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Magic Kids - Three Unlikely Heroes, The (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 15:38
by bunniefuu
Long long ago,
when the nights were still dark,

the world was ruled by the
creatures of the night.

Vampires, werewolves, evil
fairies, witches, trolls

and many other monsters spread
fear and terror among people.

But the centuries passed
and the evil creatures

changed over time.

The once terrifying monsters
became peace loving creatures

who no longer wanted
to frighten people.

Some of these magical
beings have lived among us

and undetected since then.

Others have withdrawn to secret
places all over the world

that only can be reached
through magical forests.

The story of the young
vampire, Vlad Tepes,

starts right here when he
leaves our world with his father

and sets off for Crailsfelden.

Invited by the mayor personally,

Vlad is supposed to attend
an elite school famous

among mythical creatures.

But neither Vlad nor
his father suspect

that they have long since
become part of a diabolical plan

to plunge the world
into darkness again.

And where is Crailsfelden now?

We've been driving through
this forest for hours.

In the ass end of
the world I fear.

right, search the ass end

of the world.

Crailsfelden is
not so easy to find,

otherwise everyone
could come here.

entry for Crailsfelden.

Crailsfelden has been
the home for over 700 years

to one of the most famous
magical schools in the world,

The Riffraff Academy, you
nagging navigation loser!

does not exist on any map.

Please turn around.

Please turn around.

Return to a marked road.

Why are we stopping?

What is it?

We have to register first.

With who?

There's no one here.

Good afternoon,
we're new here.

- Vlad and Barnabas Tepes.
- Exactly.

Dark humans.


You are that.

Ah, yes it is.

When time turns backwards,
disaster is high in the sky.

One will come, three must unite.

It says here, from
fools to silent heroes

who tear the devil's
faith from Crailsfelden.

I've got it, here you are.

Welcome to Crailsfelden.

Thank you.


Somehow I thought
he'd be a lot bigger.

Who was that?

No idea.

Maybe you get a little strange
if you have to guard a bridge

all by yourself for 1,000 years,

and that without a toothbrush.

You have arrived

at the ass end of the world.

what do you think?

Whoa, they
all look alike?

They come out of
another time, it's crazy.

That's Crailsfelden Town Hall,
pretty impressive, isn't it?

There's even an ode about it

by the famous local
poet, Arawin Von Gotze.

When Crailsfelden
Town Hall strikes 13,

the world as we
know it will end.


Oh, for goodness sakes.

Are you injured?

No, no...

What's going on here?

I don't know, suddenly there's
this old-fashioned bike...

Ow, what the heck.

Do you think that's funny, boy?

It wasn't me.

Just arrived in town

and you're already
playing magic tricks.

Are you even in school yet?

Excuse me, Constable,
but we couldn't help it.

He suddenly just rode
out in front of us.

But neither did I,
my bike suddenly turned

into this old Penny-farthing.

Make sure you
remove this scrap

- from the street immediately.
- Okay, okay, right away.

And you, on your way.

Yes, of course
Constable, and thank you.

I'll be keeping an
eye on you, young man.

Come on,
Vlad, it's all good.

Move it along, there's
nothing for you to gawk at here.

Vladdy, Vladdy, that's it.

We'll live upstairs and below
I'll set up our antique shop.

It'll be great.

Dad, that place
is barely standing.

Nonsense, absolute
garbage, a pint of paint

and it'll be as good as new.

And there's even
a parking space.

No way, dad, we'll
never fit in here.

Of course, we will.

Have you forgotten already?

- I'll use my Nosferatu sensor.
- Oh, no.

Sorry about that, dry throat.

Help me unload this stuff?

This is perfect.

It's simply perfect.

Take a look here.

This is the perfect place
for Agamemnon Sword.

Then we'll set up the
Hotz Telescope over there.

And over here we'll have
the Golden Fleece corner.

Vlad, what's up
with you, my son?

What if I totally embarrass
and make a fool of myself

at this new school?

But Vladdy, they never
would have invited you here

if they didn't believe in you.

And I'm quite certain you
will quickly find friends

who are just like you.

- It'll be?
- Super.


Get over here.

You can let me go now, dad.


I can't breathe!

Tomorrow is Vlad's
big day, Julia.

I wish you could
have been here too.

Good evening, Rubezal,
Treasury and Tax Office.

You owe registration
fees, acquisition tax,

property tax, income tax.

Income tax?

I haven't even
opened my business.

Sales tax, school fees,

garbage eater fees,
child support...

I should receive child support.

Not from us.

You have seven days to pay,

otherwise we will
attach the property

and you have to
leave Crailsfelden.

Please, I beg of
you, you can't do this.

Complaints can be
made in the town hall

between 8 a.m and 8:13am.

I beg of you, please,
this is crazy,

I just can't afford to...

Subtract 80.

Dad, have you
been up all night?

Just sorting out
a few tax issues?

How's it going, my son?

You ready for your big day?

Yeah, for sure.

And I'll be ready too.

The early bat catches the worm.

Wow, here we are.

I just need to sort out
a small teeny weeny thing

at town hall, a slip.

You're not coming with?

I'll be back in
time, I promise.

Vladdy, please believe me.

I wouldn't miss it for
anything in the world, okay?

Give that back!

Come and get it.

What are you doing?

You're so mean.

This isn't funny
anymore, you idiots.

Give it back!

Hey, fetch.

The pig pack.

It's three against two now?

Wow, you guys are so brave.

Hey, let's get out of here.

We should get good
seats to the freak show,

that'll be funny.

And we'll see you
around, Redhead.

Thanks a lot.

That's 778 good deeds.

Fairy power.

Who are they?

That was Pimple Face,
Meathead and Pig Cheeks.


I thought you
meant the pig pack.

No, that's Faye and her friends.

Faye who?

Just Faye, F-A-Y-E.

Ah, okay.

- I'm Wolf, by the way.
- Vlad.

Hello, yeah, and
just so you know,

I could have floored 'em myself,

but then maybe there would
have been injuries and such.

I prefer to stay out of it.

You're going into
year seven, right?

That's so cool, huh?

My dad and I have been
preparing for months.

Wolf, you're drooling.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sorry, I'm just so
excited, are you?

It's okay if you're nervous.

Yeah, well...

This is so great
we're on the front row,

you can sit next to me.

I'll take good care of
you, a big strong guy.

- Wolfie!
- Mom!

Don't call the boy
Wolfie, he's grown up now.

Isn't that right, my
strong pot cleaner?

This is Vlad, my new friend.

It's starting, it's
starting, come on!

So, let's just take
a look, Witchbay.

Can I help you?

Good morning, please
excuse my interrupting you.

Tepes, is the name.

I'm here to file
a tax complaint.

So specifically, it's
about these fees,

you know, these taxes.

There's no way I can pay this.

Well, not right away.

I could definitely
pay in installments.

My dear Mr. Tepes, every
new citizen in Crailsfelden

must of course contribute to
our small community, right?


Of course, if you can't,
you may find your luck

in another magical town.

In Yetipolis, perhaps.

Or Mamania.

But the Riffraff Academy,
there's only one of those

in the world.

So you want to throw us out?

Oh, no.

But perhaps you have something
that's worth selling.

I have heard that you own
quite a special trinket.




That one can wear
around the neck?

You mean the
fragment of blood?

Where are you, dad?

I'm sure he's still coming.

You shouldn't miss the opening
speech Young Master Tepes?

How do you know my name?

It's my pleasure to meet
you, my name is Hannappel,

and you really should go in now.

Trust me, you don't
wanna miss it.

Hey, not you.

Come back!

Stop there, young lady.

My dear parents,

my dear students.

The number seven has
always been a magic number.

Even the old alchemists
knew that seven

is the number of new beginnings,

of transition, of

It is not for nothing
that a new week begins

after seven days.

And like the seven
wonders of the world,

we now have you,
our new year sevens.

More like the seventh horse.

Entry into the
seventh class marks

the beginning of your own,
very own journey of experience.

I saved a place for you.

Your seventh school year...

Comes late on the
first day, typical.

In which you will take over
the legacy of your families.

The blood fragment has been
family owned for generations.

Good morning.

Is there a problem,
Ms. Circemeyer?

Lord Mayor, yes,
well, there wouldn't be

if Mr. Tepes here would
make a tiny sacrifice

in order to stay
here in Crailsfelden.

He owes taxes.

I see.

Well, first of all, welcome
to Crailsfelden, my good man.

Good day, Lord Mayor.

Relocation costs and new
acquisitions, welcome money.

Welcome money, but...

Yes, you have to
pay that as well.

All these things cost money.

I would be willing to
pay you a pretty penny

for the blood fragment.

And now I ask the students
of the year seven grade

to come forward.

Daniel Ussso.

Julia Astra.

Barnt Ackebalt.

Zirell Zari.

Marie Utral.

Wolf Vermin.

Faye Lemayna.

Urdin Vool.


Vlad Tepes.

Karen Lazarus.

Lord Mayor, even
if I wanted to,

the blood fragment
belongs to my son.

Is that so?

That is, it once belonged
to my wife, my late wife

and Vlad would never give it up.

How moving.

Please believe us, we are
grateful that you invited us

to Crailsfelden and...

But Mr. Tepes, there are more
important things than taxes.


We'll find a way, my dear man.

Thank you, Lord Mayor.

I really have to
go now, thank you.


The day after tomorrow,
the solar eclipse spectacle

will take place on the
Crailsfelden Town Hall square.

You should not miss that.

Of course, Lord
Mayor, until then.

My magic brings it to life.

What is hidden,

show your face.

What is laid in
darkness for so long.

The time has come,
trust the light.

What have I missed?


Hey, cool!



You look great, darling!

Look at that!

Yes, Wolfie!

My wolfie!

That's my son.

Bravo Vladdy, bravo.

God, it's too high.

I need to film this.

Help, help!

Get me down!


Vladdy, are you okay?

Are you hurt?

Thank God you're okay.

Are you all right?

What's wrong?

You're bleeding, did
you bite your lip?

And, are you feeling better?

Oh, you got something.

Vampire vomit.

Dracula woulda
turned in his grave.

Which wouldn't be easy,
with a wooden stake in his...

You said, I'd become a proper
vampire in the year seven.

And now I'm not
just the new guy,

I'm the new freak,
the laughingstock.

We should never
have come here.

Vladdy, I know that
things didn't go the way

we both wanted them to.

But I'm sure everyone will
have forgotten by tomorrow.

Forgotten that I'm a
vampire who can't stand blood?

Vladdy, you know, once
your body has adjusted to it,

then it will come naturally.

And until then
we'll ease you in,

a glass of blood orange
juice in the morning

and a fresh juicy
steak at lunchtime.

And then, and a slice
of lemon pudding...

What, allergic to fur?

Yes, it's very common.

Not so, don't worry about it.

Don't worry, don't worry?

We are werewolves, and
I am the pack leader.

What will the others
think when they hear that?

They'll laugh their fur off.

Yes, well, I'll be off now

and drink lots of electrolytes.

Thank you, goodbye.


Vladdy, I know that all
of this is not easy for you.

But you will do it, I know that.

Please believe me,
everything will get better.

I'll just take this away.

Maybe we could try
aromatherapy or...

That son of Herman's
tore apart his first rabbit

in year seven.

My son, he has a
fur allergy.

Horst, how about homeopathy?

Homeopathy, herbal
remedies, don't make me sick!


Do you have the fragment?

I'm fine, thanks for asking.

The fragment!



What's happened?

It's a recall spell.

A what?

The blood fragment is
secured by a recall spell.

It can only change
hands if it is given up

of its own free will.

It's almost like it's cursed.

the crash pilot.

He's bleeding to death, help!

Oh my
God, so much blood.

He really bought it.

Vlad, are you all right?

You should really be
ashamed of yourself.

One would think that a
shapeshifter, a night elf

and a sorcerer's apprentice

would do better
with their powers.

Someone should clean
that up.

You get started.

What are you doing here?

I wanna get out
of here, you too?

No, I thought
today is hiking day

and I made a mistake
with the date.

Oh, all right.

Sorry, wasn't meant like that.

But I can no longer be
seen in Crailsfelden.

What are you doing here?

I hate the woods.

Are you okay?

Are you running away too?

I want to go out into the
world, experience adventure

and defy danger so
that my father can see

I'm a real wolf man.

With a Theo Tiger backpack?

Yes, why?

All right, then
let's get out of here.

It's a cool backpack.

Okay, if we want to
experience adventures together

then you don't have to be
afraid, you have me

Who goes here?

Let us just go through, okay?

You can't go, you cannot leave

until what is written in
the book is fulfilled.


When time turns backwards and
calamity is high in the sky,

one will come, and three will
unite into silent heroes,

who wrest the devil's
fate from Crailsfelden.

I don't care what it
says, I'm outta here.

Don't make me angry.

You wouldn't like
me when I'm angry.

I don't like you now either.

Okay, Quasimodo, you
let us pass or we'll...

Okay, and what if we say
we're really, really sorry?

You, are, staying, here.

Leave the children alone.

Kids, come on.

I want to exercise the horror.

What now has a wicked
eye, lose your evil,

by and by, salamandra!

Okay, wrong spell, don't panic.

Wrong spell, don't panic.

Wrong spell, stay calm.

Stay calm.

Salt, always helps
against demons.

Come on, run!

He shouldn't have done that.

I didn't mean it
that way.

I didn't know you were
a wizard, Mr. Hannappel.

Well, I'm not allowed to
do magic at school anymore

since I helped with the staging
of the flying classroom,

but nevermind, almost everyone
made it back down there.

Someone else green?

Yes, Salamandra.

So kids, tell me why you
wanted to leave Crailsfelden.

I mean a vampire
who can't see blood,

an elf with a fear of flying,

and a werewolf with
an animal air allergy,

it's very unusual.

But running away is
not a solution, is it?

Yeah, but we can't
stay here either.

There must be another
way than this bridge.

No, you can only get in
and out over the bridge.

Crailsfelden is surrounded
by a magical forest.

You could go through it for days

and you would always come
out in the same place

where you started, but
it's strange somehow.

The bridge guard only pays
attention to who wants to enter.

Everyone can get out.

Then why not us too?

Good question.

Perhaps there is
something about it in

"Strange Customs and Creepy
Customs of Crailsfelden Vol. 13"

page 777, salamandra!

Hmm, let's see.

So here.

Ah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.


No, it is not in it.

More hot chocolate?

No thanks.

Yes, yes me please.

forbidden library,

beyond the abyss of ignorance.


It's Latin.

the book of all knowledge?

Do you
like cream on top?

Yes, yes please.

right up, salamandra!

Does ketchup work too?

Is it lactose free too?

I'm allergic.


With a little bit of cinnamon?

Yes, of
course, no problem.

It also says with the prophecy
of that stupid troll means

and if we can fulfill them,

then we would be the
heroes of Crailsfelden

and my dad would admire me.

Above all, the troll
would let us out.

I will be
right there, salamandra!

I hate spiders!

So where's this book?

It says here in the
forbidden library.

All right
now, cocoa is coming.

I know where it is.

Children, it is
quite late now.

I think you'd better
go home, right?

In any case, I should
put out the kitchen.

You're quite
right, Mr. Hannappel.

You've been a great help.

Oh, really?

That's nice, I'm
happy to hear that.

Wolf, everything okay?

Yes, just all these trees.

I always have to, you know,
raise a leg and stuff.

You're not serious, are you?

No, no, tricked you.

Hang on.

What was that?

Elven dust has healing powers.

This is really
your thing, isn't it?

Elves help, remember?

I've never met an elf.

I grew up among people.

Until I was four, I didn't
even know I was a vampire.

And your mother?

My mother, she
died in an accident.

I can hardly remember her.

This is all I've got from her.

It's a magical crystal, right?

Is it under a recall spell?

How do you know that?

I know a little bit
about crystal magic.

I actually wanted to
study that later but...



A map!

Let's see, so we are here.

Where do we have to go now?

Liber omnis scientia,
the book of all knowledge.

Shelf 313.

I think we have
to go through here.

Ah, guys?

Then just
straight ahead.

Can you give me a hand?

Do you think
they'll just let us...

Okay, I withdraw the question.

I'll distract him, I'm
looking for a book, okay?

Nice treats.

Why have you
got those with you?

It's my lunch.

Should we make friends first?


Beyond the abyss of ignorance.

How should we get over it?


No way, forget it.

The library is over there.

I guess it just serves
to overcome ignorance.

This is definitely just
an optical illusion.

Watch out.

Pretty good illusion.

Friends of yours?

The Nosferatu sensor.

I know Nosferatu, but...

The bats, they have
this built-in radar.

With ultrasound, and?

Maybe I can now too,
but you can't laugh.

Did you see anything?

There are pillars,
invisible pillars?

We can make it but
we have to jump.

Come on.

You can do it

we'll jump together,
you just hold on tight

and close your eyes.

Do you remember
where the pillars are?

Yeah, sure.

More or less.

Yeah, trust me, okay.

On three.

One, two, three.

The next one was there?

Or to the right?


Yeah, yeah, it's all
good, I remember now.


Thank you.

Elves help.

Two, three.

We did it!

Okay, Headmistress.

I'll discuss it with him.

No, that's unusual for me too...

Thank you for the call,
goodbye Headmistress.

Ms. Cercemeyer, I
was just about...

My dear Mr. Tepes, Barnabus.

Wouldn't it be a shame if
you and your little Vladdy

had to leave Crailsfelden?

Well, yes.

Now, if you could
convince your son

to sell the blood fragment,

then you could stay here
in Crailsfelden forever.

With me.

I will speak to
him about it as soon

as I know where he is.


Well, he ran away from
school and I was just about

to go looking for him.

But in the meantime, I might
interest you in something else.

For example here, the original
Barbarossa beard trimmer,

a unique piece, perfect for
unisex bewitching haircuts.


Wow, crazy.

I knew it.

It's not all that high.

And when you're flying high,

just close your eyes
and I'll direct you.

Like a remote control or what?

Can I try?

Mmh, tasty?

No, no, Okay, today is Dog Day.

Left, more to the left.

Just a little bit higher.

Still higher?

I'm afraid so, yeah.

Guys, I'm almost
out of treats here.

You're nearly there.

Now all you have
to do is reach out.

A little higher.


Have you got it?

Yeah, I
caught it with my face.

You must be full
by now, right?

I don't have anymore left.

Am I down yet?

Can I open my eyes now?

Yeah, you were great.

I hate to rush you, but...


Take it easy, take it real easy.

It's all good, good boy.

What took you guys so long?

Got the book, bye.

Everything okay?

Wolf, you didn't
sneeze at all.


What do you mean
he's not at home?

Find him!

I need the fragment.

One moment.

There's no reception here.

No witch-fi.

There he is, with two
other snotty brats.

What do they have there?

That is the Liber
Omnis Scientia.

How the hell did they get that?

That was the latest model.

Cool, it's like
a built-in browser.

Be warned, readers,

because there is one
among us who cannot stand

that the magical beings have
become peaceful creatures.

Lord Lucifer, The Terrible.

I mean, wow.

The Prince of
Darkness has only one goal.

He wants to go back in
time so that all vampires,

all werewolves, and all
other creatures of the night

become the evil monsters
they were once again.

As his army of darkness,
they're supposed to take back

the world of men for him.

So know this and shiver.

At the 13th hour when...

When What?

Someone tore
out the last page.

I made sure centuries
ago that nobody found out

too much from that damn book.

Then everything is fine.

Nothing is fine!

When these brats warn the
residents of Crailsfelden.

That won't happen.

Okay, at the 13th hour,
Lucifer will do something

to make all of the
magical creatures evil.

But what?

But what, there's
no 13th hour.

Well apparently,
and then he will turn

all Crailsfelden residents
back into monsters

and enslave them.

Which ointment?

Flying spell, shrinking powder.

There you are.

Reverse curse.

Have fun, my little one.

Turn their words
around in their mouths.

We have to tell
our parents for sure.

And then we'll call
each other, okay?

That's a deal.

Dad, dad!

Vladdy, my boy, there you are.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, all good.

Oh, that's great,
I was quite worried.

But why?

Th re's no reason for that,
nothing bad ever happens here.

True, Vladdy, the thing is,

Ms. Cercemeyer, the assistant
to Lord Mayor Ziffer

was here earlier, and she is
quite willing to pay a nice sum

for your blood fragment there.

Okay, that's great!

Vladdy, before
you say anything,

I know it means a lot to you.

It is after all a memory
of your mother but...

Did you just say great?


Vladdy, I'm so glad that
you see it the same way.

Vladdy, if we sell
the blood fragment,

you can go to
school and I can...


Vlad, can I come in?

Yes, sure.

Vlad, what's wrong, my boy?

We can always talk
about anything.

I know, dad, I'm
telling you how I feel.

Ms. Cercemeyer is a
really, really nice woman.

And doesn't she
have a lovely nose.

Vladdy, wouldn't you like
to meet her sometime?

For sure, I have
absolutely nothing else

going on right now.

Oh, I'm happy to hear that.

Vladdy, how about tomorrow
morning in front of the school.

You could accompany
me to the town hall

when I want to sell
her the blood fragment.

Wouldn't you like
to give it to me now

then I can polish it a little,

put it in a nice
jewelry box with a bow.

Sounds good.

Maybe I was the
same when I was a teenager,

300 years ago.

Guys, you won't believe
what just happened.

Let me guess, you wanted
to warn your father.

But it came out
the exact opposite

of what you wanted to say?

Me too.

I was talking such
nonsense that my mother

wanted to call Dr.
Frankenberg again.

He just didn't come because
dad bit him last time.

It's called a reverse curse.

I looked it up, pretty bad
black magic and totally illegal.

It makes us say the opposite

of what we actually
want to say to others.

But we're all
talking normally now.

Because all three of
us were hit by the curse.

Okay, that means we have
to find out for ourselves

what Lucifer is up to.

I'll check out the book again.

Maybe there's something else.

Okay, and I'll look into
the thing about the 13th hour.

And I'll find out how
magical beings turn vicious.

Okay, meeting point
tomorrow morning

at 8:00 at the fountain.

Okay, until tomorrow.

But he was not
blessed with heirs,

so Alfred the Angry was
succeeded by Crailsbirth III.

In the year 1312,
Elrune Vongurtzer

completed his famous
filled it

on the 17th of
March 1455 at 11:37.

The date of 23 May
of the year 1845

was the most uneventful day
in Crailsfelden's history.

Around 4 p.m. light
drizzle set in,

while at the same time,

a sack of coal fell
over in the.

When Crailsfelden's
Town Hall strikes 13,

the world as you know
it, will cease to be.

When time turns backwards.

Do you think
that's funny, boy?

calamity is high in the sky.

bike's been turned

into this old Penny-farthing.

The time!

Vlad, this 13th hour,
it's from an old poem

about the town hall.

By Elron Vongertz,
ode to Crailsfelden

written on the
17th of March 1455.

Believe me, I've
read all about it.

And I've only found one way

to make night creatures
vicious again.

Only with a dark crystal magic...

Turns back time.

When I arrived here
with my father,

my blood fragment
started to glow,

just as we drove past Town Hall.

And at the same moment,
things went back in time.

At the town hall?

When the town hall strikes
13, the world will end.

In any case, this time
magic has something to do

with my blood fragment.

Nothing against
your crystal, Vlad,

but it's far from large enough
for such a powerful spell.

Unless if...

Something makes it stronger!

Her photos are awesome.

My phone, my brand new phone,

it's a totally old one.

Ew, get rid of it!

A time spell, definitely.

Come on!

Wait, it's school today,
and we're skipping it.

What about Schnappauf?

That's right, we forgot
about the constable.

Vlad, you distract Schnappauf.

I'll climb through a window,

crawl through the ventilation
shafts, get into the town...

That's a great idea, but
I think I have a better way.

You know, vampires
have no reflection

and therefore cannot be filmed.

You just have to distract him.

What do you want here?

Hello, today is a school trip

with a visit to the town hall,
we're just a little early.

I don't know
anything about it.

Your teacher should report it
to me and you wait outside.

Have you ever noticed

that your monitors display
everything upside down?


When I wave, you see my
left hand and not my right.

Of course I see
your left hand.

Well, from my perspective,
from my point of view,

it is your right one
and on the monitor...

It doesn't matter.

Get lost.

You're so clever.



This is wolf den to bat
cave, have you seen anything?

No, but there are zombies.

I read about that.

The city has to save,
so they replaced

the officers with zombies.

They work just as
quickly, cost nothing

and nobody notices
the difference.

So don't worry,
they're harmless.

My crystal's going crazy.

Be careful.

I think the crystal is
being drawn to the tower.


Vlad, where are you now?

I'm in the tower.

What is
it, what do you see?

There's a huge crystal here.


A time spell.



Vlad, Vlad, what is it?

This is just too
weird, I'm coming back.

Hey, where did you come from?

School trip, the
others have already left.


That massive crystal, my
fragment is a part of it.

Where did you get it from?

My father says
my mother's family

has owned it for centuries.

She was probably
entrusted with a fragment

so that she could
take care of them.

Your mother must have
been a powerful sorceress.

What, why?

These crystals are only
entrusted to special guardians

who only exist once
in a generation.

My father never told me that.

Your backpack,
changed back in time.

Maybe also,

The book!

Smells of a child,
no question.

It was that vampire brat.

He was here with
that blood fragment,

I can still feel his energy.

The crystal was
almost whole again.

I have roamed the
world for 1000 years,

spilled the blood
of the great wizards

to find and possess every
single fragment of this crystal.

And now the last
fragment is in the hands

of this ridiculous child.

Find this boy!

Yes, immediately,
there was only

a teeny weeny display error.

It's the way it was before.

Before someone
tore up the pages.

Even the ink is still damp.

not ink, this is...

So notice and tremble.

At the 13th hour,

when Manny's chariot catches
up with his sister's soul

and overthrows her from
her flaming throne,

Lucifer will create
his army of darkness

in the blood red light,
and subdue the world.

That's really helpful.

Manny's chariot, who is Manny?

Guys, it's right here.

I checked on Magicpedia.

In Nordic mythology it
was the God who rides

the moon chariot across
the sky, the sun.

When Manny topples
his sister's soul

from the flaming throne.

It must be the solar eclipse.

And that's today.

Take a look.

It's not possible, Lord
Mayor Ziffer is Lucifer,

the crystal is in
the Town Hall tower.

And just below that all
Crailsfelden citizens

will be gathered for the
solar eclipse festival

in a few hours.

And the magical light of
the crystal will hit everyone

in one fell swoop.

We can't allow that,
what should we do?

There's only one way.

How long will it take?


What about the boy now?

They're at the troll bridge!

Time is running out, I'll take
care of these kids myself.

And you can take care of
this bloodsucker's children.

Yes, boss.

Okay, off I fly.

Oops, forgot my broom.

Vlad, is there no other way?


I'm afraid not, Wolf.

The blood fragment has
to leave Crailsfelden.

That means I have
to go away forever,

because otherwise the fragment
will always come back to me.

We'll come with you.

And who would take
care of Crailsfelden?

Elves help and all that.

Young man, are you stupid?

You are not allowed to leave.

When time turns backwards
and calamity is high...

Calamity, okay, well now it
says you can leave Crailsfelden

and save the town.

That's all, it
doesn't even rhyme.

That's good at least.

But remember, once you
are on the other side,

you can never come back.

That's the whole point.


Well then, farewell.


The blood fragment
stays, Tepesh

You will bring it to the
town hall in one hour,

or this fairy godmother's
days are over.

Vlad, no!

Now there's only
one thing we can do.


Ms. Cercemeyer, how
lovely to see you.

You know, I'm very worried
about Vlad right now.

Maybe you could
help me find him?

Forget your son.

But you're welcome to adore me

for the next 100 years, Barney.

Wonderful, my little batman.

Just great.


Are you sure we
shouldn't warn them?

There's no time
for that, come!

Has anyone ever told you
what a nice nose you have?

Oh yes, you noticed?

And your freckles
sparkle like little bats

in the full moon.

What's that at the Town Hall?


Looks like black magic, hmm.

Black magic?

Well, I don't think that,
what are you doing over there?

What are you doing here?

Don't give him the fragment!


And why not?

You should be grateful to me.

The crystal will soon
awaken to its full power.

And then you will be
what you should be again

under my rule.

The blood fragment, Vlad Tepes!

At last!

Ah, what are you
looking for there?

Tohortz telescope, shows
when someone's up to no good.


Lord Mayor Ziffer, with horns?

You and Ziffer are in
cahoots, you bewitched me.

That's what witches do.

Toil and trouble.

You will not stop me
from helping my son.

All the residents
of Crailsfelden

have gathered under the tower.

Come on, come on.

And now I shall create
my army of darkness.

Why are you doing all this?


You wouldn't understand.

Then explain it to me.

- The world
- Four.

was born out of darkness.

- And in darkness
- six.

is how it will die again.

- The Creatures of the Night
- Seven.

Were created to
rule over the world.


Under my command.


Because I, I am Lucifer.


Ruler of the night.




No, no, no!

How can that be?

Ah, there you are.

Before we came here I gave
the fragments Mr. Hannapel.

A 1000 years of
planning for nothing!

You do have a plan to
get us out of here, right?

Ruined by three useless brats!


Wolf, we need a strong
fearless werewolf now.

Come on, you can do it.

Fly little fairy!

Faye, no!

Is that the best
that you can do?

What did you do?

You are about as scary...

which would you prefer?

Pig, frog or cave

I need to help my son.

And you are in my way.

Listen here, boy, I
could use someone like you.

As a bedside rug.

Faye, you're bleeding.

That's for luck.

Die, puppy!

You cannot escape from me.

Leave my friends in peace.

Vlad, the crystal.

This is the end of you.

Really, that was really it?

That was a show, huh?

Everything okay?

Yes, what just happened?

Short circuit, crystal magic.

Oh yeah!

Vlad, I'm here.

So I see dad.

Everything okay, my son?

I was very worried.

What happened anyway?

So I was a werewolf, well,
a little bit and Faye flew.

And Vlad, Vlad was a vampire.

He drank blood.

Okay, maybe we don't have
to tell the others everything.

And so it was,
that Vlad, Faye and Wolf,

the unlikeliest of heroes
defeated the devil himself.

Thanks to them, all humans
and mythical creatures alike,

were saved from Lucifer's
eternal reign of power.

But we saved the entire town

and they didn't notice anything.

Maybe that's a
good thing, Wolf.

You know, maybe one or
the other wouldn't mind

being wild and dangerous again,

you don't wake sleeping dogs.

guzzle like that.


But it's so good.

Oh, and Vlad, I think
this belongs to you.

I'm giving it back to you.

Thank you.

Your mother would be
proud of you, and so am I.

By the way, that I kissed you

was purely for
technical reasons, okay?

You guys kissed?


I mean, it's none of my
business, I just wanted to,

was it more on the cheek or...

We'll see you later, dad.

For purely
tactical reasons, huh?


Yes, tactics,
tactics are important.

The most important.

Without tactics we're
tactless, it's how we tick.

So guys, if we're
in a g*ng now,

we also need a name, such as-

- The Pig Pack.

No, I was thinking
of something cool.

Like the Wolf...

Well, check this.

Why are you three losers
in such a good mood?

And you belong to me, redhead.

My name's on your forehead.


It says pimple face.

Hey, this is Pimple
Face, he's Meathead.

Shut your mouth, Pig Cheeks.

Did you just call me Meathead?

That was her.

No, it wasn't.

Pimple Face is right.

This is Pimple Face, I'm...

Shut your mouth, Pig Cheeks.

Can we just move on?

Don't interrupt,
Meathead and Pig Cheeks.

What did you just call me?

Shut up!

No, you shut up, Pimple Face.

- Get off!
- Get off!

I was just trying to clarify...


So, getting back to our name,

what do you think
of The Wolfgang?

You would have liked
Crailsfelden too.



Vlad, you're not safe
here, they're coming.

Who's coming?

The night hunters.

Don't worry my little
zipper, it's all good.

I've got superglue
in my cupboard.

I'll stick you back together.