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02x28 - Robots from the Sky: Part 3

Posted: 02/21/22 10:14
by bunniefuu


Mighton and Bolts
might have been generous

with their use of the word

This is more depressing than
Comedy Chimp's holiday special

- the year his wife left him.
- All right,

this entire operation hinges on
nobody noticing we're here.

(Alarm goes off)

- So much for that.
- Life forms detected!

These guys are infected, too.

They're probably
innocent civilians.

- Better not destroy them.
- They're not fighting back.

They must be afraid
of our superiority!

Are you sure
we can't destroy them?

Come on, this way.


Psst! Over here!

Oh, thank goodness!
A stranger in a dark alley!



Stay back!

Stand down, troops!

- These two are allies.
- Mighton. Bolts.

Are we glad to see you.

No time for pleasantries.

I ain't no frat boy and
this ain't no ice-cream social.

What kind of frat parties
do you go to?

You'll have to forgive Mighton.
He's been under a lot of stress

since he was named leader
of the robot Resistance.

I ain't gonna sugar-coat it.
We're really in the soup.

Who sugar-coats soup?

A surface bot
has taken over Morristown,

projecting a viral signal
for miles in every direction.

Which is why the robots
on the ground are infected!

We're safe, but once we leave
these lead-lined walls...

Our brains'll be so scrambled,

you could serve 'em with hot
cakes and a cup o' joe for . .

You guys might not be able to
leave the bunker, but we can!

Sonic and Tails,
reporting for duty!

Belay the potty language,

Now, according to our intel,
the leader of the enemy forces

is located at Morristown's
Central Power Core.

I'm transferring a map to you
wirelessly right now.

Give 'em heck, boys.



All right, just stay calm
and remember our training.



Normally, I'm a pacifist,

but today I'll be passin' fists.

You seriously
call this thing FriendBot?

He has a great personality
once you get to know him.

Destroy! Obliterate!

You were saying?

If I'm reading this map

the central power core
should be straight ahead!

- I did say "if".
- Ugh!

Everywhere in Morristown looks
exactly like everywhere else.

And why can't we
just make a left?

We'll never find
the leader's stronghold.


Intruders! Get them! And take
them to our leader's stronghold.

Uh, OK, if you say so.


Sir, we found
these surface-dwellers

- loitering in sector -G.
- Hey, we weren't loitering!

If anything,
we were trespassing.

Ya got a real knack
for negotiation, Tails.

Sonic! Tails! How sweet of you
to travel all this way.

Hypnobot? I don't remember
programming you to be sentient.

That's because you didn't.

You created me to be
your instrument of destruction

for some childish competition.

In the end, I was defeated
by some backflipping canine.

I spent weeks
waiting for you to rescue me.

Thankfully, a local
scouting vessel showed up.

They made repairs
and improvements,

granting me sentience,

and more important,

the ability to understand
how much you betrayed me!

So I used my hypnotic powers
to manipulate ground forces

to attack you surface dwellers.

While at the same time creating
a stronghold here in Morristown,

which they should have named
something better, like


I didn't realise. I'm sorry.

Did you hear that, everyone?
Tails is "sorry".

Guess I should cancel
my world-domination plans!

Engage condescending laugh mode!

(Condescending laugh)

Your kind
will soon be wiped out!

You're the one who'll be wiped,

(Condescending laugh)

condescending laugh mode!

It's me you have a beef with.
Leave everyone else out of it.

And where do you get off
turning those that rescued you

into mindless zombie minions?

- Not cool, dude.
- I lost all hope of being cool

the day Tails
built me in his image.


Now, my minions, attack!

(Evil laugh)

- There's too many of them!
- There's too many of them!

We can't do this
all by ourselves!

Terrified Villagers,
I know you've all perfected

the art of cowering in fear,

but today I'm going to ask
more of you.

Do you need us to run around
with our arms flailing?

No, my bovine amigo.
Whether you're a hero...

a villain, or a recurring
background character...

(Cheering) we ask you
to stand and fight,

not for your families,
not for your friends,

but 'cause look at all
the things these robots ruined!

Those were our things,
our knick-knacks,

our tchotchkes, our doo-dads!

Not our doo-dads!

It's time to tell our enemies
that they may break our spirits,

but they can never
break our stuff!


He's getting away!

There's no end to these guys!

The only way to stop 'em
is to take out HypnoBot.

- What are you waiting for?
- He's my creation.

I... I can't do it!

Ow! Argh!

- Aaah!
- Tails!

(Evil laugh)




We did it!

Woo-hoo! Cubot smash!


Great job, everybody.

I'm really proud
of how we all worked together.


Now all we have to do
is clean up this mess

and restore our town
to its former glory.

Who's with me?


- Oh!
- Oh, no! Come on!


(Relieved sigh)

(Slurps) This store-brand stuff
tastes terrible.

But an evil doctor
without evil minions

doesn't deserve
name-brand cereal.

My robots! They're coming back!

I knew they wouldn't
want to miss Crazy Hat Day!

It's Crazy Hat Day,
Crazy Hat Day.


Ow! You sure you know how to
treat injuries to non-robots?

No, but I have duct tape.
Duct tape fixes everything.


Pah! You think that's bad?
I did a stint in Guatamañana.

Woke up one morning to find
the whole platoon decapitated!

Of course, they were all robots,
so I screwed the heads back on.

- I feel terrible about this.
- It's not your fault.

First I created,
then abandoned a robot

that nearly led to
the destruction of the world.

And on top of that, because
of my hesitation to stop him,

- you got your leg busted up.
- OK, good point.

It is your fault. But everything
turned out fine in the end.

Welcome to Team Eggman!

(Evil laugh)

Oh, man, "To be continued"?
I hate that!