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Jungle Beat: The Movie (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 15:54
by bunniefuu





Ah, man,
there's none left for me.

What was that?


I can't talk!



Ouch? What is an "ouch"?

A word. What's a word?

This. This is a word.

I'm talking! I'm talking!
I can talk!

This is amazing!
Oooh, nice word.



I think that's
my favourite word so far.

Amazing. Amazing.

Amazing. Amazing.

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.

Wait! Now it's sounding weird.

Is that right?
Doesn't sound right.

Ama... Ooh, tree.
Ooh, I love you, tree.

Stone. Leaf.
Branch. Ground.

Foot. Root. Vine. Hands.

Fingers. Tail. Nose. Elbow.

That's a good word.
Amazing's better.

- Excuse me.
- Talking elephant!

- Where?
- You!

- What?
- Talking elephant!

Me, talking? Talking elephant!
I can talk?

Thank you for the bananas
earlier. They were delicious.

I can make compliments.
What's going on?

I don't know,
but isn't it great?

Or, as I like to say, cos I
can say stuff now, amazing?

Have we been able to talk
this whole time?

That would've saved a lot
of grunting and pointing.

- Like, a lot!
- Shh!


- You hear that?
- What?

- What is it?
- Shh.


- What do you hear?
- That bush is crying.

- I'm not a bush.
- Talking bush!

I said, I'm not a bush.

- Shrub, then? Talking shrub?
- No.

- Hedge?
- No!

Fruticumque viret?
I can speak Latin!

What's Latin?

OK, we're sorry.
What are you then?

I can't tell you.
You'll freak out.

- No.
- We really won't.

You sound all alone and sad.

Is this your, uh...

I feel like this would be
your shoulder, or...


Oh, please come out.
It's nice out here.

We've got, um, uh, oh...

the sky and, oh, the ground.


Can't stay in this fruticumque
forever, I suppose.

As much as I'd like to.

Told you you'd freak out.



So, why were you crying?

Is it because you're, like,
really super freaky?

What did I say?

- Is it, though?
- No. It's just...

Have you heard of
the word "alien"?

We hadn't heard any words
until, like, five minutes ago.

Well, you see,

- I come from very far away.
- The sky?

- All I want is to go home.
- Oh, that's easy!

What? Hey, no!

- What did you do that for?
- You said you wanted to go home.

Yeah. OK. It takes
a lot more than that

- to exit the Earth's atmosphere.
- Gotcha!

- I have the regret...
- No.

- He seemed nice.
- I wonder what he...

What's tha...

Um, look,
I don't mean to cause a fuss.

- Would you mind not doing that?
- Sorry.

Hey, we can talk again.
You're making us talk!

It's not me. Hang on, just...
Where's that...?

Ah, there we go.

If you're anywhere near this,

- What is that?
- It's a speech pod.

Oh, I love peaches!

Not peach.

Ssp-p-p... speech.

- This makes us talk?
- Yes.

- Could I have...?
- This is amazing!

- That's my favourite word.
- Nice.

The others have got to try this!

Oh, boy.

Just wait
till I get my paws on you.

You'll wish you'd never ripened!


Get off my lawn! Get off!

Off, off, off, off, off, off,
off, off, off, off!


And, you! Get off my back,

you yellow-bellied
delicious tropical tormentor!

Who's there?

- Egg.
- Egg who?

No. Just Egg. Why?
Is there other stuff out there

- I don't know about?
- Who knows?

- I want out!
- Uh-uh-uh. Not yet, dears.

Too soon for you.

Ball. Ball, ball, ball, ball,
ball, ball, ball.

Ball, ball, ball, ball, ball.

Huh? Ball?

Come on.

Say something. Just a word.


- Huh?
- Oh.


Oh, coming. I'm coming.

I'm sorry.

No, that's quite all right.
I'm used to this sort of thing.


Hey, who are you? What are you?

What are you doing here?
You're a newcomer.

- Do you know the rules?
- Rules?

When you're in this jungle,
you need to know the rules.

Rule : stay off my lawn!

Rule : don't ever, ever...

What happened to rule ?

...ever correct me!

Rule : I'm right, you're wrong.
Rule next...

You don't need to tell me this.
I'm trying to go home.

- Huh?
- He's from the sky.

Well, no...
a bit further than that.

I come from...
Please don't throw me again.

I come from a planet
called Scaldron.

It's another world
far beyond the stars.



But I'm not allowed to go back
until I complete my mission.

A mission! That sounds
A to the may to the zing!

Favourite word. I'm allowed
to do stuff like that to it.

What's your mission?

I'd rather not talk about it.

- But we can help!
- Yeah.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
I'm not helping anyone

unless there's something
in it for me.

you don't have to help.

Ah, no, no, no. Nice try.

You can't leave me out of this!

I'm helping and that's final!

It's something
I have to do myself.

So, if it's all the same to you,
I'd really rather be alone.

You're still there, aren't you?

You look like
you could use some company.

It's very lonely, being alone.

We'll stay with you
until you feel better.

I don't need help.
I'm a Scaldronian.

- Scaldronians don't need help!
- Loud words!

- That's upsetting me.
- Sorry, I didn't mean to shout.

Don't worry, he's always upset.

I am always upset!
Don't you say I am.

- What?
- You see?

- I have no idea what you mean.
- Exactly!

What I mean to say is
it's very kind, thank you,

but you can't help me,

and you wouldn't even like it
if you did.

But if you don't complete
your mission...

You can't go home.

And if you can't go home,
you won't...

See your family.

Poor alien.

Can't go back home.

Oh, come now.
There, there. Chin up.

But you can't go home,
and it's so far away.

And we can't help you.
And what about your friends?

- Oh, that's not a problem.
- Huh?

I don't have any friends.

Look, it's not...
Oh, boy. Please don't cry.

OK, fine.

I'll do it. I'll give it a go.

- Your mission?
- Yep. Why not?

If it'll stop all the,
you know...



OK. Well, I guess this is it,
then. The, um, moment.


Uh, hang on. Hold on a sec.
Let me just, uh...

Yeah, that makes sense, yeah.

OK. Yeah.

OK then, sorry about that.

I claim this planet

in the name
of the mighty people of...

- Hey!
- Mmm.

Oh, great.


Look out, coming through!
Terribly sorry.

- Come back here, young lady.
- Ah, man.

- Carry on.
- Yeah, go on.

But... he took my...

Don't worry about that.
You can do it. Right, guys?

You can do anything
you set your mind to.

- I set my mind to freedom.
- Not you.

- Oh.
- Uh-oh.

Uh... Um... Uh...

I claim this planet... the name of the mighty
people of Scaldron!

Surrender peacefully
or meet the wrath...

Is it wrath, wrath...?

...the wrath of the mighty
people of Scaldron!

Uh, that's...
that's a bit repetitive.

Should probably rewrite that.
And, uh...

Um, there, there you have it.
That's my big, uh...

The end.

- We surrender peacefully!
- You... You do?

Wait just one second.

I for one
do not surrender peacefully.

- You really don't have to...
- I surrender peacefully.

- You did it!
- I did?

Yeah, well done!


I did it.
I... I conquered a planet.




So, now what?


Right. Well, usually,
when a planet is conquered,

um, there's like pandemonium
and chaos all around.

Uh, so I guess,

as your new leader, my first job
would be to bring, uh...


Here's our chance.

- Yeah!
- Let's go!

I don't know what
we're doing, but I'm excited!

Now, guys, remember, peace.

- Yeah!
- Oh, dear.


Not so fun, is it?

You're not very good at this,
are you?

Time to run away!


As ruler of this planet,

I order you to...

- Why did you do that?
- I saved your life.


You have to be alive
to get home.

Well, yes, but...

Somehow it feels like
now is not the best time

to be having this conversation.

Whoa! Boost! Bo-o-ost!

Rhino power!


Hey. Wait.
No, d... no, don't!

I'm terribly sorry
about all of this.

Oh, this? This is pretty normal
around here.

Normal? You call this normal?

Look here, Jelly Boy.

I do have a name. I'm Fneep.

What's your name?

Ah, humph!

Humph, huh?
Pleased to meet you, Humph.

- Humph?
- Oh, my turn!

- I want a name.
- Uh, OK.

Um, well,
you've got a trunk, and...

Trunk! I love it!

Oh, uh, wow. Um, OK then.

Not quite where I was going,
but, yeah.

- Hi, my name is Trunk.
- Yes...

Hello! Trunk here.

Hey, there. Trunk.

- Oh! Me! Me! Do me next.
- Fluffy Bum!

- Fluffy Bum!
- No, that can't be your name.

- Banana Breath.
- Ooh, I do like bananas.

- No!
- Ear Face.

- Ear Face?
- Nose Boy.

- No!
- Munkiii...

- Yes, Munki.
- I wasn't finished.


- Pleased to meet you, Munki.
- And I'm Trunk, by the way.

Yes, Trunk,
pleased to meet you too.

And what about you?

My name is Rockford Haberdashery
Pleasant the Third.

But you can call me Rocky.

Ball! Ball, ball, ball, ball...

Get away from me,
you great galoot!

Now your mission is done,
how do we get you home?

Ah, well... you see, my, uh...

my spaceship, it, um...

yeah, it's quite far away,
and it might be, uh...

just a teensy bit crashed.

So it doesn't exactly fly
any more.

- But then you can't go home.
- And...

No, no, but, but wait.
It may not fly,

but now that
I've conquered the planet,

I'm allowed to use the homing
beacon and they'll pick me up.

They have to come anyway
to, uh, um...

well, to see this lovely planet
that I've conquered, obviously.

Well, let's go to your ship.

- Yeah!
- It's a long walk, I'm afraid.

Long walk? I'm out!

- You don't have to come.
- Oh, I'm coming!

- Why are you always so grumpy?
- Exactly.

Let's get going
and get this over with.

- Actually, it's this way.
- No, it's not, it's this way.

Huh? What the...?



What? Hm?

Oh! Hm-hm.


♪ Scaldron, Scaldron

♪ Most terrifying planet
in the universe

♪ We're all really mean
and we're very, very strong

♪ We take what we want
and you can't stop us

♪ So there, so there, so there

♪ So there,
so there, so there

♪ So there, so there, so...

- ♪ There, so there
- Yeah. Yeah.

- That's a great song.
- Yeah.

A little bit treasonous, but...

What's Scaldron like?
You have mangoes there?

No. But we do have giant
flaming death tarantulas.

How about pears?

Most of the tarantulas
were eaten by doom snakes.


And the snakes were dissolved
by acidic slime wolves.

Oh. Bananas?

- Oh yeah, huge bananas.
- Sounds amazing.



This is great.

It's like a backing track
for our triumphant new leader.


There's only one leader
around here.

And it is me.

No, Fneep's the leader.
Aren't you, Fneep?

Well, yeah. Yeah. Yes, I am.

I mean, I gave a speech
and everything.

It was very good.

I even, well, for a moment
at least, pointed my...

you know, G-U-N.

A gnu?

You pointed a gnu?
What does that even mean?

- No, that's not...
- Look, speech or no speech,

pointing gnu or no pointing gnu,
you are not the leader.

- Am too.
- Ooh!

"Am too." That's a good one.
I didn't see that coming.

- Try saying "Are not" again.
- Brilliant. Yeah, OK, OK.

Are not.

Am too.

Double repeat.
He went with the double repeat.

He's good. Oh, wait, wait, wait.
I know.



Curse your freakishly wily

Try to stick your tongue out
and go...

- Like this? Aah..
- No, no, no.

It's more closed, like this.


Just tighten your lips and blow.

Oh, I got it!

Where are you going?

- Back to my ship.
- Stop him!


Huh? That is very disconcerting!




Pardon me.
Coming through.

Oops. Let me just...

Sorry about...

You're all surprisingly OK
with the fact

that you can suddenly talk
and sing. Why is that?

Before this all you really did
was eat grass and stam...


Don't say that word.

What, stam...?

How about stam...




♪ Scaldron, Scaldron



♪ We take what we want
and you can't stop us

♪ So there, so there, so there

Oh, but that's...
that's just wrong.

Oh, give me a sec.

- Words are one thing.
- And oozing...

Walking through legs is another.

But you do not have
the singing voice of a leader.

And everyone knows
the best singer...

♪ Is always the leader!

And that is me-e-e-e-e!


The second-best singer
is always the leader.

And that's me. I can do
the squiggly bits.

And, I can go...

- Hm!
- ♪ All the way up he-e-ere!

You need to go high
to be leader, do you?

Is this high enough?

- Or how about this?
- Huh?

Oh, that's very good.

- I didn't know it could do that!
- That doesn't count.

- We're all high-pitched.
- I can go high. I'm the leader.

No, me. I'm the leader.

Leader, leader, leader...

Oh, who am I? I'm the leader.

Look. Oh, uh, hang on a sec,
let me just...

I'm the leader. I am.

- What happened?
- Oh, man!

Look, you're great
at what you do.

Right, guys?

It's not because you can sing
high that others follow you.

It's because
you love what you do.

I do love singing.

They love singing with you
because you love it.

Not because you say
you can do it,

or tell them to do it,
because you just do it.

I concede,
you're a better singer than me.

- That's true.
- But I did conquer the planet.

So, I'd really like
to keep moving along now.

Of course.

Aw. That makes me all warm
and fuzzy on the inside.

I'm warm and fuzzy
on the outside. Feel.

Hey, Trunk, watch this.





I wanna try. Stam...



Did I do it wrong?


Oh, boy, I sure love it
when a stampede gets going.

Nothing that anyone can say
can stop it.

We just charge and charge
right through everything,

destroying everything
in our path.

Nothing gets in our way,
yes, sirree!

See? Told you. Stampe-e-ede.

You know,
you did great back there.

That was very leader-y of you.

Hey, wait up.
I wanna come too.


No! No! No! No!
No, no, please, no!

So, where are we going?

Thank goodness.

Hey, it's OK.
It wasn't your fault.

I'm a bird!
Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Check these out. Whoo-hoo.

I can fly!


Oh! Thank goodness you're OK.

Again! I wanna go again!
I wanna fly!

Oh, Baby. We're ostriches.
We live on the ground.

Hm. I'm not convinced.


- Whoa!
- Oh, baby, you can't fly.

You're kidding.
Then what are these for?

I think they're for this.

- Fneep, you OK?
- Can I get back to my ship, now?

Yeah, yeah, sure thing.
Lead the way.

Come on, young lady.
It's back to the nest for you.

Can I try again?
If I was a bit higher,

I'd have enough forward thrust

and the air-pressure
differential would be able

to generate sufficient lift
to be able to fly.

I'm not letting you
out of my sight again.

- Come along.
- Oh, man.






You OK?
What happened back there?

Why was she
squeezing her?

- Huh?
- The mother one.

Why was she
squeezing the baby one?

Oh, that's called a hug.

You don't have hugs
where you're from?

What's it for?

It's to make you feel better.

To say, "I love you."

To let you know
you're not alone.

To let you know you're special.

I can't believe you don't have
hugs where you're from.

How do you say "I love you"?

Well, we don't.

How do you ever feel special?

The only way to do that
is to conquer planets.

That shows you're strong
and worthy of respect.

The more planets,
the more respect,

and the more special you feel.

Or so I've heard.

Sounds like pretty hard work
to feel special.

But you haven't conquered
any planets until this one.

You don't need
to remind me.

Has no one ever told you
you're special before?


No, that's quite all right.

Hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug!

It doesn't matter to us

that you haven't conquered
lots of planets.

- Yeah.
- Hug, hug, hug, hug, hug.

Get back!

Please, just don't, OK?


Huh? Huh?

What's that?

I didn't have breakfast
this morning.

Sometimes there just aren't
enough bananas to go around!

Oh, somebody get him
something to eat quick!


Oh, they're coming this way!

- Running!
- Climb up quick! Come on.

Grab on. You'll be safe up here.

I can't. It's against the rules
to be safe.


Come on! I'm trying to help you.

Why do you keep trying to help?

I'm a Scaldronian. Scaldronians
never ask for help. Never!

Well, monkeys always help.

And elephants! Get up here!

We're backing up, backing up.

What are you doing?

I won't leave you alone
down here.

Guys, you're gonna get smooshed!

- Get back up!
- Not without you!

- Why won't you just let me be?
- Because we're your friends!

Smooshing imminent!

So, just to confirm,

I'm still the lead singer,

Yes, you are.

Great. Glad that's settled.

Why didn't you climb on board?

Did you not hear
about the smooshing?

I can't keep taking your help.

You don't understand what it is
to have your planet conquered.

Uh, nope!

But we do understand something
about home.

You're not supposed
to want to help me get home!

- You're not supposed to like me.
- But we were just trying to...

Help. I know.
I wish you wouldn't.

You're making this much harder
for me than it should be.

I really wish
you'd leave me alone now

and stop trying to be
so nice to me.

He seems a bit down.

He's never had a,

you know, H-U-G before.

What's a hgu?

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

Rolling? Huh! I can talk again.

Whoa! Dizzy.

I like it. What? No, I don't.

You like it.
Who said that? What?

OK, I'm talking, so I must be
close to the others.

Wait until I find you,
give you a piece of my mind.

Not just one piece.
I'll give you three.

Tell you what, let's make it
four. Do I hear five? Huh?



Oh. Oh!



That's the shiniest thing
I've ever seen.

I want to touch it.
I want to taste it.

No! It's a bad idea!
Definitely a bad idea.

And yet, somehow I...

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ah! Aa-a-ah!


report on your current status

it has been two Earth months

since your last report.
Feedback immediately.

How much longer
is it going to be, Fneep?

The transporters are ready.

Once you have conquered
the planet,

we initiate the removal
of the Earth creatures.

Report back immediately!

Take us away? I must warn
the others. I gotta...

You're still there, aren't you?


It's very lonely being alone.

We'll stay with you
until you feel better.

Uh, is this...?
What's, what's going...

I didn't quite follow that
at all. Um...

It's just
close to our bedtime.

When the sun sets,
we go to sleep.


It's... It's...

We don't get sunsets
on Scaldron.

Not since
we set the atmosphere on fire.

You should see a sunrise.
It's amazing.



- I say.
- How wonderful.

- Amazing.
- So beautiful.

Behold Fneep's star!

He has conquered a planet,
and become a Scaldronian hero!


Fneep's so awesome,
amazing and not insignificant.

He's not
a disappointment.

I love that he's shorter
and smaller than the rest of us!

Yes, Fneep,

your Earthling captives
will make fine specimens

in the Great Hall of Conquest.















Huh. Brilliant.

Fneep, it has been
two Earth months

since your last report.
Feed back immediately.

How much longer is it...?

No much longer, that's how much.
Because I've done it.

Conquered a planet.
Didn't see that coming, did you?

Oooh, Fneep can't do any...

Fneep can't do...

Fneep can't do...

Oh, come on.
Can't I do anything?

Homing beacon.

Homing beacon.

Planet Conquering Manual,
Third Edition. Let's see.

Hm... A-ha! Homing beacon.

"Using the homing beacon

before you have
conquered your planet

will bring you great shame."
Ah, brilliant.

OK. "If you really want to use
the homing beacon,

turn to page ."

. "Step one: ask yourself

if you really want to use
the homing beacon."

Yes, I really want to use
the homing beacon.

"Step two: repeat step one
just to be sure."

Oh, come on!







"Step :

if you haven't conquered
your planet yet,

then using the homing beacon
will not only bring shame to you

but also sully the great name of
the mighty Scaldronian people,

who will be very angry."

No surprises there then.

"Think deeply about
that for a bit...

...then proceed to step ."

"Step : to activate..."

Ooh, here we go then.

"To activate the homing beacon,
press the big red button."

That's it? That... Nothing else?

Just press the... Sixty points!

Sixty points to tell me
to press a button?

Sixty points to tell me
to push a button!

OK. Oof. OK.

OK, fine. Yeah, that's... OK.

Here we go.


So, Fneep, you've finally
done it, have you?

Conquered a planet.

I didn't think
you had it in you.


There he is.

Huh?! We can speak again.

And there's another one.


Where are the Earth creatures,

The transporters are ready
to take them away.

- Take us away?
- You see?

- You knew about this?
- Yes!

Why didn't you tell us?

Fneep, why haven't you
launched your star yet?

This is no time to be bashful.

Launch your star to prove

that you've conquered
this planet

so we can gather your captives
and take them to Scaldron.

I have launched stars

to declare the planets
I have conquered so far.

This will be your first.

Well, get on with it, Fneep.
What are you waiting for?




Did you or did you not
conquer this planet?

I did...


I... I lied.

My ship was broken,
and I needed you to collect me.

What is he doing?

You brought me here
for a rescue mission?

I... I thought, seeing as you're
my father, you might come and...

Watch you fail again?

I am Grogon the Conqueror,
not Nogorg the Loiterer!

When you called me,
I was conquering a nebula.

Do you know how hard that is?
They're mainly gas!

And what kind of Scaldronian
asks for help?

- Didn't you read step one?
- Yes.

And did you read it again
just to be sure?

We can't let that big blue bully
talk to him like that!

Well, seeing as we're here...


...I might as well
get my thousandth victory!

I'll conquer the planet

and capture
its inhabitants myself.

No, Dad, you can't.

You don't tell me
what I can or cannot do.

I'm the can or cannot do teller.

You... You don't understand.

These creatures...
These creatures are

more powerful
than you can imagine.

Not more powerful than this.

They eat those and sh**t them
out of their mouths.

But it's new.

And there's one
that's just a fury-ball

of razor-sharp spikes.

Another possesses the power

to suck the life
right out of you

- without even touching you.
- I don't do that. Do I?

And one's an unstoppable force,
a giant creature

with a horn on its face.

- On its face?
- Yes.

Able to crush anything
in its path!

Another one so furry
and with a tail so...

- Furry? And a tail?
- Yes!

That does what?

Uh, nothing really, actually.
He's not so scary.

But the others...

Come to think of it,

this piddly planet
isn't really worth my time.

You know this means
you won't be going home again?

It's straight on
to the next planet

for you to fail to conquer.


Why is Fneep doing this?

To protect us.

I'm doing this
for your own good, Fneep.

It's the only way to stop you
being so weedy and useless.

Attention all hands.

Gather in the main atrium
for Fneep shaming.

- Rubbish.
- So insignificant.

- Such a disappointment.
- So much shorter and smaller

than the rest of us.

I had money
on you doing this, boy.

for launch initiation.

Set sights for...
Where should it be?

The Endless Bogs of Scorpulus?

The Stench World of Gamma Six?

The Flame Fields of... Dennis.

Or the Un-Planet
of Quadrant Elty-Two?

Where is it
you would like to go, Fneep?


What was that?


Pod breach, level one.

I said, he'd like to go home!

What is this?

It's not safe for you here.

Ha! I laugh in the face
of not safeness.

Oh, Fneep,

is that the fury-ball of spikes?
Really? That little thing?

Coochy, coochy, coochy.





A-ha! Me likey spikey.

- We said we'd help you get home.
- That's what we're going to do.

The only way Fneep is going home

is when he's conquered a planet
and that's never...

He has conquered one! This one!

- Haven't you, Fneep?
- No, he didn't.

He said he lied
about conquering it.

I... lied about lying?

- You did conquer it?
- Uh, yes.

And we're his captives.

Is that true?

Um, I, uh... guess so. But...

He can release us
if he wants to. Can't you?

Well, yes, I guess I can.

No, you can't!

We're Scaldronians!

don't just release captives.

That's the opposite
of what Scaldronians do.

It's my planet.
I can do what I like with it.

It's not your planet yet, Fneep.

I don't see your star
in the sky.

And if your star
isn't in the sky,

the planet remains open.

I think perhaps I'll conquer it
myself after all.

Surrender to me or...

Be careful. It's new.

Don't you know
it's rude to point?

I didn't know
it was rude to point.

I'd point all day long.
I'd point at you and you

and you and you
and you and you...

What is this thing anyway?

Be careful, Trunk,
don't press...



Huh?! Oh!


Whoopsy, Fneep. Lost your star?

Never mind,
I have mine right here.

We wouldn't want this planet
to go unclaimed now, would we?

Hey, what the...?

That's right.
Furry and with a tail.

Oh, dear!






Hey. Wait. Leave me alone.

Hey, get your hands
off my friend!

I mean, uh...

You were gonna say friend.

No. I mean, uh...

Rule number six:
never finish a word

- that I'm beginning to finish.
- Frie-e-end!


I've gotta launch my star.
Now, where did I...?


Ooh, look at this.

- I wonder what it does.
- Let me see. I wanna...

Oh, who am I kidding?

It looks like some sort of egg.

Egg? This nest
ain't big enough... Whoa!

It's OK, Mama.
You don't need to cheer me up.

It's OK that I can't fly.
I'm just going to...

crawl around on the ground
like a little worm.

- Trunk.
- Fneep's star thingy!

This is Fneep's star thingy,

the things he needs to sh**t
into the sky to save us!

Um, I'm not sure
if I understand you, dear.

Or that.

I know you're here somewhere!






- Huh?!
- Ha-ha as well!

Here I am! Now I'm here.


- Munki?
- Fneep needs his star!

- I know.
- What's going on?

- Munki's flying.
- Oh, sure, Munki's flying.

Not that I care.

I get to crawl in the depths
of despair and disappointment

for the rest of my life.

If Fneep doesn't
get that star,

- we're doomed!
- Yes...

The future of the world
is in your hands.

- I got that!
- No pressure.

But really,
it's kind of a big de-e-e-eal!

sh**t it up there.

Oh. It'll bounce off the ship.
I need someone to take it.

Me! Me, me, me, me, me!
I can take it!

No chance, young lady.
You're gonna stay...

Right here
for the rest of my life,

never doing anything?

- No, that's not...!
- Mama, I can do this.

I've been waiting my whole life
for this.

- You hatched yesterday.
- Shh!

How can I let Trunk
sh**t you up there?

- What if she misses?
- Ahem. Hm!



Surely it's not
that important that...

Once again,
it's really, really important

that Fneep gets that star!

Whether I like it
or not,

you were not born
to stay in this nest.

And whether I understand it
or not,

you were born for the sky.

Yes! Yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Thank you!

Just hold on to this thing.
I'll get you to Fneep.

Yes, sir, ma'am, sir!

I'm gonna fly, Mama.

Yes, you are, dear.
Yes, you are.


Oh, no!

Hold on!




You know,
now seems like a good time

for an intimidating speech.

Something to put the fear
of Scaldron into you.

Something to really let you know
how badly you've lost.

Let me see.


What? What is it?

- Stampede.
- Stampede?


Furry... and with a tail!

- Stampede!
- No! No! No! No!

- I'm Grogon the...
- Stampe-e-e-ede.

Special delivery for Fneep.



Oh, uh... Hey-hey, chaps.

Ever read point ,

of the user manual?

- Huh?
- Hm...

About how to distract someone
so they don't see what's coming?

Huh? Uh-oh!


Oh! Flying!



Have you ever read point ,

of the user manual?

Yeah, about how
to distract someone while...

- Oh, dear.
- Never fails.

Oh, no! That's the wrong colour.

There it is, Fneep.
One thousand planets.

- No.
- What do you mean, no?

Your star may be in the sky

but you've not
conquered the animals yet.

Ha! Judging
by this lot, that'll be easy.

You may think so,
but they have a secret w*apon.

A-ha! Of course!
Our secret... w*apon?

What's our secret w*apon?

Something more powerful

than anything
I've ever witnessed.

- More powerful than...
- Yes!

More powerful than
the Power Bolt of Gustagoriopia!

- Even more powerful than...
- Yes!

Even more powerful than
the Blinding Eye of Mezmorio!

- More...
- Yes!

- Mo...
- Yes! Yes!

And here it is.

What is it? Get it off!
Get it off! Get it off!

It's a hug.

You're my father,
and I love you.

What's happening?

Don't worry, you'll be OK.

What are you doing to me?

I'm making you feel special.

- That's it.
- Huh? What?

What are you looking at?

You've never had a hug before.

Hugs! Who needs hugs?

Stupid, soft, mooshy.
Wh-Wh-What are you doing?

That's why
you're always so grumpy.

Nonsense! What are you doing?

Oh, you know you want one.

Step away from the hedgehog!

All along
you just needed...

OK, let me just...

Ha! You see.

No touchy,
no huggy the spiky man.

- I... I feel...
- Warm and fuzzy?

- Yes.
- Special?

Yes! You must all feel this!

Ground, ground,
ground, ground...


ground, ground...

See? I told you I could fly!



It's all yours.

I can't do this.

This planet belongs
to all of you, not me.

Yeah, but I wanna see
some fireworks!

OK. But I'm doing it my way.

- Say "Fneep!"
- You don't tell me what to say.

- You don't have to.
- I'll say it.

I'll say the heck out of it!

Ah, was I blinking?
I think I blinked.

- Oh!
- Way to go!

- I am so proud of you.
- Thanks, guys.

Come here.

I couldn't have done it
without you, you know.

Time to go home, son.

Aren't we going to get
your thousandth planet?

But of course.
I have just the planet in mind,

and you can help me conquer it.

- Scaldron.
- Our planet?

Yes, I have a new secret w*apon,

which I think
our own people could use.

Hug. Hug, hug, hugging.

I can never repay you all

but... here, you can have this.

- Peach!
- No!

- Hm.
- I'm going to miss you.

- No, I'm not!
- What?

- Exactly!
- Right. Yeah.

Baby Ostrich
already has her present.



And Rocky.


And you, my furry friend,
you've done so much for me.

What can I do for you?

Well, maybe there is...
one thing.

♪ When the stars

♪ No longer shine

♪ Then the sun falls
from the sky

♪ I will be forever yours

♪ You will be forever mine

♪ There's a special star
that shines

How's this?

♪ Every evening in your eyes


♪ There's a special star
that shines

♪ Every evening in your eyes

♪ Oh, special star

Ha! That's right, baby,
I'm back!

Did you miss me?

You thought you'd seen
the last of me, didn't you?

Come on, get on up, people.
On your feet.

Hey, hey, don't go nowhere.
I want you to dance with me.

Get those hooves moving.

Shrug those shoulders
and shake from side to side.

Shrug those shoulders
and shake from side to side.

Shrug those shoulders
and shake from side to side.

Oh, my back!


Yeah, keep it.

Pick up that popcorn
off the floor.

And the wrappers. Yeah!

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Jungle Beat, Jungle Beat

Get the shoulders moving now.

That's right, sir, you too.

I can see you there
eating your popcorn, come on.

Go on, honey, you can speak.

No need to be shy.
One, two, three...

♪ Special, special star

♪ Special star, special

Hey, don't you all leave
at once now,

you might cause a stamp...
Oh! Stampe-e-e-ede!

Huh? Huh?

- Uh-oh.
- Ha-ha!

Uh-uh. Nope. Stay away!

Come here, you!

Get your hands off!

- There, you see?
- See? See what?

I don't know
what you're talking about.


Went through the banana leaves?






Nothing gets in our way,
yes, sirree!