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02x23 - Nominatus Rising

Posted: 02/21/22 10:00
by bunniefuu

Once in a great while,
a technology comes along

that is so ground-breaking,
so revolutionary...

Isn't that your build-it-box?

With one crucial improvement!

Whoa! That's Ms Tomatopotamus,

the game that shattered
gender archetypes

by putting a little red bow
on the pre-existing design!

What's she doing on your screen?

With this upgrade
to the build-it-box,

I'm able to materialise

manifestations of characters.

There is a certain princess
in a castle I'd like to meet.

- Grr!
- You're cute, you know,

for a pudgy
little crime against nature.

Smaller than I expected.

I set a file-size throttle
on the machine.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty...

Come here!

Got her! Got her! Over here!

Oh, the g*ng got
a little pet hippo this week.

What a fun adventure!

That has nothing to do with me.
Time to change this narrative.


If Eggman thinks this narrative
is about him,

he's got another think coming.
Retro, Beta,

are you thinking
what I am thinking?

Square pixels make us look fat?


(Cries and commotion)

That fox's invention

is our chance to finally escape
this virtual prison

and infect the real world!

(Cries and commotion)


Got her! Got her! Ugh!

Huh! Guess all she needed
was a little love.

I was voted
"Sensitive Soul of the Month"

by Hulking Brute Magazine.

(Alarm signal)

Eggman's attacking the village!

Who wants to see a battle when
they could watch a small animal

peacefully sleep
on someone's lap?


Sorry, can't leave
the Village hanging,

no matter how cute
Ms Tomatopotamus is.

Launch the procedure!

Now, time to conquer the world!

(Evil laugh)

Wait, what the... ?


You're a lot shorter
than I expected, boss.

You ever notice
how people you meet online

- always look different IRL?
- That fox must've put

a sizing throttle
on his machine.

If we reach that laptop,

we can disable it
and scale us up to normal.

- All the way over there?
- It's just a few feet.

How long could it possibly take?

(Theme from Lawrence of Arabia)

What's the use
of spying on Sonic

if I can't get
something out of it

aside from feeling
part of his life

- and filling my emotional void?
- We're here for you, boss!

Don't rub it in!

All right. With that distraction
out of the way,

we can get back to
our main obstacle this week,

that adorable hippo thing!

(Cries of fear)




Oh, no! He's got a guard kitten!


It's more ferocious than any foe
we've ever encountered!

Follow my lead,
you digitized dimwits!

All right, enough
yutzin' around. Gimme a boost!

All right, come on.
Almost there.

Gotta do this.
All right, now your turn.

Get off my face. Ow!
That's my ear, boss.

Is this a workshop
or a petting zoo?

Now you will do my bidding!

(Thuds and groans)

OK, I think
I've got it figured it out!

Hey, we look different.
Have I been working out?


Hey! Only paying customers are
allowed to destroy those plates.

- A little help?
- Something has malfunctioned!

Better get back to my workshop!

- Something fishy's going on.
- All right, I confess.

I hid a dozen sea bass
under your floorboards.

Wondered when you'd notice.

That explains
the animal problem.

Go on! Git!

But what I meant was my laptop
and build-it-box are missing!

I'll check my security cam.

You mean you've been spying
on us the whole time?

What about my right to privacy?

Much better.



Ew! Ah, whatever.


- Who are those guys?
- Usually,

when weirdoes show up in town,
there's one guy behind it.

- Old Monkey!
- No. Eggman!

Tails, Knuckles,
pay the good doctor a visit!

Sticks, Amy and I will track
down those build-it-box thieves.

I'll start by destroying
the Village,

and then the cities,

and then I'll eradicate the rest
of this "balanced insanity."

And all
with a little help from...

- Your best friends?
- No, you -bit imbecile!

I was talking about
that furbag's build-it-box!

Yeah, that's what I meant too.

Not so fast Egg -

- Uh, horn-head!
- Who dares oppose Nominatus,

viral sensation
and destructor of worlds?

Viral sensation? You mean
like that cute sneezing panda?

Or all those weird
pictures of me?

Or... I don't know, what do
they have on the Internet?

A dancing hamster
with a pizza head?


You non-digital life forms
are powerless against me!

we've got some digital help!

Behold! My Caterpixels!

You'll never get away with this!

Oh! "Caterpixels."
That's actually pretty clever.

What? I like wearing comfortable
clothes when I work.

Can't be unseen.

Spill it, Egg-breath!

Why did you send those g*ons
to burgle me?

- What are you talking about?
- Don't play dumb with us!

Yeah, that's my job!
Show him the footage, T-Dawg.

That's the no-good cyber clown
who betrayed me

and took over my lair last year!
We gotta stop him!

But first
lemme put on some pants.

Eh, pants are overrated.

Ow! Digital minions
are tough to destroy.

Anyone out there
know a good cheat code?

What should I materialise next?

If we don't stop him soon,

he'll have an army
of formerly digital minions.

There's only room for one
supervillain in this town!

I couldn't agree more, Eggman!

As soon as I press this button,

I'll unleash a flurry
of more digital minions,

the likes of which
you've never... Ah!

Ah, crud.

Little advice.
Save your victorious boasts

for after the execution
of your evil scheme.

Trust me,
I learned that the hard way.

I ain't going back
behind no firewalls.

Let's blow this joint!

No! I've been throttled!

You can impose data caps on me,
but where do they end?

- It's a slippery slope.
- A slippery slope!


Looks like you're
coming home with me.

And you're coming home with me.

But you don't have a home.

Yours smells like rotting fish!
So there!

I'll be back and my vengeance
shall be swift and terrible!

(Sing-songy) Feeding time!


For prison food,
this ain't so bad.