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Message, The (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 18:14
by bunniefuu
Hey, April, what's wrong?

My parents are making me go work
at Camp Arrowhead for a month.

That sucks.

When do you leave?

Tomorrow morning.

Why don't you come with me?

Why would I waste my summer

working for all those
rich brats?

It won't be that bad
with both of us there.

- We can hunt for him.
- No.

Last time we investigated
one of your Internet things,

we wound up locked
in a dumpster overnight.

Yeah. Sorry.

I'll see you later. Have fun.

Call me if you
change your mind.

Will do.

So I have something
I have to tell you

that you're not really
going to like.

Thanks for the warning.

I have to start training
for my new position.

Regional headquarters
are out of state.

Why does that have to be
out of the state?

It's just where
they send people.

Now here comes the part
you're really going to love.

I made arrangements for you
to stay with Aunt Carol

and your cousins
for the summer.

Dad, my cousins are
five years younger than me,

and they still walk around
picking their noses.

It's the only option.

What if there's
another option?

If there is another option,
I'm open.

There's a place I can go,

but I'm not going
to like it either.

I don't know what I'm gonna do a
whole month without seeing you.

You'll survive, Mom.

Remember, don't do
anything stupid, okay?

Okay, Mom.

Give me a hug.

Take care, sweetie.


that's for the guests.

We're over here.

This is our dorm.


Oh, April. Hi.

- How are you, sweetheart?
- Hi!

- Mrs. Barnes...
- Yes?

...this is Sophie Jordan.

- Hi, how do you do? Welcome.
- Hi.

- It's nice meeting you.
- Thank you.

Well, this is a pretty
special camp.

There's work,

but there's a fair amount
of downtime,

so there's fun too.

- Right, April?
- Mm-hm.

And this is my grandson, Tyler.

But you've already met him,
haven't you, April?

Yeah, I think it was
two summers ago.

How are you?

- How does it look like I am?
- I don't know.

Well, why don't you get
these things to your cabin,

and we're going to get ready
for lunch in about half an hour.

- How does that sound?
- Cool. Thank you.

Thank you, servant.


Thank you, servant.

Did you hear what she
just called me?

I am not her servant.

Just forget about her.

Devon Dupris is a total jerk,
and everyone knows it.

She's a witch.

And witches should always get
what they deserve.


That's muy caliente hot sauce.



Let's go.

Here you go.

Specially made,
just for you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


This is hot.
This is really hot.

Oh, my... It's burning.
It's burning. I need water.

Here, have some.

Ha! Vengeance is so sweet.

She is so going
to rat on you.

I don't care.

This is great.

Why is everyone
out to get me?

- Oh, my God, it is hot.
- Yeah, I know! It's hot!

Hot sauce, huh?

Sophie, you can't be doing
things like that with guests.

But what if they're
mistreating me?

Well, then you come to me
and I'll take care of it.

And you messed
with the wrong girl.

Her mother is very

in this community
and at this camp.

I know you've had
a hard time, honey,

but try not to take it out
on the other kids,

because I'd have
to send you home,

and I don't want to do that.

I like you here.

So let's consider
this a first warning, okay?


Thank you, Mrs. Barnes.

So, what's the deal
with Tyler?

He was in a car accident
about a year ago.

He was driving
with his grandfather,

and his grandfather
was k*lled.

Mrs. Barnes' husband?


That sucks.

He was studying law and on
the track team when it happened.

Now he just hangs out
around here.

And tries to chop wood?

Where are you going?

I'm going to help him.

Can I help?


Looks kind of hard to chop wood
in a wheelchair.

Well, it's not.

Actually, I've been
watching you,

and you're not exactly
Paul Bunyan.

Can I try?

Go ahead.


Come down right in the middle,
all right?

- Hard.
- Okay.

Ha! Yes!

That wasn't so hard.

Okay, round two.


Hey, where are you going?

Looks like you got everything
under control.

I was just trying to help.

Oh, look. Milkmaids.

How quaint.

Where are they going?

To the archery range.

Mrs. Barnes' husband
was a champion archer,

so there's a yearly
run archery competition

between our camp
and the camp next door.

Run archery?

It's a combination
of archery and running.

Makes it a little more

Is Mrs. Barnes okay?

I heard she's out of money.

This could be the last summer
of Camp Arrowhead.

Hey, hey, hey.
I see you.

My name is Percy.


So, what are you
digging for?

There's something
buried around here,

and I'm trying to find it.

Good luck.

You can get a shovel and help.

No, I really have
to get back to camp.

Are you interested
in archery?

I can teach you.

No, I really have to go.

It was my pleasure
meeting you.


You come back anytime.

Don't hold your breath.

I'm definitely going to be most
valuable archer this year, guys.

- Humble much?
- That is her being humble.

When you got it,
you got to flaunt it.

They act like

they're God's gift
to this world.

Don't go obsessing
all over them, Sophie.

You're just wasting
your energy.

What else am I going
to obsess on?

It's my mom.
She won't leave me alone.

Maybe you should get
a restraining order.

That's not a bad idea.

Why is she so hard on you?

Well, every woman in my family
was a champion archer,

so I have to follow
in their footsteps.

The help looks bored.

Let's put them to work.

Oh, darn, Sophie,
would you get my arrow for me?


Here you go, my queen.

- Thank you, servant.
- You're welcome.

Have fun.
Bye. Bye, guys.


Sophie, what did you do?

You're not going
to like it.

Oh, no.

Who's that?

Some weirdo I met in the woods.

That doesn't sound good.

I know.



Hello, Sophie.

And who's this?

I'm April.

Nice to meet you, April.

So, what are you doing here?

Well, I thought
I'd come see you

about those archery lessons
we talked about.

I never said I wanted
archery lessons.

Well, the offer
is still on the table.

For free?




And you too, January.

It's April.


I thought it was

Well, let's get started.

Focus, and remember,

every time your release hand
got to be in the same spot,

because all of this together

will guarantee
a successful shot.

One and two and three and...

But also, you want to know
a little about your equipment.

How was it made,
what's its purpose.

Your breathing is important.
Your release is important.

Your stance is important.

- We both got it in the same spot.
- Yeah.

This is a great shot.

You see it in your mind
already there.

Three, four...


Good. Oh, that's good.

Seems like a lot of work

to not even know
what you're digging for.

I suppose.

But I... I came here
to find something.

To help people.

And I can't get over
the feeling

whatever it is I'm looking for,
it's buried around here.

What about you?

What about me?

Why are you so glum?

Am I glum?

If you really want to know...

my mom died a few months ago.

And we fought on the day
of her accident.

And I never got to apologize.

I sent her a text,
but she never got it.

She knows how you feel.

I don't think she does.

Okay, let's get to digging.

We are going to find
what you are looking for.

Why am I so off today?

Your bow arm's elbow
isn't rotating straight.

That's why your arrow's
veering off to the side.

If I need help from the help,
I'll you know.

I can show you.


Servant, show me.

This'll be entertaining.

Keep your bow arm
elbow straight.

That was luck.

Was it?

Bippity-boppity boo.

You just got schooled, girl.

She must be on
performance-enhancing dr*gs.


Hi, Dad.

I was just
thinking about you.

I hope you're doing well.

I love you.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Actually, I'm not.

I really miss
my mom and dad.

My mom died, and my dad
hasn't been the same ever since.

I don't know why any of this
is happening to me.

It's like I won
a disaster lottery

and I'm just wallowing
in self-pity.

I don't need to tell you
about bad things happening.

That sounded really bad.

- I am so sorry.
- No.

It's okay.

It doesn't make any sense.

I looked away
for two seconds.

Everything that was ahead of me
was just gone.

Including my grandpa.

I keep wondering
if there's, like,

a way that I can just
set it all aside.

Just, you know,
move on with my life

without feeling so bad
and guilty all the time.

I don't think there is.

Why did you drop out
of law school?

Isn't it obvious?

You don't need working legs
to be an attorney.

It's about more
than working legs.

What is it?

I don't want everyone
feeling sorry for me.

You know, I don't need a
courtroom feeling sorry for me.

It could give you an edge
over everyone else.

If I have an edge, it's because
I'm smarter, all right?

And I work harder.

And I'm good at what I do.

Not because my legs
don't work.


Hey, I think you'd make
an amazing attorney.

Have a good night.

We've been practicing
for how long,

and we're going to lose
next week because of you.

I think we just had a bad day.

You're not allowed
to have a bad day.

That is unacceptable.

If you are not
committed to winning,

then quit right now.

It is your choice.

Stay, or get out!

Let's finish.

Yeah, I'm hungry.



We want you to join
the archery team.

I don't think we can join
the archery team.

You can.

We cleared it
with Mrs. Barnes.

Why do you want us
to join the archery team?

Because we suck,
and two girls just quit.

Or were scared off.

Look, I know I haven't been
that nice to you.

You think?

I'm sorry, okay?

Now will you join?


April and I
will join the team.

But first, you have to do
something for us.


- Get to work, girls.
- You're kidding.

Nope. Lunch is soon.
Chop, chop, let's go!

Oh, could you take this back and
get me something without ham?

I'm vegan.


Thank you.

You're doing great.

Oh, waiter, someone spilled
some food over there.

You might want
to clean that up.

- Okay.
- Oh, and an iced tea

would be nice too,


He's late.

He's definitely coming.

Let's just be a little patient,

Here he comes.

That's our new coach?

That's him.

Yeah, I don't think so.

We're a package deal.
Suck it up, Richie Rich.


Everyone, this is Percy.

This is Devon, Georgia,
Samantha, April,

Tyler and Mrs. Barnes.

- How are you, Mrs. Barnes?
- How do you do?

Wonderful, wonderful.

Percy. Do you have
a last name, Percy?

I'm afraid not,
but "Percy" works for me.

Well, Percy's a nice name,

but I'm going to need
some ID from you

if you're going to work
with my girls.

I'm afraid I left it at home.

So you don't have anything?

I'm afraid not.

Okay. Mrs. Barnes, do you think
he could just, like,

start training us today,

and he can bring you
his ID tomorrow?

I suppose so.

Thank you, Mrs. Barnes.

Okay, girls.
let's get started.

- Whoo!
- Yes!

Let's go.

Real good.

That's my girls.


Perfect. You are sh**ting good.

Don't let go yet.
Count to three.

Take it in.




Two, three.

See the shot.


All right!

Good job, good job.

Good job.
Good job, ladies.

- Hey, Percy.
- Yes?

You think you could be
digging for a treasure?

Yes, I suppose it could be.

So it could be money?

I suppose.

If we help you find it,

will we get a finder's fee?

That's fair.

- I'm in.
- Me too.

Percy, what are you doing?

Yes, Mrs. Barnes.

I noticed this screen
was about to fall,

and so I decided
to fix it for you.

Oh. Okay.

And, Mrs. Barnes,

there's quite a few things
around here

that need some fixing,

especially the archery shed.

I think I should put
an alarm on that.

Thank you, but I have a problem.

I am required to get
a background check

on anybody who works
on this property.

Not just you.

But I need some identification
from you ASAP.


"As soon as possible."

Oh! Okay.

Okay, Mrs. Barnes.

I'll have it for you tomorrow.

I promise, I'll bring it

I'll believe it
when I see it.

- Oh, no.
- Who is that?

My mother.


Hello, darling.


How are you?

I brought you
a new arm guard.

I thought we agreed

you weren't coming in
until the final competition.

No, I didn't agree
to any of that.

How could I?

Honey, I'm your biggest fan.

Who's this?

Mom, this is our coach, Percy.

Your coach?

- Yes.
- Oh.

I don't remember seeing you
ever on the circuit.

Where have you coached before?

I don't think I've ever
coached before.

Yeah, no.

You see, my daughter,

she's been training
her entire life.

And if she doesn't win
this summer...

I will be holding you
personally responsible.

Do you understand,
Percy, it is?


I'll be Googling you
the first chance I get.

Girls, get back to practice.

And, honey, make sure you get
a good night's sleep.

I don't want to be

Well, that explains a lot.

Shut up.

She's not that bad.

She is.

I'm sorry, Percy.

That's okay.

But what is Googling?

What you doing?


Would you like
to join me?


God kind of ruined my life,

so I'm never
talking to him again.

You can tell him that.

Are you sure?

Yes. Tell him those exact words.

His feelings was hurt.

So he can dish it out
but he can't take it?

He respects how you feel.

But it was never his intentions
to dish it out.

So while you're talking to God,

you think you could see if he
could get my message to my mom?

That's not how it works, Sophie.

You can't blame me
for trying.

You can't keep

beating yourself up
the rest of your life

over your mom.

Believe me, I can.

What is it like?
Talking to your mom?

What do you mean?

When you imagined
speaking to her now.

I'm in a forest...

and I come to a clearing.

And there's a bench.

The light is beautiful...

and very still.

And I talk to my mom.

And I tell her everything
that I wanted to tell her.

How much I miss her.

And how much she means to me.

And she listens.

And it's peaceful and warm.

And after I'm done
talking to her,

she lets me know
that she loves me.

And that's it.

Your mom already knows that.

It's nice to think like that,

but that's all it is.

Just a way to feel better.

Good night, Percy.

Good night.

Father, bless that family.

Give her strength.

Encourage her heart.

Give her peace.

And I ask it in your son's name.


So this is how
the rich folks live.

Hardly. The sheets are like

Oh, poor babies.

Do you play?

A little.

You can borrow it
if you want.

There's a talent show.

They're always looking
for suckers.

That's poison oak
on your hand?

How do you know?

Because I sort of
gave it to you.

You gave it to me?


You told me
to get your arrow.

I went and got it.

I rubbed it in poison oak
and I handed it back to you.

We were fighting.
I shouldn't have,

- and I really apologize...
- Are you kidding me?

Here, take this.

It'll, like, take down
the itching.

I don't want your lotion.

- Get out.
- Just take it.

Get out.

Thank you for having me.

Good night. I'm sorry.

Are you... Like, seriously?

That's rude.

The Straight Arrows
are so desperate,

they brought in
the hired help.

I smell desperation.

Or maybe that's just B.O.


Okay, as the team captain,

let's make sure I cross
the finish line first.

It'll look good.

I'm here to win,
for the team.

So I'm not going to throw this
just for you to cross first.


It was a stupid idea.

Yes, it was.


That's your infected hand.


It's actually a lot better.

All right, ladies, it's time.
Let's get to your marks.

Come on, Devon.
Don't let me down.

- On your mark.
- Come on, team.

You can do this.

Come on, girls,
you know you can do it.

Come on, Sophie. You can do it.

Come on, Sophie.

Way to go, Sophie. Great shot.

What are you doing?

Let's go get a bull's-eye.
Come on.

- What happened?
- She cheated.


You're unbelievable.

Thank you.

- Try and beat that.
- Watch me.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen,

it's my duty to inform you

that the Straight Arrows
have been disqualified

for breaking
the competition rules.

So this round goes
to the Shiver Quivers.

You call yourself a coach?

Oh, no, you are just
some demented old man

who should be locked up
in a home somewhere.

Yes, I am going
to investigate you.


- Mom, let me go.
- I'm not going to let you go.

How do you think
this makes me look?


I'm sorry.


Hey, cheater.

You saw my mom, Sophie.

She's cutthroat and ruthless,

and the pressure
she puts on me to win is...

is practically unbearable.

Look, I know that
I messed up today,

but I'm not a bad person.

You keep saying that.

I'm not.

I just...

I lost out
in the mom department,

and I wish you would try
and understand

how messed up that makes
my whole life.

Have you tried
to understand my life?

I lost my mom.

I will never see her again.

I will never hug her.

I will never confide in her.

I will never smell
her apple pie.


So don't get all sobby with me
about your mom.

At least you have one.

Yeah, well,
maybe you're lucky.

I'd rather have no mother
than a monster.

Stop it!

Wait! Wait!

Get away!

What are you two doing?

Dinner's served.

This is so gross!

♪ We're all here
At Camp Arrowhead ♪

♪ Getting along
No matter what's been said ♪

♪ Guess we're all stuck here ♪

♪ In the zoo ♪

♪ So everybody
Give a big "whoo-hoo" ♪


♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ We're on a quest
For a treasure chest ♪

♪ Here in the land
Of the cuckoo's nest ♪

♪ Where Sasquatch lives
And runs amok ♪

♪ Hope we're not
All sitting ducks ♪

♪ We're on a quest
For a treasure chest ♪

♪ Here in the land
Of the cuckoo's nest ♪

♪ Where Sasquatch lives
And runs amok ♪

♪ Hope we're not
All sitting ducks ♪


It's Bigfoot, or Sasquatch,
or whatever you want to call it!

Go, go, go, get out!
I don't want to be here!

- What did he look like?
- He was this big, hairy dude.

Did he do anything?

Yeah, he winked at me
and blew a kiss.

I knew there was a Sasquatch
in these parts.


Hi, how are you? Hi, Jim.

Oh, Mrs. Barnes,
I found my ID.

- Oh.
- Yes.

Will this work?

It's fine, Percy.

Thank you.

Hi, everyone.

Well, it's another summer
at Camp Arrowhead.

Are you all having
a good time?

Just a note:
tonight's a full moon,

Oh, if you do go outside,

just make sure you bring
a friend and you don't loiter.

Okay, don't come crying to me

when you're k*lled
and half eaten.

Let's get the show started.

First, we have a song
from Sophie.

♪ I'm sorry for the things
That I said ♪

♪ I should have listened ♪

♪ To your words of wisdom
Instead ♪

♪ Now there's nothing I can do
To turn back time ♪

♪ I'd give anything
Anything ♪

♪ To never say goodbye ♪

♪ I feel you with me ♪

♪ All the time ♪

♪ Oh, I'll see you
On the other side ♪

♪ Where heaven and earth ♪

♪ Collide ♪

♪ I can hear
The angels singing ♪

♪ The sweetest lullaby ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ See you on the other side ♪

♪ I could always count on you
To understand ♪

♪ Tell me wrong from right ♪

♪ With love in hand ♪

♪ Give me confidence ♪

♪ To believe ♪

♪ And the courage
To go chasing ♪

♪ After my dreams ♪

♪ Because of you ♪

♪ I am who I am ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ On the other side ♪

♪ Where heaven and earth ♪

♪ Collide ♪

♪ I can hear the angels
Singing ♪

♪ The sweetest lullaby ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ See you on the other side ♪

♪ Heaven knows how hard it is ♪

♪ But I won't give up ♪

♪ On love ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ On the other side ♪

♪ Where heaven and earth ♪

♪ Collide ♪

♪ I can hear the angels
Singing ♪

♪ The sweetest lullaby ♪

♪ I know I'll see you ♪

♪ I'll see you
On the other side ♪

♪ I'll see you
On the other side ♪

♪ See you on
The other side ♪

♪ See you on
The other side ♪

Thank you, Sophie.

That was beautiful.

Now we have a song from Percy.

Percy! Percy! Percy!

Percy! Go, Percy!

♪ Practically perfect
In every way ♪

♪ Practically perfect ♪

♪ What can I say? ♪

♪ It's no accident
This life we lead ♪

♪ There's a rhyme and reason
For everything ♪

♪ There's no need
To complicate ♪

♪ Just relax and appreciate ♪

♪ It's practically perfect
In every way ♪

♪ It's practically perfect ♪

♪ What can I say? ♪

♪ If you were wondering
Just like a lot of us ♪

♪ Who made the dodo bird
And the rhinoceros? ♪

♪ Why is the moon up there
Pulling the tide? ♪

♪ What's even keeping
The moon in the sky? ♪

♪ What about snow?
I mean, how cool is that? ♪

♪ And don't get me started
On churros and cats ♪

♪ If it all seems
Just a tad inexplicable ♪

♪ Each of them truly
Is flat-out insensible ♪

♪ Miracles here
And miracles there ♪

♪ It's all in the hands
Of the big guy upstairs ♪

♪ Practically perfect
In every way ♪

♪ Practically perfect
What can I say? ♪

♪ It's no accident
This life we lead ♪

♪ There's a rhyme and reason
For everything ♪

♪ There's no need
To complicate ♪

♪ Just relax and appreciate ♪

♪ It's practically perfect
In every way ♪

♪ It's practically perfect
What can I say? ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ What can I say? ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ What can I say? ♪


Hi, I'm Sam.

April, something's wrong.


That's the fire alarm.
Come on.


Use a hose.


All of our stuff.

- What are we going to do?
- Let's keep moving.

Come on, guys.

I got it, I got it. Right there.

Mrs. Barnes, what happened?

That alarm you installed

caught fire and burned up
the shed.

The bows and the arrows,

some of them had been
in my family for 40 years.

I'm sorry this happened.

But can I help?

I think you've done enough,

- Please, let me help.
- Go.

- Are you okay?
- You know,

sometimes it just seems like
everything I touch goes wrong.

You were just
trying to help.

But maybe I should stop
trying to help.

Just go home.

We'll come by later, okay?


What happened?

Percy, right?
He did this.

Well, it appears so.

I told you he's dangerous.

I'm going to do something
about him, okay?

Why don't you just
let it be for now.

He didn't mean to.

I don't care if you try
or don't try.

I am not going to be held victim
to his incompetence,

and neither should you.

I'm going to take care of it.

I'm sorry.

All right, well,
he's not at his cabin,

so where else would he be?

He doesn't have
anywhere else to go.

- He doesn't know anyone.
- I guess just keep driving.

Get off the road.


There he is.

Yeah, but what is he doing?

Well, howdy!

What are you doing?

I'm here helping my friends
paint their new house.

This is Valerie,
Victor and Sheila.

- Hi, hi.
- Hi.

You guys are just in time
to help us.

Can you give us a hand?

- Why not?
- All right! Let's go.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

So how'd you guys meet Percy?

We met on the train.

Oh, that's cool.

- Not like you think.
- Oh?


The three of us
were bumming a ride

on the Continental Express

We jump on a boxcar,
we're going along,

and there's Percy.

Oh, yeah.

He'd been on that train
for about three days straight.

He was frozen stiff.


We figured he probably
covered a thousand miles.

- Wow.
- Something like it.

Percy told us that he was
looking for a specific town

and a cabin in the woods.

Yeah, I recognize the town
he was talking about.

So we helped him
find the cabin.

And then he...

...he made us dig and dig
and dig for a buried treasure.

We dug forever.
It felt like a hundred holes.

It felt like a thousand.

Yeah, we've dug a few
of those holes too.

Yeah, but you all

You're right.

Percy always delivers
on what he says.

Like this house.

Percy got you this house?

Well, I don't know
how he got it...

but it's ours.

Homeless no more.

Thank you, Percy.
Thank you.

You're welcome.
You guys, you're all my friends.

Thank you.


- There you go.
- Thanks.

Nice and slow.
You're good.

Thank you, thank you.

You don't mind if I sit out here
for a while?

Of course.

How do you feel?

I'm okay.

But I really
appreciate you kids.

We appreciate you too, Percy.

You know, I kind of wish
that I was a much better angel.

Percy, you're the perfect angel.

Our angel.

Thank you.

Well, it's not as glamorous
as it seemed.

Okay, well,
have a good night.

We'll see you in the morning
for practice.

- Will do.
- Bye!

Thank you, girls.
Thank you.

Be careful.

We will.

- I got you.
- I got it, I got it, I got it.

Okay, good night, you two.

Good night.

Thank you for driving.

Yeah, well,
I'm good for something.

You don't have to keep
putting yourself down like that.

I think you're pretty amazing.

I think you're
pretty amazing too.

Well, then, we have
a mutual admiration club.

- Just two members?
- Yeah.


I'm in.

I'll see you
in the morning.

You will.

Good night.


- What's that?
- I don't know.

- What's going on?
- I don't know.

Well, thank you again,
Mrs. Barnes.

Thank you, officer.

I-I-I don't think
he's dangerous.

He has been squatting
on camp property,

fraternizing with our girls.

Most certainly
he is dangerous.

We'll check into him.

Keep everyone
at the camp for now,

and we'll let you know
when it's safe.

Thank you so much, officers.

Thank you.

What did you do?

Oh, I saved you.

That man, Percy,

he is an escaped
mental patient.

That's not true.

I'm sorry, Sophie.
I'm afraid it's partially true.

Let's let the officers
do their jobs.

I still think that there's
something strange going on.

How could you?

He was our friend.


Devon Dupris,
get back here right now.


I can cut you out
of your trust fund

faster than you know.

Go for it.
I don't really care anymore.

- Where are we going?
- We're going to warn Percy.

We can go out
through the meadow.

- Right there?
- Yeah, through the trees.

Okay, come on, guys.

- Percy!
- Percy!

Percy, they're coming for you.

- Who's coming for me?
- The police.

They said you escaped
from this home

and that you're really

Come on.

Did you escape
from somewhere, Percy?

Well, my mind is a...

It's not that good,

but when I think about it,
I may have.

Percy, you need
to come with us.

We can help you get away.

There's no reason
for me to run.

Percy, we don't want
the police to catch you.

Well, I think
it's a little too late.

Whatever happens,
remember this:

there's a rhyme and a reason
for everything.

Y'all must remember that.

Sir, I need you to step away
from the girls.

We're fine.
He's not dangerous.

Step away right now.

- It's okay.
- Come over here, sir.

Everything will be okay.
It's going to be all right.

- I got him, partner.
- It's really gonna be all right.

Handcuffs? Seriously?

We're just following

It's unnecessary.

Okay, sir. Watch your head
stepping in, please.

This is so unfair.

The treasure!

You guys...


- Yeah, baby!
- Oh, my God.

How much do you think
he'll let us keep?

- Look.
- It's Mrs. Barnes.


That is really weird.

Yeah, he just met
Mrs. Barnes.

He had to have
gotten this picture,

put it in the case
and then buried it.

He's not that crazy.

Is he?

Maybe Mrs. Barnes buried it.

Why would she do that?

Okay, let's put this money back.
Give it back.

Putting it away.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay, let's go.

All right, next case.

The State v. Percy

regarding his mental fitness
to live independently.

All right!

Hi, girls.


How are you guys doing?

You got this.

Wow, what a blessing.

Let's come to order.

Okay, Dr. Krall.

You may proceed
and present state's case.

Now, Percy,

just to give the court
a little background,

a little over a year ago

you were found
dazed and confused

along a road in New Mexico.

You evidently had hit your head,

causing severe disorientation
and confusion.

The local authorities,
finding no next of kin,

committed you
to the Barlow Mental Hospital.

But three months ago,
you escaped from that hospital

and traveled
to our community.

Why did you leave
that hospital, sir?

The food was terrible.

They didn't even serve

any ice cream or milk
with the chocolate cake.

And where I came from,
that's illegal.

I complained.

We are not concerned with ice cream
being served with chocolate cake.

Now, Percy, do you mind
telling the court who you are?

I don't understand.

Well, when I examined you,

you insisted that
you be called something.

He's not going to say what I
think he's going to say, right?

Wait for it.

Do you recall what that is?

I'm an angel.

You are an angel.

Yes, sir.

Can you fly?


Can you disappear?


But I'm a trainee.

And those powers
come later.

Mm. No doubt when
you get your wings.

Exactly, exactly.

Never mind that.

So, Percy, you cannot fly,
you can't disappear.

What can you do?

I can be kind.

You can be kind.

That's it?


It's hardly nothing.

But you have to agree
that if everyone was kind,

this world would be
a better place.

That is not the question

that we are trying
to determine, sir.

Your Honor, we are here
to determine

if Percy is mentally competent
enough to be alone

in this big,
unkind world.

And, more importantly,

if he poses a danger
to the kids of Camp Arrowhead,

especially considering he burned
down their equipment shed

just a few days ago.

I say he is a danger,

and he should be confined

to an appropriate,
secure facility.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

Well, thank you, Dr. Krall.
Based on your...

Permission to cross-examine.

- And who are you?
- I'm Tyler Barnes, sir.

What are your qualifications
to cross-examine, Mr. Barnes?

I was a...

I am a pre-law student,
Your Honor.

You can step forward.

Hi, Tyler.

Percy, you pose no harm

to any living thing,
do you?

Absolutely not.

I love everything
and everyone.

And what do you believe
is your purpose on Earth?


my purpose
is to help people.

I know that's a big job.

But there's so many people
that need help.

And I believe in people.

I believe in them
very much.

And why is that?

Well, people are
inherently kind,

and they have the spirit
that searches

for that which is right.

When you get caught up
in the little things,

you judge each other
in your appearance,

your money and how many
followers you have.

All the things
that don't matter.

You see,

underneath all of their

people just want to know
that they are loved.

I believe my purpose
is to let them know

they're absolutely not alone...

and that they are
practically perfect

just the way they are.

Why practically perfect, Percy?

Only God is truly perfect.

And he understand
our imperfections.

And he love us anyway.

Because his love for us
is so great,

he'll never abandon us
or forsake us.

He'll be with us
until the end.

Thank you, Percy.

My pleasure, Tyler.

No further questions,
Your Honor.


I don't know
if you're an angel or not,

but I can tell that you are
a very wise and kind man.

And in these uncertain times,

we need all the kind people
we can get.

So I'm going to allow you
to live on your own

and to continue
to spread your kindness.

And that includes working with
those kids at Camp Arrowhead.


Providing that you
check in every week

with a court-appointed
welfare worker.

Thank you.

And that you call
an electrician

whenever doing anything
electrical in the future.

I agree!

Now that's a good idea.

It's not fair.

It's just not fair.

I did exactly
what you asked me to do.

You taught me
to love people.

You did.
You taught me.

And now you want
to change it.

And I come here and I do that,
and now you upset.

I don't understand.

I really don't understand.


Oh, my gosh,
are you okay?

Oh, I'm okay.

- I'm okay.
- Oh, my God.

He's ice-cold.
Call an ambulance, okay?

I'm telling you,
I'm just a little dizzy.

You are not okay.

What's his pulse?

40 BPM.

Blood pressure?

90 over 50.

Better take it again.

Whoa, I'm fine.

No, I'm fine, doc.
I'm fine.

Your heart rate is 40.

You're not fine.

There's a reason for that.

Oh, really? What's that?

I'm an angel.

And angels have
slow heartbeat.

I'm surprised you didn't even
know that, doc.

I must have missed that
in med school.

Breathe in.

You guys, what if Percy
really is an angel?

He wouldn't be in the hospital
if he was an angel.

Would he?

when they want to blend in
and do good deeds for people.

One of the ways
to spot an angel is,

how do you feel when you're
in their company?

I feel strangely at peace
when I'm around that dude.

Me too.


I've never seen an 80-year-old
with a 40 heart rate.

He should be dead.

Maybe we should get
Mrs. Barnes over here.

I'll call Sam and have him
bring her over.


What are you doing here?

I came to see Percy,

as stupid as that sounds.

He's in there.

I'm glad you're here.

Why am I here? Hm?

You know,
all of that guilt

and shame and unforgiveness

that you've been
carrying around,

it's time to let it go.

I know your past.

I know what
you've been through.

I know how hard
it's been.

And your daughter... love her.

She love you.

God forgive you
for everything you've done.

You are forgiven.

Tyler, he asked
to see you.


Hello, Tyler.

Hey, Percy.

I was really impressed
with your performance today.

I think you should continue
to pursue law.

You do?

I'm pretty connected
in my own way.

I've arranged for you to have
a full scholarship

at Columbia Law School,

beginning this fall.

- Really?
- If you like.

Yeah, of course.

And while you're there,

they'll be doing
some amazing work

at Clarity Research Center

with paralysis victims.

There are going to be
some significant breakthroughs,

and I've arranged for you
to be a part of that study.

I'd like that very much.


You'll do well.


Come on in.

How are you feeling?

I never felt better.

But I have some news.

What kind of news?

Well, I'm going
to be reassigned.



It look like my work here
is almost done.

I can't thank you girls enough

for believing in me
and helping me.

Each of you is strong and smart,

and you're going to do
wonderful things in your life.

You're going to discover

everything does indeed happen
for a reason.

Thank you, Percy.

Girls, we have to get Percy
ready for surgery.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

I'm not going to have surgery.

Percy, if we don't get in there
and take a look, you may die.

Doc, angels can't die.

But I am going to be reassigned
in a few minutes.

- Reassigned?
- Yes.

So there's nothing
you need to do.

Percy, we found what you were
trying to dig up.

You did?


Lots of money.

And also,
there was this picture.


What a beauty.

Do you recognize her?

Mrs. Barnes.

Where is she?

She's on her way.

Over here, Mrs. Barnes.

This is for all of you.

I promised you a cut.

Are you sure?

You earned it.

I promised it to you.

We can't take this, Percy.

Especially if it belongs
to Mrs. Barnes.

Hello, Percy.

Hi, Mrs. Barnes.

How are you doing?

Well, I was a little

But now everything
is crystal clear.

I was sent here to get you
that money

that your husband buried.

He just felt terrible
that you didn't have it.

How do you know
he felt terrible?

Because I was with him
in heaven.

He asked me to tell you

that if he had a flower

for every time
he thought of you,

he could walk
in his garden forever.

Mr. Barnes waits for you

in a very lovely garden.

Dear man.

This money belongs to you.

Use it to pay off
the debts of the camp.

I'm not very good
at goodbyes.

So let's just say
good night.

- Good night, Percy.
- Good night.

Good night.

And thank you
for everything.

Percy? Where did he go?

He's gone.

Good morning, Sophie.

I drew this map for you.

Will you follow it?

There are no accidents.

The trees, the sun,
the birds in the sky,

it's all by design.

Life is just one part
of our journey.

We're born,
we live and we die.

But death is not the ending.

It is a transition
to eternal life,

where we all will be together
in heaven.

Sophie, you asked me once
if I could help you

communicate with your mother.

Well, I had to pull
a few strings.

Take care, my friend.

One day, we'll be together again
on the other side.

I don't know if I could
ever tell you

how much I love you.

How much I miss you...

and how sorry I am
that we fought

the day of your accident.

I sent you a text,
but I don't know if you got it.

"Hi, Mom.

"I'm sorry for how I acted.

"You're an awesome mom.

"I couldn't ask for any
other mom in the whole world.

"I'm working on my temper.

things just come out

"that they don't even
sound like me.

"I know you just want
the best for me.

"And I love you so much.


And here's the last one.

Well, here we go.



Oh, my gosh.

What are you doing here?

Well, it's the strangest thing.

The man from the sporting goods
store called,

said bring the boxes
up to camp.

I had the weekend off,
so here I am.

- Oh, my God.
- It's archery equipment.

- Oh, yeah.
- Enough for 10 girls.

Oh, I can't believe it.

You guys, the final competition
is in two hours.

I think the Shiver Quivers
are going down.

- Absolutely.
- Yes.

- Count me in.
- Okay, me too.

- I want some of that.
- One, two, three.


- How's it going?
- Good.

These are so nice.

I know, right?


So, you know, Percy arranged for
me to go to Columbia Law School.

That's amazing.

It's in New York.


There's this thing
called the Internet.

Oh, yeah, I think
I've heard of that.

I think our mutual admiration
club can handle any distance.

Don't you?


Yeah, I do.

Can I help you out?


Get to work.

Thank you.

All right, you guys heard
the official.

We're going to keep it clean.
Don't want to be docked.


That man Percy, he...

He knew everything about me.

And he told me
that God forgives me

for every terrible thing
that I've done.

And that includes
being mean to you.

Can you forgive me?

Well, if God did,

then I guess I can.

Honey, I really love you.

You want to cross
the finish line first?

Let's cross together.

Sounds good.

Okay, girls. On your mark.

Get set.