04x02 - Kame House is Discovered!! / Kame House — Found!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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04x02 - Kame House is Discovered!! / Kame House — Found!

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out! The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The love of a pounding chest is GISSIRI,

Multi-colored dreams rain down DOSSARI,

Somewhere in this world, they are glowing.

Let's go on out there and find them, BOY,

All the while pounding on mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky, while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try, such an adventure,

Our strange little journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand! The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down! The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable drama in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

It became clear that the third Dragon Ball lie on the ocean floor.

But to get to the ocean floor they would need a submarine...

For this reason the two discussed seeing the nearby Turtle Hermit for help.

The Turtle Hermit...

If it were up to me, that perverted old geezer would be the last person

we would ask for help...

Let's go!



Watch what you're doing! Fly slower!


Let's see...

We should be there any minute now...

Look! There it is!

"Kame House is Discovered!!"

We've located the crashed reconnaissance crafts at point EST- !

It appears to have been the work of the boy!

According to the soldiers, there was also a young woman with him!

An accomplice, eh?!

So what special characteristics does she have?!

The soldiers are badly wounded. We can't get any more info from them.

I don't care if they die!

Question them at once and report back to me immediately!

Got it?!

I don't think you'll be captured that easily either.

But just you watch! I will stop you!

Oh, if it isn't Goku-san!

How good it is to see you again!

If it isn't Urigome (blockhead)!

It's good to see you again! You're back!

The name is Umigame, not Urigome...

Is the Old-timer here?

Yes, he is.

Turtle Hermit-sama!

Turtle Hermit-sama!

Quiet! Save it for later!

Really now! At the very best moment, too...!

That turtle can be so annoying at times!

Goku is here!


Goku, you say?!


Have you found Son Gohan's Dragon Ball already?

No, not yet.

Do you need something from me?

Well, you see, uh...

Hey, Bulma, you explain...



W-what the...?!

H-how did you do that?!

This. With it you can shrink down or return to normal size.

That's really something!

A genius named Bulma made it! Amazing, isn't it?

Bulma! Explain! Explain!

Oh, r-right...

We were wondering if you might have a mini-sub...

We'd like to borrow it for a short while if you do...

A mini-sub, huh?

I do have one, but what do you need it for?

There's a Dragon Ball at the bottom of the ocean

and it's so deep that I can't even dive down to get it.

I see. Sure, I'll lend it to you.

Thank you!

I somehow doubt he'll lend it to us that easily...

On one condition...

Uh oh, here it comes!

You give me that miniaturizing gizmo.

Eh? This?!

Is this all you want?

It is.

Whew! I was almost sure you were going to ask for my panties

or to let you do something really dirty and naughty with me!

It might be problematic without this, but oh well!


Thank you, thank you!

OK, so give us the submarine capsule now.

Kuririn and Lunch-san took the submarine to go shopping.

They should be back any time now so wait a little while.

Let's see...

I'll take onions, carrots, and then cucumbers...

Three cucumbers, right?

What a pretty girl. She your sister?

No, no...

It's finally stopped.

What does it mean?!

Why did the runt go to a place like that without getting the Dragon Ball?!

Incomprehensible fool...

It appears the boy has accomplices after all...

The fact that he has a radar many times more sensitive than ours

means he's probably working with an extremely brilliant scientist.

I see...

So then his current location is where their home base is?

Most likely...

Alright then! Contact General Blue!

Tell him to scout out that location and find their secret hideout!

What did you say?!

Yes... Yes...

Understood! I will scout the area at once!

When are they getting back?

They should be back any moment now...

I wonder what they could be doing...

I have a bad feeling about this...


Stop complainin' about a couple o' onions, ya bastard!


Shaddup! Let go!

What're you guys lookin' at?!

This ain't no show!

Hey! Here we go!

Yes, yes!

W-would you like another glass of ice coffee?

No, that's OK! My stomach is gurgling from the three I've had already...

I see...

Darn! If she doesn't do it soon Kuririn and Lunch-san will get back!

That's enough!

We have more than enough for dinner now!

OK! Here's the last one!




Um, I need to use your bathroom real quick...

Oh, it's the far door on the left.

Take your time!

I did it! My plan was a success!

I sure am bored... I suppose I'll watch a bit of TV...

Let's see... I believe you push here and here...

And then...!

Oh! It worked!

OK! Here I come!

Good timing! She's just about to lower her panties!

OK! For now I'll get a look from her rear...!

Being small is pure bliss!

What?! No! She had already finished?!

You're so mean, God!

Huh? Did I just hear something?

Stinky! I better go wash off in the ocean...

They're still not back?

No, not yet.


My, oh, my...

Huh? Turtle Hermit-sama?


You're supposed to be inside watching television,

so what are you doing out here, dripping wet?

Quiet, turtle! That's none of your business!

Hey, something's coming! Up there!

Oh! It's Kuririn-san and Lunch-san! They're finally back!

I was getting sick and tired of waiting!


If it isn't Goku!

Heya! How've you been?!

Oh! You have a pretty good mini-sub!

Oh! Hello! Panties-san, was it?

It's Bulma! BULMA!

You certainly took a long time, though...

Yes... Lunch-san transformed again while we were in town, so...

I figured as much...

I sneezed on accident again!

That must have been tough, Kuririn!

By the way, Goku, what are you here for?

Blue here!

Well? Did you find anything?

No, I still haven't discovered any such buildings,

but there aren't that many islands in this area so I think I'll find it soon.

OK! Continue with your mission!


So that's why you need a mini-sub, huh?

You must have worked up quite a sweat while shopping.

How about a nice shower?

But I still have to finish cooking our food so I'll take it later.

I see...

You might find some pirate treasure in this area too!


Eh?! W-what's that?!

Bulma-san, would you like some iced tea?

I've had enough to drink!

What's pirate treasure? Tell us!

Say, Muten Roshi-sama...

What is it?

It was in the ocean around here where there might be pirate treasure, right?

Let me see...

Now that you mention it, that's right.

Long ago there were pirates who ravaged all the seas.

It's said that the treasure they amassed is hidden somewhere in the ocean.

How romantic!

Treasure, huh? We can search for that too!

It sounds like fun! Maybe I'll tag along with you guys...

Are you sure? It might be really dangerous, you know!

Muten Roshi-sama! Do you mind if I go with them?

You can go. Help Goku out.


Well then, see you later!

--Be careful! --Good luck!

But isn't this one of those airplane thingies?

I wanted it to dive into the ocean!

It's OK! This can go underwater too!

It can?!

That's right! This is a...

Oh no! I forgot my backpack with the Dragon Balls inside!

It's alright, Bulma-san.

Muten Roshi-sama will hold on to it for us.

That's true! We can always stop by later to pick it up.

General Blue!

I've just discovered an aerial vehicle at point ESS- !

It's flying north-northwest at a tremendous speed!

It may be the boy!

Look in the direction that it came from!

The enemy base should be there somewhere!


There it is! There really is one!

There's a house on a small island!

The location is point ESA- !

Zoom in! Check the monitor to see if there's anyone there!

Yes, sir!

There's a girl! And a turtle!

And... an old man! I see no others!

Say, Lunch-chan... Why not take a bathroom break?


An old man, eh?

So he's the professor who built the amazing radar...

With the Turtle Hermit family now involved,

the competition for the Dragon Balls becomes even more intense!

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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