiet. Pass me that chain.

Katz: Where's he gone?

Herbert: Good gracious.

Katz: Doctor, where are you?

Katz: What's happening?

Vena: Dematerialisation?

The Doctor: Not exactly. Kontron crystals have a wide application of uses. I have turned this one into a ten second time break.

Sezon: So, you were travelling in time?

The Doctor: Not exactly. Do you know, I haven't built one of these in ages.

Sezon: How does it work?

The Doctor: Well, I time-slipped ten seconds into the future. As I did so, I projected an image of myself.

Herbert: So we didn't see you, we saw an image of you.

The Doctor: That's right. If you'd been able to look through this, you would, so to speak, have been able to see both of me at the same time.

Herbert: But I can't see anything.

The Doctor: Of course you can't. It only works when this is switched on. Now, when I time slip, you'll be able to see the image I project and the real me ten seconds in the future.

Herbert: It's science fiction.

The Doctor: Not quite.

Sezon: Look, this might be a lot of fun for you, Doctor, but how's it going to help us get out of here?

The Doctor: Ah, that's work for the second crystal. When properly set up, it'll absorb the energy used to break down that door, pass it through a ten second time loop, and feed it back again as a beam of pure energy. Now, that is something we can use against an attacker.

Herbert: Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

Sezon: Yes, but will it work?

The Doctor: I think we're about to find out.

Vena: Doctor, look.

Mykros: It's an invasion force.

Sezon: The Bandrils.

Borad's vault

Borad: Excellent. Soon the only living creatures on this planet will be the Morloxes and myself.

Inner Sanctum

The Doctor: Argh!

Mykros: What's wrong?

The Doctor: I can't set this time loop accurately enough. I was hoping to use the energy absorbed by the machine to project our attackers into the past. As yes, I can't guarantee a change of location as well.

Katz: How far back into the past, Doctor?

The Doctor: An hour or so.

Katz: I wonder.

Sezon: What?

Katz: Think back to the tunnel when we rescued Peri from the Morlox.

Sezon: You're right. We saw a burning android.

Katz: Will that be your handiwork, Doctor?

The Doctor: What?


Peri: Don't leave me here. Please, don't leave me here.

Peri: Help me! Help!

Outside the Inner Sanctum

Android: Fire.

Inner Sanctum

Vena: Doctor!

Katz: Oh, Sezon!

Herbert: Use the machine!

The Doctor: We have to wait the full ten seconds.

Herbert: Holy mackerel, it actually works!

The Doctor: Of course it did. Get down!

Mykros: It's incredible. I've never seen that before.

The Doctor: That's me.

Herbert: You've changed a bit.

The Doctor: Mmm. Immeasurably for the better, it seems. Strange how you forget what you used to look like.

Herbert: What does he mean?

Vena: It's a long story, Herbert. No time to tell it now.

The Doctor: Right, you must all get out of here.

Katz: Madric's dead and Sezon's wounded.

The Doctor: There's not much you can do for him here.

Katz: We can go to the tunnel.

Mykros: No, the guards could be waiting for us.

The Doctor: That's a chance you've got to take. When the Borad finds out what's happened here, he'll flood the place with troops.

Vena: Where are you going?

The Doctor: To find the Borad.

Herbert: I'll help you.

The Doctor: No, Herbert. You stay here. Good luck.

Mykros: Vena, come quickly.


Peri: Doctor, where are you? Help me! Not you.

Inner Sanctum

Katz: Look at the screen. The Bandrils are coming even nearer!

Vena: There's no point in going to the tunnels now, Mykros. We might as well die with honour here.

Mykros: Vena. Vena, try not to be so pessimistic. We may still have a chance, if I can just contact them.


Herbert: Sorry about this, but I was only getting in the way with the others.

The Doctor: And what makes you think you won't do the same for me?

Herbert: Look, you won't even notice I'm here, I promise.

The Doctor: All right. If anything happens to me, you're to find Peri.

Herbert: Right.

The Doctor: If she's still alive, she may find a way of getting you home.

Herbert: Oh no, don't worry about me, Doctor.

The Doctor: I'm not.

Borad's vault

Borad: So, the Doctor has decided finally to come and see me.

Tekker: Shall I dispose of him?

Borad: No. He's an old friend.

Outside the Borad's vault

The Doctor: This looks like it.

Herbert: Grim sort of place.

The Doctor: Indeed. And this is as far as you go.

Herbert: Oh, surely you're not going to deny me the highlight of my visit.

The Doctor: Come any further and your highlight could be a burial in space, with you playing the central part.

Herbert: Are you sure I can't be of any help?

The Doctor: If I'm not out in ten minutes, find Peri.

Herbert: Right.

The Doctor: Now, find yourself somewhere to hide. Don't want you picked up by the Guardoliers.

Herbert: Doctor!

Borad's vault

The Doctor: My dear Tekker. Still lurking in other people's shadows. How very typical.

Tekker: Welcome, Doctor.

The Doctor: That smell. That bittersweet sickly aroma.

Tekker: Of Morlox.

The Doctor: Yes, of course. The creatures of the tunnels. I remember now from my last visit. So, your leader is now a Morlox?

Tekker: No.

The Doctor: Glad to hear it. From what I remember, the Morlox are not over-endowed with intelligence.

Tekker: Ah, well, that can hardly be said of our beloved leader, the Borad of Karfel. The most luminous force in this part of the galaxy.

The Doctor: Really. Not been very bright so far.

Borad: Neither have you, Doctor.

The Doctor: I'm afraid you could be right.

The Doctor: And you said your leader wasn't a Morlox?

Borad: I would guard your tongue, Time Lord.

The Doctor: What I don't understand is how the people of Karfel have accepted you.

Borad: My other self.

The Doctor: How'd you do?

Borad (on screen): How do you do?

The Doctor: What happened? I don't believe anyone looks like you by design.

Borad (on screen): An agreeable mistake.

The Doctor: Don't tell me, with Mustakozene Eighty. I noticed the canister hanging on the wall.

Borad: Precisely. I was once like you, weak of limb and small of mind.

Borad (on screen): Now I have the strength and intelligence of many.

The Doctor: But hardly the looks to match.

Borad: Come closer. Now look at me carefully, Doctor. We have met before. Think back of a scientist you once befriended. Later, you reported that scientist to the Inner Sanctum for unethical experimentation on the Morlox creatures.

The Doctor: Megelen?

Borad: The very same.

The Doctor: Your experiments obviously succeeded. Was it worth it?

Inner Sanctum

Mykros: This is Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Please respond. It's no good, they're not answering. This is Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Please respond.

Borad's vault

Borad: Do not make me laugh, Doctor.

The Doctor: I wouldn't dare. Not when you've got such big teeth. What exactly did happen?

Borad: During an experiment on a Morlox creature, I was inadvertently sprayed by a canister of Mustakozene Eighty. The smell of the chemical excited the creature I was experimenting upon, and it broke away from its tether.

The Doctor: It must have made a terrible mess of you.

Borad: It would appear so.

The Doctor: And then the M80 caused a spontaneous tissue amalgamation resulting in a combined mutant.

Borad (on screen): Half Karfelon, half Morlox, but with increased longevity and massive intellectual growth.

Borad: A glorious transformation.

The Doctor: So you keep saying. I don't agree with you.

Tekker: Show respect for the Borad.

The Doctor: Do shut up and go away. There was no glorious transformation. You may have power, but you daren't even show your real face.

Borad: Not for much longer. Soon the Bandrils will have destroyed all mammalian life on this planet, and then I shall destroy the Bandril ship.

The Doctor: To become ruler of a barren planet?

Borad: No, Doctor. To populate the planet with others such as myself.

Tekker: No.

The Doctor: It appears you have a lackey with a conscience.

Tekker: You will not destroy my people. I am the Maylin now. I will not let you.

Borad: Idiot.

The Doctor: Time acceleration beam. I don't know whether to be impressed or disgusted.

Borad (on screen): Time Lords to not have a monopoly over the fourth dimension, Doctor.

The Doctor: Perhaps not. What I don't understand is how you intend to populate this planet with little Borads when you don't even have a mate.

Borad: That is under control.

The Doctor: Oh, don't tell me you've got a fat female Morlox with a slinky walk.

Borad: Not yet. But when I do, her name will be Peri.

The Doctor: Explain.

Borad: The creature will attempt to k*ll her. When it tries to do so, the canister of Mustakozene will burst apart and then she will become as I am.

The Doctor: Oh, very scientific. I mean, you have a really controlled experiment there. What happens if the Morlox kills Peri before amalgamation takes place?

Borad: Peri will not die. The Mustakozene not only excites the creature, but will in turn destroy it.

The Doctor: This is lunacy. What do you hope to gain by creating another miserable mutation like your pathetic self?

Borad: Choose your next words carefully, Doctor. They could be your last.

The Doctor: Really. We shall see.

The Doctor: I think it's time to find your Achilles heel, or should I say flipper?

Borad: No, Doctor. It's time you grew old, and your ability to regenerate will be of no assistance to you.

Borad: So, the Time Lord wishes to play games.

Herbert: Careful, Doctor.

The Doctor (O.C.): Where's the control to free Peri?

Borad: See if you can find it before you die.

Borad: Goodbye, Doctor.

The Doctor: Hello, Borad. I wouldn't fire if I were you. If you do, it will be a grave mistake.

Borad: Your attempted witticisms are beginning to become tedious, Doctor.

The Doctor: I really wouldn't fire. If you do, this crystal will absorb the energy and beam it straight back at you.

Borad: You're lying.

The Doctor: I did warn you.

Borad: Another expedition into the realms of duplicity?

The Doctor: Six, five, four, three, two, one.

Borad: No! You've tricked me!

The Doctor: You tricked yourself.

The Doctor: Herbert?

Herbert: Who is it?

The Doctor: It's me, the Doctor.

Herbert: Doctor, up here.

The Doctor: Herbert, you must go to Peri.

Herbert: Where is she?

The Doctor: In the tunnels. The passage you're in should lead straight there.

Herbert: Right.

The Doctor: Hurry! I'll try and find the release mechanism.

Herbert: As you say, Doctor.

The Doctor: Must be here somewhere.

The Doctor: Oh, no.

The Doctor: Pelion on Ossa.


Peri: Help!

Herbert: Quickly!


Peri: Oh, Doctor, am I pleased to see you.

The Doctor: The feeling is entirely mutual. Now, come on. We've got to get back to the Inner Sanctum quickly.

Peri: But can't we get out of here?

The Doctor: We've got a w*r to stop first.

Inner Sanctum

Vena: Why didn't they listen?

Mykros: It's no good. We've done everything we can. We must take cover in the tunnels.

The Doctor: What's happening?

Vena: Too late. The Bandrils have fired their m*ssile.

The Doctor: This is the Doctor. I say again, this is the Doctor. Please connect me with the Ambassador.

Vena: They don't reply.

The Doctor: You must respond. I am a Time Lord. I am, in fact, President of the High Council of Gallifrey. Destroy me, you'll have more than a petty w*r on your hands. Ah, there you are.

Bandril (on screen): Can you prove that you are a Time Lord?

The Doctor: There's no time for that now. You must call off your attack. Karfel has been in the hands of a dictator. That dictator has now been overthrown. You must destroy your m*ssile.

Peri: How close is the m*ssile?

The Doctor: Too close.

Bandril (on screen): We accept what you say, and require only sight of the Borad as proof of your goodwill.

The Doctor: Well, that might prove a trifle difficult.

Bandril (on screen): Then there is little we can do.

The Doctor: Ambassador!

Peri: Oh, terrific.

The Doctor: Wait here.

Peri: Where are you going?


Peri: Doctor!

The Doctor: I told you to wait with the others.

Peri: Well, I'd rather stay with you.

The Doctor: It isn't practical.

Peri: What does that mean?

The Doctor: Practical? Advantageous, useful, productive, efficacious, effective.

Peri: Sure, desirable. What are you going to do?

The Doctor: Try and stop that m*ssile.

Peri: Sounds dangerous.

The Doctor: The only dangerous thing about it is having you on board to distract me. Oh!

The Doctor: Are you still here?

Peri: Yes! Look, I'll keep out of your way.

The Doctor: You don't know how.

Peri: I'm coming with you.

The Doctor: Peri, every second we waste now brings Karfel into even greater danger.

Peri: Well then, let's go!

The Doctor:: That's what I want to do, but alone. Now go back to Vena and the others, Peri. Please?

Peri: I can't. I don't trust you. You're being too reasonable.

The Doctor: Then I shall be unreasonable. Get out! Why will you never cooperate?

Peri: Because I worry. It's my caring nature.

The Doctor: Peri, I shall be gone for but a minute. Now, if you want to fuss over someone, may I suggest that Herbert would make a much more eager recipient.

Peri: What if something happens to you? We'd be stuck here.

The Doctor: If I don't go now, there won't be anywhere for you to be stuck to. The planet will be destroyed. Now, will you go, please?

Peri: Well, take care of yourself.

The Doctor: At last.

Herbert: Hello.

The Doctor: Hello. What are you doing here?

Herbert: I've come to help. At least I can experience the adventure.

The Doctor: I presume you heard what I said to Peri.

Herbert: Oh, but she's a girl. This is work for men.

The Doctor: Men? Men!

Herbert: Men.

The Doctor: Look, what I'm about to do is very dangerous. There's nothing particularly masculine about throwing your life away.

Herbert: That's not what you said to Peri.

The Doctor: I lied. And as I did it so badly, I'd have assumed even you would have realised.

Herbert: I'm sorry. I simply didn't realise. I thought that...

The Doctor: You didn't think at all. That's half your problem. A characteristic you share with most of the people on your irritating planet.

Herbert: Well, you could always take me back to Karfel if you really think it's going to be dangerous.

The Doctor: There isn't time.

Herbert: May I dispute that? Well, after all, what is time to a time machine?

The Doctor: A very great deal. Should there be another day, I will explain to you in great detail which of the many time laws I am not allowed to transgress.

Herbert: But who would know?

The Doctor: I would. So would every other Time Lord from here to Gallifrey, and I can assure you, they're not all as pleasant and agreeable as I am.

Herbert: Sorry. I'd hate to think of you having my demise on your conscience.

The Doctor: To be perfectly frank, Herbert, when I go, thoughts of you will be very low on my list of regrets.

Herbert: That's good. It means we can stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in the face of the enemy. I've always wanted to die a hero's death. You know, it's funny. When I was at school, everyone used to think I was a coward because I didn't like cricket. If only they could see me now.

The Doctor: Shut up!

Herbert: Sorry? Oh yes, of course, you want to concentrate. Sorry.

The Doctor: Listen, Herbert, if you want to do something useful while waiting to enter Valhalla, could you read off the numbers on that screen you see immediately in front of you?

Herbert: Of course. This one?

The Doctor: How many screens do you see immediately in front of you?

Herbert: Just the one.

The Doctor: That's the one.

Herbert: Two, nine, seven, three.

The Doctor: Good.

Herbert: Six, seven, seven.

The Doctor: Better.

Herbert: Eight, nine.

The Doctor: Best!

Herbert: Well, how will you stop the m*ssile?

The Doctor: I have set up the TARDIS to act as a deflector shield.

Herbert: Oh, I see. You intend us to collide with the m*ssile before it impacts with the planet.

The Doctor: That's right. Should make quite a big bang.

Herbert: Oh, I see.

The Doctor: I do wish you'd stop saying, oh, I see.

Herbert: Sorry. I just feel a wee bit nervous. I didn't realise dying heroically was such a strain on the nerves.

The Doctor: Oh well, shouldn't be for too long.

Herbert: Oh, I see. Sorry. Well, I suppose if it saves millions of lives, it's worth sacrificing two. Isn't it, Doctor?

The Doctor: Thirty seconds to impact.

Herbert: I assume this is the only way.

The Doctor: Well, if you have any other suggestions, I'd be very interested to hear them.

Herbert: Well, couldn't we abandon ship before impact?

The Doctor: No lifeboats.

Herbert: That's a bit remiss. I'd have a word with the manufacturers, if. Sorry.

The Doctor: Impact fifteen seconds.

Herbert: Well, goodbye, Doctor. No hard feelings, I hope.

The Doctor: No.

Herbert: I feel a bit frightened now. Couldn't we postpone impact just for a minute?

The Doctor: Impact five seconds.

Herbert: No, I suppose not.

Inner Sanctum

Peri: The m*ssile's exploded in the stratosphere!

Vena: So it has.

Mykros: It's unbelievable. They must have had a change of heart.

Mykros: We're going to be all right.

Katz: We've won!

Bandril (on screen): Let me speak with the Maylin.

Mykros: You are speaking to the new Maylin, Ambassador. Please go ahead.

Bandril (on screen): The Doctor has done a brave but foolish thing. The m*ssile has been destroyed, but so has his TARDIS.

Peri: Doctor.

Bandril (on screen): We shall make our apologies to the High Council on Gallifrey. Furthermore, in honour of the Doctor's unselfish act, and as a token of our goodwill, may I suggest we send down a diplomatic party?

Mykros: Yes, of course, Ambassador. I look forward to receiving you.

Peri: Oh, Doctor.

Mykros: I'm very sorry, Peri.

Peri: Yes, I, I just want to be alone for a little while.

Vena: Of course you do.

Katz: Are you all right?

Vena: I don't know. I don't know whether any of us will ever be the same again. It's been a terrible day.

Katz: It's a new beginning.

Vena: Not for the Doctor or Herbert. How's Sezon?

Katz: Feeling very sorry for himself.

Vena: Oh, Mykros! What is it?

Mykros: Give me your w*apon. Give me your w*apon!

Borad: That will be of little use, Mykros.

Mykros: Who are you? What are you?

Borad: I am the Borad.

Mykros: Never!

Borad: I am the Borad, and you will do as I command if you value your friend's life.

Mykros: What do you want?

Borad: Capture the Bandril ship.

Peri: Don't listen to him.

Borad: If you refuse, she dies.

Mykros: One life cannot be bought at the cost of a whole planet.

Borad: Then I shall k*ll her.

The Doctor: That's not a very good idea.

Mykros: Doctor!

The Doctor: Besides, it's not a very nice way to treat a lady.

Vena: Doctor, we all thought you were dead.

The Doctor: As I thought the Borad was. So why aren't you?

Borad: I must have forgotten to mention the other experiment I have been engaged in.

The Doctor: Ah? Not like you to pass up the opportunity to boast. What is it?

Borad: The reproduction of living matter, cell by cell.

The Doctor: Oh, cloning. Oh, you are a clever clogs. And how very astute of you not to risk your own rotten neck. Speaking of which, shouldn't you release your grip on Peri's? By the way, Peri, did you know he wants you for his bride?

Peri: He certainly has an original way of proposing.

The Doctor: I'll make a deal with you, Borad. Show yourself to Peri. If she doesn't scream, the wedding can take place.

Mykros: Doctor.

Borad: What is this foolishness?

The Doctor: I don't think you've got the nerve.

Peri: That's right.

Borad: The woman will accept me once she is as I am.

The Doctor: Make up your mind. Do you want her dead or as your bride? If the latter, then show yourself to her.

Borad: No.

Peri: Don't I have a say in all this?

The Doctor: Of course not. Be quiet. Why won't you?

Borad: I shall when I am ready.

The Doctor: As I thought. You're afraid.

Borad: Of what?

The Doctor: Rejection. You can alter Peri's outward appearance, but you can't change the brain in her head. Whatever you do, she will always find you repulsive.

Borad: Then I shall put out both her eyes.

Peri: Come on, you guys.

The Doctor: That's hardly an elegant solution, and the way you've been carrying on, you're not going to win her over with your charm.

Borad: Stay back.

The Doctor: You really are afraid.

Borad: My last warning, Doctor.

The Doctor: The possibility of perfect companionship shattered because of your grotesque, ugly, excuse for a body.

Borad: Yet I have the power to k*ll you both.

The Doctor: I don't think so.

The Doctor: You obviously haven't read the writing on the wall. Now, this'll be an improvement.

The Doctor: I told you she'd scream.

Borad: Destroy it! Smash the mirror!

The Doctor: What, no power to do it yourself?

The Doctor: You're nothing, Borad. Just a self-degenerating mutation. You're finished, Borad. Your reign of terror's over. Nobody wants you. Nobody needs you. Nobody cares!

Peri: But haven't you sent him back to Earth?

The Doctor: Yes, to the twelfth century. Where exactly did we pick you up?

Herbert: The Highlands of Scotland. Not far from Inverness.

The Doctor: Ah. Thought I recognised the landscape. He'll be harmless enough there. At least he'll have somewhere to swim for the next thousand years.

Peri: But won't he be seen?

The Doctor: From time to time. Right, take cover, everyone.

Peri: Okay, Doctor. Fill us in.

The Doctor: Fill you in?

Peri: Why weren't you blown up?

The Doctor: Ah, I'll explain one day. It's a neat trick.

Peri: Oh, Doctor.

The Doctor: Come on, Herbert. Say your goodbyes. Time we got you home.

Herbert: Well, if Vena and Mykros don't mind, I would like to stay.

Vena: He would be most welcome.

Mykros: Indeed.

Herbert: I say, thank you.

Peri: Are you going to let him stay?

The Doctor: Oh, I don't think so. I rather think he'll take my advice and return to 1885. He'll tell the world, knowing Herbert.

Peri: But who'd believe him?

The Doctor: Not for me to say. The waves of time wash us all clean.

Peri: Doctor, you're talking in riddles again.

The Doctor: Herbert dropped this.

Peri: Never. Oh, I don't believe it!

The Doctor: I think he'll return to Earth, don't you? After all, he does have an interesting story to tell. Herbert. Herbert!

The Doctor


The Borad / Megelen

Old Man



Maylin Renis












Bandril Ambassador

Assistant Floor Manager



Incidental Music



Production Assistant

Production Associate

Script Editor

Special Sounds
d*ck MILLS

Studio Lighting

Studio Sound

Theme Arrangement

Title Music

Visual Effects

Script Editor


