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02x24 - Eggman's Brother

Posted: 02/21/22 10:01
by bunniefuu


- Hey, wait up!
- Whoa! That was a big one!

You stole my spot, sandhog!

Wasn't anybody using it
when we got here!

I got up to get a slice
and some water ice.

I left Scorpion Bot
to hold my spot.

There's only one way
to make this up to me.

You know what to do.

No, you dunderhead! Attack!

Hey! I had that one!

Whoa! Oof!


Thanks, I guess.

- Ta-dah!
- (Grumbling)

- What?
- You know how much

I like smashing stuff, Sonic!

Why didn't you let me
smash stuff?

We're supposed to be a team.

Sometimes it's more efficient
for me to do it myself.



(Mutters angrily)

I got sand in every crevice!

I'll be washing it out
for weeks!

- And by "I", I mean you.
- (Shudder)

- (Door bell)
- Aah! Just a second!

I'm not decent!

Oh, no! There's two of 'em!
Which one do I sh**t?


- Who the snap are you?
- Steve Eggman!

Your long-lost brother!

Wow! Nice place you got here.
That couch fold out into a bed?

No! I mean, well, yes,
but you're not staying.

I can't be bothered with
improbable family reunions.

I've got a lot of evil plans
to hatch against Team Sonic.

Well, I can help!
I've got some special abilities

- that might come in handy.
- Here's the thing...

Steve, is it? There's only
two ways this can go.

A. You're a fake,
and you can't be trusted,

or B. YoYou're really my brothe,

and you definitely
can't be trusted. So, scram!

You're making a big mistake.
You'll see!

He sure sounds
like he could be my brother.

Yo, Egghead. (Chuckles)
What's with the hairpiece?

You must be confusing me with my
lousy, good-for-nothing brother.

- I'm Steve Eggman.
- Really?

The least you could do
is get a better disguise.

Sonic, there you are!

Oh, great.
What are you doing here?

I was minding my own business
until your ugly face showed up!

You're the ugly one, with that
dopey, luxurious blonde hair!

Jealous much, cue ball?


Stop it! You're ruining my life!

Leave me alone! Oh, stop it!

I wondered
when you'd get back to me.

Time to take out
this walking scrapheap!

Wow! Thanks, Steve!

I knew you couldn't be trusted!

- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!

Guys, you won't believe it!

I met Eggman's
long-lost brother.

He rescued me from an ice block.

Hey, Sonic,
check out my new costume.

Figured I'd need some new gear
since I'm joining your team.

Sonic, what's he talking about?

Ah, when Steve saved me
from Decimator Bot,

I asked him to join up with us.

I don't trust this guy.
He reminds me of someone.

But I just can't figure out who.

You really should have
consulted us.

- (Beeping)
- Whoa!

A volcano just erupted
outside of town!

Oh, good.
Rescuers have arrived...

after our homes
were engulfed in lava.

But, hey, maybe you can save us.

Not that we'll have
anywhere to live after.

Can't we just leave 'em?

Don't worry g*ng, I got this!


Ow! I think I twisted my ankle

running across
that shoddy bridge you made.

But, hey, don't worry about it.

What did I tell you guys?
Great job, Steve!

All in a day's work. Steve away!


Oh, look, it's the guy
who broke into my shop

and devoured
all of my vegetables.

What? Did you realise
you missed a turnip?

Who, me? That's crazy talk.
I don't even eat vegetables.

That's the guy who stole
half the stuff at my glue store!

That's ridiculous!
I don't even eat glue.

There are too many allegations
around Knuckles for my taste.

Where there's smoke,
there's fire!

- We gotta cut him loose.
- No way!

Knuckles wouldn't have
done that. What're you saying?

No, Sonic, she's right.

Where there's smoke,
there's fire.

And where there's fire,
there's... camping!

I can pitch a tent outside town
till this all blows over.


So, Knuckles turned out
to be a thief?

Hey, you think you know a guy...

What the heck's going on?

A little birdie told me
Knuckles went into exile!

I have a name, you know!
And I'm not little!

Sticks, you said we should
cut Knuckles loose.

"Where there's smoke,
there's fire"?

That's not true! There can be
many reasons for smoke.

Chemical reactions,
smoke bombs, liquid smoke...

In some cases, even steam
can be confused for smoke.

I can't believe you! First
you force our buddy out of town,

and now you're screaming about
smoke bombs?

I'm glad I submitted you
to that government watch list.

I gotta go burn
a bunch of documents.

Ignore the smoke.
There's no fire.

Tails, why would you say that?

- That's not like you.
- Oh, I don't know, Amy.

I guess I've just been
kind of on edge lately.

I could really use someone
to talk to... about my feelings.

Dr Amy is in session!

So, what do you want to
talk about first?

Your childhood inadequacies
or your regular inadequacies?

Hey! What's the big idea?

Nothing personal.
I just want to destroy you

and all your furry friends.
I guess that is personal,

but I can't have you blowing
my cover. Here, have a turnip.

I just talked to Tails.

I don't want to
breach confidentiality,

but he thinks you're running
the team into the ground

- and I agree.
- I know I sometimes jump in

and do things by myself,
but we're a team! We're friends!

Are we?


(Sighs) Things have gotten
pretty crazy lately.

It's probably best if we take
a break from working together.

No way! I'm never gonna stop
fighting by your side.

- My mind's made up.
- You're doing that thing again

where think you can just
make decisions for all of us!

Maybe you're right.

Maybe we do need
a break from each other!

- (Evil laugh)
- (Knock on door)

Tails, listen. I'm sorry
I've been kind of a jerk lately.

I just wanted to make sure
you still have my back.

I need my best friend right now.

You brought this
on yourself, Sonic.

(Evil laugh)

- You again?
- Look, I owe you a "My bad!"

- I'm not your brother.
- I knew it!

I'm Morpho, a shape-shifting
robot from another dimension.

I didn't know it.


- Ha-ha!
- So, why are you here?

My creator accidentally blew up
our dimension.

- He sounds like a dunce.
- I was created by Dr Eggman.

A lovable dunce.
So, you're not my brother.

Nope. Negatory. Nuh-uh. Nah.

I am in no way, shape or form
your or anyone else's brother,

not in this or any dimension.

I am so totally
not your brother.

It might have been fun
to have a brother,

but I guess a shape-shifting
robot is almost as good.

Come on in!

I decided to prove my worth to
you by infiltrating Team Sonic.

I gained their trust and then
slowly drove them apart.

An brother couldn't have come up
with a better plan.

Now, Sonic's all alone
and weakened by self-doubt.



What's going on, Eggman?
And Steve? Aw, man.

- Not you, too.
- It's over, Sonic!

You fell right into my trap!
(Evil laugh)

(Chuckles) And thanks to Morpho,
my shape-shifting robot,

who, incidentally,
isn't my brother,

none of your lame friends
are here to assist you!

Ho, ho! This is delicious!

Don't worry, Sonic.
We've got your back!

I knew you'd never
give up on us,

no matter how bad things got.

So I decided
to get to the bottom of this.

That's when Tails used
the tracking device to find me.

I told him all about this bogus
Eggman's evil morphing scheme.

Next thing you know,
the team's all back together!



I guess my plan
wasn't as good as I thought.

Are you kidding? I know you're
just a shape-shifting robot

and not my actual brother,

but with a plan as needlessly
complicated as that one,

I kind of wish you were
my brother.

Even though you're not
my brother, it means a lot.

Well, that thing's junk.
How will we get outta here?

(Hysterical laugh)