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02x14 - Runaway

Posted: 02/21/22 09:18
by bunniefuu

[choral music]

Okay, why do you keep doing that?

Um, they feel like marshmallow.

Think that's what happens
when you get your braces off.

Oh, my God, they look so different.

- Thanks.
- Do you, like, feel older?

Um, a little, because this morning

I woke up, and, like, my
boobs were a little bigger.

- I mean...
- A little bit.

Like, they're huge. Wow.

They're not huge, but they're...

No, they're huge.

Girls, uh, let's get some furikake.

- Oh, my God.
- I know.



- Let's go.
- YUKI: All right, let's go.

SHOPPER: Excuse me.

Excuse me, miss.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Wow, you're stunning.

How tall are you?

Um, I'm ' / ".

You're a model.

Anyone ever tell you that?

Look at your legs. So long.

- Well, thank you.
- Thank you.

I'm with Premier Models.

I'd love to have you
come in and try out.


♪ ♪

Are you serious?

- Oh, wow.
- SHOPPER: Yeah!

Thank you so much.

Here's all the info for tomorrow.

- Okay.
- Appointment time here.

- Okay.
- Excellent.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

You too.

- Oh, sorry, hi!
- Hi, sorry.

Wait, what was that?


Stop, what?

She just scouted me.

- To model.
- Oh, my God.

I just got scouted.

Mom, Anna's gonna be a model.

[Bikini k*ll's "Demirep"]

SINGER: ♪ I am hiding ♪

♪ The you I show to you is just a lie ♪

♪ You take what you want
you get what you take ♪

♪ High, high, high ♪

KATHY: I told you a
hundred times already,

absolutely not.

Mom, like, you're not listening, though.

Please, like, it's all the fashion hubs.

It's New York, Philadelphia, Tucson...

Like, it's all of them,
and then we can go.

Fine, how much and when?

I told you, the appointment is today,

and it's, like, , bucks.

- No.
- Please, Mom.

I am not spending this kind of money

on this kind of thing.

We shouldn't be paying them,

they should be paying you!

You keep saying that.

Not the good places.

I am done talking about this.

You don't get it at all.

I've wanted to model since
I was literally born.

Do I help... Every
sign points to a scam.

And I didn't know you've
been wanting to do this

since you were born.

Does a scam have a pamphlet?

So I don't know why
you keep saying that.

Do you just think I'm too ugly to model?

You already have a
freshman boyfriend, okay?

And this is where I draw the line.

Okay, well, the good news
is, is, you're not the boss.

Ever think of that? So I am calling Dad.

Great, call him.

'Cause he's the real boss, you bitch.

You're a bitch.

Oh, am I? That's so mature.

You're the one who is
acting like a bitch.

Why do you talk to me like that?

I'm the adult. I know better.

You're the kid. Act like a kid.

Don't leave. Don't leave.


MAYA: No, honestly Anna,
if you were my daughter,

I would totally let you model.

You've done a runway show before,

and you, like, you wear hats so well.

ANNA: Yeah.

They just, like, treat me like a kid.

Otherwise they're just, like,

"Oh, do everything, you're an adult."

And then, like, they treat me like a kid

when it's convenient for them.

MAYA: Yeah, they're psychopaths.

Like, you need to get out of there.

Like, I'm... I'm not kidding.

Can I sleep over?

MAYA: Yeah, definitely.

- Thanks.

When you come here, I'm gonna, like,

take pictures of you,
and I'm gonna prove

that you're a model. Like, you seriously

are such a model.


- You're more beautiful.
- Okay, I gotta go.

- I'll see you soon.
- ANNA: Okay, love you, bye.


Look what Mom and Dad let me get.

What is that?

Nokia .

- Oh, my God.

Cell phone, dummy.


Nokia .

♪ ♪


It's got a calculator and a stopwatch.

So now I can time how long it takes you

to do something annoying.

- Dank.
- Stop!

- Mom?
- Hmm?

Do you have a present for me?

Yeah, I got the stains out for you.

Where's my cell phone?

Well, you're not mature enough

for a cell phone, Maya.

What are you even talking about?

Not mature enough?

You don't even know how to wipe.

What are you even talking about?

I wipe fine, Mom.


Stop, Shuji.

Mom, I'm so mature.

Why don't I have a cell phone?

When you're in eighth grade,

maybe you can have your own.

Eighth gr... I'm, like,

never gonna reach eighth grade.

What are you even talking about?

Here's my number.

You can call me...

when you learn how to wipe my butt.

- Mom!
- Shuji, stop.

That's so unfair.

This is you being immature.

So you love him more than me?

- Okay, I'm gonna run away.
- Okay.

So, you're okay with that?
That I'm running away?


Mom, you're okay with me running away?

I'm going to run away.

All right, I'll see you later.

Oh, my God.

Okay, so you're okay with your daughter

running away?

[YELLING] Running away! I hate you!

Do you hear that, Mom?

You're never gonna see me again!

[SCREAMING] I hate you!

I'm gonna die on the street!

Mama, can you drive me
to Anna's first, though?


- Hello?

MAYA: It's Maya.


I thought I was coming to you.

I don't want to be there anymore.

Like... [SOBS]

ANNA: What's wrong?

gave Shuji a cell phone

and said that I wasn't
mature enough for one.

Oh, my God, that is insane, Mai.

You're the most mature person
I've ever met.

I know. That's what I said to her.

Yeah, yeah, I agree.

I just don't want to be there anymore.

I think we should run away.

- Mai...
- I'm serious.

I know, but it's, like,
I want to be with you,

of course I want to be with you,

but, like, where are we gonna go,

and, like, what are we gonna eat?

Anna, you're gonna model.

- Maya.
- I'm serious!

Like, you make tons of money from that,

and that's, like, what we spend.

We can, like, spend it on whatever.

- Okay. Yeah.
- Yeah?

I mean, I have to try out still.

But I actually don't
have a parent's consent.

- Then I sign it.
- Maya...

- Please?

You really think I could model?

You're gonna be a model.


My daughter's gonna be a model.


- Please...
- Okay.

- Really?
- And I'll be your mom?


- Makeover!
- Oh, my God, stop.

- Tickle, tickle, tickle.
- Okay, we're packing.

I love this.

- ANNA: Oh, my God.
- MAYA: What?

- ANNA: Love.
- I wanna wear that.

- ANNA: Okay, but, like...
- It's, like, silk.

ANNA: Yes!

- Yes.
- Look.

Okay, Anna...

- Love.
- Love that.

- Love, right?
- Love.

Okay, I'm gonna wear those.

These are like... that.

- MAYA: I want to wear those.
- Super low.

- MAYA: I want to wear those.
- Okay.

I love these.

I'm just gonna leave
these options for my mom.


And then I'm gonna get some makeup,

and, um, I'll go get ready.

And don't go in that drawer, though.


'Cause my mom says not to.
I don't know why.




No, I'm your mom. Mom.

You go to get Maya...

I've gotta get my giant pocketbook.



Mommy's drawer.

No, Daddy, I'm, like... I do love you.

I was just gone 'cause I'm modeling now.

I'm a model.


I'm just kidding. I'm still trying

to get an agent.




My map.

This is my coin.

This is just for adults,
honey. It's not for kids.

Just gonna eat my Thursday candy.

This is my...




It tickles.

It's a massager.

Okay, I got so much good stuff.

Oh, you look so beautiful.

No, you do.

No, I don't.

I'm ugly.


No, it's okay. I'm ugly.

Kind of accepted it.

It's actually kind of freeing.

Okay, that's not true.

I don't know if all of this
is, like, the best idea.



Well, it's just, like, I don't know.

No, I'm so excited. I'm, like...

I can't wait.

Honestly, I'm just, like,
where are we gonna sleep?

Or, like, what are we gonna eat?

And, like... [VIBRATING]

Oh, see, you always know what I need.

No, I don't want you to feel stressed.

I think this is gonna be fun.


I think I'm just stressed
out about leaving Daddy.

Well, why don't we just bring Daddy?

- You sure?
- Seriously.

Daddy, Mommy, and model.

- Maya.
- Stop, I'm serious.

You're gonna be amazing.

- Thanks.
- Listen to me.


You're seriously gonna
get signed as a model,

and we're gonna move wherever we want,

and we can get whatever we want.

- Maya.
- I'm serious.

And call me "mommy."


Call me "Mommy."

Okay, Mommy.

That's gonna be you now.

Maybe in a couple of years.

Knock on wood. Knock on wood.

DRIVER: Next stop, Fifth and Krueger.

Okay, next stop.

- ANNA: Is that us?
- Hold on. Hold on.

Okay, two stops. Two stops.

Here, you want a snack?

Oh, my God, Mom.

- Mom, thank you so much.
- You're welcome, honey.

Can I have more? I'm a little hungry.

No, you have to watch your figure.

Little bites.

You look beautiful, girl.

Thank you.

I wonder if our parents are wondering

where we are right now,
like, freaking out.

- Oh, my God.
- Freaking out.

When my mom realizes
that I'm not sleeping

over at your house,
she's gonna be, like,

missing me.

I bet you mine are calling
the cops right now.

YUKI: Fred, we gotta plant
some flowers in the front.

I know, I know... Hey,
you know, where's Maya?

She's at Anna's, spending the night.

Ah, okay.

She's run away.


'Cause she's the only one that knows

where the AC adapter is.

ANNA: Oh, my God. Okay.

See, I told my mom this isn't a scam.

You're the only model here.

They must really like me, I guess.


- Thanks, Mom.
- Mm-hmm.




- Okay, uh, Anna?

Yep, this is her.

Okay, great. Come on back.

Just to the... wanna come?

- Uh...
- No, you're gonna go.

Sorry, how old are you?

- She's...
- .

- .
- I'm her mama.

Uh, okay.

And she's done lots of runway before,

so you can just...

Okay, that's not really a prerequisite.

And I just got my braces off.

- RICK: Okay.
- So...

A lot of people come through here

wanting to work with Premier Models.

So, you know, we'll take a few pictures,

see where you land, and,
uh, if it does work out,

we will need payments, $ , .

That's good. And I'm
her parental consent.

And I consent.

- She signed it.
- It's signed.

As long as, uh...

as long as the payment works out,

then we should be good.

So, uh, you ready to come on back

and give it a shot?

- Okay.
- Okay.

- RICK: Um...
- Anna.

Uh, what cup size are you?

- ANNA: Cup size is a B.
- Okay, that'll work.

Go ahead.





♪ ♪


Car report.

Best and worst deals.


♪ ♪





♪ ♪


I don't know why you're
freaking out, Daddy.

You're freaking me out.

She's been in there a long time, yeah.

Ooh, I don't know. I don't know.

I think she's been in there too long.

Maybe I should go check on her.



Sorry, to... Anna?

Oh, my God.

Um, we... we gotta go.

Daddy's outside, freaking out,
so I think we gotta go.

Did you give him food, Maya?
Just give him some food.

No, Daddy at the police station

has his shift wrong, and done,

and he has a g*n on a holster.

And he said we gotta go.

- He has a g*n?
- He has a g*n.

Oh, yeah, he does.

- So put your shirt on.
- Okay.

Thank you. Thank you.

- But you...
- Go, go, go.

All right, give me those.

Creepy. Come on.

Ugh, f*cking weird.

That was crazy. That guy was, like...

I don't know. I didn't like that.

You were in, like, someone's bikini.

Did I do something bad? Was that bad?


No, you didn't do anything bad.

Yeah, 'cause I know it was weird,

but that's what models do.

So I'm just not ready to model.

Yeah, that's okay.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

It just was kind of crazy
what he did to you, like...

It was my fault, though,
because he asked me

if I like bikinis, and I said yes.


Where are we going?

Home? Or, um...

I mean, if you want to go home...

I'm not saying I want to go home.

I'm saying, do you want to go home?

- That's up to you.
- Yeah, I know.

- Okay.
- Yeah, we don't need

to go home.

So, we'll... We'll just stick...

- Right?
- Yeah! Let's do it.

Let's just stick to the plan.

Like, I don't... I
don't want to go home.

- I don't want to see them.

- Yeah.
- Right now.



♪ ♪


The bus stop was actually
on the other side.


♪ ♪



I wish I had someone to
call to give us a ride.

Well, that's why my
mom should've given me

a cell phone.

They really come in handy.

Where are we going?

Um, we're gonna go...

- Maya, my arms are heavy.
- Yes, I know.

I want to find a place to rest.

- Oh, my God.
- What?



- Oh, my God.

He's so cute!

ANNA: You're so cute!


- Hi! I love you.
- Oh, my God, hi.

Hi. Yeah.

MAYA: His butt is so bushy.

What's your name, buddy?

- Your name, buddy?
- Let's call him Golden Butt.

- Golden Butt.
- I love it.


♪ ♪

Should we put Daddy
on Golden Butt's head?

They could be animal buddies.


- Oh, yeah.
- Animal buddies.

- So cute!
- So cute.

- Oh, my God.
- There you go.

So cute.

ANNA: Oh, the animal buddies. Oh!

- Oh, my God.

Hey! Drop it. Drop it!

Drop it! Oh, God!

- Here, hold it.
- D'you think he's still alive?

Drop. Drop. Drop it.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Oh, my
God, wait, wait, wait.

- Oh, look.
- Is he?

- Look.
- It's...

He's peeing.

He's peeing. Daddy is still alive.

Wait, but I can't...

No, no, no, Daddy's still alive.

Look. Look, look, look.

ANNA: He's alive!



GRACE: Luther!

Luther, come here, baby.


Come on, baby.

Hey, girls, are you okay?

Your dog has my hamster.

Oh. Bad Luther.

No... Drop the rat.

Oh, I'm so sorry, girls.

Do you live in the neighborhood?

- No.
- No.

Well, do you want to come inside

and use my phone to call your parents?


- GRACE: Okay, well come on in.
- Yeah, okay.


- GRACE: It's gonna be okay.
- You okay?

I'm sorry about Daddy,
but I also don't think

we should call our parents

'cause they're gonna k*ll us, okay?

ANNA: Who are you gonna call?

GRACE: I'm so, so, sorry, girls.

I'm really sorry.

MAYA: No, it's okay.

Well, come on inside.



I'm sorry, Daddy.

I'm sorry I was a bad mom.

- No, you weren't.
- I was.

It's my fault.



- I love you, Daddy.
- Love you, Daddy.


What's with all the shit?

You mean our stuff? Like, we ran away.


Like, our moms are
being assholes, so...

Is that why you two look like

you got sand in your vaginas?

Um, Daddy just died, so it's not funny.

Wait, what happened to your dad?

- Steven, Daddy?
- My hamster?

You know? You don't listen.

Like, he doesn't always listen.

No, I... it's not... it's...

he got, like, mauled
and chomped, and, like,

bitten and eaten alive and stuff.


Let's, uh... let's do something fun

to get your mind off Daddy.

We can take a ride into the moonlight

and play some jams.

Okay, sure.


Um, do you have your driver's license?

I've got my brother's learner's permit.

- We look the same.
- Yeah.

And plus, we're not
gonna get pulled over.

- That's stupid.
- STEVE: No.

DERRICK: First we gotta
pick a mix, though.

You ever heard of this?

"My Favorite Tunes, Love Dad."

I love you.

I love you.

Dee, dee, dee.

Um, love your car.

Mayor... Maya. Let's all chill.





SINGER: ♪ California baby ♪

♪ Caught my eye ♪